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ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad

Affiliated to Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical Univerity, Lucknow

Department of CSE-Data Science

Title Assignment No.2

Subject Data Analytics(KDS-501)
Given Date 09/11/2023
Submission Date 20/11/2023
Faculty Name Dr. Dimple Tiwari
Section A

Note: Attempt any Four Question. 5*4=20

Q. N. Question Statement
1 Explain the steps used in Bayesian Data Analysis.

2 What is fuzzy logic? Explain architecture of fuzzy logic with neat

3 Explain Support Vector Machine algorithm with example.
4 Explain the working of an Artificial neural network for image
classification task.
5 Define an Activation Function. Why we need to do activation function
and also explain various types of AF?

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