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Oramus Charms (repost)

09-10-2014, 02:01 PM
Well, Czernobog wanted a repost of this (presumably for use in conjunction with their whole Realm of Titania thing), so here
goes. This is all 2.5 stuff, and there are a couple bugs here and there, but unless someone else comes along and provides the
impetus, I'm unlikely to get motivated enough to do anything about that.

Dream: Charms with the Dream Keyword exploit or manipulate the target’s dreams. They typically work only
against sleeping targets.
strange order, expand themes of faith and depression, dragon teeth give minions for defense/utility, dragon
tears give visions (scrying),
First Oramus Excellency
The Dragon Beyond the World is alien and unknowable. Existing beyond reality, he disregards natural order,
adhering to older laws and enigmatic principles only he knows. He simultaneously defines and transcends all
boundaries, he shatters expectations and ignores conventions, even as he seals away unknowable realities
within his body. He defines all things by contrast with himself, and lives on the border of possibility, looking
both into and out of existence. The Worm that Digs Through Time is older than existence, and
possesses wisdom commensurate, an impossible genius that defies all odds and finds solutions none thought
possible. The Sevenfold Peacock is an artist without parallel, expressing his inspiration in eye-watering
images and tales that drive men mad. Though a being of Order, the Galleon Atop the Waves of Madness holds
within his belly the Essence of the Wyld, and delights in the discovery of new and exciting anomalies,
the tang of mystery and the texture of uniqueness. He is horror personified, his presence snapping minds and
bringing nightmares unspeakable.
This Excellency may be used in any action which defies conventions, Oramus adores rebellion. It may also be
used to enhance any action associated, however abstractly, with the number seven. It may not be used on any
action in which the Infernal displays doubts, all who’ve spoken with the Infinite Doorway at Saigoth’s Dawn
know of his desperate faith, and he hides all doubts in dark places. Finally, this Charm may be used to
enhance prayer rolls, given that they are not directed at gods, Oramus shuns Creation’s corrupt deities.
Oramus Mythos Exultant
Older and stronger than reality itself, the Dragon Beyond the World waxes with the imposition of his Will
upon the world. Any stunt that resonates with the First Oramus Excellency grants two Willpower instead of
Sorcerous Enlightenment of Oramus
The boundary to end all boundaries, Oramus’ magic is particularly suitable for Spells that destroy or bypass
barriers, reducing the cost of such magic by 10m, 1wp. Examples include Open the Spirit Door, The Parting of
the Seas and The Violent Opening of Closed Portals. Disgusted with the gods and the Exalted, he does not
wish to imitate their ways of rulership and commandments. Any Compulsion, Servitude or Total Control
component of a Spell is ignored. Examples include Curse of Slavish Humility, parts of Threefold Binding of
the Heart and most applications of Droning Suggestion.
Ululating Nightmare Wings
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Dream, Emotion, Obvious
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
Sleeping in his eternal prison, Oramus’ seven wings stretch in invisible directions, touching the minds of all
around him with horror beyond horrors. When the Infernal sleeps, he projects an aura of night terrors,
reaching between (Essence * 20) and (Essence*200) yards, Infernal’s choice. Those who sleep within this area
are plagued by dreams of impossible realities, cyclopean dimensions and horrors beyond Time itself, waking
in pools of their own sweat. Upon waking, they take a -1 internal penalty to their Willpower recovery roll,
plus -1 for each subsequent hour they began in the grasp of the Dragon Beyond the World, to a maximum of
one plus the number of consecutive nights they’ve spent sleeping under the Charm’s effect.
When touching (per the Touch keyword) any single target, the Infernal may spend a single mote, marking their
minds with his power (this manifests as an invisible 0-point mutation) as a Shaping effect. The penalties
someone so marked suffer from the Infernal’s Ululating Nightmare Wings never rise above -1.
