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With the successful completion of this effort, I want to extend my sincere appreciation to all
those who have contributed to its realization through their blessings and unwavering
support. At this juncture, I extend my gratitude to everyone who has been involved in the
completion of this paper.

I express my utmost gratitude to the Almighty Father for providing the guidance that enabled
me to complete this paper.

I want to express my gratitude to Dr. Corazon V. Liwayway, the Dean of the College of
Education at New Era University, for serving as an exemplar and leader in the presence of us,
this year's Pre-Service Teachers for the academic year 2023-2024.

I want to thank Dr. Gernalyn A. Solano, our Supervisor of the Mentors Group, for her
leadership and care, which were exhibited with compassion.

I want to express my gratitude to my Resource Teacher, Sir Samuel A. Bayang, whose

invaluable guidance enabled me to revise this paper into a complete success. His suggestions
and instructions have been the primary factor in my academic career's advancement and

To my family, friends, and loved ones, I would like to thank them for their unending support
and affection, for meeting all my financial and moral requirements, for their patience, and
for utilizing their skills to help me.


I would like to dedicate this work to everyone who has stood by my side through ups and
downs, even when I have contemplated giving up hopeless due to certain events that
transpired during my first semester as a Pre-Service Teacher. This includes those individuals
who have supported me throughout these difficult circumstances and have helped me
become an educator that I aspire to be in the future.

Before anything else, I would like to dedicate this work to my adored grandmother, who has
consistently provided me with moral, spiritual, emotional, and financial support and has
served as a source of inspiration, guidance, and courage whenever I have felt like giving up.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my partner, who served as my constant

assistance and encouragement throughout my time as a Pre-Service Teacher.

To my closest friends outside of school who every time offer me motivation and encourage
me to complete this work on time.

To our Supervisors and those Teachers who had trust in our ability to succeed, molded us into
better people, and motivated us with their own motivational narratives from their time as
Lastly, I would like to dedicate this work to the Almighty God, who provides guidance,
bravery, spiritual abilities, protection, and knowledge. I wholeheartedly offer this to you.

Table of Contents

Cover page
Table of Contents

 The Integrated School Short Description

 Their Organizational Chart (High School for BSED / Elem. Sch, for BEED)
 My Narrative of Experiences
A. What I am Expecting to Learn During the Field Study Courses
B. Daily Observation and Experiences (Summary of learning with evidences and
proofs of the learned strands from the seven domains of the PPST)
C. What my Critic /Cooperating Teacher Taught Me
D. Issues and Challenges I have Hurdled in my Internship Program
E. Preparing and Doing My Teaching Demonstration Video
F. My Current Teaching Philosophy
 My Learnings in my Field Study Courses
 My Readings ( Abstract of 3 readings you did relevant to your studies) and reflections.
 Appendices ( Lesson Plans/ Final Demo / Pictures )
 Evaluation form Demonstration Teaching / Comments and Areas of improvement from
the Resource Teacher
 Evaluation form for Ped 11-18 (Resource Teacher / Supervisor)
 Portfolio (Trainings and Seminars attended During the First Semester

The Integrated School Short Description

The New Era University is a private educational institution in the Philippines, run by the
Iglesia Ni Cristo (INC). although it is associated with the INC, it is a non-sectarian university.
The main campus is located at no. 9 Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City is where the New
Era University Integrated School is located. Kindergarten, Elementary Education (Grades 1–
6), Junior High School (Grades 7–10), and Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) comprise the K-12 Basic Education Programme. Senior High School
offers the following five strands: Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), Accountancy,
Business, and Management (ABM), General Academic Strand (GAS), Information and
Communications Technology (ICT), and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

 Their Organizational Chart (High School for BSED / Elem. Sch, for BEED)

 My Narrative of Experiences
A. What I am Expecting to Learn During the Field Study Courses
As a Pre-Student Teacher, I am looking forward to the field study courses that am
taking right now, these courses will provide me with practical learning experiences that
cannot be replicated in the classroom. I am expecting to learn the following:
 Problem solving skills during field study courses, I will be faced with challenges that will
require me to think critically and come up with solutions. That’s why these skills will be
valuable in my future career when I am faced real-world problems.
 Communication skills working in a team during field study courses will help me improve
my communication skills. I will learn how to listen to others, express my ideas clearly,
and work together to achieve a common goal.
 Cultural awareness field study courses will expose me to different cultures and
environments. This will broaden my perspective and help me develop an appreciation
for diversity.
 Organizational skills during field study courses, I am expecting that I will learn how to
manage my time effectively and how to prioritize tasks. I will also learn how to work
within deadlines and handle complex projects.

Overall, I am eager to learn as much as I can during my field study courses. I believe that the
practical knowledge and experiences that will be invaluable in my personal and professional

B. Daily Observation and Experiences (Summary of learning with evidences and

proofs of the learned strands from the seven domains of the PPST)

C. What my Critic /Cooperating Teacher Taught Me

Throughout my student teaching experience, I had the privilege of collaborating with
an excellent cooperating teacher who served as an example of the significant effect and
motivational potential of the teaching profession. Through his exemplary classroom
management abilities and unwavering dedication to individualized instruction, my
cooperating teacher gave me invaluable insights into the qualities that define an effective
The significance of deliberate lesson planning and delivery was among the most
valuable insights I gained from my cooperating teacher. He emphasized the importance of
establishing a distinct objective at the outset of each lesson and developing activities and
assessments corresponding to that objective. Furthermore, she demonstrated to me the
significance of collecting formative data during the instructional process, which enabled me
to adapt to address students' requirements. An additional invaluable ability imparted to me
by my cooperating teacher was the establishment of a secure and welcoming classroom
milieu. By shaping the implementation of inclusive practices, respectful communication, and
positive reinforcement, he ensured that each student felt supported and valued. I had the
opportunity to observe firsthand how her method of classroom administration not only
averted disruptions but also fostered engagement and active participation from every
In conclusion, I learned the importance of continuous professional development and
introspection from my cooperating teacher. He motivated me to pursue continuing
education opportunities and engage in regular practice reflection by imparting his personal
experiences and insights; thus, I could benefit from his extensive knowledge and experience.
As a result, I will carry with me throughout my career invaluable insights regarding effective
teaching and leadership that I gained from my cooperating teacher. His counsel and
mentorship have motivated me to pursue excellence beyond the classroom and into an
enduring commitment to learning.

D. Issues and Challenges I have Hurdled in my Internship Program

E. Preparing and Doing My Teaching Demonstration Video

F. My Current Teaching Philosophy
My teaching philosophy is that every student is capable of achieving success, and it
is my responsibility to establish a conducive atmosphere that facilitates the actualization
of that potential.
Each student's requirements and interests should be taken into account in a
student-centered approach to education, which is what I practice. Furthermore, I advocate
for the establishment of a secure and encouraging academic setting wherein learners are at
ease expressing themselves and committing errors without apprehension of being judged
negatively. To ensure an effective educational experience, I support the implementation of
an extensive repertoire of pedagogical approaches and tactics that accommodate diverse
learning styles and abilities. This includes experiential learning, technology, hands-on
activities, and group projects.
In conclusion, my ultimate objective as an educator is to foster in my students the
capacity to become conscientious contributors to society, never-ending learners, and critical
thinkers. My objective is to cultivate a development mindset among my students by
motivating them to wholeheartedly accept challenges and perceive errors as occasions for
acquiring knowledge.

My Learnings in my Field Study Courses

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