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Higher Nationals in Computing

Internet of Things

Project name:


Learner’s name: TRAN QUOC PHAT

Assessor name: NGUYEN VAN SON
Class: GCS0901
Learner’s ID: GCS190878
Subject’s ID:
Assignment due: Assignment submitted:

Qualification TEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 43: Internet of Things

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Tran Quoc Phat Student ID GCS190878

Class GCS0907 Assessor name Nguyen Van Son

Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature

Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 M3 M4 D1 D2
❒ Summative Feedback: ❒ Resubmission

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

Assignment Brief 1 (RQF)

Student Name/ID Tran Quoc Phat

Number: GCS190878
Unit Number and Title: Unit 43 – Internet of Things
Academic Year: 2022
Unit Assessor:
Assignment Title: Assignment 1 – Internet of Things
Issue Date:
Submission Date:
Internal Verifier Name:

Submission Format:

Format: This assignment is an Individual assignment and specifically including 1

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you do not, you definitely get fail

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Analyse what aspects of IoT are necessary and appropriate when designing software
LO2 Outline a plan for an appropriate IoT application using common architecture,
frameworks, tools, hardware and APIs
LO3 Develop an IoT application using any combination of hardware, software, data,
platforms and services.
LO4 Evaluate your IoT application and detail the problem your IoT application solves, the
potential impact on people, business, society and the end user and the problems it might
encounter when integrating into the wider IoT ecosystem

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

You currently work as a product developer for a company manufacturing IoT products.
The government of your hometown city wants to build the city as a smart one. They need
to collect the data from environment in this city, do insight the data then give out some
controlling decisions. Your company take the responsibility to make a demo product. As
part of your role, your manager has tasked you to plan and develop a new IoT system.
This system will collect some environment information such as: air quality, water level,
rain level, humidity, … from IoT devices, save to a database, and then a smart application
will do some analysis and make controlling decision.
Part 1 (Assignment 1): For the first part, you must:

 Investigate a specific IoT platform for the project.

 Plan an IoT system with the chosen platform. This plan will be in the form of a
document and will include supporting evidence and material.
 Evaluate your plan and the challenge in your solution.

Part 2 (Assignment 2): For the second part, you must:

 Show evidence about Developed IoT application using any combination of

hardware, software, data, platforms and services (video or images of your IoT
system with code snippet)
 Evaluate your IoT application and detail the problem your IoT application solves,
the potential impact on people, business, society and the end user and the
problems it might encounter when integrating into the wider IoT ecosystem

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Analyse what aspects of IoT are necessary and appropriate when designing
software applications

P1 Explore various forms M1 Evaluate the impact of D1 Evaluate challenges

of IoT functionality. common IoT architecture, when designing and
frameworks, tools, hardware implementing for the IoT
and APIs in the software system.
P2 Review standard
development lifecycle.
architecture, frameworks,
tools, hardware and APIs
available for use in IoT M2 Evaluate the impact of
development. common IoT architecture,
frameworks, tools, hardware
and APIs in IoT security.

LO2 Outline a plan for an appropriate IoT system using common architecture,
frameworks, tools, hardwares and APIs

P3 Investigate a specific M3 Discuss and give out the D2 Make multiple iterations
IoT platform (including reason for your IoT platform plan of your IoT application
architecture, frameworks, chosen. and modify each iteration to
tools, hardwares and improve your IoT
APIs) has been chosen to application security.
M4 Apply your selected
develop an IoT system.
techniques to create an IoT
application development
P4 Explain about your plan.
IoT demo system,
including architecture
and how it works

1. Explore various forms of IoT functionality
The Internet of Things, or IoT for its acronym in English ( Internet of Things ), is a term that
refers to the connection of objects to each other and to humans through the Internet.
The applications of IoT technologies are multiple, because it is adjustable to almost any
technology that is capable of providing relevant information about its own operation, about
the performance of an activity and even about the environmental conditions that we need
to monitor and control at a distance.