Originally posted by Stress
Tracking the Willpower of thousands of individual villagers can easily become tiresome, so one can instead
simplify it by assuming that people in stressful environments (generally those who don’t know if they’ll eat
tomorrow) spend Willpower roughly once a day, people living around or slightly above the limits of
subsistence (most farmers and merchants) spend once every three days, and those who have it made spend
once every ten days and then also assuming that any given die of Conviction grants Willpower once every
three days.

Midnight’s Shadow Scars

Cost: 10m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Desecration
Duration: (Essence) nights
Prerequisite Charms: Ululating Nightmare Wings
In Oramus’ shadow dwells more than fear, there is a madness there, as real and alive as can be. Activating this
Charm, the Infernal specifies a package of derangements worth no more than (Essence) mutation points.
When next she sleeps, anyone affected by her Ululating Nightmare WIngs gains this package at a rate of one
mutation point per night (in an order of the Infernal’s choice). For Essence-wielders, this effect is Crippling
and lasts seven weeks. For mortals, it is permanent. The Infernal may choose not to affect those she has
marked with Ululating Nightmare Wings’ second effect.
If the Infernal also has Horrors Beyond Death, she may exchange any number of mutation points for an equal
number of dots in Whispers.
This Charm should preferably be used with Revlid’s revised mutation system, expanding the types of madmen
the Infernal can create beyond cannibals, nymphomaniacs and Lunars.
Waking Dreamer Paradox Existence
Cost: - (1m); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Ululating Nightmare Wings
Though he slumbers deep, the mind of Oramus is not confined to unconsciousness. This Charm is a permanent
alteration to the Infernal’s dreams. While asleep, his mind awakens in a dark place of impossible forms and
That Which Is Not. In this state, he may perform any purely mental activity, from planning to rigorous mental
exercises, and is considered to have any basic tools save those containing information he does not know. In
addition, a thin line of ephemera connects him to the rest of his form, informing him instantly of anything that
happens to his body, and allowing him to wake instantly at any time by spending a single mote.
As a clarification, this Charm does not split the Infernal’s mind if she also knows the fully upgraded form of
Running To Forever. It does, however, allow her to treat her dreams as a set of basic tools for mental activities
(which may or may not mean something if you have planning rules or whatever).
Touch of the Eldest
Cost: - (1wp); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Dream, Social
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Waking Dreamer Paradox Existence
The Solar Host has bound Oramus as securely as can be done, preventing his every hope of egress.
Nevertheless, the Dragon Beyond the World finds ways, however small, to move around and through his
cages. While asleep, the Infernal senses the number and rough location (down to a precision of 100 yards) of
people affected by her Ululating Nightmare Wings, as well as identify any of them she has tagged with that
Charm’s secondary effect. In addition, by spending a single point of Willpower, she may reach out with her
mind to them, communing with them for a single Scene in a landscape of shared dream-images. In this
scenery, neither party may physically harm the other, and either may end the scenario at any time by spending
one Willpower to wake up.
Sublectic Beast Invocation
Summon the monster under the bed, make oblique references to the Ultimate Darkness originating in this
Absolute Terror Shintai
Turn a vast area around you into a nightmare, “encouraging” everyone to leave and scarring those who stay
for life, physically and mentally. Powered by a desire to be left alone.
Horrors Beyond Death
Cost: 20m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple (Dramatic action)
Keywords: Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: 25 hours
Prerequisite Charms: Ululating Nightmare Wings
The fear of death is the fear of mystery, and the Unknowable Sleeper at Reality’s Rim claims this nightmare,
too, as his domain, drawing wisdoms from the Neverborn and inspiration from the Labyrinth. Activating this
Charm is a dramatic action requiring 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, as the Infernal communes telepathically
with the Neverborn. During this time, her mind is occupied completely with the ineffable koans of the dead,
she may not take any actions not relating to the study of the dead, nor may she restrain the range of her
Ululating Nightmare Wings or exempt anyone from its effects. Upon waking, incidentally not recovering any
willpower, the Infernal emerges changed. For the duration of this Charm, she may (but does not have to)
respire Essence as if a Creature of Death and gains Whispers 5, the words of her fallen brethren guiding her
every step.
