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LAW – when they arise from civil liability which
is the consequence of a criminal offense.
5. QUASI DELICTS – when they arise from damage
ESSENTIAL REQUISITES OF AN OBLIGATION caused to another through an act or
negligence, but no contractual relation exist
1. Passive Subject (Debtor or Obligor) – bound to between the parties.
the fulfillment of the obligations.
2. Active Subject (Creditor or Obligee) – entitled ARTICLE 1158: OBLIGATIONS DERIVED FROM LAW ARE
to demand the fulfillment of the obligation. NOT PRESUMED. ONLY THOSE EXPRESSLY
3. Object or Prestation (Subject matter of the DETERMINED IN THIS CODE OR IN SPECIAL LAWS ARE
obligation) - the conduct required to be DEMANDABLE, AND SHALL BE REGULATED BY THE
observed by the debtor. It may consist giving, PERCEPTS OF LAW WHICH ESTABLISHES THEM; AND AS
doing, or not doing. Without the prestation, TO WHAT HAS NOT BEEN FORESEEN, BY THE
there is nothing to perform. PROVISIONS OF THIS BOOK.
4. A juridical or legal tie (also called efficient
Legal Obligations – Obligations arising from law are not
cause) – binds or connects the parties to the
presumed because they are considered a burden upon
obligation. The tie in an obligation can easily be
the obligor.
determined by knowing the source of the
obligation. Special Laws – refers to all other laws not contained in
the Civil Code. Examples of such laws are Corporation
Code, Insurance Code, National Internal Revenue Code,
Natural Obligations – derive their binding effect from Revised Penal Code, Labor Code, etc.
equity and natural justice. It is the divined inspiration in
a man of the sense of justice, fairness and righteousness
by internal dictation of reason alone.
Civil Obligations – derived their binding force from WITH IN GOOD FAITH.
positive law.
Contractual Obligations - a contract is a meeting of
KINDS OF OBLIGATION ACCORDING TO THE SUBJECT mind between two persons whereby one binds himself,
MATTER with respect to the other, to give something or to
render some service.
1. Real Obligation (Obligation to give) – subject
matter is a thing which the obligor must deliver Contract Stipulations vs. Positive Law – when there is a
to the obligee. conflict between a provision in the contract and a
2. Personal Obligations (Obligation to do or not provision of a law, the law always prevails over the
to do) provision of the contract.
a. Positive Personal Obligation
(Obligation to do) – render some
b. Negative Personal Obligation
(Obligation not to do) – not rendering a Quasi-Contractual Obligations – juridical relation
service resulting from lawful, voluntary and unilateral acts by
virtue of which the parties become bound to each other
to the end that no one will be unjustly enriched or
benefited at the expense of another.
Kinds of Quasi-Contracts
1. Negotiorum gestio – is the voluntary
1. LAW – when they are imposed by law itself.
management of property or affairs of another
Example: Obligation to pay taxes; obligation to
without the knowledge and consent of the
support one’s family.
2. CONTRACTS - when they arise from stipulations
2. Solutio indebiti – is the juridical relation which
of the parties
is created when something is received when
3. QUASI CONTRACTS – when they arise from
there is no right to demand it and it was unduly
lawful, voluntary and unilateral acts which are
delivered through mistake. The requisites are:
enforceable to the end that no one shall be
a. There is no right to receive the thing
unjustly enriched or benefited at the expense
of another.
b. The thing was delivered through
Civil Liability Arising from Crimes or Delicts
Tradition – it is the delivery of the thing from the
Every Person criminally liable is also civilly liable (Art. debtor to the creditor.
100, Revised Penal Code)
●Specific (Determinate) - particularly designated or
Scope of Civil Liability physically segregated others of the same class.
- identified by its individuality
The extent of the civil liability for damages arising from
- debtor cannot substitute it
crimes is governed by the Revised Penal Code and the
Civil Code. This civil liability includes:
●Generic (Indeterminate) – refers only to a class or
a. Restitution -returning to the proper owner a genus; cannot be pointed out with particularly
property or monetary value of loss. -identified only by its specie.
b. Reparation of the damage caused. – to - debtor can give anything of the same class
compensate or to make amends.
c. Indemnification for consequential damages “Duties of Debtor in Obligation To Give Determinate
(Art. 104, RPC) – reimburse a party for the (Specific Real Obligation)”
1. Preserve the thing -
Example: a) take care with the diligence of a good father
X stole the car of Y. If X is convicted, the court (ordinary care/diligence) – diligence of an
will order X: (1) to return the car or to pay its value if it average person exercises over his own
was lost or destroyed; (2) to pay for any damage caused property.
to the car, and (3) to pay such other damages suffered b) another standard of care (extraordinary
by Y as a consequence of the crime. care/diligence) ex. Transport of a person
requires extraordinary care.
ARTICLE 1162: OBLIGATIONS DERIVED FROM QUASI- c) factors to be considered – fortuitous events
CHAPTER 2, TITLE XVII OF THIS BOOK, AND BY SPECIAL d) Reason for debtor’s obligation. — The debtor
LAWS.” must exercise diligence to ensure that the thing
to be delivered would subsist in the same
Obligations arising from Quasi-Delicts condition as it was when the obligation was
A quasi-delict is an act or omission by a person contracted.
(tortfeasor) which causes damage to another in his 2. Deliver the fruits of the specific thing
person, property, or rights giving rise to an obligation to 3. Deliver the accessions and accessories
pay for the damage done there being fault or 4. Deliver the thing itself
negligence but there is no pre-existing contractual 5. Answer for the Damages in case of non-fulfillment or
relations between parties. breach (Article 1170)

Requisites of quasi-delict
1. There must be an act or omission ARTICLE 1164: THE CREDITOR HAS A RIGHT TO THE
2. There must be a fault or negligence FRUITS OF THE THING FROM THE TIME THE
3. There must be damage caused OBLIGATION TO DELIVER IT ARISES. HOWEVER, HE
4. There must be a direct relation or connection SHALL ACQUIRE NO REAL RIGHT OVER IT UNTIL THE
of cause and effect between the act or SAME HAS BEEN DELIVERED TO HIM.
omission and the damage. Different Kinds of Fruits
5. There is no pre-existing contractual relation
between parties. a. Natural fruits- without human intervention (i.e. grass,
b. Industrial fruits - cultivation and human labor (i.e.
sugarcane, rice)
c. Civil fruits - juridical relation (i.e. rent)
Right of creditor to the fruits IF THE OBLIGOR DELAYS, OR HAS PROMISED TO
By law, the creditor is entitled to the fruits of the thing
to be delivered from the time the obligation to make
delivery of the thing arises.
When obligation to deliver arises.
“Remedies of Creditor In Real Obligation”
Generally, the obligation to deliver the thing due and,
ARTICLE 1165 (1ST PAR.). When what is to be delivered
consequently, the fruits thereof, if any, arises from the
is a determinate thing, the creditor, in addition to the
time of the perfection of the contract.
right granted to him by Art. 1170, may compel the
- Perfection in this case refers to the birth of the
debtor to make delivery.
contract or to the meeting of the minds
between the parties. Specific Real Obligation – obligation to deliver a
- DEMAND and then DELIVER determinate thing.

1. Demand Specific performance - compel to fulfill his

S sold his horse to B for P15,000.00. No date or 2. Demand payment for damages, where it is the only
condition was stipulated for the delivery of the horse. feasible remedy.
While still in the possession of S, the horse gave birth to
a colt.
ARTICLE 1165. (2ND PARAGRAPH). If the thing is
Who has the right to the colt? indeterminate or generic, he may ask that the
obligation be complied with at the expense of the
In a contract of sale “all the fruits shall pertain to the
vendee from the day on which the contract was
perfected.” Hence, B is entitled to the colt . This holds Generic Real Obligation – obligation to deliver an
true even if the delivery is subject to a suspensive indeterminate/generic thing
condition or a suspensive period if B has paid the
1. Same remedies
purchase price.
2. Added is the substituted performance – he may ask
But S has a right to the colt if it was born before the that the obligation be complied with at the expense of
obligation to deliver the horse has arisen and B has not the debtor.
yet paid the purchase price. In this case, upon the
fulfillment of the condition or the arrival of the period, S Ex. Pogi obliged himself to deliver to Ganda 100 sacks of
does not have to give the colt and B is not obliged to rice at December 25 for Php50,000 and if nung
pay legal interests on the price since the colt and the December 25 is hindi siya nagdeliver ng 100 sacks of rice
interests are deemed to have been mutually kay ganda, si ganda ay pwedeng bumili ng 100 sacks kay
compensated. Beauty (a third person) at the expense of pogi. Dito, si
Beauty and nagdeliver ng 100 sacks of rice meaning
Meaning of personal right and real right.
substituted performance at the expense of pogi.
> Personal right - 1164 first sentence; enforceable
against a specific person only. With a definite passive Where debtor delays or has promised delivery to
subject. separate creditors.

> Real right - 1164 2nd sentence; enforceable against Paragraph 3 gives two instances when a fortuitous
the whole world. Without a definite passive subject. event does not exempt the debtor from responsibility.
An indeterminate thing cannot be the object of
Ex. If pogi promised to deliver a car to ganda but instead destruction by a fortuitous event because genus
he delivered it to beauty then ganda has a personal nunquam perit (genus never perishes)
right to pogi, but she has no real right since the car
wasn’t delivered to her, on the other hand Beauty has - Fortuitous event – unforeseen event or, if
the Real right because the car was delivered to her. foreseen, inevitable


IF THE THING IS INDETERMINATE OR GENERIC, HE MAY Accessions – are the fruits of a thing or additions to or
ASK THAT THE OBLIGATION BE COMPLIED WITH AT improvements upon a thing (principal). Ex. Air
THE EXPENSE OF THE DEBTOR. conditioner in a car.
Accessories – are things joined to or included with the job at the expense of pogi plus demand payment for the
principal thing for the latter’s embellishment, better damages.
use, or completion. Ex. Key of a house, bow of a violin.
Second Scenario: If Pogi constructed the house but he
Note: Accessions are not necessary to the principal does not conformed to what is mga napagusapan nila ni
thing, while the Accessory and the principal thing must Ganda like iba yung gustong materials ni Ganda pero iba
go together. yung ginawa. So Ganda now may ask another contractor
to do the job at the expense of pogi plus demand
Right of creditor to accessions and accessories.
payment for the damages.
The general rule is that all accessions and accessories
Third Scenario: If pogi constructed the house according
are considered included in the obligation to deliver a
to the specifications, kung ano yung mga napagusapan
determinate thing although they may not have been
nila ni Ganda. However, it was poorly done, ang pangit
mentioned. This rule is based on the principle of law
ng pagkakagawa. Dito Ganda can ask Pogi that it be
that the accessory follows the principal. In order that
undone, if pogi refused, Ganda may ask another
they will be excluded, there must be a stipulation
contractor to do the job at the expense of pogi plus
(agreement) to that effect.
demand payment for the damages.
Ex. Pogi bought a lot from Ganda and it was stipulated
in the contract that Ganda will not build a fence in a
certain portion of his land adjoining to Pogi. Now, if
Situations contemplated in Article 1167. Ganda constructs a fence which is a violation to their
agreement. Pogi can bring an action to have the fence
Article 1167 refers to an obligation to do, i.e., to removed at the expense of Ganda. Pwedeng ipatanggal
perform an act or render a service. It contemplates kay Ganda mismo or pwede rin naming ipatanggal sa iba
three situations: but at the expense of Ganda parin.
(1) The debtor fails to perform an obligation to do; Remedies of creditor in negative personal obligation.
(2) The debtor performs an obligation to do but In an obligation not to do, the duty of the obligor is to
contrary to the terms thereof; or abstain from an act. Here, there is no specific
(3) The debtor performs an obligation to do but in a performance. The very obligation is fulfilled in not doing
poor manner. what is forbidden. Hence, in this kind of obligation the
debtor cannot be guilty of delay. (Art. 1169.)
“Remedies of Creditor for Positive Personal
Obligation” As a rule, the remedy of the obligee is the undoing of
the forbidden thing plus damages. (Art. 1170.)
(1) If the debtor fails to comply with his obligation to However, if it is not possible to undo what was done,
do, the creditor has the right: either physically or legally, or because of the rights
a) to have the obligation performed by another acquired by third persons who acted in good faith, or
unless personal considerations are involved, at for some other reason, his remedy is an action for
the debtor’s expense; and damages caused by the debtor’s violation of his
b) to recover damages. (Art. 1170.) obligation
Ex. If nagpaayos ka ng laptop and if hindi naayos ng ART. 1169. THOSE OBLIGED TO DELIVER OR TO DO
repairman and kulang kulang yung parts then pwede ka SOMETHING INCUR IN DELAY FROM THE TIME THE
mag claim ng cost of the damages and the missing parts, OBLIGEE JUDICIALLY OR EXTRA-JUDICIALLY DEMANDS
and then pwede mo siya ipaayos sa iba at the expense FROM THEM THE FULFILLMENT OF THEIR OBLIGATION.
of the debtor.
(2) In case the obligation is done in contravention of NOT BE NECESSARY IN ORDER THAT DELAY MAY EXIST:
the terms of the same or is poorly done, it may be
ordered (by the court) that it be undone if it is still (1) WHEN THE OBLIGATION OR THE LAW EXPRESSLY
possible to undo what was done. SO DECLARES; OR

Ex. First Scenario: Pogi obliged himself to construct a (2) WHEN FROM THE NATURE AND THE
house for Ganda, If Pogi does not construct the house CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE OBLIGATION IT APPEARS
on time, Ganda may ask another contractor to do the THAT THE DESIGNATION OF THE TIME WHEN THE
RENDERED WAS A CONTROLLING MOTIVE FOR THE However, the rule is not absolute. So subsequent
ESTABLISHMENT OF THE CONTRACT; OR paragraph in Article 1169 provides for exceptions
meaning kahit na walang demand pero may legal delay.
TO PERFORM. demand by the creditor shall not be necessary in order
that delay may exist:
IN DELAY IF THE OTHER DOES NOT COMPLY OR IS NOT (1) When the obligation or the law expressly so
ex. (dapat stated sa contract yung “without the need of
demand) (another example naman sa law is yung
payment ng taxes)
Meaning of delay.
(2) When from the nature and the circumstances of the
The word delay, as used in the law, is not to be obligation it appears that the designation of the time
understood according to its meaning in common when the thing is to be delivered or the service is to be
parlance. A distinction, therefore, should be made rendered was a controlling motive for the
between ordinary delay and legal delay (default or establishment of the contract, or
mora) in the performance of an obligation.
Ex. Wedding Gowns and Wedding cakes (ito ay dapat
(1) Ordinary delay - is merely the failure to perform an handa or tapos nab ago pa ang kasal, demand is not
obligation on time. needed here.)