1.1 IoT history and features

The term Internet of Things is 16 years old. But the actual idea of connected devices had
been around longer, at least since the 70s. Back then, the idea was often called “embedded
internet” or “pervasive computing”. But the actual term “Internet of Things” was coined
by Kevin Ashton in 1999 during his work at Procter&Gamble. Ashton who was working in
supply chain optimization, wanted to attract senior management’s attention to a new
exciting technology called RFID. Because the internet was the hottest new trend in 1999 and
because it somehow made sense, he called his presentation “Internet of Things”.
Even though Kevin grabbed the interest of some P&G executives, the term Internet of
Things did not get widespread attention for the next 10 years.
The concept of IoT started to gain some popularity in the summer of 2010. Information
leaked that Google’s StreetView service had not only made 360 degree pictures but had also
stored tons of data of people’s Wifi networks. People were debating whether this was the
start of a new Google strategy to not only index the internet but also index the physical
The same year, the Chinese government announced it would make the Internet of Things a
strategic priority in their Five-Year-Plan.
In 2011, Gartner, the market research company that invented the famous “hype-cycle for
emerging technologies” included a new emerging phenomenon on their list: “The Internet
of Things”.
The next year the theme of Europe’s biggest Internet conference LeWeb was the “Internet
of Things”. At the same time popular tech-focused magazines like Forbes, Fast Company,
and Wired starting using IoT as their vocabulary to describe the phenomenon.
In October of 2013, IDC published a report stating that the Internet of Things would be a
$8.9 trillion market in 2020.
The term Internet of Things reached mass market awareness when in January 2014 Google
announced to buy Nest for $3.2bn. At the same time the Consumer Electronics Show (CES)
in Las Vegas was held under the theme of IoT.

The above graph shows impressively how the term “Internet of Things” has outgrown all
other related concepts in popularity.

1.2 IoT applications

 Wearables.
Virtual glasses, fitness bands to monitor for example calorie expenditure and heart beats, or
GPS tracking belts, are just some examples of wearable devices that we have been using for
some time now. Companies such as Google, Apple, Samsung and others have developed and
introduced the Internet of Things and the application thereof into our daily lives.
These are small and energy efficient devices, which are equipped with sensors, with the
necessary hardware for measurements and readings, and with software to collect and
organize data and information about users.
 Health.
The use of wearables or sensors connected to patients, allows doctors to monitor a patient's
condition outside the hospital and in real-time. Through continuously monitoring certain
metrics and automatic alerts on their vital signs, the Internet of Things helps to improve the
care for patients and the prevention of lethal events in high-risk patients.
Another use is the integration of IoT technology into hospital beds, giving way to smart
beds, equipped with special sensors to observe vital signs, blood pressure, oximeter and
body temperature, among others.
 Traffic monitoring.
The Internet of things can be very useful in the management of vehicular traffic in large
cities, contributing to the concept of smart cities.
When we use our mobile phones as sensors, which collect and share data from our vehicles
through applications such as Waze or Google Maps, we are using the Internet of Things to
inform us and at the same time contribute to traffic monitoring, showing the conditions of
the different routes, and feeding and improving the information on the different routes to
the same destination, distance, estimated time of arrival.
 Fleet management.
The installation of sensors in fleet vehicles helps to establish an effective interconnectivity
between the vehicles and their managers as well as between the vehicles and their drivers.
Both driver and manager/ owner can know all kinds of details about the status, operation
and needs of the vehicle, just by accessing the software in charge of collecting, processing
and organizing the data. Even, receive alarms in real time of maintenance incidents without
having been detected by the driver.
The application of the Internet of Things to fleet management assists with geolocation (and
with it the monitoring of routes and identification of the most efficient routes), performance

