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History of Western Society Value

Edition 12th Edition McKay Test Bank

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1. The Petrine Doctrine implies the
A) authority of the bishop of Rome over other bishops.
B) rejection of classical knowledge.
C) supremacy of the church over the state.
D) infallibility of the pope.

2. Why is Justinian's Code important?

A) It provides a rare glimpse into the daily functioning of Germanic societies.
B) It was the first law code in the West to reject the use of capital punishment.
C) It had a profound influence on Islamic law.
D) Along with Justinian's Digest and Institutes, it became the basis for civil law in
almost every modern European nation.

3. Bridget of Kildare is remembered for her

A) efforts in support of Saint Patrick's conversion of Ireland.
B) life of ascetic monasticism in Egypt.
C) rise to power and influence as the wife of Justinian.
D) opposition to the misogyny of church leaders such as John Chrysostom.

4. Recent research stresses that the terms German and Celt can best be understood as
A) racial terms of differentiation.
B) linguistic terms of differentiation.
C) tribalistic terms of differentiation.
D) terms describing different material cultures in northern Europe.

5. How did Diocletian seek to demonstrate the emperor's exalted status?

A) He had ten members of the Senate publicly executed in the Forum, their names
drawn by lots.
B) He established a new religious cult of the emperor that recognized the emperor as a
divine being and required sacrifices to him.
C) He created a new imperial coin that joined the image of the emperor with the image
of Jupiter.
D) He adopted the court ceremonies of the Persian Empire and required people
entering the emperor's presence to prostrate themselves.

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6. According to Ambrose of Milan, a well-ordered Christian society depended on the
A) supremacy of the secular authority.
B) supremacy of ecclesiastic authority.
C) adoption of the Arian concept of the relationship between church and state.
D) recognition of the church as superior in spiritual matters and the state as superior in
secular matters.

7. What did Arians believe?

A) That the bishop of Rome held supremacy
B) That Christ's nature was inferior to God's
C) That God and Christ were coequals
D) That the church was subordinate to the emperor

8. How did the position of tenant farmers change in the late third century?
A) The barbarian raids forced many tenant farmers to give to landlords their land and
their rights to move in exchange for protection.
B) The barbarian raids undermined the power of the Roman landlords, leaving tenant
farmers as the ruling authorities throughout the provinces.
C) The expanding markets throughout the Roman Empire created large profits, which
permitted many tenant farmers to escape their debt obligations.
D) The expanding Mediterranean trade permitted Roman landlords to force tenant
farmers into greater servitude to meet the demands of eastern markets.

9. The Council of Nicaea established a creed in favor of what Christian doctrine?

A) That the bishop of Rome served as the Holy Father for all Christian communities
B) That the Bible represented the inerrant word of God
C) That Christ is eternally begotten and of the same substance as God the Father
D) That the resurrection of Christ was a symbolic event and not a literal resurrection
of his body

10. How did Pope Gregory I seek to protect the city of Rome?
A) He placed Rome under the authority and control of the emperors of the Eastern
Roman Empire in Constantinople.
B) He overthrew the last Roman emperor and declared himself the leader of the
Roman people, calling on all Romans to embrace Christianity to earn God's favor.
C) He adopted the model of the Roman imperial bureaucracy and applied it to the
church in order to strengthen the importance of the Roman papacy to the church.
D) He made agreements with barbarian groups who had cut off Rome's food supply
and reorganized church lands to increase production.

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11. How did the development of cenobitic monasticism alter monastic life?
A) Cenobitic monasticism emphasized communal living rather than the isolated
tradition of the hermits.
B) Cenobitic monasticism isolated monasteries away from human populations, while
the hermits established themselves within major cities where they could perform
charitable works.
C) Cenobitic monasticism required frequent devotions throughout the day rather than
the weekly devotion required of hermetic monks.
D) Cenobitic monasticism required the practice of severe asceticism and flagellation in
place of the simple prayer of the hermits.

