Gr. 3 Report 1

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Drawing Conclusions

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

A module developed by DepEd-Davao City
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Los Amigos National High School



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Crossing Bayabas National High School

Team Leader
Bernardo D. Carpio National High School




Purok 3B Los Amigos, Tugbok District, Davao City

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

Information about this ADM learner’s material

I. Objectives: The learner demonstrates understanding of the

Ia. Content Standards guidelines in making conclusions.

Ib. Performance Standards The learner is able to form logical conclusions.

. Ic. Learning Competencies Draw conclusions from research findings


II. Content / Topic Drawing Conclusions

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

Welcome. I am happy seeing you this far.

You are near to end of your research journey.

You were able to gather data and come up with

the findings of your study. But for you to have a

complete view of your paper, you need to draw

your research conclusions.

Thus, this module is designed in drawing

logical conclusions. Several activities were

provided in a simplified way for you to gain a

better understanding of the topic. And since the

formulation of conclusions can be drawn from

your findings, I highly recommend to have it with

you while reading this module.

Should you have any queries or

clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact

your teachers for they are ready to help you at all


Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

For us to be focused, we need to set forth

our goals in this lesson. As you go through the

activities, you will be able to:

a. define research conclusion;

b. list down the importance of drawing

conclusions from the findings


c. formulate logical research conclusions

based from findings.

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School


After reading literature or maybe watching ‘teleserye’, we usually come up with

the summary, reflections, and learnings gained. We oftentimes give our own

conclusions, which provide a bridge to help us make the transition back to our lives. This

incident is somewhat true in a research paper. The researcher provides the final say on

the issues raised in the study. Hence, it is a big opportunity to make a good final

impression and to end on a positive note.

A good conclusion is considered the ‘wrap-up’ of the study (Lobetos, 2018). It

synthesizes the thoughts, demonstrates the importance of the ideas, and propels the

reader to a new view of the subject (The Writing Center, 2020).

I feel that you are excited to learn. Now, let us

continue your intellectual journey!

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

Picture Analysis

Instruction: Study the picture and answer the questions that follow.

1. What observation can you draw from the picture?



2. What made you say so? Cite at least two pieces of evidence.



How do you find the activity? Well, this is just a

simple beginning with our endeavor.

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

What you have encountered in our previous

activity is the listing of observation based on the

evidences gathered. These evidences are the findings

Instruction: which could help much in drawing logical conclusions.

Guide Questions:

1. What do you think is needed to justify your observation?



2. What part of research paper can we use the pieces of evidence?



Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

At this point, you will be learning the main topic

of this module. The activities provided would better help

you draw logical conclusions from the findings stated.

Lesson: Drawing Conclusions


A conclusion is intended to help the readers understand the significance of

research to their lives (Kretchmer, 2003). It summarizes the main features, contains

insights from the findings, and directly answered the questions posted (Cristobal & De la

Cruz-Cristobal, 2017).

Importance of Drawing Logical Conclusions

Drawing logical conclusions are important for the following reasons:

1. It provides new knowledge and insights needed to help solve the problem (Latham,


2. It summarizes the main points of the paper (, 2018).

3. It serves as bases for the formulation of the recommendations (Cristobal & De la

Cruz-Cristobal, 2017).

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

Tips in Writing Logical Conclusions

There are tips in writing logical conclusions. According to Lobetos (2018), an

effective logical conclusions should be:

➢ stated in a clear, concise, and brief manner;

➢ original and accurate;

➢ does not contain any number of measurements; and

➢ coincide with the number of specific findings.

Moreover, Cristobal and De la Cruz-Cristobal (2017) added that logical

conclusions should:

➢ based on the findings of the study;

➢ answer the stated problems; and

➢ give judgment whether it failed to reject or rejected the hypothesis formulated.

Drawing Conclusions

In order to write logical conclusions, it is important to identify the key points or ideas

presented from the findings gathered. There are suggested format provided but you are

still free to formulate your own conclusion.

Now, let us take a look with the examples.

1. For Descriptive Studies

Example 1

Research Title: The Level of Awareness on Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19)

among the Secondary Students in Davao City

Findings: Ninety percent of the secondary students are strongly aware of the

Corona Virus Disease.

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

Step 1: Identify the keyword or the important idea in the findings. Since it

is a descriptive study, the range of score, with its equivalent level is

our keyword.