This Charm functions as an alternate prerequisite to Plundering Cosmic Tombs, taking the place of
Wickedness Beyond Life.
Unliving Horror Incarnation
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Avatar (1)
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Horrors Beyond Death, Sorcerous Enlightenment of Oramus
It is said that when the first Neverborn died, died and died again, as the Primordial Host gasped and turned
their eyes from the inconceivable, Oramus smiled, fondly regarding the miracle of a new beginning. The
Infernal may learn Necromancy Spells of the Iron Circle and cast those Spells through the initiation of
Oramus while under the effects of Horrors Beyond Death. In addition, she treats time spent activating that
Charm, as well as time spent sleeping or meditating under its effects, as time spent with a tutor for any
Necromantic Spell.
At Essence 5 and with an additional purchase of Sorcerous Enlightenment of Oramus, this Charm may be
repurchased, increasing its effects to the Onyx Circle of Necromancy.
Above Reality’s Foam
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Borgstromantic, Combo-OK, Shaping
Duration: (Essence) actions
Prerequisite Charms: None
No cage but himself can hold the Dragon Beyond the World, for he can slip through the cracks and pathways
in reality lesser beings cannot even conceive of. While this Charm is active, the Infernal gains the ability to
selectively ignore the solidity of matter, treating anything he desires as though it was dematerialized with
respect to him and his equipment (or vice versa if he is himself dematerialized). This Charm only functions
against things that are still, a sword can not be slipped past, only dodged. Any solid material still inside the
Infernal when this Charm ends is stuck, coexisting harmlessly with his body until such time as he reactivates
the Charm, releasing the trapped stuffings of reality.
Alternately, the Infernal may touch (per the Touch keyword) a still volume no larger than (Essence) yards in
radius, turning it intangible with respect to everything but that which it rests on and that which rests on it (at
the time of activation) for the duration.
At Essence 3, this Charm can be repurchased, allowing the Infernal to increase its duration to One Scene by
paying an additional (+2m, 1wp).
Shattered Staff Curse
Cost: 4m, 1wp Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charms: Above Reality's Foam
Underneath the rules and strictures of man and Primordial alike lie a fundament of language, of
communication. In the Time of Glory, the Dragon Beyond the World found a great pleasure in dragging this
seemingly solid ground out from under the ground of his peers and lessers, laughing as they struggled to adapt
to new ground. The Infernal selects a character who can hear him, and speaks a single word that warps their
connection to Nirvikalpa, rendering them unable to communicate in a single language. They speaks in a
booming voice, and men hear just an infant babbling. They write, and their brush-strokes are illegible.
Similarly, the cursed loses any ability to understand the language when it is spoken by others.
A Raksha under the effects of this Charm takes a -3 external penalty on all Staff Shaping attacks.
At Essence 4, this Charm may be repurchased, making its duration Indefinite and allowing the Infernal to
activate this Charm in long ticks to affect a Magnitude of up to her (Essence+2).
Invoked Firmament Disjunction
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Borgstromantic, Combo-OK, Geometry-OK, Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charms: Above Reality’s Foam (x2)
It was Oramus who forged the Firmament, enclosing those things within Creation while shutting out those
without it. This Charm generates an artificial firmament, a shimmering blue wall which completely encloses
an area fitting within a sphere centering on the Infernal and with a radius of (Essence*10) yards. The Infernal
may either fit his barrier to an existing one (say, the walls of a building) or shape it as a sphere; the prototype
for Creation’s sky.
Only heroic or enlightened beings can move themselves or others past its impenetrable glow, at the cost of
1wp. After spending 2wp, a character becomes attuned to the barrier and needs spend no more Willpower
against this Charm in that Scene. Any Charm or ability which allows a character to bypass a door or wall (save
for dematerialization, Oramus’ power stretches even across the chasm of the material) also allows passage past
the boundary generated by this Charm.