analysis, telemetry control and fuel savings , the reduction of polluting emissions to the
environment and can even provide valuable information to improve the driving of vehicles.
 Agriculture.
Smart farms are a fact. The quality of soil is crucial to produce good crops, and the Internet
of Things offers farmers the possibility to access detailed knowledge and valuable
information of their soil condition.
Through the implementation of IoT sensors, a significant amount of data can be obtained on
the state and stages of the soil. Information such as soil moisture, level of acidity, the
presence of certain nutrients, temperature and many other chemical characteristics, helps
farmers control irrigation, make water use more efficient, specify the best times to start
sowing, and even discover the presence of diseases in plants and soil.
 Hospitality.
The application of the IoT to the hotel industry brings with it interesting improvements in
the quality of the service. With the implementation of electronic keys, which are sent
directly to the mobile devices of each guest, it is possible to automate various interactions.
Thus, the location of the guests, the sending of offers or information on activities of interest,
the realization of orders to the room or room service , the automatic charge of accounts to
the room or the request of personal hygiene supplies, are activities that can be easily
managed through integrated applications using the Internet of Things technology.
With the use of electronic keys, the check-out process is automated, disabling the operation
of doors, offering information about the rooms immediately available, and even assigning
housekeeping tasks to maintenance personnel.
 Smart grid and energy saving.
The progressive use of intelligent energy meters, or meters equipped with sensors, and the
installation of sensors in different strategic points that go from the production plants to the
different distribution points, allows better monitoring and control of the electrical network.
By establishing a bidirectional communication between the service provider company and
the end user, information of enormous value can be obtained for the detection of faults,
decision making and repair thereof.
It also allows offering valuable information to the end user about their consumption
patterns and about the best ways to reduce or adjust their energy expenditure.
 Water supply.
A sensor, either incorporated or adjusted externally to water meters, connected to the
Internet and accompanied by the necessary software , helps to collect, process and analyze
data, which allows understanding the behavior of consumers, detecting faults in the supply
service, report results and offer courses of action to the company that provides the service.

Likewise, it offers final consumers the possibility of tracking their own consumption
information, through a web page and in real time, even receiving automatic alerts in case of
detecting consumption out of range to their average consumption record, which could
indicate the presence of a leak.
 Maintenance management.
One of the areas where the application of IoT technology is most extensive is precisely
maintenance management. Through the combination of sensors and software specialized in
CMMS/ EAM maintenance management, a multifunctional tool is obtained whose use can
be applied to a multiplicity of disciplines and practices, with the purpose of extending the
useful life of physical assets, while guaranteeing asset reliability and availability.
When the characteristics of the software in charge of processing and arranging the data
collected by the sensors are designed to specifically address the maintenance management
needs of physical assets, their application is almost unlimited.
The real-time monitoring of physical assets allows determining when a measurement is out
of range and it is necessary to perform condition-based maintenance (CBM), or even
applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms such as Machine Learning or Deep Learning to
predict the failure before it happens.

1.3 IoT trends and characteristics

1.3.1 IoT trends.

 AIoT – Artificial Intelligence & IoT Technology

One of the most fascinating use cases of IoT technology is to support artificial intelligence
software. Artificial intelligence and IoT have a mutualistic relationship. AI is benefitted by IoT
with distributed data, and IoT is benefitted by AI with advanced management.
 IoT Connectivity — 5G, Wi-Fi 6, LPWAN, and Satellites
The main challenge that IoT networks have had to overcome in recent years is wireless data
rates. As these technologies improve, so too will the aspects of IoT technology, including
sensors, edge computing, wearables, smart homes, and more. Recently, more infrastructure
has been developed for newer connectivity types that make IoT solutions more feasible.
These are connectivity technologies like 5G, Wi-Fi 6, LPWAN, and satellites.
 Edge Computing – Low Latency & Security
Real time applications depend on edge computing. Instead of calculating everything at a
central source, edge networks process information closer to the user and lighten the load of
the entire network for all users.
Not only can edge computing reduce latency of IoT technology, but it also has potential to
increase the security of data processing. If data can be processed on an edge device instead
of being transmitted to a central server, there are fewer opportunities for it to be