Range of score = 90% ; Descriptive level = very high

Parameter Limit
Range of Score Descriptive Level
10% - 20% Very low
21% - 40% Low
41% - 60% Moderate
61% - 80% High
81% - 100% Very high

Step 2: After identifying the range of score and its equivalent level, write

the conclusion using this format.

Suggested Format:

Respondents + descriptive level + adjective describing the

Respondents + descriptive level + adjective describing the


Majority of the secondary students are very well oriented on the

respondents level adjective

effects of Corona Virus Disease in our lives.

describing the behavior/performance

2. For Comparative Studies

Research Title: The Perception on Corona Virus Disease and the Health

Practices among the Secondary Students in Davao City

Findings: There is a significant difference in the perception on COVID-19

among the secondary students when grouped according to health


Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

Step 1: Identify the independent variable (variable A) and dependent

variable (variable B). Also, examine the hypothesis if it failed to

reject or rejected the null hypothesis.

Independent Variable (Variable A) = health practices

Dependent Variable (Variable B) = perception on COVID-19

Decision of Hypothesis = rejected the null hypothesis (there is a

significant difference)

Step 2: After identifying the key points, write the conclusion using this


Suggested Format:

✓ For findings wherein the decision of the hypothesis is failed to reject the
null hypothesis, used the verb phrase, does not affect or do not affect

Independent Variable (Variable A) + does not affect/do not

affect + Dependent Variable (Variable B)

✓ For findings wherein the decision of the hypothesis is rejected, used the
verb affects/affect

Independent Variable (Variable A) + affects/affect +

Dependent Variable (Variable B)

Conclusion: Health practices affect perception on COVID-19.

independent variable verb dependent variable

3. For Correlation Studies

Research Title: Knowledge and Attitude toward COVID-19 among Healthcare

Workers at District 2 Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City

Findings: There is no significant relationship between the knowledge and attitude

toward COVID-19 among the Healthcare Workers.

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

Step 1: Identify the variable X, variable Y, the decision of the hypothesis

and the direction of the relationship, whether it is has a positive or

negative relationship.

Findings: There is no significant relationship between the knowledge and

attitude toward COVID-19 among the Healthcare Workers.

Variable X = knowledge

Variable Y = attitude

Decision of the hypothesis = failed to reject the hypothesis

Direction of the relationship = no significant relationship

Step 2: After identifying the key points, write the conclusion using this


Suggested Format:

✓ For findings wherein the decision of the hypothesis is failed to reject, used
the adjective, decrease or lower.

An increase/decrease in X will not necessarily affect to the increase/decrease in

The higher/lower the X, the higher/lower the Y.

Conclusion: An increase/decrease in knowledge will not necessarily affect to

keyword X keyword

the increase/decrease in attitude toward COVID-19.

keyword Y


The higher/lower the knowledge, the higher/lower the attitude toward

keyword X keyword Y


Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

3.1 For Correlation Studies

Research Title: COVID-19 Readiness and Safety Measures’ Implementation

among the Public Schools in Davao City

Findings: There is a positive significant relationship between the COVID-19

readiness and safety measures implementation among the public

schools in Davao City.

Step 1: Identify the variable X, variable Y, the decision of the hypothesis

and the direction of the relationship, whether it is has a positive or

negative relationship.

Variable X = readiness

Variable Y = safety measures

Decision of the hypothesis = rejected the null hypothesis (there is a

significant relationship)

Direction of the relationship = positive

Step 2: After identifying the key points, write the conclusion using this


Suggested Format:
Suggested Format:
✓ For findings wherein the decision of the hypothesis is rejected and it has a
✓ For positive relationship,
findings wherein used theofadjective,
the decision increase
the hypothesis is or higher
failed to inreject,
both variables.
used the
An increase
adjective, decreaseinorXlower.
will mean that there will also be an increase in Y.
A decrease in X will not higher theaffect
necessarily X, thetohigher the Y. in Y.
the decrease

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

Conclusion: An increase in readiness will mean that there will also be an
keyword X

increase in safety measures against COVID-19

keyword Y


The higher the readiness, the higher the safety measures against
keyword X keyword Y


3.2 For Correlation Studies

Research Title: Exotic Animals’ Consumption and the Progression of Corona

Virus Disease in Wuhan City, China

Findings: There is a negative significant relationship between people’s

consumption of exotic animals and the progression of Corona Virus

Disease in Wuhan City, China.