12. What was the main idea of Saint Augustine's The Confessions?
A) Homosexuality and heterosexuality should be equally accepted in society.
B) Sexuality was clearly linked with sin.
C) God created the material world and sanctioned marriage.
D) Abstinence from sex was a sin.

13. In City of God, Saint Augustine stated that

A) the church was free from sin.
B) tainted priests could not administer the sacraments.
C) secular states were unnecessary.
D) history is the account of God acting in time.

14. In The Confessions, Saint Augustine suggested that

A) secular states were unnecessary.
B) Greeks and Romans had nothing to offer Christians.
C) humans have an innate tendency to sin.
D) heaven was not literally a place but a metaphor.

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15. How did the role of women change from the early Christian church to the third century?
A) The early church had forbidden women from any public participation in religious
work, but by the third century, women were allowed into limited leadership roles in
female monasteries.
B) The early church had almost no female members, since Jesus had exclusively
recruited men, and their later entrance into the church led church officials to permit
women only in minor, marginal roles.
C) Women played an active role in the early church, preaching as missionaries and
sometimes martyred for their faith, but restrictions soon were placed on their
activities, and they were excluded from holding official positions in Christianity.
D) In the early church, women were permitted minor roles to support the work of men,
but by the third century, women had key leadership roles throughout the church

16. Which of the following characterizes the barbarian groups of northern Europe?
A) Because they were nomadic people, there was little difference in wealth and social
status within the society.
B) Because they were nomadic people, the tribal chieftains and their warrior elite
controlled nearly all of the wealth and held privileged status in society.
C) Within the barbarian villages, the poor natural resources resulted in a common
poverty with little disparity.
D) Within the barbarian villages, there were great disparities of wealth and status.

17. Among the barbarian tribes, what was the wergeld?

A) The shaman who directed the spiritual life of the tribal community and could
communicate with the gods
B) The money paid by someone who caused a personal injury to the victim or his
C) The practice of passing all lands and titles to the eldest son in order to preserve the
family's prominence
D) The armbands worn by warriors that indicated their clan and their status within the

18. Beyond their religious duties, what function did the druids serve?
A) They determined political alliances for the tribe.
B) They negotiated trade agreements with other tribes.
C) They orally passed downs laws and traditions over generations.
D) They selected marriage partners in order to maintain family alliances and civil

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19. The success of The Rule of Saint Benedict was the result of its
A) emphasis on spirituality.
B) allegiance to the bishop of Rome.
C) moderation and adaptability.
D) rejection of classical ideals.

20. What role did the foederati serve?

A) They provided the Roman army with the food supplies needed by a mobile army
frequently on the move.
B) They were military units of free barbarians who allied with the Roman army.
C) They were barbarian merchants who served as political and economic mediators
between the Romans and barbarian populations.
D) They were private militias hired by individuals to pursue blood vengeance against
their enemies.

21. In their earliest forms, the Arthurian legends likely express

A) an idealized form of knightly chivalry.
B) Celtic hostility to Roman invaders.
C) Celtic hostility to Anglo-Saxon invaders.
D) Christian virtue and values adapted to pagan society.

22. Why did the Visigoths and other Germanic peoples migrate westward?
A) Nomadic steppe people of Central Asia, such as the Huns, were pressuring them
from the east.
B) Superior agricultural lands in western Europe attracted the Germanic people as
they adopted settled agriculture.
C) The retreat of Roman forces from these areas created a political vacuum that the
Germanic people moved to fill.
D) Exceptionally cold decades in the mid-third century forced the Germanic peoples
to seek more favorable climates for agriculture.

23. How did the arrival of the Huns affect the Germanic peoples?
A) The Germanic peoples were fractured into numerous small clans, which left them
vulnerable to Roman forces.
B) The Germanic peoples were compelled to form large, more unified units that would
be able to attack the Roman Empire more easily.
C) The Germanic peoples adopted the Huns' use of horse and mobile military tactics
to enhance their ability to destroy the Roman Empire
D) The Germanic peoples were largely destroyed as an organized society and were
soon taken over by other nomadic peoples.