intercepted by hackers. All that needs to happen is for the information to be exchanged
with the edge device and then handed right back to the user. The information doesn’t need
to be stored using memory in this case.
Edge computing is useful for any situation where decisions need to be made quickly. This is
especially true in contexts like security and safety. Automatically stopping machinery from
operating while someone is in a restricted area at a factory is one way that IoT edge
computing can be used to protect people from harm. Autonomous vehicles need to receive
data to make critical decisions in real-time, and this can mean the difference between life
and death on the road.
 Wearable IoT Technology
While sensors and edge devices are important for many IoT technology solutions, wearable
IoT devices shouldn’t be overlooked. Smart watches, earbuds, and extended reality (AR/VR)
headsets are important wearable IoT devices that are making waves in 2022 and will only
continue to evolve.
 Smart Homes
The rise of Google Assistant, Amazon Echo, Apple’s Siri and other digital assistants have
transformed the smart home industry. With at-home IoT technology in 2022 now able to
manage innumerable devices like lights, appliances, and even home security systems, the
technology seems to have reached an apex. However, there is still much more room for
growth that we will see over the next several years. According to Mordor Intelligence, the
smart home market will have a CAGR of 25% between now and 2025, allowing the industry
to reach a size of $246 billion.
One of the next steps forward is a focus on smart home automation. Smart home IoT
networks are now expanding their ability to automate tasks like lighting, temperature
control, and security. These can be configured manually by consumers, or they can be tuned
automatically using AI algorithms that review sensor and usage data.
On the security side of IoT smart home devices, at MobiDev we collaborated with CUJO AI to
build a mobile app that allows users to monitor the security of their home network.
 Smart Cities
There are many applications for IoT technology when developing smart city networks.
Traffic monitoring is one of the most pressing issues. Being able to monitor traffic with
sensors placed city-wide enables better control over intersections for better traffic
optimization. Water level monitoring can also be useful to help detect and inform citizens
about potential and active flooding. This information can also guide additional action to
prevent flooding in the future.
Smart streetlights have a variety of possibilities. As platforms for sensors, they can be used
to detect weather conditions, monitor traffic, host public Wi-Fi, and conduct surveillance.

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These streetlights can also be used as an edge device that can control digital street signs.
They may even have the streetlights mounted on the light pole itself.
Smart Columbus in Ohio has experimented with self-driving shuttles, a futuristic experiment
which shows us that in the future, smart cities can help reduce the need for private vehicles.
 IoT Technology in Healthcare
Earlier on we talked about wearables and healthcare, but there are other use-cases for IoT
technology in this sector. For example, WebRTC unified with IoT networks can provide more
efficient telemedicine in certain areas where it may be more efficient to use edge devices
than a traditional Internet connection. There are also plenty of traditional IoT use-cases such
as hospital-room sensors that can monitor patient vitals over the course of the day to aid
doctors in diagnosis and treatment. The evolution of this technology has accelerated due to
the spread of COVID-19.
 Connected Networks Aid Manufacturers
IoT technology has a great deal of potential to advance the manufacturing industry. With
arrays of sensors on factory floors, this industry has become more automated than ever
before. One of the most important results of the expansion of IoT sensors in manufacturing
is that these networks are powering advanced artificial intelligence applications. AI can’t
provide solutions like predictive maintenance, defect detection, digital twins, and generative
design without critical data provided by sensors.