Step 1: Identify the variable X, variable Y, the decision of the hypothesis

and the direction of the relationship, whether it is has a positive or

negative relationship.

Variable X = exotic animals’ consumption

Variable Y = Corona Virus Disease’s progression

Decision of the hypothesis = rejected the null hypothesis (there is a

significant relationship)

Direction of the relationship = negative

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

Step 2: After identifying the key points, write the conclusion using this


Suggested Format:
Suggested Format:
✓ For findings wherein the decision of the hypothesis is rejected and it has a
✓ For negative
findings wherein the decision
relationship, of the
used the hypothesis
adjective, is failed
increase to reject,
or higher used the
in variable X
and decrease or lower in variable Y.
adjective, decrease or lower.
An increase in X will mean that there will be a decrease in Y.
A decrease in X will not necessarily affect
or to the decrease in Y.
The higher the X, the lower the Y.

Conclusion: An increase in exotic animals’ consumption will mean that there

keyword X

will be a decrease in the progression of the Corona Virus Disease in

keyword Y

Wuhan City, China.


The higher the consumption of exotic animals, the lower the Corona
keyword X keyword Y

Virus Disease’s progression in Wuhan City, China.

Since that you learned how to draw logical

conclusions from the research findings, you are now

ready to have a practice activity. You can apply the

learnings you gained from the discussions above.

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

What Can You Conclude?

Instruction: Draw logical conclusion/s from the findings of the study


Activity 1: Descriptive Study

Research Title: The Level of Preparedness of the Healthcare Facilities in the

Philippines on COVID-19 Pandemic


Healthcare facilities in the Philippines are 50% prepared on the COVID-19


Step 1: Identify the keyword or the important idea in the findings. Since it is a

descriptive study, the range of score, with its equivalent level is our


Range of score = _____________ ; Descriptive level = ______________

Step 2: Write the conclusion using this format.

Respondents + descriptive level + adjective describing the



Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

Activity 2: Comparative Study

Research Title: Socio-economic Status and the Survival Rate of the COVID-19


Findings: There is no significant difference in the survival rate of the COVID-19

Patients when grouped according to socio-economic status.

Step 1: Identify the independent variable (variable A) and dependent variable

(variable B). Also, examine the hypothesis if it failed to reject or rejected

the null hypothesis.

Independent Variable = _________________________________

Dependent Variable = __________________________________
Decision of the Hypothesis = __________________ (_____________________)
Step 2: After identifying the key points, write the conclusion using this


Independent Variable + affects/does not affect + Dependent Variable

Activity 3: Correlation Study

Research Title: Survival Rate and Mortality Rate of the Corona Virus Disease

Findings: There is no significant relationship between the survival rate and the

mortality rate of the Corona Virus Disease.

Step 1: Identify the variable X, variable Y, the decision of the hypothesis and the

direction of the relationship, whether it is has a positive or negative


Variable X = _______________________________________
Variable Y = _______________________________________

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

Decision of the Hypothesis = _________________________
Direction of the Relationship = _________________________
Step 2: After identifying the key points, write the conclusion using this


An increase/decrease in X will not necessarily affect to the increase/decrease in Y.

The higher/lower the X, the higher/lower the Y.
__________________________________, __________________________________.
Activity 3.1: Correlation Study

Research Title: Personal Hygiene and Recovery Rate of the Corona Virus


Findings: There is a positive significant relationship between personal hygiene

and the recovery rate of the Corona Virus Disease.

Step 1: Identify the variable X, variable Y, the decision of the hypothesis

and the direction of the relationship, whether it is has a positive or

negative relationship.

Variable X = _______________________________________
Variable Y = _______________________________________
Decision of the Hypothesis = _________________________
Direction of the Relationship = _________________________
Step 2: After identifying the key points, write the conclusion using this


An increase in X will mean that there will also be an increase in Y.

The higher the X, the higher the Y.

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

__________________________________, __________________________________.
Activity 3.2: Correlation Study

Research Title: Prisoners’ Amnesty and COVID-19 Cases in the Philippines

Findings: There is a negative significant relationship between prisoners’ amnesty

and COVID-19 cases in the Philippines.

