A Review On Utilization of Wood Biomass As A Sustainable Precursor For

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 1–21

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A review on utilization of wood biomass as a sustainable precursor for T

activated carbon production and application

Mohammed Danisha, , Tanweer Ahmadb
Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Institute of Chemical and Bio-Engineering and Technology, Lot 1988, Taboh Naning, Alor Gajah 78000, Melaka, Malayasia
Department of Chemistry, School of Natural Science, Madda Walabu University, Bale, Robe, Ethiopia


Keywords: Activated carbon has been an ideal material for the separation of a variety of chemical pollutants. Its extensive
Activated carbon use is limited due to the cost of production, which has triggered the researches on the viable option for the non-
Wood biomass conventional and cost-effective production. The application of biomass waste has been widely explored as an
Adsorbent alternative to expensive methods of activated carbon production from coal. In this study, detailed list of pro-
duction methods of activated carbon from wood biomass is presented systematically. The attempt has also been
made to review the physical properties, such as ultimate and proximate analyses of wood biomass material.
Further, the chemical compositions of wood, such as hemicelluloses, cellulose, and lignin are also dealt with.
Finally, this review incorporates the existing research papers on wood-derived activated carbons to understand
the influence of pyrolysis temperature, activation temperature, and effect of various physical and chemical
activation conditions on the production, surface characteristics and adsorption behavior of activated carbons.
The outcome of this study revealed that the activated carbons from wood biomass exhibit promising char-
acteristics in terms of surface area, pore size and pore volume, surface functional groups, and surface entrapment
behavior against various water soluble chemical toxicants.

1. Introduction water contamination caused by the high concentration of noxious

compounds. There is an urgent need for developing a robust, econom-
Water is an essential constituent of the planet earth, which plays a ically viable and environmentally friendly treatment to eliminate them
very important role in the proper performance of the earth's ecosystem. from water. To safeguard the human health and restore the environ-
Getting potable and pristine water is now a challenging task in different mental symbiosis.
parts of the world. The geometrical growth of world population, house It is necessary to purify water and keep our environment clean,
hold and agricultural activities, burgeoning industrialization, modern which requires an innovative new technique for the creation of highly
technocratic civilization, and other geological, environmental and effective adsorbents and efficient filtration media [3,4]. On an in-
global changes, causes a gradual increase in water pollution. Recently, dustrial scale, water and wastewater treatment technologies have been
various toxic chemicals such as micro-pollutants, endocrine disrupting evolved in the past years for the removal of diverse aquatic pollutants.
phthalates compounds, personal care products, pesticides, and in- The water purification concepts discovered thus far, include filtration,
organic anions have been found at dangerous levels in drinking waters ultra-filtration and dialysis [5], reverse osmosis, solvent extraction [6],
throughout the world. Therefore, various types of health issues in advance oxidation [7], evaporation, coagulation, flocculation [8],
human beings are reported owing to water pollution [1]. Contaminated aerobic and anaerobic treatment, activated sludge, microbial reduction
water is one of the most challenging issues because it is a huge threat to [9], adsorption [10], ion exchange, and magnetic separation [11].
both human health and the existence of symbiotic relationship between Adsorption is a familiar separation technique known since the earlier
human and environment [2]. Keeping in view the seriousness of the history of science and considers as an efficient and user-friendly method

Abbreviations: BET, Brunner Emmet and Teller; AC, Activated Carbon; IUPAC, International Unions of Pure and Applied Chemistry; FTIR, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy; XPS,
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy; pHzpc, pH at zero point charge; FESEM, Field Emission Electron Microscopy; EDX/EDS, Energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy; CHNS, Carbon hydrogen
nitrogen and sulfur analysis; PET, Polyethylene Terephthalate; SAC, Steam Activated Carbon; CSAC, Chemical followed by Steam Activated Carbon; CC, Commercial activated Carbon;
CAC, Chemically Activated Carbon; EDTA, Ethylene diamine tetraacetica acid; SDAC, Saw Dust Activated Carbon; COD, Chemical Oxygen Demand; SMX, Sulfamethoxazole; D-R,

Correspondence to: Malaysian Institute of Chemical and Bioengineering Technology (MICET), Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Lot 1988, Alor Gajah 78000, Melaka, Malaysia.
E-mail addresses: mdanish@unikl.edu.my, mdanishchem@gmail.com (M. Danish).

