Haz-Matt Systems Failure Master Guide

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Failure Haz-
Character Creation.....................................1
New O.C.C.s...............................................2
Military Trucks.........................................61
Military Armored Fighting Vehicles..........62
Military Tanks..............................................................................................................................................64
Canadair CL-215............................................................................................................................................................................ 71
Lake LA-250 Seawolf..................................................................................................................................................................... 73

Rigid-hull Inflatable Boat............................................................................................................................................................... 84
Catamaran Tactical Boat............................................................................................................................................................... 84
Small Tug....................................................................................................................................................................................... 87
128-ft Large Tug............................................................................................................................................................................ 88

Modern Weapons:.......................................................................................................................................89
New Organitech Weapons & Equipment....................................................................................................107
New Bugs...................................................................................................................................................112
Camp Deadman's Switch............................................................................................................................120

Character Creation
Zombie Failure character creation

Stats: Roll 4d6 drop the lowest and reroll any 1’s. Reroll anything under 9

Pre cataclysm counts as your current occupation.

Preparedness level:
This table will affect the equipment I give you at startup. Roll percentile dice and compare the effect.
% Level Effect
1 – 15 No Preparation You’ve lived a sheltered life and have never worried about anything
16 – 19 Super Prepared You’ve got it and if you don’t you don’t need it
20 – 35 Basic Survival Stuffs Post 9/11 you followed the government guidelines and built up some survival supplies and
learned a few things
36 – 43 Generally Preparation You’re prepared to deal with a variety of situations
44 – 60 No Preparation You’ve lived a sheltered life and have never worried about anything
61 – 76 Basic Survival Stuffs Post 9/11 you followed the government guidelines and built up some survival supplies and
learned a few things
77 – 80 Super Prepared You’ve got it and if you don’t you don’t need it
81 – 90 No Preparation You’ve lived a sheltered life and have never worried about anything
90 – 99 Basic Survival Stuffs Post 9/11 you followed the government guidelines and built up some survival supplies and
learned a few things
100 Secret Knowledge You know things…and where to find them

Zombie Knowledge: Roll a d20 and compare to the chart

# Level Effect
1 Ultimate You helped create the rage virus
2 None They make moves about those right?
3 Some You know to aim for the head
4 None They make moves about those right?
5 Some You know to aim for the head
6 Much Undead? Let me tell you about them.
7 Some You know to aim for the head
8 None They make moves about those right?
9 Some You know to aim for the head
10 Denial They don’t exist
11 – 14 Denial They don’t exist
15 - 17 Some You know to aim for the head
18 – 19 Much Undead? Let me tell you about them.
20 None You won’t even watch the lord of the rings

Special abilities: None, you haven’t had time to develop them as we are starting just at the start of the epidemic.

Equipment: I’ll determine and hand out starting equipment. There will be the ability to score extra equipment at start up, roll a d20
and give me the number. That and your skills and stats will give me a good idea as to what equipment to give you. Don’t despair if
you roll low.

List a home town and where the character was living.

New O.C.C.s
Talespinner O.C.C.
Also Known As: Johnny or Jenny Six-String and Badlands Bard
"If some day you're not feeling well, and you should remember some little thing I have said or done and if it brings a
smile to your face or a chuckle to your heart, then my purpose as a clown as been fulfilled." -- Red Skelton
The Meltdown produced lots of displaced individuals who suddenly found their lives and careers swept away.
Most of those that weren’t enslaved or killed by the Bugs found themselves forced to take up new professions. However,
a few learned new ways to ply their old trades. Among those were the various entertainers that found themselves
wandering the battered and ruined landscape of Free America. It was out of these people that the singer-musician-
storyteller-clown known as the Talespinner, or Badlands Bard, emerged.
Welcomed by all but trusted by none, they have developed something of a roguish celebrity among the
bunkertowns and villages of Free America. Plenty of stories abound of the loose morals of these men and women, some
of which are true. But there are also quite a few whose first and only joy is the entertainment of others with a good yarn
or hearty song. However, all of them have a love of travel and rarely stay in one place for longer than a few weeks before
their wanderlust hits them again. After all, new places mean new stories to learn and new songs to write. Only those that
are too old or too infirm settle in one area, usually becoming a fixture at the local saloon or dance hall.
Due to their wandering nature, a Talespinner’s life is often fraught with danger. As such, they have had to acquire
a few additional skills to ensure they live to tell their next tale. It is not unusual to see a Jenny Six-String walk into a
saloon with her guitar across her back and a Colt Python on her hip. Though they rarely carry anything larger than a knife
or pistol, most are capable of handling themselves in a fight if hard pressed. Even the few that refuse to carry a weapon
usually have some kind of hand-to-hand training.

Attribute Requirements: I.Q. of 10 or higher. M.A. of 15 or higher.

Base S.D.C.: 30
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses: +1D6 to M.A., +1 to parry and dodge.
Talespinning: As their name implies, Talespinners are master storytellers. The best have been known to move the
hardest heart to tears and force even the most dour people to crack a smile at a silly tale. Though it isn’t necessary to do
so, GMs may encourage players to role-play this out, assessing bonuses or penalties depending on how well the story
was told. A failed roll means that the storyteller has lost the interest of his listeners, while a result of 96 to 100 means he
has offended them! Base Skill: (M.A. + 20% ) +5% per level of experience.
Contacts: Like the Splatterpunk Ability (p.p.94 of the Systems Failure RPG), but applies to other Talespinners and those
who deal with them.
O.C.C. Skill Programs: Domestic Program (+20%, but two of the skills must either be Play Musical Instrument or Singing.),
Wilderness Survival Program, plus Streetwise (+15%), Seduction (+10%), and one of the following Modern W.P.s:
Automatic Pistol, Revolver, or Sub-machinegun. At the GM’s option, and if he has the book available, he may allow the
player character to take the Clowning skill presented on p.p. 7 of Adventures on the High Seas: Second Edition in lieu of
one of the remaining domestic skills.

O.C.C. Related: Select six skills. Pilot, Advanced: None.

Communications: Radio: Basic only. Rogue: Any (+10%)
Domestic: Any (+10% to Play Musical Instrument or Singing) Science: Any except analytical chemistry.
Electrical: Basic Electronics only. Technical: Any (+10% to Language, Lore, Literacy, and Writing)
Espionage: Intelligence only (+5%). Wilderness: Any.
Mechanical: Basic and Automotive Mechanics only. W.P.: Any, but Talespinners prefer weapons that are small and
Medical: First Aid Only. useable by one hand.
Military: None. Secondary Skills: None initially. Characters may select one
Physical: Any. Secondary Skill at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15.
Pilot, Basic: Any.

Standard Equipment: Instrumentally inclined Talespinners will have their preferred musical instrument, usually something portable
and classy like a guitar, trumpet, or saxophone and a case for their instrument. Other equipment will include 1d6 changes of clothes,
a backpack, duffle bag, flashlight, knife, and a pistol with 100 rounds of spare ammunition. Also has $1D4x100 worth of additional
gear, clothing, and supplies. The Talespinner has a 50% chance of owning a horse or some kind of beat-up motor vehicle (motorcycle,
car, van, light truck) with a full tank of gas.

Money: $1D4x100 in precious metals and/or tradable goods.

The Upside: You are a wandering free spirit who isn’t afraid to experience new places and things. You can’t hear new tales or write
new songs if you don’t go out and see the world, neither can you share those songs and tales with new people. Staying rooted to one
spot is not in your nature.

The Downside: Your wandering nature often leads you into trouble, whether it’s a bunch of Bugs or the angry farmer who caught you
with his daughter. People enjoy your songs and stories but they don’t trust you, especially around their women (or men as the case
may be). Sometimes, it’s best to fall in with others who can vouch for (or cover) you.

Experience Point Requirements For Talespinners: See the Splatterpunk table on p.p. 95 of Systems Failure.
Radioman O.C.C.
Once the Meltdown hit, the lines of communication (Radio, TV, the Internet) everyone had taken for granted were
suddenly gone. Even when communications were supposedly restored, it was largely in the control of the Bugs. Nobody
knew what was going on in the next town, let alone around the world. Thus, the Radioman became a vital link between
the various free-thinking communities scattered throughout the post-Meltdown world. Most of the early ones were
professional radio personnel from military bases and rural markets, though a few renowned national and international
personalities did manage to escape as well. As more and more HAM and short-wave radio sets were scavenged and/or
captured throughout the years, more and more Radiomen cropped up in Free America and an informal network of
communicators started to form. Most of these men and women would be recruited by The League of Free Cities, NORAD,
and, most importantly, the RFA-- Radio Free America.

In many ways, their role as messengers and entertainers hasn’t changed much. They still relay news and play songs from
the pre-Meltdown era. However, their lives have also become much more dangerous. Broadcasting stations are literally a
beacon for Bugs and other, more human threats that don’t like what the station and its personnel have to say. As a result,
only the most well-protected communities have a permanent radio station, and the multitude of others out there are
highly-mobile, moving every few weeks to avoid capture or destruction. Smaller outfits such as militia units and
splatterpunk gangs have learned the value of having a few radiomen of their own, as have the Bugs, so most prefer to
capture them alive rather than kill them. Sadly, there are those evil and self serving individuals who voluntarily join such
groups when their ideals coincide with their own, thus the radio waves become another tool in the arsenal of the bad
guys as well. The Army of Stone , Convoy 99, the Dakota Minions, the Millennium Brotherhood, and the Parliament of
Crows all have their own Radiomen on the payroll, spreading their own particular brand of man-made terror.

Whatever side of the conflict they are on, Radiomen have picked up a few new tricks of the trade. The most useful has
been the ability to detect Bugs trying to spread misinformation via the airwaves. This skill arose in several places at once,
believe it or not. It was discovered that Bugged radio (and even TV) broadcast equipment, gives off certain tell-tale signs
which Bugs can NOT conceal. In audio, this takes the form of a faint, but high-pitched buzzing sound. When shown on an
oscilloscope, it comes across as a narrow, but continuous fluctuation where the line should be flat. The buzzing and
fluctuation are much more pronounced if the Radioman’s own gear is Bugged, which puts the unfortunate air pirate in a
very dangerous situation. However, this means of Bug detection only works on Bugged equipment. The Radioman has
learned to use that same discerning hearing to listen for Assassin Bugs and Silkworm Zombies trying to pose as
freethinkers. Their incomplete understanding of human languages makes them easy to find for these trained listeners.
Once they are rooted out, however, word quickly spreads that whatever frequency they are heard on is not to be trusted
until the Bugs are located and dealt with, if possible.

Also Known As: Air Pirate, Hambone, ‘Jay, Jockey, and Wind Talker
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. and M.A. of 10 or higher
Base S.D.C.: 25
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses: 1. Bug Detector: Free-thinking Radiomen have learned how to tell if a piece of
communications gear or a transmission has been affected by Bugs. Not as magical as it sounds, a radioman simply listens
for certain background sounds or looks for certain wave patterns on an oscilloscope, as Bugs give off a distinct, but often
very faint, “buzz” when inside a machine. Likewise, they can differentiate between the known types of Bugs and tell
whether or not the Bug is in the equipment they are using (BAD DAY!) or are transmitting from elsewhere.

When dealing with bugged Short-wave or AM gear, add a +10% bonus because the electromagnetic interference is much
more obvious in these formats. Due to the Bugs imperfect understanding of human languages, the Radioman also gets
+10% to detect Assassin Bugs and +5% to detect Silkworm Zombies trying to pose as free thinkers. Of course, voice
detection of other Bug types is automatic, since they make no effort to conceal their inhuman nature (or are incapable of
doing so). The bonuses to detecting by voice also apply “off the air” as well, making a field-mobile radioman an
especially valuable asset to NORAD and other groups conducting action against the Bugs. Base Skill: 50% +5% per level of
The Radioman may also choose ONE of the following abilities from below.

2. Stir the Masses: In the pre-Meltdown era, ‘Jays were literally the voices of their radio stations and the most talented
among them could draw huge listenerships through sheer charisma. ‘Jays get a bonus of 1D6 to their M.A. They can also
use their Mental Affinity to charm and impress as if it were the equivalent P.B. score.

3. Keeping the Lines Open: A Radioman often has none but himself to rely on to keep his equipment running, so many
have become experts in electronic repair. Selecting this ability gives the character an additional +10% to repair radios and
similar communications gear.

O.C.C. Skill Programs: Communications Program (+20%) and Technical Program (+15%), plus one modern WP.

O.C.C. Related Skills: Select six skills from the following: Pilot, Advanced: Helicopter only
Communications: Any (+10%) Pilot Related: Any
Domestic: Any Rogue: Cardsharp, Computer Hacking, Streetwise, and Seduction
Electrical: Any, except Advanced Electronics (+10%) only
Espionage: Intelligence and Wilderness Survival only Science: Any, except Analytical Chemistry
Mechanical: Basic and Automotive Mechanics only Technical: Any (+10%)
Medical: First Aid only Wilderness: None
Military: None W.P.: Any except W.P. Heavy and W.P. Energy Weapons
Physical: Any except Acrobatics and Gymnastics Secondary Skills: None to start, but select one at levels 2, 4, 6, 8,
Pilot, Basic: Any 10, and 12.

Standard Equipment: Most will not have their own full station set-up unless they live in a community that can support and protect
one. The typical wandering Radioman will have a Ham-type radio set that they transport in a beat-up van, SUV, or similar large
vehicle. To keep scavengers and other undesirables at a respectable distance and away from their gear, most carry a couple of
firearms with 1D6 x 100 rounds for each. They will also have tools and $1D4 x 100 in spare parts to keep their radios going.

Personal gear usually includes $1000 worth of stuff such as clothes, a flashlight, and so on.

Money: $2D4 x 100 in precious metals and $2D6 x 100 in tradable goods.

Upside: You spread the word far and wide about the Great American Bug Hunt, reaching out over the airwaves to the freedom
fighters across the land with words of hope and encouragement... and a little bit of music.

Downside: You occasionally have to stay mobile to keep ahead of the Bugs and anybody else that may not like what you have to say.
Occasionally, this displeasure takes the form of destroying or confiscating your equipment.

Experience Point Chart: Use the Sawbones chart on p.p. 93 of Systems Failure.

Wheelman O.C.C.
Long ago, the roads and highways of America and the rest of the world were relatively safe. People and goods traveled
freely from one end of the country to the other without fear of attacks from wandering Splatterpunks or hungry insect
aliens from another dimension. After the Meltdown, travel, especially long distance cross-country runs, became very
dangerous. The main roads became the province of wandering gangs of the newly emerged Splatterpunks. It was into
this environment that the Post-Meltdown Wheelman was born.

The first Wheelmen were hot rodders, bootleggers, truckers, race car drivers, and state patrolmen. Over time, these men
and women started to come together and share their expertise with one another, passing these skills on to the
generation coming up behind them. These disparate backgrounds are reflected in the different careers Wheelmen
choose, but they all have a couple of things in common with one another-- their love of their machines and their


The Wheelman’s best friend is his Ride, an automobile that he has become so familiar with that it almost borders on
obsession. Whether he’s a white hat lawman or a backstabbing scumbag bandit, his Ride is his whole world. It’s not
uncommon for a Wheelman to talk to his vehicle like it was a faithful dog or best friend. In fact, many romantic
relationships have been ruined because a Wheelman spent more time with his vehicle than with his spouse. In a few
extreme cases, Wheelmen have given up their careers or committed suicide after losing their Ride. Most, however, will
go through a period of mourning, typically a year, before looking for a new Ride. During this time, the mourner is
considered off-limits by even the bitterest Wheelman enemy. Not even Miscreant or Diabolic Wheelmen will lift a finger
against them. Once he’s back in the driver’s seat, which is usually announced by a wild celebration, he’s fair game again.

The courage of a Wheelman is widely known. One has to be brave to face the dangers of the road ahead. However, most
are not fools and will avoid needlessly endangering their vehicles, themselves, and in some cases, their passengers and
cargo. However, if their Ride or their passengers are in danger, they will fight to the fullest to protect both. It’s a point of
pride for a Wheelman to get his charges to their destination safely. Wheelmen who regularly lose passengers and cargo
get a reputation as a “black cat” and often find work hard to come by. Of course, many of the more despicable
Wheelmen will find a way to twist the definition of a “safe” arrival.

Wheelman O.C.C.
Alignment: Any
Attribute Requirements: Good reflexes (P.P. 9 or higher), plus good P.E. and M.E. (9 or higher). A high I.Q. is also helpful
but not required.
Base S.D.C.: 35
Special Abilities and Bonuses:
1. Defensive Driving: +1 to initiative and +1 to dodge while driving. The Wheelman gains an additional +1 to dodge at
levels 3, 7, and 15.

2. Choice Ride: Every Wheelman has a “Choice Ride”, a favorite vehicle that they have come to know inside and out. The
Wheelman knows exactly how it will respond in a given situation and how hard he can push it. This familiarity with their
vehicle’s handling gives them an additional +2 to dodge as well as a +10% bonus to Pilot Automobile and Automotive
Mechanics with regards to their Choice Rides. These bonuses apply only to operating one very specific vehicle. Even the
same make & model will not get these bonuses. As most become attached to their Rides, this isn’t really a problem.

If the Wheelman loses his Ride due to combat, an accident, theft, or simple age (cars do eventually wear out), he
temporarily loses his Choice Ride bonuses until he has spent six months to a year (1D6+6) with a new vehicle,
familiarizing himself with it. Then, of course, its party time!

O.C.C. Skill Programs: All Wheelmen, regardless of their career path, get the Pilot, Basic Program (must be all ground
vehicles) +20% as well as the following skills: Automotive Mechanics (+10%), Basic Mechanics (+10%), Basic Electronics
(+10%), plus one Modern W.P. and Land Navigation (+15%)

The Wheelman may also select ONE of the following careers:

1. Freewheeler: Freewheelers are wandering bohemians. They travel as the mood hits them. Select one of the following
skill programs: Domestic, Technical, or Wilderness Survival.
2. Long Hauler: Long Haulers are the stereotypical trucker types. +1D6 to P.E., +2D6 to S.D.C., and +10% to Land
3. NORAD Wheelman: Military Basic Program
4. Peacekeeper Wheelman: Police/Law Enforcement Program
5. Splatterpunk Wheelman: Professional Thief Program

O.C.C. Related Skills: Select five skills from the following categories:

Communications: Radio: Basic only (+5%) Pilot, Basic: Any (+10%)
Domestic: Any Pilot, Advanced: Any ground vehicle (+10%)
Electrical: Computer Repair only Pilot Related: Any (+10%)
Espionage: Wilderness Survival only Rogue: Any, except Computer Hacking
Mechanical: Locksmith only Science: Basic Math only
Medical: First Aid only Technical: Any
Military: Armorer (Field), Camouflage, Find Contraband & Illegal W.P. Ancient: Any
Weapons W.P. Modern: Any
Physical: Any, except Acrobatics or Gymnastics. Hand-to-hand: Secondary Skills: None to start with, but the Wheelman may
Expert counts as TWO skills and Hand-to-hand Martial Arts (or select one at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15.
Assassin, if evil) counts as THREE.

Standard Equipment: Personal equipment will include a conventional firearm of choice with 1000 rounds of extra ammunition.
Wheelmen tend towards guns they can easily access while driving, such as pistols, sub-machine guns, and sawed-off shotguns.
Additionally, they will have a toolkit for making on the spot repairs, $2D4x100 in spare parts for their Ride, backpack or duffle bag,
flashlight, and $1D6x100 in personal gear.

Their Ride will typically reflect the nature of its owner. Long Haulers tend towards the larger vans and trucks. Peacekeeper Wheelmen
will usually have tricked out police cruisers and pursuit vehicles. The NORAD ones typically drive Hummers, Gun Buggies, or whatever
their current assignment has them driving. Freewheelers and Splatterpunk Wheelmen can be encountered driving just about
anything smaller than a tractor trailer, but you can bet that its been modified in all the right places to do exactly what its owner
wants it to. Exactly what modifications have been done to the Wheelman’s vehicle should be worked out between the player and the
GM. Another thing to consider is that most Wheelmen will avoid super exotics like Lamborghinis and Ferraris, both because parts are
harder to come by and because they tend to be big bullseyes for Splatterpunk gangs.

Money: Typically $1D4x100 in tradable goods or precious metals. Even though they can command respectable fees, most usually put
the bulk of what they earn back into their vehicles and spend the rest as the opportunity presents itself. NORAD types get a monthly
stipend of $100 as most of their needs, including vehicle maintenance, are taken care of.

The Upside: If anybody can get from Point A to Point B, it’s you. You know all the highways and backroads like the back of your hand
and if push comes to shove, you and your Ride can outrun or outmaneuver any trouble encountered along the way.

The Downside: Fuel and parts can be very difficult to come by, and sometimes the only way to get either is to take them from some
other scrub by force. Sometimes, that other scrub is you. Then there’s the fact that many people don’t get the special connection you
have with your vehicle.

Experience Point Table for Wheelmen: Same as the Exterminator O.C.C. (p.p. 85 of Systems Failure).
Roadhog O.C.C.
The highways of post-Meltdown America - aging, crumbling and wasting away from a decade of neglect - remain the easiest paths to
get from one place to another. Using them, though, is possibly more dangerous than some other route, simply because the roads are
where travelers tend to congregate. To survive on the road it takes brains, balls - and more than a shred of insanity helps, too. These
survivors are the Roadhogs.
Whether transporting cargo, escorting people in need of medical care, or attacking those less powerful, Roadhogs think of
themselves as the kings of the road. Their machines are often souped-up, powerful, armored behemoths equipped with grenade
launchers and machine guns capable of mowing down whole gangs of Splatterpunks. Most Roadhogs are loners, associating only
with small groups and then only temporarily - a fact which keeps them from ruling the highways entirely.
Alignment: Any, but most are Selfish
Attribute Requirements: None, although a high P.P. is helpful.
Base S.D.C.: 40
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses (special):
 Leadfoot:Roadhogs are the ultimate drivers, and receive +25% on all piloting rolls in a certain type of wheeled
vehicle (motorcycle, car, pickup or heavy truck, whichever is their preferred type of vehicle), as well as +10% to
the other types.

Skill Programs: Criminal Program (+10%, plus select one more program.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick six skills from the following: Physical: Any.
Communications: Radio: Basic, Radio: Scramblers, or Read Pilot, Basic: Any (+15%).
Sensory Equipment.(+5%). Pilot, Advanced: Tanks and APCs only (+10%).
Domestic: Any. Pilot Related: Any (+10%).
Electrical: Basic Electronics or Computer Repair (+10%). Rogue: Any (+5%).
Espionage: Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, Pick Science: Basic Math or Chemistry only.
Locks or Wilderness Survival. Technical: General Repair, Language or Literacy only.
Mechanical: Basic Mechanics, Automotive Mechanics, Wilderness: Identify Plants & Fruits or Land Navigation
Locksmith, Mechanical Engineer, Advanced Mechanics or only.
Weapons Engineer (+10%). W.P.: Any.
Medical: First Aid or Paramedic only. Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
Military: Any - Armorer (Field), Camouflage, Demolitions, select one Secondary Skill at levels1, 4, 7, 10, and 13.
Demolitions Disposal, Recognize Weapon Quality or Trap /
Mine Detection (+5%).

Standard Equipment: Survival knife, pocket knife, one pistol or carbine plus one weapon for each W.P., 1D4x50 rounds
for each weapon, plus a backpack, duffel bag, various sacks, sunglasses (probably big mirrored Statie types - gotta go for
the old-fashioned intimidation), pocket signal mirror, two canteens, gas mask and $1D6x100 in personal gear. As for a
vehicle, the Roadhog begins with a basic, unmodified, beat-up car or motorcycle (missing 1/3 of its base S.D.C.), but
modifications are inevitable - use the rules in Heroes Unlimited or Ninjas and Superspies, or these are some vehicle
modification rules available on the net (can't remember the URL and don't have a copy - sorry!).
Money: $2D4x100 in tradable goods or coin.
The Upside: You've got wheels, guns and an attitude, and you're not afraid to use 'em.
The Downside: The problem is... you've got wheels, guns and an attitude, and you're not afraid to use 'em.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Survivalist table (Systems Failure, page 96).

Army Soldier O.C.C.

Once a part of the greatest military force ever assembled, the current army soldier is one of the few lucky souls to have
escaped the debacle that was Operation Clean Sweep. Now left without a proper chain of command but armed with the
tools of their trade, the soldier has either joined up with survivors of his or other units or has leant his arm and his
weapon to the cause of the local resistance.
Members of the army are used to being the least glorified and most numerous of the armed service branches, but they
also know that without them the rest of the military would essentially be useless in a conflict. The survivors of Operation
Clean Sweep, though demoralized at first, took heart with the resistance that the civilian populace has shown towards
the Bugs and so most of the remaining army has now found a place to dig in and fight back.
Besides the segmented forces that continue to fight back independently using small group tactics, there are also
organized groups of a respectable size, not the least of which is that gathered at NORAD.
Each army soldier must select a Military Occupation Specialty (M.O.S.) in order to define where his particular niche in
the army is and what his advanced training was in.
Light/Mechanized Infantry: Requirements: P.S. one place to another in trucks, APCs, and similar
10, P.E. 11. A light infantry soldier is used to "humping" vehicles.
long distances, roughing it, and taking on those jobs Aviator: Requirements: P.P. 13, P.E. 11. All
that are too mundane or "dirty" for the more aviators are officers in the army and are assigned to
specialized troops. The common infantryman is about as either fly "helos" (helicopters) as members of the Air
general a soldier as one can get, but this in no way Cavalry or "props" (rotary wing airplanes)) and the rare
means that they are poorly trained or unprepared for jet (most likely the A-10 Warthog). Army aviators have a
combat or danger. Mechanized infantry are in most reputation around the world as having some of the best
respects the same as the light infantry except that it is helo pilots counted among them, but they must
paired up with armored units and is transported from constantly face the scorn and jokes of the aviators of
other military branches who feel that these men and Artillery: Requirements: P.S. 13, P.E. 11.
women are not true pilots. Called upon to provide Responsible for firing and maintaining the largest
support for ground assaults, surgical strikes behind weapons on a battlefield, the artillery corps is there to
enemy lines and transportation for troops and cargo, offer the soldiers in the field fire support for their
the army aviators were one of the lynch pins of operations. The fact that artillery is usually kept well
America's fighting force. back from the front often leads to a sense of
Airborne: Requirements: M.E. 10, P.S. 11, P.E. detachment from the reality and horrors of combat.
11. The airborne is historically comprised of soldiers Engineer/Support: Requirements: I.Q. 12, P.S.
that have been trained to "jump" (parachute) behind 10, P.E. 10. Army engineers build and destroy bridges,
enemy lines and secure targets of strategic importance. dig trenches (by hand and with special vehicles), erect
In modern warfare, the airborne have also been trained bases, set and disarm traps, and responsible for any
to operate using helicopter insertion methods. Airborne other number of tasks. Most combat personnel look
troops tend to be risk takers and thrill seekers, an down on engineers because of the supposedly cushy
inherent trait to anyone with the ability to jump out of position that they hold, not realizing that engineers are
an airplane with nothing but a large piece of silk cloth often called upon to do their job while under fire with
upon their back to slow their fall. little protection or armament of their own.
Armored Cavalry: Requirements: P.S. 12. The Intelligence: Requirements: I.Q. 13, M.E. 10,
armored corps is that part of the military whose P.E. 10. Military intelligence operatives are given the
responsibility it is to operate the deadliest vehicles thankless tasks of scouting out enemy positions,
upon the face of the Earth. Tanks, APC's, and all other infiltrating or training foreign populaces, and
manner of armored military vehicles act as both home performing covert operations. Taking into account some
and workplace to these soldiers who are willing to make of the shadier operations that military intelligence may
themselves the biggest target on the battlefield in be called upon to perform, their premiere responsibility
exchange for the firepower that is theirs to command. remains that of gathering information and returning to
relate it to their superiors.
Alignment: Any
Attribute Requirements: As previously mentioned for each M.O.S.
Base S.D.C.: 35
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses: Cool Under Fire: Part of a soldier's training is a degree of mental conditioning that allows
them to detach their own sense of morals and ethics from the killing that they may be called upon to do. As such, army
soldiers have a strong will to see their assigned tasks performed and have also developed a partial resistance to the
horrors of war (and other things). A soldier is +3 to save versus horror factor and is allowed two attempts to save instead
of the usual one allowed other types of characters.
Heroic Reputation: Though the military may have taken a pounding, it has not entirely been defeated and continues to
fight back! The people of what remains of America recognize the members of the U.S.’s once-large and proud Armed
Forces as heroes that have fought and died to protect their country from the invaders. As such, most people will give the
soldier aid, shelter, food and ammunition when possible and will look up to and admire them for their spirit and will to
fight on. +10% to trust/intimidate rolls with civilians.

O.C.C. Skill Programs (special): All soldiers receive skills either the Communications Program (+10%; for radio
depending upon their particular Military Occupation operators), the Modern Weapons Program (for heavy
Specialties (M.O.S.). A soldier is always assigned and weapons and grenadiers, who must select W.P. Heavy
trained for service within a particular role and area of or W.P. Grenade Launcher, respectively), the Military
expertise. This role, known as the character's M.O.S., Sniper Program (+10%), Military Medic Program (+10%;
not only helps to further determine the soldier's for medics), or the Police Program (+10%; for Military
training, but will also define his further duties among his Police/MPs). +4 S.D.C.
fellow soldiers. Airborne: Military Basic Program (+10%),
Light/Mechanized Infantry: Military Basic Military Airborne Program (+10%) and either the
Program (+10%), Physical/Athletics Program (+10%) and Communications Program (+10%; for radio operators),
the Modern Weapons Program (for heavy weapons and Intelligence: Military Basic Program, the Military
grenadiers, who must select W.P. Heavy or W.P. Basic Intelligence Program (+15%), and either the
Grenade Launcher, respectively), Military Medic Language Program (+15%) or Military Advanced
Program (+10%; for medics), Pathfinder Program Intelligence Program (+15%).
(+10%), or Physical/Athletics Program (+10%). O.C.C. Related Skills: The character may pick six
Armored Cavalry: Military Basic Program, additional skills from the following:
Navigation (+10%), Read Sensory Equipment (+10%), Communications: Any
Weapon Systems (+20%), Pilot Automobile, W.P. Domestic: None
Ground Vehicle Weapons, Pilot Tanks and APC's (+20%), Electrical: Basic Electronics Only.
and the Physical/Athletics Program. Espionage: Detect Concealment, Sniper,
Artillery: Military Basic Program, Navigation Tracking and Wilderness Survival only (+5%).
(+25%), Read Sensory Instruments (+20%), Weapon Mechanical: Basic Mechanics only (+5%).
Systems (+15%), Pilot Automobile (+10%), Pilot Truck Medical: First Aid only.
(+10%), W.P. Heavy Weapons, W.P. Artillery, W.P. Military: Any (+15%).
Demolitions (+10%), W.P. Demolitions Disposal (+20%), Physical: Any (+10% where applicable).
and Basic Mechanics (+20%). Pilot, Basic: Any
Pilot, Advanced: None
Engineer/Support: Military Basic Program, Pilot Related: Any (+10%).
Military Demolitions Program (+15%), Mechanical Rogue: None
Engineer (+15%), Basic Electronics (+15%), Read Sensory Science: Mathematics: Advanced only.
Instruments (+15%), Trap/Mine Detection (+15%), and Technical: Computer Operation, Computer
either Armorer (Field; +15%). Programming, General Repair, Language, and
Aviator: Military Basic Program, Military Aerial Literacy only.
Combat Program (+15%; +20% to the Pilot Helicopter W.P.: Any
skill if taken), Vehicular Mechanics Program (+15%). Wilderness: Any (+5%).
Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may select one Secondary Skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.
Standard Equipment: The equipment and weapons possessed by the character will depend upon the role that the
character plays in the Army.
Light Infantry: Survival knife, canteen, combat fatigues, Alice Pack, flak vest, combat helmet, field jacket, combat boots,
dress uniform, web belt, battle harness, camouflage paint kit, rain jacket, utensil kit, insect repellent, flashlight, two
weeks worth of MREs, first aid case, compass, entrenching tool, bayonet (1D8) and sheath, M-16 with 1D4+1 extra clips,
an incendiary grenade, a smoke grenade, 2 M67 grenades, and an M92 with one extra clip for officers. Medics will be
provided with a complete field medic kit, machine gunners will have a light machinegun with two belts of ammunition
instead of the M16, and grenadiers will have an M70 grenade launcher with 2 bandoleers of 40mm ammunition (18
grenades each) and an M92 like the officer's.
Aviator: Survival knife, compass, canteen, flight jacket, flight helmet, flight suit, flak vest, dress uniform, fatigues, first
aid case, flare gun w/3 flares, a smoke grenade, a week's worth of MREs, M92 automatic pistol and 3 spare clips.
Airborne: As per the light infantry with the addition of a parachute, jump suit and jump mask/goggles.
Armor: Survival knife, driver's suit, fatigues, combat boots, dress uniform, canteen, crewman's helmet, first aid case, a
week's worth of MREs, M92 automatic pistol and 3 spare clips.
Artillery: As per the light infantry, though most of it is not always carried.
Engineer/Support: As per the light infantry, though most of it is not always carried.
Intelligence: As per the light infantry, though most of it is not always carried. All members of military intelligence have a
M92 sidearm.
Money: Enlisted men will have $2D4x100 in precious metals/tradable goods whereas officers will have twice that
The Upside: You once got paid for what you now do but now you follow the chain of command out of the need to
survive and to triumph! You are dedicated to your cause and to the officers that have seen you through this far, a
dedication that grants you courage and the will to persevere in the face of overwhelming odds.
The Downside: You are used to doing what you are told and to having a regular chain of command. Now that the Bugs
have destroyed or taken over almost all of the Armed Forces and its bases, you feel like you are naked and alone in the

wild. The lack of steady supplies and communications sometimes rattles your confidence and has forced you to find new
ways to fight, but your education comes during life and death situations.
Experience Point Requirements for the Army Soldier: As per the freebooter O.C.C.

Marine O.C.C.
The Navy's Marine Corps is one of the United States' best-trained and most respected fighting forces. The Marine Corps
are an amphibious expeditiary force that has been trained to tackle an enemy on its own shores, including training on
deployment from sea or by plane - all at a moments notice. To this end, the Marines are trained to operate in all
weather and in most battlefield situations, making them a truly formidable fighting force.
Adhering to a strict code of honor, the breaking of which is a punishable offence, Marines must pass a rigorous training
period at the Marines' Parris Island, SC. 'Boot', as this period is known, is one of the most difficult in the Armed Forces,
surpassed only by the additional training that must be taken in order to join the Special Forces. Within the Marine Corps
there is your common rifleman, Marine Aviators (who are rapidly gaining the respect of their fellow flyers in the other
branches of the military), the Force Recon special
Today's Marine has devoted himself to defeating the Bugs and winning back America and then the world. Careful to
treat the remaining citizenry of Free America with respect, honor and due kindness, Marines are saddened that the
battle that they must fight is on their own shores.
Rifleman: Requirements: P.S. 13, P.E. 14. The Corps is used to scout out landing sights for the main
rifleman is the closest equivalent to the Army's Marine force, to perform long range patrols behind
infantryman. However, a rifleman is trained to enemy lines, to gather intelligence on the enemy, to
participate in amphibious or air deployments and live laser "paint" enemy targets, and to conduct "black ops"
with the knowledge that they are likely to bear the such as giving aid, capturing prisoners, and "advising"
brunt of any assault on a foreign shore. The rifleman is indigenous personnel. A member of Force Recon is a
about as tough as they come and are ready for trouble. person to be reckoned with. There are no Force Recon
Aviator: Requirements: P.S. 13, P.P. 14, P.E. 13. members higher than the rank of Major.
After passing 'Boot', some Marines are given additional Sniper: Requirements: P.S. 13, P.P. 16, P.E. 13.
training as aviators. This training includes the proper The snipers of the Marine Force Recon companies are
operation of helos and jets, namely the F-18 Hornet, the notorious for their unrivaled ability to kill an enemy at a
Marine Corps' jet of choice. Along with acting in a distance. Not only are Marine snipers assigned to
support capacity for their ground-based brethren, the provide cover from afar for their brethren, but they also
Corps' aviators are skilled dogfighters and are used turn their talents to defending their base of operations
abroad to fly both ground-strike and air-superiority type from distant attacks and approaching enemies as well as
missions. acting as scouts for their unit. There are few marksmen
Force Recon: Requirements: P.S. 14, P.P. 12, as deadly with a rifle as a Marine sniper/scout.
P.E. 15. The Force Recon companies of the Marine
Alignment: Any, but usually Principled, Scrupulous or Unprincipled.
Attribute Requirements: As previously mentioned for each M.O.S.
Base S.D.C.: 40
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses: Cool Under Fire: Part of a soldier's training is a degree of mental conditioning that allows
them to detach their own sense of morals and ethics from the killing that they may be called upon to do. As such,
marines have a strong will to see their assigned tasks performed and have also developed a partial resistance to the
horrors of war (and other things). A marine is +4 to save versus horror factor and is allowed two attempts to save
instead of the usual one allowed other types of characters.
Heroic Reputation: Though the military may have taken a pounding, it has not entirely been defeated and continues to
fight back! The people of what remains of America recognize the members of the U.S.'s once-large and proud Armed
Forces as heroes that have fought and died to protect their country from the invaders. As such, most people will give the
soldier aid, shelter, food and ammunition when possible and will look up to and admire them for their spirit and will to
fight on. +15% to trust/intimidate rolls with civilians.

O.C.C. Skill Programs (special): All marines must choose a Military Occupation Specialties (M.O.S.) from the following. A
marine is always assigned and trained for service within a particular role and area of expertise. This role, known as the
character's M.O.S., not only helps to further determine the marine's training, but will also define his further duties
among his fellow marines.
Rifleman: Military Basic Program (+10%), O.C.C. Related Skills: The character may pick 6
Physical/Athletics Program (+5%) and either the additional skills from the following (4 if a Force Recon or
Communications Program (+15%; for radio operators), Sniper):
the Modern Weapons Program (for heavy weapons and Communications: Any
grenadiers, who must select W.P. Heavy or W.P. Domestic: None
Grenade Launcher, respectively), Military Medic Electrical: Basic Electronics Only.
Program (+10%; for medics), or the Police Program Espionage: Detect Concealment, Sniper,
(+15%; for Military Police/MPs). +6 S.D.C. Tracking and Wilderness Survival only (+10%).
Aviator: Military Basic Program (+5%), Military Mechanical: Basic Mechanics only.
Aerial Combat Program (+15%), Vehicular Mechanics Medical: First Aid only.
Program (+10%). Military: Any (+15%).
Physical: Any (+10% where applicable).
Force Recon: Military Basic Program (+10%), Pilot, Basic: Any
Military Airborne Program (+15%), Demolitions (+10%), Pilot, Advanced: None
Demolitions Disposal (+5%), Detect Ambush (+15%), Pilot Related: Any (+5%).
Swimming (+10%), S.C.U.B.A. (+10%), Prowl (+10%), Rogue: None
Hand to Hand: Expert. Science: Mathematics: Advanced only.
Sniper: Military Basic Program (+5%), Military Technical: Computer Operation, Computer
Sniper Program (+20%; gains an additional +1 with the Programming, General Repair, Language, and
sniper skill), Basic Mechanics (+5%), W.P. Knife, Detect Literacy only.
Concealment (+5%), Tracking (+5%), Land Navigation W.P.: Any
(+5%), Swimming (+10%), S.C.U.B.A. (+10%). Wilderness: Any (+10%).
Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may select one Secondary Skill at levels 3, 7, 11, and 15.
Standard Equipment:
Rifleman: Dress sword (not meant for combat; 1D6) and FPLIF, otherwise essentially the same as the Army
Aviator: Essentially the same as the Army aviator.
Force Recon: As per the Army infantry, with the addition of some nightvision equipment, a NBC suit, and
possible the replacement of the M16 with a lighter weapon such as an MP-5
Sniper: A ghillie suit, a sniper rifle (most likely an M40A1w/x8 starlight scope and x10 telescopic sight), and a
light weapon such as an MP-5. Other than these changes, and the loss of the M-16, the equipment is basically
the same as Force Recon.
Money: Enlisted men will have $2D4x100 in precious metals/tradable goods whereas officers will have twice that
The Upside: Even the worst Marine is better trained than your common Army grunt and you know it. You live by a code
of honor that others recognize and respect. You know what it takes to win a fight and you are willing to pay the cost.
The Downside: You have a bit of an attitude problem when it comes to working with other branches of the military,
which you see to be inferior. Your own sense of superiority often makes you seem pigheaded, which is probably why
Marines are called "jarheads".
Experience Point Requirements for the Marine: As per the Freebooter O.C.C.

NORAD Generation II Splicer O.C.C.

NORAD has fine turned their Operation Doppelganger in to a new soldier. The process now leaves more human DNA and puts in less
Bug DNA but it still produces powerful soldier because they use the best of the bug DNA they have to offer. This new process has
only a 20% mortality rate, which is an amazing improvement over the 65% mortality rate of the original Splicer project. The soldiers
no longer look like a bug; they appear to be a human being. The only exception is that their bodies no longer grow hair and their
skin, which looks normal, feels like tough like a rhino's skin. There may be a few other strange things about the soldier's appearance
due to the way their body mutates (see the powers below).
Super Powers
All Generation II splicers get to pick three powers or roll randomly for them (if a power is duplicated, ignore and re-roll).
01-06%: Adhesion: The character with this power is able to attach themselves to any solid surface by the fingers/hands
and the toes/feet of the suit. This means the person can walk on walks or ceilings and can climb any surface effortlessly.
Maximum speed while climbing along walls is half the soldier's speed attribute. Attempting to carry more than the
soldier's PS x10 in pounds will cause the character to come of the wall and fall. Restrictions: loose rocks, crumbling
plaster, ice, oil, or other slippery substances will prevent the character from adhering to a surface. Polished metal,
chrome, and glass are not considered slipper and can be held on to or climbed. Related abilities and bonuses: Automatic
climbing equal to a 90% proficiency (does not include rappelling); Add 10% to prowl while on walls, ceilings, and other
high places, add +15% to palming, +10% to pick pocketing, +10% to concealment skills, and +5% to gymnastics and
acrobatics. +1 point to P.P.
07-12% Body Weapons: the character had some form of retractable body weapon.
Retractable Claws: 3D6+PS bonus
Retractable Stinger: 1D4 plus poison, which does 4D6 SDC if the target fails a save verse lethal poison or it can be a
sedative which will knock the target out with in 1D4 melees if they fail a save verse non-lethal poison, the effects will last
for 3D4 minutes.
13-18% Immortality: A character with this power has gained the bug's ability to absorb all the food they need from the
sun or ambient heat around them. This power makes it so the character no long has to eat, sleep, drink water, or even
breath. All the energy they need to survive is gathered from the sun and ambient heat. The character can eat if they
want to but they will always stay the idea weight for their height, no matter how much or little they eat. They can
survive almost anywhere. This power also makes it so that they do not age, they will always appear as if they are 25 until
the day comes that they die of unnatural causes.
19-25% Bio-Energy expulsion: The character is able to fire blasts from their hands or from vent-like protrusion on each
of his forearms. These blasts are very similar to the bio-energy blasts of the bugs. Each blast counts as one melee attack.
Both hand or arms can be fired at the same time to do double damage and still only counts as one melee attack,
however, there is no bonus to strike.
Range: 400 feet +50 feet per level
Damage: 2D6 +1D6 per level
Special: at third level the character can regulate the blast in increments of 1D6 in or to just wound and as a warning
26-32% Energy Resistance: This makes the character extremely resistant to all energy-based attacks, including Bug bio-
cannons, and Organitech energy weapons. Characters with this power take no damage form the first 20 points of energy
attacks in a melee round. Energy attacks beyond the first 20 points do only half damage. The character's resistance to
energy includes fire, electricity, lasers, and most other forms of pure energy. This power is not effective against radiation
damage, kinetic energy (punches, kicks, bullets, explosions) or psionic mind bolts.
33-39%: Machine union: This is similar the bug's ability to machine union but not by much. It gives the character the
following bonuses and abilities.
Skill bonuses:
+20% to all piloting skills know to the character
+20% to all pilot related skills know to the character
+20% to all computer, electrical and mechanical skills know to the character +2 to strike with all modern weapons
(including Organitech weapons, which is a mystery to non-NORAD Eggheads because the weapons are a living thing not
a machine)
60% piloting skill any vehicle unknown to the character
Telemechanic: Identically to the super psionic power of the same name but no ISP cost
40-45% Extraordinary P.E.: The character is a superhuman workhorse, fatiguing at only 1/10 the normal rate and able to
with stand incredible physical punishment. Bonuses: +1D6+5 P.E., +4D4x10 SDC, +3D6 Hit points with an additional 1D4
per level (on top of the normal +1D6 all characters get)

46-51% Extraordinary P.P.: Phenomenal dexterity and reflexes Bonuses: +3D4 P.P., +3D4 Spd., +1 attack per melee, and
automatic dodge at +3, +10% to all skills requiring dexterity, such as Prowl, Gymnastics, Acrobatics, Climb/Scale Walls,
52-58% Extraordinary P.S.: The character possesses amazing strength capable of lifting 200 times his P.S. and carrying
100 times his P.S. in pounds. Bonuses: Increase PS to 20 +2D6. If P.S. it already 20 or higher, then add 2D6+6 to it.
59-64% Increased Running Speed and Agility: can run at 1D6x10+66 for a minimum speed of 53-mph (85-km). Bonuses:
+20 to SDC, +1 attack per melee round, +3 to initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to pull punch, +4 to roll with impact,
punch, or fall, and +6 to dodge. +2 to damage for every 20 mph (32-km) the character is moving at.
65-70% Flight (Winged): the character has large, insectoid wings that when not in use, can fold up on the characters
back down to about the size of a small book. They are attacked at the shoulder blade. The wings when need can unfold
and be ready to use in a split second. The wings can also be hidden under a trench coat, a large heavy rope, or any other
large piece of clothing. Each wing has the equivalent of 35 S.D.C. (the character can not use them to shield himself).
Attacking a wing requires a called shot, which is at -2 if the wings are being attack while folded up and not in use. If one
wing is reduced to 10 or fewer S.D.C., flying speed is halved. If one wing is crippled (zero to one S.D.C. points) the
character cannot fly until the wing(s) can heal. The Wings regenerate at 1D4 SDC per day and will regrow if completely
destroyed, but that takes 4D6+6 weeks. Flying Speed: 1D6x10+66 for a minimum speed of 53-mph (85-km). Maximum
altitude is 7,000 feet Bonuses While in Flight: applicable only when the character has room to use his wings. Note that
the character can hover just a few inches off the ground to enjoy these bonuses: +1 attack per melee round, +2 to strike
and parry, +4 to dodge while flying or hovering, +2 to hand to hand damage for every 20 mph (32 km) of flying speed.
71-76% Healing Factor: This power provides the character with incredible recuperative abilities. The Splicer recovers 3
S.D.C. every 10 minutes, and 1 hit point every 15 minutes. He can also instantly regenerate 4D6 S.D.C. or hit points twice
daily, he never fatigues (fire and cold inflict only half damage, an any damage inflicted by drugs, toxins, or poisons is only
one-third normal. This applies to bug juice chemical weapons, which the Gen. II is still unfortunately vulnerable to as
well) and finally, any wounds the character recovers from with this abilities leaves no scars. Bonuses: +2D4 P.E., +2D6+6
Hit points, +25 SDC, +20% to save verse coma/death, and +3 to save vs. poisons and toxins (in addition to P.E. bonuses).
77-82% Leaping ability: as per the physical Psionic ability Telekinetic Leap, only it can be performed at will at no I.S.P.
cast, and with no chance of self-harm. Each leap counts as one melee action/attack.
83-88% Bug Juice Lite: This is a true marvel of genetic engineering. The &on-StandardORAD Eggheads have found a way
for the human body to produce Bug juice. This is a simpler version of the chemical bug juice. It is sprayed throw small
holes on the top of the character's arms or in the palm of the hand (the hole is about the size of a dime, one on each
arm). The character can store up to 10 shots in each arm; the character makes 1 shot an hour.
Range: 100feet +10 per level.
Damage: 5D6 on initial contact, 3D6 the following Melee round, 1D6 on the third melee round, none on the forth and
on, per burst
Special: At fifth level the bug juice becomes as strong as normal bug juice us it for damage.
Note: Characters with this ability loss the Chemical susceptibility that Splicers have to bug juice
89-94% Radar: this ability sends out high-frequency radio waves, which bounce off objects, returning and indication the
direction, and distance of the reflecting objects. This power provides the character with a crude ability to see in the dark,
as well as other benefits.
Radar Range: 500 feet +100 feet per level
Radar skills:
Intercepting Shapes: 50% +5% per level of experience
Estimating Distance: 60% +4% per level of experience
Estimating Directions: 60% +4% per level of experience
Estimation Speed: 40% +4% per level of experience
Estimation Exact Location: 50% +4% per level of experience
Radar Bonuses: +4 to initiative, +2 to strike, parry and dodge, +1 attack per melee, no minuses apply when blinked or in
Disadvantages: Radar does not go through cloth, wood, glass, metal, or people. Consequently, the character cannot see

or sense through walls or door. Likewise, while he may sense a car, estimate its speed, direction, and distance, he cannot
tell how many people are inside. Radar is fouled in the rain, snow, and dust or sandstorms. No bonuses apply under such
conditions. Smoke and fog also foul radar, but not as severely; all abilities to estimate speed, direction, distance, shape
and location are at -30%, and all bonuses are cut in half. (The character still has +1 attack per melee)
95-00% Super-vision bug Eyes: The character has normal human sized eyes but they are multi-eyes like bugs and they
are purple in color. A pair of sunglasses or goggles can easily conceal them. The eyes provide the character with extreme
peripheral vision and excellent depth perception as well as nightvision (100 feet/ 30.5m). Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +1 to
parry and dodge.
Alignment: Any.
Attribute Requirements: M.E. of 16, P.E. of 15, anybody with lesser abilities will be driven insane or killed by the process.
Base S.D.C.: 1D4x10+40
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 1. Horror Factor: All Gen. II's have a horror factor of 8+1D6 when it discovered that they are part bug.
 2. Natural Armor Rating: Natural AR of 6+1D6
 3. Chemical susceptibility: Basically same as the Splicer but the bug juice only does 5D6 on initial contact, 3D6 the following
Melee round, 1D6 on the third melee round, none on the forth and on
 4. Rapport with bugs: the Gen. II's can communicate telepathically with other bugs at 1000 feet (special):
Skill Programs: Basic Military Program (+10%) and one skill program of choice (+5%)
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick skills from the following: Martial Arts or Hand to Hand: Assassin costs two skill
Communications: Any. selections.
Domestic: Any. Pilot, Basic: Any (+10%).
Electrical: Basic Electronic only (Any to characters with Pilot, Advanced: Any.
Machine union power) Pilot Related: Any (+10%).
Espionage: Any (+10%). Rogue: Any (+10%).
Mechanical: Basic and Automotive Mechanics only (Any Science: Any (+10%).
to characters with Machine union power). Technical: Any (+10%).
Medical: First Aid only (+5%). Wilderness: Any (+10%).
Military: Any (+15%) W.P.: Any.
Physical: Any (+10% where applicable). Hand to Hand: Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
Expert costs one skill selection and Hand to Hand: select one Secondary Skill at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, and 14.