1.3.2 Characteristics of the Internet of Things:

 Connectivity
Connectivity is an important requirement of the IoT infrastructure. Things of IoT should be
connected to the IoT infrastructure. Anyone, anywhere, anytime can connect, this should be
guaranteed at all times. For example, connection between people through internet devices
like mobile phones ,and other gadgets, also connection between Internet devices such as
routers, gateways, sensors, etc.
 Intelligence and Identity
The extraction of knowledge from the generated data is very important. For example, a
sensor generates data, but that data will only be useful if it is interpreted properly. Each IoT
device has a unique identity. This identification is helpful in tracking the equipment and at
times for querying its status.
 Scalability
The number of elements connected to the IoT zone is increasing day by day. Hence, an IoT
setup should be capable of handling the massive expansion. The data generated as an
outcome is enormous, and it should be handled appropriately.
 Dynamic and Self-Adapting (Complexity)

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IoT devices should dynamically adapt themselves to the changing contexts and scenarios.
Assume a camera meant for the surveillance. It should be adaptable to work in different
conditions and different light situations (morning, afternoon, night).
 Architecture
IoT architecture cannot be homogeneous in nature. It should be hybrid, supporting different
manufacturers ‘ products to function in the IoT network. IoT is not owned by anyone
engineering branch. IoT is a reality when multiple domains come together.
 Safety
There is a danger of the sensitive personal details of the users getting compromised when all
his/her devices are connected to the internet. This can cause a loss to the user. Hence, data
security is the major challenge. Besides, the equipment involved is huge. IoT networks may
also be at the risk. Therefore, equipment safety is also critical.

2. Review standard architecture, frameworks, tools,

hardware and APIs available for use in IoT development.
2.1 IoT Architecture.

Internet of Things (IoT) technology has a wide variety of applications and use of Internet of
Things is growing so faster. Depending upon different application areas of Internet of
Things, it works accordingly as per it has been designed/developed. But it has not a standard
defined architecture of working which is strictly followed universally. The architecture of IoT
depends upon its functionality and implementation in different sectors. Still, there is a basic
process flow based on which IoT is built.
So, from the above image it is clear that there is 4 layers are present that can be divided as
follows: Sensing Layer, Network Layer, Data processing Layer, and Application Layer.
o Sensing Layer

Sensors, actuators, devices are present in this Sensing layer. These Sensors or Actuators
accepts data(physical/environmental parameters), processes data and emits data over
o Network Layer

Internet/Network gateways, Data Acquisition System (DAS) are present in this layer. DAS
performs data aggregation and conversion function (Collecting data and aggregating data
then converting analog data of sensors to digital data etc). Advanced gateways which mainly
opens up connection between Sensor networks and Internet also performs many basic
gateway functionalities like malware protection, and filtering also some times decision
making based on inputted data and data management services, etc.

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o Data processing Layer

This is processing unit of IoT ecosystem. Here data is analyzed and pre-processed before
sending it to data center from where data is accessed by software applications often termed
as business applications where data is monitored and managed and further actions are also
prepared. So here Edge IT or edge analytics comes into picture.
o Application Layer

This is last layer of 4 stages of IoT architecture. Data centers or cloud is management stage
of data where data is managed and is used by end-user applications like agriculture, health
care, aerospace, farming, defense, etc.
 4 stages of IoT architecture, explained
In the event that your framework should have the option to help the Internet of Things
engineering. Then, at that point the four key stages characterized underneath are of basic
significance to the general reasonability of IoT executions.
o Connected Objects

Execution of the Internet of Things would not exist without the presence of associated or
"savvy" objects, which could be sensors or remote actuators, and which respond to the
climate and give the information they gather to examination. Notwithstanding actuators,
they can communicate with the climate altogether. For instance, they are utilized to close
valves if the water arrives at a specific level or essentially to wind down the lights at the
crack of dawn.
o Internet Gateway

At the point when sensors send information, it should be amassed and changed over into an
advanced structure for handling. The second period of the IoT design, fundamentally
prepares the information for handling. Simultaneously, the genuine undertaking of
information conglomeration and change relies upon the information assortment framework.
It's what associates with the sensors and actuators, assembles every one of their
information, and converts it into advanced structure so it very well may be steered over the
organization utilizing a web entryway.
o Edge IT Systems

data pre-preparing and progressed investigation are executed in the third period of the IoT
design. For the data innovation framework, Edge will be liable for playing out these
undertakings. Since IoT frameworks need to gather a lot of information and require a great
deal of transmission capacity, Edge IT frameworks will play out a significant undertaking in
offloading the center IT foundation. Moreover, perception and AI advancements are
additionally utilized by the Edge IT framework to produce results from the gathered
information. With experiences took care of from AI calculations while perception innovation
presents information in a straightforward manner.