(2) Legal delay or default or mora – Is the failure to (3) When demand would be useless, as when the
perform an obligation on time which failure, constitutes obligor has rendered it beyond his power to perform.
a breach of the obligation.
Ex. Pogi sold his only car to Beauty when in fact nabenta
Kinds of Delay (Mora). niya naman na yan before kay Ganda. Hindi kailangang
magdemand ni Ganda kay Pogi to deliver the car since
They are:
demand would be useless
(1) Mora solvendi or the delay on the part of the
No delay in negative personal obligation.
debtor to fulfill his obligation (to give or to do) by
reason of a cause imputable to him; In an obligation not to do, non-fulfillment may take
place but delay is impossible for the debtor fulfills by
(2) Mora accipiendi or the delay on the part of the
not doing what has been forbidden him.
creditor without justifiable reason to accept the
performance of the obligation; and ARTICLE 1169. (3RD PARAGRAPH) In reciprocal
obligations, neither party incurs in delay if the other
(3) Compensatio morae or both parties are in
does not comply in a proper manner with what is
delay/defaulted; the delay of the obligors in reciprocal
incumbent upon him. From the moment one of the
obligations (like in sale), i.e., the delay of the obligor
parties fulfils his obligation, delay by the other begins.
cancels the delay of the obligee, and vice versa.
Ex. If pareho na di makapagbayad ng 1M si Ganda kay
General Rule: DEMAND is NECESSARY. Demand is not a
pogi and di rin makakapagdeliver si Pogi ng car kay
mere reminder, it should be Demand to Pay.
ganda edi walang delay or defaulted sakanila.
Ex. Pogi obliged himself to deliver to Ganda a specific ART. 1170. THOSE WHO IN THE PERFORMANCE OF
car, if Pogi does not deliver the car on December 25, THEIR OBLIGATIONS ARE GUILTY OF FRAUD,
he’s only in Ordinary Delay, absence any demand from NEGLIGENCE, OR DELAY, AND THOSE WHO IN ANY
Ganda kung walang demand kahit dumating pa yung LIABLE FOR DAMAGES.
December 25 hindi pa in delay, ordinary delay lang siya
but in the eyes of law, hindi pa siya defaulted. Law Damages – are the sum of money given as a
Presumes that Ganda is giving pogi an extention of time compensation for the injury or harm suffered by the
within which to deliver the car. So sa makatuwid walang obligee or creditor for the violation of his right.
pag labag ng obligation at si pogi ay di pa mananagot for
Kinds of Damages
the damages.
M- Moral – danyos para sa mga moral sufferings
Now if a demand is made upon Pogi by Ganda on
(mental anguish, wounded feelings, social humiliations,
December 28 and Pogi fails to deliver the car, so pogi is
considered in default or in delay only from that date, So
after the demand and no compliance was made by Pogi E-Exemplary –corrective measure or to set an example
dun palang may delay or in default na si obligor.
N-Nominal – to vindicate a right (usually minimal Waiver of an action for future negligence is void IF IT
amount lang) SHOWS BAD FAITH but any waiver of an action for
T-Temperate - moderate or exact amount cannot future negligence may be renounced except in cases
determine; cannot ascertained where the obligation requires extraordinary diligence.
A-Actual - compensatory or actual losses & unrealized
Kinds of Negligence
L-Liquidated - predetermined beforehand by an  Culpa contractual - breach of contract
agreement na in case of breach magbabayad ng  Culpa aquiliana - quasi-delict/tort, ex. Injured
damages and the amount agreed by the parties. Nasa through reckless driving
contract mismo kung magkano ang babayarang  Culpa criminal - delicts, ex. Death through
damages. reckless imprudence

FRAUD OR DOLO - the deliberate or intentional evasion WITH THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE PERSON, OF THE
of the normal fulfillment of an obligation. TIME AND OF THE PLACE.

EX. Pogi promised to deliver to Ganda 100 sacks of rice ARTICLE 1173. (2ND PARAGRAPH) IF THE LAW OR
of a specific variety yung Maganda at mamahaling CONTRACT DOES NOT STATE THE DILIGENCE WHICH IS
variety, upon delivery Pogi delivered the rice with that TO BE OBSERVED IN THE PERFORMANCE, THAT WHICH
variety kaso he mixed it with an inferior variety. Dito IS EXPECTED OF A GOOD FATHER OF A FAMILY SHALL
ang Right ni Ganda is to claim for damages under Article BE REQUIRED.
1170 kasi yung fraud dito is the performance of his
Meaning of fault or negligence.
(1) Fault or negligence is defined by the above
Not the same in case of responsibility arising from provision. (par. 1.)
negligence this is because fraud is deemed serious and (2) According to our Supreme Court, “negligence is
evil, na ang pag gawa ng fraud just to avoid the conduct that creates undue risk or harm to another. It is
obligation ay talagang dinidiscourage so any waiver of the failure to observe for the protection of the interests
an action for future fraud is void. Void meaning it has of another person, that degree of care, precaution and
no effect as if walang waiver and note “future” so fraud vigilance which the circumstances justly demand,
may be past or future. whereby such other person suffers injury.”

(a) As a ground for damages, it implies some kind of

Factors to be considered.
malice or dishonesty and it cannot cover cases of
Negligence is a question of fact, its existence
mistake and errors of judgment made in good faith. It is
being dependent upon the particular circumstances of
synonymous to bad faith in that it involves a design to
each case. It is never presumed but must be proven by
mislead or deceive another.
the party who alleges it. In determining the issue of
ARTICLE 1171. negligence where loss or damage occurs, the following
factors must be considered:
Waiver of an action for future fraud is void but any (1) Nature of the obligation. — e.g., smoking
waiver of an action for past fraud is valid. while carrying materials known to be inflammable
a. Dolo incidenti (Incidental Fraud) - fraud committed in constitutes negligence;
the performance of an obligation already existing (2) Circumstances of the person. — e.g., a guard,
because of contract. (MALICE) a man in the prime of life, robust and healthy, sleeping
while on duty is guilty of negligence;
b. Dolo causante (casual fraud)- fraud employed in the (3) Circumstances of time. — e.g., driving a car
execution of a contract or at the start of the life of the without headlights at night is gross negligence but it
contract. (DECEIT) does not by itself constitute negligence when driving
This provision refers to incidental fraud which is during the day; and
employed in the fulfillment of an obligation. (4) Circumstances of the place. — e.g., driving at
60 kilometers per hour on the highway is permissible
ART. 1172. RESPONSIBILITY ARISING FROM but driving at the same rate of speed in Quezon
NEGLIGENCE IN THE PERFORMANCE OF EVERY KIND OF Boulevard, Manila, when traffic is always heavy is gross
LIABILITY MAY BE REGULATED BY THE COURTS, When the source of an obligation is derived
ACCORDING TO THE CIRCUMSTANCES. from a contract, the mere breach or non-fulfillment of
the prestation gives rise to the presumption of fault on
the part of the obligor
When negligence shows bad faith, the provisions of (2) The event could not be foreseen (unforeseeable), or
articles 1171 and 2201, paragraph 2, shall apply. if it could be foreseen, must have been impossible to
avoid (unavoidable);
(3) The event must be of such a character as to render it
impossible for the obligor to comply with his obligation
in a normal manner; and
(4) The obligor must be free from any participation in,
or the aggravation of the injury to the obligee.
extraordinary event which cannot be foreseen, or
Interest in exceeds of the amount allowed by law
which, though foreseen, is inevitable. In other words, it
is an event which is either impossible to foresee or This article simply says that they are governed by
impossible to avoid. special laws.

Fortuitous event distinguished from force majeure: This is a dead letter law because of the lifting of the
 Act of God (also called force majeure)– events ceiling of the interest rate. As of now as long as nag
which are totally independent of the will of agree yung both parties for that interest, wala ng
every human being (ex. typhoon, flood, maximum rate. The usury law has been decriminalized.
earthquakes, tsunami, etc.) Conclusive presumption – one which cannot be
 Act of Man – event independent of the will of contradicted.
the obligor but not of other human wills (ex.
war, fire, robbery, etc.) Disputable presumption – one which can be
General Rule: Obligations of the obligor are
extinguished without any liability Usury - interest in excess of the amount allowed by the
law -A stipulation for payment of usurious interest is
Exemptions: VOID. But, by virtue of Central Bank Circular No. 905
When expressly declared by law; issued by the Monetary Board under the authority by
a. Fraud, negligence, or delay, or contravention of Usury Law, the rate of interest and other charges shall
the tenor of the obligation. not be subject to any ceiling prescribed under the Usury
b. Debtor has promised to deliver the same Law. Parties are now free to stipulate any amount of
(specific) thing to two or more persons who do interest.
not have the same interest.
c. The debt of a thing certain and determinate ARTICLE 1176 (1ST PARAGRAPH). THE RECEIPT OF THE
proceeds from a criminal offense PRINCIPAL (THE MAIN AMOUNT IN A LOAN/DEBT) BY
d. The thing to be delivered is generic THE CREDITOR, WITHOUT RESERVATION WITH
When expressly declared by stipulation or contract PRESUMPTION THAT SAID INTEREST HAS BEEN PAID.
Freedom of contract (Interest bearing Debt)
Nature of the obligation requires the assumption of Ex. Pogi borrowed from Ganda Php 10,000 at 12%
risk interest per annum. On the date of maturity nagbayad
 Doctrine of assumption of risk si Pogi kay Ganda, at si Ganda ay nag issue ng resibo
 “No wrong is done to one who consents” with the following tenor:
 Ex. Insurance Contracts
“Received from Pogi Php 10,000 in payment of his
Kinds of Fortuitous event obligation. (Sgd. Ganda)”
 Ordinary Fortuitous Event - those events which
are common and which the contracting parties Is the interest paid? Yes kasi di siya naglagay ng
could reasonably foresee (e.g., rain); reservation.
So pag di pa talaga bayad yung interest dapat
 Extraordinary Fortuitous Event - events which
ganito “Received from Pogi Php 10,000 in payment of
are uncommon and which the contracting
his obligation. Interest unpaid.”
parties could not have reasonably foreseen
(e.g., earthquake, fire, war, unusual flood).
Requisites of a fortuitous event.
They are the following:
(1) The event must be independent of the human will or
at least of the debtor’s will;
(Debt Payable in Installments) Pure Obligation- one whose effectivity or
extinguishment does not depend upon the fulfillment
Dapat maglagay ng reservation lagi if unpaid yung ibang
or non-fulfillment of a condition or upon the expiration
installment kasi if walang reservation iprepresumed ng
of a term or period.
law na bayad na lahat.

ARTICLE 1177. THE CREDITORS, AFTER HAVING Elements of a Pure Obligation:

THE RIGHTS AND BRING ALL THE ACTIONS OF THE  Characterized by the quality of immediate
LATTER FOR THE SAME PURPOSE, SAVE THOSE WHICH demandability, but there must be a reasonable
DONE TO DEFRAUD THEM.  Pogi promise to deliver his specific to Ganda
 Ganda promise to give pogi 10,000 on demand.
“Remedies Available to Creditors For The Satisfaction
Of Their Claims.” Conditional Obligation
➔ Demand fulfillment of obligation with right to  one whose consequences are subject in one
damages- Exact Fulfillment way or another to the fulfillment of a condition.
 Effectivity is subject to the fulfillment of a
➔ Exhaustion of the debtor’s properties still in his condition.
possession. - Pursue the leviable property of the debtor Example:
Pogi promises to give a car to Ganda if she passes the
➔ ACCION SUBROGATORIA - All rights to collect from
board exam.
the debtor except those inherent or personal. The
debtor of my debtor is my debtor.
Condition - a future and uncertain event, upon the
➔ ACCION PAULIANA - Ask the court to cancel the happening of which, the effectivity or extinguishment of
contracts (may be done only if the creditor uses the first an obligation (or rights) subject to it depends.
three remedies and still recovers nothing). Condition is a future and uncertain event where the
happening of which has an effect on juridical
TO THE CONTRARY. So may few requisites, futurity and uncertainty,
The exceptions to this rule are the following: diba kung saan nakadepende yung birth or yung death
ng obligation. Take note that a condition may also refer
1. Prohibited by Law - When prohibited by law, to a past event unknown to the parties. In future event
like the rights in partnership, agency, and dapat UNCERTAIN yung happening niya (walang
commodatum which are purely personal in katiyakan kung mangyayari or hindi). Kapag past event
character. naman ang importante UNKNOWN TO THE PARTIES
2. Prohibited by stipulation of parties. — When Bakit nga ba pag future yung condition dapat
prohibited by stipulation of the parties, like the uncertain? Kasi kapag certain yan, future and certain
stipulation that upon the death of the creditor, (siguradong mangyayari hindi na yan conditional
the obligation shall be extinguished or that the obligation magiging obligation with a term or period na
creditor cannot assign his credit to another. The siya.
stipulation against transmission must not be
contrary to public policy. Characteristics:
• Future and Uncertain – future and uncertain
must go together
Sec. 1. - Pure and Conditional Obligations
• Past but unknown – past event unknown to the
Past event unknown to the parties
What is really contemplated by the law is the
knowledge to be acquired in the future of a past event
which at the moment is unknown to the parties
interested, for it is only in that sense that the event can
be deemed uncertain. This knowledge determines
whether the obligation will arise or not.
Example: Explanation: Happening ng condition or fulfillment ng
Sean is the owner of a parcel of land which is condition extinguishes the obligation (gaya ng sabi ko
being claimed by X. Last week, the Supreme Court has kanina which is yung death ng obligation kapag nafulfill
rendered a final decision upholding the right of Sean. na yung ondition) So parang kabaliktaran lang ng
However, Sean has not yet received the notice that he suspensive condition.
had won the case. Now, Sean obliged himself to sell the
land to B for a definite price, should he win the case The obligation takes effect at once, kaagad may
against X. condition na but it will terminate (mawawala siya upon
Under the facts, Sean would be bound to sell the happening/fulfillment of the event or condition)
the land to B upon receipt of the notice that he had won
the case against X. Summary: So again, if the suspensive condition is
fulfilled the obligation arises (magkakaroon ng
Explanation: Now there are actually two principal kinds obligation) while if it is the resolutory condition that is
of Condition pabalik balik tayo dito mamaya so dapat i- fulfilled ang obligation ay mawawala it will extinguish
master na since almost all articles is involved ito. the obligation already existing.
Suspensive or Resolutory.
When is an obligation demandable at once?
Two Principal Kinds of Condition Obligations that are immediately demandable:
Suspensive condition 1. Pure obligations (Art 1179)
• (Condition precedent/antecedent) 2. Obligations with resolutory condition (Art.
• Fulfillment of the condition will give rise to an 1179, par.2)
obligation. 3. Obligations with resolutory period (Art. 1193,
• Demandability of the obligation is suspended par.2)
until the happening of a future and uncertain 4. Obligations with a condition not to do an
event which constitutes the condition impossible thing (Art. 1183, par.2)
• The birth, perfection or effectivity of the
contract subject to a condition can take place Distinctions between suspensive and resolutory
only if and when the condition happens or is conditions.
(1) If the suspensive condition is fulfilled, the obligation
• If the suspensive condition does not take place,
arises, while if it is the resolutory condition that is
the parties would stand as if the conditional
obligation had never existed. fulfilled, the obligation is extinguished;
• There can be no rescission of an obligation that
is still non-existent, the suspensive condition (2) Until the first takes place, the existence of the
not having been fulfilled obligation is a mere hope, while in the second, its
effects flow, but over it, hovers the possibility of
Explanation: termination.
Kapag suspensive ito yung parang sinususpend ang
effectivity ng obligation hanggang sa mangyari or ARTICLE 1180. WHEN THE DEBTOR BINDS HIMSELF TO
maganap yung condition dun na rin yung pagkakaroon PAY WHEN HIS MEANS PERMIT HIM TO DO SO, THE
ng bisa or effectivity ng obligation. No fulfillment, No OBLIGATION SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE ONE WITH A
Obligation. (i.e. I will give you 10,000 pesos if you will PERIOD, SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE
pass the subject) this is suspensive because it suspends 1197.
the demandability of the obligation, hanggat hindi mo
pa naipapasa ang subject na to, wala rin akong Period – is a future and certain event upon the arrival
obligation na magbayad sayo ng 10,000 pesos, hindi mo of which the obligation subject to it either arises or
parin pwedeng idemand na magbayad ako sayo ng extinguished.
10,000 pesos. So ang main point dito is kapag nafulfill Explanation:
na yung condition which is i.e. yung “if you will pass the Ang sinasabi ng article 1180 pag daw sinabi ni
subject” saka lang mag gi-give rise yung obligation (para debtor magbabayad siya when his means permit him to
siyang birth of the obligation kapag nafulfill yung do so yan daw ay with a period.
condition). The obligation is not conditional but with a
period kasi yun na yung sinasabi ng batas pero actually
Resolutory Condition it’s because the payment does not depend upon the will
• (Condition subsequent) of the debtor it’s only the time, yung oras lang kung
• Fulfillment of the condition will extinguish an kailan ba ifufulfill yung obligation. It’s not whether or
obligation already existing not dapat ba siyang mag deliver, dapat ba siyan
magbayad or dapat ba siyang mag fulfill ng obligation
niya, hindi ganon kasi kapag ganon it’s considered as
conditional obligation na. Pero dito dapat talaga, he’s
bind to deliver his obligation pero kung kailan yan ang Effect of happening of condition:
hindi natin alam. This article reiterates the distinction between a
suspensive (or antecedent) condition and a resolutory
Explanation ni sir: Kung may debtor daw na nagsabi na (or subsequent) condition.
magbabayad siya when his means permits him to do so,
it shall be deemed as one with a period. Bakit? Bakit 1. Acquisition of rights
hindi siya conditional? Kasi ganito yan, what the law  In obligations subject to a suspensive condition,
says is that this debtor will have his means kasi paano the acquisition of rights by the creditor
siya kakaain kung di siya magkakaroon ng means so depends upon the happening of the event which
darating ang time na magkakaroon siya ng means to constitutes the condition. (so magkakaroon lang
pay. The fact remains that the payment is not ng acquisition of rights si creditor once na
dependent on debtor’s will. He indeed promise nafulfill na ang condition)
payment, and what really depends on him is not the  What characterizes this kind of obligation is the
payment but the time, when the payment is to be fact of its efficacy or obligatory force (as
made. Darating at darating yan, certain siya na distinguished from its demandability) is
magkakaroon ng means to do so. It’s not a question of subordinated to the happening of a future and
if, it’s a question of when. So for example nagkautang uncertain event;
kayo tapos sinabi niyo “babayaran kita kapag nagkapera  so that if the suspensive condition does not take
na ako” then it’s deemed with a term or period and not place, the parties would stand as if the
condition. conditional obligation had never existed or
before the suspensive condition has taken
Where duration of period depends upon the will of place, what is acquired by the creditor is a mere
debtor. hope or expectancy of acquiring right.
 Bibigay ko sayo yung kotse ko kapag pumasa ka
1. The debtor promises to pay when his means permit sa oblicon sub.
him to do so 2. Loss of rights already acquired
 In this case, what depends upon the debtor’s  In obligations subject to a resolutory condition,
will is not whether he should pay or not for the happening of the event which constitutes
indeed he binds himself to pay. the condition produces extinguishment or loss
 What is left only to his will is the duration of the of rights already acquired.
period.  The creditor will enjoy the things he currently
 If the debtor and the creditor cannot agree as have, and loss his rights kapag nafulfill na ang
to the specific time for payment, the court shall condition.
fix the same on the application of either party.  Bibigay ko sayo tong kotse ko ngayon pero pag
 What really depends on him is not the pumasa ka sa oblicon ibabalik mo yung car
obligation but the time.
 It’s a question of when. Effect of non-compliance with resolutory condition.
 Where a contract is subject to a resolutory
2. Other cases – As when the debtor binds himself to condition, non-compliance with or non-
pay: fulfillment of the condition resolves the
 Little by little contract by force of law without need of
 As soon as possible judicial intervention.
 From time to time
 As soon as I have the money ARTICLE 1182: WHEN THE FULFILLMENT OF THE
 When I am in a position to pay VOID.
ACQUIRED, SHALL DEPEND UPON THE HAPPENING OF Explanation: So in this article we will understand
THE EVENT WHICH CONSTITUTES THE CONDITION. Potestative, Casual and Mixed Obligations.

Explanation: This article reiterates ang pagkakaiba sa Classifications of Conditions:

pagitan ng suspensive condition at ng isang resolutory 1. As to effect
 Suspensive – when the fulfillment of the
condition results in the acquisition of rights
arising out of the obligations.
 Resolutory – when the fulfillment of the 7. As to divisibility
condition results in the extinguishment of rights  Divisible – when the condition is susceptible of
arising out of the obligation. partial realization. Capable of partial
2. As to Form performance.
 Express – when the condition is stated  Indivisible – when the condition is not
expressly. I will give you 50 sacks of rice if you susceptible of partial realization.
pass the oblicon sub (very explicit)
 Implied – when the condition is tacit. I will give Meaning of Potestative Condition
you 50 cavans of rice if you pass my subject (di A Potestative condition is a condition suspensive in
mo alam anong sub) nature and which depends upon the sole will of one of
3. As to possibility the contracting parties. Performance depends
 Possible – when the condition is capable of exclusively on the will of one of he parties either debtor
realization according to nature, law, public or creditor.
policy or good customs. (it is capable of
fulfillment in nature and in law, most of the
classifications are positive condition) Where suspensive condition depends upon the will of
 Impossible – when the condition is not capable debtor.
of realization according to nature, law, public (1) Conditional obligation void.
policy or good customs.  Where the Potestative condition depends solely
o Explanation: (it is not capable, due to upon the will of the debtor, the conditional
its nature or due to the operation of law obligation shall be void because its validity and
or morals or public policy (i.e. due to compliance is left to the will of the debtor and it
nature: I will give you this if you give me
cannot, therefore, be legally demanded.
the moon, it’s physically impossible)
another is the operation of law: I will
 I will give you 10,000 pesos if I like (pag
give you 1M if you kill your bestfriend,
it’s impossible by law because there’s a ganiyan daw void kasi naman masyadong
law prohibiting killing a person. halata, the obligation is illusory, para lang
4. As to cause or origin kayong naglolokohan)
 Potestative – when the fulfillment of the  I will pay you after I receive a loan from a bank
condition depends upon the will of a party to  I will pay you after I recover what D owes me
the obligation. (either debtor or creditor)
 Casual – when the fulfillment of the condition (2) Only the condition void
depends upon chance and/or upon the will of a  If the obligation is a pre-existing one, and,
third person. therefore, does not depend for its existence
 Mixed – when the fulfillment of the condition upon the fulfillment by the debtor of the
depends partly upon the will of a party to the potestative condition, only the condition is void
obligation and party upon chance and/or will of leaving unaffected the obligation itself. Here,
a third person the condition is imposed not on the birth of the
5. As to mode
obligation but on its fulfillment.
 Positive – when the condition involves the
 Example: D borrowed P10,000 from C payable
performance of an act. Act na kailangan mo
within 2 months. Subsequently, D promised to
 Negative – when the condition involves the pay V “after D sells his car” to which C agreed. In
omission of an act. Act na kailangan mo i-omit this case, only the condition is void but not the
6. As to number pre-existing obligation of D to pay C.
 Conjunctive – when there are several
conditions, all of which must be realized. Where suspensive condition depends upon the will of
o Explanation: Dapat lahat ng condition creditor.
maperform to give rise to the  If the condition depends exclusively upon the
obligation. For example “If you pass all will of the creditor, the obligation is valid.
of your subjects in your second year  Example: I will give you 10,000 pesos if you like
first sem, then I will give you a car” So (valid siya kapag Potestative obligation on the
wala kang ibang choice need mo ipasa part of the creditor)
lahat  The obligation does not become illusory.
 Alternative – when there are several Normally, the creditor is interested in the
conditions, but only one must be realized. fulfillment of the obligation because it is for his
o Explanation: Pero kapag alternative,
benefit. It is up to him whether to enforce his
pwedeng ano lang “If you pass my
right or not.
subject in your first sem, then I will give
you a card.” So iisa lang ang
cinoconsider mo.
Where resolutory condition depends upon the will of partly upon the will of a third person, or upon
the debtor. chance are perfectly valid.
 If the condition is resolutory in nature, like the  For example, “I will give you 1M if you marry
right to repurchase in a sale with pacto de retro, Sarrah” So it will not entirely dependent upon
the obligation is valid although its fulfillment the will of the debtor, mixed siya, Yung will ni
depends upon the sole will of the debtor. (So debtor and yung will ng third person which is si
Potestative + Resolutory ito, valid yung Sarrah.
obligation and only the condition lang ang void,
since the obligation has been rendered Summary
naeenjoy n ani creditor yung fruits of labor ni  Potestative on debtor + Suspensive = VOID
debtor)  Potestative on debtor + Resolutory = Valid (no
 The fulfillment of the condition merely causes harm done since the work has been rendered,
the extinguishment or loss of rights already the creditor enjoyed the fruits of his labor)
acquired. (there is no damage done)
 The debtor is naturally interested in its  Potestative on part of creditor = Valid
fulfillment.  Casual = Valid
 The position of the debtor when the condition is  Mixed = Valid
resolutory is exactly the same as that of the
creditor when the condition is suspensive.
 A condition which is both potestative (or ARTICLE 1183: Impossible conditions, those contrary to
facultative) and resolutory may be valid, even good customs or public policy and those prohibited by
though the condition is left to the will of the law shall annul the obligation which depends upon
obligor. them. If the obligation is divisible, that part thereof
which is not affected by the impossible or unlawful
Casual Condition condition shall be valid.
 (1) If the suspensive condition depends upon
chance or upon the will of a third person, the The condition not to do an impossible thing shall be
obligation subject to it is valid. considered as not having been agreed upon.
 Example: I will give you 10,000 pesos if I won in
the lottery tomorrow. Explanation: Obviously this condition talks about
 (2) When the fulfillment of the condition does impossible and illegal conditions, so the three kinds of
not depend on the will of the obligor, but that Impossible Conditions according to this condition are:
on a third person who can in no way be
compelled to carry it out, and it is found by the Three kinds of impossible Conditions
court that the obligor has done all in his power
 Physically impossible condition
to comply with his obligation, his part of the
o By nature of things, cannot exist or
contract is deemed complied with and he has a
cannot be done
right to demand performance of the contract by
o Ex. Obligation to make the dead man
the other party.
 Illogical condition
Mixed Condition
o You draw a circle at the same time a
 The obligation is valid if the suspensive
condition depends partly upon chance and
 Legally Impossible Conditions
partly upon the will of a third person
o When they are contrary to law, morals,
 Example: Where X, building contractor, obliges
good customs, public order, or public
himself in favor of Y, owner to repair at X’s
expense, any damage to the building taking
o Ex. Condition to kill someone, both the
place after an earthquake if found by a panel of
arbitrators that construction defects obligation and condition are void
contributed in any way to the damage. Both
conditions must take place in order that X’s Effect of Impossible Conditions
obligation will arise. 1. Conditional obligation void
 Impossible conditions annul the obligation
Where suspensive condition depends partly upon the which depends upon them. Both the obligation
will of debtor. and the condition are void.
 According to Manresa, the use of the word  The reason behind the law is that the obligor
“exclusive” (now “sole”) makes it clear that knows his obligation cannot be fulfilled. He has
conditional obligations whose fulfillment no intention to comply with his obligation.
depends partly upon the will of the debtor and
 In conditional testamentary dispositions and in become indubitable that the condition will not
simple and remuneratory donations, the rule is take place. In this case, the obligation of X is
different. deemed extinguished from the death of Y,
although the time specified (before reaching
2. Conditional Obligation Valid the age of 23) has not yet expired.
If the condition is negative, that is, not to do an
impossible thing, it is to disregard the condition but the Article 1185: The condition that some event will not
obligation is rendered pure and valid. happen at a determinate time shall render the
obligation effective from the moment the time
The condition not to do an impossible thing shall be indicated has elapsed, or if it has become evident that
considered as not having been agreed upon. the event cannot occur.
 Both obligation and condition are valid
 Ex. I will give you 1Million if you cannot make a If no time has been fixed, the condition shall be
dead man alive (okay na yun since di mo naman deemed fulfilled at such time as may have probably
na talaga kayang buhayin yung patay na) been contemplated, bearing in mind the nature of the
3. Only the affected obligation void.
Note: If the obligation is divisible, that part thereof Negative Conditions
which is not affected by the impossible or unlawful The above provision speaks of a negative condition that
condition shall be VALID. an event will not happen at a determinate time. The
 Ex. I will give you 10,000 if you sell my land and I obligation shall become effective and binding:
will give you a car, if you kill Pedro.  From the moment the time indicated has
 The obligation to give 10,000 is valid but the elapsed without the event taking place; or
obligation to give a car is VOID because it is  From the moment it has become evident that
dependent upon an illegal condition. the event cannot occur, although the time
indicated has not yet elapsed.
4. Only the Condition void If no time is fixed, the circumstances shall be considered
If the obligation is a pre-existing obligation, and, to determine the intention of the parties. This rule may
therefore, does not depend upon the fulfillment of the also be applied to a positive condition.
condition which is impossible, for its existence, only the
condition is void. Example:
X binds himself to give Y P10,000.00 if Y is not yet
Article 1184: The condition that some event happen at married to W on December 30.
a determinate time shall extinguish the obligation as a) X is not liable to Y if Y marries W on December
soon as the time expires or if it has become 30 or prior thereto.
indubitable that the event will not take place b) X is liable to Y if on December 30 Y is not
married to W or if Y marries W after December
Positive Condition 30. In the latter case, the condition (not
The above article refers to a positive (suspensive) marrying W) is fulfilled upon the expiration of
condition – the happening of an event at a determinate the time indicated, which is December 30.
time. The obligation is extinguished: c) Suppose W dies on November 20 without
 As soon as the time expires without the event having been married to Y. The obligation is
taking place, or rendered effective because it is certain that the
 As soon as it has become indubitable that the condition not to marry W will be fulfilled. In this
event will not take place although the time case, the obligation Becomes effective from the
specified has not yet expired moment of W’s death on November 20
Example: although the time indicated (December 30) has
X obliges himself to give Y P10,000.00 if Y will marry W not yet elapsed.
before Y reaches the age of 23.
a) X is liable if Y marries W before he reaches the Priest are not prohibited to contract marriage
age of 23.
b) X is not liable if Y marries W at the age of 23 or ARTICLE 1186: The condition shall be deemed fulfilled
after he reaches the age of 23. In this case, the when the obligor voluntarily prevents its fulfillment.
time specified, before reaching the age of 23,
has expired without the condition (marrying W) (Constructive fulfillment/Presumed Fulfillment)
being fulfilled. The obligation is extinguished as (pag voluntarily pinigilan ng debtor yung fulfillment ng
soon as Y becomes 23years old. condition automatically fulfilled na ang condition)
c) If Y dies at the age of 22 without having married
W, the obligation is extinguished because it has Constructive fulfillment of suspensive condition.
There are 3 requisites for the application of this article:
1. The condition is suspensive should be inferred that the intention of the person
2. The obligor actually prevents the fulfillment of constituting the same was different.
the condition
3. He acts voluntarily In obligations to do and not to do, the courts shall
determine, in each case, the retroactive effect of the
The law does not require that the obligor acts with condition that has been complied with.
malice or fraud as long as his purpose is to prevent the
fulfillment of the condition. He should not be allowed to Explanation: To simplify this, ganito yan, question: Ano
profit from his own fault or bad faith to the prejudice ang epekto ng fulfillment ng suspensive condition? Alam
of the obligee. In a reciprocal obligation like a contract na alam niyo na dapat yan, The obligation becomes
of sale, both parties are mutually obligors and also effective or the obligation will arise.
Next question: From what day? Ang sabi ng article 1187
Example: it shall retroact to the day of the constitution of the
Pogi promised to give a car to Ganda if she passes the obligation to better understand this let’s have an
board exam. But Pogi poisoned Ganda para di siya example.
matuloy mag exam, therefore, it’s considered na nafulfill
na yung condition since Pogi voluntarily prevents the Example:
fulfillment of the condition kaya need niya parin ibigay On January 20, Sean agreed to sell his parcel of land to B
yung car. for P100,000.00 should Ben win a case involving the
recovery of another parcel of land. On April 10, Sean
If attempt lang to prevent di magaapply tong article na sold his land to Cherry. Ben won the case on December
to 4.