Standard Equipment: Splicers tend to work for and within non-Standard NORAD so they are issued their equipment on
an as-needed basis. If the GM allows the character to be a free Splicer who has left NORAD for some reason. The
character begin with two weapons of choice (excluding heavy weapons, but one may be Organitech), 100 round of
ammo for each, a basic survival kit, a backpack, gear, and 2D6x100 in miscellaneous gear.
Money: $2D4x100 in tradable goods or coin.
The Upside: You are a truly powerful weapon against the bugs and you have more of your humanity than Generation I
Splicers. you have more training (skills) than the average Generation I Splicer.
The Downside: You are still a "creature" and although to most people believe you are human at first, when it is found
out that you are part bug you are exiled, not always physically, but at least from all social gathering. People just don't
trust you because they fear you may let your bug half take over. Also, you don't have many skills because you take so
much time adapting to your new body.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Splicer table (Systems Failure, page 102).

NORAD Generation III Splicer O.C.C.

NORAD has fine turned their Operation Doppelganger yet again, in to a new soldier. The process now leaves almost all of human
DNA and puts in almost no Bug DNA but it still produces powerful soldier. Not just because of the bug DNA because of the human
body's reaction to such a small amount of potentially toxic bug DNA. This new process has only a .5% mortality rate, which is an
amazing improvement over the 65% mortality rate of the original Splicer project and the 20% of the Generation II Splicers. The
soldiers no longer look like a bug; they appear to be totally human. There are no exceptions. Most of the Gen. 3's powers and
abilities come from the body trying, failing though, to reject the Bug DNA.
Super Powers
All Generation III splicers get to pick two powers or roll randomly for them (if a power is duplicated, ignore and re-roll).
01-08%: Adhesion: The character with this power is able to attach themselves to any solid surface by the fingers/hands
and the toes/feet. This means the person can walk on walks or ceilings and can climb any surface effortlessly. Maximum
speed while climbing along walls is half the soldier's speed attribute. Attempting to carry more than the soldier's PS x10
in pounds will cause the character to come of the wall and fall. Restrictions: loose rocks, crumbling plaster, ice, oil, or
other slippery substances will prevent the character from adhering to a surface. Polished metal, chrome, and glass are
not considered slipper and can be held on to or climbed. Related abilities and bonuses: Automatic climbing equal to a
90% proficiency (does not include rappelling); Add 10% to prowl while on walls, ceilings, and other high places, add
+15% to palming, +10% to pick pocketing, +10% to concealment skills, and +5% to gymnastics and acrobatics. +1 point to
9-16% Immortality: A character with this power has gained the bug's ability to absorb all the food they need from the
sun or ambient heat around them. This power makes it so the character no long has to eat, sleep, drink water, or even
breath. All the energy they need to survive is gathered from the sun and ambient heat. The character can eat if they
want to but they will always stay the idea weight for their height, no matter how much or little they eat. They can
survive almost anywhere. This power also makes it so that they do not age, they will always appear as if they are 25 until
the day comes that they die of unnatural causes.
17-25% Bio-Energy expulsion: The character is able to fire blasts from their hands or from vent-like protrusion on each
of his forearms. These blasts are very similar to the bio-energy blasts of the bugs. Each blast counts as one melee attack.
Both hand or arms can be fired at the same time to do double damage and still only counts as one melee attack,
however, there is no bonus to strike.
Range: 400 feet +50 feet per level
Damage: 2D6 +1D6 per level
Special: at third level the character can regulate the blast in increments of 1D6 in or to just wound and as a warning
26-33% Energy Resistance: This makes the character extremely resistant to all energy-based attacks, including Bug bio-
cannons, and Organitech energy weapons. Characters with this power take no damage form the first 20 points of energy
attacks in a melee round. Energy attacks beyond the first 20 points do only half damage. The character's resistance to
energy includes fire, electricity, lasers, and most other forms of pure energy. This power is not effective against radiation
damage, kinetic energy (punches, kicks, bullets, explosions) or psionic mind bolts.
34-41%: Machine union: This is similar the bug's ability to machine union but not by much. It gives the character the
following bonuses and abilities.
Skill bonuses:
+20% to all piloting skills know to the character
+20% to all pilot related skills know to the character
+20% to all computer, electrical and mechanical skills know to the character +2 to strike with all modern weapons (including
Organitech weapons, which is a mystery to NORAD Eggheads because the weapons are a living thing not a machine)
60% piloting skill any vehicle unknown to the character
Telemechanic: Identically to the super psionic power of the same name but no ISP cost
42-49% Extraordinary P.E.: The character is a superhuman workhorse, fatiguing at only 1/10 the normal rate and able to
with stand incredible physical punishment. Bonuses: +1D6+5 P.E., +4D4x10 SDC, +3D6 Hit points with an additional 1D4
per level (on top of the normal +1D6 all characters get)
50-57% Extraordinary P.P.: Phenomenal dexterity and reflexes Bonuses: +3D4 P.P., +3D4 Spd., +1 attack per melee, and
automatic dodge at +3, +10% to all skills requiring dexterity, such as Prowl, Gymnastics, Acrobatics, Climb/Scale Walls,

58-66% Extraordinary P.S.: The character possesses amazing strength capable of lifting 200 times his P.S. and carrying
100 times his P.S. in pounds. Bonuses: Increase PS to 20 +2D6. If P.S. it already 20 or higher, then add 2D6+6 to it.
67-74% Increased Running Speed and Agility: can run at 1D6x10+66 for a minimum speed of 53-mph (85-km). Bonuses:
+20 to SDC, +1 attack per melee round, +3 to initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to pull punch, +4 to roll with impact,
punch, or fall, and +6 to dodge. +2 to damage for every 20 mph (32-km) the character is moving at.
75-83% Healing Factor: This power provides the character with incredible recuperative abilities. The Splicer recovers 3
S.D.C. every 10 minutes, and 1 hit point every 15 minutes. He can also instantly regenerate 4D6 S.D.C. or hit points twice
daily, he never fatigues (fire and cold inflict only half damage, an any damage inflicted by drugs, toxins, or poisons is only
one-third normal. This applies to bug juice chemical weapons, which the Gen. III is still unfortunately vulnerable to as
well) and finally, any wounds the character recovers from with this abilities leaves no scars. Bonuses: +2D4 P.E., +2D6+6
Hit points, +25 SDC, +20% to save verse coma/death.
84-92% Leaping ability: as per the physical Psionic ability Telekinetic Leap, only it can be performed at will at no I.S.P.
cast, and with no chance of self-harm. Each leap counts as one melee action/attack.
93-00% Radar: this ability sends out high-frequency radio waves, which bounce off objects, returning and indication the
direction, and distance of the reflecting objects. This power provides the character with a crude ability to see in the dark,
as well as other benefits.
Radar Range: 500 feet +100 feet per level
Radar skills:
Intercepting Shapes: 50% +5% per level of experience
Estimating Distance: 60% +4% per level of experience
Estimating Directions: 60% +4% per level of experience
Estimation Speed: 40% +4% per level of experience
Estimation Exact Location: 50% +4% per level of experience
Radar Bonuses: +4 to initiative, +2 to strike, parry and dodge, +1 attack per melee, no minuses apply when blinked or in
Disadvantages: Radar does not go through cloth, wood, glass, metal, or people. Consequently, the character cannot see
or sense through walls or door. Likewise, while he may sense a car, estimate its speed, direction, and distance, he cannot
tell how many people are inside. Radar is fouled in the rain, snow, and dust or sandstorms. No bonuses apply under such
conditions. Smoke and fog also foul radar, but not as severely; all abilities to estimate speed, direction, distance, shape
and location are at -30%, and all bonuses are cut in half. (The character still has +1 attack per melee) .
Alignment: Any.
Attribute Requirements: M.E. of 16, P.E. of 15, anybody with lesser abilities will be driven insane or killed by the process.
Base S.D.C.: 60
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 1. Impervious to pain: This power is as much of a weakness as it is a bonuses to the characters. They feel no pain,
they are impervious to it. They can fight until they are dead. The bad part is that they do not know when they
have been hurt or how sever an injury is. They may bleed to death from an internal wound without even
knowing they are hurt.
 2. Impervious to all poisons, toxins, and gases: Because their body is trying to fight of the bug DNA their amnion
systems is running into. Their body is working over time turning on all white blood cells and fighting of all
poisons as they enter the body mistaking them for side effects of the bug DNA.
 3. Shortened life span: because their bodies are running like made they burn them self out sooner. They have a
life span that is about 2/3 that of your average human being. (Note: if the character has the immortality power
they do not have this problems)
 4. Rapport with bugs: the Gen. II's can communicate telepathically with other bugs at 5000 feet
Skill Programs: Basic Military Program (+10%), Modern weapons program, and one skill program of choice (+5%)

O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick eight skills from the following: Pilot, Basic: Any (+10%).
Communications: Any. Pilot, Advanced: Any.
Domestic: Any. Pilot Related: Any (+10%).
Electrical: Any Rogue: Any (+10%).
Espionage: Any (+15%). Science: Any (+10%).
Mechanical: Basic and Automotive Mechanics only (+10%) Technical: Any (+10%).
Medical: First Aid only (+10%). Wilderness: Any (+10%).
Military: Any (+15%) W.P.: Any.
Physical: Any (+10% where applicable). Hand to Hand: Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
Expert costs one skill selection and Hand to Hand: Martial select one Secondary Skill at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, and 14.
Arts or Hand to Hand: Assassin costs two skill selections.

Standard Equipment: Splicers tend to work for and within NORAD so they are issued their equipment on an as-needed
basis. If the GM allows the character to be a free Splicer who has left NORAD for some reason. The character begins with
one weapons for each of the characters W.P.s with 100 round of ammo for each, a basic survival kit, a backpack, and
2D6x100 in miscellaneous gear.
Money: $2D6x100 in tradeable goods or coin.
The Upside: You are a powerful human being, with ability to fight till you die, and you stand wilh the best of them.
The Downside: You may be impervious to pain but you are not unstoppable. When you are hurt you do not know it. You
will keep fighting, or working until you die or someone notices that you are hurt.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Splicer table (Systems Failure, page 102).
NORAD Failed Splicer O.C.C.
NORAD's Operation Doppleganger has its share of mistakes, including a large loss of life. However, not ever person whose body
rejects the bug DNA dies. Some of them, 1 out of 100, will live and become a very powerful human that is still human, at least most
them is. Their body is kept on a constant adrenaline rush and all of the nerves in their body are artificially enhanced as a side effect
to the new condition of their body. However, not all of the nerves are enhanced, in order to allow the new nerves this amazing
speed the body allows all of the nerves devoted to sensing pain to die. Some of the bug DNA does take effect on their body but only
the DNA that will not physical attar their body's shape or structure, that is the DNA that kills most would be Splicers. Failed Splicers
look and for all intensive purposes they are human. The only way to tell they are not humans is with the things they can do and by a
blood scan.
Super Powers
A Failed Splicer gets to pick or roll randomly one or two powers. First they must roll to see how many powers they get:
 01-75%: 1 power
 76-00%: 2 powers
 1-14% Immortality: A character with this power has gained the bug's ability to absorb all the food they need
from the sun or ambient heat around them. This power makes it so the character no long has to eat, sleep, drink
water, or even breath. All the energy they need to survive is gathered from the sun and ambient heat. The
character can eat if they want to but they will always stay the idea weight for their height, no matter how much
or little they eat. They can survive almost anywhere. This power also makes it so that they do not age, they will
always appear as if they are 25 until the day comes that they die of unnatural causes.
 15-28% Energy Resistance: This makes the character extremely resistant to all energy-based attacks, including
Bug bio-cannons, and Organitech energy weapons. Characters with this power take no damage form the first 20
points of energy attacks in a melee round. Energy attacks beyond the first 20 points do only half damage. The
character's resistance to energy includes fire, electricity, lasers, and most other forms of pure energy. This
power is not effective against radiation damage, kinetic energy (punches, kicks, bullets, explosions) or psionic
mind bolts.
 29-42%: Machine union: This is similar the bug's ability to machine union but not by much. This is the least
understood power Splicers can get, NORAD Eggheads don't even have a clue as to how this power works so it is
being studied in detail. The character also has a skill selection change: they can now take any piloting or
mechanical skill at +10%. This is because NORAD is trying to study this power. It has led to a few advances. (See
the NORAD Hardliner O.C.C..) The power gives the character the following bonuses and abilities.
Skill bonuses
o +20% to all piloting skills know to the character
o +20% to all pilot related skills know to the character
o +20% to all computer, electrical and mechanical skills know to the character
o +2 to strike with all modern weapons (including Organitech weapons, which is a mystery to Norad Eggheads
because the weapons are a living thing not a machine)
o 60% piloting skill any vehicle unknown to the character
o Telemechanic: Identically to the super psionic power of the same name but no ISP cost and the duration is limited
to as long as the character is in physical contact with the machine.
 43-57% Increased Running Speed and Agility: can run at 1D6x10+66 for a minimum speed of 53-mph (85-km).
Bonuses: +20 to SDC, +1 attack per melee round, +3 to initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to pull punch, +4 to
roll with impact, punch, or fall, and +6 to dodge. +2 to damage for every 20 mph (32-km) the character is moving
 58-71% Healing Factor: This power provides the character with incredible recuperative abilities. The Splicer
recovers 3 S.D.C. every 10 minutes, and 1 hit point every 15 minutes. He can also instantly regenerate 4D6 S.D.C.
or hit points twice daily, he never fatigues (fire and cold inflict only half damage, an any damage inflicted by
drugs, toxins, or poisons is only one-third normal. This applies to bug juice chemical weapons, which the Gen. III
is still unfortunately vulnerable to as well) and finally, any wounds the character recovers from with this abilities
leaves no scars. Bonuses: +2D4 P.E., +2D6+6 Hit points, +25 SDC, +20% to save verse coma/death.
 72-85% Leaping ability: as per the physical Psionic ability Telekinetic Leap, only it can be performed at will at no
I.S.P. cast, and with no chance of self-harm. Each leap counts as one melee action/attack.
 86-00% Radar: this ability sends out high-frequency radio waves, which bounce off objects, returning and
indication the direction, and distance of the reflecting objects. This power provides the character with a crude
ability to see in the dark, as well as other benefits.
Radar Range: 500 feet +100 feet per level
Radar skills:
o Intercepting Shapes: 50% +5% per level of experience
o Estimating Distance: 60% +4% per level of experience
o Estimating Directions: 60% +4% per level of experience
o Estimation Speed: 40% +4% per level of experience
o Estimation Exact Location: 50% +4% per level of experience
Radar Bonuses: +4 to initiative, +2 to strike, parry and dodge, +1 attack per melee, no minuses apply when
blinked or in darkness
Disadvantages: Radar does not go through cloth, wood, glass, metal, or people. Consequently, the character
cannot see or sense through walls or door. Likewise, while he may sense a car, estimate its speed, direction, and
distance, he cannot tell how many people are inside. Radar is fouled in the rain, snow, and dust or sandstorms.
No bonuses apply under such conditions. Smoke and fog also foul radar, but not as severely; all abilities to
estimate speed, direction, distance, shape and location are at -30%, and all bonuses are cut in half. (The
character still has +1 attack per melee) .
Alignment: Any.
Attribute Requirements: M.E. of 18, P.E. of 16, anybody with lesser abilities will be driven insane or killed by the process.
Base S.D.C.: 60
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:

 1. Impervious to pain: This power is as much of a weakness as it is a bonus to the characters. They feel no pain;
they are impervious to it. It comes from the body enchanting and devoting every nerve to help transfer
information to the brain about the progress of the Bug DNA invading the body. They can fight until they are
dead (not until 0HPs, until they are at -P.E. worth of HPs, in which case they are dead.) They never drop in to a
coma at 0 or negative HPs. The bad part is that they do not know how sever an injury is. They know they have
been hit but with out pain to go with it, it is almost impossible to tell how bad the injury is. They may bleed to
death from an internal wound without even knowing they are hurt. (GM: note the best way to do this is to give
them general descriptions of how bad they are hurt like it was a good hit, it looks bad, it is a small hit and the
GM keeps the total to them self and tells the character when they are dead)
 2. Impervious to all poisons, toxins, and gases: Because their body is trying to fight of the bug DNA their amnion
systems is running overtime. Their body is doing everything it can to fight off the bug DNA so it is turning on all
white blood cells. It is fighting of all poisons as they enter the body because it is mistaking them for side effects
of the bug DNA. Which make it so it takes less than a second does for a character to get all poisons, toxins, and
gases out of their system.
 3. Shortened life span: Because their bodies are running like crazy, it makes they burn them self out sooner. They
have a life span that is about 1/3 to that of your average human being, they can live to be 25 to 40 years old
(3D6+22 years). In addition, the character must also eat twice as much as the average human. This may not
seem like a very bad flaw until you release in bug town and the unknown food is scarce. (Note: if the character
has the immortality power they do not have a shortened life span, nor do they need to eat.)
 4. Other bonuses: +1D6+2 to P.S., +1D6+4 P.E., +1D4 P.P., +2D6 spd., +1 attack, +1 strike, parry, dodge, and +5
vs. HF
Skill Programs: Basic Military Program (+10%), Modern weapons program, and one skill program of choice (+5%)
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick eight skills from the following:
Communications: Any. Pilot, Advanced: Any.
Domestic: Any. Pilot Related: Any (+10%).
Electrical: Any Rogue: Any (+10%).
Espionage: Any (+15%). Science: Any (+10%).
Mechanical: Basic and Automotive Mechanics only (+10%) Technical: Any (+10%).
Medical: First Aid only (+10%). Wilderness: Any (+10%).
Military: Any (+15%) W.P.: Any.
Physical: Any (+10% where applicable). Hand to Hand: Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
Expert costs one skill selection and Hand to Hand: Martial select one Secondary Skill at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, and 14.
Arts or Hand to Hand: Assassin costs two skill selections.
Pilot, Basic: Any (+10%).
Standard Equipment: Failed Splicers tend to work for and within NORAD so they are issued their equipment on an as-
needed basis. If the GM allows the character to be a free Failed Splicer who has left NORAD for some reason, the
character begins with one weapon for each of the characters W.P.s (one may be Organitech) with 100 rounds of ammo
for each, a basic survival kit, a backpack, and 2D6x100 in miscellaneous gear.
Money: $2D6x100 in tradeable goods or coin.
The Upside: You are a powerful human being, impervious to pain, with ability to fight until you die, and you can stand
with the best of them.
The Downside: You may be impervious to pain but you are not unstoppable. When you are hurt you do not know how
bad it is. You will keep fighting or working until you physically see how bad it is or someone notices that you are
seriously hurt.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Splicer table (Systems Failure, page 102).

NORAD Hardliner O.C.C.
The Gatecrasher has become an integral part of NORAD's strategy against the Bugs, striking at them where conventional
Exterminators cannot reach. However, Gatecrashers are at a significant disadvantage because they must use clunky keyboards and
monitors when navigating Bug systems, and the Bugs need only convert to energy form to enter. To make them more effective,
NORAD scientists began taking research from the Splicer program and isolated those parts of the Bug brain and nervous system that
were responsible for navigating the world of electrical and data hardlines. They then grew an interface between these organs and
the human brain, making it possible for a human consciousness to travel down a hardline and perceive it as a Bug would... if it
worked. The first tests had an appalling 95% mortality rate, and further improvements only lowered that to 50% by the time NORAD
began actively using Hardliners in the field. Hardliners only need to touch a hardline to send their minds spiraling into it at the speed
of thought, which makes them extremely handy at blocking Bug communications or even energy form transmissions on that line.
Side effects of the process are severe; Hardliners quickly begin to unravel mentally, and often suffer psychotic episodes after a fairly
short time (they pick up one random insanity every other level starting at second, and every level starting at seventh. Starting at
third level, they also have a 40% chance every level of losing 1D4 points of ME and 1 point of IQ.). There is no way to reverse the
process, but for a short time Hardliners can be some of NORAD's most powerful assets.
Alignment: Any, but usually Good.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. of 14, and a high M.E. is helpful.
Base S.D.C.: 30
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 Machine Union (special): The Hardliner effectively has the Bug power of Machine Union, as described on page
63 of the Systems Failure book.
 Eiditic Memory (special): The Hardliner can remember everything he or she sees, hears or otherwise senses,
especially when navigating Bug systems. In game terms, this character never forgets any information he or she is
given (even if the player does).
 Compartmentalized Mind (special): Hardliners can also seal off certain areas of their mind in the event of
capture or interrogation, making it almost impossible for Bugs to acquire information that the Hardliner does
not want to give. Base Percentage for success: M.E. attribute number times 3, plus 5% per level of experience.
Skill Programs: Computer Program (+20%), Technical Program (+20%) and one program of choice (+10%).
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick seven skills from the following:
Communications: Any (+10%). Pilot, Basic: Any (+10%).
Domestic: None. Pilot, Advanced: None.
Electrical: Any (+5%). Pilot Related: Any.
Espionage: None. Rogue: Any (+5%).
Mechanical: Any (+5%). Science: Any (+10%).
Medical: First Aid only. Technical: Any (+10%).
Military: None. Wilderness: Any.
Physical: Any, except for Hand to Hand: Assassin, W.P.: Any.
Acrobatics and Gymnastics. Hand to Hand: Expert costs Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
two skill selections and Hand to Hand: Martial Arts costs select one Secondary Skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
three skill selections.

Standard Equipment: He or she gets one weapon of choice plus 1D4x50 rounds of ammunition (usually a light rifle or
shotgun), a portable tool kit, large tool kit, flashlight, utility belt, work overalls, and $3D4x100 in personal gear.
Money: $3D4x100 in tradeable goods, precious metals and/or information.
The Upside: You're making a difference in the fight against the Bugs, hitting them where it hurts the most... their
systems, places that other Bughunters can't get to.
The Downside: You've sacrificed any chance of having a normal life, or even a long one, by putting the Bug implants into
your skull. You may look normal... but you're not.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Grease Monkey table (Systems Failure, page 89).

NORAD Speedloader O.C.C.
With the introduction of the combat drugs from NORAD (See the Toy Box for more details), soldiers and Exterminators can achieve a
whole new level of fighting ability; unfortunately, these drugs tend to destroy the very body of the soldier using them. Therefore,
NORAD Eggheads began experimenting with other drugs and compounds to lessen the severity of these side effects. The resulting
soldier was as tough and well-trained as most other NORAD troops, but better able to handle the rigors of combat drugs.
Speedloaders come equipped with a wide array of combat drugs in ampule form and a pressure hypo; all they have to do is press the
hypo to their neck, push down, and a few seconds later they're ready to rock and roll against the Bugs.
Alignment: Any.
Attribute Requirements: P.P. of 12, P.E. of 12 and a high M.E. are recommended.
Base S.D.C.: 50
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 Tolerance (special): Speedloaders have been adapted to shrug off the effects of harmful drugs and toxins; they
are +4 to save versus drugs and toxins, +2 to save versus disease, and all of the effects are halved (penalties,
duration, etc.); the positive effect of combat drugs is not changed, but the negative effects and other drugs like
painkillers and antibiotics are also halved. Unfortunately, this tolerance is not permanent; every 2D6 months the
Speedloader must return to NORAD headquarters to receive a set of boosters, or else the side effects of the
combat drugs will be felt with full force.
 Paired Weapons, Modern (special): Identical to the Exterminator ability (Systems Failure, page 84).
Skill Programs: Basic Military Program (+20%), Modern Weapons Program, and one skill program of choice (+10%)
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick eight skills from the following:
Communications: Any. Pilot Related: Any.
Domestic: Cooking and Play Musical Instrument only. Rogue: Streetwise, Find Contraband and Illegal Weapons,
Electrical: Basic Electronics only. and Prowl only.
Espionage: Any (+10%). Science: Basic Math and Chemistry only.
Mechanical: Basic Mechanics and Automotive Mechanics Technical: Computer Operation, General Repair, Language
only. and Literacy only.
Medical: First Aid only (+5%). Wilderness: Any (+10%).
Military: Any (+15%). W.P.: Any.
Physical: Any. Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
Pilot, Basic: Any (+5%). select one Secondary Skill at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, and 14.
Pilot, Advanced: Any.

Standard Equipment: Comes with 3D6 doses of NORAD combat drugs (player's choice; mostly second generation,
sometimes first gen). Usually has a vehicle or horse, sometimes supplied by NORAD (40% chance). Has one weapon for
each W.P. plus 1D6x100 rounds of ammunition for each. The character also has light or medium body armor, a survival
knife, pocket knife, backpack or large duffel bag, sunglases or goggles, two canteens, a gas mask, and $3D6x100 in
personal gear.
Money: $2D4x100 in tradeable goods and/or precious metals.
The Upside: With your enhancements, combat drugs don't make your life nearly as miserable as other Exterminators
and Splatterpunks...
The Downside: ... but combat drugs are the only drugs that work on you to their full effectiveness. If you need other
chemical assistance, you might be out of luck.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Exterminator table (Systems Failure, page 85).

NORAD Grunt O.C.C.

In the Great American Bug Hunt, many thousand people have been fighting the Bug invaders for years under the direction of
NORAD. While Exterminators and others take the fight right to the Bugs, many soldiers are required to man NORAD and its few
permanent facilities - the Grunts. It may not be as exciting as Bughunting, but Grunts perform vital tasks - these are the men and

women who protect NORAD, and the people and secrets within. Grunts are well-trained soldiers easily capable of handling
themselves in combat, and are doggedly loyal to the remnants of the U.S. Military, but they lack the innate talents necessary to
survive as a Bughunter.
Alignment: Any.
Attribute Requirements: None.
Base S.D.C.: 40
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 Early Riser (special): No matter how late the Grunt stays up at night, he or she can always wake at dawn and be
fully functional thanks to their military lifestyle. (Adds +2 to P.E. and P.S.)
 Sense of Duty (special): Grunts will always be loyal to NORAD and the spirit of America; when fighting enemies
who obviously represent a threat to that spirit, they gain +1 attack per melee, +1 to strike, parry and dodge,and
+1 to initiative. They can do this a number of tiumes per day equal to their level of experience.
Skill Programs: Basic Military Program (+20%), Modern Weapons Program, and one skill program of choice (+10%)
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick six skills from the following:
Communications: Any. Pilot Related: Any.
Domestic: Cooking and Play Musical Instrument only. Rogue: Streetwise, Find Contraband and Illegal Weapons,
Electrical: Basic Electronics only. and Prowl only.
Espionage: Any (+5%). Science: Basic Math only.
Mechanical: Basic Mechanics and Automotive Mechanics Technical: Computer Operation, Language and Literacy
only. only.
Medical: First Aid only (+5%). Wilderness: Any (+10%).
Military: Any (+15%). W.P.: Any.
Physical: Any. Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
Pilot, Basic: Any (+5%). select one Secondary Skill at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, and 14.
Pilot, Advanced: None.

Standard Equipment: Only has a vehicle if assigned one by NORAD. Has one weapon for each W.P. plus 1D4x100 rounds
of ammunition for each. The character also has light body armor, a survival knife, pocket knife, backpack or large duffel
bag, sunglases or goggles, two canteens, a gas mask, and $2D4x100 in personal gear.
Money: $2D4x100 in tradeable goods and/or precious metals.
The Upside: You're not the guy sent into the middle of all the hell out there, and you're glad for that.
The Downside: You're none too bright, and you know it (most of the time); many adventurers make fun of you and
berate you, but you don't mind - you'll probably live a lot longer than them.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Exterminator table (Systems Failure, page 85).

NORAD Commando O.C.C.

While NORAD sponsors many Exterminators to exclusively fight the Bugs, it also selects the best and brightest for further training.
These troops - the Commandos - are used for tougher or most sensitive missions than Exterminators usually handle. Commandos are
trained to virtually ignore pain and are able to use their five senses to the fullest, in the process becoming some of the finest soldiers
humankind has ever produced. NORAD Commandos are often sent deep into Bug-held territory by themselves or in small groups for
extended periods, reconnoitering the enemy (be it a Warlord or Bugtown stronghold) and performing surgical strikes where
necessary. Commandos also have a great deal of autonomy and can generally pick and choose their own missions, so long as they
regularly report to NORAD and follow direct orders.
Alignment: Any.
Attribute Requirements: P.P. of 12, P.E. of 12 and a high M.E. are recommended.
Base S.D.C.: 50
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 High Pain Threshold (special): Commandos can ignore pain from fatigue and wounds, making them incredibly
durable. Whenever a save versus Pain is required, the Commando must roll as normal, but only feels the effects

if he or she rolls a natural 1. They can keep doing this until they reach zero Hit Points, at which point the
Commando collapses.
 Heightened Senses (special): The five senses of the Commando have been fine-tuned to an almost unthinkable
degree; all Commandos gain Automatic Dodge (use P.P. bonus only), +2 to all combat rolls (does not apply to
Weapon Proficiencies), and no Commando can be surprised except by long-range attacks.
Skill Programs: Basic Military Program (+20%), Modern Weapons Program, and one skill program of choice (+10%)
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick eight skills from the following:
Communications: Any. Pilot Related: Any.
Domestic: Cooking and Play Musical Instrument only. Rogue: Streetwise, Find Contraband and Illegal Weapons,
Electrical: Basic Electronics only. and Prowl only.
Espionage: Any (+10%). Science: Basic Math and Chemistry only.
Mechanical: Basic Mechanics and Automotive Mechanics Technical: Computer Operation, General Repair, Language
only. and Literacy only.
Medical: First Aid only (+5%). Wilderness: Any (+10%).
Military: Any (+15%). W.P.: Any.
Physical: Any. Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
Pilot, Basic: Any (+5%). select one Secondary Skill at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, and 14.
Pilot, Advanced: Any.

Standard Equipment: Usually has a vehicle or horse, sometimes supplied by NORAD (40% chance). Has one weapon for
each W.P. plus 1D6x100 rounds of ammunition for each. The character also has light or medium body armor, a survival
knife, pocket knife, backpack or large duffel bag, sunglases or goggles, two canteens, a gas mask, and $3D6x100 in
personal gear.
Money: $2D4x100 in tradeable goods and/or precious metals.
The Upside: Even though you work for 'the Man', you have a lot of freedom to do as you see fit and often don't check in
with NORAD for months at a time. You're extremely well-trained, well-equipped and nobody gets the drop on you.
The Downside: NORAD has the somewhat disturbing habit to send you on suicide missions into the hearts of Bugtowns
on a regular basis.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Exterminator table (Systems Failure, page 85).

NORAD Cleaner O.C.C.

Sometimes NORAD finds itself in situations where the heavy-handed approach of Exterminators and even the surgical strikes of
Commandos just won't do. It may be an assassination of a Warlord, recovery of a sensitive piece of Organitechnology, or
reconnaisance deep within a Bugtown for several months without relief, but whatever the task, the Cleaner can get it done -
perfectly. Cleaners are among the best-trained, best-equipped soldiers that NORAD has produced; they are physically perfect,
mentally sharp and independent, trained in multiple assassination techniques... but all this perfection comes at the price of much of
the Cleaner's humanity. These soldiers are cold and remote, unaffected emotionally by trauma (such as the deaths of teammates
and close friends) and the mental rigors that their career entails.
Alignment: Any.
Attribute Requirements: P.P. of 15, P.E. of 14 and a high M.E. and I.Q. are recommended.
Base S.D.C.: 60
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 High Pain Threshold (special): Cleaners can ignore pain from fatigue and wounds, making them incredibly
durable. Whenever a save versus Pain is required, the Cleaner must roll as normal, but only feels the effects if he
or she rolls a natural 1. They can keep doing this until they reach zero Hit Points, at which point the Cleaner
 Heightened Senses (special): The five senses of the Cleaner have been fine-tuned to an almost unthinkable
degree; all Cleanerss gain Automatic Dodge (use P.P. bonus only), +2 to all combat rolls (does not apply to
Weapon Proficiencies), and no Cleaner can be surprised except by long-range attacks.

 Stone Cold (special): Cleaners are remote and unaffected by psychological traumas, and can walk through a
bloodbath without so much as blinking. They are immune to Horror Factors and do not get insanities; their M.E.
gains +4, but their M.A. is at -3.
Skill Programs: Basic Military Program (+20%), Modern Weapons Program, and one skill program of choice (+15%)
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick eight skills from the following:
Communications: Any. Pilot Related: Any.
Domestic: Cooking and Play Musical Instrument only. Rogue: Any.
Electrical: Any. Science: Basic Math and Chemistry only.
Espionage: Any (+10%). Technical: Computer Operation, General Repair, Language
Mechanical: Any. and Literacy only.
Medical: First Aid and Paramedic only (+10%). Wilderness: Any (+10%).
Military: Any (+15%). W.P.: Any.
Physical: Any (+ 10% where applicable). Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
Pilot, Basic: Any (+5%). select one Secondary Skill at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, and 14.
Pilot, Advanced: Any.

Standard Equipment: Usually has a vehicle or horse, sometimes supplied by NORAD (40% chance). Has one weapon for
each W.P. plus 1D6x100 rounds of ammunition for each. The character also has light or medium body armor, a survival
knife, pocket knife, backpack or large duffel bag, sunglases or goggles, two canteens, a gas mask, and $5D6x100 in
personal gear.
Money: $4D4x100 in tradeable goods and/or precious metals.
The Upside: You can walk with the wind, hide in plain sight and kill without caring. In this crazy, post-Meltdown world,
you're a true badass... and that's what it takes to survive.
The Downside: The smile of a child, the beauty of a sunset, a good joke told by a good friend... none of these really
affect you now, and you'll never truly feel any deep emotion again. This should make you sad... but it doesn't.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Exterminator table (Systems Failure, page 85).

NORAD Terminator O.C.C.

While Exterminator squads fight Bugs across North America, NORAD often sends two-man teams or even single soldiers into Bug
territory with one objective: cause as much damage as they can. Thesxe brave (some say crazy) soldiers are Terminators, and are the
most elite NORAD troops. Only the best, most impressive trainees from NORAD Commando, Cleaner and Exterminator programs are
selected for Terminator training, and once they finish they are sent out into the world... usually never to return. Terminators can
remain deep in Bug territory for months or even years, functioning without relief for incredibly long periods. It's a very important
duty, and only the best are selected.
Alignment: Any.
Attribute Requirements: P.P. of 12, P.E. of 12 and a high M.E. are recommended.
Base S.D.C.: 50
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 High Pain Threshold (special): Terminators can ignore pain from fatigue and wounds, making them incredibly
durable. Whenever a save versus Pain is required, the Terminator must roll as normal, but only feels the effects
if he or she rolls a natural 1. They can keep doing this until they reach zero Hit Points, at which point the
Terminator collapses.
 Heightened Senses (special): The five senses of the Terminator have been fine-tuned to an almost unthinkable
degree; all Terminators gain Automatic Dodge (use P.P. bonus only), +2 to all combat rolls (does not apply to
Weapon Proficiencies), and no Terminator can be surprised except by long-range attacks.
 Force of Will (special): Once per day, the Terminator can focus all of his or her energies on one single task
(killing one particular Bug, finding a certain human trapped in a Bugtown, surviving life-threatening injuries, and
so on), and can ignore or withstand anything until he or she is brought down to -25 Hit Points, at which point the

Terminator dies. If the Terminator can get medical attention, he or she can be healed normally, even from -24
Hit Points!
Skill Programs: Basic Military Program (+20%), Modern Weapons Program, and one skill program of choice (+20%)
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick eight skills from the following:
Communications: Any. Pilot Related: Any.
Domestic: Cooking and Play Musical Instrument only. Rogue: Streetwise, Find Contraband and Illegal Weapons,
Electrical: Basic Electronics only. and Prowl only.
Espionage: Any (+10%). Science: Basic Math and Chemistry only.
Mechanical: Basic Mechanics and Automotive Mechanics Technical: Computer Operation, General Repair, Language
only. and Literacy only.
Medical: First Aid only (+5%). Wilderness: Any (+10%).
Military: Any (+15%). W.P.: Any.
Physical: Any. Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
Pilot, Basic: Any (+5%). select one Secondary Skill at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, and 14.
Pilot, Advanced: Any.
Standard Equipment: Never has a vehicle (too easy to spot in a Bugtown) and prefers to travel light. Has one weapon for
each W.P. plus 1D6x100 rounds of ammunition for each. The character also has light or medium body armor, a survival
knife, pocket knife, backpack, goggles, two canteens, a gas mask, and $3D6x100 in personal gear.
Money: $2D4x100 in tradeable goods and/or precious metals.
The Upside: You're the best of the best, cream of the crop and A Number One...
The Downside: ... but you really have a low survival probability due to the hazardous environment you live and work in.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Exterminator table (Systems Failure, page 85).

Tourist O.C.C.
In post-Meltdown America, millions of people still band together in free communities scattered across the land. Most are small,
numbering no more than a few hundred, and are close-knit groups who know and trust each other to do what is right... and what is
necessary. This closeness is threatened when refugees fleeing either the Bugs or the Warlords try to settle down, making the
townspeople even more defensive than normal, and the newcomers are often driven out just ahead of an angry mob. These men
and women - known to most as Tourists - are becoming more and more common as the number of towns grows ever smaller, and
incidents of violence against them are increasing as townsfolk worry that the few resources they have left might be drained away.
Tourists live from hand to mouth, scrounging what they can from the decayed landscape and hoping to find someplace to call home
one day.
Alignment: Any, but usually good.
Attribute Requirements: None
Base S.D.C.: 30
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 Cast Iron Stomach (special): Tourists can east almost anything and not get overly ill from the experience,
including many things that would lay the toughest NORAD troops on their backs. The food can range from fresh,
raw rats to canned food left from the 20th century that went bad years before... even other humans, if need be.
(For gaming purposes, Tourists have a +6 to save against ingested poisons, toxins and disease, and a +2 against
all other forms of these.)
 Intuition (special): Tourists have developed a sort of 'sixth sense' when it comes to recognizing potential trouble
in the places where they try to settle. This intuition often allows them to get out of town before they are thrown
out... or worse. (The chance for success is equal to the IQ number x3, plus 3% per level.)
Skill Programs: Survival / Wilderness program (+20%), and select either the Domestic program (+10%) or the Military:
Basic Program.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick eight skills from the following:
Communications: Radio: Basic or TV / Video only (+5%) Espionage: Tracking and Wilderness Survival only (+10%).
Domestic: Any (+10%). Mechanical: Basic Mechanics, Auto Mechanics or Aircraft
Electrical: Basic Electronics only. Mechanics only (+5%).

Medical: First Aid or Holistic Medicine only. Rogue: Any except Computer Hacking or Safecracking
Military: Camouflage, Trap/Mine Detection or Recognize (+10%).
Weapon Quality only (+5%) Science: Botany, Chemistry and Mathematics: Basic only.
Physical: Any except Acrobatics, Gymnastics or Wrestling. Technical: General Repair, Language and Literacy only
Hand to Hand: Expert costs two skill selections and Hand to (+15%).
Hand: Martial Arts or Hand to Hand: Assassin costs three Wilderness: Any (+15%).
skill selections. W.P.: Any except energy weapons.
Pilot, Basic: Any (+15%). Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
Pilot, Advanced: None. select one Secondary Skill at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 15.
Pilot Related: Navigation only.

Standard Equipment: A survival knife, pocket knife, and one weapon (usually a rifle or shotgun) plus 1D4x50 rounds of
ammunition. The character will also have a backpack, large duffel bag or satchel, several sacks (large and small),
sunglasses, pocket signal mirror, two canteens, a jug of whiskey or moonshine, a gas mask and $1D4x100 in personal
gear. The character also has a 1-50% chance of owning a horse or mule, or a 1-20% chance of owning a small vehicle (car
or motorcycle).
Money: $1D6x100 in tradeable goods or coin.
The Upside: In your element, you are almost the ultimate survivor. You can eat almost anything, and have spent so long
in the wilds that they have almost become your home...
The Downside: ...and all you want is to be part of the communities that will always turn you away.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Freebooter table (Systems Failure, page 87).

Altar Boy O.C.C.

In times of trouble, mankind has long turned to religion to see them through. People's faith in a higher power has often led to
remarkable acts of heroism in the face of daunting odds, and the years following the Meltdown are no exception.Almost everyone,
whether they admit it or not, has some sort of belief in something greater than themselves... but a few seem to be truly blessed.
These brave men and women are known as Altar Boys, and they serve their faith by helping the downtrodden and taking the fight to
the Bugs. Take a dollop of priest, add a handful of soldier, throw in a pinch of doctor and a dash of storyteller, and you have an Altar
Boy They tend to the sick, preach to the faithful, can swear like a sailor and kill like a professional when necessary. What's more,
Altar Boys seem to have an innate ability to resist Silkworm implantation, which makes them invaluable to Exterminator squads.
Alignment: Can be any, but almost always Good.
Attribute Requirements: None.
Base S.D.C.: 25
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 Duty-bound (special): Altar Boys have made a private agreement with whatever higher power they believe in
(be it God, Allah or something else) to serve humanity in whatever way they can, whether as teachers, healers or
soldiers. In stressful situations, they can pray for and receive guidance (Base percentage: ME stat plus 35%, plus
3% per level. The GM determines what might be appropriate guidance.)
 Shield of Faith (special): Altar Boys can resist Silkworm implantation, exterding the takeover time by their ME
stat in hours. They also have a chance of rejecting the Silkworm outright and expelling it from their body (Base
percentage: ME stat x 2, plus 1% for each failed takeover attempt as their faith grows stronger.)
Skill Programs: Basic Military Program (+10%), Medical Assistant Program (+5%), and select one skill program of choice.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick 7 skills from the following:
Communications: Radio Basic, Read Sensory Equipment Medical: First Aid, Holistic Medicine and Paramedic only
and T.V/Video only (+5%). (+10%).
Domestic: Any (+10%). Military: Camouflage and Recognize Weapon Quality only.
Electrical: Basic Electronics only. Physical: Any except Acrobatics, Gymnastics and Wrestling.
Espionage: Any except Intelligence and Interrogation. Hand to Hand: Expert costs two skill selections and Hand to
Mechanical: Any except Mechanical Engineer and Hand: Martial Arts costs three skill selections, and the Altar
Advanced Mechanics. Boy cannot purchase Hand to Hand: Assassin.
Pilot, Basic: Any (+5%). Technical: Any (+5%).
Pilot, Advanced: None. Wilderness: Any (+5%).
Pilot Related: Any except Weapons Systems. W.P.: Any.except energy weapons.
Rogue: Any , although uses these skills to help others Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
rather than him/herself(+10%). select one Secondary Skill at levels 3, 5, 8, 11, and 14.
Science: Any.
Standard Equipment: A survival knife, pocket knife, and one weapon (usually a rifle or shotgun) plus 1D4x100 rounds of
ammunition. The character will also have a backpack, large duffel bag or satchel, several sacks (large and small),
sunglasses, pocket signal mirror, two canteens, a gas mask and $1D6x100 in personal gear. Altar Boys will usually have a
horse-drawn wagon or small car or truck for their vehicle
Money: $1D4x50 in tradeable goods or coin; Altar Boys tend to spend their money on the needy.
The Upside: You're the light in many people's lives, bringing them hope and inspiration in these dark and troubled times.
The Downside: You're also high on Bugs' hit lists because of your resistance to being Silkwormmed.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Wacko table (Systems Failure, page 103).

Guinea Pig O.C.C.