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24. What advantages did Clovis gain from his conversion to Christianity?
A) He gained the right to collect taxes on behalf of the church and keep a percentage
of the revenues.
B) He gained the right to appoint church officials throughout his domains, permitting
him to place loyal followers in key positions.
C) He gained control over church lands, which substantially expanded his political
D) He gained the support of the Bishop of Gaul in his efforts to defeat tribes that were
pagan or Arian.

25. According to Germanic law codes, how did German society generally view women?
A) Women were relatively equal to men.
B) Women were completely valueless.
C) Women were revered and even dominant.
D) Women were legally subordinate to their husbands.

26. What did Christianity provide for Barbarian rulers?

A) Inconsistency and instability
B) Similar beliefs as those of their pagan followers
C) A message of obedience to kingly authority
D) Clerical officials chosen by and fully submissive to kingly authority

27. How did common people become familiar with Christian ideas as Christianity spread to
barbarian people?
A) Through the hymns, prayers, and stories of the lives of Christ and the saints written
in monasteries and cathedrals
B) Through priests established in each village who taught distinct catechisms to local
C) Through the houses of the emerging noblemen who proved their loyalty to the
church by educating their peasants
D) Through theatrical troops who performed stories from the Bible

28. How was the appropriate penance determined for specific sins?
A) The penance was set according to the type of financial damage caused by the sin.
B) Manuals offered priests guidance on the appropriate penance for sins.
C) Local nobles or kings established rules for penance in order to limit the authority of
the church.
D) The penance was largely arbitrary, based on an individual priest's opinions of the
sin's seriousness.

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29. The Orthodox Church is the title usually given to the
A) church as it existed at the time of Theodosius.
B) church prior to the legalization of Christianity.
C) Western Christian Church.
D) Eastern Christian Church.

30. Why was the city of Constantinople difficult to capture in war?

A) It was located on a high mountain bluff only accessible by one well-guarded road.
B) It had excellent fortifications and walls that were kept in good repair.
C) It sat on a peninsula that was protected by the sea on three sides and a well-guarded
causeway on the fourth side.
D) The region surrounding it was largely barren, making it difficult for attacking
armies to feed and support themselves.

31. How did Justinian reform Roman law?

A) The law was clarified, and outmoded laws were eliminated and contradictions
B) The law code was set around the central principle of defending imperial authority,
thus giving it coherence.
C) The law was allowed to adapt itself to different Germanic tribes so that it was
relevant to individual people.
D) The law was reformed around distinctly Christian principles in order to reinforce
the new faith.

32. Which of the following characterizes Byzantine intellectual achievements?

A) The Byzantines discovered little that was new in science and mathematics but
passed Greco-Roman learning on to the Arab world.
B) The Byzantines' development of literature was hampered by their refusal to
embrace the Greek language in defense of their Roman heritage.
C) The Byzantines generally ignored the field of medicine, which they believed
interfered with the will of God.
D) The Byzantines failed to develop the field of law, believing that law would limit
the powers of the emperor.

33. What King unified the Frankish people, conquered southern Gaul, and converted to
Roman Christianity?
A) Theodosius
B) Diocletian
C) Clovis
D) Attila

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34. What name was given to Diocletian's division of the Roman Empire?
A) The Petrine Doctrine
B) Tetrarchy
C) Wergeld
D) Comitatus

35. What was the written alphabet of the barbarian society found in Scandinavia and
A) Hieroglyphics
B) Phoenician alphabet
C) Runic alphabet
D) Cuneiform script

36. What was the doctrine that recognizes that all bishops can trace their spiritual ancestry
back to Jesus's apostles?
A) Tetrarchy
B) Apostolic succession
C) Sacraments
D) Wergeld

37. What are sacraments?

A) Eremitical forms of monastic life
B) Religious leaders with legal and educational training
C) Rituals in which God bestows benefits on the believer through grace
D) Communal forms of monasticism