Step 1: Identify the variable X, variable Y, the decision of the hypothesis and the

direction of the relationship, whether it is has a positive or negative


Variable X = _______________________________________
Variable Y = _______________________________________
Decision of the Hypothesis = _________________________
Direction of the Relationship = _________________________
Step 2: After identifying the key points, write the conclusion using this


An increase in X will mean that there will be a decrease in Y.

The higher the X, the lower the Y.

__________________________________, __________________________________.

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

How well did you do in the practice test? Were

you able to get a perfect score? Well, if you won’t make

it, you still have more time for practice.

Always remember, in drawing conclusions,

anchored it from the findings itself.


1. Research conclusion is the implications, insights, and evaluations of the study.

2. The following are the importance in drawing conclusions:

• It provides new knowledge and insights needed to help solve the problem;

• It summarizes the main points of the paper; and

• It serves as bases for the formulation of the recommendations.

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

Instruction: Formulate conclusion from the findings stated.

Activity 1: Descriptive Study

Research Title: Healthcare Practices among the Secondary Students in the Philippines

Findings: Seventy five percent of the secondary students are highly oriented with the

healthcare practices to fight COVID-19 crisis.

Step 1: Identify the keyword or the important idea in the findings. Since it is a

descriptive study, the range of score, with its equivalent level is our


Range of Score = _____________ ; Descriptive level = ___________

Step 2: Write the conclusion using this format.

Respondents + descriptive level + adjective describing the


Activity 2: Comparative Study

Research Title: Age and Sanitation Protocol among the Chinese Healthcare Workers

Findings: There is a significant difference in the sanitation protocol among the

Chinese healthcare workers when grouped according to age.

Step 1: Identify the independent variable (variable A) and dependent variable

(variable B). Also, examine the hypothesis if it failed to reject or rejected

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

the null hypothesis.

Independent Variable = _________________________________

Dependent Variable = __________________________________
Decision of the Hypothesis = __________________ (_____________________)

Step 2: After identifying the key points, write the conclusion using this


Independent Variable + affects/does not affect + Dependent Variable

Activity 3: Correlation Study

Research Title: Social Media Engagement and Understanding toward COVID-19

among Secondary Students in Davao City

Findings: There is no significant relationship between social media engagement and

understanding towards COVID-19.

Step 1: Identify the variable X, variable Y, the decision of the hypothesis and

the direction of the relationship, whether it is has a positive or negative


Variable X = _______________________________________
Variable Y = _______________________________________
Decision of the Hypothesis = _________________________
Direction of the Relationship = _________________________
Step 2: After identifying the key points, write the conclusion using this


An increase/decrease in X will not necessarily affect to the increase/decrease in

The higher/lower the X, the higher/lower the Y.

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

__________________________________, __________________________________.
Activity 3.1: Correlation Study

Research Title: The Impact of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to the Wellness of

the Filipino Healthcare Workers

Findings: There is a very high positive significant relationship between the usage of

personal protective equipment and the wellness of the Filipino healthcare


Step 1: Identify the variable X, variable Y, the decision of the hypothesis and

the direction of the relationship, whether it is has a positive or negative


Variable X = _______________________________________
Variable Y = _______________________________________
Decision of the Hypothesis = _________________________
Direction of the Relationship = _________________________
Step 2: After identifying the key points, write the conclusion using this


An increase in X will mean that there will also be an increase in Y.

The higher the X, the higher the Y.

__________________________________, __________________________________.

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

Activity 3.2: Correlation Study

Research Title: Balik Probinsiya Program: Its Effect on COVID-19 Pandemic in

the Philippines

Findings: There is a low negative significant relationship between the

implementation of Balik Probinsiya Program and the COVID-19 pandemic in the


Step 1: Identify the variable X, variable Y, the decision of the hypothesis and

the direction of the relationship, whether it is has a positive or negative


Variable X = _______________________________________
Variable Y = _______________________________________
Decision of the Hypothesis = _________________________
Direction of the Relationship = _________________________
Step 2: After identifying the key points, write the conclusion using this


An increase in X will mean that there will be a decrease in Y.

The higher the X, the lower the Y.

__________________________________, __________________________________.

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

Answer Key

Picture Analysis (Possible Answer)

1. A volunteer gives goods to the old woman during the COVID-19 pandemic.
2. a. He brings two bags of donations.
b. He wears mask and gloves.