Before December 4, Ben had no right to demand the

When there’s impossibility to the fulfillment of the
sale of the land by Sean. When the condition, however,
condition, the effect of the prestation to give. Both
was fulfilled on December 4, it is as if Ben was entitled
obligation are considered VOID
to the land beginning January 20. Hence, as between
Ben and Cherry, Ben will have a better right over the
Constructive fulfillment of resolutory condition.
land. (It is required, however, under the Property
Article 1186 applies also to an obligation subject to a
Registration Decree [Pres. Decree No. 1529, Sec. 51.],
resolutory condition with respect to the debtor who is
that the promise of Sean be annotated on the back of
bound to return what he has received upon the
the certificate of title of the property to be binding
fulfillment of the condition
against third persons like Cherry.)
Example: If the land was sold by Ben to Den on May 15, Den
X obliges himself to allow Y to occupy the former’s house would still have a better right as against Cherry since
in Manila as long as X is assigned by their company in the sale by Ben will be considered valid.
the province. When Y learned that X would be
transferred to Manila, he was able to induce the (so if nafulfill na raw yung condition kunyare ang
president of the company to assign another person in obligation is to give a land and yung obligation na yan is
place of X. prinomise nung January 20 and then nafulfill lang yung
condition nung December 4, ang mangyayari, yung land
The obligation of X is extinguished because the na prinomise sayo nung January 20 sayo na yun from
fulfillment of the resolutory condition was voluntarily that day since sabi nga sa article 1187 it shall retroact
prevented by Y. Hence, Y must vacate the house. to the day of the constitution of the obligation.
Constitution meaning yung birth ng obligation. So bakit
ARTICLE 1187: The effects of a conditional obligation to ng aba ito important, so based sa ating example binenta
give, once the condition has been fulfilled, shall raw ni Sean yung land kay Cherry nung April 10, which is
retroact to the day of the constitution of the may right naman talaga si Sean na ibenta yung land
obligation. since asa kaniya pa yung land so siya pa yung may real
right over the land and hindi pa naman nafufulfill ni Ben
Nevertheless, when the obligation imposes reciprocal yung condition na Manalo sa case nung April 10, since
prestations upon the parties, the fruits and interests according nga sa facts nung example, nanalo lang si Ben
during the pendency of the condition shall be deemed sa case nung December 4,
to have been mutually compensated.
so ito ang question, from December 4 sino na ang mas
If the obligation is unilateral, the debtor shall may right kay Ben and kay Cherry? Si ben, dahil sakaniya
appropriate the fruits and interests received, unless nakapromise yung land nay un and if stated naman sa
from the nature and circumstances of the obligation it back ng certificate ng title ng lupa na yung land na yun is
nakapromise na kay Ben, then si Ben ang mas may right
pwede niyang kunin kay Cherry yung land, pero kapag Unilateral – usually no retroactive effect because they
hindi alam, or hindi informed si cherry na yung land pal are gratuitous. The debtor receives nothing from the
ana yun is nakapromise sa ibang tao, the cherry is a creditor.
purchaser in good faith meaning hindi pwedeng kunin
sakaniya ang lupa since hindi niya nga alam na may ARTICLE 1188:
usapan pala si Ben and si Sean na ganon. The creditor may, before the fulfillment of the
condition, bring the appropriate actions for the
preservation of his right.
Retroactive effects of fulfillment of suspensive The debtor may recover what during the same time he
condition has paid by mistake in case of a suspensive condition.
1. In obligation to give
 (PAR 1. Preservation of the right of the
 An obligation to give subject to a suspensive
Creditor) Rights of Creditor
condition becomes demandable upon the
o He may take or bring appropriate
fulfillment of the condition. However, once the
actions for the preservation of his right,
condition is fulfilled, its effects shall retroact to
as the debtor may render nugatory the
the day when the obligation was constituted.
obligation upon the happening of the
 The reason is because the condition is only an
condition. Thus, he may go to court to
accidental element of a contract.
prevent the alienation or concealment
 An obligation can exist without being subject to
of the property of the debtor or to have
a condition. Had the parties known beforehand
his right annotated in the registry of
that the condition would be fulfilled, they would
have bound themselves under a pure
o It provides for actions to preserve the
creditors right, malamang dapat talaga
 Hence, the obligation should be considered
otherwise baka pag dating ng panahon
from the time it is constituted and not from the
nafulfilled ang condition but he will not
time the condition is fulfilled
receive anything so kailangan niyang i-
 It would seem that the rule on retroactivity has
preserve, but take note the action is for
no application to real contracts as they are
the preservation of his right, now these
perfected only by delivery of the object of the
includes among others the right to go to
court to prevent alienation and
2. In obligations to do or not to do
concealment of the property of the
 With respect to the retractive effect of the
debtor or the right to have it annotated
fulfillment of a suspensive condition in
in the registry of property, depende
obligations to do or not to do, no fixed rule is
kung ano yung situation or yung
 This does not mean, however, that in these
 (Par 2. The right of the debtor to recover what
obligations the principle of retroactivity is not
was paid by mistake) Rights of Debtor
o To prevent unjust enrichment
 The courts are empowered by the use of sound
o He is entitled to recover what he has
discretion and bearing in mind the intent of the
paid by mistake prior to the happening
parties, to determine, in each case the
of the suspensive condition. This right is
retroactive effect of the suspensive condition
granted to the debtor because the
that has been complied with.
creditor may or may not be able to
 It includes the power to decide that the
fulfill the condition imposed and hence,
fulfillment of the condition shall have no
it is not certain that the obligation will
retroactive effect or from what date such
arise. This is a case of solutio indebiti
retroactive effect shall be reckoned.
which is based on the principle that no
one shall enrich himself at the expense
(Retroactive effect as to the Fruits and Interest)
of another
ARTICLE 1189: When the conditions have been
Reciprocal – mutually compensated (Hindi kailangan
imposed with the intention of suspending the efficacy
ibigay ni debtor ang fruits na nag accrue during the
of an obligation to give, the following rules shall be
dependency of the obligation same din kay creditor di
observed in case of the improvement, loss or
niya need ibigay interest ng pera niya na ibabayad niya
deterioration of the thing during the pendency of the

Reciprocal obligation- walang kailangan gawin or ibalik (1) If the thing is lost without the fault of the debtor,
exception lang pag nag agree both parties the obligation shall be extinguished;
(2) If the thing is lost through the fault of the debtor, The obligation is extinguished and X is not liable to Y
he shall be obliged to pay damages; it is understood even if Y sells the property. A person, as a general rule,
that the thing is lost when it perishes, or goes out of is not liable for a fortuitous event.
commerce, or disappears in such a way that its (1) If the thing is lost without the fault of the debtor,
existence is unknown or it cannot be recovered; the obligation shall be extinguished

(3) When the thing deteriorates without the fault of Supposed I will give 10,000 to Anna and it was lost
the debtor, the impairment is to be borne by the without my fault because it was robbed, despite having
creditor; security guards and putting it in a safe. Is my obligation
to give 10,000 to Anna extinguished? No, because
(4) If it deteriorates through the fault of the debtor,
money is generic, and a generic thing never perishes so I
the creditor may choose between the rescission of the
am still obliged to give 10,000 to Anna. (Generic thing is
obligation and its fulfillment, with indemnity for
a class or species that is unsegregated, undivided and
damages in either case;
without any particularity. Generic thing never perishes,
(5) If the thing is improved by its nature, or by time, therefore it can never be extinguished)
the improvement shall inure to the benefit of the
The debtor is not in the fault if the debtor performs the
necessary diligence required with that kind of
(6) If it is improved at the expense of the debtor, he obligation, or ordinary diligence (diligence of a good
shall have no other right than that granted to the father of a family) So if the debtor failed to exercise that
usufructuary. ordinary diligence then it he will be at fault

Deals with scenarios in which a thing is either loss, (2) Loss of thing through debtor’s fault.
deteriorated or improved. Example:
In the same example, if the loss occurred because of the
Article 1189 applies only if: negligence of X, Y will be entitled to demand damages,
 The obligation is a real obligation i.e., P100,000 plus incidental damages, if any.
 The object is a specific or determinate thing (2) If the thing is lost through the fault of the debtor,
 The obligation is subject to a suspensive
he shall be obliged to pay damages; it is understood
that the thing is lost when it perishes, or goes out of
 The condition is fulfilled
commerce, or disappears in such a way that its
 There is loss, deterioration, or improvement of
existence is unknown or it cannot be recovered;
the thing during the pendency of the condition.
So if the debtor failed to exercise that ordinary diligence
Kind of loss: then it he will be at fault:
(1) Physical loss – when a thing perishes as when a
house is burned and reduced to ashes. So what will happen if the debtor is at fault when the
(2) Legal loss – when a thing goes out of commerce thing was lost?
(e.g. when it is expropriated) or when a thing - He shall be obliged to pay damages.
heretofore legal becomes illegal (e.g. during the Can the creditor compel the debtor for specific
Japanese occupation, American dollars had performance for the thing that was lost, with respect to
become impossible since their use was Art. 1189? No, because 1189 refers to specific things
forbidden by the belligerent occupant) and the characteristics of a specific thing is that it
(3) Civil Loss – when a thing disappears in such a
cannot be substituted. So, if the thing was lost, you as
way that its existence is unknown (e.g. a
the creditor cannot compel for specific performance for
particular dog has been missing for sometime),
the delivery of the thing since nawala na nga eh. Always
or even if known, it cannot be recovered,
remember that when the specific thing was lost the only
whether as a matter of fact (e.g. a particular
remedy left to the creditor is to ask for the payment of
ring is dropped from a ship at sea) or of law
(e.g. a property is lost through prescription).
(3) Deterioration of thing without the debtor’s fault –
Rules in case of loss, deterioration, or improvement of A thing deteriorates when its value is reduced or
thing during pendency of suspensive condition. impaired with or without the fault of the debtor.

(1) Loss of thing without the debtor’s fault Example:

Example: If the car figured in an accident, as a result of which its
X obliged himself to give Y his car worth P100,000 if Y windshield was broken an some of its paints were
will sell X’s property. The car was lost without the fault scratched away without the fault of X, thereby reducing
of X. its value to P90,000, Y will have to suffer the
deterioration or impairment in the amount of P10,000
(3) When the thing deteriorates without the fault of usufructuary (pinapagamit mo sa iba yung gamit mo or
the debtor, the impairment is to be borne by the enjoyment of using other people’s property)
Article 1190: When the conditions have for their
Deterioration is also known as partial loss for example purpose the extinguishment of an obligation to give,
yung car, nasira, kinalawang, nabasag yung windshield, the parties, upon the fulfillment of said conditions,
natanggalan ng side mirror or nawalan ng gulong. shall return to each other what they received.