At Essence 4, this Charm may be repurchased, increasing its duration to Indefinite and giving it the Stackable
keyword, allowing the Infernal to maintain up to (Essence) simultaneous firmaments, though he may not place
one inside another or otherwise overlap them, Oramus cannot cross himself.
At Essence 5, this Charm may be repurchased a second time, increasing the maximum radius of the Infernal’s
Firmaments to (Essence*100) yards. A third purchase at Essence 6 increases it further to (Essence) miles.
In the Wyld, the Firmament covered by this Charm instead covers up to (Essence) waypoints. With two
repurchases, it instead covers (Essence*10) waypoints, with three, (Essence*100).
Originally posted by Firmament
Some Charms reference Firmaments. This means only such Firmaments as created by Invoked Firmament
Disjunction, not the actual sky.

Reality-Redefining Pressure
Cost: 5m, 1wp, Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Special
Prerequisite Charms: Invoked Firmament Disjunction
In the presence of Oramus, no rules are certain. The Infernal chooses one of his Firmaments within
(Essence*10) yards and
Meromorphic Translation Technique
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Invoked Firmament Disjunction
Distance does not inconvenience the Dragon Beyond the World. That which he desires, the world brings to
him. That which disturbs him, it removes from his presence. This Charm has three modes.
If the Infernal is inside or touching a Firmament, he may summon any object inside that Firmament to his
hand, so long as he can describe it.
If the Infernal is inside a Firmament, he may banish any object he is touching (as per the Touch keyword) to a
random spot no further than (Essence) yards outside that Firmament.
If the Infernal is outside and touching a Firmament, he may banish any object he is touching to a spot he can
describe inside the Firmament.
If the object being transported is a living creature, it may resist by succeeding at a (Stamina or Wits +
Resistance or Integrity) roll against the Infernal’s (Essence + Willpower). A creature that has successfully
resisted this Charm cannot be affected by it again in the same scene.
Originally posted by Objects
As a reminder, an object is defined as anything no larger than a Yeddim

Originally posted by Yeddim

As a reminder, a Yeddim is a creature just small enough to be an object

Niruphadika Dead and Bleeding

Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Invoked Firmament Disjunction
Space as mortals know it is an innovation, created as part of Creation’s vast web, and the Dragon Beyond the
World does not much care for its restrictions. This Charm supplements an attack made inside a Firmament,
allowing that attack to strike any point inside that Firmament. The Infernal suffers appropriate penalties (i.e.
all of them) for attacking things he doesn’t know where they are. This Charm costs an additional willpower
when used against a target more than (Essence*50) yards away (this restriction does not hold in the Wyld,
where distance is a nebulous concept at best).
Absurd Oligopresence Jest
Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable, Obvious, Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: Three actions
Prerequisite Charms: Niruphadika Dead and Bleeding
As dictated by Niruphadika, all bodies have a location. This, savants know. What they do not know, due to
cruel rules of Creation, is that this is only a lower limit. This Charm may only be used inside a Firmament.
The Infernal chooses a single unoccupied location within that Firmament, and ties it to his own, appearing in
the chosen location through a crack in time. For the duration of this Charm, he is treated as existing in both
places (even should he leave the Firmament), allowing him to look (and be seen), move (and be moved),
attack (and be attacked) eitherwhere at impunity (he must still flurry if he attempts to take more than one
action, regardless of how he divides his attention between his locations). When the Charm ends naturally, the
Infernal chooses which location he ends up in, the “other him” disappearing as it came. Should it be
counterspelled, the counterspeller decides instead.
This Charm may be repurchased, increasing its duration to One Scene.
At Essence 6, this Charm may be repurchased again, allowing the Infernal to co-locate into Firmaments other
than the one he stands in by paying an additional (+4m, 1wp).
