Languo Homework 2 - Edited

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1.2 Fill in the blanks by using relative clauses.

1. Once upon a time, a man _who__ waited at the train station encountered a woman when he
was going to the office.

2. Suddenly, a paper __which_ the man held flew to the face of the woman thanks to a sudden

3. In the office, the man __whose_ job is the officer was really bored to do paperwork.

4. After a sudden wind blew the papers to the window, the man saw the woman __who _was
at the same train station.

5. The man __whose_ boss got angry, started to make paper planes and threw them to get the
attention of the woman.

6. The man _ whose__ paper plane could not reach to the woman became frustrated.

7. The paper __which__ had a lipstick stain evoked other paper planes and started to follow the

8. The paper planes __which_ covered the man forced him to go somewhere else.

9. The woman ___who___ looked at the flowers started to follow the paper plane with the
lipstick stain.

10. The man and the woman met again in the same train station ___where __ they first saw eac

1.3 Write a dialogue between the man and the woman after they met again at the end of the
story. What did they say to each other after this magical day? Please, use your creativity.

Man: You were very beautiful, did you fall from heaven? Am i dead?

Woman: Hahah, noo we met in heaven. You are an angel too. You are very gentlmen.

Man: Take, its my necklace. Wear it for a while. You can give next meeting.

Woman: I admire your intelligence. Sure, thanks for this great day!
2.1. Fill in the blanks with the following words with a suitable tense.

enemy (n) (2x) migrate (v) defeat (v) invasion (n)

agrarian (adj) resist (v) genocide (n) spread (n)

1. To prevent the ___spread__ of the disease, you need to take these pills.
2. Azerbaijani troops ___resisted___ the attack for two days.
3. __genocide_ refers to mass killing of a specific group of people.
4. The German __invasion___ of Poland in 1939 was brutal.
5. An ___agrarian __ lifestyle consists of doing agriculture rather than industry.
6. During winter, the blue whale _migrate_ to escape the extreme weather conditions in
the poles.
7. The ___enemy___ of my __enemy___ is my friend.
8. People in Syria are united with their determination to __defeat___ global terrorism.
2.2. Complete the following crossword by checking the definition of the words.

1- Genocide
2- Argarian
3- Enemy
Genocide is one of the most serious crimes against humanity. It refers to mass killing of a specific
group of people because of their ethnicity, nation, religion, or origin. The Jewish-Polish lawyer
Raphael created this term by combining the Greek word “genos” (“race or tribe” with the Latin word
“cide” (to kill). Genocide has occurred in various parts of the world throughout history. Although
some genocides are known, we will never learn all the genocides which have happened in the past.
The worst genocides in history are as follows:
Rwanda genocide is one of the influential topics in the world. An ethnic fight in Rwanda caused a civil
war in 1990. After the death of Rwanda President Habyarimana, The Hutus who gained the control of
the government started to massacre the Tutsis who were another prominent ethnic group in Rwanda.
The Rwanda genocide took place in 1994, and 70% of the country’s Tutsi population destroyed in
only 100 days. The death of Rwanda people was nearly 800,000 in the mid-July of 1994. Today,
Rwanda people remember their genocide victims on two public holidays: April 7th and July 4th.
Another brutal crime took place in Bosnia-Herzegovina between 1992 and 1995. In April 1992,
Bosnia-Herzegovina declared its independence from Yugoslavia. Bosnia-Herzegovina composed of 2
main ethnic groups that are Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) and Bosnian Serbs (Orthodox Christians).
After its independence, Serb forces started to fire the places where Bosnian Muslims lived, to find a
“Greater Serbia” country. The Serbs massacred 200,000 people (80 percent of Bosnian Muslims) in
the Srebrenica genocide. 11 July became a national Memorial Day not to forget the pain of Srebrenica
The deadliest genocide in the world occurred between 1933 and 1945. Nazi leader Adolf Hitler saw
the Jews as the inferior race and wanted to create a racially pure country. Because of this ideology,
hundreds and thousands of Jews were taken to Nazi camps and about two million Jews were murdered
in these camps. 27 January is the Memorial Day to remember the millions of people killed in the Nazi
3.1 Write a synonym for the given words from the text:

1. Huge (para. 1) (adj.) : _____mass________

2. Happen (para. 3) (v.) : ______become_____________

3. Kill (para. 4) (v.) : _____murder___________

3.2 Write an antonym for the given words from the text:

1. Divide (para. 1) (v.) : _____combine________

2. Build (para. 2.) (v.) : ______destroy___________

3. Remember (para. 3) (v.) : ______forget_________

3.3 Complete the following table according to the information in the text.

Where When Victims By Whom Number Memory

Killed Day
Karachai- 1990s Circassians Russia 19000 27 April

The April 7th and

Rwanda 1994 Tutsis 800.000
goverment July 4th.

Herzegovina 1992 Bosnian Serbians 200.000 11 July

Nazi between 1933

Jews Hitler 2.000.000 27 January
camps and 1945
3.4 Read the following sentences and write if they are True (T), False (F), or Not Given

1. All countries were affected by Genocide. _NG__

2. Rwanda was the first country which was affected by Genocide. __F_

3. Rwanda genocide took place in 1994, and nearly half of the Tutsi population ___T__
was destroyed in 100 days.

4. In order not to forget Srebrenica genocide, Bosnian Muslims have national

holidays every year.

5. Owing to Adolf Hitler’s ideology, Jews experienced the most brutal genocide __T_
in history.

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