Pag walang fault si debtor tapos partial loss In case of loss, deterioration or improvement of the
(deterioration) si creditor ang magsusuffer. thing, the provisions which, with respect to the debtor,
are laid down in the preceding article shall be applied
(4) Deterioration of thing through debtor’s fault
to the party who is bound to return.
In this case, B may choose between: As for obligations to do and not to do, the provisions
a) Rescission (or cancellation) of the obligation of the second paragraph of article 1187 shall be
with damages [in this case, X is liable to pay Y observed as regards the effect of the extinguishment
P100,000, the value of the car before its of the obligation.
deterioration plus incidental damages]
b) Fulfillment of the obligation with damages [In Effects of fulfillment of Resolutory condition.
this case, X is bound to Y to give the car and pay (1) In obligations to give – When the resolutory
P10,000 plus incidental damages condition in an obligation to give is fulfilled, the
(4) If it deteriorates through the fault of the debtor, obligation is extinguished and the parties are
the creditor may choose between the rescission of the obliged to return to each other what they have
obligation and its fulfillment, with indemnity for received under the obligation.
a. There is a return to the status quo. In
damages in either case
other words, the effect of the
(5) Improvement of thing by nature or by time – a fulfillment of the condition is
thing is improved when its value is increased or retroactive.
enhanced by nature or by time or at the expense of the b. In case the thing to be returned is
debtor or creditor. legally in the possession of a third
person who did not act in bad faith, the
Example: remedy of the party entitled to
Suppose the market value of the car increased, who restitution is against the other.
gets the benefit? c. The obligation of mutual restitution is
absolute. It applies not only to the thing
The improvement shall inure to the benefit of Y. In as received but also to the fruits and
much as Y would suffer in case of deterioration of the interests.
car through a fortuitous event, it is but fair that he d. In obligations to give subject to a
should be compensated in case of improvement of the suspensive condition, the retroactivity
car instead. admits exceptions according as the
(5) If the thing is improved by its nature, or by time, obligation is bilateral or unilateral.
the improvement shall inure to the benefit of the
The reason for the difference is quite plain. The
happening of the suspensive condition gives birth to the
(6) Improvement of thing at expense of debtor. obligation. On the other hand, the fulfillment of the
resolutory condition produces the extinguishment of
the obligation as though it has never existed. The only
During the pendency of the condition, X had the car
possible exception is when the intention of the parties is
painted and its seat cover changed at his expense.
In this case, X will have the right granted to a
usufructuary with respect to improvements made on EXAMPLE:
the thing held in usufruct.
D obliges himself to allow C to use the former’s car until
D returns from the province. Upon the return of D from
Usufruct – is the right to enjoy the use of fruits of a
the province, C must give back the car.
thing belonging to another
(6) If it is improved at the expense of the debtor, he The effect of the happening of the condition is to annul
shall have no other right than that granted to the the obligation as if it had never been constituted at all.
usufructuary. In this case, the parties intend the return of the car.
If the debtor installed several rare parts, in short debtor
(2) In obligations to do or not to do. — In some
ang nag improve. What would happen? Walang
obligations, the courts shall determine the
Karapatan yung debtor over the improvements, hindi
retroactive effect of the fulfillment of the
niya pwedeng tanggalin, he’s only granted the
resolutory condition (par. 2.) as in the case of damages in either case. He may also seek rescission,
where the condition is suspensive. (Art. 1187, even after he has chosen fulfillment, if the latter
par. 2.) The courts in the exercise of discretion should become impossible.
may even disallow retroactivity taking into
account the circumstances of each case. The court shall decree the rescission claimed, unless
there be just cause authorizing the fixing of a period.
Applicability of Article 1189 to party with obligation to
return. This is understood to be without prejudice to the rights
of third persons who have acquired the thing, in
In the example above, D is the debtor and C, the accordance with Articles 1385 and 1388 and the
creditor, pending fulfillment of the resolutory condition Mortgage Law.
— the return of D from the province. Upon the
happening of the condition. D becomes the creditor Power to rescind the obligation
with a right to demand the return of the car and C, the Kinds of obligation according to the person obliged.
debtor, with the obligation to return the car.
They are:
Stated in another way, the happening of a resolutory
condition has the same effect on the creditor as the (1) Unilateral. — when only one party is obliged to
suspensive condition has, on the debtor — an obligation comply with a prestation.
arises. The fulfillment of the resolutory condition EXAMPLES: Donation; In a contract of loan, the lender
converts the creditor into debtor, and the debtor into has the obligation to give. After the lender has complied
creditor. Hence, the applicability of the provisions of with his obligation, the debtor has the obligation to pay.
Article 1189 in case of loss, deterioration, or
improvement of the thing; and pending the fulfillment (2) Bilateral. — when both parties are mutually bound
of the condition, the parties are entitled to the rights to each other. In other words, both parties are debtors
granted by Article 1188. and creditors of each other. Bilateral obligations may be
reciprocal or non-reciprocal.
I’ll give you my car, and you’ll give me wifi if you
graduate. In resolutory kapag nafulfill na yung condition (a) Reciprocal obligations are those which arise from
mag rereturn na ng mga gamit. the same cause and in which each party is a debtor and
creditor of the other, such that the performance of one
I’ll give you my car if you give me your phone if you pass is designed to be the equivalent and the condition for
the oblicon exam. Supposed that you passed the oblicon the performance of the other. The general rule is that
sub what would happen? Nothing, because it’s a they are to be performed simultaneously or at the same
suspensive condition and not a resolutory condition, it’s time such that each party may treat the fulfillment of
not subject to Article 1190. what is incumbent upon the other as a suspensive
PAR 2. (preceding article) condition to his obligation (see Art. 1169, last par.), and
its non-fulfillment, as a tacit or implied resolutory
Supposed that Ronielyn, a serial gambler, we entered condition, giving him the right to demand the rescission
into an obligation, that I will give her a land now of the contract, i.e., it may be exercised even if it is not
provided that she will not go to any casino or gambling provided in the agreement of the parties.
station. After a month, pumasyal siya sa casino. Yan ba
ay extinguishing the obligation. Maeextinguish yung EXAMPLE: In a contract of sale in the absence of any
obligation and ibabalik yung land. Can she claim that stipulation, the delivery of the thing sold by the seller is
she’s the owner of the land for that month na tumira conditioned upon the simultaneous payment of the
siya doon. purchase price by the buyer, and vice versa.

Habang nakatira siya doon, inani niya yung mga prutas The seller is the creditor as to the price and debtor as to
at gulay na andoon, amounting to 5,000 pesos. With the the thing, while the buyer is the creditor as to the thing
obligation extinguished, what will happen to the fruits? and debtor as to the price.
When the obligation is extinguished, due to the (b) Non-reciprocal obligations are those which do not
happening of the event, the fruits and interest will go impose simultaneous and correlative performance on
back to the creditor, why? Because as if there’s no both parties. In other words, the performance of one
obligation that took place. Kung walang obligation then party is not dependent upon the simultaneous
that earnings sana will go to the creditor’s income, so performance by the other
the debtor have to return it.
ARTICLE 1191: The power to rescind obligations is
implied in reciprocal ones, in case one of the obligors (1) D borrowed from C P50,000.00. C, on the other
should not comply with what is incumbent upon him. hand, borrowed D’s car. The performance by D of his
obligation to C is not conditioned upon the performance
The injured party may choose between the fulfillment by C of his obligation and vice versa.
and the rescission of the obligation, with the payment
Although D and C are debtors and creditors of each (b) B may demand from the court the rescission of the
other, their obligations are not reciprocal. The contract also with damages.
obligation of D arises from the contract of loan, while When a party demands rescission in reciprocal
that of C, from the contract of commodatum. The obligations he, in effect, treats the non-fulfillment by
obligations are not dependent upon each other and are the other party of his obligation as a resolutory
not simultaneous. Article 1191 applies only if the condition.
reciprocity arises from the same cause.
Court may grant guilty party term for performance.
(2) The contract between S and B states: “In the event S
The court shall decree the rescission claimed unless
exercises the right to repurchase [land sold by S to B] x x
there should be just cause for granting the party in
x and becomes the owner of the premises, he shall be
default a term for the performance of his obligation.
obliged to give B the right of lease and execute a lease
(par. 3.)
Obviously, this exception applies only where the guilty
Here, no reciprocal obligation is created
party is willing to comply with his obligation but needs
between them for B to reconvey the premises and for S
time to do so and not where he refuses to perform.
to lease them to B. There are two separate and distinct
obligations, each independent of the other. The Remedies are alternative.
obligation of B to reconvey is not dependent on the
obligation of S to lease. The obligation of S is not an The remedies of the injured or aggrieved party are
essential part of the contract. alternative and not cumulative, that is, he is privileged
to choose only one of the remedies, and not both,
In other words, the obligation of S to lease the subject only to the exception in paragraph 2, to wit: he
property to B arises only after B had reconveyed the may also seek rescission even after he has chosen
same to S. fulfillment if the latter should become impossible. But
after choosing rescission of the obligation, he cannot
Remedies in reciprocal obligations.
thereafter demand its compliance, nor seek partial
Article 1191 is the general provision on
fulfillment under the guise of recovering damages.
rescission of reciprocal obligations. It speaks of the right
of the “injured party’’ to choose between rescission or While the right of choice remains with the plaintiff, an
fulfillment of the obligation, with the right to claim alternative prayer in the complaint for fulfillment or
damages in either case. It governs where there is non- rescission is permissible in the discretion of the court
compliance by one of the contracting parties in case of for in such case it cannot be said that the plaintiff is
reciprocal obligations. availing of both remedies.
The remedy granted is predicated on a breach
of obligation by the other party that violates the Example: In the preceding example, B may not choose
reciprocity between them. The breach contemplated is both fulfillment and rescission, he may not
the obligor’s failure to comply with an existing subsequently ask for fulfillment and if he has selected to
obligation, not a failure of a condition to render binding enforce compliance with the contract, he may not later
that obligation. seek rescission.

However, if fulfillment becomes impossible because the

Choice of remedy by injured party car was lost or destroyed through the fault of S, B is
In case one of the obligors does not comply with allowed to convert his action into that of rescission.
what is incumbent upon him, the injured or aggrieved
party may choose between two remedies: Limitations on right to demand rescission.

The right to rescind by the injured party (the one who

(1) action for specific performance (fulfillment) of has performed what is incumbent upon him) is not
the obligation with damages; or absolute. It is always provisional, i.e., contestable and
(2) action for rescission of the obligation also with
subject to scrutiny and review by the courts.
(1) Resort to the courts. — The rescission contemplated
by Article 1191 is a judicial rescission. (par. 3.) The
In a contract of sale of a car between S and B, it
injured party has to resort to the courts to assert his
was agreed that S, the owner, would deliver the car and
rights judicially (e.g., to recover what he has delivered
the necessary document duly signed by him to B at the
under the contract) for the same article provides
house of C on December 1, and B would deliver the
that . . . “the court shall decree the rescission
payment at the same place and on the same date.
demanded, unless there be just cause authorizing the fi
If S does not comply with his obligation.
xing of a period.” No person can take justice in his own
(a) B may, in an action for specific performance, hands and decide by himself what are his rights in the
demand the delivery of the car with damages; or matter. The other party must be given an opportunity to
be heard.
(2) Power of court to fix period. — The court has Reciprocal obligation - obligations that have two parties
discretionary power to allow a period within which a being mutually compensated. (i.e. deed of sale: the
person in default may be permitted to perform his other person promised to give you 1M, and then you
obligation if there is a just cause for giving time to the promised that person that you will give the item so it’s a
debtor, as where the default incurred was not willful or two way)
could be excused in view of the surrounding
Unilateral Obligation - are like deed of donation, the
donor has the obligation to give you the property but
(3) Right of third persons. — Rescission creates the you as the do-nee do not have any obligations to the
obligation of mutual restitution. However, if the thing, donor.
subject matter of the obligation, is in the hands of a
Question: Si Anna umutang siya kay Jack ng 5k,
third person who acted in good faith, rescission is not
kinabukasan umutang naman si Jack kay Anna ng 5k.
available as a remedy.
Can we call it a reciprocal obligation? No, because it’s
(4) Slight or substantial violation. — The general rule is not reciprocal, remember that a reciprocal obligation
that rescission will not be granted for slight or casual must come from a single event, dapat isa lang yung
breaches of contract. The violation should be usapan, they are mutually obliged to one another but
substantial and fundamental as to defeat the object of their obligation is not reciprocal.
the parties in making the agreement. Thus, in a case, it
The power to rescind obligations are implied to
was held that delays on four (4) occasions in the
reciprocal ones, in case one of the obligor do not
payment of rentals for a few days substantial violations
comply then you have the right to rescind. (I.e. deed of
in a contract of lease to justify rescission because the
sale, ready na ako ibigay yung car pero hindi pa ready
law is not concerned with trifles.
magpay yung other party, so as the injured one I have
(5) Waiver of right. — The right to rescind may be the right to rescind the obligation plus ask for the
waived, expressly or impliedly. Thus, the acceptance by payment of damages.
the seller of the land sold as security for the balance of
The injured party has 2 option:
the price is an implied waiver of the right to rescind in
case of non-payment by the buyer. His remedy is to  Demand specific performance plus damages
recover the balance.  Rescission plus damages
Rescission of contract without previous judicial decree. ARTICLE 1192: In case both parties have committed a
breach of the obligation, the liability of the first
(1) Where automatic rescission expressly stipulated. —
infractor shall be equitably tempered by the courts. If
The parties, may validly enter into an agreement that
it cannot be determined which of the parties first
violation of the terms of the contract would cause
violated the contract, the same shall be deemed
cancellation thereof even without judicial intervention
extinguished, and each shall bear his own damages.
or permission or termination. This stipulation is in the
nature of a resolutory condition. Where the contract Where both parties guilty of breach. The above article
itself contains such a stipulation the right to rescind is contemplates two situations.
not “implied” but expressly recognized. Hence, Article
1191 is not applicable (1) First infractor known. — One party violated his
obligation; subsequently, the other also violated
(2) Where contract still executory. — In the absence of
his part of the obligation. In this case, the
stipulation to the contrary, the right to rescind a
liability of the first infractor should be equitably
contract must be invoked judicially; it cannot be
exercised solely on a party’s own judgment that the
(2) First infractor cannot be determined. — One
other has committed a breach of the obligation. party violated his obligation followed by the
However, although there is no performance yet by both other, but it cannot be determined which of
parties, but one is ready and willing to comply with them was the first infractor. The rule is that the
what is incumbent upon him, and the other is not (see contract shall be deemed extinguished and each
Art. 1169, last par.), the willing party may, by his own shall bear his own damages. In effect, the court
declaration, rescind the contract without a previous shall not provide remedy to either of the
judicial decree of rescission. In such case, it is not parties, who must suffer the damages allegedly
necessary that there be a stipulation providing for sustained by them.
automatic rescission.
“The above rules are deemed just. The first one is fair to
In any case, where the extrajudicial rescission is both parties because the second infractor also derived,
contested by the other party, he is free to resort to or thought he would derive, some advantage by his own
judicial action, and only the final decision of the court act or neglect. The second rule is likewise just because it
can finally settle whether the rescission was proper or is presumed that both at about the same time tried to
not. reap some benefit.”
Liability ng first infractor will be reduced or equitably According to definiteness:
tempered by the court ibig sabihin titimbangin ng court Definite Period
kung ano yung makatarungan kasi kung hindi nagviolate  exact date is known or the time of the event is
yung isang party and isa lang yung violator ang dami ng known
pwedeng remedyo, damages, rescission, specific  (e.g., December 25, 2023 you know that the
performance with damages. Eh kaso nagviolate rin yung obligation takes effect either resolutory or
suspensive when the day comes which is
isa edi ang remedy is magbabalance ang court kung ano
December 25, 2023)
yung tama na maging penalty ng first infractor, incase
Indefinite Period
however that the first infractor cannot be identified the
 This is something that will surely happen but
obligation will be extinguished and each of them will you will not know when.
bear their own damages (for example: Nag infract ako  (e.g., You know that one day makakapasa kayo
and nag infract din siya and di alam kung sino nauna sa oblicon sub, the only question is when? Is it
then you will bear your own damages paano kung yung this sem? Or is it next year? But surely you will
damage ko 5,000 tapos yung damage niya 1M, each pass the only question is, when?)
parties would still bear their own damages, even if it’s According to source:
unfair. Legal Period
 when it is provided by law, law provides for the
period or term.
Conventional or Voluntary Period
 when the period or term is agreed to by the
SECTION 2: Obligations with a Period parties.
Judicial Period
ARTICLE 1193: Obligations for whose fulfillment a day
 when the period or term is fixed by the court.
certain has been fixed, shall be demandable only when  Court imposed period
that day comes.  Example: The court ruled that you have to pay
Obligations with a resolutory period take effect at the creditor the amount of 5M Pesos within
once, but terminate upon arrival of the day certain. next year.
A day certain is understood to be that which must According to effect
necessarily come, although it may not be known when. Resolutory period (in diem).
- The obligation is valid up to a day certain and
If the uncertainty consists in whether the day will terminates upon the arrival of the period.
come or not, the obligation is conditional, and it shall - (Example) “I will give you P1,000.00 a month
be regulated by the rules of the preceding Section. until the end of the year.”
- Obligations with a resolutory Period take effect
Meaning of obligation with a period. at once katulad sa resolutory condition it is
An obligation with a period is one whose demandable at once but it will terminate upon
consequences are subjected in one way or another to the arrival of that day certain. Instead of the
the expiration of said period or term happening of the condition pag dumating yung
araw na yun then it will be terminated. Yun kasi
Meaning of period or term. ang meaning ng Resolutory: the obligation will
A period is a future and certain event upon the be extinguished upon the fulfillment of either
arrival of which the obligation (or right) subject to it period or condition.
either arises or is terminated. It is a day certain which Suspensive Period (ex die)
must necessarily come, although it may not be known - The obligation begins only from a day certain
when, like the death of a person. upon the arrival of the period.
- When the time/event comes the obligation
Period – future and certain event which have effect on arises.
juridical relationship. - (Example) “I will pay you 30 days from today.”
(or on Jan. 1 next year, or at the end of this
Par. 1 A certain day is to understood that the day will month.) Here, what is suspended is not the
necessarily come although we don’t know when. obligation itself (or right acquired) but merely
its demandability
What is the difference between a Period and a - Simply re-stated in other words itong mga
Condition? obligasyon na ito ay magiging demandable lang
Condition is a future and uncertain event pag dating nung araw na yun or pag dating nung
where the happening of which has an effect on juridical event na yun.
relationship, while a Period is future and certain event
where the happening of which will have effect on There are requisites for a valid period or term
juridical relationship. - It must refer to the future
- It must be certain/sure to come
Kinds of Period Term: - It must be physically or legally possible
Example: I will pay Anna the amount of 1M pesos on or No recovery in personal obligations.
about December 25, 2023. Is that a valid period or not? Article 1195 has no application to obligations
Valid because it is in the future, it’s certain that it will to do or not to do because as to the former, it is
come and it’s physically and legally possible. physically impossible to recover the service rendered,
and as to the latter, as the obligor performs by not
“on or about” - a few days before or after, no specific doing, he cannot, of course, recover what he has not
date. (Few days before Dec. 25 or few days after Dec. done.
Can the creditor recover the money if she intentionally
I will give a car on Anna the moment you become 21 paid it before the happening of the period? No, because
yrs old. Now, you die at the age of 20. Is the obligation it’s intentionally paid. Marerecover niya lang money
to give a car to Anna still valid? The parties are not niya when it’s unintentional and when it’s paid by
stipulating a condition but a period, so it is still valid. I mistake.
am still obligated to give the car to Anna by the time
your 21st birthday come. I will pay you 1M pesos within the 2 nd year. Can she pay
during the 1st year? No.
ART 1194: In case of loss, deterioration or
improvement of the thing before the arrival of the day I will pay you 1M pesos within 2 years. Anytime during
certain, the rules in Article 1189 shall be observed. that 2 years pwede siya mag pay.