Biting Nishkriya’s Hand
Cost: 4m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2) or Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Invoked Firmament Disjunction
Scorning needless strife, the Dragon Beyond the World does not allow that which disturbs him to approach the
space within himself. This Charm can only be used inside a Firmament, and supplements either a Defend
Other or Blockade Movement action, allowing that action to stop an attack or character going from one side of
the Firmament to the other, oramaic Essence severing the Shinmaic bonds necessary for anything to slip past
the boundaries of his wings.
In addition, the Infernal may explicitly stunt any attack targeting her through a Firmament as though she had
used this Charm to stop it, though this effect is Obvious (this does not mean he cannot stunt like this without
this Charm).
At Essence 5, this Charm may be repurchased, allowing the Infernal to pay an additional (+4m, 1wp) to
increase the duration to One Action and apply the selected action to all eligible targets (Blockade Movement is
rolled only once, applying to all targets, and any Charm applied at the Charm's activation affects all
instantiations of the action).
Sword-Stopping Cosmic Roar
Cost: 8m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Biting Nishkriya’s Hand
In their games, the Raksha sometimes name the lesser aspects of Nishkriya, and bring strife into the world.
But when Oramus’ seven voices speak the name of the Sword herself, no violence can touch him, for that
word transcends all aggression. This Charm acts a perfect parry, the Infernal’s sudden shout negating the very
concept of attacking him for but an instant.
This Charm may be repurchased with Essence 5, allowing the Infernal to increase its duration to One Action
by paying an additional (+2m, 1wp). Doing so prevents him from attacking by himself, however, Nishkriya’s
invoked touch perfectly preventing all of his attacks from reaching their goals or hurting even a fly. An
additional repurchase allows him to add (+6m, 1wp) to the base cost and prevent all attacks by or against
anyone within (Essence*10) yards until his next action.
All-Encompassing Monster Stomach Shintai
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Simple
Keywords: Blasphemy, Chicanery-No, Form, Obvious, Overdrive, Shaping
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charms: Meromorphic Translation Technique, Niruphadika Dead and Bleeding
There are rumors that the bound dragon in Malfeas is not Oramus’ only Jouten, that he has another, a
monumental amphibian within whose belly lies the whole of Creation. Those in the know scoff at this
hypothesis, for if it were true, then the Dragon Beyond the World would have already crushed his every foe.
This Charm can only be activated while the Infernal is inside one of his Firmaments. The Infernal’s body
slumps as seven streamers of Essence extend from his back, connecting him to the boundary above. The
artificial sky shifts, taking on properties of the Infernal’s Anima, incidentally blocking all sight in or out of the
area. The Infernal gains several advantages:
• If any place in the Firmament has a property that is useful to him (demesnes, Places of Desolation,
etc.) he may treat himself as being in that place for the purposes of that effect.
• He may make Awareness rolls from any spot within the Firmament.
• He gains an Overdrive pool with a capacity of five motes. He receives four Overdrive motes each time
he uses Niruphadika Dead and Bleeding
• Counterspelling the Firmament requires Sapphire Countermagic
If the Infernal ever finds himself not inside the Firmament, this Charm instantly ends.
Greater Shintai of the Dragon Beyond the World
Cost: ; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Permanent

Heaven in a Handbasket
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Simple (Dramatic action)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: Invoked Firmament Disjunction (x2)
When the young Exalts of the First Age spoke to Oramus and heard of his desire to grasp the Golden City of
Yu-Shan in his forty-nine claws and throw it in the mouth of the Void, they laughed. When they told the joke
to their elders, those ancient paragons of might grew nervous, and went to see that that the Dragon Beyond the
World was as securely bound as always. This Charm may not be used inside a Firmament. The Infernal
chooses one of his Firmaments no further away than (Essence*10) yards and makes an appropriate theatrical
gesture with an appendage of his choice. Over the course of the next minute, the chosen Firmament shrinks
and moves, ultimately landing snugly in the Infernal’s hand. If the Firmament’s borders cross the walls of a
magical structure, it fails, though any mundane barriers are cleanly severed. The transformed Firmament is
partially severed from outside reality, it ignores outside movement and gravity, remaining always still and
upright on the inside. It otherwise functions as normal, pushing either side with an object sends it in or out and
vision is not impaired in any way by the change in size (a fact which confuses those not familiar with the
nature of Oramus’ power). This Charm gains the Blasphemy keyword if it is used on a volume with a diameter
above 100 yards. If this Charm or the Firmament it affects is dispelled, the area returns to its usual size, fitting
best it can into the extant surroundings without inflicting harm.
