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Formative Form A

1- The term used to describe a decrease in

responsiveness to a drug which develops in a few
minutes is:

a) Refractoriness
b) Cumulative effect
c) Tolerance
d) Tachyphylaxis
2- A 42 years old male patient came to hospital
complaining of dropping of the left upper eye lid
with sunken eye and dryness of left side of the
face, on examination his left eye showing miosis;
the cause of this condition may be:
A- Lesion of thoracic sympathetic ganglia.
B- Lesion of cervical sympathetic ganglia.
C- Lesion of lumbar sympathetic ganglia.
D- Lesion of the oculomotor nerve.
3- The following sympathomimetic acts indirectly:
a) Epinephrine
b) Norepinephrine
c) Ephedrine
d) Methoxamine
4- The greater splanchnic nerve is one of the
autonomic nerves. Stimulation of this nerve
A-inhibition of micturition.
B-inhibition of defecation.
C- decrease blood glucose level.
D- secretion of hormones from adrenal medulla.
5-Therapeutic index (TI) is:

a) A ratio used to evaluate the safety and usefulness

of a drug for indication
b) A ratio used to evaluate the effectiveness of a
c) A ratio used to evaluate the bioavailability of a
d) A ratio used to evaluate the elimination of a drug
6- The neurotransmitter released at the
preganglionic sympathetic nerve fiber to
adrenal medulla is:
C- adrenaline.
D- dopamine
Short essay
1- Define tachyphylaxis

2- enumerate autonomic functions of facial

Formative Form B
1- Which effect may lead to toxic reactions
when a drug is taken continuously or
a) Refractoriness
b) Cumulative effect
c) Tolerance
d) Tachyphylaxis
2- Facial nerve is one of the cranial nerves that
carry autonomic fibers. Stimulation of these
fibers will produce :
A- Glycogenolysis in liver cells
B-Vasodilatation of renal arteries
C- Increased adrenal secretion from suprarenal
D-Increased secretion of lacrimal glands
3- A competitive antagonist is a substance that:
a) Interacts with receptors and produces
submaximal effect
b) Binds to the same receptor site and
progressively inhibits the agonist response
c) Binds to the nonspecific sites of tissue
d) Binds to one receptor subtype as an agonist
and to another as an antagonist
4- Acetylcholine is one of the chemical transmitter
released by fibers of both sympathetic and
parasympathetic nervous system. It is not released
A-postganglionic sympathetic fibers to cardiac
B- postganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the lung
C- postganglionic sympathetic fibers to sweat
D- preganglionic sympathetic fibers to adrenal
5- Direct effects on the heart are determined
largely by:
a) Alfa1 receptor
b) Alfa2 receptor
c) Beta1 receptor
d) Beta2 receptor
6- stimulation of fibers originates from LHCs of
upper two thoracic segments cause:
1- pupilloconstriction
2- True salivary secretion
3- pupillodilatation
4- contraction of ciliary muscle of the eye
Short essay
1- enumerate 4 symptoms of Horner syndrome.

2-Define idiosyncracy
‫جامعه بنها االهلية‬
‫كلية الطب البشرى‬
Principles of physiology and pharmacology, (PPP 112)
Continuous Exam (1). Form A
Date: 31/ 10/2022
Allocated time ( 25 min)
Total allocated marks (10 marks)

‫اسم الطالب‬
‫الرقم االكاديمى‬

I-multiple choice questions (MCQs):16 questions each 0.5 mark

1- A medical student is doing a summer research project evaluating the percentage of drug absorbed orally
in a mouse model. Several characteristics of the agents are evaluated such as acid/base status, solubility, and
size of side chains. Characteristics of the studied agent that would be best absorbed following oral
administration in the tested mice would most likely include
A Bulky charged side chains
B Lipid solubility
C Strong base
D Water solubility
2- In a healthy adult male weighing 70 kg, most of the body fluid (40%) is presented as:
A Intracellular fluid.
B Intravascular fluid.
C Interstitial fluid.
D Extracellular fluid.
3- What does “pharmacokinetics” include?
A Complications of drug therapy
B Drug biotransformation in the organism
C Influence of drugs on metabolism processes
D Influence of drugs on genes
4- The most abundant anion in the intracellular fluid (ICF) is:
A Sodium ion.
B Potassium ion
C Chloride ion.
D Phosphate ion
5-The volume of distribution (Vd) relates:
A single to a daily dose of an administrated drug
B An administrated dose to a body weight
C An uncharged drug reaching the systemic circulation