Effect of loss, deterioration, or improvement before ART 1196: Whenever in an obligation a period is
arrival of period. See comments under Article 1189 designated, it is presumed to have been established
for the benefit of both the creditor and the debtor,
ART 1195: Anything paid or delivered before the unless from the tenor of the same or other
arrival of the period, the obligor being unaware of the circumstances it should appear that the period has
period or believing that the obligation has become due been established in favor of one or of the other.
and demandable, may be recovered, with the fruits
and interests. Presumption as to benefit of period.
Payment before arrival of period. In an obligation subject to a period fixed by the
Article 1195 applies only to obligations to give. parties, the period is presumed to have been
It is similar to Article 1188, paragraph 2, which allows established for the benefit of both the creditor and the
the recovery of what has been paid by mistake before debtor. This means that before the expiration of the
the fulfillment of a suspensive condition. period, the debtor may not fulfill the obligation and
The creditor cannot unjustly enrich himself by neither may the creditor demand its fulfillment
retaining the thing or money received before the without the consent of the other especially if the latter
arrival of the period. would be prejudiced or inconvenienced thereby.
In a reciprocal contract like a lease, the period
Debtor presumed aware of period. must be deemed to have been agreed upon for the
The presumption, however, is that the debtor benefit of both parties, absent language showing that
knew that the debt was not yet due. He has the burden the term was deliberately set for the benefit of the
of proving that he was unaware of the period. Where lessee or the lessor alone.
the duration of the period depends upon the will of the
debtor, payment by him amounts, in effect, to his EXAMPLE:
determination of the arrival of the period. On January 1, D borrowed from C P10,000.00
The obligor may no longer recover the thing or payable on December 31 at 18% interest.
money once the period has arrived but he can recover D cannot pay before December 31 without the
the fruits or interests thereof from the date of consent of C. Neither can C compel D to pay before the
premature performance to the date of maturity of the expiration of the term. It is presumed that the period
obligation. designated, which is December 31, has been established
for the benefit of both. D is benefited because he can
EXAMPLE: use the money for one year. C is also benefited because
D owes C P2,000.00 which was supposed to be of the interest the money would earn for one year.
paid on December 31 this year. By mistake, D paid his
obligation on December 31 last year. Exceptions to the general rule.
Assuming that today is June 30, D can recover The tenor of the obligation or the circumstances
the P2,000.00 plus P120.00, which is the interest for may, however, show that it was the intention of the
one half year at the legal rate of 12%2 or a total of parties to constitute the period for the benefit of either
P2,120.00. But D cannot recover, except the interest, if the debtor or the creditor. The benefit of the period
the debt had already matured. may be the subject of express stipulation of the parties.
Neither can there be a right to recovery if D had
knowledge of the period. The theory under solutio (1) Term is for the benefit of the debtor alone. — He
indebiti obviously will not apply. D is deemed to have cannot be compelled to pay prematurely, but he can, if
impliedly renounced the period. he desires, do so.
EXAMPLES:  (a) Conjunctive obligation. — one where there
D borrowed from C P10,000.00 to be paid are several prestations and all of them are due;
within one year without interest. or
In this case, the period of one year should be  (b) Distributive obligation. — one where one of
deemed intended for the benefit of D only. Therefore, two or more of the prestations is due. It may be
he can pay any time but he cannot be compelled to pay alternative (Art. 1199.) or facultative (Art.
before one year. Although the loan is gratuitous, the 1206)
terms and conditions of the contract or other
circumstances may, however, indicate that the period Meaning of alternative obligation.
has been established for the benefit of both parties. An alternative obligation is one wherein
various prestations are due but the performance of one
(2) Term is for the benefit of the creditor. — He may of them is sufficiently determined by the choice which,
demand fulfillment even before the arrival of the term as a general rule, belongs to the debtor.
but the debtor cannot require him to accept payment
before the expiration of the stipulated period. EXAMPLE:
D borrowed from C P10,000. It was agreed that
EXAMPLE: D could comply with his obligation by giving C P10,000,
D borrowed from C P10,000.00 payable on or a color television set, or by painting the house of C.
December 31 with the stipulation that D cannot make The delivery of the P10,000, or a color television
payment before the lapse of the period but C may set, or the painting of the house of C, is sufficient to
demand fulfillment even before said date. comply with the obligation. Performance must be
Here, C can demand payment at any time but D complete. C cannot be compelled to accept, for
cannot shorten the one-year period without the instance, P5,000 and half of the television, thereby
consent of C. Ordinarily, there must be a stipulation establishing a co-ownership between them, or P5,000,
granting the benefit of the term to only the creditor. and the painting of a part of his house.

It’s presumed that it is on the benefit of the I will give you my car, my ring or my wifi. The
debtor and creditor. Benefit on the side of the debtor performance of one of them extinguishes the
because di siya pwedeng singilin ng creditor until that obligation. (pwedeng 2 or 3 ang ifulfill pero di lahat)
day comes. Benefit naman ng creditor is hindi siya
required na tanggapin yung pera until that certain day Can the creditor accept half the ring, half the car and
comes. half the wifi? No, because according to this article the
When there’s an obligation to pay at a certain creditor cannot be compelled to receive the part of one
time tapos ayaw mong kunin yung pera sakaniya and a part of another undertaking pero kung gusto
because of interest, that’s your benefit kaya you don’t naman ni creditor na ganon ang maging arrangement
need to accept a payment in advance na walang nila, walang makakapigil sakanilang dalawa. Sinasabi
kasamang interest. If di naman siya makasingil on that lang sa article na ito is hindi mo pwedeng pilitin si
day, pwede siya mag file sa court ng case for specific creditor na I-accept ang half of one and half of another
performance plus damages, matagal pero malaki yung thing, pero as long as nag agree si creditor then okay
damages na pwede niya masingil plus interest. lang. Eh paano pag pumayag yung creditor? Pwede as
long as nag agree si creditor.
“What you know and what you can prove are two
different things” Atty. Lyndon, 2023 (Not all evidences Article 1200:
are valid.) The right of choice belongs to the debtor unless
it must be expressly granted to the creditor. The debtor
Article 1197 & 1198 (di na need aralin) shall have no right to choose those prestations which
are impossible, unlawful or which could not have been
SECTION 3 – ALTERNATIVE OBLIGATIONS the object of the obligation.

Article 1199 Right of choice, as a rule, given to debtor.

A person alternatively bound by different As a general rule, the right to choose the
prestations shall completely perform one of them. prestation belongs to the debtor.
The creditor cannot be compelled to receive By way of exception, it may be exercised by the
part of one and part of the other undertaking. creditor but only when expressly granted to him (Art.
1205.), or by a third person when the right is given to
Kinds of obligation according to object. him by common agreement.
They are:
(1) Simple obligation. — one where there is only one (PAR 1) There are 3 choices; phone, ring, and car, the
prestation debtor has the right to choose kung ano yung ibibigay
 e.g., S obliged himself to deliver to B a piano; S niya sa creditor. Is it the phone, the ring, or the car? The
promised to repair the car of B debtor has the choice unless he granted the creditor the
(2) Compound obligation. — one where there are two right to choose among the choices.
or more prestations. It may be.
Right of choice of debtor not absolute.
(2) Proof and form of notice - the burden of proving
The right of choice of the debtor is subject to that such communication has been made is upon him
limitations. Thus — who made the choice. The law does not require any
(1) The debtor cannot choose those prestations particular form regarding the giving of notice. It may,
which are: (a) impossible, (b) unlawful, or therefore, be made orally or in writing, expressly or
(c) which could not have been the object of impliedly.
the obligation. These prestations are void.
Their presence do not invalidate the Example:
obligation if it includes other undertakings S obliged himself to deliver to B his car, or his
otherwise free from such defects. In other race horse. S chose the car and properly informed B of
words, under Article 1200, the debtor’s his choice.
right of choice is not extinguished The obligation becomes a simple obligation to
altogether but limited to the remaining deliver the car. As such, neither party can change the
valid prestations prestation without the consent of the other. Of course,
(2) The debtor has no more right of choice, S or B may waive his right after a choice has been made.
when among the prestations whereby he is As a general rule, all rights may be waived.
alternatively bound, only one is practicable.
(Art. 1202.) In this case, there is not only a Article 1202: The debtor shall lose the right of choice
limitation but a loss of the right of choice when among the prestations whereby he is
belonging to the debtor. The obligation alternatively bound, only one is practicable.
becomes simple. The right does not pass to
the creditor, nor may it be exercised by Effect when only one prestation is practicable.
anyone. If only one is practicable, it is Article 1200 that will
(3) The debtor cannot choose part of one apply. The obligation is still alternative because the
prestation and part of another prestation. debtor has still the right of choice. If only one is
practicable (e.g. the others have become impossible),
The debtor shall have no right to choose those the obligation is converted into a simple one.
prestation which are impossible, unlawful, or which
could not have been the object of the obligation. Choices: phone, car, ring
(Nawala yung ring and yung phone)
Choices: Phone, Ring, Car, 500 grams of marijuana, a Therefore, the debtor was left with only one choice
person. which is to give the car to the creditor, it was as if he
We will rule out the illegal thing which is the had no other choice. So kahit na it was lost (yung 2
500 grams of marijuana and the person because a other choices) due to the fault of the debtor, he cannot
person is not a subject of commerce, especially if it is a be compelled for any payment for damages since he still
third party, because it will be a subject of human had the car which also belongs to his choices.
trafficking. The debtor cannot choose these 2, he can
only choose from the phone, ring, and the car. ART. 1203: If through the creditor’s acts, the debtor
cannot make a choice according to the terms of the
Art. 1201: The choice shall produce no effect except obligation, the latter may rescind the contract with
from the time it has been communicated. damages.