Being/Nonbeing Paradox Theorem
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
Oramus exists, and so he does not. He does not, and so he does. From this fundamental paradox of being, the
Dragon Beyond the World spins an ever-changing thread, and stitches himself into reality. The Infernal’s
appearance slowly changes, some details rising to the surface as others recede over time. He gains a floating
pool of mutation points equal to his (Essence+2), which he may spend on both physical and mental mutations.
Each day, as the sun rises, he may move one of these points to a different mutation, or alternatively apply or
remove a single zero-point mutation to himself. If this results in partially paid-for mutations, he gains an
appropriate lesser variant. If no lesser variant exists, the mutations are cosmetic but without any mechanical
effect. In areas where a day cycle does not exist, he treats every cycle of 25 hours as a day; in areas without
linear time (including all levels of Wyld), each Scene change.
Stretching Outside Understanding
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Illusion, Shaping
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Being/Nonbeing Paradox Theorem
Oramus’ is a tale riddled with misconceptions and confusion, for his slide across realities muddles disparate
possibilities and introduces alternative histories, that none may know the truth of the Dragon Beyond the
World. Anyone trying to recall information about the Infernal must roll (Wits + Integrity) with a difficulty
determined by the time since they learned it (1 if a single Scene has passed, 2 for a week or 3 for a year).
Success allows the character to remember as normal for the Scene. Failure results in the character recalling an
internally consistent yet false set of events.
Assumption of Mu
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Assumption of Mu, First Oramus Excellency
Ask what Oramus is, and you will receive no answers. Ask what he is not, and you will receive them all. Any
action or ability that reveals something about the Infernal automatically succeeds, but instead reveals that
some other thing, which must be plausible and fitting with the question asked (as determined by the
Storyteller), is false. Against Charms, this effect usually results in a roll-off, to which it provides (Essence)
bonus successes. If possible, this Charm returns a different negative each time.
Example: Bob the paranoid Slayer uses Insignificant Embers Intuition on John the puny Malefactor.
Normally, the Charm would reveal that John has Essence 2, but if he wins the roll-off, it Bob will instead
learn that John doesn’t have Essence 3, leaving him wondering if John is weaker than his own Essence 3, or
outweighs him at Essence 4+. Paranoid as fuck, Bob continues to check, eventually eliminating each step
from 4 to 10, at which point he has spent 18 motes, and John frustratedly asks his teammate why he didn’t just
ask about it.
Toothless Mites Mocked
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping
Duration: One week
Prerequisite Charms: Being/Nonbeing Paradox Theorem
In the Time Before, Oramus danced with the children of Chaos, laughing as they tried, one by one, to Shape
him into harmlessness. It gave him great pleasure, watching them congratulate each other over defeating him,
only to return to his full glory and devour them. Activating this Charm, the Infernal chooses a single Shaping
effect and suppresses any of its effects on her or her equipment. After one week, or when it would otherwise
end, a Shaping effect so suppressed falls off, congealing into a small but useless trinket, a memory of battles
past. An Infernal with this Charm treats all Shaping effects it can affect as Obvious.
Eternal Dragon Glanced
Cost: 12m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 2)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charms: Toothless Mites Mocked
Though he does not even approach Luna’s mastery of form, Oramus yet possesses uncountable bodies, a
kaleidoscope of possibilities covering his totality of being like so many scales. When struck, he rushes and
twists through the realities, interposing his strongest parts and guarding the lesser ones.
