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fikiStoRM HP. hs enn s me a +6 ‘Alexandrino Andujo, LL 12 Outlaw HULL AGI sys eng SKILL TRIGGERS 6 2) 0 +6 ACTUNSEENOR UNHEARD +4 ASSAULT +4 GETAHOLD OF SOMETHING — +4 INVESTIGATE +6 READASITUATION +4 SHOWOFF +4 SPOT LICENSES [g] IPS-N NELSON 11 SSC MONARCH IIT IPS-N DRAKE IIT TALENTS 7 INFILTRATOR Daring your tum, gain the fellowina benefits: ‘« Entering line cf sight of hostile characters or mcving from cover does net step you from being Hidden. [G)_ + Youcan pass freety through —but net end your tum in ~ enemy spaces. 4 Youcan Hide even in plain sight of enemies. These ofc meaty end when you tim ers (eo youloce Hien youve sil time) [] When you start your tum Hidden, the first attack rcllof any type that you make sends your target reeling on a hit. Your target © must succeed on a Hull save or become Slowed, Impaired, and unable to teke reactions until the end of their next turn. | When you lose Hidden (by any means), you may fist fre 2 flash bomb at any adjacent cheracter. That character must pass a ms save or orly be able to drew line of sight to adjacent spaces unil the end cf their next tum. g You can then move up to your speed, ignering engagement and not provoking reactions, end are then revealed normaly. EXECUTIONER [C] (iround, when you hit with a Heavy or Superheavy melee weapon, you cen make ancther melee attack withthe same weepen ~ asa tree action against a different character within Threat and line of sight. This attack deals half damage, if euocessftl [) The first time in 2 round! that you perform 2 critical hit wih @ Heavy oF Superheavy melee weapon, you deal 3 Kinetic demage 10 © al characters and otjects of your choice within Threat, other than the one you just attacked, [S) ‘/round, when you miss with 2 melee attack, you reroll it against a ditferent target within Threat and line of sight /-_SKIRMISHER [) Atthe start of your tum, you gain soft cover, You lose this cover if you attack or force enother character to make a save, [e] Before or after you Skirmish Gncluding as a reaction, e.9. from Overwatch), you may mave 2 spaces. This movement ignores engagement and doesn't proveke reactions. [S) The first attack teken 2s a reaction against you in any round automatically misses, p ACE [py Wie ng, xu ot the iting bene: any direction as @ reaction. «You make all Agjlity checks and saves with +1 Accuracy. Any time an etlack misses you, you may fy up to 2 spaces Ie] When you Boostwtile fying, you may reve an axkliional 106 spaces, but take heat equal fo half that amount [g] 9S. duick action on yeur tum, you may spin up your thrusters. you end your tum flying, you may nominate a character © within a Range equal to your Speed and within line of sight, and gein the Supersonic Reaction. > EXEMPLAR “The first time on your tun that you attack a hostile character within Range 3, Fit or riss, you may give them the Exerrplar's Tre eracter has the Exempla’ Merk unl the start of your next tum, and rile they have you gain the Valiant Ad eaction. Mark as a free action. Characters can only have one Exempler’s Mark at 2 time ~ new marks from any character replace [G] otra! hen the character with your Mer tacks 2 character wihin Renge Sof yu, other than you hey tager your HA BARBAROSSA III ine of sight or out of caver at that existing marks. weer {L) When you Fit with 2 tech attack that consumes Lock On, your target must chocse fo either take 2 Heet or be pushed 3 spaces ©! ina direction cf your choice. CORE BONUSES (IMPROVED ARMAMENT Hfyour mech has fewer than three mounts (exchiding integrated mounts) if gains en additional Flexible mount. f-TTANOMACHY MESH ‘round, when you successfully Ram or Grapple a mech, you can Ram or Grapple again as a free action. Ackiticnally, when you knock targets back with melee attacks, you knock them back 1 additional space. INTEGRATED AMMO FEEDS All Limited systems and weapons gain an additional two cherges. OVERPOWER CALIBER Choose one weapon. ‘/round, when you hit with an attack, you can cause it to deal +106 bonus damage. PILOT LOADOUT ASSAULT HARDSUMT //ARMOR MEDIUM SIGNATURE // WEAPON MEDIUM A/C (/WEAPON #1 Armor / E-Def: 8 / Evasion: 8 Range 5 | 2 Variable Damage ‘Threat 1 | 2 Kinetic Damage HP Bonus: #3/ Speed: 4 ‘When a signature weapon is acquired, choose its damage type — Explosive, Energy, or Kinetic. FRAG GRENADES //GEAR CAMO CLOTH //GEAR STIMS //GEAR Expend a chatge for the follcwing effect | Ascuare of reactive material thet slowly || These