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1) The superficial fatty layer is absent from

A. Face
B. Anterior abdominal wall
C. Buttocks
D. Areola of the breast

2) The superficial fatty layer is absent in the

following except
A. External ear
B. Eye lids
C. Mammary gland
D. Penis
E. Scrotum

3) The deep fascia has the following features except

A. It is a strong fibrous sheet
B. It is formed mostly of elastic fibres
C. It is well defined in limbs and neck
D. It is ill defined in the face

4) The deep fascia gives the following derivatives

A. Inter muscular septum
B. Covering of the muscles
C. Tendon
D. Retinacula
E. Aponeurosis


5) The superficial fatty layer is abundant in

A. Buttocks
B. Flanks
C. Axilla
D. Anterior abdominal wall below umbilicus
E. All of the above

6) Which is true about superficial fascia

A. It is not distinct in lower part of anterior abdominal
wall and limbs
B. It is very thick in the dorsal aspect of the hand
C. It is very dense in the scalp
D. It is not dense in the sole

7) which of the following is a content of superficial

A. Muscles as in the face
B. Mammary glands
C. Lymph nodes
D. Cutaneous nerves and vessels
E. All of the above

8) Fascia is good heat conductor

A. True
B. False

9) Septum is a........ Of deep fascia

A. Extension
B. Thicking
C. Prolongation
D. A&C


10) ........... Keep the tendons in place during

contraction mainly the wrist and ankle
A. Aponeurosis
B. Retinacula
C. Ligament
D. Septum

1) Superficial fatty layer is absent or (abundant ) in
2) enumerate the content of superficial fascia
3) enumerate the function of superficial fascia
4) enumerate the modification of deep fascia

1) D
2) C
3) B
4) C
5) E
6) C
7) E
8) B
9) D
10) B

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