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1.She is proud of her cooking. (PRIDE)


2.The loss of the account was not our fault. (BLAME)


3.She found her book so interesting that she didn’t even hear me. (ENGROSSED)


4. Julian is proud of his stamp collection. (PRIDE)


5. We ought to have dropped in on Muriel when we were in town. (PAID)


6. Amanda always turns shy when there are adults around. (PRESENCE)


7. He said I could concentrate on more important matters. (TURN)


8. Jason and I shared the driving. (TURNS)


9. Roger is now responsible for the whole sales department. (CHARGE)


10. This matter has nothing to do with her. (CONCERN)


11. Suppose they don’t grant him his right to see a lawyer? (OF)


12. Time is precious, so can we please hurry? (SHORT)

13. If you carry out your threat, there’s a good chance that you will be prosecuted.


14. According to the newspaper, there are plenty of jobs going in Australia.


15. I travelled through France for a week. (SPENT)


16. Andrew enjoys teasing his sister all the time. (DELIGHT)


17. Noel seems to enjoy making people feel uncomfortable. (PLEASURE)


18. Picasso played a major role in the development of the 20 th century art movement.


19. He always had everything he wanted as a child. (SHORT)


20. We don’t need to buy any more detergent just yet. (ENOUGH)



1.Seargeant Tucker is away until the end of the month. (LEAVE)


2. The two models are much the same. (NOTHING)


3. David should concentrate more on his studies. (APPLY)


4. If he continues to be rude to her, she’s going to give him a piece of her mind.

5. It’s really worth knowing people in high places sometimes. (PAYS)


6. Your father will never allow you to marry Alec. (CONSENT)


7. Judging by the outside of the house, very rich people live here. (OUTSIDE)


8. That the socialists won the election was totally unexpected. (SURPRISE)


9. The police will keep him in custody until they have proof he is not a terrorist.


10. Women all over the world copied the Princess Diana look. (TREND)


11. Many people do not approve of the new measures to control crime. (ALONG)


12. If only I could read music. (LOVE)


13. It is very difficult to stay up-to-date with technology. (PACE)


14. Apparently we ‘ll have to start from scratch. (LOOKS)


15. A lot of people have been talking about his new film lately. (SUBJECT)


16. At first sight, it seems like a worthwhile plan of attack, but we’ll see. (FACE)


17. Very few employees agree with the new proposals. (FAVOR)

18. They blamed her for the error, even though she had been absent at the time.


19. I think this difficult situation will resolve itself after a while. (SORT)


20. If my mother calls , tell her I’m on my way home. (HAPPEN)



1.She damaged the car badly when she backed into the tree. (DAMAGE)


2. These old laws should be abolished. (DONE)


3. It’s such a shame that Terry and Carla broke up. (SEPARATE)


4. Judy‘s thinking about moving to France. (THOUGHT)


5. There are several categories of people who do not have to pay the new tax.


6. Terry did not agree with me about the best way to proceed. (SHARE)


7. It seems highly unlikely that the weather will improve during the next few days. (SIGNS)


8. The open-air concerts in the park take place on alternate Sundays. (OTHER)

9. John was quite frank about his criminal record. (SECRET)


10. Our bus timetable may vary from one month to the next. (SUBJECT)


11. There have been a lot of redundancies in that area. (LOST)


12. The number of places offered on the course has been drastically reduced owing to
lack of funds. (REDUCTION)


13. Doesn’t anyone but me care about this issue?(ONLY)


14. I was amazed at the speed with which Chris learned to drive. (FOUND)


15. When you go to the city, watch out for pickpockets. (LOOKOUT)


16. Several flights have had to be cancelled because of heavy snowfalls.



17. Nobody knows what happened to the money. (MYSTERY)


18. It took three hours to get there, but we all agreed we were happy we had done it.


19. The only thing I can do is to tell Monica everything. (ALTERNATIVE)


20. It was the first time Lenny had used a computer. (EXPERIENCE)


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