In its search for better ways to combat the Bugs, NORAD Eggheads have tried dozens of ways to enhance the human mind and body.
A few of these programs were successful (Operation Doppleganger), and some produced marginal results (the Flathead, Brawler,
and Scarecrow programs). Most efforts, however, were outright failures born of sheer desperation. NORAD researchers had little or
no practical genetic engineering knowledge at the start of their research, and no time or resources to gain such knowledge. In order
to try out their theories, though, test subjects were necessary, and NORAD Commanders felt that sacrificing trained soldiers in these
tests was totally unacceptable. Therefore in 2004, NORAD began conscripting volunteers from towns under its protection in the Four
Corners area for use as test subjects; NORAD also used Splatterpunk prisoners and other undesirables, although these sources were
less reliably obtained.
These test subjects - most commonly called 'guinea pigs', for obvious reasons - were subjected to any number of agony-filled surgical
procedures or injected with chemical cocktails, all in an effort to create the so-called 'super soldier'. None of it worked the way
NORAD wanted it to. Most Guniea Pigs died during or shortly after the experiments; those few that survived were studied...
sometimes to death. A very few managed to escape from NORAD and into the wilderness, hideous malformed creatures on the run
and unwelcome in any community. Guinea Pigs lead solitary lives, separated from humans by what those same humans have
inflicted upon them. They now live out their days knowing a few of NORAD's terrible secrets, knowing that humanity's best hope
could very well bring about its end...
Alignment: Any, although most tend to be selfish because of the harsh treatment they have received.
Attribute Requirements: None.
Base S.D.C.: 25
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
Freak (special): All Guiinea Pigs have been physically altered in some way by NORAD experiments. There are positive
effects... but these are greatly overshadowed by the drawbacks.
Roll Percentile Dice:
01-65: Roll 1D4 times on the Moderate Alteration Table, rerolling duplicates
66-80: As 01-65 and also roll once on the Extreme Alteration Table
81-95: As 01-65 and also roll once on the Beneficial Alteration Table
96-98: As 01-65 and also roll once on both the Extreme and Beneficial Alteration Tables
99: Roll 1D4 times on the Extreme Alteration Table, rerolling duplicates
00: Roll 1D4 times on the Beneficial Alteration Table, rerolling duplicates
Moderate Alteration Table punch damage.
13-15 No Nose: -2 to P.B. and +1 to Horror Factor.
01-03 Small Ears: Subtract one from the P.B.
16-18 Very Small Eyes: At least twice as small as normal.
04-06 Large Ears: Subtract 1d4 from P.B., add +1 to initiative.
19-21 Very Large Eyes: At least twice as large as normal, or
07-09 Pointed Ears
the eyes may bulge out unnaturally.
10-12 Fingernails and Toenails Grow at triple the normal
22-24 Very Elliptical Eyes
rate. A scratch from the long nails gives a +2 damage bonus to
25-27 Very Round Eyes
28-30 Glowing Eyes: Choose the color of the glow. This glow frog. Adds +1 to Horror Factor, plus the character has either
cannot be inhibited by conventional means. Whether it is underwater vision equal to normal vision or nightvision for 50ft
constant, emotionally influenced, or selective is up to the player. (choose one of the two).
+1 to Horror Factor when glowing. 75-76 Insect Eyes: The eyes are slightly bulged out and look
31-33 Odd Color: The iris of the eye has a unique color, like like a fly's or a bee's eyes. Add +1 to perception, dodge, and
pale blue, blood red, pink, or some other strange color. Horror Factor, +2 to initiative, but subtract 1d4+1 from the P.B.
34-36 Solid Eye Color: No pupil, iris, or other parts of the eye attribute. The character also has ultraviolet vision (600ft range)
can be discerned - the eye is one color. and polarized vision (can tell directions by looking at the sun
37-39 Perfect Eyes: The eyes are normal in all appearances, with 95% accuracy).
but the vision is perfect and the character can read the words 77-78 Feline Eyes: The eyes are extremely cat-like in
on a road sign at a distance of 1/2 mile away. The character also appearance. The character has nightvision for 50ft. Add either
has polarized vision and a bonus of +1 to perception. +1 to the P.B. or Horror Factor (choose).
40-42 Very bushy, full head of hair. 79-80 Third Eye: A third eye is located somewhere in the head
43-45 Very hairy all over the body, head, arms, legs, chest of the character, granting a bonus of +1 to initiative and +1 to
and back. Clearly human hair. About three times the normal parry and dodge. Subtract 1d4 from the P.B. and add +1 to
amount. Horror Factor. The eye can have any appearance and color of
46-48 Human hair all over the body, so thick that it the player's choice.
resembles fur. About six times the normal amount. 81-82 Widely Spaced or Multiple Eyes: The character has a
49-51 Short, half inch long fur covers most of the body total of 1d6+2 eyes (located in any style about the body), or the
two eyes are widely spaced (like a rabbit or fish). Subtract 1d4+2
except the face, feet, and hands.
from P.B., but add +2 to Horror Factor, +1 to initiative, +1 to
52-54 Fur, 1d4 inches long, covers most of the body except the
strike, +1 to parry and dodge, and +2 to perception.
face, feet, and hands.
83-84 Head is 50% Larger than normal. Add +2 to I.Q. and
55-57 The hair on the head (not beards and eyebrows) grows
M.E. Subtract three from the P.B. and add +1 to Horror Factor.
at ten times the normal rate, roughly one foot of growth per
85-86 Stocky Build: Broad/husky build makes the character
about twice as wide as a normal person. Add 50lbs to weight,
58-60 No body hair at all.
+1d4 to P.S., and +4d4 S.D.C.tm Add +1 to Horror Factor.
61-62 Claws: Do 1d6 damage per swipe in addition to punch
87-88 Skinny Build: A slender/skinny build makes the
character about 75% as wide as a normal person. Subtract 25lbs
63-64 Large Claws: Do 2d6 damage per swipe in addition to from weight, +2 to P.P., +1d4 to Spd., and add +1 to parry and
punch damage. Skills that require manual dexterity (electronics, dodge.
computer operation, etc.) suffer a -5% penalty. Subtract one
89-90 Massive Size: The height of the character is roughly
from P.B. and add one to Horror Factor.
1d4+6 feet and his weight is generally equal to 30 lbs per foot of
65-66 Massive Claws: Do 3d6 damage per swipe in addition to height +4d6x10lbs. Add +2d4x10 S.D.C.tm, +1d4 to P.E., and +1d4
punch damage. Skills that require manual dexterity (electronics, to P.S. (minimum of 18 for both). Add +2 to Horror Factor.
computer operation, etc.) suffer a -20% penalty. Subtract two
91-92 Small Size: The height of the character is three feet plus
from P.B. and add two to Horror Factor. These claws are truly
5d6 inches and his weight is around 3d4x10+30lbs. Add +10
huge and can't really be hidden.
S.D.C.tm, +2 to Spd., and +1 to dodge.
67-68 Biting Teeth: The teeth are designed for rending flesh.
93 Tougy, Lumpy Skin: Add +30 S.D.C.tm Subtract -1 from P.B.
They might look like a dog's, a vampire's, or a pirhana's. In any
case, they do 2d6 damage (or half the damage of a punch plus
94 Waxy, Plastic-like Skin: Add +25 S.D.C.tm and +1 to roll
with punch/fall. Subtract -1 from P.B.
one die, whichever is more) and add +2 to Horror Factor.
69-70 Cutting/Gripping Teeth: The teeth are similar to those 95 Scaly Skin: Add +30 S.D.C.tm Subtract -1 from P.B.
of a beaver or a gerbil in that they are shaped well for clamping 96 Shrivled, Dried Skin: Add +20 S.D.C.tm, +2 to P.E., and +1 to
down. They do 2d4 damage (or half the damage of a punch, any attribute of choice, but reduce P.B. by 1d4+1. The character
whichever is more) and add +1 to Horror Factor. looks similar to a healthy mummy with no wrappings.
71-72 Forearm Blades or Knee and Elbow Spikes: These 97 Long Fingers cause a -1 penalty to the P.B. attribute, but
are normally retractable (optional) and a knee or elbow strike give the character a +5% bonus to skills like computer operation,
does +1 die of damage than a punch or kick (1d4 punch means electronics, demolitions, surgery, and other delicate work. The
2d4 blades). Add +10 to S.D.C.tm +1 to Horror Factor when fingers are all four to six inches long (for the standard hand).
extended only. Alternately, forearm blades can be possessed in 98 Long and Strong Arms cause a -2 to P.B. and stretch down
place of the knee and elbow spikes (and the bonuses too). In to the character's knees, much like an ape. Arm length is roughly
this case the blades do two damage dice more than a normal half that of the height. Add +15% to climb, +1 to P.S., and +25%
punch (1d4 punch means 3d4 blades). to the range of thrown objects and bow/sling weapons.
73-74 Reptilian Eyes: The eyes look like those of a snake or 99 Long and Strong Legs cause a -1 to P.B. and are roughly
60% of the height of the character. They provide a +1 to dodge,
a +1d4+1 to Spd., and the ability to jump one-half the Spd. execute. It is not fast enough to provide a general location of
attribute (in feet) lengthwise or a height equal to the character's invisible beings, hence no bonuses. Temperatures from about 75
(normally six feet) from a standing position (triple that with a degrees Fahrenheit on up can be sensed with a relative degree
running start). For characters with super speed, they can jump a of intensity (low, body temperature, high, flaming hot, etc.)
number of feet long per two mph of speed (i.e. half) and a Tracking via the heat pit is done at -15%, roll once per 50ft of
number of feet high per four mph of speed (i.e. one-fourth). In ground covered.
any case, add a +2 damage bonus from a kick (or add one die to 86-90 No Pain: Fewer than normal pain receptors make the
the damage from a punch if supernatural strength is possessed). character resistant to pain. Add +2 to save vs pain, plus the
character suffers half penalties from extensive injuries and
00 Roll twice on this table, rerolling duplicates. remains conscious up to zero hit points. Also add +1 to P.E.
Beneficial Alteration Table 91-95 Heightened Instincts: The character is more open to
their "gut instinct," and it serves them well. Any time combat is
01-10 Perfect Eyes: The eyes are normal in all appearances, entered or an important or critical task is performed add a +1 or
but the vision is perfect and the character can read the words a +5% to one roll during the sequence of events - players choice.
on a road sign at a distance of 1/2 mile away. The character also Remember, only one roll per sequence of events.
has polarized vision and a bonus of +1 to perception. 96-00 Roll twice on this chart, rerolling duplicates.
11-20 Camouflage: The character has a skin and/or hair
coloration that allows him to blend in well to a certain
Extreme Alteration Table
environment. Choose one of the following environment types: 01-10 Strange Face: The face has a non-human appearance be
desert, air, shallow water, deep water, forest, mountain, plains, it cat-like, alien, or some other weird combination of bone
arctic, jungle, swamp, or any other conceivable environment. In structure and musculature. Subtract 1d4+1 from the P.B., and
this environment, add a +15% bonus to the Prowl skill or allow a add that same amount to the Horror Factor. The player can
30% +5% per level skill in that environment only. design the character's face.
21-30 Lightweight Bones: Like a bird, the bones are made of a 11-20 Prominent Veins and Arteries or Skeletal Structure
strong internal network of fibers. Reduce weight and S.D.C.tm by give the character a slightly ghoulish look. Subtract 1d4 from the
10%, but add +1 to dodge and parry and add +20% to Spd.. P.B., and add that same amount to the Horror Factor. The player
31-40 Oxygen Retention: The character can store oxygen can decide the layout of the blood vessels or emphasized bone
within his body and draw upon it when necessary. It will last two structure.
minutes per point of P.E. It can only be used in an environment 21-30 Extra Limbs: The character has 1D4 shriveled,
with an atmosphere - using it in a total vacuum will cause the nonfunctional limbs growing from various points of his or her
character's lungs to explode. This provides the ability to survive body. Adds +1D4 to Horror Factor.
for extended periods underwater (like a dolphin) or in an 31-40 Life Span Shortened: Life span is reduced to 20 +
environment with a toxic atmosphere. 3D10% the original duration
41-50 Gills are located either behind the ears, along the 41-50 Massive Hearing Loss: -5 Initiative. Also, the character
jawbone, along the ribs, or on the back of the character. They can only understand speech if the speaker is shouting loud and
must be uncovered to function properly. These allow the slow at him.
character to breathe normally underwater without limit, plus be 51-60 Major Eye Problems: Either nearsighted or farsighted.
able to breathe air. Add +1 to P.E. The character will suffer the following penalties unless
51-60 Webbed Feet/Hands give the character a +30% bonus corrective lenses are worn: -8 initiative, -6 to strike, parry, and
to the swimming skill (or a base skill of 70% +5% per level), a +2 dodge
to parry and dodge in water, and a swim speed of triple his Spd. 61-70 Minor Brain Damage: Reduce I.Q. by 2. -5% on all skills.
attribute. Bonuses from the swimming skill are not applicable Also the character cannot concentrate easily, so reduce M.E.
(S.C.U.B.A. gets the bonuses as normal). -1 to P.B. attribute. and M.A. by 1D4 and reduce I.S.P. by 3D6.
61-70 Water Storage: The character can survive without 71-80 Chronic Dizziness: During moments of activity or stress,
water for two days per gallon drunk. Rougly one gallon can be there is a 30% chance of a dizzy spell coming on. This raises to
drunk per minute, up to a maximum number of gallons equal to 60% if the character is moving fast or upside down. When dizzy,
half the P.E. attribute. The extra water is stored in fat cells on the character loses two melee attacks and is -6 on initiative and
the thighs, backside, back, and shoulders. At maximum load, -4 on all combat rolls. Also, any physical skills such as gymnastics
reduce speed by 20%. Add +1 to the P.E. or climbing are performed at a minus -30% penalty.
71-80 Dexterous Hands: The hands could look rather racoon- 81-85 Physical Deterioration: Reduce P.S. and P.P. to 1/2.
or chameleon-like (two thumbs and three fingers), could have Reduce H.P. and S.D.C. by 1/4.
an extra or missing finger(s), etc. Whatever the case, add +10% 86-90 Immune System Weakened: Character is -1D6 (roll
the climbing skill and +5% to skills requiring manual dexterity. once) to save vs. toxins and disease, and suffers the effects for
81-85 Heat Pit: Like a pit viper, the character has the ability to twice as long.
sense high temperatures within a 50ft radius. The sensing has an 91-95 Brain Damage: Reduce I.Q. and I.S.P. by 1/2. Reduce
accuracy of 45% +5% per level and requires one melee action to M.E. and M.A. by 1D4. The character also suffers memory loss

which may cause skills to disappear (5% per skill) canine snout sticking out of it, or patches of scales on otherwise
96-98 Hideous Freak: Player's call here. The character can human skin), or some other horrible effect. Reduce P.B. to 1/4
have all sorts of sores all over his body, or maybe the effect of of current value.
the transformation is not uniform (a human head with part of a 99-00 Roll twice on this table, rerolling duplicates.
Skill Programs: Survival / Wilderness program (+20%), and select either the Domestic program (+10%) or the Military:
Basic Program.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick eight skills from the following:
Communications: Radio: Basic or TV / Video only (+5%) Pilot, Basic: Any (+15%).
Domestic: Any (+10%). Pilot, Advanced: None.
Electrical: Basic Electronics only. Pilot Related: Navigation only.
Espionage: Tracking and Wilderness Survival only (+10%). Rogue: Any except Computer Hacking or Safecracking
Mechanical: Basic Mechanics, Auto Mechanics or Aircraft (+10%).
Mechanics only (+5%). Science: Botany, Chemistry and Mathematics: Basic only.
Medical: First Aid or Holistic Medicine only. Technical: General Repair, Language and Literacy only
Military: Camouflage, Trap/Mine Detection or Recognize (+15%).
Weapon Quality only (+5%) Wilderness: Any (+15%).
Physical: Any except Acrobatics, Gymnastics or Wrestling. W.P.: Any except energy weapons.
Hand to Hand: Expert costs two skill selections and Hand to Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
Hand: Martial Arts or Hand to Hand: Assassin costs three select one Secondary Skill at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 15.
skill selections.

Standard Equipment: A survival knife, pocket knife, and one weapon (usually a rifle or shotgun) plus 1D4x30 rounds of
ammunition. The character will also have a backpack, large duffel bag or satchel, several sacks (large and small),
sunglasses, two canteens, a jug of whiskey or moonshine, a gas mask and $1D4x100 in personal gear.
Money: $1D4x100 in tradeable goods or coin.
The Upside: Some of what has been done to you may actually make you the best post-Meltdown survivor of all...
The Downside:... but you're a freak, never able to show your face or live anything like a normal life.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Freebooter table (Systems Failure, page 87).

Deadeye O.C.C.
In the world of 2009 humankind is engaged in a war for survival, and such wars often bring out talents that would otherwise lie
dormant. For the Deadeye, that talent is the ability to be eerily accurate with forearms of any type, whether on aimed shots or from
the hip. Before the Meltdown, these people were often outdoorsy types but had never spent any serious time with a firearm; when
all hell broke loose, though, they discovered their natural talent with guns gave them a distinct advantage when it came to survival.
Deadeyes can use any firearm with uncanny skill, and are lethal with those weapons they have trained with. Many of these people
have found places fighting alongside NORAD Exterminator units or defending towns from Warlords alongside Peacekeepers, and
none have any love for the Bugs.
Alignment: Any.
Attribute Requirements: None, but a high P.P. is recommended.
Base S.D.C.: 40
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 Weapon Master (special): The Deadeye can automatically use any firearm as if they have a Level 1 Weapon
Proficiency with it (+3 to strike on aimed shots / +1 to strike with bursts), including heavy weapons and
Organitech weapons. Taking a W.P. skill adds +2 / +1 when the skill is taken (in addition to the Deadeye's natural
abilities) and proceeds normally after that.
Skill Programs: Survival / Wilderness Program (+20%), Modern Weapons Program, and one skill program of choice
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick six skills from the following:
Communications: Any. Electrical: Basic Electronics only.
Domestic: Cooking and Play Musical Instrument only. Espionage: Any (+5%).
Mechanical: Basic Mechanics only. Science: Basic Math only.
Medical: First Aid only (+5%). Technical: Computer Operation, Language and Literacy
Military: Any (+15%). only.
Physical: Any. Wilderness: Any (+20%).
Pilot, Basic: Any (+5%). W.P.: Any.
Pilot, Advanced: None. Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
Pilot Related: Any. select one Secondary Skill at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, and 14.
Rogue: Streetwise, Find Contraband and Illegal Weapons,
and Prowl only.

Standard Equipment: Sometimes has a vehicle or pack animal (55% chance). Has one weapon for each W.P. plus
1D4x100 rounds of ammunition for each. The character also has a survival knife, pocket knife, backpack or large duffel
bag, sunglases or goggles, two canteens, a jug of moonshine, a gas mask, a spotting scope and $2D4x100 in personal
Money: $2D4x100 in tradeable goods and/or precious metals.
The Upside: Out of all the people who survived the Meltdown, you're one of the most likely to keep surviving. Your skills
are only matched by your confidence...
The Downside: ... and your cockiness. You often get into situations where you might be over your head, and many
people won't associate with you because you make them very nervous. Still, you don't mind that too much.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Exterminator table (Systems Failure, page 85).

Flathead O.C.C.
In the early days of the Gideon Directive (which was responsible for the development of Organitech), NORAD experimented with
many different ways of enhancing regular foot soldiers to fight the Bugs. One early 'success' was the Flathead, which involved
pumping the subject full of synthetic amino acids and proteins and then sending strong electrical charges through his or her body,
stimulating and building the muscles at an extreme rate as well as toughening the skin. This process was only partially successful,
however; the muscle buildup resulted in a major loss of flexibility, and the electrical shocks tended to fry parts of the subject's brain,
making them rather dull-witted and unable to function well without direct supervision. The relative ease of this process has made it
popular with many Bunkertowns and Warlords who need strong, tough warriors without many brain cells.
Alignment: Any.
Attribute Requirements: None.
Base S.D.C.: 65
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 Thick as a Brick (special): The electro-chemical stimulation process greatly increases many physical attributes;
add 1D6+10 to P.S., 1D6+6 to P.E., and 1D4+4 to M.E., but subtract 1D6 from I.Q., 1D6 from M.A., 1D6 from P.P.
and 1D4 from P.B. Also, the Flathead's A.R. is increases to 8+1D4, and becomes a Natural A.R. When Flatheads
are foirced to function without a leader, they suffer fairly severe penalties: -2 melee attacks, -3 on all combat
rolls, and all skill rolls are at -20%.
Skill Programs: Basic Military Program (+10%) and Modern Weapons Program.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick four skills from the following:
Communications: Radio: Basic and Read Sensory Pilot, Advanced: None.
Equipment only. Pilot Related: None.
Domestic: None. Rogue: None.
Electrical: None. Science: Basic Math only.
Espionage: Wilderness Survival only. Technical: Language and Literacy only.
Mechanical: None. Wilderness: Hunting, Land Navigation, Preserve Food, Skin
Medical: First Aid only. & Prepare Animal Hides, and Track Animals only.
Military: Demolitions, Demolitions Disposal, Recognize W.P.: Any.
Weapon Quality, and Trap / Mine Detection only. Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
Physical: Any except Prowl. select one Secondary Skill at levels 4, 8, and 12.
Pilot, Basic: Any.
Standard Equipment: Rarely has a vehicle or pack animal (25% chance). Has one weapon for each W.P. plus 1D4x100
rounds of ammunition for each. The character also has a survival knife, pocket knife, backpack or large duffel bag,
sunglases or goggles, two canteens, a gas mask and $2D4x100 in personal gear.
Money: $2D4x100 in tradeable goods and/or precious metals.
The Upside: You're one tough hombre. You could almost take on Army Ants toe-to-toe, and can survive just about
anything else with the right gear.
The Downside: You're not the brightest apple in the bunch and it shows. It gives you a headache to think, and without
some sort of leader giving you orders you might just get killed before you can use your great physical abilities. You don't
mind, though (you're really not bright enough).
Experience Point Requirements: use the Exterminator table (Systems Failure, page 85).

Brawler O.C.C.
After the disappointing Flathead experiments, NORAD Eggheads hit upon a way to decrease the brain damage caused by the muscle
enhancement process while keeping many of the benefits. Unfortunately, the chemical compound used in the process
overstimulates the production of certain neurotransmitters in the brain... the ones responsible for violent behavior. The result is a
bastard mixture of a prizefighter's body and a henchman's spirit - only by committing violent acts can the Brawler feel normal.
Brawlers punch, kick, claw, bite, and shoot their way through life without much care for the safety of others, although many direct
their violent impulses toward the Bugs. Like the Flathead enhancement, Brawler technology is used by many Warlords for their
Alignment: Any, but usually Selfish.
Attribute Requirements: None.
Base S.D.C.: 55
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 Bully (special): The electro-chemical stimulation process increases many physical attributes; add 2D6 to P.S. and
1D6 to P.E., but subtract 2 from I.Q., and 2 from P.P. Also, the Brawler's A.R. is increases to 10, and becomes a
Natural A.R. The Brawler also tends to get into many fights, at least one or two per day (and if he can't find one
he'll gladly start one, even with other group members), and he doesn't care if it gets him into trouble.
Skill Programs: Basic Military Program (+10%) or Criminal Program (+10%) and Modern Weapons Program.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick six skills from the following:
Communications: Radio: Basic and Read Sensory Pilot, Basic: Any (+5%).
Equipment only. Pilot, Advanced: None.
Domestic: Any (+5%). Pilot Related: None.
Electrical: Basic only. Rogue: Any.
Espionage: Any. Science: Basic Math only.
Mechanical: Basic or Automotive Mechanics only. Technical: Language and Literacy only.
Medical: First Aid only. Wilderness: Any.
Military: Demolitions, Demolitions Disposal, Recognize W.P.: Any.
Weapon Quality, and Trap / Mine Detection only. Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
Physical: Any. select one Secondary Skill at levels 4, 8, and 12.

Standard Equipment: Rarely has a vehicle or pack animal (25% chance). Has one weapon for each W.P. plus 1D4x50
rounds of ammunition for each. The character also has a survival knife, pocket knife, backpack or large duffel bag,
sunglases or goggles, two canteens, a gas mask and $3D4x100 in personal gear.
Money: $2D4x100 in tradeable goods and/or precious metals.
The Upside: You're always ready for a fight, and if they won't start one (no matter who they are), you can and will.
The Downside: You're tendency to fight doesn't get you many friends and gets you thrown out of a lot of bars and even
whole towns.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Splatterpunk table (Systems Failure, page 95).
Scarecrow O.C.C.
NORAD experiments with Organitechnology led down many paths, but one of the most promising was the potential for reanimating
dead tissue and bringing battlefield casualties back to life. A Bug enzyme discovered by NORAD Eggheads can reactivate dead tissue
and allow it to function at a level close to that it possessed when it was alive (along with a few actual benefits), and NORAD jumped
at the chance to recycle their high casualties. The enzyme can be found in any Bug, and can be harvested as long as the head is intact
(one Bug provides enough to allow a Scarecrow to function at full capacity for 1D6 days); once the Scarecrow runs out, though, his
body begins to deteriorate and he or she literally rots away (which usually takes 2D4 weeks, plus this decay cannot be repaired even
when the Scarecrow gets mor of the enzyme). Unfortunately, most NORAD troops were unwilling to serve alongside soldiers who
they knew were technically dead and the project was ultimately scrapped. One advantage Scarecrows possess is the inability to feel
pain (the reanimated nerves cannot carry pain impulses), but they tend to resort to acts of violence to make up for the lack of
stimuli. NORAD-created Scarecrows are almost normal-looking (provided they maintain regular doses of the enzyme), but
Scarecrows created by Warlords are often hideous, created from mismatched parts and half-insane from the pain of their creation.
Alignment: Any.
Attribute Requirements: None.
Base S.D.C.: 45
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 Living Dead (special): Scarecrows are not truly living, but a Bug enzyme keeps them awake and aware; Bugs
won't touch these guys, especially Silkworms. They gain +3 to P.S. and their P.E. is unlimited as long as they have
the Bug enzyme flowing through their bodies, but once they run out their strength and endurance are halved
from their normal levels. Also, their P.P. and P.B. are reduced by 2 (P.B. is reduced by 8 for Warlord-created
Scarecrows) when they are created. Scarecrows are immune to pain and can function fully until they reach five
hit points, at which point they collapse and cannot be awakened until more of the Bug enzyme is introduced into
their bodies. Scarecrows roll for an insanity at first level, plus one more at Levels 3, 7, 11 and 15.
Skill Programs: Basic Military Program (+10%) or Criminal Program (+10%) and Modern Weapons Program.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick six skills from the following:
Communications: Any. Pilot, Basic: Any (+10%).
Domestic: Any. Pilot, Advanced: None.
Electrical: Basic Electronics only. Pilot Related: Any.
Espionage: Wilderness Survival only. Rogue: None.
Mechanical: Basic Mechanics and Automotive Mechanics Science: Basic Math, Biology, Chemistry, Chemistry:
only. Analytical, and Mathematics: Advanced only. Technical:
Medical: First Aid only. Language and Literacy only.
Military: Any (+10%). Wilderness: Any (+5%).
Physical: Any, but no attribute bonuses can be applied if a W.P.: Any.
skill is taken as a Secondary skill (the Scarecrow's body is Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
frozen in its current state). select one Secondary Skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.

Standard Equipment: Rarely has a vehicle or pack animal (25% chance). Has one weapon for each W.P. plus 1D4x50
rounds of ammunition for each. The character also has a survival knife, pocket knife, backpack or large duffel bag,
sunglases or goggles, two canteens, a gas mask and $1D4x100 in personal gear.
Money: $1D4x100 in tradeable goods and/or precious metals.
The Upside: You're tough, can't be Bugged and are immune to pain and all but the worst physical damage.
The Downside: You're dead, technically speaking. Plus, you have a tendency to rot without regular doses of the enzyme
(which makes going to parties sort of tough).
Experience Point Requirements: use the Splatterpunk table (Systems Failure, page 95).
Killjoy O.C.C. (NPC Villain / Monster; should never be allowed as a Player Character!)
NORAD Eggheads created the first Killjoy by accident; in an effort to enhance the intelligence of Flatheads, the Eggheads wired the
cerebral cortex directly to the brain's pleasure center, giving the Flathead intense pleasure whenever he or she learned or used new
skills. Unfortunately, one test subject was incorrectly wired - his pleasure center was directly connected to that part of the brain
which controls violent impulses. The result was an immediately psychotic murder machine that got off from committing acts of
extreme violence (the NORAD lab in which the experiment took place suffered millions of dollars in damage, and there were
eighteen deaths and thirty-three injuries). NORAD managed to duplicate the process on a limited basis to create a limited number of
Bug-killing maniacs from volunteers; these Killjoys are kept sedated until dropped into the center of Bugtowns, where they kill
everything in sight (Bug and human alike) until put down. In the few missions they have been sent on, Killjoys have killed thousands
of Bugs and Bugged humans... but have also massacred thousands of humans being held in the Bugtowns as slave labor, making
NORAD extremely reluctant to attempt expansion of their use. Note: NORAD has kept the existence of Killjoys even more
secret than that of the Splicer. Nobody knows they exist except the highest levels of NORAD Command!
Alignment: Diabolic!
Attribute Requirements: None.
Base S.D.C.: 40
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 Wired Sadism (special): Killjoys feel orgasmic pleasure with each violent act they commit, and feel the most
pleasure from murder. The wiring process adds 1D4 to I.Q., 1D6 to P.P., 2D4 to P.S., and 1D6 to M.E., but also
drives the Killjoy completely and utterly psychotic! The process also adds 2 attacks per melee round, +2 to strike,
+2 to parry, +2 to dodge, +3 to roll with punch / fall / impact, and +4 to initiative.
Horror Factor: 16 once you've seen one in action.
Skill Programs: Basic Military Program (+10%) and Modern Weapons Program.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick four skills from the following:
Communications: Radio: Basic and Read Sensory Pilot, Advanced: None.
Equipment only. Pilot Related: None.
Domestic: None. Rogue: None.
Electrical: None. Science: Basic Math only.
Espionage: Tracking and Wilderness Survival only (+15%). Technical: Language only.
Mechanical: None. Wilderness: Hunting, Land Navigation, Preserve Food, Skin
Medical: First Aid only. & Prepare Animal Hides, and Track Animals only.
Military: Demolitions, Demolitions Disposal, Recognize W.P.: Any.
Weapon Quality, and Trap / Mine Detection only. Secondary Skills: Never gains new skills! Too busy
Physical: Any (+10%). murdering to learn anything.
Pilot, Basic: Any.
Standard Equipment: Has one weapon for each W.P. plus 1D4x50 rounds of ammunition for each. Other than that, the
Killjoy kills to get what he or she needs.
Money: None (kills to get what he or she needs).
The Upside: Er... uh... there really isn't one.
The Downside: You're a totally, irreversibly psychopathic murder machine. You'll kill anything to feel that rush, including
Bugs, humans, your best friends, your mother, kittens and puppies... ahhh...
Experience Point Requirements: use the Splatterpunk table (Systems Failure, page 95).

Banger O.C.C.
When the Meltdown happened, hundreds of thousands of parents were separated from their children; as the chaos intensified,
many more were orphaned when their parents succumbed to disease, starvation or violence. To these children and teens, life before
the Meltdown is a barely remembered dream... and the reality is survival of the fittest. Most Bangers (from 'gang-bangers') are from
twelve to fifteen years old (the oldest are around eighteen or nineteen, and the youngest might be five or six), and make up for their
lack of size and strength by travelling in packs of eight to over fifty members. These packs stay mobile, never remaining in one area
for more than a few months, and prefer to avoid direct confrontations of they can help it. Lone Bangers are occasionally found, and
are among the toughest, most cunning people alive.
Alignment: Any, but usually Selfish.
Attribute Requirements: None.
Base S.D.C.: 20 (children under 14) or 35
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 Puppy-Dog Eyes (special): Bangers can feign innocence to gain the sympathy of adults. This can give them
access to money, weapons and resources that they would otherwise be unable to obtain, and can get them out
of trouble. Base Percentage: M.A. attribute number x 3, plus 2% per level.
 Where'd He Go? (special): Bangers can seemingly vanish, even from the most secure places, through air ducts
and access conduits. Base Percentage: 30% + 4% per level.
Skill Programs: Criminal Program (+10%) and Modern Weapons Program.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick six skills from the following:
Communications: Any. Pilot, Basic: Any (+10%).
Domestic: Any. Pilot, Advanced: None.
Electrical: Basic Electronics only. Pilot Related: Any.
Espionage: Pick Locks, Pick Pockets, and Wilderness Rogue: Any (+10%).
Survival only. Science: Basic Math and Chemistry only.
Mechanical: Basic Mechanics and Automotive Mechanics Technical: Language and Literacy only.
only. Wilderness: Any (+5%).
Medical: First Aid only. W.P.: Any.
Military: Any (+10%). Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
Physical: Any. select one Secondary Skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.

Standard Equipment: When travelling in packs, Bangers usually have a vehicle (80% chance), but individuals rarely have
a vehicle or pack animal (25% chance). Has one weapon for each W.P. plus 1D4x50 rounds of ammunition for each. The
character also has a survival knife, pocket knife, backpack or large duffel bag, sunglases or goggles, two canteens, a gas
mask and $2D4x100 in personal gear.
Money: $2D4x100 in tradeable goods and/or precious metals.
The Upside: You're a kid, maybe a teenager at best; nobody thinks you're capable of doing any real damage, and they all
underestimate how dangerous you really are until it's too late.
The Downside: You're a teenager or younger; you're not very big, strong or physically tough, and if you get caught
without your pack you're screwed (most of the time, anyway).
Experience Point Requirements: use the Splatterpunk table (Systems Failure, page 95).

Killbilly O.C.C.
Before the Meltdown there were thousands of people across the country who lived simple lives: they worked hard, they drank beer,
they went hunting and fishing with their buddies... and they had fun. Then came January 1, 2000, and everything went right to hell.
Their pattern of life was utterly destroyed; many lost their entire family and friends in the chaos or to the Bugs and the ensuing
struggle for survival made them even more bitter... and drove many over the edge. Now these amateur Bughunters roam the
wilderness in beat up pickup trucks, a jug of moonshine in one hand and a shotgun in the other, taking out Bugs with impunity and
living what remains of their life to the fullest.
Alignment: Any, but usually Selfish.
Attribute Requirements: None, but a high P.S. and P.P. are recommended.
Base S.D.C.: 45
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 Shotgun Whiz (special): When using any shotgun, Killbillys do double damage out to maximum range, plus gains
a +2 to strike on both aimed shots and bursts.
 Drive Anything (special): Killbillys also have the ability to patch up and drive any vehicle, so long as it has four
wheels and an engine. It probably won't go for long, but it probably doesn't have to. Base Percentage: M.A.
attribute number + 30, plus 5% per level.
Skill Programs: Survival / Wilderness Program (+10%), Vehicular Mechanic Program (+10%) and Modern Weapons
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick seven skills from the following:
Communications: Any. Mechanical: Basic Mechanics and Automotive Mechanics
Domestic: Any. only.
Electrical: Basic Electronics only. Medical: First Aid only.
Espionage: Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, and Military: Any (+10%).
Wilderness Survival only.

Physical: Any, but Hand to Hand: Expert costs two skill Science: Basic Math and Chemistry only.
selections and Hand to HAnd: Martial Arts or Assassin costs Technical: Language and Literacy only.
three skill selections. Wilderness: Any (+5%).
Pilot, Basic: Any (+10%). W.P.: Any.
Pilot, Advanced: None. Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
Pilot Related: Any. select one Secondary Skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
Rogue: Any (+10%).

Standard Equipment: Always comes with a beat-up pickup truck. Has one weapon for each W.P. plus 1D4x100 rounds of
ammunition for each. The character also has a survival knife, pocket knife, backpack or large duffel bag, sunglases or
goggles, two canteens, two jugs of moonshine, a gas mask and $2D6x100 in personal gear.
Money: $2D4x100 in tradeable goods and/or precious metals.
The Upside: You're a tough, worldly Bug killer who doesn't take crap from nobody.
The Downside: You're also more than a little crazy after losing everything that meant anything to you. Killing Bugs is your
life now, and it can be very lonely... except when you want to be alone.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Splatterpunk table (Systems Failure, page 95).

Maverick O.C.C.
Many people wander the wastes of post-Meltdown Anerica, for many different reasons. Some look for peace, some look for
freedom from the Bugs... and some are just looking to be left alone to live the way they see fit. Mavericks almost always wander
alone, sometimes with a vehicle... but always with weaponry and a major attitude, which means trouble for those who try to mess
with these warriors. Tales of Mavericks spread like wildfire from town to town, and many people have heard of their exploits even
hundreds of miles away. Mavericks also seem far tougher than the average adventurer and can shake off damage without a second
thought; they can even seemingly survive anything that would kill a normal person, which just enhances their reputation.
Alignment: Any, but usually Selfish or Aberrant
Attribute Requirements: None.
Base S.D.C.: 45
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 Ignore Damage (special): No matter how many injuries the Maverick takes, the first five points of damage from
each wound is completely ignored and are not removed from their S.D.C. or Hit Points; add 1 to this total with
each new level (so a fourth level Maverick can ignore 8 points, plus it just pisses 'em off!)
 Too Mean to Die (special): In those situations where an average character would never survive (like having 10
pounds of C-4 strapped to his forehead with only 2 seconds left on the timer), the Maverick can defy all odds
and come out intact (or nearly so) through some fluke of nature. Base Percentage: M.E. attribute number plus
25, plus 5% per level.
Skill Programs: Basic Military Program (+20%), Modern Weapons Program, and one skill program of choice (+10%)
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick six skills from the following:
Communications: Any (+10%). Pilot Related: Any (+5%).
Domestic: Cooking, Fishing, and Sewing only. Rogue: Any (+5%).
Electrical: Any (+5%). Science: Basic Math, Biology, Botany, and Chemistry only.
Espionage: Any (+15%). Technical: Computer Operation, Computer Programming,
Mechanical: Any (+5%). General Repair, Language, and Literacy only.
Medical: First Aid and Paramedic only. Wilderness: Any (+10%).
Military: Any (+15%). W.P.: Any.
Physical: Any (+10% where applicable). Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
Pilot, Basic: Any (+10%). select one Secondary Skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
Pilot, Advanced: Any.

Standard Equipment: Has a 50% chance of having a vehicle or horse. Has one weapon for each W.P. plus 1D4x100
rounds of ammunition for each. The character also has light body armor, a survival knife, pocket knife, backpack or large
duffel bag, sunglases or goggles, two canteens, a gas mask, and $3D4x100 in personal gear.
Money: $3D6x100 in tradeable goods and/or precious metals.
The Upside: You walk tall and carry a big stick; you're the meanest badass in three states and you know it.
The Downside: So does everybody and their dog (and they all want a piece of you), so you get into a lot of fights that
you don't start.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Exterminator table (Systems Failure, page 85).

Gatecrasher O.C.C.
Following the Meltdown, the Bugs infiltrated and took over all computer and electrical hardlines on the planet, effectively ending
long-distance communications (at least for Free-Thinkers).In the ensuing years, a few brave souls have kept watch of these networks
from afar, waiting for their chance to strike back at the Bugs through the captured systems. These are the Gatecrashers, computer
warriors who have spent almost a decade watching and waiting... and have now returned with a vengeance. There are two main
types of Gatecrashers; one is the High Priest, the hacker of old who travelled the pre-Meltdown information superhighway on a
whim. While most were killed during the Meltdown and the ensuing chaos, a few who were outside the cities managed to throw in
with other survivors, using their technical skills in a wide variety of ways until they managed to create a remote uplink to Bug-
controlled systems... and then retribution could begin. High Priests use their immense experience to crash Bug systems, steal
information and make Bug system operators tremble at the very thought of one of these hackers entering their domain.
The other type of Gatecrasher is the Wire Jockey, those young hackers who have learned their skills only after the Meltdown. Wire
Jockeys either learned from a High Priest or from reading and playing around remotely on Bug systems (although many were caught
and killed while doing this). This new breed of hacker has grown up poking around Bug systems and has an intuitive knowledge of
their workings (which makes up for their lack of experience), and many are used by NORAD to probe Bug systems for weaknesses
and to help develop the fabled "Killer App." Both types can be found throughout the country, usually staying on the move and
working from extremely powerful portable systems with a satellite relay to prevent a Bug lock-on to their position.
Alignment: Any, but usually Good.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. of 14, and a high M.E. is helpful.
Base S.D.C.: 30
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 Eiditic Memory (special): The Gatecrasher can remember everything he or she sees, hears or otherwise senses,
especially when navigating Bug systems. In game terms, this character never forgets any information he or she is
given (even if the player does).
 Compartmentalized Mind (special): Gatecrashers can also seal off certain areas of their mind in the event of
capture or interrogation, making it almost impossible for Bugs to acquire information that the Gatecrasher does
not want to give. Base Percentage for success: M.E. attribute number times 3, plus 5% per level of experience.
Skill Programs: Computer Program (+20%), Technical Program (+20%) and one program of choice (+10%).
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick seven skills from the following:
Communications: Any (+10%). Pilot, Basic: Any (+10%).
Domestic: None. Pilot, Advanced: None.
Electrical: Any (+5%). Pilot Related: Any.
Espionage: None. Rogue: Any (+5%).
Mechanical: Any (+5%). Science: Any (+10%).
Medical: First Aid only. Technical: Any (+10%).
Military: None. Wilderness: Any.
Physical: Any, except for Hand to Hand: Assassin, W.P.: Any.
Acrobatics and Gymnastics. Hand to Hand: Expert costs Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
two skill selections and Hand to Hand: Martial Arts costs select one Secondary Skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
three skill selections.

Standard Equipment: Comes with a vehicle of some kind, a very powerful portable computer system and satellite or
radio uplink for it. He or she also gets one weapon of choice plus 1D4x50 rounds of ammunition (usually a light rifle or
shotgun), a portable tool kit, large tool kit, flashlight, utility belt, work overalls, and $3D4x100 in personal gear.
Money: $3D4x100 in tradeable goods, precious metals and/or information.
The Upside: You're making a difference in the fight against the Bugs, hitting them where it hurts the most... their
systems, places that other Bughunters can't get to.
The Downside: The life is hard; staying on the road for long periods and avoiding civilization for fear of bringing down a
Bug strike force is a part of the life you've come to accept... even though you're very alone because of it.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Grease Monkey table (Systems Failure, page 89).

Cipher O.C.C.
Across the face of post-Meltdown America, there are still millions of people left alive, faceless masses just trying to survive in a world
gone mad. But among those faceless masses are a few people whose pasts - should they come to light - would make their lives
miserable. These people - the Ciphers - were once people of some notoriety, either before or after the Meltdown, and they would be
greeted with animosity if anyone they knew were to find out their true identity or past. Many are also on the run from NORAD for
many reasons. As a survival tactic, Ciphers have become experts at being nobody, at being able to fade into any crowd at a
moment's notice and disappear. They can change their appearance and mannerisms to match almost any population perfectly and
are usually on the move, staying in one place for maybe a few months before setting up somewhere else.
Alignment: Any.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. and M.E. of 13 or higher.
Base S.D.C.: 40
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 Paranoia (special): The Cipher trusts nobody whatsoever; he or she cannot be charmed, impressed or
intimidated by high attributes, and also has their M.A. attribute number + 50% to see through any lie. The only
way they can be surprised is from long range, even when they are asleep.
Skill Programs: Espionage Program (+20%) and two programs of choice.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick seven skills from the following:
Communications: Any (+10%). Pilot, Advanced: None.
Domestic: Any. Pilot Related: Any.
Electrical: Any. Rogue: Any (+15%).
Espionage: Any (+15%). Science: Any.
Mechanical: Automotive Mechanics and Locksmith only. Technical: Any (+5%).
Medical: First Aid only. Wilderness: Any (+5%).
Military: Any, except Armorer (field), Military Etiquette, W.P.: Any.
NBC Warfare and Parachuting. Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
Physical: Any. select one Secondary Skill at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 15.
Pilot, Basic: Any (+5%).

Standard Equipment: Ciphers usually only keep a hold of what they can carry on them all the time; a rifle and a pistol
plus 1D4x50 rounds for each, a change of clothes and maybe a radio and a good set of binoculars.
Money: To make up for that, they usually keep $2D4x1000 stashed somewhere they'll be able to get to if things go
south. They also carry $4D4x100 in coin upon their person.
The Upside: Your life is nice and quiet... hopefully. So long as you stay on the move and don't make too many waves, you
might just live through this mess.
The Downside: If your past ever comes to light, there is a good chance you'll be run out of town or even killed. You have
no friends or family; you don't even like to go out and have a drink on Friday nights for fear of being recognized.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Freebooter table (Systems Failure, page 87).

Houdini O.C.C.
While the Bugs control what remains of the cities, their grip is anything but absolute. Millions of Silkworm Zombies and slaves work
to maintain Bug power supplies and communication systems while millions more free-thinkers await implantation, crowded into
huge, sealed-off areas within the Bugtowns, but many areas remain relatively free of Bug activity. So long as one remains mobile and
undetected, a person can even slip in and out of the slave holding areas without a problem, although this takes a great deal of luck
and ingenuity. Houdinis can seemingly come and go as they please, but tend to arouse the Bugs' anger whenever they are spotted
because they bring hope to the slave population (and therefore the potential for rebellion). Sometimes they bring news or supplies,
sometimes they can even smuggle one or two people out of the holding areas... but once they get caught, no amount of skill or luck
can save them.
Alignment: Any. but usually Good or Selfish.
Attribute Requirements: M.E of 13 or higher
Base S.D.C.: 40
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 Nine Lives (special): Like the proverbial cat, Houdinis seemingly have multiple lives and are nearly impossible to
kill or capture. They can move with blinding speed, have an almost supernatural sight in total darkness and can
squeeze into places that would turn most people into human pretzels... so long as they are in their natural
environment. Base Percentage: M.E. attribute number plus 35%, plus 5% per level of experience.
Skill Programs: Criminal Program (+20%), Espionage Program (+10%) and one program of choice.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick six skills from the following:
Communications: Radio: Basic only (+10%). Pilot, Basic: Any (+5%).
Domestic: Any. Pilot, Advanced: None.
Electrical: Basic Electronics only. Pilot Related: Any.
Espionage: Any (+10%). Rogue: Any (+10%).
Mechanical: Automotive Mechanics and Locksmith only. Science: Astronomy, Chemistry and Mathematics:
Medical: First Aid only. Advanced only.
Military: Any, except Armorer (field), Military Etiquette, Technical: Any (+5%).
NBC Warfare and Parachuting. Wilderness: Any (+5%).
Physical: Any, but Hand to Hand: Expert costs two skill W.P.: Any.
selections and Hand to Hand: Martial Arts or Hand to Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
Hand: Assassin costs three skill selections. select one Secondary Skill at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 15.

Standard Equipment: A survival knife, pocket knife, a rifle or shotgun and one weapon for each W.P. plus 1D4x100
rounds for each. The character will also have a backpack, large duffel bag or satchel, several sacks (large and small),
sunglasses, pocket signal mirror, two canteens, a gas mask and $1D6x100 in personal gear. Most of the time, though, the
Houdini travels very light and leaves most of his or her gear somewhere safe.
Money: $2D6x100 in tradeable goods and/or coin.
The Upside: You can go anywhere and do anything in your city, and the Bugs can do nothing to stop you...
The Downside: ... so long as you don't get too cocky and try to raid their major power stations or other sensitive areas.
they really don't like you.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Freebooter table (Systems Failure, page 87).

River Rat O.C.C.

In an era where most travel is bound to get one noticed cargo trading is a rarity, especially over land routes. This is why the River Rat
is becoming a common sight in towns situated near rivers and streams; a small fishing boat travelling quietly at night attracts far less
attention than a car or truck rolling down an open highway. These travellers - who before the Meltdown were often blue-collar
workers with fishing boats for the weekend - carry cargo up and down the waterways of America, trading one commodity for
another (much like the Freebooter) that he can sell for a profit on down the line. Unfortunately, many River Rats are ruthless in their
trading, often leaving customers cheated and angry after their departure.
One common type is the Barrel Rider, the average trader who brings items to places that usually cannot get a hold of them. Among
the most popular cargoes are medicines, fuel and drinking alcohol by the keg, which is where these people get their name. Barrel
Riders will carry anything they can fit into their boats, though. The other common kind is the Robber Baron, who prowls the rivers
with a ragtag fleet of watercraft in search of easy prey, and who is very much like the pirates of old.
Alignment: Barrel Rider - Any, but usually Good or Anarchist; Robber Baron - Anarchist or Evil
Attribute Requirements: M.A. of 12 or higher
Base S.D.C.: 35
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:

 Fast Talker (special): Identical to the Freebooter ability (see Systems Failure RPG, page 86, for details).
 Vanishing Act (special): When on a river or other body of water that the River Rat knows well, whether in a boat
or not, he or she can seemingly disappear into the shadows (boat and all) with a 60%+3% per level chance of
success. This ability comes in very handy when the character is being pursued by Bugs or Warlords. The
character knows where the best cover is, what bushes or holes are best to hide in, and what coves provide the
best concealment and are unlikely to be searched by pursuers.
Skill Programs: Business (+10%), Vehicular Mechanics (+10%), and Pilot: Basic (+15%, and at least three must be water
craft, and are +25%).
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick eight skills from the following:
Communications: Any (+5%), ezcept Cryptography, Laser Martial Arts or Hand to Hand: Assassin costs three skill
and Optic Systems. selections.
Domestic: Any (+10%). Pilot, Basic: Any (+15%).
Electrical: None. Pilot, Advanced: None.
Espionage: Any (+5% to most, but +10% to Forgery, Pilot Related: Any.
Intelligence and Disguise). Rogue: Any (+10%).
Mechanical: Automotive Mechanics, Locksmith and Science: Astronomy, Chemistry and Mathematics:
Electrical Engineer only (+5%). Advanced only.
Medical: First Aid only. Technical: Any (+15%).
Military: Any, except Trap/Mine Detection. Wilderness: Any (+5%).
Physical: Any except Acrobatics and Wrestling. Hand to W.P.: Any.
Hand: Expert costs two skill selections and Hand to Hand: Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
select one Secondary Skill at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 15.

Standard Equipment: A survival knife, pocket knife, a rifle or shotgun and one weapon for each W.P. plus 1D4x100
rounds for each. The character will also have a backpack, large duffel bag or satchel, several sacks (large and small),
sunglasses, pocket signal mirror, two canteens, 1D4 jugs of whiskey or moonshine, a gas mask and $1D6x100 in personal
gear. The character also comes with a small boat, probably an aluminum fishing boat.
Money: $3D6x100 in tradeable goods, most often alcohol and medicines but potentially anything the character can fit
into the boat. This is his starting "inventory."
The Upside: The Freebooter's not the only one who's going to make any money off of this mess, not if you have anything
to say about it. Besides, you're not nearly the con man he is... most of the time.
The Downside: Your method of travel is your major downfall; anyone who knows your major stops can figure out which
rivers you use and can ambush you, and you've got nowhere to go but down. And, given your business, you're a very
likely target.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Freebooter table (Systems Failure, page 87).

Highwayman O.C.C.
Where there are people with valuable items, there are always others who wish to take those items away. In the world of Systems
Failure, these robbers are known as Highwaymen, who prowl the trade routes and towns of post-Meltdown America, stealing from
whoever they feel like... so long as they think they can get away with it. A great many Highwaymen were part of Warlord armies until
they decided they could do better on their own, usually in small groups. These bandits prefer to stay as mobile as possible, usually
riding horses or driving light motorcycles, taking what they can easily carry (weapons, precious metals, gems and alcohol are their
favorites) and selling their booty as soon as possible. Many of these groups (usually 3D4 people) have hideouts and operate in a 30
to 40-mile radius, but single Highwaymen can be found almost anywhere in North America.
Alignment: Anarchist or Evil
Attribute Requirements: None, but a high P.S. and P.E. are helpful.
Base S.D.C.: 55
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 Roughneck (special): Identical to the Splatterpunk ability (see Systems Failure RPG, page 94, for details).

 Vanishing Act (special): When on the Highwayman's home turf, he or she can seemingly disappear into the
shadows with a 60%+3% per level chance of success. This ability comes in very handy when the character is
being pursued by Bugs or Warlords. The character knows where the best cover is and what bushes, holes or
caves are best to hide in.
Skill Programs: Criminal Program (+20%), Modern Weapons Program, and one skill program of choice.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick six skills from the following:
Communications: Radio: Basic, Surveillance Systems and Pilot Related: Read Sensory Equipment and Weapons
Read Sensory Equipment only. Systems only..
Domestic: Cook only. Rogue: Any (+10%).
Electrical: Basic only. Science: Chemistry (for making pipe bombs) and
Espionage: Any (+5% to most, but +10% to Forgery). Mathematics: Basic only.
Mechanical: Basic or Automotive Mechanics only. Technical: General Repair and Literacy only.
Medical: First Aid only (+5%). Wilderness: Any.
Military: Any (+10%). W.P.: Any.
Physical: Any. Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
Pilot, Basic: Any (+10%). select one Secondary Skill at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15.
Pilot, Advanced: Any.