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o Data center and cloud storage

data should be put away for additional investigation, so information documenting is a

significant phase of IoT design. As it helps for the following amendment to get criticism. So
distributed storage is the favored stockpiling technique in IoT arrangements. Since more
concentrated handling doesn't need prompt input, it should rather be possible in the cloud
or in actual server farms. There, IT frameworks can oversee, dissect and store information
all the more safely. This is the place where sensor information can be joined with different
information hotspots for nittier gritty bits of knowledge.

2.2 IoT framework

The IoT framework includes the capabilities to support the cloud and all the other needs
that IoT technology has to meet.
For example, any IoT system will need cloud services, security for data stored in the cloud,
supporting protocols, edge devices such as gateways, and supporting software. Amazon
Web Services, Microsoft Azure are cloud capacity service providers.
The IoT framework reduces the time it takes to create products that are generally Internet-
enabled, speeding up the development cycle. Which in turn shortens product deployment
time and helps drive innovation.
For developers, an IoT platform provides a set of out-of-the-box features that dramatically
speed up app development for connected devices and ensure cross-device compatibility.
Big data analytics and the cloud-based on IoT, sensors, edge processing, and smart
gateways, as well as real-time synergy between disparate systems, offers plenty of
opportunities to make everything ‘smart’ around us.
 Four Basic Components of IoT Framework:
- Device Hardware
Requires an idea of the architecture and operation of various microcontrollers as well as
various sensors.
- Device Software
Requires knowledge of how the API works in microcontrollers and how you can create
libraries for programming.
- Communication and Cloud Platform
Requires the basics of wired and wireless communication. The cloud itself is an
indispensable part of IoT and requires knowledge of how cloud technology works and its IoT
- Cloud Application

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This is a software program in which local and cloud-based components work together for
faster and easier accessibility. It serves to improve our ability to use the system to its fullest
 These are recommended open-source IoT frameworks:
 Arduino
Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple microcontroller
board, easy-to-use hardware and software, and a development environment for writing
software for the board.
There are a variety of development boards for different microcontrollers and
microprocessors, but many of them are so expensive that even professionals think twice
before using such boards.
From a small personal project to a start-up product, Arduino meets many needs and is very
pleasant to program!
Arduino is a great platform for engineers/students/hobbyists. You can develop projects
quickly without worrying about the inner workings of the microcontroller.
Arduino IDE consists of many built-in libraries that get your job done quickly. If you are
interested in working with electronic products but don’t want to worry about programming
microcontrollers, Arduino is what you want.
Arduino programs are very simple and can be understood by people with very little
programming knowledge.
 RTI Connext DDS
The RTI Connext Data Bus is a software IoT framework that shares information in real-time.
Allowing applications to work together as a single integrated system.
Connext DDS is specially designed for intelligent machines and their associated cyber-
physical systems. Unlike messaging middleware designed primarily for computer systems.
Connext DDS does not require messaging agents, directory services, servers, or
management. The basic communication infrastructure is completely included in the libraries
linked to your applications.
 ThingSpeak
ThingSpeak is an Internet of Things (IoT) framework that allows you to collect and store data
in a cloud and develop IoT applications.
The ThingSpeak framework allows users to not only analyze but also visualize data in
MATLAB. The fact that this special open-source IoT framework does this eliminates the need
for the user to purchase a license to perform such services.
The most common uses of the ThingSpeak open-source framework are for providing alerts,
tracking specific locations, and logging sensors.

