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1fkinematics 10-17 SHEASKED MEFORTIMEAND KINEMATICS PAS: distance : the length of path travelled ; scalar quantity, displacement : a change in position ; vector quantity speed : the rate of change of distance ; a scalar quantity velocity : the rate of change of position (or displacement) ; vector quantity acceleration : as the rate of change of velocity ; a vector quantity Equations so far... WHY EVEN...? 2[ kinematics 10-17 HOW THEY WORK... * Setup the ticker timer and tape as illustrated below in the diagram: + Hold one end of the tape in your hand and pull it through the ticker timer * Make sure you have recorded the frequency of the ticker timer you are using frequency: period: © Count the number of dots on your tape in to Mark in pencil every 10" dot, draw a line though it and label the segments as shown below: A B, eee overedecccos © Measure the length of each segment and record it in metres : Az 0,12m ‘© Carefully cut your tape into the segments that you have marked and stick them on the axes provided: 3|kinematics 10-17 * Calculate the average velocity for the first four segments as follows: velocity = displacement time = displacement T x number of spaces 4|kinematics 10-17 A 8: ‘© Calculate the acceleration of the tape for the intervals given using the equation shown below: acceleration = Avelocity time = v-u time between midpoints ane= a0 = ano = so what have we learned? gsi Finish, ACTSASTNSCISNCIONCASB} Constant velocity S|kinematics 10-17 1. A ticker timer of frequency 50 Hz produced the following tape: 1.1 Whatis the period of the ticker timer? 1.2. Calculate the average velocity in the first time interval shown 1.3. Calculate the velocity in the second time interval shown 14 Calculate the acceleration of the tape 2. Atrolley is attached to a paper tape which passes though a timer of frequency 20Hz. The following tape is produced: A Calculate: 2.1 the average velocity between dots A and B 2.2 the average velocity between dots D and E 2.3. the acceleration of the trolley 6)kinematics 10-17 3. A length of ticker tape is pulled through a ticker timer with a frequency of 30Hz attached to a trolley. A portion of the tape is shown below marked off in 10 dot intervals P @ R $ JeS0men3|¢— 20mm——>|e————150 mor = 3.1 Calculate the average velocity of the trolley between point P and Q 3.2 Calculate the average velocity of the trolley between points R and S 3.3 Calculate the acceleration of the trolley 3.4 How would the spacing of the dots change if the acceleration was: 3.4.1 Doubled 3.4.2 Halved 343° Zero 4, Atrolley moving on an inclined plane is pulling 2 length of ticker tape through a ticker timer with a frequency of SOHz, The tape shown below has dots marked in intervals of 10 periods each ————— mnie OF xq —S0mm——— dome — 4A 30m —Pger tore, rising van Beweging (direction o movemene T\kinematics 10-17 a Le Use calculations to show whether the trolley is undergoing uniform acceleration ri EOUatIONS OF MOTION: Remember that for vector quantities both magnitude AND direction must be included in your answers VYy=Vitadt v7? =v? + 2aAx Ax = viAt + ¥a(At)? eo TIME TO PRACTICE... 1. Ifan athlete runs at 7ms* and accelerates to Sms" in a time of 1,3s, calculate his acceleration ang SAMEAS VELOCITY 8| kinematics 10-17 OR, ve 2. Acar pulls off from arobot and accelerates at 5ms’ for 4s. Calculate the final velocity of the car after the 4s 3. After running for 5 minutes at 6ms* an athlete is tired and slows down to 4ms", How long did it take to slow down to his new speed? 4. [fan ice-skater is travelling at 10ms" after accelerating at 2ms” for 3s, what was her initial velocity? 5. Aschool bus approaches a stop-sign at 13ms". If it only has bien ihe lastest Cre nd 4,5s to brake, calculate what its acceleration must be to stop y in time. CUE OTR nro) 9[kinematics 10-17 6 ae A ball leaves a baseball bat at 35ms' after being hit. It decelerates uniformly at 7ms? until it stops. How long did the ball move for? car that is travelling on a straight road stops next to a road sign. It then accelerates at 2ms? for 10s. Calculate : a) Its velocity after 10s b) Its displacement after 10s ¢) Its deceleration ifit then brakes after those 10s and covers a displacement of 50m before coming to a stop An aeroplane accelerates from rest along a runway. It covers 600m in 12 seconds before it takes off. Calculate: a) The plane's acceleration b) The velocity at take-off ¢) The distance it covered during the 10 second Velociraptor - 10|kinematics 10-17 9. Acar accelerates uniformly in 12s from 8ms"to a speed of 20ms*. Calculate the distance travelled by the car while it was accelerating 10, A train travels through a station at ms” after which itaccelerates at 0,5ms” for 30s. Calculate = a) The velocity of the train after it had accelerated for 30s b) The displacement from the station after 305 11. Acar accelerates from 20ms* to 35ms*in 4s. Calculate : a) The acceleration of the car b) The distance travelled during the 4s, Ujkineiatics 10-17 12. Aball begins to roll up an incline at ams* and comes to rest after 2s. a) What was the magnitude of the acceleration of the ball? b) What was the average speed of the ball? ¢) What is the magnitude of the velocity of the ball after 1,58? d) How far up the slope does the ball move? 13, _Abicycle is approaching a robot and the light turns orange when she is a distance of 12m away. If she is travelling at a speed of 2ms, calculate whether or not she will reach the intersection before the robot turns red if she accelerates at 0,5 ms”. The robot changes from ‘orange to red in a time of 4s. W\kinematics 10-17 14. The barrel of a rifle is 0,8m long. A bullet, starting from rest at one end of the barrel is accelerated uniformly and attains a velocity of 800ms" by the time it leaves the barrel. How long was the bullet in the barrel for?

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