Standard Equipment: One weapon for each W.P. plus 1D4x50 rounds for each. They also start with $1D6x100 in
personal gear, clothing and supplies. The character also comes with either a horse or light motorcycle and full tank of
Money: $1D4x100 in tradeable goods and/or precious metals.
The Upside: In your domain, you're lord and master. Nobody with half a brain will cross you, being as you're tougher,
better armed and more mobile than most. You might even have a bit of a Robin Hood complex (at least the "steal from
the rich" part, anyway), although you'll probably kill anyone who says it to your face.
The Downside: You're a lonely character, even in a gang. The life is solitary and violent, and you've seen a lot of blood
spilled over the years. Nobody trusts you and you don't trust anybody, either, and that's the best you can do... besides
staying alive.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Splatterpunk table (Systems Failure, page 95).

Barnstormer O.C.C.
In the early twentieth century, many adventurous young men and women called Barnstormers took to the skies in rattletrap aircraft
of their own design and manufacture in an effort to bring the miracle of flight to the masses. Now, almost one hundred years later, a
new generation of Barnstormers has taken to the skies, although their goals are much different. Instead of entertaining, most
Barnstormers fly from town to town delivering mail, spreading news and keeping people in touch with each other in one of the few
ways left. Along the way, most perform a few tricks for smiles, but their goals are very serious. Fore some of the more brazen flyers,
the challenge of spying on the Bugs from the air is irresistable and their observations are often put to good use by Bughunters and
Alignment: Any, but usually Good or Anarchist.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. of 10 and a P.P. of 12.
Base S.D.C.: 40
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 Jury-Rig (special): Almost identical to the Grease Monkey ability (see Systems Failure RPG, page 88, for details),
but can only be applied to their own aircraft, and they have very few spare parts. Their planes are so strangely
repaired that other people who try to repair them have a -25% penalty.
 Flirting with Disaster (special): Barnstormers gain a +2 to all combat abilities and saving throws, as well as +20%
to his or her piloting skill when going into danger while flying their plane; this comes from the rush of
excitement they love so much. Unfortunately, this tends to make them cocky and somewhat foolhardy.

Skill Programs: Pilot: Basic Program (+20%, and prefers airplanes), Electrical Program (+10%), and Mechanical Program
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick six skills from the following:
Communications: Any except Laser and Optic Systems. Pilot, Basic: Any (+10%).
Domestic: Any. Pilot, Advanced: Any, but takes two skill selections.
Electrical: Any (+15%). Pilot Related: Any.
Espionage: Detect Concealment and Pick Locks only. Rogue: Any except Computer Hacking, Prowl, Seduction
Mechanical: Any (+15%). and Ventriloquism (+5%).
Medical: First Aid only. Science: Mathematics: Basic , Mathematics: Advanced and
Military: Armorer (field), Camouflage, Demolitions, Chemistry only (+10%).
Demolitions Disposal, and Recognize Weapon Quality only Technical: Business and Finance, General Repair and
(+10%). Literacy only.
Physical: Any, except for Hand to Hand: Assassin, Wilderness: Any.
Acrobatics and Gymnastics. Hand to Hand: Expert costs W.P.: Any.
two skill selections and Hand to Hand: Martial Arts costs Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
three skill selections. select one Secondary Skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.

Standard Equipment: Comes with an airplane of some kind, half the time of the character's own design (never larger
than a twin-engine prop plane, and anyone else who tries to repair it is at -25%). He or she also gets one weapon of
choice plus 1D4x50 rounds of ammunition (usually a light rifle or shotgun), a portable tool kit, large tool kit, flashlight,
utility belt, work overalls, flying goggles and 2D4x100 in personal gear.
Money: $2D4x100 in tradeable goods and/or precious metals.
The Upside: You get to see the world from a view most won't ever have, and help out humankind in the process.
The Downside: There's nothing quite like being a nice, shiny Bug target in the middle of an open sky... without any sort
of heavy weaponry.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Grease Monkey table (Systems Failure, page 89).

Artisan O.C.C.
Alignment: Any, but the vast majority are Good.
Attribute Requirements: None.
Base S.D.C.: 30
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 Craft (special): Every Artisan specializes in some sort of craft that they can make a living from. Whatever the
craft, their percentage for success is 65%+3% per level. Some sample trades are:
Baker - makes breads, bisciuts and cakes
Blacksmith - makes items of forged iron, usually horseshoes
Brewer - makes beer and malt liquors
Cobbler - makes and repairs shoes and boots
Mason - builder using stone or brick
Miller - grinds grain in a mill to make flour
Welder - welds metal together, usually for repairs or armor plating
Woodcutter - chopper and engraver of wood
Skill Programs (special) Select any ten skills that the player and GM feel are appropriate to the character. No
restrictions, but no bonuses either.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick eight skills from the following:
Communications: Any (+5%), ezcept Cryptography, Laser Espionage: Any (+5% to most, but +10% to Forgery,
and Optic Systems. Intelligence and Disguise).
Domestic: Any (+10%). Mechanical: Any.
Electrical: Any. Medical: First Aid only.
Military: Any, except Trap/Mine Detection.
Physical: Any except Acrobatics and Wrestling. Hand to Science: Astronomy, Chemistry and Mathematics:
Hand: Expert costs two skill selections and Hand to Hand: Advanced only.
Martial Arts or Hand to Hand: Assassin costs three skill Technical: Any (+15%).
selections. Wilderness: Any (+5%).
Pilot, Basic: Any (+15%). W.P.: Any.
Pilot, Advanced: None. Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
Pilot Related: Any. select one Secondary Skill at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 15.
Rogue: Any (+10%).

Standard Equipment: A survival knife, pocket knife, and one weapon (usually a rifle or shotgun) plus 1D4x50 rounds of
ammunition. The character will also have a backpack, large duffel bag or satchel, several sacks (large and small),
sunglasses, pocket signal mirror, two canteens, 1D4 jugs of whiskey or moonshine, a gas mask and $1D6x100 in personal
gear. The character also comes with a shop in a town or portable shop in a van or truck with all tools necessary to
practice his or he craft.
Money: $2D4x100 in tradeable goods or coin.
The Upside: You're a necessary part of many people's lives, and without you they might not survive. You shoe horses,
bake fresh bread, repair shoes and boots, or perform any number of other services, all of which are necessary in post-
Meltdown America. This makes you respected and even admired.
The Downside: It also makes you hunted, especially by Warlords who need your talents. But they won't kill you... until
you're no longer useful.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Freebooter table (Systems Failure, page 87).

Tinker O.C.C.
Tinkers are much like Grease Monkeys at first glance, but instead of repairing old machines, they create new devices from old
technology. It is commonplace to see a Tinker driving a steam or coal-powered vehicle, wielding powerful homemade weapons and
using the most bizarre tools to make mechanical miracles happen. Most often Tinkers stay in one place, preferring to work with their
devices rather than interact with people or, God forbid, get into a firefight with the Bugs. Before the Meltdown, most Tinkers were
shy people anyway, and the trauma of the past decade has just made them more so. Not that they don't have any contact; if their
creations aren't used, what good are they? Most sell or trade their gadgets to adventurers, but a few brave Tinkers wander the
wastes of post-Meltdown America, fighting the Bugs with their odd creations.
Alignment: Any, but usually Good.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. of 12 and a P.P. of 12.
Base S.D.C.: 30
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 Jury-Rig (special): Almost identical to the Grease Monkey ability (see Systems Failure RPG, page 88, for details),
but can only be applied to gadgets they have built or have ideas for.
 Brainstorm (special): Almost identical to the Egghead ability (see Systems Failure RPG, page 81, for details), but
can only be applied to gadgets they have built or have ideas for (like they have an idea on how to make a firearm
out of a potato and a dresser drawer, or some other bizarre combination).
Skill Programs: Electrical Program (+20%), Mechanical Program (+20%), and Mechanical (Vehicular) Program (+20%).
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick six skills from the following:
Communications: Any except Laser and Optic Systems. Physical: Any, except for Hand to Hand: Assassin,
Domestic: Any. Acrobatics and Gymnastics. Hand to Hand: Expert costs
Electrical: Any (+15%). two skill selections and Hand to Hand: Martial Arts costs
Espionage: Detect Concealment and Pick Locks only. three skill selections.
Mechanical: Any (+15%). Pilot, Basic: Any (+10%).
Medical: First Aid only. Pilot, Advanced: Any, but takes two skill selections.
Military: Armorer (field), Camouflage, Demolitions, Pilot Related: Any.
Demolitions Disposal, and Recognize Weapon Quality only Rogue: Any except Computer Hacking, Prowl, Seduction
(+10%). and Ventriloquism (+5%).
Science: Any (+10%).
Technical: Business and Finance, General Repair and W.P.: Any.
Literacy only. Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
Wilderness: Any. select one Secondary Skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.

Standard Equipment: Comes with a vehicle of some kind, half the time of the character's own design and always heavily
modified (anyone else who tries to repair it is at -25%). He or she also gets one weapon of choice plus 1D4x50 rounds of
ammunition (usually a light rifle or shotgun), a portable tool kit, large tool kit, flashlight, utility belt, work overalls, and
$2D4x100 in personal gear.
Money: $2D4x100 in tradeable goods and/or precious metals.
The Upside: If you need something and don't have it, chances are good that you can build it. Whether it's electronic,
mechanical or powered by a rubber band, you can make it work... and people will pay you for it.
The Downside: You're not good with people, which tends to make you very lonely. Many don't take you or your work
seroiusly, either; normal folks think you're a nutcase, and Grease Monkeys (who should be kindred spirits) distrust your
odd creations and use of technology.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Grease Monkey table (Systems Failure, page 89).

Dreamer O.C.C.
Life for most in the post-Meltdown world is one of drudgery and fear; drudgery from the back-breaking struggle for survival in a
world without modern conveniences, and fear from the constant threat of Bug or Warlord assaults. Some would argue that this sort
of life is hardly worth living, and this is why Dreamers have become so popular in the world of 2009. Travelling from town to town
and farmstead to farmstead, all these performers ask for is a meal and a place to sleep for a night. Children love their jokes and
stories, adults like the songs they play and the news they bring... but they are not universally loved. Many adventurers feel that
Dreamers are lazy and unnecessary, and that they could do better fighting the Bugs (and to hell with entertainment). But the
Dreamers press on, trying to lighten the very dark lives of this ruined world.
Alignment: Any, but usually Good.
Attribute Requirements: None, although a high I.Q. and M.A. are helpful.
Base S.D.C.: 35
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 Entertaining (special): Dreamers can spellbind large audiences with tales of wonder (fairy tales, children's
stories, myths and even historical events), making them more receptive to helping him or her out (although he
or she never asks for or expects payment... just accepts what they are given).
 Fast Talker (special): Almost identical to the Freebooter ability (see Systems Failure RPG, page 86, for details),
but the Dreamer never uses it to con people, just to get out of trouble that others start.
Skill Programs: Technical Program (+20%), Domestic Program (+20%, and one must be a musical instrument), and one
program of choice.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick six skills from the following:
Communications: Any. Pilot, Basic: Any (+10%).
Domestic: Any (+10%). Pilot, Advanced: None.
Electrical: Any. Pilot Related: Any.
Espionage: None. Rogue: Any (+5%).
Mechanical: Any. Science: Any (+10%).
Medical: Any. Technical: Any (+5%)
Military: None. Wilderness: Any.
Physical: Any, except for Hand to Hand: Assassin, W.P.: Any.
Acrobatics and Gymnastics. Hand to Hand: Expert costs Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
two skill selections and Hand to Hand: Martial Arts costs select one Secondary Skill at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and
three skill selections. 14.

Standard Equipment: Usually has a vehicle of some kind (65% chance), also gets one weapon of choice plus 1D4x50
rounds of ammunition (usually a light rifle or shotgun), a portable tool kit, flashlight, utility belt, and $2D4x100 in
personal gear.
Money: $1D4x100 in tradeable goods and/or precious metals.
The Upside: You can brighten almost anyone's day with a joke or story, and hopefully make them forget about the hell
reality has become, at least for a while. Almost everyone likes you.
The Downside: The people who don't like you really don't like you. They think you're weak, or worse, a coward for not
fighting the Bugs outright.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Egghead table (Systems Failure, page 82).

Charlatan O.C.C.
Throughout time, there have been those who prefer to let everyone else do most of the work while they sit back, sippng a cold
drink. This hasn't changed since the Meltdown, but those people have found that they had better make themselves useful enough
not to get rid of, because a lot of folks would rather shoot them and just get it over with. These people are Charlatans, those special
people who you just can't get rid of because they're just too good at what they do... usually on very rare occasions. For some reason,
they can do just about anything when they want, but most of the time they prefer to sit around, lazing in the shade or leaning on
their shovel. But then comes that occasion where a doctor is needed or a vital machine breaks down and nobody can help... but the
Charlatan. It's a fine line, but the Charlatan walks it well... and always keeps a bag packed, just in case.
Alignment: Any, but usually Unprincipled or Anarchist.
Attribute Requirements: None, although a high M.A. is helpful.
Base S.D.C.: 30
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 Indispensable (special): Charlatans have the strange ability to make themselves just useful enough not to get rid
of, even though they are lazy and probably annoying as hell. When something needs to be done, Charlatans
have a 50% chance plus a percentage equal to their M.A. to do anything (they're the ultimate Jack-of-all-trades),
but only once; if they fail, whatever they were trying to do fails miserably. This comes in very handy when
nobody in a group has a certain skill or the Charlatan is trying to keep from being run out of town... but only if
they succeed.
Skill Programs: Gambler & Huckster Program (+20%), plus pick any ten skills at +10% (no category restrictions).
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick eight skills from the following:
Communications: Any. Pilot Related: Any.
Domestic: Any. Rogue: Any (+5%).
Electrical: Any. Science: Any.
Espionage: Any. Technical: Any.
Mechanical: Any. Wilderness: Any.
Medical: Any. W.P.: Any.
Military: Any. Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
Physical: Any. select one Secondary Skill at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and
Pilot, Basic: Any. 14.
Pilot, Advanced: Any.

Standard Equipment: Often has a vehicle of some kind (50% chance), also gets one weapon of choice plus 1D4x50
rounds of ammunition (usually a light rifle or shotgun), flashlight, utility belt, and $3D6x100 in personal gear.
Money: $2D4x100 in tradeable goods and/or precious metals.
The Upside: You're vital to the survival of many post-Meltdown communities, and treated like a king for your trouble.
Ahhh, this is the life...
The Downside: ... Until you screw up and an angry lynch mob runs you out of another town (again).
Experience Point Requirements: use the Peacekeeper table (Systems Failure, page 91).

Dropout O.C.C.
A most tragic figure, the Dropout is a person who once lived a normal post-Meltdown life (well, as close as that gets to normal) until
something tragic happened to them. Ever since that fateful event, they have wandered from place to place, unwilling to remain
rooted to any one spot for more than a few weeks. They never talk about the horrors they saw, and they keep to themselves almost
all the time, doing their work and taknig their pay and making no demands of anyone. Many Dropouts were adventurers of some
type, but many were just normal people who saw something too horrible to comprehend; regardless, there is a 65% chance of the
character being an alcoholic and 10% chance of being a drug addict in a vain effort to dull the pain.
Alignment: Any.
Attribute Requirements: None.
Base S.D.C.: 40
O.C.C. Abilities and Bonuses:
 Odd Jobs (special): Dropouts can perform most simple tasks without a skill roll (fishing, basic carpentry, minor
repairs, and the like) because they've been earning a living for years doing these basic actions. This also lets
them easily trade their services for foor or a place to sleep.
 Jack-of-all-Trades (special): Much like Charlatans, Dropouts can attempt any task they don't have a skill in. Their
chance of success is equal to their M.A. plus 5% per level, but Dropouts are able to attempt a task again and
again until they get it right.
Skill Programs: One program of choice (should reflect their former profession; +10%), plus pick any eight skills at +10%
(no category restrictions).
O.C.C. Related Skills: Pick six skills from the following:
Communications: Any. Pilot, Advanced: None.
Domestic: Any. Pilot Related: Any.
Electrical: Any. Rogue: Any.
Espionage: None. Science: Any.
Mechanical: Any. Technical: Any.
Medical: Any. Wilderness: Any.
Military: Any. W.P.: Any.
Physical: Any. Secondary Skills: None initially, but the character may
Pilot, Basic: Any. select one Secondary Skill at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, and 14.

Standard Equipment: Rarely has a vehicle of some kind (25% chance), also gets one weapon of choice plus 1D4x50
rounds of ammunition (usually a light rifle or shotgun), 1D4 bottles of alcohol (usually potent), flashlight, utility belt, and
$2D4x100 in personal gear.
Money: $1D4x100 in tradeable goods and/or precious metals.
The Upside: Nobody knows you well, and nobody gives you much trouble... nor do you give them reason to. You bother
nobody, do your odd jobs, and just ask to be left alone with your pain.
The Downside: Nobody knows you well; it's a lonely life, with nobody you can talk to or share a drink with. Some people
make fun of your disheveled look and wandering ways, but you'll never confront them; you can't even look them in the
eye. You have no friends, no family, no past that you'll admit to... just the ghosts you can't get rid of.
Experience Point Requirements: use the Freebooter table (Systems Failure, page 87).

Common Ammunition:
Caliber Single Round Short Burst Rounds Full Auto Burst Rounds Cost /
Damage (S.D.C.) Damage fired Damage (S.D.C.) fired Quantity
.22 LR 1D6 $5 / 100
.22 Magnum 2D4 $8 / 50
.25 ACP 1D6 $12 / 50
.32 ACP 2D6 $14 / 50
7.65 x 25 mm Tokarev 2D6 $13 / 50
.380 ACP 2D6+3 $12 / 50
9mm 3D6 6D6 3 3D6x10 10 $10 / 50
.38 Special 3D6 $12 / 50
.357 Magnum 5D6 $20 / 50
.357 Sig 5D6 $20 / 50
.40 S&W 4D6 $14 / 50
10mm 5D6 $20 / 50
.400 Cor-Bon 5D6+3 $16 / 20
.41 Magnum 5D6 $15 / 20
.44 Magnum 6D6 $20 / 50
.45 ACP 5D6 $14 / 50
.45 Long Colt 5D6 $25 / 50
.454 Casull 7D6 $25 / 20
.50 Action Express 6D6+3 $20 / 20
.500 Smith & Wesson 8D6 $40 / 20
.22 – 250 Remington 5D6 $15 / 20
.223 / 5.56mm 5D6 1D6x10 3 5D6x10 10 $5 / 20
.243 Winchester 6D6 $15 / 20
.270 Winchester 7D6 $20 / 20
6.5 Grendel 5D6+3 1D6x10 3 $30 / 20
6.8 SPC 6D6 1D6x10+3 3 $30 / 20
7 mm Magnum 7D6 $25 / 20
.30 Carbine 5D6 $15 / 20
7.62 x 39mm 5D6+3 1D6x10+3 4 5D6x10+10 20 $5 / 20
.30-30 Winchester 6D6 $12 / 20
.308 / 7.62 x 51mm 6D6+3 1D6x10+6 5 6D6+10+10 15 $20 / 20
7.62mm Rimmed Russian 7D6 $15 / 20
.300 Winchester Magnum 7D6+3 $30 / 20
.303 British 6D6+3 $17 / 20
.30-06 Springfield 7D6 1D6x10+6 3 7D6x10 7 $20 / 20
8mm Mauser 6D6+3 $17 / 20
.338 Winchester Magnum 8D6 $32 / 20
.375 H&H Magnum 1D4x10 $40 / 50
.444 Marlin 8D6 $22 / 20
.45-70 Government 7D6 $22 / 20
.50 Beowulf 6D6+1 $50 / 20
.50 BMG 1D6x10 3D4x10+10 10 1D6x100 100 $60 / 20
.600 Nitro 1D4x10+10 $90 / 20
25mm A.P. +2 vs A.R. 1D4x10+10 3D4x10+10 10 1D6x100 100
25mm H.E. 1D6x10+10 3D6x10+10 10 2D6x100 100
30mm A.P. +2 vs A.R. 1D6x10+20 3D6x10+10 10 4D6x100 50
30mm H.E. 1D8x10 3D8x10 10 3D8x100 50

Common Shotgun Ammunition:

Caliber Damage Cost / Quantity
410 Gauge - Buckshot 3D6 $10 / 25
410 Gauge - Solid Slug 5D6 $10 / 25
20 Gauge - Buckshot 4D6 $12 / 25
20 Gauge - Solid Slug 6D6 $12 / 25
12 Gauge - Buckshot 5D6 $20 / 25
12 Gauge - Solid Slug 7D6 $20 / 25
10 Gauge - Buckshot 6D6 $15 / 10
10 Gauge - Solid Slug 8D6 $15 / 10

Specialty Ammunition - 12-gauge shotguns only.

Rocket-Assisted Projectiles (RAP) - Shotgun shells with a 250 foot range, damage increases as rocket accelerates. Cost: $60 to $100
per twenty, very rare.
 0 to 50 feet - 4D6 damage, plus unspent fuel burns for  101 to 150 feet - 6D6 / 3D4 damage
5D4 damage in the wound (if A.R. is penetrated)
 151 to 200 feet - 7D6 / 2D4 damage
 51 to 100 feet - 5D6 / 4D4 damage
 201 to 250 feet - 7D6+3 / 1D4 damage
 EMP Slugs - A NORAD experimental weapon load, extremely rare! Disables electronics and Bug nervous systems. On
electronics, roll 1D6: on 1-3, the system is screwed up for 2D4 minutes, on 4 or 5 the system needs 1D4 hours repair time
with suitable parts, and on 6 the system is permanently fried. On Bugs: does 3D6 damage, but even if armor is not
penetrated the EMP severely screws up the Bug - all combat bonuses are halved, psionics cannot be used and the Bug can't
switch to energy form for 1D4 melees. Cost: $40 to $75 per shot!
 High-Energy Plasma Slugs: A NORAD experimental weapon load, extremely rare! 200 foot range; within 100 feet, does 6D6
impact damage plus 1D4x10+8 when the slug violently transforms into white-hot plasma. Beyond 100 feet, the round goes
plasma (no impact damage). Cost: $20 to $40 per shot!

 Firearm Accessories  5.56mm Assault Rifle, 30-rnd:

 Ankle Holster: Padded for comfort, with velcro closure.  2 clips, $25.00; 4 clips, $40.00
Fits a snub-nosed revolver or any small frame  7.62mm Assault Rifle, 20-rnd:
automatic. Can be concealed under pant leg. $40.00.  2 clips, $28.00; 4 clips, $50.00
 Inside Trouser Holster: $20.00.  7.62mm Assault Rifle, 30-rnd:
 Side Holster (fits onto belt): $50.00.  2 clips, $28.00; 4 clips, $45.00
 Belt Slide Holster: $50.00.  Magazine Ammo Bags: $40.00.
 Belt Thumbreak Holster: $50.00.  Assault Rifle Case: $90.00.
 Police-Style Belt and Holster: 24 bullet loops:  Rifle Case: $80.00.
$80.00.00.  Sub-Machinegun Case: $80.00.
 Police-style Shoulder Holster: $90.00.  Shotgun Bandoleer: Bandoleers are made of brown
 Military-style Shoulder Holster: $70.00. leather, with a heavy-duty, brass belt buckle. Shotgun
 Horizontal Shoulder Holster: $85.00. version will hold 56 rounds, $40; 40mm grenade
 Scoped Shoulder Holster: $90.00. version holds 18 rounds. $30.00.
 Concealed Wallet Holster for small automatic  Wrist Cartridge Bandoleer: Perfect for concealing 3
weapons: fits easily into back trouser pocket. $60.00. extra cartridges. $20.00 each.
 Web Belt with holster: ammo pouches (2) and  Metal Ammunition Boxes: These waterproof ammo
accessory attachment clips (4). $60.00. boxes are designed for easy storage and carrying. .50
 Magazine Pouch: Each of these specially designed caliber size: $18. .30 caliber size: $12.00
ammo pouches is designed for 2 (slimline) or 4 (heavy-  Field Gun Cleaning Kit: A complete cleaning kit
duty) ammo clips. Choice of camouflage, green, khaki contained in its own pouch. $35.00
or black colors:  Gun Repair Kit: This is a 4 pound (1.8 kg) gun repair kit.
 Automatic Pistol: Each tool is fitted into a separate loop and there's
 2 clips, $10.00; 4 clips, $20.00 plenty of room for spare bolts, screws, springs and
 Sub-Machinegun: cleaning rods. Contained in a 12 inch by 8 inch by 2 inch
 2 magazines $15.00; 4 mags $20.00 (30x20x5 cm) case. Can be attached to a harness or
 5.56mm Assault Rifle, 20-rnd: worn over the shoulder with strap, which is included.
 2 clips, $20.00; 4 clips, $35.00
 Magazine Clips: Any weapon, any size, from 7-round is rendered useless; it must have some source of
pistol to 30-round rifle. $1.00 each. ambient light. Can use light from an infrared flashlight
 Suppressor: An attachment which fits over the barrel of to amplify ambient light. Range: 2000 feet (610 m).
a gun to muffle the sound of the report. Perception Cost: $6,000.00
rolls require a 10 to detect silenced shots from 20 ft  Thermo-Imager: A thermo-imager converts infrared
away; outside of that, supressed shots are inaudible. radiation of warm objectsinto a visible image. The
Supressors reduce a weapon's range by 10%. operator can see heat as represented by bands of color
Supressors are a class 3 item. Cost: $400.00 (pistol or and enables him to see in darkness, shadows and
SMG) or $1,000.00 (rifle). through smoke with 20/20 vision. Cost: $12,000.00
 Flash Suppressor: An attachment that fits over a gun Range: 2000 feet (610 m) Note: Can be added to a
barrel to mask the muzzle flash during firing. telescopic gun.
Characters within 100 ft. (30.5 m) of a suppressed shot
have only a 25% chance of seeing it. Outside of that,  Miscellaneous Modern Weapons
flash suppressed shots are not visible. Cost: $400 (pistol  Black Jack: A small hand-held club, usually handmade,
or SMG) or $1,000 (rifle). 10 inches (25 cm) long, weighing 2 to 4 pounds (0.9 to
1.8 kg). Cost: $20.00. Damage: 1D6 S.D.C..
 Optics for Guns  Brass Knuckles: Cost: $20.00. Damage: 1D6 S.D.C..
 All of these optic systems are available as gun scopes  Cattle Prod: An electric rod, operated on "C" cell
for pistols and rifles as well as goggles and binoculars. batteries, that emits a 4500 volt shock when it is
As many as four different optics can be combined in a touched to the skin. 12 or 22 inch (30 or 56 cm)
single scope (add the cost of each plus 20% to lengths. Cost: $20.00. Damage: 1D4 S.D.C..
determine the total cost of the complete multi-optic  Itching Powder: Range varies with applications; can be
system). used as a powder, launched in a grenade, housed in a
 Telescopic Scope: 10 x magnification; works like a pair pellet that ruptures on impact, and similar devices.
of binoculars or camera lens. Typical range is 2000- Victims are very uncomfortable, distracted and are -3
6000 feet (610 to 1828 m). Cost: $1000.00 on initiative. Duration: 1D4 hours or until washed off.
 Telescopic Scope: 4 x magnification; works like a pair of Affects only bare skin. Costs: Only a couple of bucks per
binoculars or camera lens. Typical range is 150-600 feet ounce (28 g) from a novelty shop.
(46 to 183 m). Cost: $300.00  Hair Spray: Can be used to temporarily blind an
 Reflex Sight: reflex sights project a lazer back onto a opponent. Victims are -6 to strike, parry and dodge.
lense that the user looks thourgh. The sight is non Effective Range: 3 feet (0.9 m). Duration: 1D4 melees.
parallax (your eye doesn’t have to be perfectly aligned Cost: $3.00.
with the lense) and allows an excellent field of vision.  Mace: A stinging chemical spray that blinds one's
Bonus: Add +1 to strike but only on short ranged shots. opponent (much better than hair spray). Victims are -6
Cost: $600.00 to strike, parry and dodge. Effective Range: 4 to 6 feet
 Infrared Vision: Infrared scopes emit a narrow beam of (1.2 to 1.8 m). Duration: 4D4 melees. Cost: $16.00,
infrared light that is invisible to human eyes. However, with about 20 sprays before empty.
the light beam is visible to other characters using  Modern Crossbow with rifle stock: 150 pound (667
infrared vision. Those who can see the light can avoid it Newton) draw weight. Range: 500 feet (152 m).
and/or follow it to its source, giving up its user's Damage: 2D6. Cost: $180.
location. Furthermore, the narrowness of the light  Sap Glove: Six ounces (0.2 kg) of powdered lead is built
beam limits the available viewing area to about seven into each glove just above the knuckles, padding the
feet (2.1 m). Cost: $1200.00 Maximum Range: 2000 wearer and adding weight and strength to the force of
feet (610 m). one's blow. +2 to damage. Cost: $30.00.
 Laser Sights: These small targeting systems fit on all  Fiberglass Nightstick: Cost: $10.00. Damage: 1D4.
firearms. They project a laser beam that produces a red  Colapsable Nightstick: Cost: $20.00. Damage: 1D6.
dot on the target, showing approximately where the  S.W.A.T. Entry Tool a.k.a. Hooligan Tool: A long, one
bullet will hit. Laser sights add +1 to all firearms rolls, inch (2.5 cm) thick, stress-proof bar, heat treated for
including bursts, but their range is limited to 200 feet durability and strength. On one end is a large chisel,
(61 m). Cost: $200.00. spike-like, pry bar. On the opposite end is a claw/chisel-
 Light Filters: Simple transparent lens covers designed point (crowbar-like). Used to pry open security doors
to filter sunlight and reduce glare. Cost: $25.00 and grilles. Cost: $240.00. Damage: 1D8 (either end).
 Passive Nightvision: This system amplifies existing Pops normal door locks on a roll to strike of 8-20; pops
ambient light to provide vision in darkness. It is also heavy locks and security door locks on a roll to strike of
known as a "starlight" scope because it can amplify the 12-20.
light from stars and the moon to see when outdoors. If
in absolute darkness such as an underground tunnel, it
 Modern Knives  Homemade Bomb: $10.00-$20 for components: 70%
 Combat Bush Knife: Heavy-duty, all-purpose survival  Plastic Explosive: $100.00 for two ounces (56 grams):
knife. The best carbon steel 7in/177 mm blade. 15%
Damage: 1D6 S.D.C. Cost: $200.00  Gelatin Explosive: $140.00 per ounce (28 grams): 18%
 Slimpack Throwing Knife: With a flat, lambskin sheath,  Liquid Nitroglycerin: $200.00 per ounce (28 grams):
this knife is perfect for concealment. Also a perfectly 20%
balanced 6 inch blade (0.15 m). Damage: 1D6 S.D.C.  Hand Grenades: $150.00 each: 30%
Cost: $50.00  Smoke Grenades: $60.00 each: 40%
 Belt Throwing Knife Set: 4 ultrathin throwing knives in  Rifle Launched Grenades: $200.00 each: 20%
a single belt sheath designed for an easy, fast draw.  Mortar Shells: $300.00 each: 10%
Damage: 1D6 S.D.C. Cost: $135.00  Note: There is always a 20% chance that the item is
 Polycarbonate Knife: This 7 inch knife (with silk sheath) fake or a dud.
is guaranteed not to show up on metal detectors.  Descriptions will include two damage ratings. The first
Balanced for throwing, yet with a keen edge for slicing. is the blast center, where most damage is done. The
Damage: 1D6 S.D.C. Cost: $300.00 second is the extended blast radius and damage caused
 Small Boot Knife: For easy concealment. Damage: 1D4 from flying particles of debris.
S.D.C. Cost: $20.00  Dynamite is a nitroglycerin based explosive widely used
 Bayonet: Attaches to combat rifles. Damage: 1D6 in mining and road construction. It can be detonated
S.D.C. Cost: $140.00 with blasting caps, fuses and timing devices. Wick fuses
 Grappling Hook & Line: This is your typical grappling were rarely used before The Meltdown, but about half
hook and line for scaling surfaces. Range: 100 feet use them today. Damage: One stick: 1D4x10. Effective
(30.5 m). Damage: 1D4 S.D.C. Attacks Per Melee: Equal Casualty Radius: 10 feet (3 m). Note: Good availability
to hand to hand attacks. Weight: 2 pounds (0.9 kg). at Four Corners.
Cost: $150.00 for hook and 300 feet (91.4 m) of line.  Homemade Bombs: Any variety, usually incorporate
 Swords and other Melee Weapons: For illustrations chemicals or gunpowder or dynamite: Damage: One
and statistics for hundreds of swords, axes, polearms, Bomb: 5D6. Effective Casualty Radius: 10 feet (3 m).
and other ancient weapons from many different  Liquid Nitroglycerin is an extremely dangerous,
cultures and ages, check out Palladium's Compendium unstable, chemical explosive concentrate. A severe jar,
of Weapons, Armour and Castles. Trust us: you'll be jerk or bump can cause it to detonate; 30% chance.
glad you did. Damage: One ounce (28 g) is equal to four sticks of
 Knife, Large: Damage: 1D6 S.D.C. Cost: $20.00-100.00 dynamite: 4D4x10. Effective Casualty Radius: 20 feet
 Knife, Skinning: Damage: 1D6 S.D.C. Cost: $80.00- (6.1 m).
200.00  Plastic and Gelatin explosives are very localized blast
 Knife, Small: Damage: 1D4 S.D.C. Cost: $15.00-75.00 explosives that can be molded and formed like putty.
 Knife, Survival: Damage: 1D6 S.D.C. Cost: $120.00- Inert: you can slam a plastic explosive into a wall and
300.00 nothing will happen. It can only be activated/ignited by
 Knife, Survival Commando: Damage: 2D4 S.D.C. Cost: an electrical blasting cap that will pass an electrical
$180.00-500.00 charge through it, causing it to explode. Any electrical
 Knife, Throwing: Damage: 1D6 S.D.C. Cost: $200.00- charge, blast or bolt is also likely to detonate it; 55%
600.00 chance. Damage: 2 ounces (56 g) is equal to one stick
 Machete with canvas sheath: Damage: 2D4 S.D.C. of dynamite: 1D4x10. Area effect of blast is exactly
Cost: $ 40.00-100.00 where the plastics or gel has been placed; about one
foot (30 cm). Of course, depending on what is being
exploded, it could cause much more additional
 Explosives
destruction and damage. These are the types of
 Explosives are generally restricted to industrial and explosives used to open safes and for sabotage. They
military use and difficult to obtain even for heroes and are not effective area effect weapons.
villains. Unless stolen or provided by a sponsoring  Explosive Grenade: Weight: 10 ounces (283 grams).
organization, characters will be forced to purchase Effective Radius: 20 feet (6.1 m). Effective Range: 100
them illegally. Prices on the black market are generally feet (30.5 m). Damage: 2D4x10, (illegal).
quite steep and circumstances or the individual seller  Rifle Launched Grenades: Explosive or smoke grenades
may increase the prices listed by 100%. fired from an assault rifle. The previous stated damage
 Black Market Prices and effects apply. Rifle Range: 1150 feet (350 m).
 Cost & Availability in Systems Failure's America: Single shot, Damage: 2D4x10 to 20 foot (6.1 m) area.
 Dynamite: $30.00 per stick: 60%
 Detonation Caps/Fuses: $30.00 each: 42%
 Gas Grenades Burns for 10 melee rounds. Weight: 24 ounces (0.7 kg).
 Tear Gas: This extremely potent irritant temporarily TimeDelay Fuse: 4-5 seconds. Effective Casualty
impairs vision and respiration, causing eyes to burn and Radius: Lethal up to 60 feet (18.3 m), dangerous to 120
water profusely, skin to burn (a sensation, not in feet (36.6 m). Cost: $30.00
actuality), and making breathing very difficult. Victims  Molotov Cocktail: A classic incendiary weapon, since it
are -6 to strike, parry, dodge, and lose any chance for is so easy to make from commonly available materials.
initiative. Effects are immediate. Saving Throw: None Range Thrown: 30 feet (9.1 m). Damage: 3D6 damage:
(gas masks counter the gas effectively). Cost: $50.00 up to a 12 foot (3.6 m) area. Burns for 4 melee rounds.
each. Cost: $15.00.
 Knockout Gas: These are tranquilizers; anesthesia-type  Flare Gun: The flare gun has not changed much over
mists that will induce drowsiness within 1D4 melees the decades and is basically like those we use today. It
and sleep within 1D4 minutes. Saving Throw: If a is generally used as a signal or to light up an area. Used
character makes a successful saving throw vs toxins, his for Luminescence: Lights up a 300 foot (91.4 m) area
body has successfully fought off the effects of the gas for about five melees (75 seconds). It is not intended to
and is unimpaired. However, the player must roll once be a weapon, thus it is not balanced for aiming; W.P.
for every minute (four melees) that the character is handgun skill bonuses do NOT apply. Range: 300 feet
exposed to the gas (gas masks counter the gas (91.4 m). Damage: 2D6 per melee ignited (5 melees).
effectively). Cost: $100.00 each; rare. Attacks Per Melee: Two. Weight: 2 pounds (0.9 kg).
 Nerve Gas (paralysis): This is a gas that attacks the Cost: $200.00 for the gun only; flares cost $10.00 each.
person's nervous system; in this case, causing paralysis. Wide availability.
Takes effect within 2D4 melees (two minutes). Saving  Hand-Held Flares: The hand-held flare is generally used
throw: If a character makes a successful saving throw to mark an area or for signaling. They are similar to
vs toxins, his body will have luckily fought off the those used by present day truck drivers. Range: Hand
effects of the gas (and should get out quick). Roll a Held. Damage: One point. Attacks Per Melee: Equal to
saving throw for each minute (four melees) exposed to hand to hand attacks. Weight: 6 ounces (170 grams).
the gas. Gas masks are useless against most nerve Cost: $3.00 each; wide availability.
agents; however, Atropine Injectors, an anti-nerve gas  Rocket Flare: This hand-held flare has a disposable, one
agent, will negate the gas's effects. Cost of Injectors: time, launch mechanism which fires the flare gun.
$400.00 per dosage. One injector is needed for every Commonly used for expeditions in the wild. A (minus) -
ten minutes of exposure and must be administered 3 to strike penalty applies if used as a weapon. Range:
immediately. Cost of Gas: $200.00 each; super-rare. 300 feet (91.4 m) straight up. Damage: 2D6. Attacks
 Smoke Grenade: Weight: 10 ounces (283 grams). Per Melee: One. Capacity: One. Weight: 5 ounces (140
Effective Radius: 20 feet (6.1 m). Effective Range: 100 grams). Cost: $10.00 each; wide availability.
feet (30.5 m). Damage: None; creates a smoke filled  Rocket Parachute Flare: A signal flare that is fired from
area to provide protective cover (opponents can not a single hand launch tube or flare gun and deploys a
see into or through the smoke) or as a signal. parachute-support star. No visible rocket trail is left
Opponents whose vision is obscured by the smoke are - behind in its launch wake to give away the firer's
8 to strike, parry and dodge. Colors: Black, grey, red, position. Maximum Height: 1000 feet (305 m).
yellow. Duration of Illumination: 30 seconds. Power: 200,000
candela. Cost: $10.00 perflare, plus $300.00 for the
 Incendiary Weapons launcher. Available colors: White, red, green, and
 M-2A1-7 Portable Flamethrower: With a solid stream  Distress Signal Kit: Consists of a tube launcher and six
of fire, a soldier could clear out an entire enemy red flares. Maximum Height: 900 feet (274 m).
machinegun nest. In confined spaces (inside a bunker, Duration of Illumination: 30 seconds. Power: 10,000
foxhole or building), everyone in the target area is candela. Cost: $120.00.
affected equally. Damage: 5D10, plus ignition of all  Mini-signal Cartridges: A lightweight signal cartridge
combustible material. Weight: 42.5 pounds (19.3 kg). designed for the military special forces. Fired from a
Feed: Manual. Effective Range: 70 feet (21.3 m), single-handed, lightweight, pen-type launcher.
unthickened; 150 feet (45.7 m), thickened. Cost: Maximum Height: 320 feet (97.5 m). Duration of
$400.00 (mostly illegal). Illumination: 10 seconds. Power: 150,000 candela.
 AN-M14 TH3 Incendiary Hand Grenade: This is one of Colors available: Green, red or white. Cost: $250.00.
the most dangerous weapons and not just for the
enemy. It is difficult or impossible to throw it far
 Optics
enough to avoid getting hit with fragments. Damage:
up to 12 feet (3.6 m) from impact: 2D4x 10+20 S.D.C;  Binoculars and Telescopic sights magnify an image area
12-24 feet (3.6 to 7.3 m) away: 1D6x10; 25-36 feet (7.6- through a system of lenses.
11 m) away: 5D6; 37-120 feet (11.3-36.6 m) away: 2D6.  Binocular, Telescopic Sights & Cost:
 Binocular (Range: 2000 feet/610 m), best be seen from distances of up to 150 feet (45.7 m). Cost:
magnification: $1600.00. $50.00 each.
 Binocular (Range: 1600 feet/487 m), medium  Passive Nightvision Optics: (Range: 1600 feet/480 m)
magnification: $1000.00. & Cost:
 Binocular (Range: 1600 feet/487 m), low magnification:  Goggles: $5,200.00
$600.00.  Binoculars: $6,400.00
 Infrared Optic System: This type of optical  Monocular Eyepiece: $1,900.00
enhancement device relies on a source of infrared light,  Pocket Night Viewer (Range: 800 feet/240 m):
usually a pencil-thin beam of light projected from the $1500.00
goggle or binoculars, to illuminate its targets. The  Large Tripod Mount: $14,000.00
narrowness of the beam severely limits the scope of  Low Cost Pocket Night Viewer: This is a mini-night
one's view to a small area of about 18 square feet (two sight, usually a monocular style, easily concealed and
square meters). This can make surveying a large area a portable. Range: 100 feet (240 m). Cost: $150.00
problem. Another drawback is that the infrared light  Pocket Range Finder: An optical range finder that is
beam is clearly visible to another infrared optic system, compact and easy to use. Just look through the
giving away the operator's position. These drawbacks viewfinder and adjust the focus knob until the image is
are inherent to ALL infrared systems. Infrared Range: clear. The range in feet AND meters will appear below
1200 feet (365 m) & Cost: the target. Cost: $58.00
 Goggles (mercury battery type): $550.00.  Thermo-Imager: Basically an optical heat sensor, it
 Goggles (new superior type): $880.00. converts the infrared radiation of warm objects into a
 Binoculars: $2100.00. visible image. This device allows its operator to see in
 Monocular Eyepiece: $800.00. darkness, shadows and through smoke. Battery
 Infrared Distancing Binoculars: A high-powered optical powered and electrically cooled. A typical running life is
enhancement device with infrared adjustments, cross 16 hours. Cost: about $1400.00; poor availability.
hair indicator lines, and digital readout of estimated  Thermo-Imager (range: 1600 feet/480 m) & Costs:
distance and rate of travel. Range: 2 miles (3.2 km). The  Goggles: $22,000
I.D. binoculars enjoy extreme popularity among spies,  Binoculars: $20,000
being used for field work and exploration, and are also  Monocular Eyepiece: $ 18,000
 used by the military. Cost: $6700.00. Not commercially  Ultraviolet Systems: Enables its wearer to see into the
available. ultraviolet range of light radiation. It's usually
 Illuminating Peglight: Designed for military use as integrated into a larger optics package rather than used
markers for routes and minefields. Emits beta light alone. Range: 400 feet (120 m). Cost: $500.00
which gives off no heat and no infrared emissions. Can

 Body Armor
 Note: Ancient types of armor can be hand-made, but takes weeks to make. Prices listed are pre-Meltdown, but ancient
types will range from 30% less to 30% more. Modern armor is scarce in most places coveted and typically 50-100% more
expensive, but sometimes list price.
 Ancient Armor Types
 Style/Type  A.R  S.D.C.  Weight  Cost
 Padded or  A.R  S.D.C. 15  6.6 lbs (3  $175.00
Quilt .8 kg)
 Soft Leather  A.R  S.D.C. 20  8 lbs (3.6  $300.00
.9 kg)
 Studded  A.R  S.D.C. 38  20 lbs  $600.00
leather . 12 (9.1 kg)
 Chain Mail  A.R  S.D.C. 44  40 lbs  $900.00
. 13 (18.1 kg)
 Scale Mail  A.R  S.D.C. 75  45  $1500.00
. 15 lbs/20.4
 Plate and  A.R  S.D.C.  52 lbs  $2000.00
Mail . 15 100 (23.6 kg)
 Plate:  A.R  S.D.C.  58 lbs  $2800.00
. 16 150 (26.3 kg)
 Plastic Plated  A.R  S.D.C. 80  28 lbs  $3000.00
. 13 (12.7 kg)
 Note: The costs reflect the rarity of manufacturers/builders and the time involved in the construction. Homemade armor is
possible, reduce cost by half, A.R. by 2 and S.D.C, by 20%.

 Modern Light Armor (half suits)
 Style/Type  A.R  S.D.C.  &  Cost
. Weight
 Concealed  A.R  S.D.C. 50  12 lbs  $1200.00
. 10 (5.4 kg)
 Riot Jacket  A.R  S.D.C. 60  12 lbs  $900.00
. 10 (5.4 kg)
 Vest  A.R  S.D.C. 50  10 lbs  $800.00
. 10 (4.5 kg)
 Point Blank  A.R  S.D.C. 70  14 lbs  $1100.00
Vest . 10 (6.4 kg)
 Hard Armor  A.R  S.D.C.  15 lbs  $1400.00
Vest . 12 120 (6.8 kg)

 Modern Heavy Armor (full suits)
 Style/Type  A.R  S.D.C.  &  Cost
. Weight
 Frag.  A.R  S.D.C.  16 lbs  $1400.00
Cape/Vest . 13 120 (7.3 kg)
 Riot Armor  A.R  S.D.C.  17 lbs  $1600.00
. 14 180 (7.7 kg)
 Hard Armor  A.R  S.D.C.  20 lbs  $2200.00
. 16 260 (9.1 kg)
 Class 4 Armor  A.R  S.D.C.  20 lbs  $2800.00
. 17 280 (9.1 kg)
 Note: Half Suits or vest types usually protect the upper body front, back, side, waist and groin. Concealed are tough, thin
styles designed to be sown into clothes or hidden under clothes (shirts, jackets, etc.). The others are all generally bulky or
worn atop clothes.
 Full suits are all bulky suits worn on top of clothes and provide the greatest protection.
 All modern armor is designed for flexibility and mobility and does not interfere with movement, prowl or speed. Many
types of armor are constructed of reinforced plastic, strengthened with woven glass fibers, and are thicker than metal, yet
lighter. Other common types use steel or lightweight alloys, typically 1/4 inch (6 mm) thick. These two types of armor can
stop all pistol, revolver, sub-machinegun and low caliber rifle shells.
 Hard armor is composed of ceramics, a form of opaque glass made from pure alumina or boron carbide. They are often
combined with steel. Hard armor types provide the most effective protection and can even stop 7.62mm NATO and
5.56mm rifle bullets.