Analysis (Possible Answer)

1. We need to have proofs or evidences.
2. In making or drawing conclusions

Let’s Do This

What Can You Conclude?

Activity 1: Descriptive Study

Research Title: The Level of Preparedness of the Healthcare Facilities in the

Philippines on COVID-19 Pandemic

Findings: Healthcare facilities in the Philippines are 50% prepared on the COVID-19

Step 1: Identify the keyword or the important idea in the findings. Since it is a
descriptive study, the range of score, with its equivalent level is our
Range of score = 50% ; Descriptive level = moderate

Step 2: Write the conclusion using this format.

Respondents + descriptive level + adjective describing the behavior/performance
Healthcare facilities in the Philippines are partially ready on the COVID-19 pandemic.

Activity 2: Comparative Study

Research Title: Socio-economic Status and the Survival Rate of the COVID-19

Findings: There is no significant difference in the survival rate of the COVID-19

Patients when grouped according to socio-economic status.

Step 1: Identify the independent variable (variable A) and dependent variable

(variable B). Also, examine the hypothesis if it failed to reject or rejected
the null hypothesis.
Independent Variable = socio-economic status
Dependent Variable = survival rate
Decision of the Hypothesis = failed to reject (there is no significant difference)

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

Step 2: After identifying the key points, write the conclusion using this
Independent Variable + affects/does not affect + Dependent Variable
Socio-economic status does not affect the survival rate of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Activity 3: Correlation Study

Research Title: Survival Rate and Mortality Rate of the Corona Virus Disease

Findings: There is no significant relationship between the survival rate and the mortality
rate of the Corona Virus Disease.

Step 1: Identify the variable X, variable Y, the decision of the hypothesis and
the direction of the relationship, whether it is has a positive or negative
Variable X = survival rate
Variable Y = mortality rate
Decision of the Hypothesis = failed to reject
Direction of the Relationship = no significant relationship

Step 2: After identifying the key points, write the conclusion using this
A/an increase/decrease in X will not necessarily affect to the increase/decrease in Y.
The higher/lower the X, the higher/lower the Y.

An increase/decrease in survival rate will not necessarily affect to the

increase/decrease in mortality rate.
The higher/lower the survival rate, the higher/lower the mortality rate.

Activity 3.1: Correlation Study

Research Title: Personal Hygiene and Recovery Rate of the Corona Virus Disease

Findings: There is a positive significant relationship between personal hygiene and the
recovery rate of the Corona Virus Disease.

Step 1: Identify the variable X, variable Y, the decision of the hypothesis and
the direction of the relationship, whether it is has a positive or negative
Variable X = personal hygiene
Variable Y = recovery rate
Decision of the Hypothesis = rejected (there is a significant relationship)
Direction of the Relationship = positive

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

Step 2: After identifying the key points, write the conclusion using this
An increase in X will mean that there will also be an increase in Y.
The higher the X, the higher the Y.

An increase in personal hygiene will mean that there will also be an increase in
COVID-19 recovery rate.
The higher the personal hygiene, the higher the COVID-19 recovery rate.

Activity 3.2: Correlation Study

Research Title: Prisoners’ Amnesty and COVID-19 Cases in the Philippines

Findings: There is a negative significant relationship between prisoners’ amnesty and

COVID-19 cases in the Philippines.

Step 1: Identify the variable X, variable Y, the decision of the hypothesis and
the direction of the relationship, whether it is has a positive or negative
Variable X = prisoners’ amnesty
Variable Y = COVID-19 cases
Decision of the Hypothesis = rejected (there is a significant relationship)
Direction of the Relationship = negative

Step 2: After identifying the key points, write the conclusion using this
An increase in X will mean that there will be a decrease in Y.
The higher the X, the lower the Y.

An increase in prisoners’ amnesty will mean that there will be a decrease in

COVID-19 cases.
The higher the prisoners’ amnesty, the lower the COVID-19 cases.

Let’s Test Ourselves

Activity 1: Descriptive Study

Research Title: Healthcare Practices among the Secondary Students in the Philippines

Findings: Seventy five percent of the secondary students are highly oriented with the
healthcare practices to fight COVID-19 crisis.