Taste of Life and Memory
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Combo-OK, Manvantara, Touch
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Being/Nonbeing Paradox Theorem
To the Dragon Beyond the World, existence is naught but a cornucopia of new tastes and experiences, and he
delights in sampling its every moment. Touching an object, the Infernal gains a sudden synesthetic awareness
of the following:
• Whether someone (animals don’t count) touched it within the last week, and in that case the name of
who last did so.
• The name of anyone attuned to it.
• What it tastes like.
At Essence 4, this Charm automatically upgrades, its first functionality automatically filtering out non-Exalted
beings with an Essence score less than (Infernal’s Essence - 2).
In those Manvantaras where the Kalpa exists (a paradoxical statement if ever there was one), this Charm also
grants knowledge of which Manvantara an object hails from.
Swallowed Madness Bezoar Biology
Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Taste of Life and Memory
Like a cat eating its own hair, Oramus’ stomach contains shimmering marbles formed from the Chaos he has
sampled. This Charm grants the Infernal the ability to spit balls of coagulated madness. Seeking out the
Essence of the realm that spawned them, these bezoars add +2 accuracy and deal Aggravated damage against
Creatures of the Wyld. They otherwise have the following Traits and count as thrown weapons:
Speed 5, Accuray +2, Damage +4L/2, Rate 2, Range 100, Tags O
If the Infernal has used Taste of Life and Memory on a Creature of Death or a being heavily associated with a
world, Primordial, Yozi or Incarna (including any GSP with at least one Charm from that Yozi and counting all
five Maidens as a single entity), she may pay 2xp to also gain the ability to spit bezoars seeking out that type
of being instead.
This Charm may be repurchased, refunding the cost of up to two bezoar types and granting the Infernal the
ability to pay 4m, 1wp to increase the duration of this Charm to One Scene for the purposes of a single bezoar
Sevenfold Rainbow Pearl Conjuration
Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Shaping, Sorcerous
Duration: One hour
Prerequisite Charms: Swallowed Madness Bezoar Biology
To Oramus, to be far away from a place is not the same as not being there, for wherever he goes, he brings all
those things which he has tasted within him, to be brought forth as suits his temper. The Infernal’s throat (or
throat-equivalent) swells momentarily, and he regurgitates a single, perfect pearl, pulsating with alien laws
and principles. The pearl radiates tempered madness, turning an area out to (Essence) yards into
Bordermarches. The Wyld-radiance of the pearl is of limited potency, attempting to use Wyld-Shaping
Technique (or equivalent) on the generated area immediately drains and shatters it.
This Charm may be repurchased, allowing the Infernal to commit the motes, increasing the duration to
Indefinite, and also to use it to instead create pearls that generate Shadowlands, areas with rules mimicking
those inside Primordials, or, in a pinch, plain Creation, provided he has visited those places.
Reality-Raking Claws
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite Charms: Taste of Life and Memory
Those things which fascinate or anger Oramus, he erases, that their memory might serve as his muse and
comfort. Upon hitting the target, an attack supplemented by this Charm leaves a small crack in the target, a
jagged, otherworldly thing that shines from within with alien light. Should they die or be destroyed while this
crack remains on them, the crack spreads, covering their body entirely in a matter of moments before they
explode in a fine shower of rapidly dissolving dust. This effect completely annihilates both body and soul of
any target with less than Deathlord immortality as a Shaping effect (bypassing most Shaping defenses due to
technically occurring after the target’s death), leaving but a faint trace of intangible Essence that ties around
the Infernal’s soul. The Infernal may use these Traces when crafting, infusing her creations with the essential
nature of her fallen foe, treating them as an exotic component much the same in nature as they themselves
could have been. She may tie up to seven Traces to herself at a time, and may reflexively discard any Trace
she holds at any time.