38. What Germanic tribe revolted against the emperor Valens and defeated a Roman army
at the Battle of Adrianople in 378 C.E.?
A) The Bulgars
B) The Khazars
C) The Franks
D) The Visigoths

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39. "They are not at all adapted to battles on foot, but they are almost glued to their horses,
which are hardy, it is true, but ugly. From their horses by night or day every one of the
nation buys and sells, eats and drinks, and bowed over the narrow neck of the animal
relaxes into a sleep so deep as to be accompanied by many dreams." What horse warrior
people is Ammianus Marcellinus speaking about?
A) The Visigoths
B) The Vandals
C) The Franks
D) The Huns

40. "If any person strike another on the head so that the brain appears . . . he shall be
sentenced to 1200 denars." What Germanic practice is described in this quote?
A) The Petrine Doctrine
B) Tetrarchy
C) Wergeld
D) Comitatus

41. "But do not burden your conscience with the thought that you have any right as Emperor
over sacred things." What bishop of Milan is quoted here, refusing to surrender his
basilica to Emperor Theodosius?
A) Ambrose
B) Boethius
C) Odoacer
D) Benedict

42. "We desire that all peoples subject to Our benign Empire shall live under the same
religion that the Divine Peter, the Apostle, gave to the Romans, and which the said
religion declares was introduced by himself . . . that is to say, in accordance with the
rules of apostolic discipline and the evangelical doctrine, we should believe that the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit constitute a single Deity, endowed with equal majesty, and
united in the Holy Trinity." What Byzantine ruler is quoted here?
A) Ambrose
B) Boethius
C) Odoacer
D) Theodosius

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43. "They have a beverage made from barley or wheat, fermented into something like wine
[that is, beer]; those nearest the frontier also purchase wine. Their foods are simple, wild
fruits, fresh game, or curdled milk: they satisfy their hunger without fancy preparation
and without seasonings. They do not have the same moderation regarding thirst. If one
would indulge their intoxication by furnishing as much drink as they long for, they will
be conquered no less easily by their vices than by arms." What people's drinking habits
are described here by the Roman historian Tacitus?
A) The Greeks
B) The Romans
C) The Gauls
D) The Germans

44. In the middle of the third century, the Roman Empire

A) was expanding rapidly in all directions.
B) was stable, peaceful, and prosperous.
C) was at the height of its power.
D) faced internal turmoil and external attacks.

45. Diocletian divided each part of the empire into administrative units called
A) dioceses.
B) tetrachs.
C) basilicas.
D) satraps.

46. The early Christian Church benefited from

A) the administrative abilities of church leaders.
B) its clear separation from the Roman social hierarchy.
C) the strength and solidity of the Roman imperial government.
D) the prosperity of the third and fourth centuries.

47. After the Roman imperial capital and the emperor moved to Constantinople, the power
of the bishop of Rome grew because
A) he became the defacto political ruler of the Western Roman Empire.
B) he was the only patriarch in the Western Roman Empire.
C) he had opposed this move.
D) the move drew barbarian attacks away from the west and toward the east.

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48. Scholars have been hampered in investigating barbarian society because
A) Roman authors were uninterested in barbarian peoples.
B) barbarian writings have not yet been deciphered.
C) most groups did not write and thus kept no written records.
D) most barbarian written records were lost or destroyed.

49. Barbarian groups usually

A) were led by women.
B) survived by hunting and gathering.
C) lived in small villages.
D) lived in large encampments.

50. Historians have labeled the years 500 to 1066 the __________ period of English history.
A) Celtic
B) Roman
C) Anglo-Saxon
D) Germanic

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Answer Key
1. A
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. D
6. D
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. D
11. A
12. B
13. D
14. C
15. C
16. D
17. B
18. C
19. C
20. B
21. C
22. A
23. B
24. D
25. D
26. D
27. A
28. B
29. D
30. B
31. A
32. A
33. C
34. B
35. D
36. B
37. C
38. D
39. D
40. C
41. A
42. D
43. D
44. D

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45. A
46. A
47. B
48. C
49. C
50. C

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