 Gas Powered Generators & Electronics  Electricity requirements for common appliances:
 Small Electric Generator: Uses 8 horsepower to Electric Range: 12,000 watts (12 KW). Cost:
generate 4 kilowatts of energy. Weight: 115 lbs. (52.2 $400.00Washing Machine: 500 watts (0.5 KW). Cost:
kg) Cost: $600 $350.00Space Heater, Electric: 1,200 watts (1.2 KW).
 Cost: $75.00
 Medium Electric Generator: Uses 15 hp to generate 8  Space Heater, Kerosine: Cost: $50.00
KW. Weight 230 lbs. (104.4 kg) Cost: $1,200.00  Toaster: (1,200 watts/1.2 kW), Cost: $15.00
  Hot Water Heater: (0.25 KW) per gallon (3.75 liters), for
 Heavy Electric Generator: Uses 25 hp to generate 15 an average of 10,000 watts (10 KW). Cost: $200.00
KW. Weight: 460 lb. (208.8 kg) Cost: $1,800.00 
  Tape Recorder: 30-60 min. recording time Cost: $30.00
 Personal Computer: (Value Priced) Cost: $700.00
 Personal Computer: (High End) Cost: $4,000.00
 Laptop Computer: (Value Priced) Cost: $1500.00 canvas climbing gloves. 48 clamps, 48 fasteners, 48
 Laptop Computer: (High End) Cost: $6,500.00 pitons, 3 hammers, 2 grappling hooks, and one pulley.
 Modem Cost: $150.00 Weight with shipping crate is 190 pounds (86 kg). Cost:
 Monitor: Basic Color Cost: $200.00 $1100.00
 Monitor: Large Console Cost: $800.00  Compass: Cost: $5.00-50.00
 Monitor: Flat Screen Cost: $2500.00  Disposable Lighter or Box of 200 matches: Cost: $1.00
 Printer: Basic Cost: $200.00  Ear Protector Headphones: The answer to the Demo
 Printer: laser (good quality) Cost: $500.00 expert's and grenadier's dreams. The same model is
 Printer: laser (color) Cost: $1000.00 used by airport workers to preserve hearing in noisy
 Note: Running a generator to live a pre-Meltdown environments. Cost: $35.00-60.00
lifestyle requires a lot of generating power and  Fishing Line: Per 50 feet/15 m: Cost: $5.00
enormous fuel stores. Many post-Meltdown survivors  Fishing Net: Cost: $20.00
simply go without electricity. "When in doubt, go  Fishing Rod and Reel: Cost: $50.00
without."  Flashlight, large: Cost: $12.00-20.00
 Flashlight, pen/pocket size: Cost: $6.00
 Field Equipment & Miscellaneous Gear  Flashlight: Small Cost: $5.00
 Air Filter: (12, disposable): Cost: $5.00  Flashlight: Medium Cost: $10.00
 Animal Trap: small: Cost: $30.00-50.00  Flashlight: Large Cost: $15.00
 Animal Trap: large/bear/wolf: Cost: $120.00  Flashlight: Unbreakable (Kel-lite): Cost: Small $24.00;
 Backpack: large, high quality: Cost: $100.00-200.00 Medium $28.00; Large $32.00; Very Large $35.00.
 Backpack: small, high quality: Cost: $40.00-100.00  Flashlight: Rechargeable, unbreakable flashlight that's
10 times brighter than most conventional types; quartz-
 Basic Hardware Kit: Hammer, adjustable wrench, multi-
halogen bulb, 12 inches (30 cm), 1.8 pounds (0.8 kg),
bit hand drill/screwdriver, nails, screws, saw, tape
20,000 candle power. Cost: $130.00, or 35,000 candle
measure. 10 lbs. (4.5 kg) Cost: $100.00
power Cost: $160.00.
 Bedroll: Cost: $30.00
 Frying Pan (small): Cost: $8.00-10.00
 Bicycle (basic): Cost: $100.00
 Frying Pan (medium): Cost: $10.00-15.00
 Bicycle (heavy duty): Cost: $300.00-6000.00
 Gas Mask will filter out CS, smoke and a variety of
 Blanket, Heavy: Cost: $20.00
military gases. Note: Not recommended as protection
 Blanket, Light: Cost: $10.00
against nerve gas or radiation. Cost: $50.00
 Camouflage Paint Kit: 4 spray cans plus 6 stencils allow
 Hammock: Cost: $50.00
for easy camouflaging of vehicles, bunkers, and any field
 Handcuffs: Regular: 60 S.D.C. Cost: $25.00
equipment. One kit will cover approximately 100 square
 Handcuffs: Heavy: 120 S.D.C. Cost: $50.00
feet of surface. Jungle, forest or arctic. Cost: $35.00
 Insect Repellent: Cost: $4.00
 Camouflage Tape: Comes in rolls 26 feet (7.9 m) long
and two inches (5 cm) wide. Available in jungle, forest  Mosquito Netting: Per square yard/meter: $12.00
or desert camouflage, or in olive drab. Cost: $6.00 per  Nylon Cord: A variety of heavy-duty, all-purpose, nylon
roll. rope or cord is available. Average tension strength is
 Camouflage Compact: A one-man kit for camouflage or 600 pounds (2670 Newtons). Average length is 300 feet
night operations. Includes enough face and hand paint (91 m). Cost: about $100.00. Good availability
for 6 applications. Mirror, brush and disposable cleaning  Oil Lamp: 6 hours: Cost: $30.00
pads are also included in a neat, black case, 4 inches in  Oil Lantern: 6 hours/1 pint: Cost: $20.00
diameter and 1/2 inch high (10x1.3 cm). Cost: $18.00  Oil Lantern: 12 hours/2 pints: Cost: $30.00
each.  Padlock: Light: 25 S.D.C. Cost: $5.00
 Candle: Stick Type: Cost: Per Doz. $8.00  Padlock: Medium: 50 S.D.C. Cost: $8.00
 Canteen: Aluminum: Cost: $30.00  Padlock: Heavy: 75 S.D.C. Cost: $15.00
 Canteen: Plastic: Cost: $20.00  Padlock: Burglar proof, -60% to pick: 80 S.D.C. Cost:
 Chain: Light, per foot (0.3 m): Cost: $3.00 $30.00
 Chain: Heavy, per foot (0.3 m): Cost: $6.00  Pillow: Cost: $10.00
 Cigarettes (16 in a pack): Cost: $2.00-6.00  Portable Halogen Spotlight: Cost: $30.00
 Cigarette Lighter (refillable): Cost: $10.00-25.00  Protective Goggles: Cost: $10.00
 Cigarette Lighter Fluid: Cost: $6.00 per 16 ounce can  Rabbit Trap: Cost: $40.00
 Climbing Kit: A complete set of equipment for  Rations: Dry field rations; each 15 pound (6.8 kg) case
rappelling, rock scaling or climbing. Includes 3,600 foot includes 12 meals. Crate is stocked with 12 cases, and
reels of 4500 pound test rope (each reel weighs 40 has a total shipping weight of 200 pounds (91 kg). Cost:
pounds). An adjustable harness with clamps, 6 pairs of $470.00

 Rope: Per 20 ft/6m: Cost: $20.00  Metal Security Box, Large: 15 lbs 90 S.D.C.: Cost: $80.00
 Rope Ladder: Per 10 ft/3m: Cost: $40.00  Metal Security Box, Small: 5 lbs 30 S.D.C.: Cost: $40.00
 Saddle (simple): Cost: $400  Metal Trunk, Large: 80 lbs/36 kg: 200 S.D.C.: Cost:
 Saddle (fancy): Cost: $1,500 $500.00
 Shooting Glasses: Change color and density in response  Metal Trunk, Small: 35 lbs/16 kg: 100 S.D.C.: Cost:
to changes in light and weather. Also reduces glare and $250.00
improves visibility. Cost: $72.00.  Pocket Purse, Small: Cost: $5.00
 Skis: Downhill/Cross-Country: Modern downhill skis are  Sack, Large: — Cost: $15.00
made of super-ceramics and possess superior turning,  Sack, Small: Cost: $6.00
"shushing" ability. Cross-country skis are also of  Saddlebag (horse): Cost: $100.00
superior manufacture and designed for extended treks  Safe, Large: 300 lbs/136 kg: 1000 S.D.C.: Cost: $2000.00
across rough terrain. Both types can be broken down  Safe, Small: 50 lbs/23 kg: 350 S.D.C.: Cost: $900.00
into two pieces per ski for easier storage. Cost:  Shoulder Purse: Large: Cost: $35.00
Downhill: $500.00-$750.00, Cross-Country: $300.00-  Shoulder Purse: Small: Cost: $20.00
500.00. Excellent availability.  Tobacco Pouch: Cost: $20.00
 Sleeping Bag: Cost: $150.00  Trunk, Large Wood: 50 lbs/23 kg: 70 S.D.C.: Cost:
 Snare Cord: Per sq yard/meter: Cost: $5.00 $200.00
 Sunglasses: Aviator: Cost: $45.00  Trunk, Small Wood: 25 lbs/11 kg: 30 S.D.C.: Cost:
 Sunglasses: Light Adjusting: Cost: $25.00 $80.00
 Tackle Box: Cost: $20.00  Vial, Glass: 2 ounce/60 ml: Cost: $4.00
 Tent Canvas: Per square yard/meter: Cost: $20.00
 Tent: One Man $110.00, Two Man $180.00, Four Man,  Clothing of Note
 Arctic Parka: High quality down lining provides
 Tent: Military Command Post (25 pounds/11 kg, 8x8
protection in sub-zero conditions (-50 degrees below
foot floor, 5 foot ceiling/2.4x2.4xl .5 m; camouflage,
zero Fahrenheit). Same pocket arrangement as Battle
green or khaki) Cost: $400
Jacket. Available in orange, green, grey, and white only.
 Treated Torch: Cost: $8.00 Cost: $450.00-600.00.
 Toilet Paper: Single Roll: Cost: $1.50  Aviator's Jacket: A leather waist or hip length jacket
 Toilet Paper: Six Pack: Cost: $5.00 popular among Techno-Wizards and City Rats. Two
 Toilet Paper: 24 Pack: Cost: $15.00 lower pockets, two large breast pockets, two inside
 Toilet Paper: 48 Pack: Cost: $25.00 pockets, and may have a belt loop or two. Cost:
 Utensil Kit: (knife, fork, spoon set w/sheath): Cost: $150.00-300.00. Roughly the same for motorcycle and
$25.00 similar size and types of jackets.
 Wire-cutters: 8 inch (20 cm) w/nonconducting handles  Baseball Cap: Cost: $12.00-25.00
to avoid the nasty "shock" of electrified fences. Cost:  Bathrobe: Cost: $35.00-80.00
$65.00  Battle Dress Utility: Shirt and pants in choice of arctic,
desert, jungle or autumn forest camouflage. Shirt has
 Containers two breast pockets, one pen pocket, and one (left-side)
 Back Pack: Cost: $60.00 interior pocket. Pants equipped with hip, rear and thigh
 Belt Purse (attaches to belt): Cost: $10.00 pockets. Lightweight (desert and jungle): $85.00.
 Cask, Wooden: 10 gallons/38 1: Cost: $40.00 Medium Weight (forest and mountain): $130.00. Arctic
 Cask, Wooden: 25 gallons/95 1: Cost: $60.00 Weight (down lined): $300.00-500.00.
 Cask, Wooden: 4 gallons/15 1: Cost: $30.00  Battle Jacket: Comes equipped with breast, hip and
 Crate, Large Wood: Cost: $50.00 interior pockets on both sides. A hidden pocket on the
 Crate, Medium Wood: Cost: $30.00 inside of the back is also useful. Available in camouflage,
 Crate, Small Wood: Cost: $20.00 khaki, green or black. Cost: $225.00-400.00.
 Jar: 1 gallon/3.81: Cost: $10.00  Battle Pack: Lightweight frame, heavy-duty, water
 Jar: 2 pints/0.91: Cost: $2.00 resistant canvas. Multiple interior and exterior
 Jar: 4 pints/1.91: Cost: $4.00 compartments. Fasteners for exterior
 Jug: 1/2 gallon/1.9 1: Cost: $20.00 pouches/grenades. Choice of camouflage, green or
 Jug: 1 gallon/3.8 1: Cost: $35.00 khaki colors. Cost: $350.00
 Jug: 5 gallons/19 1: Cost: $60.00  Boots, High Quality Hunter/Woodsman, & Insulated:
 Knapsack: Cost: $25.00 Cost: $140.00+
 Mallet (small): Cost: 2-4  Boots, Leather Dress: Cost: $80.00-200.00
 Mallet (medium): Cost: 4-8  Battle Harness: Combination of suspenders and belt
 Mallet (large): Cost: 10-15 designed for distributing the weight of ammo pouches

and accessories. In choice of camouflage, black, grey,  T-Shirt. Cost: $6.00-20.00 depending on type and color.
brown, cream or khaki. Cost: $130.00  Thermal Suit: This is a waterproof, environmental suit,
 Cape or Cloak, Long: Cost: $150.00-250.00 +200.00- customized for cold-weather operation. It has additional
400.00 if fur. padding, an insulation weave and is equipped with
 Cape or Cloak, Long & Hooded: Cost: $300.00-400.00 battery-powered warming coils. Gloves are extra-thick,
+300.00-400.00 if fur. but molded so they can still manipulate larger items like
 Cape or Cloak, Short: Cost: $100.00-200.00 +150.00- weapons and machinery. Wearing a thermal suit is less
200.00 if fur. restrictive than body armor, so they are used
 Coveralls, Insulated Vest, 6 pockets: Cost: $50.00 extensively in winter construction projects and by
 Coveralls, Work: Cost: $35.00-60.00 certain adventurers. One is completely protected from
 Denim Jeans: Cost: $25.00-60.00 temperatures as low as -100 Centigrade (-148
 Dress Shirt: Cost: $40.00-100.00 Fahrenheit). Good mobility, so there is only a -5%
 Extreme Cold Weather Flight Jacket: Heavily insulated; penalty to the skills Prowl, Climb, Swim, Acrobatics, and
comes in navy blue, grey, green, brown and white. Cost: Gymnastics. Battery Life: 48 hours. Cost: $500 credits
$250.00-400.00 for the battery (rechargeable), $750.00-850.00 for the
 Flannel Shirt: Cost: $30.00-50.00 suit.
 General Purpose Arctic Trooper Hat: with Fur Earflaps:  Thermal Jacket: Fundamentally the same as the
Cost: $25.00-40.00 waterproof, heated, thermal suit system, but limited to
 Hard Hat: Cost: $40.00 a hooded jacket that comes down to just below the
 Hat, Cowboy: Large Brim: Cost: $60.00-150.00 waist and includes heated gloves. Battery Life: 48 hours.
 Hat, Fur with ear coverings: Cost: $40.00-80.00 Cost: $500 for the battery (rechargeable), $450.00 for
 Hat, Leather, Large Brim: Cost: $80.00-120.00 the jacket.
 Hat, Pull Over (toque): Cost: $6.00-15.00  Waterproof Hunter's Boots- Cost: $80.00-150.00
 Hat, Short Brim: Cost: $40.00-100.00  Waterproof Rubber Boots: Knee High: Cost: $50.00-
 Hooded Sweat Shirt: Cost: $85.00-120.00 80.00
 Insulated Long Coat, knee length, 4 pockets: Cost:  Waterproof Rubber Boots: Hip High: Cost: $100.00-
$50.00-120.00 125.00
 Lab Coat: Cost: $50.00-100.00  Web Belt: Classic military belt complete with buckle and
 Machinist's Apron, 6 pocket: Cost: $25.00-50.00 pouch fasteners. Choice of camouflage, green or khaki.
 Military Field Jacket: Includes adjustable collar and Cost: $20.00
cuffs, epaulets, 4 large outer pockets with heavy brass  Windbreaker Jacket: Cost: $30.00-80.00
zippers, hidden hood, waist cord and snap closures.  Winter Gloves: Cost: $30.00-50.00
Cost: $80.00-150.00  Winter Jacket, down to knees: Cost: $200.00-300.00
 Multi-Purpose Pouch: All around, useful utility pouch  Winter Jacket, waist length. Cost: $125.00-200.00
designed for attachment to web belt or battle harness.  Winter Mittens: Cost: $30.00-50.00
Cost: $10.00  Winter Ski Mask- Cost: $10.00-25.00
 Pants/Slacks. Cost: $30.00-80.00 (also see denim jeans)  Wool Sweaters: Finest quality knit with leather
 Ponchos: Waterproof nylon. Useful for rain protection, reinforcements at shoulders, elbows and neck. Cost:
ground cover, emergency tent, etc. 5 feet by 5 feet $100.00-160.00.
square (1.5x1.5 m). Available in camouflage. Cost:  Work Apron, Denim, 4 pockets: Cost: $30.00-50.00
$50.00-100.00  Work Boots: Cost: $50.00-100.00
 Raincoat' Cost: $30.00-75.00  Work Gloves: Cost: $6.00-20.00
 Rain Poncho: Cost: $30.00-60.00  Work Pants: Cost: $35.00-60.00
 Rain Suit; Hooded Coat & Pants: Cost: $100.00-150.00
 Reversible Flight Jacket: Comes in navy blue, grey,  Communications Equipment
green and brown. Cost: $100.00-200.00  Communicator Old Style Radio: Basically an enhanced
 Reversible Hunting Parka. Cost: $120.00 "walkie-talkie," it is a basic instrument issued to all
 Robe, Heavy: Cost: $100.00-200.00 military personnel and field operatives. Was also used
 Robe, Hooded: Cost: $150.00-300.00 by the public in recreation. Weight: 6-10 ounces (170 to
 Shoes or Boots, Leather Dress: Cost: $50.00-200.00 284 grams). S.D.C.: 30. Range: 3 miles (4.8 km). Cost:
 Shoes, Running/Walking: Cost: $30.00-120.00 $150.00 per single unit.
 Shoes, Steel-Toed Boots: Cost: $60.00-200.00  Communicators: Small, the size of a pack of cigarettes
 Shoes, Work: Cost: $40.00-200.00 or cell phone fitted with a handy clip and holster case
 Survival Coat, Insulated, 4 big pockets & hood: Cost: with clip to hook onto armor, pockets, collars and vests,
$150.00-200.00 as well as fit in pockets and belt pouches. Small:

Weight: 5 ounces (142 grams). S.D.C.: 10. Range: Five medicated wipes, six butterfly clamps, disinfectant, pair
miles (8 km). Cost: $1,500.00; Medium: The size of a of plastic gloves, scissors, forceps, six razor blades,
20th Century walkie-talkie. Weight: 12-16 ounces (340- lighter, tweezers, a thermometer, 100 aspirin tablets,
454 grams). S.D.C.: 30. Range: 10 miles (16 km). Cost: and 24 decongestant tables (allergy/cold). Cost:
$3,000. $100.00. Excellent availability.
 Communications Helmet: This protective helmet, has a  Medical Bag/Kit: This 8 pound (3.6 kg) bag is a complete
visor that automaticly adjusts to the sun, and it has a Medic's field kit. Included are adhesive pads, bandages,
radio receiver and has a transmitter built into it. gauze pads, adhesive tape, splints, sterile gloves,
Miniature headphones pipe the message to both ears scissors, forceps, thermometer, needle, razor blades,
and a slide-out microphone allows for twoway pins, medicine, ointment, and salt tablets. Bag has
communication. Range: 5-10 miles (8 to 16 km). S.D.C.: backpack and shoulder straps, and is available in choice
30 or 50, for the helmet only. Cost: $5,500 or $10,000. of camouflage, green or khaki. Cost: $275.00.
 Field Radio: An inexpensive backpack style radio  Palm Bio-Unit: A palm-size biological analyzer. The
transmitter and receiver with wide-band, long-range digital display can indicate body temperature, blood
capabilities, frequency equalizer, field strength detector pressure, respiration, and dehydration level simply by
and scrambler. Range: 60 miles (96 km) in a city or area inserting the patient's finger into the finger scanner
with radio clutter and disturbance, but 150 miles (240 housing. Cost: $150,000. NORAD issues these units to
km) in the wilderness. Weight: 16 Ibs (7.2 kg). Cost: medics and some times to groups working for them in
$600; standard, low end. the field.
 Long-Range "Military" Field Radio: A backpack style  Portable Bio-Scan & Bio-Lab: The bio-scan is an
radio transmitter and receiver with wide-band, long- impressive biological monitoring device with a
range capabilities, frequency equalizer, field strength multitude of functions. Sensors are attached to the skin
detector and scrambler. Range: 300 miles (480 km) in a and body which send information to the computer
city or area with radio clutter and disturbance, but 500 display screen and/or to be recorded.
miles (800 km) in the wilderness. Weight: 25 Ibs (11.25  1. Basic bio-mode indicates and records such basic body
kg). S.D.C.: 15. Cost: $6,000. Good availability. functions as body temperature, heartbeat rate, blood
pressure, breathing, and glandular changes in the skin,
 Medical Equipment including sweating.
 Bandages: (6 foot/1.8 m roll): Cost: $5.00  2. Stress evaluator that operates much like a polygraph
 Bandages, Self-Adhesive: (box of 72; various sizes): machine, recording stress and anxiety (without
Cost: $5.00 attaching sensors) by monitoring the voice quality of its
 Bio-Comp Monitor: A portable computer and sensor subject. A character with the proper training and
system in which a sensor is clipped to the patient's ears experience can use the device as a "lie detector," but
or two fingers to measure and record vital signs: blood the information isoften difficult to read and open to
pressure, temperature, heartbeat, respiration, level of interpretation. Even a positive reading can not be
hydration (or dehydration), and a number of specific declared absolute evidence of a falsehood. Chance of
chemical responses detectable through the skin. The proper reading as a lie detector is 25% plus 5% per level
vital signs are displayed on a small hand-held computer of experience.
the size of a paperback novel and can be stored in  3. A Toxin analyzer that can analyze any liquid (water,
memory, or transmitted to another computer system. blood, etc.) and be able to identify 380 toxins dangerous
The Bio-Comp will highlight and warn of dangerous or to humans. Solid items, such as fruits and vegetables,
irregular vital signs. Cost: $25,000. NORAD sells these must be pulped or squeezed in order to be analyzed.
units to aligned groups at discount prices.  4. A Dosimeter used to measure radiation.
 Blood Pressure Kit: Computerized, hand-held unit, small  Cost: $50,000; poor availability, since it's generally
and portable; fits in a small pouch or case. Cost: $50.00- reserved exclusively for NORAD/USAMRIID field
$100.00. Good availability. expeditions of a scientific or military nature. Weight: 20
 Compu-Drug Dispenser: A medical tool that is a Ibs (9 kg).
combination computer, hypodermic gun, and chemical  Portable Laboratory: This is another impressive
storage and dispensing unit. Can hold 48 different portable unit that can perform several functions.
measured shots of drugs. The operator indicates which  1. Microscope in a specially padded housing.
drug and the amount, presses the gun portion to the  2. One dozen specimen slides and another dozen
patient's arm and injects the appropriate medicine into specimen trays for storage and transportation of item(s)
the individual. Costs: $30,000 plus each drug dose for further analysis. A variety of vials, jars and test
(average drug dose costs 1D4x$100.00). tubes.
 First-Aid Kit (Standard): Contains gauze bandages, 48  3. An incubation chamber that is about the size of a
band-aids of various sizes, dozen tongue depressors, VCR.
pen flashlight, a roll of medical tape, a dozen disposable  4. Four burners.
 5. Instrument tray with a variety of common tools such  Suture Gun: Effectively a staple-like gun that fires
as scalpels, tweezers, pins, tape, needles, calculator, staples made of dissolvable sutures. The staples cause
etc. little pain or discomfort, leave little scarring and can be
 6. A refrigeration chamber which is about half the size used to close a wound at lightning speed. Cost: $100.00
of the incubation chamber. per gun and $10.00 per 5 feet (1.5 m) of suture.
 7. An insolation chamber. A special, airtight, scalable  Suture Tape: A special, antiseptic tape used to hold cuts
compartment about the size of the incubation chamber. closed instead of sutures. Cost: $20.00 credits per 30
8. A chemical cabinet which holds several dozen foot (9 m) roll. Excellent availability.
chemicals commonly needed in the analysis of chemical  Protein Healing Salve: This is a special high protein
structures. chemical solution that comes in a tube like toothpaste.
 9. Centrifuge Device. The salve can be applied to burns, cuts, and rashes to
 10. Dosimeter. increase the rate of healing (doubles normal healing).
 11. Micro-computer. Costs: $100.00 per eight ounce tube. Widely available.
 12. Digital camera, still photograph and video.  Stethoscope: Cost: $80.00-150.00
 13. Toxin analyzer, identical to the one used in the  Surgical Gloves (disposable): Cost: $20.00 for a box of
"portable bio-scan". 100.
 Cost: $120,000; poor availability, exclusive to USAMRIID  Thermometer: Cost: $10.00 for traditional oral type.
Field Scientists. Weight: 58 Ibs (26 kg). $45.00 for battery operated digital type that gets temp
by placing sensor tip in the ear (the size of a small cell

 NORAD Combat Drugs

 NORAD Auto-injector drugs
 Boost is the common name for what NORAD calls lose 1 IQ point and 2% from all skills as the neurons of
Alpha-6, the first combat drug created by NORAD. In the user's brain start to break down.)
comparison to later drugs, Boost is severe in its  Cost: Usually $30 to $80 per dose, in coin or trade.
aftereffects; users' brains begin to degenerate as the

drug's by-products accumulate in the sensory portions
 Overdrive is a second-gen combat drug, known by
of the brain.
NORAD as Delta-B3. It functions much like a lower-
 Format: Injected powered version of Boost, but without the serious
permanent effects. Overdrive is also known as
 Time to Effect: 6 seconds (2 attacks)
Nightmare because of the intensely bad dreams it
 Duration: 4D6 minutes tends to produce, especially in addicts.
 Effects: Enhances the user's senses; colors, smells,  Format: Injected
tastes, and sounds are magnified, and even time seems
 Time to Effect: 6 seconds (2 attacks)
to slow somewhat.
 Duration: 3D6 minutes
 Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +2 to parry and dodge, +8 to
Speed, and +3 to roll with punch, fall or impact.  Effects: Enhances the user's senses; colors, smells,
tastes, and sounds are magnified, and even time seems
 Penalties: The user tends to be easily distracted,
to slow somewhat.
especially by loud noises or flashes of light; while under
the influence of Boost, the user is at -10% on all skill  Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +1 to parry and dodge, +6 to
rolls. Speed, and +2 to roll with punch, fall or impact.
 Level of Addictiveness: Mild. Using Boost more than  Penalties: The user tends to be easily distracted,
three times in a five-day period makes the user an especially by loud noises or flashes of light; while under
addict, resulting in the need to use the drug daily. An the influence of Overdrive, the user is at -5% on all skill
addict who is not high suffers from -2 melee attacks, -2 rolls.
to parry and dodge, and -10% on all skill rolls.
 Level of Addictiveness: Mild. Using Overdrive more than
 Cumulative Effects: After each use beyond the tenth, twice in a five-day period makes the user an addict,
there is a chance of permanently overloading the resulting in the need to use the drug daily. An addict
portions of the brain that deal with sensory who is not high suffers from -1 melee attack, -1 to parry
information. (The GM rolls in secret; there is a 20% and dodge, and -5% on all skill rolls.
chance plus 2% for each use after ten that the user will

 Cumulative Effects: Unlike Boost, Overdrive has no serious lasting effects. These include nerve
tendencies to burn out the sensory centers of the degeneration (the GM rolls percentile dice after the
brain; however, users often suffer from intense sixth use of the drug; each failure results in a
nightmares as the drug's residue accumulates in the permanent loss of 1 from the user's PP) and genetic
brain (GM rolls after each use; 10% chance of a damage, possibly resulting in serious birth defects to
nightmare). Following a nightmare (which addicts any children sired by the user.
experience every 1D6 days whether they have used the  Cost: Usually sells for between $80 and $200 per dose
drug or not), users are distracted and unable to really in coin or trade; price may increase by 200% if the local
concentrate on the world around them; often, they will users are willing to pay for it.
do anything to get a hit of Overdrive during this time.

 Cost: Usually $50 to $120 per dose, in coin or trade.  Hyena is the second-generation version of Werewolf
 and is known by NORAD as Omega-B5. While still
 Werewolf known by NORAD as Omega-9 - is a very dangerous to users, the side effects have been toned
powerful drug that is both desired and feared by its down greatly, making Hyena far more acceptable to
users. A first-generation combat drug, Werewolf makes combat troops. Its major drawback is the tendency to
its users almost mindlessly aggressive, able to shrug off make users laugh like wild hyenas at almost anything.
life-threatening injuries for the duration of its effects. It  Format: Injected
concentrates in the amygdale - that part of the brain
that controls fear and anger - and shuts down the  Time to Effect: 6 seconds (2 attacks)
portion that controls fear while hyperstimulating the  Duration: 2D6 minutes
portion that controls aggressiveness and anger.
 Effects: Hyena is a vast improvement over Werewolf;
 Format: Injected while still enhancing a user's physical capabilities,
 Time to Effect: 10 seconds (3 attacks) Hyena leaves their mental capacity relatively intact and
able to make simple judgements. Unfortunately, the
 Duration: 1D4x10 minutes particular chemistry of Hyena tends to make users
 Effects: Werewolf is both the best and worst of the think that everything is hilarious, resulting in laughter
NORAD combat drugs. Best in that it greatly enhances like that of... well, a hyena. (Don't try to sneak around
physical capabilities of its users; worst in that it while using.)
simultaneously reduces the capacity for judgment and  Bonuses: Adds 5D6 SDC, +6 to PE (with any resulting
makes users bold, fearless and highly aggressive, often bonuses), +4 to PS, +4 to Speed, +1 attack and is +6 to
resulting in life-threatening injuries in addition to the save versus Horror Factor and Pain.
toll the drug itself takes on the body.
 Penalties: Following the active period the user almost
 Bonuses: Adds 1D4x10 SDC, +10 to PE (with any immediately crashes, and is at severe penalties for 3D6
resulting bonuses), +6 to PS, +6 to Speed, +1 attack and hours; -40% on all skills, -2 on all combat actions and -2
is +8 to save versus Horror Factor and Pain. melee actions, along with an inability to concentrate,
 Penalties: Following the active period the user almost nausea and body aches.
immediately crashes, and is essentially useless for 24  Level of Addictiveness: Minimal; no NORAD soldier
hours; -75% on all skills, -6 on all combat actions and wants to be put out of action for this long, and no
only two melee actions, along with an inability to Splatterpunk wants to look like such a wuss in front of
concentrate, extreme nausea and a tendency to pass his crew. Using Hyena more often than once every ten
out every few hours. These penalties are halved for the days makes the user an addict, making the user crave it
24 hours after that, and the drug's effects will have daily. While not high, the addicted user suffers from -2
worn off after that (although any other physical to all combat actions and loses two melee attacks, and
damage the user takes will still be present). is at -10% to use any skills.
 Level of Addictiveness: Minimal; no NORAD soldier  Cumulative Effects: While safer than Werewolf, Hyena
wants to be put out of action for this long, and no remains less than safe in the long run. The most serious
Splatterpunk wants to look like such a wuss in front of side effect is nerve degeneration (the GM rolls
his crew. Using Werewolf more often than once every percentile dice after the tenth use of the drug; on a roll
ten days makes the user an addict, making the user of 01-07, one point is permanently subtracted from the
crave it daily. While not high, the addicted user suffers user's PP).
from -3 to all combat actions and loses two melee
attacks, and is at -15% to use any skills.  Cost: Ususlly sells for between $100 and $240 per dose
in coin or trade; price may increase by 200% if the local
 Cumulative Effects: Unfortunately, NORAD has users are willing to pay for it.
discovered that prolonged use of Werewolf has several

 Firestorm is a first-generation combat drug that tries to user was under the influence. These effects last for 4D6
combine the speed of Boost and the toughness that hours.
Werewolf creates in users. While effective, the side  Level of Addictiveness: Minimal, mainly because of the
effects and deterioration caused by Firestorm are extreme aftereffects. Using Firestorm more often than
extreme, far worse than even Werewolf, and Firestorm once every three days makes the user an addict,
is no longer produced by NORAD. It is only obtainable making the user crave it daily. While not high, the
through Splatterpunks. addicted user suffers from -5 to all combat actions and
 Format: Injected, Liquid or Pill loses two melee attacks, and is at -20% to use any skills.
Addicts are also irritable, distracted and prone to
 Time to Effect: 3 seconds (1 attack) for injection; 30
violent outbursts, even toward friends or family. They
seconds for liquid; 10 minutes for pill
also don't last very long.
 Duration: 10 + 1D6 minutes
 Cumulative Effects: The lasting effects of Firestorm are
 Effects: Firestorm makes users feel invincible; they tend debilitating at best; at worst, these effects can kill the
to take enormous risks, but the speed enhancements user in a matter of days. The most serious side effect is
often make them more able to escape injury than nerve degeneration (the GM rolls percentile dice after
Werewolf. The drug also completely removes any every use of the drug; on a roll of 01-20, one point is
inhibitions that may prevent them from torturing, permanently subtracted from the user's PP). The drug
maiming or killing anyone who may get in the way of also degrades the neural pathways of the brain, causing
their objective, making them very dangerous while permanent memory loss or even total amnesia ( the
under the influence. GM rolls percentile dice after every third use of the
 Bonuses: Adds +4 to initiative, +3 to parry and dodge, drug; on a roll of 03-20 the user loses one point of IQ
+2 to roll with punch, fall or impact, +2 attacks, +6D6 permanently, and on 01-02 the user loses the IQ point
SDC, and +6 to save versus Horror Factor and Pain. and also loses all of his or her personal memories -
total amnesia!).
 Penalties: After the effects fade, the user experiences
severe tremors and muscle spasms (-4 to PP, and is at  Cost: All NORAD personnel and most Exterminators will
half bonuses on all combat actions, plus loses two never touch Firestorm; even Splatterpunks will hesitate
melee attacks and is -25% on skills), along with severe before using it. The cost per dose is usually $150 to
ringing in the ears and memory loss of the time the $250.

 Military Trucks
 Hummer
 The High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV), better
known as the "humm-vee," or simply the "hummer," was designed to
replace the aging U.S. Army Jeep. Basically this looks like a civilian
sports utility vehicle on steroids, a rugged four-wheel drive vehicle
capable of handling challenging terrain and taking considerable
punishment. It is a versatile and valuable light combat vehicle.
Hummers have a single weapons mount which can accommodate
anything from a light machinegun to a TOW missile launcher. In
conflicts around the world the HMMWV proved itself to be a useful
combat transport so much so that it was modified to be the world most versatile light transport in the world. Adding armor,
moduals and systems to the existing platform stretched the usefulness of this workhorse by leaps and bounds.
 Orginal Configuration:  Updated Configuration:
 A.R.: 7  A.R.: 12 Deflects any small arms fire under a medium
 S.D.C. by Location: machinegun.
 Main Body: 350  S.D.C. by Location:
 Wheels (4): 75 each  Main Body: 350
 Speed: 120 mph (193 kph) on a good road.  Reenforced Pilots Compartment: 200
 Range: 350 miles (560 km).  Gunners Shield: 100
 Crew: One driver, up to ten passengers, depending  Wheels (4): 75 each
on configuration.  Speed: 90 mph (193 kph) on a good road.
 Max. Payload: 4,400 Ibs. (1,997.6 kg), including  Range: 320 miles (560 km).
crew.  Crew: One driver, up to ten passengers, depending
 Cost: $25,000. on configuration.
  Max. Payload: 6,400 Ibs. (2880 kg), including crew.
  Cost: $75,000.

 Joint Light Tachtical Vehicle

 The Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) vas built to replace the aging and over used
Hummer for the U.S. military. This new bad ass of the battle field is better, stronger,
faster and most of all lighter than its predissor. The advancements that brought about this marvel of the motor pool make
it the most versatile vehicle in the light truck category. This baby was designed to be packed two at a time into a V-34
Padion for rapid VTOL deployment. This truck comes in configurations with 2 to 6 seats or 3 seats and up to
4 medical litters. Body styles run from a 2 seater pickup truck style to a 4 door squad
transport with a heavy weapons mount. The Truck is able to mount all the same
weapon systems as the Hummer.
 A.R.: 12 Deflects any small  Speed: 100 mph (160 kph) on a good
arms fire under a medium road.
machinegun.  Range: 450 miles (720 km).
 S.D.C. by Location:  Crew: One driver, up to
 Main Body: 450 fivepassengers, depending on
 Reenforced Pilots Compartment: 200 configuration.
 Gunners Shield: 100  Max. Payload: 6,400 Ibs. (2,880 kg), including crew.
 Wheels (4): 75 each  Cost: You did bring pizza and soda to the last 3
games didn’t you?
 Notes: This truck is fitted with an internal A.C. electric generator able to produce up to 30 kilowatts at idle. The storage
area is able to hold 3000 rounds of 5.56mm or 6.8mm in magazines, four 200 round belts of 5.56mm, fourty 40mm
grenades and either 128 Mk 19 grenades or 630 .50 BMG rounds. All but light scout configuration come with a trailer that
can hold the same amount of cargo as the main vehicle. Late time line vechiles have the A.C. electrical generator replaced
with a M135 “Bug Wheel” generator.

 The Imax
 The International MaxxPro (IMax) is a heavy unit transport truck designed to survive heavy combat in urban environments.
This massive vehicle is no sports car but if you need to get in and get out there is no better option short of a main battle
tank. Able to survive a direct impact from a 600lb (270 kg) land mine with minimal injurty to the crew and to stop small
arms munitions in their tracks this truck is unstoppable. Equiped with an armored weapons cupala that can mount any of
the standard heavy weapons in the United States inventory.

 A.R.: 12 Deflects any small arms fire under a medium  Speed: 100 mph (160 kph) on a good road.
machinegun. Bottom is designed to defeat land  Range: 300 miles (480 km).
mines.  Crew: One driver, up to ten passengers, depending
 S.D.C. by Location: on configuration.
 Main Body: 850  Max. Payload: 3,000 to 12,000 Ibs. (1,350 to 5,400
 Reenforced Pilots Compartment: 200 kg), including crew.
 Gunners Shield: 100  Cost: Unlikely
 Wheels (4): 75 each

 Courgar
 Designed as a heavy armored replacement for the old standby “Duce and a half” 2.5 ton
truck this baby comes with all the trimmings, remote controlled guns, air conditioning for
every one and cup holders for no one.

 Length: 19.41 ft. (5.91 m)  Tires (4): 75 each
 Weight: 14.5 tons  Typical Armament: Remote operated 7.62x51mm
 Max. Speed: 65 mph (105 kph) Light Machinegun, Optional small arms firing ports
 Max. Range: 600 miles (966 km)  Crew: 2 + 7 (4x4), 2 + 14 (6x6)
 A.R.: 14. Stops anything under .50 caliber bullets.  Cost: Oh you’re volunteering to mow the GM’s yard
The underside is protected from mines. for a year?
 S.D.C. By Location:  Notes: 4 and 6 wheel versions are available
 Main Body: 600 

 Military Armored Fighting Vehicles

 M2A3 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle
 This vehicle is equipped to carry seven infantrymen and three crewmen. The troop compartment has six firing ports and
periscopes to allow the men to fire from within the vehicle. It is equipped with a 25mm dual-feed Chain Gun; there is also a
7.62mm co-axial machine gun and a twin launcher on the left side of the turret for launching TOW missiles. This vehicle has
a stabilization system to enable the gunner to fire the 25mm cannon while
moving cross country.

 Length  Maximum Range: 300 miles (483 km)

: 21  A.R.: 18. Stops pistol, rifle, light machineguns and
feet, 2 fragments. The M2A3 is vulnerable to mines, rockets
inches and heavy machineguns.
(6.453 m)  S.D.C.: 1150.
 Width: 10 feet, 6 inches (3.20 m)  Weapons & Damage: 7.62x51mm machine gun,
 Height: 9 feet, 9 inches (2.972 m) 25mm gun, TOW Missiles (2): (HEAT): 3D4x100,
 Weight: 25 tons  Crew: 3 + 7
 Maximum Speed: 41 mph (66 kph)  Notes:

 Stryker
 The Stryker is a handy piece of armor that has something special that most others
don’t. Not only can it work as an infantry carrier vehicle but it can also use a 105mm
low pressure gun. Making this a light wheeled tank that can roll down the freeway as easily as it can cross rough terrain.

 Length: 22.92 feet. (6.95 m)  Typical Armament (ICV): M2HB .50 caliber machine
 Weight: 16.47 tons ICV; 18.77 tons MGS gun
 Max. Speed: 62 mph (100 kph)  Typical Armament (MGS): M2HB .50 caliber
 Max. Range: 300 miles (500 km) machine gun, 105mm gun (Damage: 2D4X100.
 A.R.: 14. Stops anything under .50 caliber bullets. Ammo: 50 rounds. Blast Radius: 20 ft. (5 m). Range:
The underside is vulnerable to mines. 4,000 ft./l,220 m)
 S.D.C. By Location:  Crew: 2 + 9 troops (ICV); 4 (MGS)
 Main Body: 600  Cost: Oh you’re volunteering to mow the GM’s yard
 Tires (8): 75 each for a year?
 Main Gun: 300; MGS only 

 LAV-25 Personnel Carrier:
 Packing 8-wheels and an attitude this multi-use personnel carrier stands out in it’s field (not like
a farmer but maybe next to one). With multiple support weapon systems and the ability to pack
around troops and supplies this is really the S.U.V. of the battlefield.

 Length: 21 ft. (6.4 m)  Alternate Armament:
 Weight: 12.05 tons (10.9 kt)  LAV-AT (Anti-Tank): LAV fitted with an TOW
 Max. Speed: 62 mph (99.2 kph) Missile launcher (16 missiles), 7.62x51mm Light
 Max. Range: 410 miles (656.1 km) Machinegun (1000 rounds).
 A.R.: 14. Stops anything under .50 caliber bullets.  LAV-M (Mortar): fitted with opening doors
The underside is vulnerable to mines. on the top, inside it is fitted with an 81mm mortar (99
 S.D.C. By Location: mortars), with 360° traverse, 7.62x51mm Light Machinegun
 Main Body: 600, (1000 rounds).
 Treads: 75 each  LAV-R (Recovery): LAV fitted with a boom
 Typical Armament: 30mm Chain Gun, 7.62 Light crane, and recovery winch, for use in recovery of vehicles,
Machinegun, Multi-Round Grenade Launcher specifically other LAVs. 7.62x51mm Light Machinegun (1000
(Smoke). rounds).
 LAV-LOG (Logistics): LAV modified for use in  Cost: Oh you’re volunteering to mow the GM’s yard
a logistics role (e.g., cargo transport) for a year?
 Crew: 3 +6 troops  Notes: Any enemy fire that penetrates the A.R. has
a 66% chance of inflicting full damage on everybody
riding inside.

 Military Tanks
 M1A1 Main Battle Tank:

 Length: 32 ft.(9.78 m)
 Weight: 67.7 tons (62.5 kt)
 Max. Speed: 30 mph (48.2 kph) on rough terrain, 42 mph (67.7.kph) on pavement.
 Max. Range: 289 miles (462.4 km)
 A.R.: 18. Stops pistol, rifle, light machineguns and fragments. Vulnerable to mines, antitank rockets and heavy
 S.D.C. By Location:
 Main Body: 1,500
 Main Gun: 300
 Treads (2): 300 each
 Typical Armament: 120mm gun (Damage: 2D4X100. Ammo: 50 rounds. Blast Radius: 20 ft. (5 m). Range: 4,000 ft./l,220
m), .50 Caliber Machinegun, 7.62x51mm Machinegun

 Aircraft
 General
 Glider: A.R.: 5 S.D.C.: 100 Speed: 100 mph (160 kph) Range: Effectively unlimited Cost: $5,000+
 Autogyro/Ultralight: A.R.: 5 S.D.C.: 150 Speed: 100 mph (160 kph) Range: 200 miles (320 km) Cost: $7,500
 Hot-Air Balloon: A.R.: 5 S.D.C.: 100 (gondola), 50 (balloon canvas) Speed: As fast as the wind moves. Cost: $10,000.
 Helicopter: A.R.: 7 S.D.C.: 350 Speed: 300 mph (483 km) Range: 680 miles (1,094 km) Cost: $320,000+
 Single Engine Plane: A.R.: 6 S.D.C.: 400 Speed: 300 mph (43 kph) Range: 680 miles (1,094 km) Cost: $70,000+
 Double-Engine Plane: A.R.: 7 S.D.C.: 550 Speed: 420 mph (676 kph) Range: 600 miles (966 km) Cost: $180,000+
 Small Jet: A.R.: 9 S.D.C.: 850 Speed: 600 mph (966 kph) Range: 1,370 miles (2,205 km) Cost: No likely to part with one of
 Large Passenger Airliner: A.R.: 10 S.D.C.: 2,000 Speed: 500 mph (800 kph) Range: 4,000 miles (6,400 km) Cost: Remember
what we said for small jets? That goes double for large ones. Besides, if you get your hands on one of these, you're only
going to cause trouble with it, and we all know it.

 AC-130H Spectre
 The Spectre gunship is a modified C-130 turboprop cargo plane equipped with a staggering array of sidemounted weaponry
designed to pound the daylights out of any ground target the aircraft is circling around. For close to 30 years before The
Meltdown, the Spectre was used with great success to provide ground troops with much-needed air support during
insertion and extraction. Now, there are few Spectres left, and those that do exist often lie moldering in some deserted
airfield, deserted by the air crews who no longer had the means to service them, and forgotten by those would have
salvaged the craft.
 Those who do have working Spectres have a mighty weapon at their disposal. A single Spectre
could, if unopposed, batter an entire town into submission, as well as wreak considerable damage to
a larger settlement. Spectre gunners have been known to place their weapons fire in precise
locations during urban operations without causing any collateral damage, further proving the extreme
usefulness of this heavy- duty combat bird. That said, Spectres are extraordinarily maintenance-heavy in
the Systems Failure™ world. Not only do they need huge amounts of fuel, but simply keeping their
ammunition stores filled is no small task.
 Length: 97 feet, 9 inches (29.8 m). purposes); one 40 mm Bofors cannon with 256
 Maximum Takeoff Weight: 155,000 Ibs (69,750 kg). rounds (similar to a Mark 19 automatic grenade
 Cruising Speed: 300 mph (480 km). launcher for game purposes, except it is an
 Range: 1,500 miles (2,400 km). automatic cannon, not a grenade launcher), and one
 A.R.: 10. Deflects any small arms fire under a 105mm howitzer with 100 rounds (similar to a
medium machinegun. 90mm recoilless rifle for game purposes, except one
 S.D.C. by Location: howitzer shell inflicts 2D6X100 damage.
 Main Body: 1,000  Crew: Fourteen: pilot, co-pilot, navigator, fire control
 Wings (2): 200 each officer, electronic warfare officer (an optional post in
 Tail (2): 175 each retrofitted planes), flight engineer, loadmaster, low-
 Engines (4): 200 each light TV operator, infrared detection set operator,
 Bonuses: +2 to strike. five aerial gunners.
 Armaments: Two 20mm Vulcan cannons with 3,000  Cost: Fugeddaboudit.
rounds each (similar to a 30mm chain gun, for game

 A-10 Thunderbolt II
 The Thunderbolt, also known as the "Warthog," is a no-nonsense jet fighter designed for close air support of ground forces.
It excels at shredding anything on the ground, especially tanks, with its fearsome GAU-8 Avenger Galling gun, as well as
other armaments. Tough, ugly and mean, the Thunderbolt spells major trouble for anybody on the ground and in its way.
The Thunderbolt has been one of the easiest jets to retrofit with manual controls and Bug-proof avionics, largely because
the craft already had a number of manual backup systems built in. However, there are precious few of these craft left. The
Bugs captured most of the stateside inventory, so those bunker towns or militias that do have a Warthog tend to keep it
hidden, to be used only when absolutely necessary.
 Length: 53 feet, 4 inches (16.16 m).  Armaments: The primary weapon is the GAU-8
 Basic Weight: 51,000 Ibs (22,950 kg). Avenger Galling gun, which for game purposes is the
 Payload: 16,000 lbs/7,200 kg. same as a 30mm chain gun, only each shot does
 Speed: 420 mph (672 km). 4D6X10, not 2D6X10. Thunderbolts also have four
 Range: 800 miles (1,280 km). wing pylons lolal for accommodating extra
 A.R.: 14. Deflects any fire under 23 mm. weaponry, such as missiles, bombs, or modified
 S.D.C. by Location: weapons, such as rocket pods, additional
 Main Body: 650 machineguns, automatic grenade launchers (not
 Wings (2): 400 each recommended, but you've got lo make do wilh whal
 Tail (2): 300 each you've gol, righl?), and even Organilech weapons.
 Engines (2): 350 each Rumor has il Ihe Air Cavalry, a well known band of
 Note: A Thunderbolt can remain aloft with only one airborne freedom fighters, have a few Thunderbolls
engine and while missing large parts of its tail and/or wilh clusters of Organitech Bug Zappers mounted on
a wing. While so severely damaged, all piloting rolls the planes' noses and wingtips. When fire-linked,
are made at -25%. Pilot Compartment Armor: A.R.: these arrays put out incredible firepower.
16, S.D.C.: 400. Even if a Thunderbolt is shot down,  Crew: One pilot.
the pilot compartment is likely to remain intact.  Cost: Where exactly where do you expect to buy one
 Bonuses: +2 to strike. of these things, anyway?

 Boeing AV-8B Harrier II
Under agreement with the original British designers of the infamous vertical-takeoff-and-landing Harrier, McDonnell
Douglas (later bought by Boeing) began development of a larger version for the US Marines in the late 1970s. The larger
supercritical wing gave improved lift and two additional hardpoints and an elevated cockpit gave the pilot a better view.
The Harrier II Plus was the most advanced version in Marine Corps service and included APG-65 radar, often taken from
F/A-18 Hornets that received their own radar upgrades. This gave the Harrier the capability of firing advanced air-to-air
missiles like the AIM-120 AMRAAM.
 Crew: One pilot 1400 miles (2200 km)
Cruising Speed: 662 AR: 10. Deflects any small arms fire under a medium
mph (1065 km/h) machinegun.
 S.D.C. Pod-mounted GAU-12 Equalizer cannon (2d4x10+10
per round, 1 mi range, 300 rounds); up to 13,200 lb
of ordnance on six wing hardpoints.
APG-65 Radar: All-weather multimode airborne
by radar
E.S.M.: Radar Detector, Passively detects other
Location: radars being operated.
Wings (2): 180 each AN/AAQ-28(V) LITENING targeting pod: Includes
Tail: 150 high-resolution FLIR, a CCD camera, an inertial
Horizontal Stabilizers (2): 100 each navigation sensor for automatic boresighting, a laser
Vector Thrust Nozzles (4): 80 each designator, a laser rangefinder, and an automatic
Main Body: 400 target tracker.
Weapons Systems: Black Market Cost: Not On Your Life.
 Boeing B-52 Stratofortress
The infamous "BUFF" had been the workhorse of the US Air Force bomber fleet for decades.
By the time of the Meltdown, most of the planes were older than their crews and some had
even been commanded by successive generations of pilots. The B-52H was the ultimate version of the
Stratofortress, with turbofan engines and both nuclear delivery and
conventional bombing capability.
Many were destroyed during the Bug invasion, but the Bugged Air Force still
has about three dozen B-52s in reserve. NORAD and a select few resistance
groups are also rumored to have a handful. The NORAD variants are
supposedly redesigned for improved stealth, equipped with Organitech weapons,
and hardened against Bug intrusion.