General Rule: When there’s an alternative obligation When debtor may rescind contract.
the choice of the debtor shall be communicated to the Rescission creates the obligation to return the
creditor. things which were the object of the contract together
with their fruits, and the price with its interest.
Communication of notice that choice have been made. It is the very nature of an alternative obligation
(1) Effect of notice - until the choice is made and that the debtor can make his choice without the
communicated, the obligation remains alternative. consent of the creditor. Hence, the right given to the
a) Once the notice of the election has been given debtor to rescind the contract and recover damages if,
to the creditor, the obligation ceases to be through the creditor’s fault, he cannot make a choice
alternative and becomes a simple obligation. according to the terms of the obligation.
b) Such choice once properly made and The debtor, however, is not bound to rescind.
communicated is irrevocable and cannot,
therefore, be changed by either party without Example:
the consent of the other. The concurrence of D borrowed from C P10,000. It was agreed that
the creditor to the choice made by the debtor instead of P10,000, D could deliver item one, or item
is not required. (Dapat the debtor has full two, or item three.
knowledge kung ano yung binibigay niya kay If through the fault of C item one is destroyed,
creditor since di niya nga pwedeng palitan) D can rescind the contract if he wants. In case of
c) Where the choice has been expressly given to rescission, the amount of P10,000 must be returned by
the creditor, such choice shall likewise D with interest. C, in turn, must pay D the value of item
produce legal effects upon being one plus damages.
communicated to the debtor.
D, instead of rescinding the contract, may
choose item two or item three with a right to recover Basis of indemnity.
the value of item one with damages. If D chooses item The indemnity shall be fixed taking as basis the
one, his obligation is extinguished. C is not liable for value of the last thing which disappeared (referring to
damages. obligations to give) or that of the service which last
became impossible (referring to obligations to do). In
Example ni Sir: Gusto ni Shy yung sasakyan kasi mahal, case of disagreement, it is incumbent upon the creditor
yung singsing and phone ayaw niya, since mas mababa to prove such value, or which thing last disappeared or
yung value, so ang ginawa niya tinapon niya yung which service last became impossible
singsing and phone para wala ng maging choice si Other damages may also be awarded. (Art.
debtor but to give the car nalang, so dahil sa 1204, pars. 2 and 3.)
intervention ni Shy para di makapili si debtor, the
obligation may be rescinded and the debtor can ask for EXAMPLE:
payment of damages from Shy (creditor) In the above example, if items one and two are
lost, S will be bound to deliver item three.
ARTICLE 1204: The creditor shall have a right to If subsequently, item three is also lost through
indemnity for damages when, through the fault of the the fault of S, the basis for indemnity is the value of
debtor, all the things which are alternatively the object item three since S would have been bound to deliver it
of the obligation have been lost, or the compliance of had it not also been lost. The liability of S is not affected
the obligation has become impossible. although the loss of items one and two was through a
fortuitous event.
The indemnity shall be fixed taking as a basis the value If item three is lost without the fault of S, his
of the last thing which disappeared, or that of the obligation is extinguished and he shall not be liable for
service which last became impossible. damages although the loss of items one and two was
due to his fault. The reason is that after the loss of items
Damages other than the value of the last thing or one and two, the obligation is converted into a simple
service may also be awarded. one to deliver item three. (Art. 1202.)
S cannot be held responsible for the loss of
Effect of loss or becoming impossible of objects of items one and two through his fault because having the
obligation. right of choice, he was not bound to deliver either. The
Articles 1203 and 1204 apply when the right of choice rule is just since he could have been liable for damages
belongs to the debtor. Under Article 1205, the creditor if item three instead was lost through his fault and
has the right to choose. items one and two, through a fortuitous event

(1) Some of the objects. — If some of the objects of the ART. 1205. When the choice has been expressly given
obligation have been lost or have become impossible to the creditor, the obligation shall cease to be
even through the fault of the debtor, the latter is not alternative from the day when the selection has been
liable since he has the right of choice and the communicated to the debtor.
obligation can still be performed. Until then the responsibility of the debtor shall
be governed by the following rules:
This is an exception to the general rule established in (1) If one of the things is lost through a
Article 1170 regarding liability for damages arising from fortuitous event, he shall perform the obligation by
negligence. delivering that which the creditor should choose from
among the remainder, or that which remains if only
(2) All of the objects. — If all of them have been lost or one subsists;
have become impossible through the debtor’s fault, the (2) If the loss of one of the things occurs
creditor shall have a right to indemnity for damages through the fault of the debtor, the creditor may claim
since the obligation can no longer be complied with. Of any of those subsisting, or the price of that which,
course, if the cause of the loss is a fortuitous event, the through the fault of the former, has disappeared, with
obligation is extinguished. a right to damages;
(3) If all the things are lost through the fault of
The phrase “or the compliance of the obligation has the debtor, the choice by the creditor shall fall upon
become impossible” refers to obligations “to do.” the price of any one of them, also with indemnity for
damages. The same rules shall be applied to
EXAMPLE: obligations to do or not to do in case one, some or all
S agreed to deliver item one, or item two, or of the prestations should become impossible.
item three.
If item one is lost through the fault of S, he can Where right of choice belongs to creditor.
still select either item two or item three. The loss of In alternative obligations, the right of choice, as
item one and two with or without the fault of S will a rule, belongs to the debtor. Nevertheless, the debtor
reduce the obligation to a simple one. may expressly give the right of choice to the creditor.
If all the items are lost through his fault, liability (Art. 1200.) In such a case, the provisions which with
will attach; if through a fortuitous event, the obligation respect to the debtor are laid down in the preceding
will be extinguished.
articles, shall be applicable to the creditor when the Effect of loss.
right of choice is given to him. (1) Before substitution. — If the principal thing is lost
Before the creditor makes the selection, the through a fortuitous event, the obligation is
debtor cannot incur in delay. extinguished; otherwise, the debtor is liable for
damages. The loss of the thing intended as a substitute
Rules in case of loss before creditor has made choice. with or without the fault of the debtor does not render
(1) When a thing is lost through a fortuitous event. him liable.
 EXAMPLE: S obliged himself to deliver to B item
one, or item two or item three, or item four. If The reason is that the thing intended as a substitute is
item one is lost through a fortuitous event, B not due. The effect of the loss is merely to extinguish
can choose from among the remainder or that the facultative character of the obligation.
which remains if three of the items are lost
(2) When a thing is lost through debtor’s fault. EXAMPLE:
 EXAMPLE: If the loss of item one occurs through S will give B item one or if S wants, item two.
the fault of S, B may claim item two or item a) If item one is lost through a fortuitous event,
three or item four with a right to damages or the obligation of S is extinguished. (Arts. 1174,
the price of item one also with a right to 1262.)
damages. b) If item one is lost through the fault of S, S is
(3) When all the things are lost through debtor’s fault. liable for damages. (Art. 1170.)
 EXAMPLE: If all the items are lost through the c) If item two is lost with or without the fault of S,
fault of S, then B can demand the payment of S is still liable to deliver item one (see Art.
the price of any one of them with a right to 1165.); he is not liable for damage for the loss
indemnity for damages. of item two as it is not due.
(4) When all the things are lost through a fortuitous
event. (2) After substitution. — If the principal thing is lost, the
 EXAMPLE: The obligation of S shall be debtor is not liable whatever may be the cause of the
extinguished if all the items which are loss, because it is no longer due. If the substitute is lost,
alternatively the object of the obligation are lost the liability of the debtor depends upon whether or not
through a fortuitous event. In this case, Article the loss is due through his fault.
1174 shall apply.
Once the substitution is made, the obligation is
Rules applicable to personal obligations. converted into a simple one to deliver or perform the
The above rules are also applicable to personal substituted thing or prestation. The substitution
obligations. (par. 2.) The responsibility of the debtor for becomes effective from the time it has been
damages depends upon whether the cause which has communicated. (Art. 1201.)
rendered the obligation impossible was due to his fault
or not EXAMPLE:
Based on the preceding example:
ART. 1206. When only one prestation has been agreed (a) If item one is lost with or without the fault of S,
upon, but the obligor may render another in S is not liable for its loss since his obligation is to
substitution, the obligation is called facultative. deliver item two.
(b) If item two is lost through a fortuitous event,
The loss or deterioration of the thing intended as a the obligation of S is extinguished.
substitute, through the negligence of the obligor, does (c) If item two is lost through the fault of S, S is
not render him liable. But once the substitution has liable for damages.
been made, the obligor is liable for the loss of the
substitute on account of his delay, negligence or fraud. Alternative and facultative obligations distinguished.
The differences are as follows:
Meaning of facultative obligation. (1) Number of prestations. — In the first, several
A facultative obligation is one where only one prestations are due but compliance with one is
prestation has been agreed upon but the obligor may sufficient, while in the second, only one prestation is
render another in substitution. due although the debtor is allowed to substitute
(1) “I will give you my piano but I may give my television (2) Right of choice. — In the first, the right of choice
set as a substitute.” may be given to the creditor or third person, while in
 In this obligation, only the piano is due. Hence, the second, the right to make the substitution is given
its loss through my fault will make me liable. only to the debtor;
(2) “I will mortgage my land to secure my debt which
shall be payable within 90 days upon my failure to pay (3) Loss through fortuitous event. — In the first, the loss
my debt within 30 days.” of one or more of the alternatives through a fortuitous
 Here, I may mortgage my land in substitution of event does not extinguish the obligation, while in the
the obligation to make payment within 30 days second, the loss of the thing due extinguishes the
demand only from Ganda 500,000 and also
(4) Loss through fault of debtor. — 500,000 pesos from Pogi.
(a) In the first, the loss of one of the alternatives  Ex. Pogi and Ganda are joint debtors of Louis,
through the fault of the debtor does not render Bella, Popay and Impyang, who are joint
him liable, while in the second, the loss of the creditors to an amount of P1,000. So Louis may
thing due through his fault makes him liable; demand only 125 pesos each from ganda and
and from pogi. That’s the same with Bella, Popay
(b) In the first, where the choice belongs to the and Impyang. Kaya 125 kasi apat silang
creditor, the loss of one alternative through the maghahati hat isa 1k so 250 each dapat and
fault of the debtor gives rise to liability, while in yung 250 na yun is hahatiin sa dalawa since
the second, the loss of the substitute before the joint debtors nga si Pogi and Ganda kaya tig 125
substitution through the fault of the debtor lang sila.
does not render him liable.  Hindi pwedeng isa lang sa kanila ang magbayad
ng lahat, or mag fulfill ng obligation kasi nga it’s

ART. 1207. The concurrence of two or more creditors (2) A solidary obligation is one where each one of the
or of two or more debtors in one and the same debtors is bound to render, and/or each one of the
obligation does not imply that each one of the former creditors has a right to demand entire compliance with
has a right to demand, or that each one of the latter is the prestation. (Art. 1207.)
bound to render, entire compliance with the  Each of the creditor may demand fulfillment of
prestations. There is a solidary liability only when the the whole obligation
obligation expressly so states, or when the law or the  One for all, all for one
nature of the obligation requires solidarity. (1137a)  Example: Pogi and Ganda are SOLIDARY debtors
of Beauty to an amount of P1,000,000. Beauty
Talks about joint obligations can demand 1M either from pogi or ganda. So if
Q nagdemand siya kay pogi ng 1M and binayaran
ni Pogi nang buo, then pwede mag ask si Pogi
ART. 1208. If from the law, or the nature or the ng reimbursement from Ganda in an amount of
wording of the obligations to which the preceding 500,000 which is yung share dapat ni Ganda,
article refers the contrary does not appear, the credit since hindi naman pwedeng singilin ni Pogi ng
or debt shall be presumed to be divided into as many 1M si Ganda.
equal shares as there are creditors or debtors, the  Pogi and Ganda are SOLIDARY debtors of Louis,
credits or debts being considered distinct from one Bella, Popay, and Impyang, who are SOLIDARY
another, subject to the Rules of Court governing the creditors to an amount of P1,000. Any creditor
multiplicity of suits. (1138a) (Louis, Bella, Popay and Impyang) ay pwedeng
magdemand ng whole obligation either kay pogi
Kinds of obligation according to the number of parties. or kay ganda and in return kung sino man sa
They are: mga creditors kunyare si Louis ang nagdemand
(1) Individual obligation. — one where there is only one ng full payment (1,000), siya ngayon ay may
obligor and one obligee; and obligation to give bella, popay, and Impyang an
(2) Collective obligation. — one where there are two or amount of 250 each and sa part naman ng
more debtors and/or two or more creditors. It may be debtor, kung sino man ang nagbayad ng buo ay
joint or solidary. may right din na mag claim ng reimbursement
sa kapwa niya debtor.
In a collective obligation, there are two relations
involved: that between the creditor and the debtors (or Collective obligation presumed to be joint.
the creditors and the debtor, or the creditors and the (1) If A is liable to B for P9,000.00, there can be no
debtors) and that among the creditors and/or debtors problem regarding the determination of the following:
themselves. (a) the person liable to pay;
(b) the person entitled to demand payment;
Meaning of joint and solidary obligations. (c) the extent of the liability of the debtor; and
(d) the extent of the right of the creditor.
(1) A joint obligation is one where the whole obligation (2) Where there is a plurality of parties (two or more
is to be paid or fulfilled proportionately by the different debtors and/ or two or more creditors) and the share of
debtors and/or is to be demanded proportionately by each in the obligation is specified, the correlative rights
the different creditors. (Art. 1208.) and obligations of the parties are known.
 To each his own (kung ano lang yung
part/portion na sakaniya yun lang yung Thus, if A, B, and C are liable to D in the amount of
obligation or yung right niya) P9,000, and it is stated that the corresponding share of
 Answers only a part of the whole liability each debtor is P3,000.00 (it may be in unequal
 Ex. Pogi and Ganda are joint debtors of Beauty amounts), we know that A, B, and C are liable only for
to an amount of P1,000,000. So beauty can P3,000.00 each and that D is not entitled to collect from
each debtor more than his corresponding share in the (3) the nature of the obligation requires
obligation. solidarity.
(3) On the other hand, let us suppose that in the same Solidary liability also exists when it is imposed in a final
obligation, the share of each debtor (or the share of judgment against several defendants.
each creditor, if there are two or more creditors) is not
specified. What is the extent of the liability of A, B, and Words used to indicate solidary liability.
C? In such case, the presumption is that the obligation is It is not necessary that the agreement should
joint (Arts. 1207-1208.), and as a consequence: employ precisely the word “solidary” in order that an
(a) There are as many debts as there are debtors; obligation may be so considered. It is sufficient that the
(b) There are as many credits as there are creditors; obligation declares, for instance, that each one of the
(c) The debts and/or credits are considered distinct debtors can be compelled to pay the entire obligation,
and separate from one another; or can be proceeded against for the full amount of the
(d) Each debtor is liable only for a proportionate obligation, or that demand may be made against any
part of the debt; and one of them, etc.
(e) Each creditor is entitled only to a proportionate Examples of other words used to indicate
part of the credit. solidarity are: severally, jointly and/or severally;
The presumption established in Article 1208 is, solidaria; in solidum; solidarily; together and/or
however, rebuttable. separately; individually and/or collectively; juntos o
suparadamente. “I promise to pay” signed by two or
EXAMPLES: more persons.
1) A, B, and C borrowed P9,000.00 from D. The
presumption is that A, B, and C are jointly liable. Kinds of solidarity.
Here, there are three (3) debts and one (1) They are:
credit. D can demand only P3,000.00 each from A, B, (1) According to the parties bound:
and C or a total of P9,000.00. (a) Passive solidarity or solidarity on the part of
Since the debts are distinct and separate from the debtors, where anyone of them can be made liable
each other, the insolvency of one of the debtors shall for the fulfillment of the entire obligation. Its
not make the others liable. characteristics are plurality of debtors and unity of
prestation. It is in the nature of a mutual guaranty.
2) A borrowed from B, C, and D P9,000.00. Unless the
contrary appears, the obligation is prima facie a joint EXAMPLES:
one. (1) A and B are solidary debtors of C in the amount of
In this case, there is one (1) debt and three (3) P10,000.00. There is here only one debt, the debt of A
credits. Each creditor can demand only P3,000.00 from and B in the amount of P10,000.00; and one credit, the
A. credit of C in the amount of P10,000.00 against B and C.
(A distinction must be made between the debt itself and
3) A and B are liable to C and D for P9,000.00. The same the persons against whom the debt can be collected.)
presumption applies. There are two (2) debts and two C may demand payment from either A or B, or
(2) credits. both of them simultaneously, the whole obligation. (Art.
Each creditor can demand only P4,500.00 from 1216.) Payment by A (or B) extinguishes the obligation
either debtor. Of course, the total liability of A or B, and but A (or B) may claim from B (or A) the share which
the total collection of C or D, cannot exceed P4,500.00. corresponds to him depending upon the agreement
between them. (Art. 1217.)
Presumption subject to rules on multiplicity of suits. In any case, C cannot collect more than
The presumption in Article 1208 is made P10,000.00 which is the extent of his credit.
“subject to the Rules of Court governing the multiplicity
of suits” (Art. 1208.); otherwise, situations may arise (2) Under their contract, either A or B will pay C
where there are as many suits as there are debtors and P10,000.00. Here, the debtors are named disjunctively
creditors. The rules on multiplicity of suits seek to or in the alternative. Their liability is solidary and C can
prevent the filing of two or more suits or complaints for demand payment from either of them unless it clearly
a single cause of action or the same violation of the appears that the intention of the parties is that either A
legal right of the plaintiff. or B may pay without right of choice on the part of C.