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D The amount of a drug in the body to the concentration of a drug in plasma

6- Simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion share which of the following characteristics?
A Can be blocked by specific inhibitors
B Do not require energy (ATP).
C Require transport protein
D Saturation kinetics
7- How does alkalinization of urine with bicarbonate help to overcome the toxic effects of
phenobarbital (an acidic drug)?
A It increases glomerular filtration
B It decreases proximal tubular secretion
C It decreases distal tubular reabsorption
D It enhances drug metabolism
8- The function of glycocalyx Present on the outer surface of the cell membrane is:
A Channel for passage of ions
B Carrier for transport of substances.
C a part of code of cell identification.
D Acting as enzymes
9-Which of the following is true about phase I metabolism
A Always precedes phase II metabolism
B Are carried out largely in the plasma
C Examples are oxidation and reduction reactions
D includes such reactions as glucuronidation and sulfation
10- The white fatty sheath that coats axons of neurons to increase signal speed is:
A Myelin.
B Microfibrils.
C Neurolemma.
D Adipocytes
11- In case of liver disorder accompanied by a decline in microsomal enzyme activity the
duration of action of some drugs is:
A Decreased
B Increased
C Remained unchanged
D Changed insignificantly
12-During reflex action, the component of reflex arc that carries impulses from the receptor
to CNS is:
A The receptor
B The afferent
C The efferent.
D The effector organ.
13-Elimination is expressed as follows:

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A Rate of renal tubular reabsorption

B Clearance speed of some volume of blood from substance
C Time required to decrease the amount of drug in plasma by one-half
D clearance of an organism from a xenobiotic
14-The sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is characterized by:
A Localized actions affecting few systems.
B Thoracolumbar outflow from the spinal cord.
C Activity during rest and sleep.
D Energy preserving effect
15-Which of the following describe Prevertebral ganglia of autonomic nervous system
A It lies on both sides of vertebral column.
B It is a relay site for parasympathetic fibers only.
C It is named after big vessels.
D It is a relay site for sympathetic fiber only.
16- The term “chemical antagonism” means that:
A two drugs combine with one another to form an inactive compound
B two drugs combine with one another to form a more active compound
C two drugs combine with one another to form a more water soluble compound
D two drugs combine with one another to form more fat soluble compound

II- short essay questions: 2 short essay one mark for each

1-List characters of drugs excreted by tubular secretion:

2- Enumerate 4 functions of integral protein of the cell membrane.

Good luck

Form B ‫جامعه بنها االهلية‬

‫كلية الطب البشرى‬

Principles of physiology and pharmacology, (PPP 112)

Continuous Exam (1).

Date: 31/ 10/2022

Allocated time ( 25 min)

Total allocated marks (10 marks)

‫اسم الطالب‬
‫الرقم االكاديمى‬

I-multiple choice questions (MCQs):16 questions each 0.5 mark

1- A 2% lidocaine is infiltrated prior to suture placement. Which of the following will have an
effect on the onset and duration of action of this medication?
A Blood pH
B Lidocaine pH
C Lipid solubility of the tissue
D pKa of the drug
2- In a healthy adult, ECF volume constitutes what fraction of body weight?
A 10%.
B 20%.
C 30%.
D 40%
3- For the calculation of the volume of distribution (Vd) one must take into account:
A Concentration of a substance in plasma
B Concentration of substance in urine
C Therapeutic width of drug action
D A daily dose of drug
4- The most abundant Cation in the extracellular fluid (ECF) is:
A Sodium ion.
B Potassium ion.
C Chloride ion.
D Phosphate ion.
5- Administration of Cimetidine & warfarin resulted in prolonged bleeding time. What is the
A Inhibition of drug metabolism
B Increased half life
C Impaired absorption
Form B ‫جامعه بنها االهلية‬