 Crew: 5 (Pilot, Co-Pilot, Navigator, AR: 12. You'll need some heavy weapons to bring
Bombardier/Radar Navigator, ECM operator) this behemoth down.
Cruising Speed: 510 mph (820 km/h)
Range: 10,000 miles (16,100 km)
 S.D.C. by Location: Internal Active Jamming Gear: Causes -25% to
Wings (2): 300 each detection but when it is active, other vehicles/ bases
Tail: 180 can detect that it is jamming, and some missiles will
Horizontal Stabilizers (2): 160 each home in on jamming signals. Jamming also causes a -
Engine Nacelles (4): 450 each 4 penalty to all radar guided weapons.
Main Body: 2000 E.S.M.: Radar Detector, Passively detects other
Weapons Systems: radars being operated.
Tail Mounted 20mm M61A1 cannon (2d4x10+10 per FLIR: Forward Looking Infrared camera provides
round, 2.2 mi range, 2000 rounds); up to 20 cruise thermal imaging, very effective at night.
missiles or 51 750-lb bombs on two underwing Black Market Cost: Don't Make Me Laugh.
stations and the internal bomb bay. 

 General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark
The F-111 was originally borne from an attempt to provide the Air Force a strike
fighter-bomber and the Navy an air defense fighter in the same airframe. While the
Navy's interceptor version was a disaster, the Air Force version became perhaps the
most capable strike bomber of the Cold War.

With its swing wings and high-power turbofans, the F-111 in a clean configuration
can cruise supersonically without afterburners. This feat was not repeated until the
F-22 began development decades later. Design features include a small internal
bomb bay, a cockpit escape capsule, and terrain navigation radar.

 Crew: Pilot and navigator in side-by-side seating 

Maximum Speed: Mach 2.4 (2550 km/h) Weapons Systems:
Cruising Speed: 261 mph (420 km/h) Up to two bombs or missiles or AN/AVQ-26 Pave
Range: 3730 miles (6000 km) Tack sensor in the internal bay; Four pylons under
AR: 12. The Aardvark is designed to take punishment each wing can carry up to 6000 lbs of ordnance each.
and protect its crew. Avionics: AN/APQ-144 multimode radar, AN/APQ-
S.D.C. by Location: 146 terrain following radar
Wings (2): 200 each E.S.M.: Radar Detector, Passively detects other
Tail: 180 radars being operated.
Horizontal Stabilizers (2): 120 each AN/AVQ-26 Pave Tack targeting pod: Includes FLIR, a
Armored Cockpit Capsule: 200 laser designator, & a laser rangefinder.
 Main Body: 560 Black Market Cost: Your Firstborn Child... and Theirs.
 Lockheed C-141B Starlifter
The Starlifter was the US Air Force's first purpose-build jet strategic transport
aircraft. Lockheed essentially took the cross-section of the C-130 Hercules and
extended it, added high-mounted wings with high left devices for good
battlefield performance, and installed four turbofan engines.

The "B" model of the Starlifter was procured through conversion when the original
version was found to be capable of filling its internal volume without exceeding
its maximum payload limit. As a result, the fuselage was extended even further. In
flight refueling receptacles were also installed during the rebuild.

Though the Starlifter was being superseded by such monsters as the C-5 Galaxy and C-17 Globemaster III in the 1990s, many
were still in service before the Meltdown on trans-Pacific transport duty. Over a dozen were also equipped for special
operations support with defensive countermeasures and a FLIR pod.

 Crew: 4 (two pilots, flight engineer, navigator) Horizontal Stabilizers (2): 180 each
Cruising Speed: 494 mph (795 km/h) Engine Nacelles (4): 250 each
Range: 2935 miles (4723 km) Main Body: 1500
AR: 10. Cargo: Maximum payload of 90,880 lbs. Up to 205
S.D.C. by Location: troops, or five Humvees, or 13 standard pallets, or a
Wings (2): 280 each single Sheridan tank.
Tail: 200 Black Market Cost: Are You Kidding Me?

 McDonnel Douglas A-4 Skyhawk
The Skyhawk was originally developed in the 1950s as a light naval attack aircraft that could fit on carriers without the need
for folding wings. The A-4M variant was built especially for the US Marines and produced until 1979. The fighter was
featured in the movie Top Gun as the favored mounts of instructors Jester and Viper and continues to serve today as a Navy
advanced trainer.

 Crew: Pilot only Two Colt 20mm Mk 12 cannons in wing root (1d6x10
Maximum per round, 1 mi range, 100 rounds each); one
Speed: 673 centerline and four under wing hard points (up to
mph (1077 km/h) 9155 lb in ordnance)
Range: 2000 miles (3220 km) AN/ASB-19 Angle Rate Bombing System - Laser and
AR: 10. TV target tracking system; pilot can either lock on
S.D.C. by Location: with the TV system or pick up the laser from a
Wings (2): 120 each separate designator. In either case, the pilot then
Tail: 100 follows the steering instructions on his HUD and the
Horizontal Stabilizers (2): 80 each computer automatically releases the munitions at
Main Body: 300 the appropriate combination of dive angle and
Weapons Systems: tracking rate.
Black Market Cost: At Least An Arm.
 McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle
The undisputed master of the skies, the F-15 Eagle has never been lost in air-to-air combat. Its thrust-to-weight ratio is
greater than 1, which means the Eagle can accelerate while climbing. The pride and joy of the Air Force also has
exceptional agility to match its strength. Even in the chaos of the Bugs' invasion, the only F-
15s destroyed in combat were either still on the ground or by ground defense
units that had been taken over.

If you see an Eagle in the skies now, you had best be somewhere else. Either it's
the Bugged Air Force and you're screwed, or it's someone who is about to have
their attention. Any way you slice it, you probably can't handle what's coming
your way.

 Crew: Pilot only  Weapons Systems:

Maximum Speed: Mach 2.5+ (2655 km/h) Internal 20mm M61A1 cannon (2d4x10+10 per
Combat Radius: 1222 miles (1967 km) for round, 2.2 mi range, 960 rounds); four wing, four
interdiction profile fuselage, and one centerline hardpoints for up to
Ferry Range: 3450 miles (5550 km) with conformal 16,000 lbs ordnance.
fuel tanks and three external fuel tanks AN/APG-63(V)1 - Track 14 targets and attack 6
AR: 12. Israeli pilots have brought Eagles home with simultaneously.
an entire tail missing. Loral AN/ALR-56 Radar Warning Receiver - Radar
S.D.C. by Location: Detector, Passively detects other radars being
Wings (2): 220 each operated.
Tail (2): 180 ALQ-135 Internal Countermeasures System - Gives
Horizontal Stabilizers (2): 120 each the F-15 the ability to automatically jam enemy
Main Body: 540 radar. Effective Electronic Warfare skill of 75%.
AN/ALE-45 chaff/flare dispensers
Black Market Cost: I Laughed.

Northrop F-5E Tiger II

Based on the same design that led to the T-38 Talon jet trainer, the Tiger was developed to be a lightweight fighter for
export to America's allies. It also found service with the USAF and USN filling out their aggressor squadrons for
Dissimilar Air Combat Training. Over 1300 were built, so they can be found in the
Middle East, all over the Americas, and Southeast Asia.
Tigers from one of the aggressor squadrons were also seen in the movie Top Gun,
representing the fictional MiGs of the unnamed enemy. They were also the frontline
fighter for the Mexican Air Force.

 Crew: Pilot only AR: 10.

Maximum Speed: Mach 1.63 (1730 km/h) S.D.C. by Location:
Cruising Speed: 646 mph (1040 km/h) Wings (2): 180 each
Range: 870 miles (1405 km) Tail: 160
Horizontal Stabilizers (2): 100 each 7,000 lbs ordnance.
Main Body: 310 AN/APG-69 - Multi-purpose radar developed as an
Weapons Systems: upgrade from the original AN/APQ-159. 35 mile (65
Two 20mm M39A2 cannon (1d6x10 per round, 1 mi km) range.
range, 280 rounds each); two wingtip, four Black Market Cost: Maybe The Other Arm.
underwing, and one centerline hardpoints for up to 
 Rockwell B-1 Lancer
The "Bone" (derived from B-One) was originally developed as a replacement
for the venerable B-52 Stratofortress. It was to be a low-altitude, high-speed
swing-wing bomber designed to penetrate Soviet air defenses to deliver
nuclear weapons. The B-1A was cancelled by President Jimmy Carter because
of cost overruns and the lack of perceived need with the advent of cruise
missiles. His successor, Ronald Reagan, brought the B-1 back in the B-variant.

 Crew: 4 (pilot, copilot, offensive systems operator,  Weapons Systems:
defensive systems operator) Three internal weapons bays with up to 75,000 lbs of
Maximum Speed: Mach 1.25 (1324 km/h) ordnance; six external hardpoints for up to 50,000
Cruising Speed: 600 mph (965 km/h) lbs of ordnance. Up to 84 Mk 82 bombs, or 30 CBU-
Range: 7460 miles (12,000 km) 103 cluster bombs, or 24 GBU-31 GPS-guided bombs,
AR: 12. or 24 Mk 84 bombs, or 24 B61 thermonuclear
S.D.C. by Location: bombs.
Wings (2): 260 each AN/APQ-164 - Passive electronically-scanned array
Tail: 190 offensive radar for navigation and terrain following.
Horizontal Stabilizers (2): 110 each 95 mile range.
Main Body: 1800 AN/ALQ-161 radar warning and defensive jamming
 equipment
AN/ASQ-184 defensive management system
Black Market Cost: You Must Be Joking.

 NORAD OB-2 Wraith
In preparation for their broad initiative to retake America from the Bugs, NORAD
High Command directed their scientists and engineers to make the handful of stealthy
B-2 bombers they were able to keep on-hand suitable for offensive strikes
against the Hives.

The Organitech Bomber program was the hottest ticket for a NORAD Egghead
and the conceptual phase was a cauldron of contention. The project leaders
wanted to almost entirely rebuild the B-2 with armored skin derived from the
Battlesuits, advanced Bio-E weaponry, experimental Organitech propulsion, and Organitech computers based on artificial
neural networks. They estimated this would take at least ten years to build. However, a small advanced concepts team
came up with a breakthrough that changed the entire course of the development phase.

With a relatively simple defense against Bug intrusion available, the project designers realized they could implement other
upgrades on the OB-2 that didn't require the complete and lengthy overhaul originally intended. For starters, the two rotary
launcher assemblies in the internal bomb bays were modified to carry bombs filled with Bug Repellent or Bug Juice, B17 Bug
Bombs, and even air-to-air missiles for self-defense.

NORAD Eggheads devised a new all-weather coating based on Organitech polymers that only needs to be applied once. This
material also reduces the thermal signature of the aircraft by half, though it does not regenerate damage.

All seven stealth bombers at NORAD's disposal have been upgraded to the OB-2 standard, though they tend to remain
sequestered in a secure mountain hangar. Only a few operational test runs have been conducted thus far. The latest Bio-E
Field Manipulators have a 65% success rate at deflecting both energy blast attacks and attempted Bug intrusion, so NORAD
High Command is proceeding with a full-scale production run of BFM pods to mount on unmodified military vehicles and
 Crew: Flightcrew of two (pilot, copilot, optional third Main Body: 1800
seat) Weapons Systems:
Maximum Speed: 604 mph (972 km/h) 2 internal bays for 50,000 lb (23,000 kg) of ordnance.
Cruising Speed: 541 mph (870 km/h) Up to 80 500-lb bombs or 36 750-lb bombs on Bomb
Range: 6900 miles (11,100 km) (can be extended by Rack Assembly or 16 2000-lb bombs or cruise
in-flight refueling) missiles on two Rotary Launcher Assemblies.
AR: 12. (Treat as Natural AR due to Organitech Avionics: APQ-181 passive electronically scanned
polymer coating) radar, GPS Aided Targeting System, integrated
S.D.C. by Location: mission computer.
Outer Wing Sections (2): 320 Black Market Cost: Inconceivable!

 V-22 Osprey
 The Opsrey is a tilt-rotor aircraft, designed much like an airplane, except its wings and engines can rotate upwards by 90
degrees. This allows the craft lo take off and land like a helicopter, but in flight, the wings rotate into horizontal position and
the Osprey flies like a plane. The U.S. Marine Corps introduced the Osprey before The Meltdown to replace its aging fleet of
Chinook medium lift helicopters. It is used mostly as a medium lift and troop transport vehicle, as well as for close ground
 Length: 63 feet (19.2m).  S.D.C. by Location:
 Maximum Takeoff Weight:  Main Body: 600
 Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL): 23.75  Wings (2): 300 each
tons  Tail (2): 200 each
 Short Takeoff and Landing (STOL): 27.5 tons  Engines (2): 300 each
 Self-Deploy STO: 30.25 tons  Armaments: One 30mm chain gun on a chin turret.
 Cruising Speed: 275 mph (444 kph). Each wing has a single hardpoint that can
 Range: 230 miles (370 km), fully loaded. accommodate a pair of missiles, a bomb, or a rocket
 A.R.: 10. Deflects any small arms fire under a pod.
medium machinegun.  Crew: One pilot, one co-pilot, and up to 24
 passengers (this would take up the cargo space
 entirely).
  Cost: Effectively priceless.

 V-34 Pandion
 Light lift 4 winged version of the V-22 Opsrey tilt-rotor aircraft. The Pandion was introduced use by the U.S. Army and
Marine Corps as a light vehicle and medium troop transport vehicle, as well as for close ground support. Designed to
descend rapidly and lower a set of ramps out of the rear cargo door allowing the vehicles to roll off without the Pandion
touching down. Computer controlled fight controls allow the weight changes to be almost instantly compensated for.
While acting as a gunship the Pandion can hover like a helicopter or orbit to maintain fire on a target.
 Length: 73 feet (19.2m). The two rear wings have hardpoints for up to four Small
 Maximum Takeoff Weight: Diameter Bombs.
 Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL): 28.75  Gunship: 30mm chain gun on a chin turret.
tons The two forward wings have a single hardpoint that can
 Short Takeoff and Landing (STOL): 34.5 tons accommodate a pair of missiles, a bomb, or a rocket pod.
 Self-Deploy STO: 38.25 tons The two rear wings have hardpoints for up to four Small
 Cruising Speed: 275 mph (444 kph). Diameter Bombs. Mounted on either side of the hull are a
 Range: 230 miles (370 km), fully loaded. pair of 30mm chain guns, the rear door is replaced with a
 A.R.: 10. Deflects any small arms fire under a 105mm howitzer with 100 rounds (2D6X100 damage)
medium machinegun.  Crew: One pilot, one co-pilot, and up to 64
 S.D.C. by Location: passengers (this would take up the cargo space
 Main Body: 650 entirely).
 Wings (4): 300 each  Cargo: The cargo space can be configured to carry
 Tail (1): 200 each either 64 passengers or up to 2 HMMWVs or Joint
 Engines (4): 300 each Light Tactical Vehicles and their passengers.
  Cost: If you had one you wouldn’t share either.
 Armaments: 
 Transport: One 30mm chain gun on a chin 
turret. The two forward wings have a single hardpoint that 
can accommodate a pair of missiles, a bomb, or a rocket pod. 

 Canadair CL-215
 The "Scooper" is a purpose-built amphibious firefighting aircraft. It is a twin-engine
vehicle and is designed to operate from short, unpaved airstrips. These aircraft were
used all over the world because of their versatility. A handful have found their way to
the Gulf States and are typically used for Search & Rescue and transport between Gulf
City and Fort Jefferson.

 Crew: 2 (Pilot, Co-Pilot)

S.D.C.: 400
Armor: AR 7
Speed: 181 mph
Range: 1405 miles (2260 km)
 Statistical Data: Length: 65 ft
Height: 29 ft 6 in Weight: Maximum Takeoff – 43,500 lbs
Wingspan: 93 ft 10 in Cargo: 12,000 lbs
Black Market Cost: No Chance.

Grumman HU-16 Albatross
 The "Albatross" is an amphibian specifically designed to rescue downed pilots from ocean waters. Though it
was long out of Air Force service by the Meltdown, many were still in use by the Coast Guard and private
operators. The Albatross was notably capable of takeoff in rough seas with JATO rockets.
 Crew: 4-6 Armor: AR 7
S.D.C.: 380 Speed: 236 mph
Range: 2850 miles (4589 km)

 Statistical Data: Length: 62 ft 10 in
Height: 25 ft 10 in Weight: Maximum Takeoff – 37,500 lbs
Wingspan: 96 ft 8 in Capacity: 10 passengers
Black Market Cost: Good Luck

 Lake LA-250 Seawolf

 The Seawolf is the militarized version of the Lake Aircraft "Renegade," a six-seat amphibious aircraft with a
pusher propeller mounted in a pod on a pylon. Intended for maritime patrol, the Seawolf has a hardpoint under
each wing and has improved sealing for saltwater conditions. A cone on the front of the engine pod can also
support radar or other sensors. The Gulf States Navy operates nearly two dozen Seawolves that were
converted from civilian Renegades.

 Crew: 1 pilot, 5 passengers 
S.D.C.: 250  Wingspan: 38 ft
Armor: AR 6 Length: 28 ft 4 in
Speed: 160 mph Weight: Maximum Takeoff – 3050 lbs
Range: 1036 miles Weapons: 1 hard point on each wing; 1 sensor pod
on engine nacelle
 Statistical Data: Black Market Cost: Not On Your Life!
Height: 10 ft 
 
 
 
 
 
 

 Northrop P-61 Black Widow
 The Black Widow was the premier night fighter at The close of World War II. It is a twin-engine, twin-boom, all-metal
monoplane and was the USAAF's first night fighter designed from the onset to carry radar. It is armed with four 20 mm
Hispano M2 cannons in the belly and four Browning M2 .50 cal (12.7 mm) machineguns in a dorsal turret. The turret can be
either locked forward and controlled by the pilot or controlled by either the radar operator or a gunner. The typical three-
man crew consisted of a pilot, radar operator/navigator, and a gunner. The ultimate version, the P-61 C, added
turbochargers to the venerable Pratt & Whitney R-2800-65 Double Wasp radial engines, added provisions for up to four
drop tanks, and incorporated the gun-laying radar, remote control turret, and analog automated firing computer developed
for the P-61 B.
 Systems Failure Notes: By the time of the Meltdown, only three flyable P-61s still existed. These airframes have all found
service with established organizations as night fighters and strike bombers. In particular, the Texas Lone Star Cavalry has a
customized P-61 C upgraded with a Bug Reactor, Long-Range Bug Radar, a Fulton air recovery system, and clamshell doors
in place of the aft station. The "Night Watch" can carry up to four commandos in its cramped aft bay.
 Statistical Data:  Engines (2) - 175 each
 Length: 49 feet, 7 inches (15.1 m).  Bonuses: The gunnery systems add + I to strike. The
 Span: 66 feet (20.1 m). innovative spoilerons and 'Zap flaps' give the P-61
 Max Takeoff Weight: 40,300Ibs(18,135 kg). amazing maneuverability for its size, granting +2 to
 Maximum Speed: 430 mph (688 km). dodge and + 10% to piloting checks.
 Combat Range: 2800 miles (4480 km).  Armaments:
 A.R.: 7  4x 20mm Hispano cannon: 2D4x 10 per round, 2400
 S.D.C. by Location: foot (731.5 m) range, 200 rounds each.
 Main Body - 500  4x .50 cal Browning: 106x10+lO per round, 6560 foot
 Wings (2) - 175 each (1999.5 m) range, 560 rounds each.
 Tail (2) - 150 each  4 wing pylons - up to 6400 Ibs (2880 kg) of bombs.

 North American B-25J Mitchell
 The B-25 Mitchell, named after the maverick father of the modem American air force, is infamous for its use in the
Doolittle Raid of mainland Japan shortly after the commencement of WWII. The J-variant of the Mitchell is one of
the most heavily armed attack bombers of the war with no fewer than 18 Browning M2 .50 cal (12.7 mm)
machine guns on the solid-nose version! Of these, fourteen could be brought to bear toward the
front of the plane!
 Systems Failure Notes: Only a handful of B-25 Mitchells survived the chaos of
Operation Clean Sweep. Most B-25s operated by enthusiasts were commandeered and made
easy prey for Bugged jets. The remaining few are coveted for their heavy firepower. The Free
Americans' Air Cav reportedly uses a B-25J armed with fire-and-forget missiles to escort its
ground support crews.
 Statistical Data:  8x .50 cal Browning in nose: ID6x 10+ 10 per round,
 Length: 52 feet, II inches (16.1 m). 6560 foot (1999.5 m) range, 250 rounds each.
 Span: 67 feet, 7 inches (20.6 m).  4x .50 cal Browning in side blisters: 1D6x10+10 per
 Max Takeoff Weight: 41,800lbs (18,810 kg). round, 6560 foot (1999.5 m) range, 250 rounds each.
 Maximum Speed: 275 mph (440 km).  2x .50 cal Browning in dorsal turret: 1D6x10+10 per
 Combat Range: 1350 miles (2160 km). round, 6560 foot (1999.5 m) range, 250 rounds each.
 A.R.: 10  1x .50 cal Browning in 2 waist turrets: 1D6x10+10
 S.D.C. by Location: per round, 6560 foot (1999.5 m) range, 250 rounds
 Main Body - 450 each.
 Wings (2) - 200 each  2x .50 cal Browning in tail: 1D6x10+10 per round,
 Tail (2) - 170 each 6560 foot (1999.5 m) range, 250 rounds each.
 Engines (2) - 175 each  Bomb Bay: Up to 3200 Ibs (1440 kg) of bombs.
 Bonuses: +2 to luck rolls.  8 wing pylons: Typically armed with single-use
 Armaments: rockets.

 Douglas A-26 Invader
 The A-26 Invader was a fast, light attack bomber designed to supplant earlier designs as a premier ground
support airframe. It was also intended to fly more like a fighter and only had a single pilot. Its two Pratt &
Whitney R-2800-79 radial piston engines made it the fastest American tactical bomber of WWII. Invaders were
even reactivated, under the designator 8-26, for COIN (counterinsurgency) operations in Vietnam!
 Systems Failure Notes: The A-26 is beloved by its crews for its speed and reliability. The Free League Air Force
operates three Invaders from the Fearless Falls Squadron as interdictors. The "Fearless
Flyers" have racked up an impressive number of Killer Bee scores and tend to
be the first on the scene to deal with warlord incursions.

 Statistical Data:  Engines (2) - 175 each
 Length: 50 feet, 9 inches (15.5 m).  Bonuses: + 10% to high speed piloting checks.
 Span: 70 feet (21.3 m).  Armaments:
 Max Takeoff Weight: 35,000Ibs (15,750 kg).  8x .50 cal Browning in nose: 1D6x10+10 per round,
 Maximum Speed: 355 mph (568 km). 6560 foot (1999.5 m) range, 250 rounds each.
 Combat Range: 1400 miles (2240 km).  2x .50 cal Browning in dorsal turret: 106x10+10 per
 A.R.: 7 round, 6560 foot (1999.5 m) range, 250 rounds each.
 S.D.C. by Location:  Ix .50 cal Browning in ventral turret: 1D6x10+10 per
 Main Body - 500 round, 6560 foot (1999.5 m) range, 250 rounds each.
 Wings (2) - 180 each  Bomb Bay: up to 6000 Ibs (2700 kg) of bombs.
 Tail- 170  8 wing pylons: typically armed with single-use

 Consolidated PBY-S Catalina
 The PBY Catalina is considered the most successful
American seaplane ever and one of the most versatile aircraft
of WWII. It saw service in nighttime search and attack
missions, search and rescue (SAR) operations, U-boat
hunting, convoy escort, and even VIP transport. Catalina's evacuated
Gen. Douglas
 MacArthur from the Philippines, spotted the Japanese carriers approaching Midway Island, located the German battleship
Bismarck, and even find use today as fire fighting planes.
 Its nine-man crew (pilot, co-pilot, bow turret gunner, flight mechanic, radioman, navigator, x2 waist gunners, tail gunner)
came to appreciate the innovations that made the Catalina so successful, including its cantilever wing, streamlined and
retracting wingtip floats, and cruciform tail. While the Catalina was particularly vulnerable to fighters and concentrated
antiaircraft fire, it still became the workhorse of naval aviation during WWII and brought many a sailor home.
 Systems Failure Notes: The Catalina and its many variants are the pride and joy of the Gulf States. The range and loiter
capability makes the Catalina particularly well-suited as a spotter and SAR aircraft for gunship and fast attack boat raids. A
converted firefighter filled with Bug Juice could be an exceptionally deadly aircraft against concentrated Bug groups,
perhaps even towns. However, the Catalina is no match for Bugged USAF fighters and tends to stay on the periphery of a
battle unless it has exemplary escort.
 Statistical Data:  Engines (2) - 170 each
 Length: 63 feet, 11 inches (19.5 m).  Bonuses: +15% to detect ambush, +10% read
 Span: 104 feet (31.7 m). sensory equipment.
 Max Takeoff Weight: 35,420Ibs (15,939 kg).  Armaments:
 Maximum Speed: 200 mph (320 km).  2x.30 cal machinegun in nose turret: 406 per round,
 Combat Range: 2645 miles (4232 km). 3000 foot (914 m) range, 500 rounds each.
 A.R.: 5  1x.50 cal Browning in two waist blisters: 1D6x1O+10
 S.D.C. by Location: per round, 6560 foot (1999.5 m) range, 210 rounds.
 Main Body - 350  1x. 30 cal machinegun in tail: 406 per round, 3000
 Wings (2) - 180 each foot (914 m) range, 250 rounds.
 Tail- 140  4 wing pylons: Up to 4000Ibs (1800 kg) of bombs.

 Boeing B-29 Superfortress
 This giant of World War II was designed originally as a "Hemisphere Offense Weapon" and
pressed into service only four years after development began. The 8-29 was solely used in
the Pacific Theater and was dedicated to avenging Pearl Harbor. It is particularly infamous for its role in the
firebombing of Tokyo and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
 The Superfortress is a 10-crew, heavy strategic bomber and a symbol of America's
emergence from isolationism during the War. Its four Wright R-3350 radial piston
engines provided 2200 hp each and allowed the B-29 an astonishing (for its time) top
speed of 358 mph! The B-29 introduced self-defense turrets that were remotely
operated by gunners using periscopic sights from within the fuselage.
 Unarmed C-97 Stratofreighters
were based on the B-29 air
frame and used as military transports and air-la-air refuelers.
 Many were acquired by private operators when the US Air Force
switched to jet tankers and converted into civilian transports and
fire bombers. A handful remained in service up to the Meltdown.
 Systems Failure Notes: The only confirmed Superfortress still flying
is the mobile command and refueling post operated by the Free Air
Cavalry. It is a C-97 refitted with turrets and parts supposedly from
aviation museums and outfitted with the same technology that makes their infamous gunships impervious to the Bugs'
control. "Eagle One" allows the Air Cav to conduct operational maneuvers independently of its ground crews and set up
rally points far outside the apparent range of the individual aircraft.
 Statistical Data:  4x .50 cal in dorsal nose turret: 1D6x10+10 per
 Length: 99 feet (30.2 m). round, 6560 foot (1999.5 m) range, 1000 rounds.
 Span: 142 feet, 3 inches (43.4 m).  2x .50 cal in ventral nose turret: 1D6x10+10 per
 Max Takeoff Weight: 141,100Ibs (63,495 kg). round, 6560 foot (1999.5 m) range, 1000 rounds.
 Maximum Speed: 358 mph (573 km).  2x .50 cal in dorsal aft turret: 1D6x10+10 per round,
 Combat Range: 3250 miles (5200 km). 6560 foot (1999.5 m) range, 1000 rounds.
 A.R.: 12  2x .50 cal in ventral aft turret: 106x10+10 per round,
 S.D.C. by Location: 6560 (1999.5 m) foot range, 1000 rounds.
 Main Body - 800  Manned Tail Turret:
 Wings (2) - 200 each  1x 20mm cannon: 2D4x10 damage per round, 2400
 Tail-180 foot (731.5 m) range, 1000 rounds.
 Engines (4) - 175 each  2x .50 cal: 1D6x10+10 per round, 6560 foot (1999.5
 Bonuses: +1 strike with turret guns. m) range, 1000 rounds.
 Armaments:  Bomb Bay: up to 20,000 Ibs (9000 kg) of bombs.

 Raytheon Beech T-6A Texan II
 The USAF and USN began taking delivery of their brand new
Joint Primary Aircraft Training System (JPATS) vehicles in late 1998.
The Raytheon Beech T-6A is a licensed redevelopment of the highly
successful Pilatus PC-9 trainer intended to replace aging Air
Force T-37 and US Navy T-34 training aircraft. It has one
Pratt & Whitney PT6A-68 four-bladed turbo-prop.
 These highly refined two-seater aircraft have a
strengthened airframe, linear power delivery for easier
trainee transition to jets, zero-zero ejection seats, and a cockpit canopy
designed for improved birdstrike protection. The T-6A Texan II is
considered a significant improvement over its parent design.
 Systems Failure Notes: The US military was only just introducing these aircraft. into service when the Meltdown came. The
trainers were quickly refitted with wing hardpoints and used as spotters and for close air support during the ill-fated
Operation Clean Sweep. Most of the undelivered Texans built at Raytheon's Wichita, KS, facility were flown out by Air Force
and Raytheon pilots who linked up with NORAD or the 47th IAW, but more than a few have found their way into private
hands. Unlike many older warbirds, the T-6A has the benefit of modern machinery and widely-available parts built before
the Meltdown. It is also a very hardy aircraft and easily customized.
 Statistical Data:  Maximum Speed: 346 mph (554 km).
 Length: 33 feet, 4 inches (10.2 m).  Com bat Range: 1035 miles (1656 km).
 Span: 33 feet, 5 inches (10.2 m).  A.R.: 10
 Max Takeoff Weight: 6300 Ibs (2835 kg).  S.D.C. by Location:
 Main Body - 400  Engine- 175
 Wings (2) - 140 
 Tail- 150  Bonuses: +2 dodge, + 15% to piloting checks.
 Armaments:
 2 hard points on each wing - each can mount one weaponpod.
 1) 2.75 inch (70 mm) Rocket Pod - 1D4x10, 20 foot (6.1111) blast radius, 11,250 foot (3429 m) range, 19 rockets.
 2) TOW Missile Pod - 2D6x100, 50 foot (15.2 m) blast radius, 6562 foot (2000 m) range, 2 rockets.
 3) 30 mm Chain Gun - 2D6x10 per round, 6000 foot (1829 m) range, 400 rounds.
 4) Mark 19 Grenade Launcher - 2D6x10, 50 foot (15.2 m) blast radius, 1 mile (1.6 km) range, 100 rounds.
 Additional SF Note: The Slingsby/Northrop T-3A Firefly basic trainer was also brought into service in the late 1990s. Reduce
weight, speed, and range by half. Reduce A.R. to 8. Wing hard points can carry either a rocket pod or a .50-cal
 machinegun. Only +1 dodge, +1 0% to piloting checks. Fireflies are most commonly sighted in Texas, where they were

 Rockwell OV-10D Bronco
 The Bronco was developed in response to a US Marines request for a multirole utility aircraft that could perform armed
reconnaissance and light attack missions. The OV-10 is uniquely suited for this role by virtue of its
noteworthy configuration.
 Two crew sit in tandem and have room for up to six troops in the aft
fuselage. The high, aft-mounted wing is braced by the twin-boom tail
extending from the engine nacelles.
 Many OV-10s saw extensive service in Vietnam as forward air controllers
and counter-insurgency attack planes. Sponsons on either side of the
fuselage carry four 7.62 mm machine guns and four hard points. The
Bronco also has one centerline and two under wing mounts for additional
weapons. Early in the 1980s, OV-10As were upgraded by the Marines to
the OV-10D and gained all-weather capability. These aircraft sported an under nose turret with a FUR, laser designator, and
automatic Video tracker in addition to upgraded engines and extra under wing hard points.
 Systems Failure Notes: Broncos are a perennial favorite of Flyboys and Freebooters operating tram rural airfields because
of their hardy design and short-takeoff capability. The Bronco can even run off high-octane (read: high alcohol content) or
automotive fuel if necessary! They also pack a heck of a punch and have surprising cargo/troop capacity for such a relatively
small aircraft. OV-1Os are particularly favored by mercenary organizations.
 Statistical Data:  Engine (2) - 175
 Length: 41 feet,7 inches (12.7 m).  Bonuses: +1 strike, +1 dodge, +25% to short-takeoff
 Span: 40 feet (12.2 m). piloting checks.
 Max Takeoff Weight: 14,444Ibs (6500 kg).  Armaments:
 Maximum Speed: 280 mph (448 km).  4x 7.62 machinegun: 6D6+3 per round, 6000 foot
 Combat Range: 910 miles (1456 km). (1829 m) range, 500 rounds each.
 A.R.: 10  4x hardpoint under sponsons - Each can mount one
 S.D.C. by Location: weapon pod, bomb, or missile.
 Main Body - 475  1x hardpoint centerline - Can mount one weapon
 Wings (2) - 150 pod.
 Tail (2) - 150  2x hardpoint on each wing - Each can mount one
rocket pod or missile.

 Cavalier Mustang Mk 2
 Florida newspaper baron David Breed Lindsay, Jr. had the
 crazy idea to convert military surplus P-51 Mustangs into high-speed
executive transports. His company, Trans Florida Aviation, actually rebuilt and sold
several to those specifications in the late 50s and early 60s! This small success story
caught the attention of the Department of Defense, which saw the Cavalier
Mustang as ideal for counter-insurgency operations in 'friendly' South American
countries. Refurbished Mustangs served in this role until 1984.
 Systems Failure Notes: Cavalier Mustangs may find use in either South American campaigns or as a
convenient source for the Flyboy that just has to have a P-51. These Mustangs sport the best in 1960s-era
 Statistical Data:  Span: 40 feet, I inch (12.2 01).
 Length: 32 feet, 10 inches (10.0 01).  Max Takeoff Weight: 10,500Ibs (4725 kg).
 Maximum Speed: 457 mph (731 km).  Engine-175
 Combat Range: 2000 miles (3200 km).  Bonuses: None.
 A.R.: 8  Armaments:
 S.D.C. by Location:  6x 50 cal Browning in wings: 1D6x 10+10 per round,
 Main Body - 450 6560 foot (1999.5 01) range, 250 rounds each.
 Wings (2) - 150  4x hardpoint on each wing - up to 5000 Ibs (2250 kg)
 Tail- 150 of bombs or rockets.

 Other Planes
 The following aircraft use the single-engine plane or double engine plane specifications on page 143 of Systems Failure
unless otherwise noted.

 Cessna 172 Skyhawk
 The world's most successful light aircraft with over 42,000 built. Capacity for 4. Single-engine. Wing can be strengthened to
support two hardpoints.

 Cessna 208 Grand Caravan
 Single-engine, high-wing aircraft. Up to 14 passengers. 950 mile (1520 km) range. U-
27 variant can be outfitted with a 20-mm cannon and six hardpoints or an optional
sprayer system.

 Raytheon Beech King Air
 Highly successful twin-turbo-prop corporate aircraft. Two crew, 13 passengers.
1800 mile (2880 km) range.

 Fairchild PC-6 Porter
 Manufactured under license from Pilatus in the US. Armed counter-insurgency
variant saw service in South America. STOL-capable. Single-engine. Single pilot, up to 10
passengers/paratroops. One side-firing 20-0101 cannon, four wing hardpoints,
one fuselage centerline hardpoint.

 Grumman G-164 AgCat
 Almost continual production since 1959, very successful single-engine biplane crop duster.
One pilot. 400 gallon hopper capacity. 180 mile (288 km) range.
 Max Speed: 140 mph (224 km).

 Boeing Stearman
 Perhaps the most famous American bi-plane, saw extensive service as a crop duster
and the plane of choice for older aerobatics teams. Tandem seating. +20% to low-
speed piloting rolls. 350 mile (560 km) range. Single-engine. Max Speed: 110 mph (176 km).

 AT-802 Air Tractor
 Largest single-engine, purpose-built agriculture plane, first flight in 1990. Seating
for two, dual controls, pilot and observer/passenger. 400 gallon hopper.

 Bell/Agusta BA609
 First corporate/utility twin-engine tiltrotor.
Manufactured in Amarillo, Texas. Only a handful finished
by the Meltdown. One pilot, six to nine
passengers. VTOL-capable. 1200 mile (1920 km)

 Attacks Per Melee: The main gun can fire four times per melee with one action needed to reload after each shot.
 Crew: 4
 Cost: Yeah, right! Would you sell one of these babies? Didn't think so.
 Notes: This tank was state of the art armor for what used to be the U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Army.

 Helicopters
 UH-1H Huey:
 Payload: 3,116 lbs./1.56 tons (1,414 kg/1.41 kt),
 Cruising Speed: 127 mph (203 kph)
 Range: 314 miles (406 km)
 A.R.: 9
 S.D.C. by Location:
 Main Body: 400
 Tail: 200
 Rotor: 150
 Optional Armaments: Can accommodate up to two 2.75" Rocket Pods or two quad TOW launchers, a 40mm Mark-10
automatic Grenade Launcher, and 2 XM-214 Miniguns or 2 M-60 light machineguns.
 Cost: Beau coup dollars, baby. Beau coup.

 AH-1G Huey Cobra:

 Length: 53 ft (16 m)  Bonuses: +2 to strike.
 Basic Weight: 4.2 tons (3.81 kt),  Armaments: Up to four 2.75" Rocket Pods or quad
 Payload: 2,500 lbs./1.25 tons (1,135 kg/1.1 kt), TOW launchers, two XM-214 Miniguns and one
 Cruising Speed: 138 mph (225 kph), 40mm Mark-19 automatic grenade launcher.
 Range: 359 miles (574 km),  Cost: You couldn't possibly afford it.
 A.R.: 10. Deflects any small arms fire under a light 
machinegun. 
 S.D.C. By Location: 
 Main Body: 450 
 Tail: 300 
 Rotor: 250 
 Passenger Armor: 
 A.R.: 15 
 S.D.C.: 350. Even if a Cobra is shot down, 
the passenger compartment is likely to remain intact.

 AH-64A Apache Attack Helicopter:
 The AH-64A is the Army's main attack helicopter and is designed for fighting in all sorts of
conditions and weather. The main mission of the Apache is the destruction of ground-
based targets such as enemy instillations and armor. The AH-64A is piloted by a tandem-seated crew consisting of the
pilot, located in the rear cockpit position and the co-pilot gunner (CPG), located in the front position. The AH-64A has an
impressive turning speed and tight radius, as well as an equally impressive rate and angle of climb. Though meant for
ground-based assaults, the AH-64A has proven to be a more than adequate opponent against other helicopters and slow
flying planes. Jets, on the other hand, are another matter.
 Crew: 2; pilot and gunner Defensive Measures: 15 chaff and 15 flares and an
A.R.: main body: 14, crew compartment: 16. Small infrared jammer.
arms fire bounces off. Typical Armament: Depends on mission profile.
S.D.C. by Location:  Primary Mission Starboard Wing M230 Gun Port
Main Body - 600 Wing
Tail - 325
 Combat (Anti-armor) 4 Hellfire 320 rds, 4 Hellfire
Crew Compartment - 350
 Multi-role (Covering force) 4 Hellfire, 19 FFAR 1200
Four Bladed Main Rotor - 200 (50 per blade)
rds 4 Hellfire, 9 FFAR
Tail Rotor - 125
 Close-support (Anti-armor) 8 Hellfire 1200 rds, 8
Engines (2) - 275 ea.
30mm Chain Gun - 75
 Ground-support (Airmobile escort) 38 FFAR 1200 rds,
Weapon Pylons (4) - 100 ea.
Max Speed: 173mph (279kph)
 NOTE: 2 Stinger missiles are also sometimes added,
Maximum Ceiling: 15,895 feet (4845m)
one to the tip of each wing, when enemy aircraft are
Range: 250 miles (400km) plus optional 937.5 miles
expected to be encountered.
(1500km) w/external fuel
Cargo: the wing section has a cargo compartment on  Sensory Equipment: 72 hour video recording (color
either side that is able to stow emergency gear and or thermal) w/8,000 foot range, a Doppler radar
the components for a Stinger missile launcher. system (5 miles), and infrared and laser targeting
Bonuses: +3 to strike (which can also designate targets for other
vehicles/ground troops) acquisition systems linked the crew to fly and fight in the rain or dark.
to the Target Acquisition Designation Sight (TADS) Cost: $8.4 million
and a Pilot Night Vision Sensor (PNVS), which allows

 Boeing AH-6J Little Bird
 The Little Bird is the only light assault helicopter in service with the United
States Army. It is operated by the elite Special Operations Aviation Regiment,
the "Night Stalkers," as a gunship (pilot and gunner only) and troop transport
(up to SIX
 troops). It has a single Allison 250-C30/R3 turboshaft driving a six-bladed main
rotor and the ultra-quiet NOTAR tail.
 The AH-6J can be outfitted with a wide variety of weapons, including rocket pods, anti-
tank missiles, miniguns, and even 30mm Chain Guns! This latest version of the
Little Bird is also equipped with an integrated GPS navigation system, FLIR for
low-level navigation, and extensive electromagnetic shielding. The gunner has a
telescopic nose sight and a mast-mounted TOW sight for improved aim.
 Systems Failure Notes: The Free Air Cav operates four AH-6Js "inherited" tram the US Army as part of ,its much-vaunted
helicopter gunship force. Its modem avionics are protected against Bug intrusion by utilizing an Organitech dynamo
developed by an Egghead in the employ of the Cav. These coveted dynamos somehow convert kinetic energy generated by
the turbines into safe bio-energy for the helicopter's electronic systems.
 Maximum Speed: 160 mph (256 km).  2x Aerocrafter Plank weapons carriers - each can
 Combat Range: 290 miles (464 km). mount oneweapon pod.
 A.R.: 12  1) 2.75 inch (70 mm) Rocket Pod - 1D4x10, 20 foot
 S.D.C. by Location: (6.1 m) blast radius, 11,250 foot (3429 m) range, 19
 Main Body - 300 rockets.
 Rotor Blades - 115  2) TOW Missile Pod - 2D6x100, 50 foot (15.2 m) blast
 NOTAR Tail-130 radius, 6562 foot (2000 m) range, 2 rockets.
 Engine- 160  3) 30 mm Chain Gun - 2D6x10 per round, 6000 foot
 Bonuses: +2 strike, -15% to enemy Read Sensory (1829 m) range, 400 rounds.
Equipment checks.  4) Mark 19 Grenade Launcher - 2D6x10, 50 foot
 (15.2 m) blast radius, 1 mile (1.6 km) range, 100
 Armaments: rounds.

 Sikorsky MH-53 Pave Low
Derived from the Marine Corps' CH-53 Sea Stallion heavy lift helicopter transport, the MH-53J
Pave Low III Enhanced was the workhorse of Air Force Special
Operations and combat rescue. Its watertight hull allows
emergency water landing capability and rear loading and
deployment of small boats.
The MH-53J includes terrain-following radar, FLIR, GPS, in-flight
refueling, a secure communications suite, titanium armor, EW
jammers, flare and chaff dispensers, night-vision, a searchlight, and
an external hoist.

 Crew: Flightcrew of six (pilot, copilot, two flight Main Body: 480
engineers, two gunners) Weapons Systems:
Maximum Speed: 196 mph (315 km/h) Any combination of three 7.62 mm M134 Miniguns
Cruising Speed: 173 mph (278 km/h) and/or .50 BMG (12.7 mm) M2 Browning machine
Range: 685 miles (1,100 km) (can be extended by in- guns mounted on left and right sides (immediately
flight refueling) behind flight deck) and ramp.
AR: 14. Avionics: APQ-158 terrain-following and terrain-
S.D.C. by Location: avoidance radar, FLIR, Inertial Navigation System,
Main Rotor: 240 GPS, integrated mission computer.
Tail: 140 Cargo: Up to 38 troops or 20,000 pounds in
Horizontal Tail: 100 underslung payload.
Black Market Cost: You Can't Possibly Be Serious.

Eurocopter BK 117
 The BK 117 multirole helicopter was a familiar sight in American skies before the Meltdown because of its widespread use
as an air ambulance and as an air taxi for offshore platforms.
 Systems Failure Notes: While many BK 117s were destroyed in the tumultuous invasion of
America, some survive today performing much the same role as before. It is believed
that the Life Flight helicopters from Houston were among the first that evacuated
people to what are now the fiercely independent Gulf States. The BK 117 has seating for a
pilot and 10 passengers.

 Maximum Speed: 155 mph (248 krn).  Bonuses: None.
 Combat Range: 440 miles (704 km).  Armaments:
 A.R.: 10  Typically none; can be modified to carry 2 TOW
 S.D.C. by Location: missile pods or 2 Chain Guns.
 Main Body - 350  1) TOW Missile Pod - 206x100, 50 foot (15.2 m) blast
 Rotor Blades - 125 radius, 6562 foot (2000 m) range, 2 rockets.
 Tail Rotors - 100  2) 30 mm Chain Gun - 206xl0 per round, 6000 foot
 Engines (2) - 170 (1829 m) range, 400 rounds.

 Sikorsky UH-60L Black Hawk
 The Black Hawk was developed to replace the ubiquitousUH-1 Huey as the US
Army's tactical transport helicopter. Its image became ingrained in the American psyche
thanks to its use to great effect in the Gulf War and after the tragedy in Somalia.
Conspiracy theories about unmarked government "black helicopters" also
typically reference the Black Hawk. The Black Hawk has a three-man crew (pilot,
copilot, gunner/crew chief)
 and capacity for 11-14 troops.
 Systems Failure Notes: Several Air Force Special Operations variants of the Black
Hawk made their way to Laughlin AFB in Texas and joined the Independent Air Wing. The Free Americans' Air Cay operates
no fewer than eight AH-60L Direct Action Penetrators' modified for extended range and heavier firepower.
 Maximum Speed: 185 mph (296 km).  Armaments:
 Combat Range: 370 miles (592 km).  2x detachable External Stores Support Systems -
 A.R.: 12 each can mount two stores pods.
 S.D.C. by Location:  1) 2.75 inch (70 mm) Rocket Pod -1D4x10, 20 foot
 Main Body - 350 (6.1 m) blast radius, 11,250 foot (3429 m) range, 19
 Rotor Blades - 125 rockets.
 Tail Rotors - 100  2) Hellfire Missile Pod - 3D6x100, 50 foot (15.2 m)
 Engines (2) - 185 blast, 6562 foot (2000 m) range, 4 rockets.
 Bonuses: None.  3) 30 mm Chain Gun - 206xlO per round, 6000 foot
 (1829 m) range, 400 rounds.
  4) Mark 19 Grenade Launcher - 206x I0, 50 foot (15.2
 m) blast, 1 mile (1.6 km) range, 100 rounds.
  5) External Fuel Tank - Range extends to 1380 miles
(2208 km) with 4 external fuel tanks.

 Agusta MH-68A Stingray
 A little-known (and the newest) component of the United States' Coast Guard's
air wing is comprised of modified Agusta A109 helicopters that form the
Helicopter Interdiction Tactical Squadron (HITRON). It is the only airborne law
enforcement group authorized to employ the use of force in the pursuit of drug
interdiction and homeland defense missions.
 These Whirlybirds are noted for their agility, speed, and accuracy. The pilot and
copilot command two Pratt & Whitney 206C turboshafts driving a typical four-
bladed main rotor and two-bladed tail rotor. The main gunner operates either an
RC50 laser-sighted .50-cal sniper rifle designed to shoot through the engine block
of a fleeing ship or a post-mounted M240 machine gun. The backup gunner mans a pintle-mounted M-16 and fires any
hardpoint weapons. The MH-68A can also be armed with machinegun pods and rocket pods for self-defense.
 Systems Failure Notes: HITRON Stingrays ended up in the service of the Gulf States and are considered their elite fighting
force. They have survived this long thanks to original analog instrumentation and their relatively high speed. These
Whirlybirds are precious operational systems and will be ordered to withdraw if a battle looks to be lost. The Gulf States
simply can't afford to lose them!
 Maximum Speed: 195 mph (312 km).  M240 7.62 mm machinegun: 6D6+3 per round, 6000
 Combat Range: 480 miles (768 km). foot (182901) range, 500 rounds.
 A.R.: 10  RC50 precision rifle: ID6x10+10 per round, 6560 foot
 S.D.C. by Location: (1999.5 m) range, 5 rounds, 10 reloads.
 Main Body - 320  M16 assault rifle, 200 round magazine, 5 reloads.
 Rotor Blades - 115  2x detachable store mounts - each can mount one
 Tail Rotors - 100 weapon pod.
 Engines (2) - 165  1) 2.75 inch (70 mm) Rocket Pod - 1D4x10, 20 foot
 Bonuses: Gunner has +3 to strike and lowers his (6.1 m) blast radius, 11,250 foot (3429 01) range, 19
target's effective A.R. by 3 with the RC50 rifle. rockets.
 Armaments:  2) TOW Missile Pod - 2D6x100, 50 foot (15.2 01)
blast radius, 6562 foot (2000 m) range, 2 rockets.