Words used to indicate joint liability. (b) Active solidarity or solidarity on the part of
Other words used for joint obligations are: the creditors, where anyone of them can demand the
mancum, mancomunada; mancomunadamente; pro fulfillment of the entire obligation. Its essential feature
rata; proportionately; pro rata, jointly; conjoint; “we is that of mutual representation among the solidary
promise to pay” signed by two or more persons. creditors with powers to exercise the rights of others in
the same manner as their rights.
When obligation solidary.
Solidary liability is not lightly inferred. Under Article EXAMPLES:
1207, there is solidary liability only when: (1) A is liable for P10,000.00 in favor of B and C who are
(1) the obligation expressly so states; or solidary creditors.
(2) the law requires solidarity; or
A may pay either B or C. (Art. 1214.) So long as (6) The responsibility of two or more persons
the entire debt is not paid, B and C can demand who are liable for a quasi-delict is solidary.
payment from A. (Art. 1207.) If B (or C) received (7) If the engineer or architect supervises the
payment, he is liable to C (or B) for the latter’s share in construction of a building, he shall be solidarily liable
the credit according to their agreement. with the contractor for damages for any defect in the
The liability of A cannot exceed P10,000.00 construction.
which is the extent of his liability. (8) In a felony, the principal, accomplices, and
accessories, each within their respective class, shall be
(2) The obligation of A is to pay P10,000.00 to either B liable severally (in solidum) among themselves for their
or C. quotas, and subsidiarily for those of other persons
In this case, either B or C may demand payment liable. (Art. 110, Revised Penal Code.)
from A unless it clearly appears that the intention of the
parties is to give to A the right to choose whom to pay. (c) Real solidarity or where solidarity is imposed by the
nature of the obligation.
(c) Mixed solidarity or solidarity on the part of The law does not expressly indicate the cases
the debtors and creditors, where each one of the where the liability is solidary because of the nature of
debtors is liable to render, and each one of the creditors the obligation. The opinion is offered that the cases
has a right to demand, entire compliance with the contemplated are those in which the intent or purpose
obligation. of the law is to have the obligation satisfied in full but
the law itself does not expressly require solidarity.
A and B are solidarily liable to C and D, solidary EXAMPLES:
creditors, in the amount of P10,000.00. (1) The nature of the obligation of employers under
A (or B) can pay either C or D. C (or D) can the former Workmen’s Compensation Law, to
demand from either A or B. The payment by A (or B) of pay indemnity or compensation or death or
P10,000.00 to C (or D) shall extinguish the obligation. A injury caused to their employees while in the
(or B) can ask reimbursement from B (or A) in the performance of their assigned duty, was held
amount of P5,000.00 or such amount agreed upon solidary although the law is silent on this point
between them. C (or D), in turn, is liable to give to D (or because the law was enacted to give full
C), the latter’s share of P5,000.00 or the amount protection to employees, and if the
stipulated. responsibility were only joint, the purpose of
Remember that the agreement between A and the law might not be attained should one of the
B, as to the extent of the share of each in the debt, or C employers happen to be insolvent.
and D, as to the extent of the share of each in the (2) Similarly, where the vehicle which figured in an
credit, has nothing to do with the agreement between A accident was operated under the so-called
and B, on the one hand, and C and D, on the other. “kabit system,” the award of exemplary
damages, among others, payable jointly and
(2) According to source: severally by the operator and the grantee of the
(a) Conventional solidarity or where solidarity is certificate of public convenience was held
agreed upon by the parties. (Art. 1306.) If nothing is justified because the pernicious “kabit system”
mentioned in the contract relating to solidarity, the is a violation of law.
obligation is only joint.
(b) Legal solidarity or where solidarity is Solidarity not presumed.
imposed by the law. The presumption, where there are two or more
persons in the same obligation, is that it is joint.
EXAMPLES: The reason is that solidary obligations are very
(1) Even when the agent has exceeded his burdensome for they create unusual rights and
authority, the principal is solidarily liable with the agent liabilities. Solidarity between debtors increases their
if the former allowed the latter to act as though he had responsibility while solidarity between creditors
full powers. increases the right of each creditor. The law tends to
(2) All partners are solidarily liable with the favor the debtors in presuming that they are bound
partnership for any crime or quasi-delict committed by jointly and not solidarily.
any partner acting in the ordinary course of business of
the partnership or with the authority of his co-partners. ART. 1209: If the division is impossible, the right of the
(3) If two or more persons have appointed an creditors may be prejudiced only by their collective
agent for a common transaction or undertaking, they acts, and the debt can be enforced only by proceeding
shall be solidarily liable to the agent for all the against all the debtors. If one of the latter should be
consequences of the agency. insolvent, the others shall not be liable for his share.
(4) When there are two or more bailees to
whom a thing is loaned in the same contract, they are Joint indivisible obligation.
liable solidarily. This article speaks of a joint indivisible
(5) The responsibility of two or more payees, obligation. The obligation is joint because the parties
when there has been a payment of what is not due, is are merely proportionately liable. It is indivisible
solidary. because the object or subject matter is not physically
divisible into different parts. In other words, it is joint as (3) Indivisibility can exist although there is only
to liabilities of the debtors or rights of the creditors but one debtor and one creditor, while in solidarity, there
indivisible as to compliance. must be at least two debtors or two creditors (Arts.
This obligation constitutes the middle ground 1207, 1208.); and
between a joint obligation and a solidary obligation. (4) In indivisible obligations, the others are not
liable in case of insolvency of one debtor, while in
EXAMPLES: solidary obligations, the others are proportionately
(1) A, B, and C are jointly liable to give D a car valued at liable. (Art. 1217.)
P240,000.00. On the date of delivery, A and B are willing
to deliver but C is not. The first sentence of Article 1210 simply means
In this case, D has no cause of action against C that the liability in an indivisible obligation may be
for the delivery of the car because, as a joint-debtor, C either joint or solidary. The second sentence means that
is liable only for a proportionate part of the obligation in a solidary obligation, the subject matter may be
which is P80,000.00. Since the object (car) is indivisible, divisible or indivisible.
the debt can only be enforced by proceeding against all
the debtors for compliance is not possible unless they EXAMPLES:
act together. (1) A and B are jointly liable to deliver to C a
Pursuant to Article 1224 (infra.), the liability is particular car. Here, the prestation is indivisible but the
converted into one for damages. So, A, B, and C will be liability of A and B is joint. We have what is called a joint
liable for P80,000.00 each or a total of P240,000.00 indivisible obligation. (Arts. 1209, 1224.)
which is the value of the car without increase of (2) If A and B obliged themselves solidarily to
responsibility for A and B. C, the unwilling debtor, shall give the car to C, we have a solidary indivisible
be liable for damages to D for having violated the obligation — the obligation is indivisible and the liability
obligation. of A and B is solidary. To put it in another way, we have
If A and B suffered damages by reason of the a solidary obligation the subject matter of which is
non-fulfillment by C, they may recover them from C. indivisible. In case of breach, even the innocent debtors
Should anyone of the debtors be insolvent, the are liable for the entire indemnity without prejudice to
others shall not be liable for their share. (Art. 1209.) D their right of action against the guilty one. (Art. 1221,
must wait until the insolvent debtor can pay. par. 2.)
(3) A solidary obligation does not necessarily
(2) If there are two creditors, say D and E, and one mean that the obligation is also indivisible. Thus, where
debtor, A, the obligation can be performed only by A and B promised in solidum to pay C P10,000.00, we
delivering the car to them jointly. A (there may be more have an example of a solidary divisible obligation.
than one debtor) can insist that both D and E together (4) Now, if A and B are jointly liable to pay C
accept the car; and if either of them refuses to join the P10,000.00, what we have is a joint divisible obligation.
other, A may legally refuse to deliver the car. He may Money is divisible.
deposit the car in court by way of consignation. (see Art.
1256.) ART. 1211. Solidarity may exist although the creditors
If A becomes liable to pay damages for non- and the debtors may not be bound in the same
performance, D and E can recover only their respective manner and by the same periods and conditions.
shares in the indemnity. Neither D nor E may do
anything which may be prejudicial to the other (Art. Kinds of solidary obligation according to the legal tie.
1212.) like renouncing or assigning the entire obligation They are:
without the consent of the other. This is so because the (1) Uniform. — when the parties are bound by the same
obligation is joint, i.e., the credit of D is separate from stipulations or clauses; or
that of E, and, therefore, neither D nor E can act in (2) Non-uniform or varied. — when the parties are not
representation of the other. Their rights may be subject to the same stipulations or clauses.
prejudiced only by their collective acts.
Solidarity not affected by diverse stipulations.
ART. 1210: The indivisibility of an obligation does not The essence of solidarity consists in the right of
necessarily give rise to solidarity. Nor does solidarity of each creditor to enforce the rights of all and the liability
itself imply indivisibility. of each debtor to answer for the liabilities of all.
Therefore, there may be a solidary obligation although
Indivisibility distinguished from solidarity. the parties may not be bound in the same manner and
The differences are: by the same periods and conditions.
(1) Indivisibility refers to the prestation, while The rule is that the creditor may bring his action
solidarity refers to the juridical or legal tie that binds the in toto against any of the solidary debtors less the
parties; shares of the other debtors with unexpired terms or
(2) In indivisible obligations, only the debtor unfulfilled conditions who are entitled to defenses
guilty of breach of obligation is liable for damages (Arts. under Article 1222. Upon the expiration of the term or
1209, 1224.), thereby terminating the agency, while in the fulfillment of the condition, the creditor will have
solidary obligations, all of the debtors are liable for the the right to demand the payment of the remainder.
breach of the obligation committed by a co-debtor (Art.
1221.), for solidarity among them remains;
However, the parties may stipulate that any prejudicial to them. If he performs such act and as a
solidary debtor already bound may be made liable for result the obligation is extinguished, he shall be
the entire obligation. responsible to the others for damages. As far as the
debtor or debtors are concerned, the act shall be valid
EXAMPLE: and binding.
A, B, C, and D obliged themselves solidarily to pay E The rule is based on the theory of mutual
P20,000.00, as follows: agency among the solidary creditors. A joint creditor
cannot act in representation of the others.
A, to pay by installment at the rate of P1,000.00 a
month, to start in July; B, to pay in September; C, to pay EXAMPLE:
in December; and D, if E passes the Bar examinations. A owes B and C, solidary creditors, the sum of
(a) In July, E can demand only P1,000.00 from A. P2,000.00. B may make a demand for the payment of
E can also make a demand from B, C, and/or D the the obligation for this will benefit C. Under the law, the
P1,000.00 share corresponding to A. But E cannot prescription of action is interrupted when they are fi led
recover yet the shares of B, C, and D which are not yet before the court. (Art. 1155.) So also, if B collects from
due and demandable. A, C will be benefited.
(b) In September, E is entitled to collect from In case of remission or condonation effected by
any of the solidary debtors the share corresponding to B B, the obligation will be extinguished but since C cannot
which is P5,000.00 and A, P1,000.00 or P3,000.00, if A be prejudiced by the remission, B has to reimburse C for
had not yet paid any installment. The shares of C and D the latter’s share. (Art. 1215)
are not yet recoverable.
(c) In December, E can recover from any of the ART. 1213. A solidary creditor cannot assign his rights
solidary debtors, the share corresponding to C in the without the consent of the others.
amount of P5,000.00 plus such amounts from the
shares of A and B which have not yet been paid. The Assignment by solidary creditor of his rights.
share of D will mature only after E passes the Bar In the absence of consent given by the others, a
examinations. solidary creditor cannot assign his rights to a third
(d) If E passes the Bar examinations, the person. The reason behind this prohibition is that each
obligation of D to pay P5,000.00 arises. This amount can creditor represents the others and the assignee may not
be demanded from any of the solidary debtors. Again, E have the confidence of the original solidary creditors
is also entitled to recover all amounts which are already considering that the assignee after receiving payment
due and demandable and unpaid pertaining to the may not give the shares of the others. (see Art. 1178)
shares of A, B, and C. If the assignment is made to a co-creditor, the
(e) If the agreement is that E may demand the consent of the other creditors is not necessary.
entire obligation from B in September, from C in
December, or from D if E passes the Bar examinations, ART. 1214. The debtor may pay any one of the solidary
then B is liable for P20,000.00 in September less the creditors; but if any demand, judicial or extrajudicial,
amount, if any, already paid by A and D; C is liable for has been made by one of them, payment should be
P20,000.00 in December less the amount, if any, already made to him.
paid by A, B, and D. D is liable for P20,000.00 if E passes
the Bar examinations less the amount, if any, already
paid by A, B, and C.

Joint obligation on one side, solidary on the other.

An obligation may be joint on the side of the
creditors and solidary on the side of the debtors, or vice
In such cases, the rules applicable to each
subject of the obligation should be applied, the
character of the creditors or the debtors determining

their respective rights and liabilities. Thus, if the
obligation is joint on the side of the creditors, and
solidary on the side of the debtors, each creditor can

Every person is
demand only his share in the obligation; but each
debtor may be compelled to pay the entire obligation to
the creditors.

ART. 1212. Each one of the solidary creditors may do

whatever may be useful to the others, but not anything obliged to give
which may be prejudicial to the latter.

Act of solidary creditor useful/ prejudicial to others.

A solidary creditor may do any act beneficial or
useful to the others but he cannot perform any act
something is also - cannot be
obliged to take pointed out with
care of it with particularly
the proper ARTICLE 1163.
diligence of a Every person is
good father of a obliged to give
family, unless something is also
the law or the obliged to take
stipulation of the care of it with
parties requires the proper
another standard diligence of a
of care good father of a
● Specific family, unless
(Determinate) - the law or the
particularly stipulation of the
designated or parties requires
physically another standard
segregated of care
● Generic ● Specific
(Indeterminate) (Determinate) -
designated or
● Generic
- cannot be
pointed out with

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