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Your device or application can communicate with ThingSpeak through the RESTful API, and
you can either keep your information private or make it public.
It is an open-source platform for users and very popular among IoT experimenters. The main
purpose of this application is to collect data from sensors and retrieve them whenever the
user wishes.
 ThingWorx IoT Platform
The ThingWorx model-driven development environment enables companies to do just that:
innovators to rapidly create and develop IoT applications. Connected solutions for the
Internet of Things, no matter where the data resides.
ThingWorx today announced its open platform strategy, with pre-engineered integrations
for major cloud platforms, starting with AWS IoT, Azure IoT Hub.
The real value of IoT for businesses is contained in the data. Each connected device can
potentially generate millions of data points every day, but much of this data remains
completely unused. Collecting and making sense of IoT data is not a simple task.
ThingWorx also enables interoperability with third-party systems and diverse data streams.
Essential for continued success in the complex and ever-changing IoT landscape.
ThingWorx is the purpose-built IoT platform that enables the rapid creation of
comprehensive applications for the smart and connected world.
 Node-RED
Node-Red open source is developed around Node.js. It is designed for the IoT project mainly
used in Raspberry Pi. It can run on 60,000 other different modules.
This open-source IoT framework generally does the wiring in a new and unique way
compared to other open-source frameworks. You just need to drag and drop to write logic
instead of code-based programs.
The open-source Node-Red works as a visual tool that works to link all connected hardware
devices, services, as well as APIs.
Since you only need to enter credentials and not write any codes. It is easy for almost
anyone to create IoT projects using it.

2.3 IoT Hardware

In the Internet of Things, equipment comes in various structures, including the chip under
that controls the telephone, sensors that gather data from the actual world, and even edge
machines that interaction and dissect information. information amassing. Not just that,
these IoT gadgets will can oversee key errands and capacities like framework initiation,
security, activity determinations, correspondence, including recognition of explicit targets
and activities. support activity. Other than that, at the core of any endeavor that is wired is

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IoT equipment, and the specialized capacities of these sheets will turn out to be more
significant as the Internet of Things has developed. In any case, in light of the enormous
number of boards and modules in the room, picking the right IoT equipment for an
undertaking can be overwhelming.
These IoT Hardware
 Arduino Uno
For components of IoT hardware that are likely to vary from boards that have low power;
single board processors like the Arduino Uno are basically an open-source microcontroller
board based on the Microchip ATmega328 microcontroller and developed by
Besides, this board is also provided with Digital and Analog input/output pins that are
plugged into the board to help communicate with various expansion boards, to improve and
increase its functionality to be able to provide specific functions or features (such as GPS,
light and heat sensors, or interactive displays). So a programmer needs to clearly define the
input as well as the output of the board, thereby creating a circuit design to illustrate the
interaction of these inputs and outputs.
 Raspberry Pi 2
There is additionally an IoT stage that can't be referenced, which is the Raspberry Pi 2,
which is viewed as a little PC with a sensible cost also as it can consolidate a whole web
worker. It is normal called "RasPi" on the grounds that it has sufficient handling force and
memory to run Windows 10 on it just as IoT Core. What's more, RasPi additionally displays
phenomenal preparing capacity, particularly when utilizing the Python programming
 BeagleBoard
BeagleBoard is considered a low-power open-source single-board computer manufactured
by Texas Instruments with Digi-Key and Newark element14 with Linux- based OS, ARM
microprocessor, and capable of processing more powerful than RasPi. In addition,
BeagleBoard is designed with open source software development in mind and as a way to
demonstrate the Texas Instrument OMAP3530 system on a chip. Besides, his Galileo and
Edison boards are other options., and both offer benefits to larger-scale production, and
Qualcomm has also produced a range of enterprise-grade IoT technologies for cars and
cameras for healthcare.
IoT hardware Devices
The structure squares of an IoT gadget are same, in any event, when chipping away at
projects including wearables, incorporated lighting, or stream motors, and a remote sensor
hub comprises of three fundamental segments, equipment, they are sensors,
microcontrollers, and media.
 Chips