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

Step 1: Identify the keyword or the important idea in the findings. Since it is a
descriptive study, the range of score, with its equivalent level is our
Range of Score = 75% ; Descriptive level = high

Step 2: Write the conclusion using this format.

Respondents + descriptive level + adjective describing the behavior/performance
Majority of the secondary students are more educated with the importance of
healthcare practices to fight COVID-19 crisis.

Activity 2: Comparative Study

Research Title: Age and Sanitation Protocol among the Chinese Healthcare Workers

Findings: There is a significant difference in the sanitation protocol among the

Chinese healthcare workers when grouped according to age.

Step 1: Identify the independent variable (variable A) and dependent variable

(variable B). Also, examine the hypothesis if it failed to reject or rejected
the null hypothesis.
Independent Variable = age
Dependent Variable = sanitation protocol
Decision of the Hypothesis = rejected (there is a significant difference)

Step 2: After identifying the key points, write the conclusion using this
Independent Variable + affects/does not affect + Dependent Variable
Age affects sanitation protocol of the Chinese healthcare workers.

Activity 3: Correlation Study

Research Title: Social Media Engagement and Understanding toward COVID-19

among Secondary Students in Davao City

Findings: There is no significant relationship between social media engagement and

understanding towards COVID-19.

Step 1: Identify the variable X, variable Y, the decision of the hypothesis and
the direction of the relationship, whether it is has a positive or negative
Variable X = social media engagement
Variable Y = understanding
Decision of the Hypothesis = failed to reject the hypothesis
Direction of the Relationship = no significant relationship

Step 2: After identifying the key points, write the conclusion using this

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

A/an increase/decrease in X will not necessarily affect to the increase/decrease
in Y.
The higher/lower the X, the higher/lower the Y.

An increase/decrease of social media engagement will not necessarily affect to the

increase/decrease in understanding towards COVID-19.
The higher/lower the social media engagement, the higher/lower the
understanding towards COVID-19.

Activity 3.1: Correlation Study

Research Title: The Impact of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to the Wellness of
the Filipino Healthcare Workers

Findings: There is a very high positive significant relationship between the usage of
personal protective equipment and the wellness of the Filipino healthcare

Step 1: Identify the variable X, variable Y, the decision of the hypothesis and
the direction of the relationship, whether it is has a positive or negative
Variable X = personal protective equipment
Variable Y = wellness
Decision of the Hypothesis = rejected (there is a significant relationship)
Direction of the Relationship = very high positive

Step 2: After identifying the key points, write the conclusion using this
An increase in X will mean that there will also be an increase in Y.
The higher the X, the higher the Y.

An increase in the usage of personal protective equipment will mean that there will also
be an increase in the wellness of the Filipino healthcare workers.
The higher the usage of personal protective equipment, the higher the wellness
of the Filipino healthcare workers.

Activity 3.2: Correlation Study

Research Title: Balik Probinsiya Program: Its Effect on COVID-19 Pandemic in the

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

Findings: There is a low negative significant relationship between the implementation
of Balik Probinsiya Program and the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines.

Step 1: Identify the variable X, variable Y, the decision of the hypothesis and
the direction of the relationship, whether it is has a positive or negative
Variable X = Balik Probinsiya Program
Variable Y = COVID-19
Decision of the Hypothesis = rejected (there is a significant relationship)
Direction of the Relationship = low negative

Step 2: After identifying the key points, write the conclusion using this
An increase in X will mean that there will be a decrease in Y.
The higher the X, the lower the Y.

An increase in the implementation of Balik Probinsiya Program will mean that there will
be a decrease in the cases of COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines.
The higher the implementation of Balik Probinsiya Program, the lower the number of
COVID-19 cases in the Philippines.

Cristobal, A., & De la Cruz-Cristobal, M.C. (2017). Practical Research 2. C & E
Publishing, Inc. (2018). How to write a conclusion for a research paper. Retrieved July 1,
2020 from
Kretchmer, P. (2003). Conclusions: The Writing Center. Twelve Steps to Writing an
Effective Conclusion. San Francisco: University of North Carolina.
Latham, J. (2000). Drawing conclusions. Research Gate.
Lobetos, M. (2018). Drawing logical conclusions from research findings. Retrieved June
23, 2020 from
The Writing Center. (2020). Conclusions. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina.

Cherry Mae Dioso - Los Amigos National High School

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