‫كلية الطب البشرى‬

D Promote platelet aggregation

6- ………are junctions allowing the passage of small molecules and ions between the cells
without movement into interstitial fluid?
A Gap junctions.
B Focal adhesions.
C Zonula occludens.
D Desmosomes
7- A drug is taken orally and metabolized in the liver then in the kidneys.This process is called?
A Absorption
B Distribution
C Elimination
D Biotransformation
8-The rate of diffusion of a substance across the cell membrane is inversely proportional to:
A Concentration gradient for the substance.
B Surface area available for diffusion
C Thickness of the membrane.
D The permeability of the membrane
9- Conjugation is:
A Process of drug reduction by special enzymes
B Process of drug oxidation by special oxidases
C Coupling of a drug with an endogenous substrate
D Solubility in lipids
10- in peripheral nerves. Non-myelinated axons differ from myelinated axons in that they are:
A Not sheathed in Schwann cells.
B Not capable of regeneration after section.
C Found only in the autonomic nervous system.
D Less excitable.
11- Metabolic transformation (phase 1) is:
A Acetylation and methylation of substances
B Transformation of substances due to oxidation, reduction or hydrolysis
C Glucuronide formation
D binding of drug to plasma protein
12-Concerning autonomic reflex arc which of the following is correct about afferent and
efferent fibers:
A afferent autonomic fibers relay at ventral horn of the gray matter of the spinal cord.
B efferent fibers relay in autonomic ganglia before supplying the effector organs.
C afferent autonomic fibers arise from the lateral horn cell.
D efferent fibers supply skeletal muscles.
13- The term “biotransformation includes the following
A Accumulation of substances in a fat tissue
B Binding of substances with plasma proteins
C accumulation of substances in tissues
Form B ‫جامعه بنها االهلية‬

‫كلية الطب البشرى‬

D Process of physicochemical and biochemical alteration of a drug in the body

14- Which of the following best describe the autonomic ganglia:
A They are of 5 types.
B They are the site of relay of efferent neurons
c They function as distributing centers.
D They are located inside the CNS.
15- The parasympathetic fibers originate from which of the following spinal cord segments:
A Sacral segments of spinal cord.
B cervical segments of spinal cord
C Thoracic segments of spinal cord.
D lumbar segments of spinal cord
16- What does the term “potentiation” mean?
A Cumulative ability of a drug
B Hypersensitivity to a drug
C Fast tolerance developing
D Intensive increase of drug effects due to their combination

II- short essay questions: 2 short essay one mark for each
1- List characters of drugs excreted by glomerular filteration.

2- Enumerate 2 types of chemical intracellular communication

Good luck

‫جامعه بنها االهلية‬
‫كلية الطب البشرى‬
Principles of physiology and pharmacology, (PPP 112)
Continuous Exam (2). Form A
Date: 12/12/2022
Allocated time ( 25 min)
Total allocated marks (10 marks)

‫اسم الطالب‬
‫الرقم االكاديمى‬

I- short essay questions: 2 short essay one mark for each

1- Enumerate 3 sites of central cholinergic receptors:

2- Enumerate 4 therapeutic uses of propranolol

II-multiple choice questions (MCQs):16 questions each 0.5 mark

1. 1- Sympathetic nervous system supplies all body tissues and organs, Stimulation of the
sympathetic nerve fibers will produce:
Aa) Contraction of constrictor pupillea muscle.
Bb) Contraction of the smooth muscle of the bronchial wall.
C Contraction of internal urethral sphincter.
D Contraction of gastric and intestinal wall.
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‫كلية الطب البشرى‬

2- The therapeutic index of a drug is a measure of its:

A Safety
B Potency
C Efficacy
D Dose variability
2. 3- Pelvic nerve is one of the nerves that carry parasympathetic fibers, stimulation of these
fibers produces:
Aa) Contraction of urinary bladder wall.
Bb) Contraction of gastric wall.
Cc) Contraction of gall bladder wall.
Dd) Contraction of sphincter of Oddi.
4- The antagonism between adrenaline and histamine is called physiological antagonism’
A Both are physiologically present in the body
B They act on physiological receptors
C Both affect many physiological processes
D They have opposite physiological effects
3. 5- Salivary glands have dual innervations with both sympathetic and parasympathetic
nervous system. Increased salivary secretion rich in enzymes is caused by:
Aa) Stimulation of nerve fibers originates from superior salivary nucleus.
Bb) Inhibition of nerve fibers originates from inferior salivary nucleus.
Cc) Inhibition of nerve fibers originate from LHC of C1 and C2.
Dd) Stimulation of nerve fibers originates from LHC of T1 and T2.
6- In anaethesized dog repeated intravenous injection of ephedrine shows the phenomenon
A Anaphylaxis
B Tachyphylaxis
C Idiosyncrasy
D Drug resistance
4. 7- Muscarinic receptors can be distinguished from nicotinic receptors because muscarinic
receptors are:
Aa) stimulated by muscarine and blocked by epinephrine.
Bb) stimulated by muscarine and blocked by nicotine.
Cc) blocked by atropine and stimulated by nicotine.
Dd) blocked by atropine and stimulated by acetylcholine.
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‫كلية الطب البشرى‬

8- Which of the following is a non-catecholamine sympathomimetic:

A Adrenaline
B Ephedrine
C Dopamine
D Isoprenaline
5. 9-This figure represents eye pupil, with respect to this figure choose the correct statement:

Aa) Stimulation of Edinger Westphal nucleus causes figure (A).

Bb) Stimulation of ciliary ganglion causes figure (B).
Cc) Decreased eye lens convexity is usually associated with figure (A).
Dd) Relaxation of upper eye lid is usually associated with figure (B).
10- which of the following is a selective α 2 adrenoceptor antagonist:
A Prazocin
B Phentolamine
C Yohimbine
D Clonidine
6. 11- An adult male aged 22 years old has come to the clinic with inability to contract his
skeletal muscles, there is a probability that he was given:
Aa. Acetylcholine
B Curare
C Noradrenaline
D Methacholine
12- Vasomotor reversal phenomenon after administration of an α adrenergic blocker is seen
A Adrenaline
B Noradrenaline
C Isoprenaline
D Ephedrine
7. 13- On exposure of the eyes to light rays, impulses discharge in optic nerve leads to:
Aa) Stimulation of inferior salivary nucleus
Bb) Stimulation of constrictor papillae muscle
Cc) Inhibition of 3rd cranial nerve nucleus

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‫كلية الطب البشرى‬

Dd) Inhibition of photoreceptors in the retina

14- A 57 year old man who has benign prostatic hypertrophy comes in for a check up and
complains that he is having some difficulty in urination. Which of the following medication
would be useful in this condition?
A Dobutamine
B Noradrenaline
C Tamsulosin
D Adrenaline
8. 15- Which of the following is not considered one of the higher centers that control autonomic
Aa) Cerebral cortex
Bb) Spinal cord
Cc) Hypothalamus
Dd) Reticular formation
16- The most likely complication of prolonged use of nasal decongestant drops is:
A Nasal mucosal atrophy due to prolonged ischemia
B Hypertrophy of nasal mucosa
C Naso-pharyngeal moniliasis
D Blockage of eustachian tubes

Good luck

PPP112 ‫جامعه بنها االهلية‬
‫كلية الطب البشرى‬
Principles of physiology and pharmacology, (PPP 112)
Continuous Exam (2). Form B
Date: 12/12/2022
Allocated time ( 25 min)
Total allocated marks (10 marks)

‫اسم الطالب‬
‫الرقم االكاديمى‬

I- short essay questions: 2 short essay one mark for each

1- Enumerate the three mechanisms of norepinephrine removal.

