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Simplified Blind Folded Obstacle Course

Select a Suitable Location: Choose a safe and open space free from hazards.

Gather Materials: Plastic chairs are enough to avoid any injury😊

Pair Participants: Divide participants into pairs. One person in each pair will be
blindfolded (the "navigator"), while the other will provide verbal guidance (the "guide").
Only 2 participants in each group are needed.
Provide Blindfolds: Provide blindfold to the navigator to ensure he/she cannot see.
Design the Course: Place chairs as obstacles that participants need to navigate through.
The goal is to pick-up the object (any) at the finish line.
First to finish – 15 points
Second – 10 points
Third – 5 points

Human Knot game

Objective: The goal of the Human Knot game is for participants to work together to
untangle themselves from a human knot they've formed without letting go of each other's
Group Size: The game works best with a group of at least 6 participants in a team.
Formation: Have participants stand in a circle, facing inward, with each person
standing close enough to reach out and hold hands with two different people across the
Forming the Knot: Participants reach out and grab hands with two different people
across the circle. The result should be a tangled "knot" of interconnected hands.
Movement: Participants can step over, duck under, or move around others, but they
cannot let go of anyone's hand. They must find a way to untangle the knot by working
Ultimate Goal: They must work together to untangle themselves and FORM A
CIRCLE AGAIN, without breaking the handholds.
First to finish – 15 points
Second – 10 points
Third – 5 points

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