Math g6 October Revision EngEslamEmam

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ENG. — EMAM ar ae Revision Math primary 6 2024 oH |) . e— Math primary 6 ——____________ First-Term ———+ (1) In the equation: 378 + 25 = 15 R3, the dividend is ............. © 378 25 ©15 @3 (2) In the equation: 544 + 12 = 45 R4, the divisor is ... @ 544 12 ©45 (3) In the equation: 5,314 + 15 = 354 R4, the quotientis ..... @ 5,314 15 © 354 (4) In the equation: 1,860 =~ 32 = 58 R4, the remainder is ... ® 1,860 32 ©58 (5) In the equation: 2,150 25°=)86" the remainder is @o 2,150 ©25 (6) 820 + 24 = 34R...... @o 2 ©4 @6 (7) 6,280 + 25 = ® 215 R5 © 251 R5 ©251 @255R1 (8) A school has 1,440 students which distributed between 24 classes equally. How many students are in each class? © 40 50. ©60 ©70 (9) Eslam saves 210 L.E weekly. How much did he save daily? ® 10 ©20 ©30 @©40 | 1 —— EngEsiam Emam ————— o1004041878 —+ e— Math primary 6 ———__——______ First-Term ———. (10) The smallest prime number is ... @0 1 @3 (11) The smallest odd prime number is ..... @o0 1 ©3 (12) The only even prime number is @0 © a pe ® ©3 (13) The Th factor ofal of all numl @o \ 14 a= x 3 (14) Thee Lh ple of 7" @o (15) which of the 3 ‘me $y i. © 20 @15 Oo (16) which of the following i is nota prit “Eee =- (17) The G.C.F ao series @1 3 @15 (18) The L.C.M of 3 and 5 is ©? ENG°ESLAMFEMAN" (19) The G.CF of 6 and 12 is ............. @1 6 ©12 @7 (20) The L.C.M of 6 and 12 is ............ @1 6 ©12 @72 2 —— EngEslam Eman 01004041878 ——+ e— Math primary 6 ——___________ First-Term ———+ (21) The G.C.F of 10 and 15 is ............. @ 10 15 ©5 ©30 (22) The L.C.M of 10 and 15 is ............ ® 10 15 ©s5 ©30 (23) In the opposite Venn diagram, the G.C-F is ............. On 2 © 10 ©30 (24) In the opposite Venn diagram, the L.C.M is @1 2 ©10 ©30 (25) In the opposite Venn diagram, the G.C.F is.............. @1 2 ©7 ©14 (26) In the opposite Venn diagram, the L.C.M is ............: COD COD GO» an gy GD WwoH CQ) (27) from the opposite Venn diagram G.CF = ..... @6 210 @42 ©30 (28) from the opposite Venn diagram L.C.M = .... @6 © 210 ©42 ©30 | 3 —— Eng Esiam Emam ————— o1004041878 —= e— Math primary 6 —_________ First-Term ——» (29) the G.C.F of two relatively prime numbers is ..... @o0 1 ©2 @3 (30) which of the following are relatively prime numbers? ............. @ 2and10 @4and9 ©4and6 @8and6 (G1) 354+42=__(5+6) @ 35 =e" + Pe | @7 (32) 16+ 24=8 =, @ 24 @ = oy) | ao. (33) 8+ ae = A @24 (34) 10445 =5(__ SATE): © 10,40 ©5,40 © “Tees ‘Ba BE | = 5 — of © = 3 @ @; @: o os NG. ESLAM FMAM © 82 @s= @8s os: (38) 25-15 = @1; @; ©13 @} | 4 —— EngEslam Eman 01004041878 ——+ e— Math primary 6 ——————_____ First-Term ———. (39) which is an integer? ..... @ -0.2 @+ ©-10 O35 (40) which of the following numbers is an integer? @ -# 4 oz ©32 (41) the smallest counting number @o (42) the smallest ratory "Al | ®o (\* 4 l= -O21 a ®-10 (43) the greatest doeatheot inte a @ -2 (44) the greatest numb: on lowing i: @-2 @- olice | \o-1 (45) the greatest non oe @1 veq -1|\— ©2 a ce (46) the smallest -negative integer is @1 0 -1 ®-[-1] (47) The number . is neither positive nor negative. ®1 ENG, BSLAM EMANF (48) the integer which just next -5 i @ -3 -4 @-5 @-6 (49) the integer which just before -1 is . @ -2 0 @1 ©2 5 —— EngEslam Eman 01004041878 —+ e— Math primary 6 ———__——______ First-Term ———. (50) Each number in the set of integers is called ............. ® element set © subset © not subset (51) the additive inverse of -2 is ............ @-2 2 ©o @4 (52) the opposite of 5 i: Es © @5 ©o | @-7 (53) the opposite ofS @5 f (54) the opposite oft \ @s5 @-7 (55) the opposite of the sit AS eee 4 @-5 © @10 (56) in the opp @®-1 ©-3 (5) — 4a (57) which of the following is nearest t @ -4 ©4 ©2 ee ENG gESLANLE AM = —2 @> & i ©= 0-3 ([] -[-3] @> < ©= 6 —— EngEslam Eman 01004041878 ——+ e— Math primary 6 ———__——______ First-Term ———. (61) All the following numbers are rational except ............. @o 5 ©; @; (62) All the following numbers are rational except ............. 2 4. 4 on 7 7 On (63) the best subset of the number 1 ® ® counting number \ © natural number © integer r X (64) the "tT An set of the ® aa number © inte yp (65) The best subset of esti eeee ® counting number © inte ger (66) The best sul ibset of peat a. © counting numl © integer (67) - 4 eee set of counting numbers. © does not "i +“ Oo ENG. ESLAMCERIAI (68) the opposite of - 5 ............. set of natural numbers. ® belongs to does not belong to @is a subset of © is not a subset of 7 —— EngEslam Eman 01004041878 —+ e— Math primary 6 ———__——______ First-Term ———. (69) - 2.5 ........... Set of integers. ® belongs to does not belong to @is a subset of @ is not a subset of (70) set of integers .. . Set of rational numbers. ® belongs to does not belong to @is a subset of (71) set of natural ... = @ “wt ‘ At to @isa sub |. isnot. Be aaah eS Stephen © is not _ o! a, (73) the number 5 in “6 is not a subset of ® belongs to ©is a subset of (75) the number -1.5 in the form £ is o-+ENGeSLAM-E = Vi Aghea 3 ) 5 7 @> @< ©= mms L- @< ©= = Eng-Eslam Emam ————— 01004041878 ——e e— Math primary 6 ——————_———__ First-Term ——— (78) 0.7 [_] 0.65 @> @< ©= m= [os @> @< @= (80) the greatest wot from the following is ............. @: “et (81) the wan © 0.11 (82) assess e | ©0125 — — (84) the absolute a | = @-1 o} 1 3 ee rail » ©35 @ 2 (85) the opposite of |- : is... (86) °7 ena? ks| ANE + NV AA f @42 @o @-2: @2: (87) the absolute values of opposites are ....... @® equal © different © negative @ other 9 —— EngEslam Etatn 01004041878 ——+ e— Math primary 6 ———__——______ First-Term ———. (88) [2| x |-2) = @o0 @4 ©-4 @-1 (89) |-10| + |-2| [_] |20| — |-10) @> @< ©= (56) |—7| > wwe ol. > @ |-6| |-8] ©|-9| (90) which of th following is ig is an algebraic a" @ 44-34 “a VA © 15a —32 28 (91) which of the follo © 462-25 MAE © 15a + 2x (3414) (92) The constant in the mi @2 | om © 5 (93) The coo Re expression eS AS cos sessecaaes @2 @2x +5" @s5 (94) The constant in the algebraic expressi +3y+2x+ are. eae G oF APE | \ Al / nO51 (95) The Né in oiAN ion 5+ 3y + 2x4 1are Ny @5,3,2,1 ©32 ©3,2,1 @51 (96) Which of the following are like terms? @ 25,52 © 2b, 2c ©ab,ac Onm 10 —— EngEstam Eman 01004041878 ——+ e— Math primary 6 ——____________ First-Term ———+ (97) The number of terms of the expression: 5 — 2m — 3m + 4is ... terms. OS -2 ©-3 @4 (98) the number of like terms in the expression 3 + 2x + 5is .......05 @1 @2 ©3 @4 (99) 2 + 31. + 5, complete to get a numeric expression. @a k ©30+5 @btc (100) we subtract 5 from the number x, we get @ 5x © sx @x-5 @Ox+5 (101) Three times a number less two is ..... @3x+2 O3xh2 © 2x3x oF (102) Three times a number less than two is ............. @2+ 3x © 3x%-2 © 2x3x @2-3x (103) Subtracting 3 from double a number @n-3 @2n-3 ©3n+2 @5n (104) Twice the difference of a number and Sis.............. @2yt+s @2y-5 @2(v+5) O©2(~y-5) (105) The algebraic expression " Twelve less than three groups of y” is. ----- @12-3y @3y-12 ©y-12 @12-y (106) Laila saved n L.E. and her mother gave her 5 L.E., she will have ... L.E. @n-5 @n+s ©5n @s-n (11 —— Eng Esiam Emam —————— o1004041878 —+ e— Math primary 6 ——__—_______ First-Term ———. (1) 8,529 +25 = 341R...... (2) The divisor in the equation: 16,692 +52 = 321is. (3) The smallest prime number is @) 6 i. 6 | (7) The 4 8 (8) The GCF ofS an is, (9) The L.C.Mof5 and 7 is (10) i (11) The L.C: sarees (12) The GCF ofeando B= (13) In the opposite Venn diagram eC y siatctiene CQ AF, (14) rafsel Ga verbasdila’ A M LIVI [peo COD | 12 —— EngEslam Eman 01004041878 ——+ e— Math primary 6 ———__——______ First-Term ———. GO» (15) In the opposite Venn diagram , the G.C-Fis...... (16) In the opposite Venn diagram, the , the L.C.M is... (17) The G.C-F of ly so is. (18) 8(5 + 4) ‘a = (19) 18 + t= Z mT |= (20) 5(2+ __)=1043 (1 9 4+2)=94+ 1 1_ (28) 10 > 5 ga | 13. ——— EngEslam Eman 01004041878 ——+ e— Math primary 6 ———__——______ First-Term ———. (29) (30) GBI) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (4) (42) (43) (44) (45) Each number in the set of integers is called ... The smallest counting number is ...... The smallest natural number is .... The smallest positive integer number is .. The greatest negative integer tis soe The greatest non-ppsitive inte i: negative. rel integer whic! acl A \ The integer which just before - 1 is = (59) —2 < = (60) -3 — [+3] 01004041878 ——e e— Math primary 6 (61) All the following numbers are rational except @o 5 ©; (62) All the following numbers are rational except 2 x @o0 ; o- (63) the best subset of the number 1 is ............ '® counting number natural number ©integer @ rational number (64) the best subset of the number 0 is. ..... ® counting number tural number © integer © rational number (65) The best subset of the number -5 is .. ® counting number natural number @ rational number (66) The best subset of the number 4.854 is ... ® counting number natural number © integer @ rational number (67) - 4 v.02 Set of counting numbers. ® belongs to does not belong to @is a subset of @is not a subset of (68) the opposite of - 5 ............ set of natural numbers. does not belong to @is a subset of @is not a subset of 7 —— EngEslam Eman ————. 01004041878 ——

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