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Int. J. Engg. Res. & Sci. & Tech. 2022

ISSN 2319-5991

Vol. 10, Issuse. 1, March 2022


A.Vijay Dr.R.Swaminathan

Environmentally friendly products and services are being produced, sold, and disposed of in a way
that is less hazardous to the environment, with increasing awareness of global warming, non-
biodegradable solid waste, and pollution. Green marketing refers to this holistic marketing
approach. Marketers and consumers alike are becoming more aware of the need to convert to
environmentally friendly products and services, and this trend will only continue. Green marketing
strategies are currently widely used by a wide range of large corporations throughout the world.
Environmentalists have conducted a number of studies showing that individuals are becoming
increasingly concerned about the environment and changing their habits. Customers, whether
individual and corporate, are more concerned about the environmental impact of their purchases.
The vast majority of people believe that environmentally friendly items are safe to use.. Thus, green
marketing arose, which promotes products and services that are environmentally and socially
responsible. Green marketing is the process of creating and promoting products and services in
order to meet the needs of customers who want high-quality, high-performing, and convenient
items at a reasonable price without causing harm to the environment.

There is a wide range of political viewpoints submissions to the United Nations Conference
on green growth, from enthusiastic to wary. on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, 2012).
International green growth policy frameworks ReviewofLiterature
worry that some nations would be left behind When conducting research, the first step is to
by policies that favor green growth, which is conduct a literature review. It was a
reflected in such perspectives as a lack of compilation of findings from previous studies
clarity and experience. Environmentally that were directly or indirectly relevant to the
friendly economic growth is widely supported subject matter. Researchers can learn from
in the developing countries, but only if it this evaluation about what is currently known
reduces poverty and improves social welfare and what still needs to be investigated in the
and creates jobs. area of study being examined. There are
Determining an ideal green growth policy helpful suggestions for further research on a
framework without a process of engagement, certain issue, and it helps the researcher avoid
learning and consensus building will be duplicating their efforts.
extremely difficult for developing countries'

ResearchScholar ResearchAdvisor

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According to Philip Kotler, et al (2006), the selling services instead of commodities, is an
topic of green marketing has been discussed absolute must. Future product
extensively in Marketing Management, and dematerialization and more environmentally
the proliferation of environmentally friendly friendly services will be successful if they can
products has also been mentioned. Green effectively communicate and give value to
marketing campaigns, on the other hand, consumers.
have not been very successful from a Objectives
branding viewpoint, according to the author. •
Marketers could be doomed by the concept of Toanalyzetheawarenessoftheconsum
"green marketing myopia," according to ersaboutgreenmarketinginthestudyarea
Ottman et al (2006). There must be a balance • Tosuggestsuitablemeasuresfor
between environmental improvement and thesustainabledevelopmentfor thegrowth
client happiness when it comes to green ofgreenmarketing
marketing. It is possible to have "green ResearchMethodology
marketing myopia" if you misjudge either or ThestudyhasconductedinThanjavuronvariousd
both of these factors. Many green products emographiccharacteristicsofpopulationwithsa
have failed because of green marketing mplesizeof188consumers.Thestratifiedrando
myopia – marketers' focus on their product's msamplingtechniquewasusedanddatawascolle
"greenness" over the broader expectations of cted usinga questionnaires.
consumers or other market players – AwarenessaboutGreenMarketing
according to previous study (such as Consumer awareness playsanimportantrole
regulators or activists). Consumer value inpurchasing behaviour towardsgreen
positioning, calibration of consumer products.To know the awareness level of
knowledge, and the reliability of product green products among the respondents, they
claims are all crucial aspects to avoid green were asked to selecttheir
marketing myopia. When it comes to creating levelofawareness.Their responsesare
a more environmentally friendly business presentedintable.
strategy, "product dematerialization," or
S.No. AwarenessLevel No.ofRespondents Percentage
1 Verygreatextent 13 06.91
2 Greatextent 18 09.58
3 Moderateextent 105 55.86
4 Slightextent 48 25.53
5 Notatall 04 02.12
Total 188 100.00


Figure out that out of the 188 respondents, research area are at least somewhat aware of
55.86 per cent have moderate awareness green marketing.
about green marketing, followed by 25%, 9.58 Findings
per cent, 6.91 percentage and 2.12 Themajorfindingsofthestudyaresummarizedin
percentage of the respondents' awareness thesucceedingpages
level about green marketing is slightly, According to the research, most consumers
moderate, great extent, and not at all levels of (57 percent) are only moderately aware of
awareness about the green marketing. As can green marketing, while nearly one-fifth of
be seen from the table, consumers in the them (17 percent) are very aware of it.
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Demographic characteristics are thought to Stafford and Carla Hartman in Environmental
play a role in a person's perceptions of green Research Letters 48(5): 22-26 (2006).
marketing. 
Organic food is the most popular green
product in the research area, with 51% of Sustainable industries can be found at
respondents saying they prefer it above other industries.
green products.
According to the survey's participants, Greenmix can be found at:
consumers' purchasing habits are good, but
their perceptions of green marketing are poor research/marketing
as a result of a lack of education in the field,
and they have high intentions toward green The Green Marketing Wiki at
For green marketing to succeed, ads must not
only inform, but also inspire customers to buy
environmentally friendly items.
Product quality, pricing, and accessibility all
need to be addressed in order to promote
green product usage.
When it comes to encouraging
environmentally responsible behavior among
consumers, governments, manufacturers, and
retailers all need to do their part.
In order to maintain a cleaner and greener
environment, green marketers must educate
consumers about the necessity and benefits
of using green products.
All businesses and other non-profits should
begin a campaign to raise awareness about
environmental issues and to educate the
public about green products. Government
help is required to get green marketing off the
ground. In some cases, the federal
government may provide financial aid and
subsidies to help businesses get started in
green marketing. Even though green items are
more expensive, consumers should make an
effort to buy them. Green marketing has a lot
of ramifications that marketers need to be
aware of. In light of the growing threat of
global warming, it is imperative that green
marketing becomes the standard rather than
an exception or a fad.
Pearson Prentice Hall, New Delhi, India.Kotler,
P. and Keller, K.L. (2006) Marketing
For more information, see "Avoiding Green
Marketing Myopia" by John Ottman, Elizabeth

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