 Other Helicopters
 The following aircraft use the helicopter specifications on page 143 of Systems Failure unless otherwise noted.

 Boeing Commercial Chinook
 The CH-47 Chinook was originally developed as a heavy-lift, twin-rotor helicopter for the
 US Army. A civilian variant was created initially for oil rig support and found widespread use.
715 mile (1144 km) range. Two pilots, up to 44 passengers or 20,000 Ib (9000 kg) of
cargo. Up to 28,000 Ib (12,600 kg) of cargo on external sling. Max Speed: 175 mph (280

 MD 902 Explorer
 One of the most advanced civilian light helicopters, released right before the Meltdown. Uses NOTAR system for increased
safety and reduced noise. Favorite of
 wealthy police departments. Max seating of 10. Bonuses: -10% to enemy Read Sensory
Equipment checks.

 Erickson S-65F Helitanker
 Converted S-64 Skycrane helicopter. 9000-liter tank. Can refill tanks in 45 seconds with a nearby liquid
source. Crew of two, space for one observer. 215
 mile (344 km) range. Max Speed: 115 mph (184 km). 20,000lb payload.

 Boats
 Sailboat: A.R.: 5 S.D.C.: 350 Speed: 30 mph (48 kph) Range: Effectivly Unlimited Cost: $20,000
 Cabin Cruiser: A.R.: 6 S.D.C.: 400 Speed: 45 mph (72 kph) Range: 300 miles (480 km) Cost: $25,000
 Speed Boat: A.R.: 5 S.D.C.: 350 Speed: 60 mph (96 kph) Range: 200 miles (320 km) Cost: $45,000
 Yacht (Sail Type): A.R.: 6 S.D.C.: 1,500 Speed: 30 mph (48 kph) Range: Effectivly Unlimited Cost: $200,000
 Tugboat: A.R.: 10 S.D.C.: 2,800 Speed: 30 mph (48 kph) Range: 1,500 miles (2,400 km) Cost: $150,000
 Barge: A.R.: 10 S.D.C.: 3,500 Speed: Requires Tugboat or large boat to move Range: Max. Load: 200 tons Cost: $100,000
 Freighter: A.R.: 12 S.D.C.: 5,000 Speed: 30 mph (48 kph) Range: 4,000 miles (6,400 miles) Max. Load: 300 tons Cost:

 Rigid-hull Inflatable Boat

 RIBs are favored, especially by police and military units, because of their high speed and
buoyancy over short ranges. They are commonly used by special forces for insertion and
extraction near the shore. The RIB has a rigid hull made from either metal or composite
materials and is surrounded by an inflatable sponson with multiple cells for
 Length: 36 feet Range: 230 miles
Draft: 3 feet Capacity: Eight passengers or 3200 lbs payload
Top Speed: Crew: 1 pilot
52+ mph Armor: AR 8
SDC: 250

The "Duck" DUKW

Based on an six-wheel amphibious truck developed in World War II, Ducks
became a common passenger vehicle for sightseeing tours on the water.
They were especially useful in areas with extensive shallow water, such as
the Louisiana wetlands and inland lakes. Modern purpose-built
Ducks (as opposed to modified original DUKWs) operate on
marine diesel engines and have room for up to 30 passengers,
though there are no real cargo provisions built in.
Top Speed: 50 mph land/6 mph water
Range: 400 mi land/58 mi water
Capacity: 5175 lbs cargo/12 passengers (original DUKW) or 30
passengers (new-build)
Crew: 2
Armor: AR 7
SDC: 300
Armament: Ring mount for 1x .50-cal machinegun (original DUKW)

 Catamaran Tactical Boat

 Shortly before the Meltdown, tactical boats that bridged the gap between more expensive rigid-hull motorboats
and light RIBs became increasingly popular with law enforcement and small
boat units in the military. With an aluminum hull and a catamaran configuration, these
tactical boats had a good balance of speed, shallow draft, and stability in rough seas. An enclosed cabin sits
near the middle of the boat and is encircled by a full walk-around deck. A weatherproofed
bumper/flotation collar wraps around the top edge of the hull, except for the aft platform at
the waterline.

 Top Speed: 46 mph Armor: AR 9
Range: 400 mi SDC: 320
Capacity: 12 passengers Armament: Fore and aft post mounts for one heavy
Crew: 2 weapon each, typically a machinegun

47-foot Coast Guard Motor Lifeboat
 These boats were originally developed for the US Coast Guard as high-speed rescue craft. They were designed to
withstand hurricane conditions - 60 knot winds and 3-g impacts. The 47-foot Motor Lifeboat
will even self-right in ten seconds if capsized and can be operated from either an open
bridge on top of the main structure or an enclosed bridge underneath. Gulf States
users have almost always replaced the original fly-by-wire digital controls with
analog equipment. It is also equipped with recessed retrieval wells
and a watertight medical compartment located at the center of

 Top Speed: 29 mph Armor: AR 9

Range: 230 mi SDC: 360
Capacity: 5 passengers Armament: 1x M240 machinegun (6d6+3 per round,
Crew: 4 6000 ft range, 1200 rounds belt fed)

115-ton Crane Barge
 This massive floating crane was among the newest
before the Meltdown. It was
designed to be powerful enough to
lift tanks off sealift ships and deploy
them to the shore. Large rudder-like
features on the bottom of the barge
make it easier for tugs to maneuver it
in place. The 115-ton cranes have
the benefit of air-conditioned work
areas, control cabs, a galley, and
Length: 200 ft
Width: 80 ft
Lift Capacity: 115 tons
Crane Reach: 175 feet
Top Speed: The barge is not self-
propelled. It must be moved with a
Crew: 12
Armor: AR 8
SDC: 500
 60-ton Crane Barge
 The 60-ton floating crane is used for general marine work up to
its load capacity. It is mounted on a rotating superstructure that
contains all the necessary systems for operation. The crane
controller's cab sits on top of the superstructure. A tug is
required to move the crane barge, though it must be anchored
to compensate for any prevailing currents.

 Length: 142 ft Crane Reach: 73 feet
Width: 58 ft
Lift Capacity: 60 tons
 Top Speed: The barge is not self-propelled. It must Crew: 11
be moved with a tug. Armor: AR 7
SDC: 400
 

100-ft Tugboat
 Tugboats are ubiquitous on the Gulf Coast, as they are used for moving barges, navigating larger ships, rescue
and firefighting, and other various tasks. The 100-ft tugboat is designed for heavy work in harbor or
on the Intracoastal Waterway, but would have a tough time out on open water in poor conditions.
Speed: 14 mph
Range: 2580 miles loaded
Pull: 31.5 tons
Crew: 12
Armor: AR 7
SDC: 400

 Small Tug
 These tugboats are only suitable for use in harbor or shallow water. They are not seaworthy for open ocean crossing
and would have to be transported on the deck of a larger ship or towed to a new location.
However, they are relatively cheap and easy to produce for local operations.
Speed: 14 mph
Range: 1950 miles loaded
Pull: 8.75 tons
Crew: 8
Armor: AR 6
SDC: 350

 128-ft Large Tug

 The 128- foot tug was designed for coastal and ocean operations. They were commonly used to help supertankers
and military supply ships in and out of port or to tow rigs out to deepwater drilling and production sites. The
Gulf States rely on these ocean-going tugs to move platforms and large ships safely and effectively.

 Speed: 14 mph Pull: 58 tons

Crew: 16
Range: Armor: AR 8
SDC: 550

 Beam: 12 feet
5700 miles loaded Height: 10 feet
 Modern Weapons:
 Auto Pistols 

 Browning Buck Mark:

 Beretta M92:

 Weight:  2.1 lbs
 Caliber:  22lr 
 Barrel  5.5  Weight:  2.2 lbs
Length: inches  Caliber:  9 mm / .40 S&W
 Range:  70 ft  Barrel  5 inch
 Payload  10 Length:
:  Range:  165 ft
 Class:  1  Payload:  15 9 mm / 10 . 40 S&W
 Cost:  $350.00  Class:  1
  Cost:  $650.00
 Walther P22: 
 Colt M1911A1:

 Weight  1 lbs 
:  Weight:  2.2 lbs
 Caliber:  22lr  Caliber:  .45 ACP
 Barrel  3.4 inches  Barrel  5 inches
Length: Length:
 Range:  70 ft  Range:  165 ft
 Payload:  10  Payload  7
 Class:  1 :
 Cost:  $300.00  Class:  1
 Note:  Integral equipment  Cost:  $800.00
rail 
  Heckler & Koch USP:
 AMT .380 / .45 Backup:

 Weight:  1.5 lbs 
 Barrel  2 inches  Weight:  1.88 lbs
Length:  Caliber:  9 mm
 Caliber:  .380 ACP / .45 ACP / 9mm  .45 ACP
 .40 S&W / .400 Cor-Bon  Barrel:  4.13 inch
 Range:  75 ft  Action:  Double action
 Payload:  5  Range:  165 ft
 Class:  1  Payload:  15 9 mm
 Cost:  $330.00  10 .45 ACP
 Class:  1

 Cost:  $800.00 to $1050.00  SIG P226:
 Note:  integral equipment rails

 Weigh  1.6 lbs
 Glock 17 / 18:
 Caliber  9 mm / .357 SIG / .40 S&W
 Barrel  4.5 inch
 Length
 Weight:  1.5 lbs :
 Range:  165 ft
 Caliber:  9mm
 Payloa  15 9 mm / 13 .357 SIG
 Barrel  4.5 inch d:  13 .40 S&W
 Class:  1
 Mode of  Semi Automatic only [Glock 17]  Cost:  $ 750.00
Fire:  Semi / Fully automatic [Glock 18]  Walther P99:
 Range:  165 ft
 Magazin  17 [Glock 17]
e:  18 [Glock 18]
 Optional Magazine: 33 rounds
 Class:  1 [Glock 17] / 3 [Glock 18] 
 Cost:  $ 620.00 [Glock 17]  Weight:  1.44 lbs
 $ 1200.00 [Glock 18]  Caliber:  9 mm / .40 S&W
 Note:  Iintegral equipment rails [Glock  Barrel  4 inches
17] Length:
  Mode of  Semi Automatic
 Glock 29 / 30 Compact: Fire:
 Range:  165 ft
 Magazine  15 9mm / 11 40 S&W
 Class:  1
 Cost:  $800.00

 Note:  integral equipment
 Wei  1.5 lbs
 Cali  10 mm [Glock 29]  OSA-5 Machine Pistol:
ber:  .45 ACP [Glock 30]
 Barr  3.8 inches
th: 
 Mod  Semi Automatic
 A compact, powerful machine pistol favored by
e of
many Exterminators. Can accept many add-ons,
such as scopes, laser sights and silencers or
 Ran  165 ft
ge: flash suppressors. available with fixed or
 Mag  10 [Glock 29]
telescoping stock.
azin  9 [Glock 30]  Caliber: 9mm, .40 S&W, .357 SIG, or 10mm
e:  Weight: 3.5 pounds
 Clas  1  Range: 150 feet
s:  Rate of Fire: standard
 Cost  $ 670.00  Payload: 20, 30 or 50 round magazines
:  Cost: $1,500 in coin or trade
 Revolvers  Action:  Double
 Ruger Single Six Single Action Revolver: Action
 Range:  150 ft
 Cylinde  6 rounds
 Class:  1
 Cost:  $468.00
 
 Weight  2.5 lbs  Ruger Super Redhawk:
 Caliber:  22lr
 Barrel  6.5 inch
 Action:  Single Action 
 Range:  70 ft  Weight:  3.3 lbs
 Caliber:  .44 Magnum / .454 Casull (Can
 Cylinde  6 rounds.
also use .45 Long Colt) / .480 Ruger
 Barrel  7.5 inch / 9.5 inch
 Class:  1
 Cost:  $500.00
 Overall  13 inches / 15 inches
 Length:
 Colt 38 Detective Special:
 Action:  Double Action
 Range:  300 ft
 Cylinder:  6 rounds
 Cost:  $ 750.00

 Ruger Blackhawk Single Action Revolver:

 Weight  1.3 lbs
 Caliber:  .38 Special
 Barrel  2 inch
Length: 
 Action:  Double  Weight:  2.5 lbs
Action  Caliber:  .357 Magnum / .41
 Range:  70 ft Magnum / .45 Long Colt
 Cylinde  6 rounds.  Barrel  4.5 inch / 6.5 inch
r: Length:
 Class:  1  Range:  150 ft
 Cost:  $400.00  Cylinder:  6 rounds
  Class:  1
 Colt King Cobra:  Cost:  $500.00

 Ruger Vaquero:

 Weight  2.6 lbs
 Caliber:  .357 
Magnum (Can  Weight  2.5 lbs
fire .38 as well) :
 Barrel  4 inch or 6  Caliber:  .357 Magnum (Can fire .38 as
Length: inch well)
 .45 Long Colt
 Barrel  4.6” / 5.5” / 7.5”
 Action:  Single Action
 Range:  150 ft 
 Cylinde  6 rounds  Weight:  .9 lbs
r:  Caliber:  .38 Special / .357 Magnum (Can fire
 Class:  1 .38 as well.)
 Cost:  $550.00  Barrel  3 inches
 Length:
 Smith & Wesson Model 29 / Model 629:  Overall  4.8 inches
 Height:  2 inches
 Range:  50 feet
 Payload:  2 rounds
 Cost:  $450.00

 Weight:  2.6 lbs with 4 inch barrel.  Sub-Machineguns
 Caliber:  .44 Magnum (Can fire .44 Special)  Heckler & Koch MP5:
 Barrel  4 inch [629 only] / 6 inch / 8 3/8
 Range:  150 ft
 Cylinder  6 rounds
 Class:  1

 Cost:  $600.00
 Weight:  MP5 6.47 lb / MP5K 4.4 lb
 Caliber: 9 mm / .40 S&W / 10 mm
 Pocket Pistols
 Barrel  8.85 inches [MP5]
 American Derringer DA38: Length:  4.5 inches [MP5K]
 Overall  27.25 inches [MP5]
Length:  12.8 inches [MP5K]
 Action:  Semi-Automatic Only
 Semi-Automatic & Three-Round
 Semi-Automatic & Full-Automatic.
  Range:  300 ft
 Weight:  0.91 lbs  Magazin  15 and 30 round box magazines.
 Caliber:  .38 Special / 9mm / .357 Magnum e:
(Can fire .38 as well.) / .40 S&W  Class:  3
 Barrel  3.3 inches  Cost:  $1500.00
Length: 
 Overall  4.84 inches  Heckler & Koch UMP45:
 Width:  1.1 inches
 Height:  3.3 inches
 Range:  50 feet
 Payload:  2 rounds
 Cost:  $375.00

 Derringer: Lady Derringer Single Shot Revolver:  Weight:  4.63 lbs
 Caliber:  .45 ACP
 Barrel  7.87 inch
Length: ne:
 Overall  Extended: 27 inch  Class:  1 (Semi-Automatic)
Length:  Retracted: 17.7 inch  3 (Fully Automatic)
 Action:  Semi-Automatic Only  Cost:  $800.00
 Semi-Automatic + Two-Round Burst
 Semi-Automatic + Full-Automatic.  Bolt Action and Lever Action Rifles
 Range:  250 ft  Winchester Model 70 Bolt Action Rifle:
 Magazin  25 and 10 round box magazines. 
 Class:  3
 Cost:  $1500.00

 IMI Uzi (Standard):  Weight:  6 lbs
 Calibers  .223 Remington
:  .22-250 Remington
 .243 Winchester
 .270 Winchester
 .308 Winchester
 30-06 Springfield
  7mm Remington Magnum
 Weight  7.7 lbs  .300 Winchester Magnum
:  .338 Winchester Magnum
 Caliber:  9 mm  .375 H&H Magnum
 Barrel  10.2 inches  Barrel  20, 22, 24, or 26
Length: Length:
 Full  Extended: 25.75 inches  Overall  39.5 to 46.75 inches
Length: Retracted:18.5 inches Length:
 Action: Semi-Automatic Only  Range:  1,800 feet
 Fully Automatic  Magazi  3 to 6 round magazines depending
 Range:  250 ft ne: on caliber.
 Class:  1 (Semi-Automatic Only)  Class:  1
 3 (Fully Automatic)  Cost:  $1000.00
 Magazi  25, 30, 32 round magazines 
ne: 
 Cost:  $1500.00 
 
 MAC-10: 
 Savage Weather Warrior Series Model 116:

 Weight  6.26 lbs  Action:  Long or Short
:  Weight:  7 lbs
 Caliber:  .45 ACP  Caliber:  223 Remington
 9mm  22-250 Remington
 Barrel  5.75 inches  308 Winchester
Length:  243 Winchester
 Full  Retracted: 10.6 inches  270 Winchester
Length:  Extended: 21.6 inches  30-06 Springfield
 7mm Remington Magnum
 Action:  semi-automatic
 300 Win Magnum
 Range:  250 ft
 338 Win Magnum
 Magazi  30  Length:  44.5
 Barrel  22" to 24" 
Length: 
 Range:  900 to 1800 feet  Henry Model H001
 Magazin  3 to 6 round internal
e: magazine
 Class:  1
 Cost:  $800.00

 Weight:  5.25 lbs.
 Marlin Model 1895G "Guide Gun"
 Caliber:  .22 lr

 Barrel  18 1/4''
 Overall  36 1/2''
 Range:  200 feet
 Caliber:  45/70 Government  Magazin  15
 Barrel  18.5" e:
Length:  Class:  1
 Overall  37"  Cost:  $300
Length:  Note:  Grooved for Scope mounting
 Range:  550 feet
 Magazi  4-shot tubular magazine
 Auto & Semi-Auto Rifles
 Class:  1  Ruger 10/22:
 Weight:  7 lbs.
 Cost:  $400.00

 Marlin Model 1894

 Calib  .22 LR
 Leng  37"
 Caliber:  45 th:
Long  Rang  200 feet
Colt e:
 357  Mag  10, 15, 20, 50
Magn azin
um e:
 38  Weig  5 lbs
Speci ht:
al  Class  1
 44 :
Magnum  Cost:  $275.00
  
 Barrel:  20”  US Survival Rifle:
 Overall  37.5”
 Range:  400
feet 
 Magazi  10-  Weight:  2.5 lbs.
ne: shot tubular  Caliber:  .22 lr
magazine  Barrel  18 1/4''
 Class:  1 Length:
 Weight:  6.5  Overall  35
lbs. Length:
 Cost:  $400.  Range:  200 feet
00  Magazin  8
e: 
 Class:  1
 Cost:  $300.00
 Note:  Barrel and Action fit inside stock
for storage.

 Fabrique National FAL (FN-FAL):  Caliber:  30-06
  Barrel  24 inches
 Overall  43.6 inches
 Mode of  Semi Automatic
 Caliber:  7.62 NATO (.308 Winchester) Fire:
 Barrel:  21 inches  Range:  1800 feet
 Overall  42.9 inches  Magazin  8 rounds
Length: e:
 Mode of  Semi automatic  Class:  1
Fire:  Fully Automatic  Weight:  9.50 lbs
 Range:  1800 feet  Cost:  $1,100.00
 Magazin  20 round box magazine. 
e: 
 Weight:  9.8 lbs 

 Class:  1 (Semi-Automatic)

 3 (Fully Automatic)
 M-14:
 Cost:  $ 1,200.00.

 Kalashnikov AK-47:

 Caliber:  7.62 NATO (.308 Winchester)

 Barrel  22 inches (55.9 cm)
 Overall  44.14 inches (112.1 cm)
 Mode of  Semi-Automatic
 Fire:  Fully Automatic
 Caliber:  7.62x39 mm  Range:  1800 feet (539 meters)
 Barrel  16.3 inches  Magazin  10, 20, or 30 rounds
Length: e:
 Overall  37.25 inches  Weight:  8.7 lbs.(3.95 kg)
 Class:  1 (Semi-Automatic only)
 Mode of  Semi Automatic  3 (Fully Automatic)
Fire:  Fully Automatic
 Cost:  $1,200.00.
 Range:  1000 feet 
 Magazin  30 rounds.  M-16 / M4 Series Rifles:
e: 
 Weight:  9.5 lbs
 Class:  1 (Semi-Auto)
 3 (Fully Automatic)
 Cost:  $600.00

 M-1 Garand:
 Caliber:  5.56x45 mm NATO
 Barrel  20 inches / 50.8 cm M-16
Length:  14.5 inches / 36.8 cm M4
 Overall  39.37 inches (100 cm) M-16A3/A4  Ruger Mini-14 / Mini-30:
Length:  33.9 inches (86.1 cm) M4 (Extended)
 Mode of  Semi-Automatic / Three Round Burst
Fire:  Semi-Automatic / Fully Automatic
 Range:  1350 feet M-16
 1200 feet M-4  Caliber:  Mini-14: 5.56x45 mm NATO
 Magazin  20, 30  Mini-30: 7.62x39 mm
e:  Barrel  18.5 inches
 Weight:  8.30 lbs M-16 Length:
 7.30 lbs M4  Overall  37.1 inches
 Class:  3 Length:
 Cost:  $800.00 to $1,200.00.  Mode of  Semi Automatic
 Fire:
 AR-15 (Civilian):  Range:  1000 feet
  Magazin  5, 20, or 30 rounds.
 Class:  1
 Weight:  6.9 lbs
 Cost:  $680.00

 Simonov SL Rifle (SKS):

 Calibers:
 Pist  9m  Rifle  .22
ol m Lon
luge g
 Caliber:  7.62x39 mm
r Rifle
 7.62  .223  Barrel  20.5 inches
 
x25 Rem Length:
mm  Overall  40.2 inches
  10m   6.5 Length:
m Gre  Mode of  Semi-Automatic
ndel Fire:
  40   .270  Range:  984 feet
S& Win  Magazin  Standard 10-round internal box
W ches e: magazine. Some can use 10, 20, or
ter 30 round AK-47 magazines
  45   7.62  Weight:  8.75
ACP x39
 Class:  1
 Cost:  $400.00
  .50   .50
AE Beo 
wulf  Browning BAR Hunting Rifle:
 Barrel  14.5 / 16 / 20 / 24 
 Mode  Semi-Automatic
of Fire:
 Range:  150 – 1800 feet  Caliber:  243 Winchester
 Magazi  5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 100  .270 Winchester
ne:  308 Winchester
 Cost:  $700.00 - $1500.00  30-06 Springfield
 Note:  Arguably the most customizable  7mm Remington Magnum
weapon on the market.  300 Winchester Magnum
   Barrel  22 to 24 inches
 Overall  42 inches
 Mode of  Semi-Automatic
 Range:  900 – 1800 feet 
 Magazin  4  Caliber:  6.8 SPC
e:  Barrel  8 inches
 Weight:  8 Length:
 Class:  1  Overall  26 / 29 - Collapsed / Extended
 Cost:  $1200.00 Length:
  Mode of  Semi-Automatic / 3 Round Burst
 M6A3 SABR (Sniper Assaulter Battle Rifle): Fire:
  Range:  900 – 1800 feet
 Magazin  30
 Weight:  7
 Class:  Military
 Cost:  $1200.00

  Infantry Automatic Rifle:

 Caliber:  308 Winchester
 Caliber:  5.56mm
 Barrel  12 inch Assault Configuration
Length:  20 inch Sniper Configuration  Barrel  18
 Overall  28 inch Assault Configuration
 Overall  34 inches Stock Collapsed
Length:  42 inch Sniper Configuration
Length:  37 inches Stock Extended
 Mode of  Semi-Automatic
Fire:  Mode of  Semi-Automatic / Fully Automatic
 Range:  900 feet Assault Configuration
 Range:  1800 feet
 1800 feet Sniper Configuration
 Magazin  30 / 60 / 100
 Magazin  20
 Weight:  8
 Weight:  6
 Class:  Military
 Class:  Military
 Cost:  $2200.00
 Cost:  $1800.00
 Note:  Flash Suppressor & Suppressor
 Note:  Dual purpose sniper system, issued
with both barrels and a light weight
backpack to hold the barrel and aiming  OSA-10 5.56 mm Combat Rifle:
systems not in use. Sniper upper come with
a suppressor.

 M6A2 PSD (Personal Security Detail):

 A light weapon never officially introduced, the OSA-

10 is a light, well-balanced rifle capable of inflicting
good damage. Often equipped with a basic
telescopic sight (+1 to strike on aimed shots).
 Caliber: 5.56 mm NATO
 Weight: 6.6 lbs  Weight: 13.5 lbs
 Damage: 5D6 with standard ammunition  Damage:1D6x10
 Range: 1000 feet  Range: 3000 feet
 Rate of Fire: standard  Rate of Fire: single shots only
 Payload: 20, 30 or 50 - shot magazines  Payload: 8-shot clips
 Cost: $800 in coin or trade  Cost: $2700, coin or trade
 
 OSA-15 5.56 mm Carbine:
 Shotgun
 Remington Model 870 Shotgun:

 A shorter weapon, able to be fired more accurately

one-handed. Often equipped with a basic telescopic 
sight (+1 to strike on aimed shots).  Caliber:  12, 20, 28, .410 Gauge.
 Caliber: 5.56 mm NATO  Barrel  9.2 / 14 / 18 / 20 / 21 / 23 / 26 /
 Weight: 5.6 lbs Length: 28 / 30
 Damage: 5D6 with standard ammunition  Overall  17.7 inches to 50.5 inches
 Range: 600 feet Length:
 Rate of Fire: standard  Mode of  Single shot only
 Payload: 20, 30 or 50 - shot magazines Fire:
 Cost: $700 in coin or trade  Range:  300 ft

 Magazin  4+1 or 8+1 round internal
 OSA-20 5.56 mm Combat Rifle: e:
 Weight:  8 lbs
 Class:  1
 Cost:  $300.00 to $600.00

 A larger, heavier weapon capable of long periods of  Franchi SPAS-12:
sustained fire, great for those extended
engagements. Often equipped with a basic
telescopic sight (+1 to strike on aimed shots).
 Caliber: 5.56 mm NATO
 Weight: 8.6 lbs
 Damage: 5D6 with standard ammunition
 Range: 1500 feet
 Rate of Fire: standard 
 Payload: 20, 30 or 50 - shot magazines  Caliber:  12 Gauge
 Cost: $1000 in coin or trade  Barrel  21.5 inches
 Length:
 OSA-25 Heavy Sniper Rifle :  Overall  31 inches
 Mode of  Semi-Automatic or Pump Action
 Range:  300 ft
 Magazin  8+1
 A heavy, long-range weapon capable of penetrating
armored vehicles and Lightning Bugs with equal  Weight:  9.6 lbs (4.3 kg)
efficiency, the OSA-25 has acquired the unofficial  Class:  1
moniker 'The Widowmaker' among NORAD Special  Cost:  $ 1000.00
Forces units. Has a telescopic sight standard (+1 to 
strike on an aimed shot).  Benelli M3 Super 90:
 Caliber: .50 BMG
  OSA-30 Combat Shotgun:

 Caliber:  12 Gauge
 Barrel  19.75 inches (50.16 cm)
 Overall  41 inches (104 cm), 31 inches (78.7
Length: cm) with stock folded
 Mode of  Semi-Automatic or Pump Action
 Range:  300 ft (90 m)
 Magazin  8+1 In every war, there are certain weapons that work
e: more effectively than others - and in the war with
the Bugs, the shotgun has often proven to be that
 Weight:  7.6 pounds (3.45 kg)
weapon. The OSA-30 is capable of filling the air - and
 Class:  1 anything unlucky enough to be in the area - with
 Cost:  $1000.00 pounds fo lead in a matter of seconds. Both versions
 are available with telescopic or laser sights (or even
 Stevens 512 Gold Wing Over/Under: both; +1 to strike on aimed shots for each).
  Caliber: 12-gauge
 Weight: Standard: 10.2 lbs / Compact: 6.5 lbs
 Damage: 5D6 shot / 6D6 slug / special ammunition
 Range: Standard: 150 feet / Compact: 100 feet
 Rate of Fire: single shots or 3-shot bursts
 Gauge  12, 20, 28, .410  Payload: 8-shot clip or 16-shot drum
 Barrel  12 GA (28”)  Cost: $1500 Standard version / $1200 Compact
Length  20 GA, 28 GA, 410 GA (26”) version
 Magazin  2
e  Heavy
 Class  1  Barrett M82A1:
 Weight  8 lb 
 Cost  $650.00

 Stoeger Coach Gun:

 Caliber  .50 BMG

 Barrel  29 inch
 Length  57 inch
 Mode of  Semi-Automatic
 Gauge  12, 20, .410 Fire
 Barrel  20”  Range  5000 ft
Length  Magazin  10 round
 Magazin  2 e
e  Weight  28.5 lbs
 Class  1  Class:  1, Restricted in some states
 Weight  6.5 lb  Cost  $6,750.00
 Cost  $400.00 
  M249 Squad Automatic Weapon System (SAWS):

 Caliber:  5.56x45mm NATO (.223
 Caliber:  7.62x51mm NATO (.308)
 Barrel  21 inches
Length:  Barrel  22 inches
 Overall  41.0 inches
Length:  Overall  42.4 inches
 Mode  Fully Automatic
of Fire:  Mode of  Fully Automatic
 Rate of  750 Rounds per minute
Fire:  Rate of  600 rounds per minute / 100
Fire: rounds per minute sustained
 Range:  1500 feet
 Range:  3609.1 feet
 Magazi  5, 10, 20, 30, or 99 round
ne magazines and 200 round belt.  Feed:  100 round belt
Feed:  Weight:  M60 24.5 lbs
 Weight:  16.5 lbs  Class:  3
 Class:  3  Cost:  $6,000.00
 Cost:  $1,500.00
  NORAD Heavy Weapons
 US M2HB Machinegun:  MR-26 Advanced Infantry Weapon System:

 Caliber:  .50 BMG

 Barrel  45.0 inches
 A prototype weapon system that was set for
distribution to the United States Army sometime in
 Overall  61.42 inches
2000, the MR-26 was never able to be formally
introduced. Many of the prototypes have remained
 Mode of  Fully Automatic with NORAD, where the weapon has proven itself
Fire: extremely battle-worthy. With a computer-assisted
 Rate of  500 to 550 rounds per minute scope (+2 on aimed shots) and rugged construction,
Fire: anyone armed with one of these weapons will be
 Effective  6561.7 feet (2000 meters) very well-off.
Range:  Caliber: 7.2mm caseless / 20mm Multipurpose
 Maximum  4.22 miles (6.8 kilometers)  Weight: 14.2 lbs.
Range:  Damage: 7.2mm - 5D6 for standard loads / varies for
 Feed:  105 round belt the 20mm rounds (see below)
 Weight:  M2HB 84 lb  Range: 7.2mm - 1200 feet / 20mm - 800 feet
 M3 Tripod: 44 lb  Rate of Fire: 7.2mm - standard - single shot, 3-shot
burst or full-auto / 20mm - single shots or 3-shot
 Class:  3
 Cost:  $14,000.00  Payload: 7.2mm - 10+1, 20+1, or 30+1 shots / 20mm
 - 6+1 shots or 15+1 shots
 US M60 Machinegun:  Cost: not for sale; rare prototype

 MR-28 Advanced Infantry Weapon System: one attack and initiative; targets over 600 lbs have a
20% chance of knockdown.
MG13 Incendiary: 4D6 damage to a 15-foot radius,
plus the substance sticks to targets, doing 2D6 per
melee for 1D4 minutes. Also, there is a 90% chance
of setting combustible materials aflame.
MG16 Flashbang: No damage; creates a 200-decibel
noise and a 2 million candela flash in a 20-foot
radius, stunning anyone outside of armor (save at PE
- 8); all targets affected lose initiative and 3 attacks,
and are -4 on all combat rolls for 1D4 melee. If fired
directly at someone, can inflict 3D6 SDC in addition
A to the above effects.
prototype weapon system similar to the MR-26, but MG18 Illumination: Creates an illuminated area 300
with the 7.2mm caseless section replaced with a feet wide at ground level for 2D4 melees. 4D6 SDC if
single shot 30mm grenade launcher. With a fired at someone; 75% chance of setting combustible
computer-assisted scope (+2 on aimed shots) and materials aflame.
rugged construction, anyone armed with one of MG21 Canister Round: Essentially a large shotgun
these weapons will be very well-off. round. 2D4x10 SDC, 100 foot range, double damage
 Caliber: 20mm Multipurpose / 30mm grenade within 20 feet!
 Weight: 11.4 lbs. MG22 Smoke: Smoke fills a 20-foot radius in still air;
 Damage: varies for 20mm / varies for 30mm lasts 2D4 melees before dispersing, half that in a stiff
grenades Range: 20mm - 600 feet / 30mm grenade - breeze, one melee in strong wind. Obscures normal
1000 feet vision and nightvision abilities (all affected are at -9
 Rate of Fire: single shots or 3-shot bursts / Single to strike, parry and dodge, and are -4 on initiative).
 Payload: 20mm - 6+1 shots or 15+1 shots / one MG25 Tear Gas: Affects a 20-foot radius and the
grenade effects last 3D4 minutes. Causes severe tissue
 Cost: not for sale; rare prototype irritation; vision is temporarily impaired, there is
 difficulty breathing and skin feels as if it is burning.
 20mm Multipurpose Ammunition: Humans must roll a save versus non-lethal poison at
 MA12 Slug: 5D6 damage -8; does not affect Bugs, but affects Silkworm
MA15 Armor Piercing Slug: 4D6 damage (target's AR Zombies at half penalties (halved again if a save is
-4) made). For those affected there is a penalty of -6 to
MA22 High Explosive Slug: 1D4x10 damage strike, parry and dodge, and initiative is
MA29 High-Power Slug: 5D6+5 damage automatically lost; penalties are halved if a save is
MA33 Hollowpoint: 5D6x2 (target's AR is +6) made. Gas masks and sealed environmental armor
MA36 Anti-Armor High Explosive: will block the effects.
 4D6 (target's AR is halved) MG27 Hyper Tear Gas: Affects a 20-foot radius and
MA40 Single Flechette: the effects last 3D4 minutes. Causes severe tissue
 2D6 damage, double the range (target's AR is -6) irritation to normal humans, Silkworm Zombies and
MA43 Beehive Flechette: Bugs (was specially designed to be effective against
 6D6 damage, add 50% to range (target's AR is -6) Bugs); vision is temporarily impaired, there is
 difficulty breathing and skin feels as if it is burning.
 30mm Launched Grenades: Also, for Bugs, their ability to communicate and
 MG3 Fragmentation: 1D6x10 to a 30-foot radius convert to energy form is temporarily lost (for the
MG7 High Explosive: 2D6x10 to a 10-foot radius duration of the effects). There is no save for humans
MG11 Concussion: 1D4x10 to a 30-foot radius, plus and Silkworm Zombies; full Bugs can roll a save
if a target is hit directly it is knocked over, loses versus non-lethal poison at -8. For those affected
initiative and 3 attacks, and is -4 on all combat rolls there is a penalty of -6 to strike, parry and dodge,
for 1D4 melees. Also, all targets 600 lbs or under and initiative is automatically lost; penalties are
have an 80% chance of being knocked over, losing halved if a save is made. Gas masks and sealed
environmental armor will block the effects.

 Artillery
 M109A4 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer: The M109A4 is just the latest in this series of the world's most
successful SP howitzer that still mounts the M185 155mm cannon. It is able of delivering a devastating
payload of various sorts great distances and then moving quickly before the
enemy locates it. Despite the M109's deceptively large size, it is weakly
armored and is not meant to become directly involved in combat. The
M109 is air transportable.
 Freedom fighters have taken to using the M109 to bombard Bug or
silkworm held positions from far away and then to retreat before the
trajectory can be traced and the howitzer located. A favorite with
NORAD-affiliated resistance groups is to fill smoke shells with bug juice
and then saturating an area. Unfortunately, these vehicles are few and far between.
 Crew: 6; commander, driver, gunner, and 3 fragments. Vulnerable to mines, antitank rocket
loaders and heavy machineguns.
Armor Rating (A.R.): front: 11, side: 9, rear: 9. S.D.C. by Location:
Stops pistol, rifle, light machineguns and
 Main Body - 600 mounted .50 caliber machinegun w/2000
Turret - 350 rounds (2000 carried).
Tracks (2) - 125 ea. Sensory Equipment: Aiming is done through a
Engine - 255 panoramic indirect fire telescope mounted on
M2 .50 Caliber Machinegun - 175 the vehicle's top or through a direct fire
Top Mounted M240 Machinegun - 125 telescope mounted beside and above the
105mm Howitzer - 350 cannon. It has advanced communications
Max Speed: 35 mph (56kph). equipment for coordinating with command and
Range: 186 miles (297.6km; 133 gallons diesel). forward observer groups, NBC protection
Bonuses: +1 to strike; must be immobile to fire. capabilities and crew heaters, and infrared night
Typical Armament: M185 155mm Self- vision capabilities.
Propelled Howitzer Cannon w/34 rounds, roof Cost: $1,600,000

 Model Variant: M109A6 Paladin
Crew: 4; commander, gunner, driver, loader.
Armor Rating (A.R.): Increase all A.R.s by +1.
Speed: 40 mph (64kph).
Range: 214 miles (342.4km; 133 gallons diesel).
Bonus: +2 to strike; must be immobile to fire.
Armament: semi-automatically loaded M284 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer
Cannon with a rate of 8 rounds per minute and carrying 39 rounds, otherwise
the same.
Cost: $2,300,000
The Paladin is an improved M109A5 and has a number of new features, including increased Kevlar armor, a
pressurized crew compartment, onboard navigation and automatic fire control systems, improved infrared
sighting, secure voice and digital communications, and climate control (hot/cold). The Paladin is meant to "shoot
and skoot", meaning it can receive a fire mission, compute firing data, select and take up its firing position,
automatically unlock and point its cannon, fire and move out - all with no external technical assistance. Firing
the first round from the move in under 60 seconds, a "shoot and scoot" capability protects the crew from
counter battery fire.

 M102 105mm Howitzer
 The smallest and oldest of the howitzers while not in current service they are still available in small quantities.
 Length: 17 feet  Weight: 3324lb
 Widt  Ammunition Types:
h: 6  HE: 5d6x10 S.D.C. to 10 feet
feet  Dual Purpose: 4d6x10 S.D.C. to 20 feet
6  AP: 3d6x10 S.D.C. to 40 feet
 Smoke: 20 feet
 Range: 7.2 miles
 R.O.F.: 10 rounds a minute
inches  Crew: 8 total
 Height: 5 feet 3 inches

 New Organitech Weapons & Equipment

90mm “Shrieker” Projectile
This is a modified 90mm shell which is designed to be used against the massive Rhino Beetles. Instead of doing heavy
damage like a standard round, it attaches a “Shrieker” transmitter to the Bug’s carapace to disorient and distract it. Available
for both 90mm recoilless rifles and 90mm cannons, though NORAD plans to make the round available for all standard US
tank and artillery calibers (76mm, 105mm, 120mm, 155mm, etc.).

Damage: Recoilless Rifle: 2D4x10 S.D.C. 90mm Cannon: 2D6x10 S.D.C. Note that this is due to implantation in the hide of the
Rhino Beetle. Once the projectile hits, the “Shrieker” transmitter activates, producing the standard effects described on
page 135 of the Systems Failure RPG.
Weight: per standard 90mm shell.
Cost: $5,000 per shell, but only NORAD has access to them currently. Given the right parts, a sufficiently talented munitions
expert could duplicate the round without too much trouble.

 ZC-1 Field Gun

The ZC-1 Field Gun is the Organitech equivalent to an artillery piece. Powered by a bank of six high-capacity Organitech
energy cells, The ZC-1 can deliver a devastating blast of energy to targets up to a mile away. Its main disadvantages are that
it is an energy hog and that it currently must be towed on a wheeled carriage, which limits its use as an offensive weapon.
Plans are being made to mate the ZC-1 to a tank chassis, but this is proving problematic. However, a couple of NORAD AC-
130 gunships have been retrofitted with the gun, replacing the 105mm howitzer.

Weight: One ton, including the field gun, energy cells, and tow carriage.
Damage: 1D4x100 S.D.C.
Rate of Fire: Twice per melee. It takes seven seconds to cycle another charge.
Effective Range: 1 mile (1.6 km)
Primary Payload: 2 per energy cell, 12 total.
Reserve Payload: Not applicable.
Cost: What, are you kidding? You really think NORAD would part with one of these?

 Bug Buster
Over the past decade or so, NORAD and other groups have learned how to use existing pre-Meltdown technology to detect
Bugs hidden in electronic equipment and hard lines. These devices, called Bug Busters, come in a variety of shapes and sizes,
ranging from small handheld devices to field mobile units transported in vans or armored vehicles. They do have a few
things in common, however. Bug Busters are typically made from damaged radio sets, with units larger than handheld size
including an oscilloscope to aid in detection and identification of bug types. Bug Busters are often used in tandem with
standard radio sets. Interestingly enough, this is perhaps one of the few standard devices that Bugs can not manipulate or
control while inhabiting. However, the “noise” that the Bug generates will alert trained listeners to the presence of the Bug
in the machine.
Weight: Varies. Typical weights are as follows. Handhelds: 1 lb., Portables: 5 to 20 lbs, Field Mobile: 50 lbs or more.
Detection Bonus: +5% for handheld units, +10% for portables and field mobile units.
Effective Range: Handhelds: 100 to 200 feet, Portables: 600 to 1,000 feet Field Mobile: 1 to 5 miles.
Cost: Parts and labor, if you build one yourself. Some of the more established communities let their portables and handhelds
go for the bartering equivalent of $200 to $500. NORAD is more than happy to supply a few here and there to groups who
support their interests. Field mobile Bug Busters tend to be the exclusive property of the community that made them and
not put up for sale.

 NORAD Flawed Organitech Weapons
In the effort to fight the Bugs, NORAD Eggheads developed the Bug Zapper, a form of energy weapon derived
from the Bugs' genetic code. These marvels of bioengineering aare hideously expensive to create, disturbing to
use by many - and just may be the best chance to win back the planet.
 However, the process was not perfected overnight. It took years to analyze the Bug DNA, and years more to grow the first
prototypes. The weapons created were not what NORAD had hoped - extremely variable in size, weight and quality, so
much so that some units were the size and weight of rocket launchers and barely had the range and damage of a .22-caliber
pistol. NORAD was unable to recycle the units back into their raw materials, and so these first weapons sat unused and
stockpiled. Recently, NORAD has decided to begin distributing these weapons to worthy independent Bughunters (saving
the standard models for their regular troops). Note: The weapons created with this table have no fixed prices. If a price is
needed, find the nearest comparable Zapper in the Systems Failure book and subtract 1D4x10% of its price.
 Roll once on each of the following tables.
 Weight:  96-98 - 1800 feet 
 01-10 - Super light (2-4 lbs.)  99-00 - 2000 feet  Payload:
 11-30 - Lightweight (5-8 lbs.)  Damage Die:  01-15 - 5 shots
 31-60 - Not too heavy (9-12  01-40 - D4  16-25 - 7 shots
lbs.)  41-80 - D6  26-35 - 10 shots
 61-80 - Heavy (13-16 lbs.)  81-95 - D8  36-50 - 15 shots
 81-90 - Very Heavy (17 -21  95-00 - D10  51-80 - 20 shots
lbs.)   81-90 - 25 shots
 91-00 - Extremely Heavy (22-  Damage:  91-95 - 30 shots
26 lbs.)  01-15 - Poor (1D)  96-00 - 40 shots
  16-30 - Weak (2D) 
 Range:  31-60 - Average (3D)  Reserve Payload:
 01-10 - 200 feet  61-80 - Good (4D)  01-40 - 1D4 shots
 11-25 - 400 feet  81-90 - Excellent (5D)  41-80 - 2D4 shots
 26-40 - 600 feet  91-00 - Superb (6D)  81-90 - 2D6 shots
 41-55 - 800 feet   91-98 - 3D6 shots
 56-70 - 1000 feet   99-00 - 5D6 shots
 71-80 - 1200 feet  
 81-90 - 1400 feet  
 91-95 - 1600 feet 

 Quirks
 01-10 - reduce range by 1D4 x 100 feet  69-74 - never quite shoots the same twice, -2 to
 11-20 - reduce damage by one die (half damage hit.
if already 1D damage).  75-80 - Gun is constantly making weird noises
 21-30 - weighs an extra 1D6 lbs. but what causes them can not be figured out.
 31-40 - weighs 1D4 lbs. less than usual. The owner of the gun has a -25% penalty on any
 41-50 - reduce range by 1D6 x 100 feet attempt to prowl and / or attempts to hide or
 51-56 - always overheats after 3d4 consecutive otherwise be quiet.
shots (ROF reduced by half).  81-86 - reduce damage by 1/2.
 57-62 - problems with energy capacitor, bleeds  87-92 - add one die to damage.
off 1D4 x 10% of shots in payload every time the  93-97 - explodes on two consecutive rolls of 1.
weapon charges fully. (damage is equal to damage times the number
 63-68 - fails to fire on one specific number, roll of shots left)
randomly, this number is permanent. (still uses  98-00 - slow firing, ROF reduced by 1/2.
energy for the shot - and the GM keeps the 
number secret until the first time it happens.)
 Note: All penalties and bonuses are cumulative. Split the difference if results are the opposite.