History Consumed and Digested
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Illusion
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Reality-Raking Claws
Like that of his nemesis, the curiosity of Oramus is a terrifying thing indeed, for that which he spirits away, it
is never heard of, and it is never missed. This Charm enhances its prerequisite, allowing it to consume
memory itself for her projects. In any Scene where that Charm annihilates a target, the Infernal rolls (Wits +
Willpower). Anyone within (Essence*100) yards of a target is subjected to an Unnatural Illusion effect if their
MDV is lower than the rolled successes, convincing them that the target never existed (this Illusion costs two
Willpower to resist, resisting it twice in a Scene renders one immune to further applications for a week).
Intimacies relating to the target remain, but are eroded one step for each day the target remains under the
Illusion. Memories stolen by this Charm are infused into the acquired Traces, Oramus has many odd
applications for such things.
This Charm may be repurchased at Essence 4, allowing it to affect any extras (regardless of MDV) within
(Essence*10) miles. A second repurchase at Essence 6 extends this range to all reality.
Corpus-Body Avatar Shintai
Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form, Obvious
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Eternal Dragon Glanced
Continuous mutation,

When the most ancient Primordial Host was finally defeated and the Exalted and their divine patrons
discussed their imprisonment, the Dragon Beyond the World received more attention than possibly any of his
soon-to-be Yozi brethren, for of all the Primordials, it was he, the master of paradox and impossibility who
was most likely to escape with the odds so weighed against him, and, though Malfeas might crush the world
or Kimbery drown it, it was his return and its twin heralds of nightmares and madness made real that most
frightened those poor souls who had suffered through it. That he might never find a way out, the Dragon
Beyond the World was in all ways trapped and limited, above and beyond any other Yozi, that his captors
might sleep just slightly sounder at night.
Firstly and famously, they held him down and tied him in his own wings, the one thing that his power would
never allow him to pass through.
Second, they devised to forge a great many chains to tie him in, making them from the swiftest flowing
Moonsilver, that no matter how he squirmed, they might follow him and keep him bound, and with a core of
paradoxical Adamant, to see and counter any of the impossibilities he might try for his escape. To the ends of
each chain, they tied one of the Dragon’s fellow Yozi, that he would carry Hell on his back wherever he tried
to venture and so never truly move from his original location.
Third, they took the border of his belly, the grand Sky of his inner being, and twisted that ancient sphere that
its insides pointed out and its outsides in.
With ink and scars that would not fade, they scribed upon his fettered body a Grand Working, an elaborate,
complex proof that as Oramus was fettered, he was free, and should he be free, he would once again be
fettered, locking him between the two, forced to escape the paradox by being neither, and thusly unable to act.
They sang him a lullaby, and as he fell into slumber, they stole it away, that he might not sleep and unleash his
wings of nightmare, nor wake and struggle against his confinement
Using great care and secret rituals, they slew his Second Soul, Despes, the Unmoving Image of the Soul,
shattering Oramus’ hope at the core, that he might never again feel true belief in himself and his ability.
Assembling a strike team of the cleverest of Lunars, Luna herself guided an expedition into the depths of the
Beyond, where they defeated Oramus’ dreamself and bound him there as well, for they feared even what the
Dragon Beyond the World might do in his dreams, feeble as they might be.
And when they had done all this, they despaired, for they had done seven things, and seven was the number of
Oramus. So they turned to clever Autochthon, who had until then not dared even approach the Sevenfold
Peacock, for his heart held a fear as great as the Exalted’s for him, and without their bravery to temper it. But
now, the Tinkerer Transcendent dared touch Oramus, and now, seeing the flaws and virtues in his children’s
designs, he forged for eight years and eight days, and finally he made a lock, a tiny block of brassy color from
which rose an arc of chrome, and attached it to the Dragon’s nose, where it sits still.
And then, as with all things of the great imprisonment, the records were sealed, hidden and burned, only
Jupiter knows their fullness and even then only maybe, the extents of her wisdom are, as always, an enigma.

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