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This is viewed as a more extensive order that incorporates all electrical and electronic
gadgets like microcontrollers, chips, coordinated circuits, radio recurrence frameworks, and
so forth.
 Sensor
Sensors are viewed as the main equipment in IoT applications essentially for get- together
data from the general climate. These frameworks are likewise comprised of force, RF, power
the executive’s modules, and sensor modules. The correspondence from Wi-Fi, Bluetooth,
handset, BAW, and duplexer is overseen by a RF module.
 Microcontroller
A microcontroller is a gadget in a solitary incorporated circuit that plays out a solitary
undertaking and runs an application. As it contains programmable peripherals, a memory
unit, and a CPU. What's more, microcontrollers are intended for installed applications just as
generally utilized in distant controlled electronic gadgets like cell phones, clothes washers,
microwaves, and cameras.
 Other IoT Hardware
Keen wearables like savvy memory, glasses, rings, and shoes are instances of IoT equipment.
Shrewd gadgets can permit us to get to a greater amount of the substance and assets we
cherish and make another way to deal with coordinated effort as a feature of an IoT
organization. Work areas and cell phones are the standard war room and a basic piece of an
IoT application. Other organization conveyance gadgets like switches, centers, and switches
can go about as essential connectors in an IoT application.

2.4 IoT APIs

The application program (or programming) interface, or API, is arguably what really ties
together the connected “things” of the “internet of things.” IoT APIs are the points of
interaction between an IoT device and the internet and/or other elements within the
As API management company Axway puts it, “APIs are tightly linked with IoT because they
allow you to securely expose connected devices to customers, go-to-market channels and
other applications in your IT infrastructure.”
 Why are IoT APIs important?
IBM called IoT APIs one of its top IoT trends for this year.
“APIs are the market enabler, and ‘internet of things’ devices would be useless without
them. By exposing data that enables multiple devices to be connected, APIs provide an
interface between the internet and the things to reveal previously unseen possibilities,” said
Chris O’Connor, IBM’s GM for IoT, in a blog entry. “In the year to come, the power and

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importance of APIs will be at the forefront of the conversation around enabling—and more
important—monetizing the ‘internet of things.'”
Top APIs for the Internet of Things
 Google Assistant
The Google Assistant API can be integrated into the device for voice control, keyword
detection, natural language understanding, and other smart services. The Google Assistant
APIT tracks this API by providing a way to manage and communicate with devices. In
addition, Google Assistant can also voice control applications such as mobile phones, smart
displays, cars, watches, laptops, TVs, and other Google Home devices. Users can even
Google search weather, sports, traffic, news, flights, task management, smart home device
control, etc. Use this API and SDK.
 Garmin Health API
Garmin Health API enables developers to leverage health and activity data collected from
Garmin wearables. There are methods available to collect data about steps, sleep, calories,
heart rate, stress, intensity minutes, body composition and more. Thirty types of activity are
monitored including running, cycling, paddle boarding, swimming and more.
 Ubidots API
Ubidots offers a platform for developers that enables them to easily capture sensor data
and turn it into useful information. The Ubidots platform can send data to the cloud from
any Internet-enabled device. Developers can then configure actions and alerts based on
real-time data and visual tools. The Ubidots REST APITrack this API allows users to read and
write data to the resources available, with methods for data sources, variables, statistics,
events and insights.
 Apple HomeKit
Apple's HomeKit provides a platform for devices, apps, and services to communicate.
Utilizing Siri, iPhone users can control supported devices in their home. Lights, thermostats,
garage doors, etc. could all be controlled by voice. Apple HomeKit API is accessible via the
Apple iOS8 SDK.

3. Investigate a specific IoT platform (including

architecture, frameworks, tools, hardwares and APIs) has
been chosen to develop an IoT system IoT standard
3.1 IoT hardware

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3.2 IoT software

3.3 IoT protocol and framework

3.4 IoT platforms

3.5 IoT APIs

4. Explain about your IoT demo system, including

architecture and how it works
4.1 Project description

4.2 Architecture and how it works

4.3 Project development plan

5. References

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