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NAME: ………………………………….

…………………BRANCH……………………………ROLL NO:…………………


Answer Key & Scheme of Valuation
Time: 2 hours Max. Marks: 50

(Answer all questions, each question carries 5 marks. 5 x 5 = 25 marks)

Q.No. Questions Marks CO BL

1 List the 10 core life skills laid down by WHO 5 CO1 L1
(0.5 marks for each correct answer 0.5x10 =5 marks)
1. Self-awareness
2. Empathy
3. Effective communication
4. Interpersonal relationship
5. Problem-solving
6. Decision making
7. Creative thinking
8. Critical thinking
9. Coping with stress
10. Coping with emotion
2 What is positive thinking? Give three examples 5 CO1 L3
(2 marks for the definition and 1 mark each for three relevant
examples. 2+1x3 = 5)
Positive thinking, or an optimistic attitude, is the practice of focusing
on the good in any given situation
3 What is Self-Awareness and why is it important? 5 CO2 L2
(2 marks for the definition and 1 mark each for points that state its
relevance – three nos. – 2+1x3=5 marks)
It is the ability to notice own feelings, physical sensations, reactions,
habits, behaviors, and thoughts
4 Explain a few methods to manage stress in a healthy manner 5 CO2 L2
(1 mark for each correct methods – 1x5=5 marks)
5 Differentiate between the functions of the LEFT brain and RIGHT 5 CO3 L4
(0.5 marks each specific functions of LEFT and RIGHT brain –
(0.5x5=2.5) + (0.5x5=2.5) =5 marks

Read carefully the following case and answer all questions {total 25 marks}

Mr. Federik is an Executive Engineer (EE) in the state Public Works Department (PWD). He is
responsible for the maintenance and repair of all public roads and bridges coming under his
assigned geographical area. Because of the heavy monsoon, a few parts of the road have been
severely damaged, and it becomes unsafe, tiresome and causing delays to travel through it. Mr.
Federik is aware of the same, but he hasn’t taken any initiative in addressing the problem. The
public had sent many petitions to the authorities and to the concerned minister regarding the
poor condition of the road. They also made a public protest to seek the attention of the

After getting an instruction from the concerned minister Mr.Federik asked his Assistant Engineer
(AE), Mr. Jeko to inspect the affected area and prepare an estimate for the repair. Mr. Jeko
further delegated the task to one of the Sub -Engineer Ms. Demia. She went and inspected the
damaged areas of the road and prepared a realistic estimate with the support of her
subordinates. During the time of estimate preparation, a prominent contractor tries to influence
her to increase the estimate value, but she denied it. She submitted the estimate to the AE.
Then, the contractor approached the AE and EE to raise the estimated amount by offering them
some valuable gifts. They inflated(exaggerated) the primary estimate and approved it for
tendering. The work has been allocated to the lowest bidder (obviously above-mentioned
contractor) who had started the repair work. None of the officers was present at the site during
the repair work and the contractor had done low-quality repair work. PWD officers made passive
negligence to favour the contractor.

The public who were witnessing the work raised a complaint about the incorrect way of doing
the repairs and stopped the contract labourer’s from continuing the job. The repair work has
been stalled and the government asked the vigilance department to make an investigation into
it. The primary investigation report revealed the intentional negligence of the concerned officers
and the unhealthy understanding between the contractor and them. The government has
ordered a detailed investigation to assess the losses and transferred all staff to far locations.

Q.No. Questions Marks CO BL

6 Identify the key players involved in the above case 3 CO3 L2
(0.5 marks for each correct answer – 0.5x6 =3
Mr. Federik, Executive Engineer
Mr. Jeko, Assistant Engineer
Ms. Demia, Sub-Engineer
The Contractor
Contract laboureres
The Public
The minister
7 What are all the professional responsibilities neglected by the key 4 CO3 L4
players in this case?
(1 mark for each valid points. 1x4=4 marks)
8 What are all the negative impacts of their negligence? 4 CO1 L5
(1 mark for each valid points. 1x4=4 marks)
9 Consider yourself in the role Mr. Fedrick. How would you handle 3 CO1 L6
(1 mark for each relevant steps 1x3=3 marks)
10 Which players might have stressed in the above case? Justify your 3 CO2 L4
(1 mark for each stressed case 1x3=3 marks)
11 If you are a responsible citizen regularly using that road, how will 3 CO2 L3
you respond to that situation?
(Brief step by step actions, ethical and professional - min. three
relevant points. 1x3=3 marks)
12 If you are a regular traveler using that road, have you been 2 CO2 L5
subjected to any negative emotions while travelling and how will
you manage them?
(1 mark for stating the emotion and 1 mark for the action to
manage it.1+1=2 marks)
13 What final disciplinary action could expect by the three of them? 3 CO3 L6
(Brief note on your assumptions with justifications)

Course Outcomes (COs)
C01 Define and Identify different life skills required in personal and professional life
Develop an awareness of the self and apply well-defined techniques to cope with
emotions and stress
Explain the basic mechanics of effective communication and demonstrate these
through presentations.
C04 Take part in group discussions
C05 Use appropriate thinking and problem solving techniques to solve new problems
C06 Understand the basics of teamwork and leadership

Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels(BL) and Definitions

1-Remembering, 2- Understanding, 3- Applying, 4-Analysing, 5-Evaluating, 6-Creating

Marks allocation against Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels (BL) and Course Outcomes

Marks allocation against Blooms taxonomy levels Marks allocation against Course Outcomes (CO)

L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 C01 C02 C03 C04 C05 C06

1 5 5
2 5 5
3 5 5
4 5 5
5 5 5
6 3 3
7 4 4
8 4 4
9 3 3
10 3 3
11 3 3
12 2 2
13 3 3
Total 5 13 8 12 6 6 17 18 15 0 0 0

Prepared by: Verified by: Approved by:

Mr. Bose Joseph Ms. Jiffy Joseph Mr.Eldho Paul

Asst. Professor Asst. Professor Asst. Professor
Subject Group Member DQAC Chairman

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