chemical stimulants are «Frag Grenade (Grenade, Range 5, | shifts to reflect the surrounding sometimes administered automatically Blast 1): Affected characters must | environment, encuch to ccver ahuman | by irjectors built into a pilot's suit, or ‘succeed on an Adilty save or take 2 | | comfortably. The transition takes about | | even implanted within their body. Explosive damage. ‘Oseconds and makes anything hidden | | Uncontrolled use can be addictive and undemeath very difficult to spot dangerous to health in the long-term ‘and isa problem for some pilots. Expend a charge for one of the following effects: «Kick: Keeps a pilct awake and alert for up to 30 hours. «Freeze: Keeps 2 pilot calm and emotionally stable; deadens fear and other strong reactions, «Juice: Heighten senses and ‘alertness, reduce fatigue, and shorten reaction times. Juice ‘eccasionally provokes rage in some users. ERROR OF YOUR WAYS He) CES) ORES) CHRETS) CORE POWER REPAIR CAPACITY “)'D'O'O © é . STRUCTURE HP stress wear I4 126 /4 /12 sk TECH ATK SAVE SPEED —, -LDEF EVASION — SENSORS LTD SYS + +0) 616 CG | FRAME TRAITS FROME TRA oeansven ‘/round, atter you Boost, the Nelson's next melee attack Atter attacking, the Nelson can immeditely meve 1 space ea sen on te nee Cee ee ee ae ‘This mevement ignores engagement and doesn’t prevoke Bio ; PERPETUAL MOMENTUM DRIVE Forth resto soos, kimiser acs yeu tomeve dspace at tr instead of space PRIMARY //Loapout FLEX MOUNT ‘Assault Cannon |PS-N MAIN CANNON Range 8 |1d6+2 Kinetic Damage Opie? ‘Assault Cannon (Quick) in Up the berrels of the Assault Cannon, Slowing yourmech and allowing use cf ts "Spin-Up Mode" prefile Range 8 |1d6+2 Kinetic Damage ‘2Gease Spin-lip (Pretocol) End the Assault Cannon's "Spin-Up Mode", ending the Slowed candition and allewing the Assault Cannon to be used with its "Standard profile, (OVERKILL OVERHILSELF) HEAT RERRLRLES — QUIRONETIN FLEX MOUNT Sharanga Missiles SSC MAIN LAUNCHER Range 15 |3 Explosive Damage ae mau KM QUIN MELEE Threat 3 [106 Kinetic Damage THERMAL CHARGE //APPLIED MoD ARCING Power Knuckles !PS-N AUXILIARY MELEE ‘Threat 1 [1d3+1 Explosive Damage KNOCKBACK1 THROWN SYSTEMS “Roller” Directed Payload Charges 14 DEPLOYABLE 9000000 (Roller Grenade (Quick) Frlte5 ct thrcuing tis grenade, it rls along a line 10 path ciety from you, bouncing cver obstructions and cbjets up fo Size “and passing through holes or gaps no smaller than Size 1/2. It delonates when it moves through or acjacent fo the space ‘ovoupied by any cheracter: they must succeed on an Aalily save oF take d6+3 explosive damage and be knocked 3 spaces in the direction the grenade was ralled, Ona suocess, they take half damage and aren't knocked back. ‘Deploy Bouncing Mine (Quick) ‘This mine detonates when a flying character passes oVEPUPEE}SCUIM it, up to 10 spaces righ. The mine launches itself Upwards and detonctes: all characters within the affected area must succeed on a Systems save cr take 246 explosive damage and immediately land (this counts as falling without any damage): additionally they can't fly until the end cf their nex tum, On 2 success, they take half damage and are otherwise unaffected. LIMITED? UNIQUE «GRENADE «MINE QUICKAGTION TLALOC-Class NHP SSC Al ‘TLALOC Protocol (Protoca)) EFFECT Your | Kee ‘can rapidly fire and retarget your weapons — far faster than thought. You become Immobilized until the start of your nex tur however, during this time, you may reroll each missed melee or ranged attack roll once, choosing a new ferget within the allack’s Range. I the attack was part of an area of effect, it must target a chatacter in the same area. Any Gven target can't be hit mere than ence 2s pert cf the same action. ‘Al UNIQUE“ HEAT2 (SELF) PROTOCOL Javelin Rockets SSC SYSTEM Activate Javelin Rockets (Quick) Ef dass tee epaces within range 15 and ine of sight that aren't acjacent fo each other. All characters knew which spaces you have chosen. You fre 2 valley of auto-targeting rockets into the air: uni the start cf your next tum, when a character moves info cer passes abcve a chosen space — no more than 10 spaces Up ~ they are tif ky 8 rocket, taking 3 kinetic damage. Each space canbe triggered ence and then the effect disappears on that space. UNIQUE | QUICKACTION Type-I Flight System GMS FLIGHT SYSTEM ‘You may choose to count any and all of your movement as flying; hcwever, you teke Size +1 Heat at the end of any cf your tums in ‘which you fly this way. NIQUE

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