 1 Short range survival radio, range 10 kms. One
 NORAD Utility Packs channel only
 1 Heavy duty reinforced space blanket, OD on one
 Trade Pack: This is the set of gear that NORAD most
side, silver on other
often rewards independent Bughunters with. The
gear is generally useful, but the weapons have been  1 Light weight OD rain poncho
lying in storage for decades, even after the
 2 Large heavy duty trash bags
Meltdown brought all weapon production to an end.
 1 Water filter straw
 Approximate Value: $500 to $800
 1 Personal first-aid kit (see below)
 1 watch (wind-up)
 1 Small collapsible plastic bucket
 1 one liter canteen and cup
 1 Water storage bladder
 100 waterproof matches
 1 OD plastic canteen & canteen cup
 1 sleeping bag with carrier
 1 OD BDU pants
 1 20m roll parachute cord
 1 OD tee-shirt
 1 bottle (50) water purification tablets
 1 OD wool sweater
 1 KCB-70 bayonet with sheath
 1 OD wool watch cap
 1 pair boots
 2 Pair grey socks
 2 pair coveralls
 1 OD light weight windbreaker
 2 pair underwear and socks
 1 Pair black leather gloves, w/ OD liners
 1 toilet kit
 4 Boxes of water/ wind proof matches, w/ OD plastic
 1 flashlight container
 1 First Aid kit  2 Disposable lighters
 1 set web gear  1 "Tommy" cooker and 3 boxes, of 25 fuel tablets
 1 rucksack  1 Set KFS (Knife, Fork, Spoon)
 4 days rations for one person  1 Folding pocket knife
 1 compass  1 Knife sharpening stone
 1 Leatherman tool  20 m of OD para cord
 1 M-1 Carbine with sling, cleaning kit, and 9 15-  1 Note pad w/ pen & pencil
round magazines
 1 Signal mirror
 200 rounds .30 Carbine FMJ
 1 Signal whistle
 1 M1917 revolver (double-action .45ACP) with
holster and 6 "half moon" clips  1 Small flashlight
 50 rounds .45ACP FMJ  1 Compass
 2 AN-M8 HC smoke grenades  Toilet paper in sealed plastic bag
 2 M126A1 Red Star Parachute flares  2 MRE meals

 Bug Out Pack: This kit is intended to be used in an  Basic Equipment Pack: This is the gear that is
emergency situation that may arise, like if your base issued to each NORAD soldier; most is either lost in
or hideout is breached and you can't get to your combat or traded off before long, but NORAD
equipment in the vehicle. It can also double as an command expects this - that's why they issue the
emergency bail out kit for a vehicle, once the packs in the first place.
hideout is abandoned. This kit is not intended for  Approximate Value: $300 to $500
long term survival. Contents contained in a small
olive drab (OD) backpack.  Individual Tactical Load-Bearing Vest (ITLBV),
consists of:
 Approximate Value: $600 to $1000
o Suspenders, Woodland w/
 1 Colt .223 M-16 SMG w/ 3 30 rd magazines
 4x M16 Ammunition Pouches
 2x M33 Grenade Pouches o Geiger Tab (1)
o Equipment Belt, Olive Drab w/ Fastex o M1 CBR kit (1)
o Concentrated Meal Bar (9 Bars/ Pouch, 1
o M9 Bayonet and Carrier Bar/ Meal) (5 Pouches)
o Plastic E-Tool Carrier, Olive Drab, w/ o Lighter, Disposable (2)
Collapsible Entrenching Tool
o Flashlight, Crookneck, Olive Drab (1)
o Canteen Cover, Woodland, w/ Plastic
o Box, Matches, Wind & Rain Proof (3)
Canteen and M1 NBC Drinking Cap
o Rope, 50 m, Nylon, Olive Drab (1)
o First Aid Pouch, Woodland
o String, 100 m, Cotton, Olive Drab (1)
o M17A2 Protective Mask Carrier, Olive Drab,
w/ M17A1 Protective Mask o Carabiner, Locking "D", Black (1)
o M12 Ambidextrous Holster, Olive Drab o Satchel, Personal Effects (1)
 Field Pack, Large, with Internal Frame (FPLIF), o Cleaning Kit, Weapons, Universal (1)
Woodland (20 kg) with the Following
 Personal Survival Pack: The survival kit is issued to
o Battle Dress Uniform (BDU), Woodland (2 all NORAD field personnel. The kit consists of two
pr) plastic containers curved to fit in chest or thigh
o M65 Combat Jacket, Woodland, w/ Liner (1) pockets. They are sealed with O- rings and held
together by "C" clamps that run the length of the
o Boots, Combat, Black, w/ armored soles (2 long sides, the clamps being slid off when the
pr) contents are needed.
o Undershirt, Olive Drab (4)  Approximate Value: $75 to $100
o Underwear, Olive Drab (4 pr)  Container No.1
o Wool Socks, Grey (6 Pr)  1 Aluminum dish
o Rainsuit, Gore-Tex, Woodland (1 set, Jacket  1 chapstick
and Pants)
 50 Iodine water-purification tablets
o Field Cap, Ranger, Woodland (1)
 1 bar of soap (3/8 ounce)
o Sweater, Olive Drab (1)
 1 Illuminating candle
o Belt, Nylon, Green with Fastex Buckle (2)
 2 Waterproof receptacles (rubber prophylactics)
o Long Johns, Olive Drab (2 pr)
 11 A.P.C. tablets
o Gloves, Combat, Inner & Outer (2 pr)
 6 Waterproofed matches
o Ground Sheet, Woodland (2)
 1 Single edge razor blade
o Poncho Liner, Thinsulate, Woodland (1)
 3 Band aids
o Sleeping Bag, w/ Outer, Inner, Hood &
 1 Adhesive plaster
Liner, Olive Drab (1)
 1 Boric acid ointment, tube (1/8 oz.)
o Bivouac, Sleeping Bag Cover, Gore-Tex,
Woodland  1 Gauze
o Mosquito Net, Olive Drab (1)  6 Salt tablets (sodium chloride)
o Bedroll, Self Inflating, Olive Drab (1)  1 Mirror with cord attached
o Toilet Kit, Basic (1)  1 Snare wire assembly
o Sun/ Wind/ Dust Goggles, OD Frame w/  Container No. 2
Clear and Smoked Lenses (1)  1 Pliers
o Compass w/ Compass Carrier (1)  16 Oxytetracycline tablets
o Protractor (1)  1 Wrist compass and strap
o Field Message Pad (3) w/ Cover
o Map Case, Olive Drab (1)
 1 Fishing kit (plastic container, 2 wet flies with snell,  Approximate Value: $250 to $400
15 fish hooks, nickel demon with double hook and 3
 1 large backpack
lead strip sinkers)
 16 emergency candles (48 hrs total)
 6 Waterproof matches
 1 camping stove & 12 hours fuel (gasoline)
 1 Single edge razor blade
 1 water purification pump & accessories
 1 Sewing kit (2 needles and thread)
 1 Set of toothbrushes, combs, etc.
 1 Sparking metal (flint)
 1 mini dental kit
 1 Fishing line
 2 large bottle insect repellant
 1 Sun and bug repellent, tube (1 oz.)
 2 magnesium fire starters
 1 Absorbent cotton (2 grams)
 3 small signal mirrors
 1 Chamois
 6 tripwire-activated flare kits
 3 Band aids
 24 Cyalume lightsticks, green
 2 Spare sinkers
 12 Cyalume lightsticks, IR
 Personal First Aid Kit: Some items that might be
useful to tend minor wounds, issued to all NORAD  1 roll luminous tape, 5m
field personnel.  2 mini fire extinguishers
 Approximate Value: $75 to $100  2 rolls olive green duct tape
 Medical kit (13" X 10 1/2" X 2 1/4" box)  1 roll electrical tape
 Cotton swabs  1 pair bolt cutters
 Fever Themometer  1 roll heavy duty wire (10m)
 "Kling" rolled gauze 4" X 5 yards  1 USGI entrenching tool
 80 assorted strip and spot band-aids  2 ea. spray paint cans: green, brown, black, white,
 4 pr. disposable gloves flourescent orange
 Cylume sticks 1 red, 1 yellow  1 machete & sheath
 Wet-proof adhesive tape 1/2" X 10 yards  1 sharpening kit
 Paper adhesive tape 1/2" 5 yards  1 green plastic tarp, 5x7'
 4 oz. drinking water, retort pack  3 waterproof stuff bags
 Eye bath cup (1 Tblspn capacity)  6 sets earplugs
 Neosporin (antibiotic cream)  1 set extra materials & chemicals for weapons
cleaning kits
 Various bandages
 1 USAF pilot's emergency strobelight with 3 batteries
 12 - safety pins
 1 air horn
 2 - 2 gal. zip-loc bags
 1 heavy duty sewing kit with patches
 1 - Cold compress, crush to activate type
 Pump style snake venom remover


7" x 9"
 Vial of Boric Acid Powder (mix 1/64 tsp. of B(OH)3 to 
1 Tbl. or eyewash)
 Vial of Alcohol
 Vial of Hydrogen Peroxide
 The Kitchen Sink: This pack is just a large backpack
filled with lots of stuff that's useful to the average
Bughunter squad.
Concealment 60%
 New Bugs Natural Abilities:
1. Bio-Energy Conversion: Unlike its smaller kin, the
Rhino Beetle’s ability to convert into bio-energy is
 Rhino Beetle (Tier 3) severely limited. It is unable to travel along hard-
 Rumors of massive, tank-like Bugs began to lines or even take bio-energy form without the
circulate in late 2009. At first many were skeptical, presence of a Lightning Bug. Converting to energy
believing the sightings to be overblown reports of form takes a full minute of concentration, during
the well-known Bombardier Beetles. The rumors which time it may not perform any other actions.
were confirmed in January of 2010 when footage Machine Union is impossible for this Bug.
from a reconnaissance raid into Atlanta, Georgia was 2. Bio-Energy Cannon(1): The massive horn-like
presented to NORAD’s high command. Since then, projection above the head of the Rhino Beetle is a
other groups have confirmed sightings as far north as bio-energy blaster of formidable power, capable of
the old Canadian border and as far west as St Louis, firing shots powerful enough to reduce a tank to
Missouri. No word has yet surfaced as to whether or slag. The bio-energy cannon has an elevation and
not the Rhino Beetles exist on the West Coast. Their traverse of 30 degrees, requiring the Rhino Beetle to
existence worries the strategists at NORAD. reposition itself to fire on highly mobile enemies.
Depending on how many exist and where, plans for Range: 12,000 feet (3,660 m)
Operation Landslide may have to be rethought. Damage: 5D6x10 from a standard blast , for a
The Rhino Beetles are the Bug counterpart 1D6x100 double-strength blast, and 2D6x100 for a
to the Abrams Main Battle Tanks, both in terms of “full-power” blast. The double-strength blast counts
their size and their destructive capability. Unlike the as two attacks and the full-power blast counts as four
Abrams however, their current role seems to be that attacks. Note that unlike the bio energy blasters
of reinforcing the defenses of Bugtowns, Bug-held mentioned below, this weapon can not be used for
military bases, and power facilities, as very few have knocking out electronic systems, it is too powerful.
been reported in offensive strikes outside those Note: The Rhino Beetle has difficulty targeting
areas. However in those few instances the Rhino moving objects smaller than a Humvee with this
Beetles, supported by Fire Ants, Killer Bees and weapon. It has a -5 to strike small vehicles and a -8 to
Silkworm Zombies, proved to be capable of strike man-sized targets.
overmatching even seasoned militia units. The 3. Bio-Energy Blasters (2): Used for dealing with
Kentucky Headhunters lost several of their M48A3 smaller foes, these weapons are vent-like projections
tanks in a confrontation outside of Mayfield, on either side of the head. They have the same range
Kentucky when pursuing Rhino Beetles and capabilities as the Killer Bee’s.
outmaneuvered and trapped them. Range: 2000 feet (610 m)
The Rhino Beetle is not infallible, however. Damage: 5D6 per standard blast, 1D6x10 per dual
In spite of its great speed, it can not walk upright and blast (counts as one attack). Note that dual blasts can
must support its bulk on all six legs. Consequently, it only be fired at opponents directly in front of the
has proven be just as susceptible to anti-tank tactics Rhino Beetle due to the positioning of the blasters.
(tank pits, land mines, etc.) as its mechanical Dual blasts at targets to the sides require it to turn
opposites. In a few cases, Rhino Beetles have been and face those opponents.
neutralized by enticing them to cross bridges and 4. Energy Attack as an Energy Being: No attacks are
similar structures that can not support their weight. possible in this form, but touching the Rhino Beetle
The Rhino Beetle has its smaller brethren’s weakness in this state inflicts 2D6x10 damage.
to Bug-juice chemical weapons. Unfortunately 5. Limited Invulnerability: As per the Army Ant.
current Organitech weapons like the heavier Bug
Bombs aren’t as effective as they could be against Magic: None.
the behemoths, so research continues. Psionics: Identical to the Army Ant’s abilities.
Attacks Per Melee: Five physical/ hand-to-hand
Rhino Beetle (Tier 3) attacks or five energy attacks.
Alignment: Diabolic Damage: Rhino Beetles can swipe at enemies with
Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 18, M.A. 20, P.S. 50, P.P. 9, their two front legs for 3D6+38 damage or punch
P.E. 30, P.B. 4, Spd. 77 (53 mph/ 85 km) running. with a closed fist for 2D4+35 (both include strength
Hit Points: 300 S.D.C.: 950 Natural A.R.: 16 bonus). Targets may also be trampled or rammed for
Horror Factor: 14 1D6x10 damage. A bite does 4D6 damage.
P.P.E.: 1D6x100 + P.E. I.S.P.: 60 + M.E. Bonuses (including attribute bonuses): +2 to strike
R.C.C. Skills (or Instinctual Equivalents): Swim 50%, and parry, +5 to strike with Bio-Energy Cannon, +35
Tracking (humans/humanoids, not animals) 75%, to damage (+4 additional hand-to-hand damage for
Land Navigation: 75%, Detect Ambush 50%, Detect every 20 mph of running damage), +10 to saver
versus Horror Factor, +50% to save versus
coma/death. Note: The Rhino Beetle is effectively a Concealment 60%
leader type, directing the smaller Bugs that fight in
support of it. It suffers no penalties when operating * In this case, it is the Earthquake Beetle’s ability to
on its own. examine a particular structure or piece of terrain and
Average Life Span: Unknown, presumably hundreds determine where to attack it to cause it to collapse.
of years. They have no comprehension of the manufacture of
Size: Massive. Estimated to be 25 to 30 feet long and explosives, but understand the use of such and can
about 65 to 70 tons. direct Silkworm Zombies and even Bombardier
Physical Appearance: Resembles a titanic Rhinoceros Beetles on where to place explosives.
Beetle with a dark, glossy green-black carapace, a Natural Abilities:
light grey underbelly, and brilliant blue-green eyes. 1. Bio-Energy Conversion: Identical to the Army Ant,
The horn-like projection above and behind the Rhino but can not perform Machine Union.
Beetle’s head is a bio-energy cannon. Two smaller
blasters project from the thorax on either side of the 2. Energy Attack as an Energy Being: None, but
creature’s head as well. touching the Earthquake Beetle in this state will
cause 1D6x10 damage. Its suicide attack can only be
 Earthquake Beetle performed while in physical form. The Earthquake
Beetle essentially builds up enough energy for five
 (a.k.a. “Mole-cricket” and “Backfire Bug”) melees and blows itself up, inflicting 2D4x100 S.D.C.
The Earthquake Beetle resembles a smaller to everything in a 50 foot radius.
unarmed version of the Rhino Beetle, but with limbs
built for burrowing and digging and no bio-energy 3. Limited Invulnerability: Basically the same as the
armaments of any kind. It takes its name from its Army Ant, but has greater S.D.C. and A.R. in physical
ability to topple the landscape by generating form.
powerful shockwaves with drum-like organs in its
abdomen, either as an area effect blast or a focused 4. Echo-location: They can use this sonar-like ability
range attack. It is presumed that these Bugs, along to navigate underground and locate structural
with the Rhino Beetle, are part of a second wave of weaknesses. This is represented in the Demolition
Bug forces arriving not only to secure energy and Underground Navigation skill listings.
sources, but to eliminate the threat caused by the
increasingly bold humans. Currently, most are 5. Shockwave: The Earthquake Beetle gets its name
encountered in or near Bugtowns, but a few have from its ability to use drum-like organs in its
been on forays out into Free America, typically in abdomen to generate powerful shockwaves to
coordination with Killer Bees and/or Assassin Bugs. damage or destroy natural and man made
Earthquake Beetles are especially feared in structures. Evidently, these “drums” can be directed
the Appalachian mountain range, where their in some fashion, as both focused blasts and area
abilities can cause landslides and other problems for attacks have been documented. In both cases,
militia-men and survivalists who might otherwise be humans (and Silkworm Zombies) caught in the blast
safe from a Bug attack. Unlike other Bugs, must save versus non-lethal poison or be rendered
Earthquake Beetles aren’t as addicted to hard lines, unconscious for 2D4 melees. Humans suffer an
so they can operate in the field a lot longer than additional -2 to initiative and -6 to strike parry and
their other brethren. In fact, it’s been postulated by dodge for 1D4+1 attacks after the blast. Bugs do not
some observers, who have seen Earthquake Beetles suffer from these disorienting effects and Silkworm
apparently sunning themselves, that they prefer Zombies recover at full capacity after 1 attack/action
natural sunlight. once they regain consciousness.

Earthquake Beetle (Tier 2?) Area attacks are by far the most common of the two.
Alignment: Diabolic Burrowing Earthquake Beetles will often use this
Attributes: I.Q. 11, M.E. 14, M.A. 12, P.S. 45, P.P. 12, attack just before surfacing to throw enemies off
P.E. 20, P.B. 4, Spd. 22 (15 mph/ 22 km) running, 12 balance, or, if attacking a free-thinker base from
when digging through soil, 9 through hard clay, 6 below, to bring as much of the structure down on
through solid rock. top the occupants as possible.
Hit Points: 95 S.D.C.: 305 Natural A.R.: 16
Horror Factor: 12 Blast Radius: 250 feet (76.25 m)
P.P.E.: 4D6 + P.E. I.S.P.: 80 + M.E. Damage: 2D4x10 to everything within 60 feet,
R.C.C. Skills (or Instinctual Equivalents): Demolition 1D4x10 to everything from 61 to 125 feet away,
* 60%, Swim 50%, Tracking (humans/humanoids, not 3D6+2 to everything from 126 to 250 feet (76.25 m)
animals) 75%, Land Navigation: 65%, Underground away. Note that damage and range are halved when
Navigation 85%, Detect Ambush 50%, Detect this ability is used above ground.
burrowing Earthquake Beetles have a distinct seismic
Focused attacks are ranged shockwave blasts signature, giving knowledgeable free-thinkers ample
directed at a specific target. To do this, the time to escape from their base... or be flushed out
Earthquake Beetle faces away from its opponents into the open.
and raises its abdomen in the direction of the target.
They are not accurate enough to target man-sized or  Mosquito (Tier 2)
highly mobile targets (can’t see behind itself well-
enough to aim, -8 to strike), but are very effective at  Recently, NORAD changed it's mind that
doing focused damage to structures and terrain. Assassin Bugs were the lowest in Tier 2 after several
reports showed evidence of smaller flying Bugs being
Range: 500 feet (305 m) ordered around by Assassin Bugs on recon patrols.
Damage: 2D6x10 for a standard attack (counts as 2 These Bugs, known as Mosquitos, appear to be only
attacks), 4D6x10 for a high-powered blast (counts as observers with little offensive capability. Their
four attacks). defensive powers are formidable, though, and
against unarmored humans they can be quite
Magic: None. deadly. Mosquitos rarely are found in the presence
Psionics: Identical to the Army Ant’s abilities. of other Tier 2 Bugs, and even among Assassin Bugs
Attacks Per Melee: Five physical/ hand-to-hand their presence seems to be barely tolerated; often,
attacks. the Assassins use Mosquitos as cannon fodder, much
Damage: Earthquake Beetles can attack with their as they do with Army Ants. But Mosquitos never
oversized digging claws for 3D6+30 or crush-squeeze show signs of resistance, they just follow their orders
an opponent for 3D6+15 (half P.S. bonus applied). blindly.
They can also bite for 2D6+6 (no P.S. bonus) with  Mosquito - Also known as Bloodsucker, Point Bug
their powerful mandibles. and Lookout
Bonuses (including attribute bonuses): +1 to
 Alignment: Aberrant; always acts on orders from
initiative, +3 to strike and parry, no dodge bonus, +30
superior Bugs.
to damage
Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 12, M.A. 10, P.S. 20, P.P. 15,
Average Life Span: Unknown, presumably hundreds
P.E. 24, P.B. 4, Spd. 30 on ground, 90 flying.
of years. This form is believed to be a sort of side-
Hit Points: 25 S.D.C.: 80 Natural A.R.: 12
step metamorphosis for Bombardier Beetles before
Horror Factor: 10
transforming into the massive Rhino Beetle, however
P.P.E.: 2D6 + 24 I.S.P.: 52
there is some evidence that suggests Fire Ants may
Skills: Climb 95%/90%, Swim 60%, Prowl 70% (+25%
directly change into this form, mainly the Earthquake
when hiding), Track Humans 70%, Land Navigation
Beetle’s use of six legs versus the Bombardier’s two
60%, Detect Ambush 65%, Detect Concealment 60%,
arms and two legs. As no one has directly observed a
Escape Artist 50%.
transformation of one of these Bug types into
Natural Abilities: 1 - Bio - Energy Conversion:
another, this is purely speculation at this point.
Identical to the Army Ant ability.
There’s even some debate as to whether or not this
2 - Machine Union: Identical to the Army Ant ability.
is even a Tier 2 Bug, but instead a Tier 3.
3 - Energy Attack as an Energy Being: Identical to the
Size: Bigger than a Bombardier Beetle. Roughly 20
Army Ant ability.
feet (6.1 m) long. 7 to 8 feet (2.1 to 2.4 m) tall when
4 - Limited Invulnerability: Identical to the Army Ant
standing on its four back legs and weighs anywhere
from 8 to 12 tons. Not quite as big as a Rhino Beetle,
5 - Bio - Energy Blaster: Identical to the Army Ant
but I still wouldn’t want to get run over by one.
Physical Appearance: Black carapace with shiny
6 - Danger Scent: When a Mosquito detects a
flecks of blue-green. Deep blue underbelly. Arms are
superior force or is on the verge of death, it can send
massive digging claws. Head is somewhat smaller
out a pheromone that alerts all bugs within several
than a Fire Ant’s with deep purple eyes.
miles to the situation. This comes in most handy
Note: Because of their mass, they are unable to walk
when groups of Bugs are operating in areas without
upright, much like the larger Rhino Beetles. However,
many hardlines, and when there is a chance of
they can rear up on four legs to engage in hand-to-
normal bug communications being somehow
hand combat. Also, the issues of stealth and size
intercepted. Range: 3D4 miles, depending on local
faced by the Bombardier Beetle are even worse. An
weather conditions.
Earthquake Beetle is completely incapable of
Magic: none
prowling and can only conceal itself if it remains
Psionics: Identical to the Army Ant ability.
absolutely quiet and still (20% chance). Even if just
Attacks Per Melee: Five physical / Hand to Hand
walking slowly, the brute can be detected from up to
attacks or five energy blasts (each blast counts as
three miles (4.8 km) away with a seismograph. Twice
one attack).
that distance if it is burrowing at top speed. Also,
Damage: Mosquitos can stab and slash with their action before.
short-sword-like claws to inflict 3D6 + 8 (includes the P.P.E.: 4D6 + 24 I.S.P.: 60
P.S. bonus) or strike with a closed fist or forearm to Skills: Climb 95%/90%, Swim 60%, Prowl 70% (+25%
inflict 2D4 + 5 with P.S. bonus. Instead of a bite when hiding), Track Humans 80%, Land Navigation
attack, Mosquitos can stab with their proboscis 60%, Detect Ambush 65%, Detect Concealment 70%,
through armor and into their target, draining their Escape Artist 50%.
victim of fluids in a matter of minutes if Natural Abilities: 1 - Bio - Energy Conversion:
uninterrupted. On a successful strike, the victim Identical to the Army Ant ability.
takes 3D4 damage plus 1D6 damage every melee the 2 - Machine Union: Identical to the Army Ant ability.
Mosquito feeds on them taken directly to hit points. 3 - Energy Attack as an Energy Being: Identical to the
If saved from death, the victim must roll versus non- Army Ant ability.
lethal poison; if failed, the victim is incapacitated for 4 - Limited Invulnerability: Identical to the Army Ant
2D4 days from toxins introduced by the Mosquito ability.
(all bonuses are halved, and skills are at -20%). If the 5 - Bio - Energy Blaster: Identical to the Army Ant
save is successful, the duration is only 1D4 days. ability.
Bonuses (including attribute bonuses): +3 on 6 - Tracking: While Grasshoppers are excellent at
initiative, +4 to strike and parry, +6 to dodge, + 5 to tracking humans by more obvious signs, sometimes
damage, +4 to save versus poison/toxins, impervious these Bugs prefer to hunt using their natural senses
to disease, +6 versus Horror Factor. Note: Mosquitos only. Hoppers can track their prey using their scent
suffer the same penalties as most Bugs when to follow them, whether it be from sweat, blood, or
functioning without a leader (-2 melee attacks, no even their clothing or vehicle if it is distinctive
initiative or H.F. bonus, and all skills are at -15%). enough. Using this ability, Hoppers have been known
Average Life Span: The exact life span of any Bug is to track elusive prey for hundreds or even thousands
unknown to humans, but it is believed that of miles across America. Range: 1D4x10 miles (varies
Mosquitos keep their form for the same length of with local conditions).
time as other Tier 2 Bugs (at least 30 to 50 years). Magic: none
Given their tendency to be at the front of a firefight, Psionics: Identical to the Army Ant ability.
though, amny will die long before they reach that Attacks Per Melee: Five physical / Hand to Hand
age. attacks or five energy blasts (each blast counts as
Size: 5-6 feet. one attack).
Physical Appearance: The Mosquito has the body of Damage: Grasshoppers can stab and slash with their
a giant mosquito, only with armor plating covering it short-sword-like claws to inflict 3D6 + 10 (includes
completely. The head is much like that of the Army the P.S. bonus) or strike with a closed fist or forearm
Ant, but with a long, tube-like proboscis instead of a to inflict 2D4 + 10 with P.S. bonus. The Hopper's
mouth (which is often secreting a liquid, looking like preferred method of attack is the leap, where the
the creature is drooling. Ugh...). Hopper pounces upon its prey and attacks
simultaneously with both forearms. The leap inflicts
 Grasshopper (Tier 2) 3D6 damage, plus 2D4 + 10 from each forearm. This
attack cannot be parried; it must be dodged. This
 Grasshoppers are called the raptors of the attack is very messy, and those who see it (and live)
Bug hierarchy; their entire point of existence is to will never forget it.
kill. Hoppers love the thrill of the hunt and are often Bonuses (including attribute bonuses): +6 on
sent on the most dangerous missions into human- initiative, +4 to strike and parry, +6 to dodge, + 10 to
occupied territory to eliminate threats or gather damage, +4 to save versus poison/toxins, impervious
information. Unlike Assassins, Grasshoppers will to disease, +6 versus Horror Factor.
follow orders all of the time... but only just, Average Life Span: The exact life span of any Bug is
preferring to hunt most of the time instead. Since unknown to humans, but it is believed that
arriving on Earth, Grasshoppers have found that Mosquitos keep their form for the same length of
humans are a most worthy prey (worthy of killing), time as other Tier 2 Bugs (at least 30 to 50 years).
and they indulge themselves often. Thank God there Size: 6-7 feet when standing, 10-11 feet fully
are very few Hoppers observed so far. extended.
 Grasshopper - Also known as Hopper, Raptor and Physical Appearance: The Hopper looks much like a
Ripper Bug bipedal grasshopper, only with armor plating
covering it completely. The head is much like that of
 Alignment: Diabolic always!
the Army Ant, only slimmer and slightly smaller, and
Attributes: I.Q. 18, M.E. 18, M.A. 16, P.S. 26, P.P. 28,
the Grasshopper is a mottled yellow-green color that
P.E. 20, P.B. 4, Spd. 40.
allows it to blend into the background very well
Hit Points: 75 S.D.C.: 180 Natural A.R.: 16
(although not as well as the Assassin Bug).
Horror Factor: 13; 16 when you've seen one in
 Firefly (Tier 2) Physical Appearance: The Firefly has a small upper
body with four arms, which is attached to a huge
 Fireflies are another strain of Tier 2 Bug armor-plated thorax which is always softly glowing
recently discovered by NORAD. These Bugs have a and gives off a lot of heat, especially when the Firefly
great deal of autonomy like other Tier 2 Bugs, but is excited. The head is much like that of the Army
seem to prefer following orders over making their Ant.
own decisions. Fireflies are often seen working
under Stink Bugs and Lightning Bugs, destroying vast
areas with their plasma attacks. It is thought that  Tick (Tier 1)
much of the destruction of the cities was actually  Ticks are the suicide troopers of the Bug
brought about by Fireflies, although there is no proof forces. they get right up to enemy forces and attach
to support this. themselves to their victims, sending out an attack
signal that any Bug within 20 miles can track. This
 Firefly - Also known as Torch, Fire Bug and Napalm
means that Ticks are often killed along with their
 Alignment: Diabolic victims, but this is what they are bred to do so they
Attributes: I.Q. 16, M.E. 16, M.A. 14, P.S. 25, P.P. 22, don't seem to mind. They are hated almost as much
P.E. 24, P.B. 4, Spd. 20 on ground, 60 flying. as Chiggers because once they attach to a victim,
Hit Points: 70 S.D.C.: 200 Natural A.R.: 14 they are almost impossible to remove without
Horror Factor: 13 severely injuring the victim... and in combat, having
P.P.E.: 2D6 + 24 I.S.P.: 64 a Tick with your party is a death sentence. Many
Skills: Climb 95%/90%, Swim 50%, Prowl 60% (+25% Bughunters have been forced to kill teammates and
when hiding), Track Humans 70%, Land Navigation friends because they were attacked by Ticks.
60%, Detect Ambush 65%, Detect Concealment 60%,
 Alignment: Diabolic!
Escape Artist 60%.
Attributes: I.Q. 10, M.E. 12, M.A. 10, P.S. 18, P.P. 15,
Natural Abilities: 1 - Bio - Energy Conversion:
P.E. 20, P.B. 3, Spd. 16.
Identical to the Army Ant ability.
Hit Points: 15 S.D.C.: 60 Natural A.R.: 14
2 - Machine Union: Identical to the Army Ant ability.
Horror Factor: 12
3 - Energy Attack as an Energy Being: Identical to the
P.P.E.: 1D4 + 24 I.S.P.: 38
Army Ant ability.
Skills: Climb 95%/90%, Swim 50%, Prowl 70% (+25%
4 - Limited Invulnerability: Identical to the Army Ant
when hiding), Track Humans 80%, Land Navigation
60%, Detect Ambush 65%, Detect Concealment 60%,
5 - Bio - Energy Blaster: Identical to the Army Ant
Escape Artist 65%.
Natural Abilities: 1 - Bio - Energy Conversion:
6 - Flamethrower: Fireflies can shoot a stream of
Identical to the Army Ant ability.
napalm-like plasma from their thorax that inflicts
2 - Machine Union: Identical to the Army Ant ability.
6D6 damage plus 2D6 per melee for 2D4 minutes
3 - Energy Attack as an Energy Being: Identical to the
after exposure. This attack is often used to clear
Army Ant ability.
large areas of debris, as very little can withstand the
4 - Limited Invulnerability: Identical to the Army Ant
two-thousand degree temperatures generated by
the plasma. Range: 200 feet.
5 - Bio - Energy Blaster: Identical to the Army Ant
Magic: none
Psionics: Identical to the Army Ant ability.
6 - Screamer: When a Tick latches onto a target, it
Attacks Per Melee: Five physical / Hand to Hand
begins sending out powerful telepathic signals to
attacks or five energy or plasma blasts (each blast
other Bugs within 10 to 20 miles, telling them where
counts as one attack).
the target is at all times. It also pierces the body of
Damage: Fireflies can stab and slash with their short-
the target (1D4 damage), sending a thin whiplike
sword-like claws to inflict 3D6 + 10 (includes the P.S.
tongue into the victim's internal organs and
bonus) or strike with a closed fist or forearm to
wrapping around some sensitive piece of flesh
inflict 2D4 + 10 with P.S. bonus. Also, see Special
(heart, lungs, aorta, etc.). This makes the Tick
Abilities, above.
extremely difficult to remove, even after it is killed;
Bonuses (including attribute bonuses): +3 on
there is a 90% chance of major damage (5D6 to hit
initiative, +4 to strike and parry, +5 to dodge, + 10 to
points) if removal is attempted without a surgeon,
damage, +4 to save versus poison/toxins, impervious
and a 65% chance of major damage if a surgeon is
to disease, +6 versus Horror Factor.
Average Life Span: The exact life span of any Bug is
Magic: none
unknown to humans, but it is believed that
Psionics: Identical to the Army Ant ability.
Mosquitos keep their form for the same length of
Attacks Per Melee: Four physical / Hand to Hand
time as other Tier 2 Bugs (at least 30 to 50 years).
attacks or four energy blasts (each blast counts as
Size: 6-7 feet, with a wingspan of 8-9 feet.
one attack). target with wave after wave of the diminutive
Damage:Ticks can stab and slash with their knife-like creatures. These Bugs have the ability to work
claws to inflict 1D6 + 3 or strike with a closed fist or together effortlessly, coordianting massive strikes
forearm to inflict 1D4 with P.S. bonus. without so much as a second thought - or a mistake.
Bonuses (including attribute bonuses): +3 on Because of this, Gnat swarms will never accidentally
initiative, +4 to strike and parry, +3 to dodge, +4 to strike one another during maneuvering or combat,
save versus poison/toxins, impervious to disease, +6 nor will they strike other Bugs (since they know
versus Horror Factor. Note: Ticks suffer the same what's good for them).
penalties as most Bugs when functioning without a Magic: none
leader (-2 melee attacks, no initiative or H.F. bonus, Psionics: Identical to the Army Ant ability.
and all skills are at -15%). Attacks Per Melee: Five physical / Hand to Hand
Average Life Span: The exact life span of any Bug is attacks or five energy blasts (each blast counts as
unknown to humans, but it is believed that Ticks one attack).
have roughly the same lifespan as Army Ants (7 to 20 Damage: Gnats can stab and slash with their spike-
years) because of their combat orientation. like claws to inflict 2D6 or strike with a closed fist or
Size: 8 inches to a foot in diameter. forearm to inflict 1D4. A bite attack does 1D6
Physical Appearance: The Tick looks like its damage.
namesake; round, flat and with six small legs that Bonuses (including attribute bonuses): +5 on
latch onto its target and don't let go. It's head is tiny initiative, +4 to strike and parry, +7 to dodge, +4 to
and almost unnoticeable. save versus poison/toxins, impervious to disease, +6
versus Horror Factor. Note: Gnats suffer the same
 Gnat (Tier 1) penalties as most Bugs when functioning without a
leader (-2 melee attacks, no initiative or H.F. bonus,
 Gnats are another recently discovered Tier and all skills are at -15%), but also go into "search
1 Bug that are often used as suicide troopers by and destroy" mode; the swarm automatically attacks
superior Bugs. Hatched by the thousands, Gnats anything that it perceives to be a threat until either
instinctively form huge swarms often numbering into it is destroyed, the swarm is destroyed, or a Tier 2 or
the hundreds or thousands which act as combat 3 Bug comes along and takes command of the
units, working gracefully as a single killing unit. swarm..
Often, swarms of Gnats are sent out with a few Tier Average Life Span: The exact life span of any Bug is
2 'keepers' who order them to assault targets not unknown to humans, but it is believed that Gnats
deemed worthy of more advanced Bugs' sacrifice. keep their form for the same length of time as other
This fact further strengthens some Eggheads' views Tier 1 Bugs. Given their tendency to be at the front
that Bug society has upper and lower 'classes', of a firefight, though, many will die long before they
although why this is remains a total mystery. reach that age.
 Gnat - Also known as Horsefly Size: 1-2 feet in length.
Physical Appearance: The Gnat is built much like a
 Alignment: Aberrant; always acts on orders from
large housefly, only with armor plating covering it
superior Bugs, even Army Ants.
completely. The head is much like that of the Army
Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 12, M.A. 10, P.S. 16, P.P. 15,
Ant, but with huge, segmented eyes instead of the
P.E. 18, P.B. 4, Spd. 18 on ground, 60 flying.
normal glassy Bug eyes.
Hit Points: 15 S.D.C.: 60 Natural A.R.: 12
Horror Factor: 10
P.P.E.: 2D6 + 24 I.S.P.: 52  Chigger (Tier 1)
Skills: Climb 95%/90%, Prowl 70% (+25% when  Chiggers are some of the nastiest Bugs ever
hiding), Track Humans 70%, Land Navigation 60%, discovered. While not physically powerful or
Detect Ambush 50%, Detect Concealment 50%, deceptive, Chiggers have a tendency to make anyone
Escape Artist 70%. who's seen one in action take them out first in all
Natural Abilities: 1 - Bio - Energy Conversion: future combat. These nasty little creatures are used
Identical to the Army Ant ability. as suicide troops, attacking close enough to latch on
2 - Machine Union: Identical to the Army Ant ability. to their victims and burrow into them, where the
3 - Energy Attack as an Energy Being: Identical to the Chigger proceeds to digest the victim from the inside
Army Ant ability. out. The target is paralyzed but conscious, and can
4 - Limited Invulnerability: Identical to the Army Ant feel their own guts being dissolved as the Chigger
ability. moves throughout the body, saving the brain for
5 - Bio - Energy Blaster: Identical to the Army Ant last. This process can take anywhere from 2D4
ability. minutes to hours or days, depending on how cruel
6 - Swarm: Gnats most often attack in swarms of fifty the Chigger is feeling, and is a most horrible way to
to over a thousand individuals, assaulting their
die. Thankfully, Chiggers are usually found only in colored, somewhat slimy, and with a darkened head.
Bugtowns. Its legs are about six inches long, and its head is like
a streamlined version of an Army Ant's.
 Alignment: Diabolic!
Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 12, M.A. 10, P.S. 16, P.P. 15,
P.E. 24, P.B. 3, Spd. 16.  Maggot (Tier 0)
Hit Points: 15 S.D.C.: 50 Natural A.R.: 15  Observed only deep within Bugged
Horror Factor: 12; 16 once you've seen one eat territories, most adventurers have heard very little
somebody. about Maggots, let alone actually seen one. What
P.P.E.: 1D4 + 24 I.S.P.: 38 few Bughunter groups have gotten out alive of the
Skills: Climb 95%/90%, Swim 50%, Prowl 70% (+25% larger Bugtowns bring tales of foot-long wormlike
when hiding), Track Humans 80%, Land Navigation creatures devouring the remains of other Bug
60%, Detect Ambush 65%, Detect Concealment 60%, victims after Tier 1, 2 and 3 Bugs are finished; a few
Escape Artist 65%. reports indicate that Maggots eat the remains of
Natural Abilities: 1 - Bio - Energy Conversion: other Bugs as well. Some Eggheads speculate that
Identical to the Army Ant ability. the foul little creatures are failed Silkworms which
2 - Machine Union: Identical to the Army Ant ability. have been doomed to clean up after their more
3 - Energy Attack as an Energy Being: Identical to the powerful brethren, wandering the streets and
Army Ant ability. sewers of Bugtowns, eating the remains of the dead
4 - Limited Invulnerability: Identical to the Army Ant to survive. Like the Silkworm, Maggots cannot
ability. transform into energy form or transmit energy, but
5 - Bio - Energy Blaster: Identical to the Army Ant Maggots are self-sustaining and do not require a
ability. host body in order to survive. Stink Bugs (those
6 - Acid Bite: When Chiggers find a tasty target, they responsible for producing the Silkworms)
immediately go about dissolving their armor and immediately abandon these creatures, leaving them
burrowing into the target's body to feed. They to fend for themselves.
produce a very corrosive acid that also acts as a  Maggots can be found in most Bugtowns,
nerve toxin, rendering humans paralyzed upon but are very rare bacause very few Silkworms take a
exposure. The acid their mouths produce is turn for the worse. Only about 3% of all Silkworms
extremely corrosive, and can eat through even light come out as Maggots, and many of these don't
combat armors and vehicles (2D6 damage per melee survive for long. Maggots do not communicate with
for 1D6 minutes - up to 24 melees! And that's per other Bugs (whether they cannot or other Bugs just
individual bite!). Anyone who has seen this process don't respond is unknown), and appear to act
probably has nightmares about it to this day, primarily on instinct.
watching some of their friends eaten from the inside
out.  Maggot - Also known as Carrion Eater, Hyena Bug
and Cannibal
 Magic: none
Psionics: Identical to the Army Ant ability.  Alignment: Effectively Miscreant; acts primarily on
Attacks Per Melee: Four physical / Hand to Hand instinct.
attacks or four energy blasts (each blast counts as Attributes: I.Q. 4 (animal intelligence), M.E. 6, M.A.
one attack). 4, P.S. 10, P.P. 6, P.E. 6, P.B. 2, Spd. 4
Damage: Chiggers can stab and slash with their Hit Points: 8 S.D.C.: 12 Natural A.R.: 5
knife-like claws to inflict 1D6 + 3 or strike with a Horror Factor: 10
closed fist or forearm to inflict 1D4 with P.S. bonus. P.P.E.: 1D4 + 6 I.S.P.: none
See above for damage from an Acid Bite. Skills: none
Bonuses (including attribute bonuses): +3 on Natural Abilities: Acid Bite: When Maggots find
initiative, +4 to strike and parry, +3 to dodge, +4 to something they can eat, they immediately go about
save versus poison/toxins, impervious to disease, +6 dissolving it into a sort of thick nutrient fluid they
versus Horror Factor. Note: Chiggers suffer the same can digest. The acid their mouths produce is
penalties as most Bugs when functioning without a extremely corrosive, and can eat through even light
leader (-2 melee attacks, no initiative or H.F. bonus, combat armors and vehicles (2D6 damage per melee
and all skills are at -15%). for 1D6 minutes - up to 24 melees! And that's per
Average Life Span: The exact life span of any Bug is individual bite!).
unknown to humans, but it is believed that Chiggers Magic: none
have roughly the same life span as Army Ants (7 to Psionics: none
20 years) because of their combat orientation. Attacks Per Melee: Two by biting only.
Size: 1 to 2 feet long, fully extended. Damage: 1D4-1 per bite, and see Acid Bite, above.
Physical Appearance: The Chigger looks far too Bonuses: none
much like a Silkworm at first glance; soft, lightly Average Life Span: unknown; believed to be up to 2
or 3 years.
Size: Ranges from the size of an Earth slug (2 to 3
inches), up to over a foot in length.
Physical Appearance: Far too much like a Silkworm;
soft, white, somewhat slimy, and with a darkened
head and tiny legs near the frontquarters. It's easy to
mistake the two breeds.
G.M. Note: Maggots really don't present much of a
threat to players directly, but the fact that they look
so much like Silkworms should be played up to full
effect. Dropping Maggots onto unsuspecting player
groups can provide some interesting escapades...

to the rest of the town must wait for approval; one
 Camp Deadman's trailer serves as a makeshift barracks / hotel for
those who can afford the $100 per night fee (payable
Switch 
in coin or trade, and includes one meal).
The most notorious building in the Marketplace is
 Goods and Services -
the Roach Motel, the only bar and gambling house in
 Deadman's Switch is a center for trade in the the Switch. Run by Billy Gaines, the Motel serves
northern Flatland and southern Dakota regions, with
traders coming from as far as the League of Free
Cities on a regular basis (usually once every two
months). This makes it a prime target for roving
Warlords and the occasional Bug patrol, but
also a haven for adventurers looking for
supplies, a hot meal and a bed to sleep in
for a night. Outside the town gate a
makeshift marketplace has sprung up, with
almost anything you could want being
bought, sold and traded for twenty-four
hours a day (usually at 150% to 300% of
market value). The only rule here is caveat
emptor - let the buyer beware. A lot of
shady deals go on for merchandise and
services of questionable origin ("Yeah, that
blood on the seat should come right off."), but
nobody here asks questions if they know what's
good for them. Even weapons and ammunition are
traded for (but at 300% to 450% above market value
for the average rifle, more for military weapons or beer
explosives). While trade is unimpeded by the Switch,
Blackshirts are always watching in case a fight breaks (bottled,
out (which is always put down with lethal force, so canned or
very few regular visitors start trouble). Several home brewed for the brave) and hard liquor (usually
makeshift businesses have sprung up as well, mostly moonshine from the still in back, but sometimes real
saloons and whorehouses (if you don't mind an whiskey or tequila) for high prices. The place is
audience) and one chowhouse (just don't ask where always open, always warm, and always active; the
the meat came from if you want to keep your fights are few, the drinks aren't watered, and there
appetite). are always two or three card games going on that
 Within the town walls, the Marketplace is a very are open to new victims (I mean players, of course).
active trading center where salvaged items are sold The Blackshirts keep an especially close eye on the
or traded at reasonable rates. Reputable Motel to make sure no trouble starts there.
Freebooters are allowed within for brief periods (a  Most importantly, there is one shop that sells the
day or two) to sell their stuff at controlled rates town's most important commodity - alcohol fuel.
(usually about 10% to 30% above post-Meltdown With a huge still in the silo, the Bunker Lords can
values). Most common items are available here, and produce thousands of gallons of usable fuel in a
even some weapons and regular ammunition (but no week's time from fermenting the brush and grass
military weapons or explosives). There is a medical found all around the town. Much of the fuel is used
clinic operated by two nurses, and a Sawbones by the salvage patrols, but a fair portion is sold to
usually comes around every six weeks or so. The adventurers for $25 per gallon. Alcohol fuel can only
nurses can set broken bones, tend to gunshot be used in specially modified vehicles (roll
wounds, treat lascerations and burns, and even Automotive Mechanics at -20%; conversion takes
perform minor surgery, although major operations 2D4 hours on a successful roll) and is lethal to drink.
are beyond their abilities. There is a food bank Since alcohol burns cooler than regular fuels, it takes
where canned items and even a few fresh vegetables more of it to achieve a vehicle's regular performance
are available, a parts shop where machine and - to go normal speeds, range is cut to 1/3 of normal,
automotive components can be purchased, and and to get full range the vehicle's speed is limited to
several booths where local artisans sell metalwork, 1/3 of maximum. It takes 1D4 hours to convert the
clothing, shoes, baskets, and other items. The vehicle from one mode to the other with a successful
Marketplace is also where those awaiting entrance Auto Mechanics roll.
 Deadman's Switch: Map Key community'. Those applying for permanent
residence are allowed to keep their weaponry.
 1 - Outer Fence - a chain-link fence topped by coils of
razor wire across its entire length. Trying to scale the  9 - Town Hall / Church - one of two structures
fence without cutting the wire will result in 1D6 standing when the town was founded. Easily sixty
damage, and the character will become entangled years old, the building is made of brick (200 S.D.C.
for 1D4 melee rounds unless he or she tears away per 10 square feet, A.R. 15) and is one of the few
from the fence (rather loudly). Anyone with a wire buildings with a basement. The church serves as a
cutter can get right through. town hall where anyone is welcome for a meal or a
place to sleep until they can find more permanent
 2 - No Man's Land - between the fence and the wall,
housing elsewhere within the town's walls. The
dozens of antipersonnel mines have been scattered
church is also the home of the town priest and the
for those who make it over without being detected.
site of a weekly town meeting where residents can
There is a 1 - 40% chance for every 5 feet of hitting a
voice their views on various issues.
mine, inflicting 2D4x10 to a 10-foot radius.
 10 - Radio Transmitter / Receiver - an 80-foot tall
 3 - The Wall - made up of almost a hundred semi
tower (400 S.D.C.) capable of transmitting FM, AM,
trailers, the Wall is a very substantial structure.
and shortwave radio signals, along with CB signals.
Stacked two high and then filled with dirt, rocks and
Powered by a large generator, the station is usually
concrete, the trailers each have about 1000 S.D.C.
shut down for fear of attracting a Bug patrol and
and a natural Armor rating of 20 (anyone behind
only transmits every month or so to let neighbors
them is safe from anything less than full-power tank
know that the town is still there, or when an
rounds). On top of the Wall tires of various sizes
emergency arises. Any resident can send a brief
have been stacked with coils of razor wire on top of
message for a small fee.
them, providing cover for the patrols that man the
top of the wall day and night (120 S.D.C. per 5-foot  11 - Supply Building ("The Store") - a large structure
section, A.R. 14). (150 S.D.C. per 10 square feet, A.R. 12) where
residents can pick up basic foodstuffs and supplies
 4 - Main Gate - much the same as the Outer Fence
and can barter for more exotic items. Much like a
(1), only able to swing inward to allow people and
combination grocery store / hardware store /
vehicles to enter. Always manned by at least 4 men
clothing outlet, much of the material gathered by
with M-16 or AK-47 rifles (first to fourth level,
the town's search parties ends up here.
average guys with minimal training) with access to a
siren if trouble arises.  12 - Supply Sheds - semi trailers (400 S.D.C., A.R. 10)
with the wheels removed, the supply sheds store
 5 - The Marketplace - a fenced-in area where, once
items unable to be contained in the supply building.
every six to ten days, the town allows outsiders in to
The fence here is patrolled constantly, preventing
buy, sell and trade anything of value. This is also the
any theft (only a 1-5% chance of getting in
place where those awaiting approval to enter the
rest of the town must wait. For those trading, prices
are generally 10% to 30% above post-Meltdown list  13 - Motor Pool - a collection of semi trailers filles
prices (see Systems Failure RPG, page 130), and most with automotive parts and repair equipment. This is
items short of heavy weapons and explosives are the place where people with vehicles can get them
available for a price. repaired and find parts to fix them themselves.
Unfortunately, it is almost impossible for outsiders
 6 - Inner Fence - much like the Outer Fence (1) but
to get permission to bring vehicles inside the town.
always patrolled (only a 5% chance of breaking
inside the town this way).  14 - Residential Area - this is a collection of mobile
homes, recreational vehicles and converted semi
 7 - Inner Gate - like the rest of the fence, but can
trailers (average of 150 S.D.C., A.R. 10) where single
swing inward to allow access to the rest of the town.
males are housed barracks-style, usually with 12 to
Only able to be opened by the four guards manning
15 living in each dwelling. However, there are only
the post next to it on authority from the Council.
about 5 or 6 staying there at any one time, as the
 8 - Registration Building - a wooden structure (150 rest are out on salvage duty or patrolling the walls.
S.D.C. per 10 square feet, A.R. 12) that everyone
 15 - Residential Area - these five trailers house the
entering the town is required to check in with,
few single women who live in Deadman's Switch,
usually under armed guard. Once inside, each person
with six to eight living per trailer.
must submit to a full body search, have all their
possessions inspected and catalogued, and all  16 - Residential Area - all of the trailers on the
firearms and other weapons are confiscated while western side of town house families. Usually there
they are guests of the town... for 'the safety of the are two or three families per dwelling, for a total of
six to ten people.
 17 - Compound Gate - there are only two ways into
the Compound, where the Council watches over the
rest of the town. These gates are the same as the
Inner Gate (7), and both are manned by four to six
guards with M-16s or AK-47s.
 18 - Compound Storage - the building where all the
material brought back by the salvage patrols ends
up. Here it is sorted and cleaned, and those items
suitable for distribution to the town are separated
and put into the storage sheds (12). The rest - heavy
weapons, explosives, military items, etc. - are moved
to the Bunker for use by town defenders.
 19 - Semi Trailers - these trailers are used by salvage
patrols to bring back their booty. At any given time,
60% are full and waiting to be sorted. These trailers
have been fitted with plate steel armor and
puncture-proof tires (500 S.D.C., A.R. 16) to protect
their cargo. The semi trucks are also stored in this
area, but are usually on the road.
 20 - Fuel Tanks - these five tanker trailers now house
the fuel supply for all Deadman's Switch vehicles.
Two are for diesel fuel, one for gasoline, one is for
fuel alcohol and one for kerosene to heat the
residential dwellings. The tanks are guarded at all
times by four to six men with M-16 or AK-47 rifles.
 21 - The Bunker - the seat of power for the Council,
and the most armored place in town. Several levels
deep and capable of housing 150 people
comfortably for three years, the Bunker is also home
to the most precious of the cargoes that salvage
patrols bring back - high explosives, military
weapons, precious gems and metals, and even
military vehicles. None of the residents and few
militia members are allowed inside at any time.

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