2- Enumerate four uses of Adrenaline

II-multiple choice questions (MCQs):16 questions each 0.5 mark

1. 1- Vagus nerve carries most of the parasympathetic signals to the organs, stimulation of this
nerve will produce:
Aa) Reduction of pancreatic secretion.
Bb) Increased gastric HCl secretion.
Cc) Increased cardiac contractility.
Dd) Relaxation of internal anal sphincter.
PPP112 ‫جامعه بنها االهلية‬
‫كلية الطب البشرى‬

2 2- An agonist is a substance that:

A Interacts with the receptor without producing any effect
B Interacts with the receptor and initiates changes in cell function, producing various
C Increases concentration of another substance to produce effect
D Interacts with plasma proteins and doesn’t produce any effect
2. 3- Excessive sweating during muscular exercise is mediated by increased secretion of:
Aa) dopamine from preganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the skin.
Bb) norepinephrine from postganglionic sympathetic fibers to skin.
Cc) acetylcholine from postganglionic sympathetic fibers to skin.
Dd) epinephrine in preganglionic sympathetic fibers to skin.
4-What does the term “potentiation” mean?
A Cumulative ability of a drug
B Hypersensitivity to a drug
C Fast tolerance developing
D Intensive increase of drug effects due to their combination
3. 5- Stimulation of LHC of the spinal cord segments in this figure leads to:

A contraction of splenic capsule

Bb) secretion of noradrenaline by adrenal medulla.
Cc) contraction of male vas deferens.
Dd) stimulation of glycogenolysis.
6- Tolerance and drug resistance can be a consequence of:
A Change in receptors, loss of them or exhaustion of mediators
B Increased receptor sensitivity
C Decreased metabolic degradation
D Decreased renal tubular secretion
4. 7- Unconditioned reflexes such as presence of food in the oral cavity doesn’t stimulates:
Aa) Gastric Hcl secretion.
B Pancreatic enzymes secretion.
Cb) Lacrimal secretion.

PPP112 ‫جامعه بنها االهلية‬
‫كلية الطب البشرى‬

Dc) Salivary secretion.

8- the sympathomimetic drug which causes reflex bradycardia is:
A Dobutamine
B Noradrenaline
C Dopamine
D Adrenaline
5. 9- The type of autonomic receptors present at the piloerector muscle of the skin are:
Aa) β- adrenergic receptors.
Bb) Muscarinic receptors.
Cc) nicotinic receptors.
Dd) α- adrenergic receptors.
10- Obese hypertensive patient wants to decrease her weight which drug is suitable for this
A Phenmetrazine
B Dopamine
C Fenfluramine
D Phenylephirine
6. 11- Which one of the following best describes hypothalamus which is one of the higher
centers that control autonomic functions?
Aa) Anterior hypothalamic nuclei control sympathetic function.
Bb) Posterior hypothalamic nuclei control parasympathetic function.
Cc) It exerts its function through discharge to cerebral cortex.
Dd) Impulses from hypothalamus are discharged to reticular formation.
12- Propranolol is avoided in
A Thyrotoxicosis
B Hypertension
C Arrhythmia
D Bronchial asthma..
13- An adult male aged 22 years old has gone to ophthalmology clinic for eye examination.
The physician used eye drops to dilate the pupil which is mostly contains:

A Acetylcholine

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‫كلية الطب البشرى‬

B Adrenaline
C Nicotine
D Atropine
14- Dopamine administration by low dose causes:
A Increase C.O.P.
B Vasodilitation of renal blood vessels.
C Vasoconstriction of peripheral blood vessels,
D Increase contractility.
7. 15- During stressful conditions there is mass discharge of sympathetic nervous system.
Generalized sympathetic stimulation causes:
Aa. Decrease of visual field.
Bb. vasoconstriction of coronary vessels.
Cc. lipogenesis and glucogenesis.
Dd. better ventilation and tissue oxygenation.
16- Which of the following effects of adrenaline would be blocked by phentolamine?
A relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle
B cardiac stimulation
C contraction of dilator pupillae muscle
D stimulation of lipolysis

Good luck

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