Received 4 April 2017; Received in revised form 28 October 2017; Accepted 6 February 2018
Available online 12 February 2018
1364-0321/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Danish, T. Ahmad Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 1–21

for the elimination of a wide range of toxic pollutants from wastewater Table 1
[12–14]. It has been found to be a better method than others for was- List of precursor materials from different agricultural source for the production of low-
cost activated carbon.
tewater treatment in terms of simplicity of design, initial cost, ease of
operation, and sensitivity towards noxious pollutants. Adsorbents References
Activated carbon is a term used to express carbon-rich materials
which contain well-built internal pore structure. The high surface area, Cassava peel [20]
Jatropha curcas fruit shell [21]
well-organized macro, meso, and micro-pores, and a wide range of
Spent coffee ground [22]
chemical functional groups present on the surface of activated carbon Olive seeds [23–25]
make it a versatile material which has numerous applications. Activated Rice husk [26]
carbons have been globally recognized as the oldest, widely used and Corn cob [27]
most popular adsorbent in water and wastewater treatment industries Coconut shell [28,29]
Pecan shell [30,31]
[15]. It has been used as a versatile adsorbent against a wide range of
Rice straw [32,33]
water-soluble and gaseous pollutants. Their extensive use as an ad- Macadamia nutshell [34]
sorbent encompasses removal of undesirable taste, odor, color, and Fruit stones & nutshell (hazelnut shells, peanut hulls) [35]
other inorganic and organic impurities from industrial and municipal Apricot stones [36]
Almond shell [37,38]
wastewater, solvent recovery, and air pollution control from inhabited
Grain of sorgum [39]
places. They are increasingly used in the field of the pharmaceutical Cedar wood [40,41]
industry for the removal of color from syrups; for the removal of in- Date stone [12,13,42]
gested toxins from the human body; for the bacterial infections in Acacia mangium wood [43]
certain ailments; for the recovery of gold, silver, and other metals in Pomegranate seeds [44]
Neem leaves [45]
hydrometallurgy industries; and as catalysts and catalyst supports. They
Palm oil shell waste [46,47]
are also renowned for their applications in the gas mask filter manu- Wheat straw [48]
facturing industry, food processing industries, chemical industries, and Rice husk ash [49]
automobile pollution control devices [16]. Coconut coir dust [50]
Natural condensed tannin [51]
Despite its enormous industrial applications, the biggest hurdle in
Vetiver roots [52]
the frequent use of activated carbons in the industries is the cost of
production and vague methods associated with production and re-
generation processes [17]. At the beginning of the development of ac- 1.1. Wood as a sustainable biomass and its chemical composition
tivated carbons, coal was believed to be an affluent source of carbon;
therefore, it was considered as the best precursor material for the Wood biomass can be produced in short rotation, and it can be
conversion of activated carbon with large surface area. Coal mines are utilized as a sustainable precursor for the production of activates
limited and non-renewable. Therefore, the paradigm shifted towards carbon. Conversion of wood biomass into activated carbon not only
renewable resources, such as biomass or any carbon-rich waste for ac- makes it a more versatile material for industrial application but also
tivated carbon production. All natural resources that can be grown curb the formation of CO2 and methane (form due to aerobic and
through the agricultural activities in short rotation of cultivation period anaerobic digestions), which are a major greenhouse gas.
considered as the renewable resources. And most of the agricultural Lignocellulosic chemicals are the primary constituents of the wood
waste biomasses contain chemical constituents that have a high carbon biomass. The well-structured fibrous constituents of wood have a sig-
content, which make them suitable precursor for activated carbon nificant contribution in the preparation of granular activated carbons.
production. Cellulose contains partially crystalline linear polysaccharide units that
Utilization of biomass to produce activated carbon is a wise ap- have around 3000 glucose units in a chain. Cellulose and hemicellulose
proach in pollution control strategy in two ways. First, it can fix the units are quite similar to each other, but the only difference is in the
carbon of biomass that prevents the production of CO2 or CH4; and quantity of saccharide units. Hemicellulose consists of a smaller number
second, it produces activated carbon which is industrially useful and of saccharide units compared to cellulose. The average elemental per-
environmentally benign materials that can go into the soil and enter centage in hemicellulose are as follows: carbon, 44.4 wt%, oxygen,
natural carbon cycle process. Conversion of wood wastes into valuable 49.4 wt%, and hydrogen, 6.2 wt%. The lignin part of wood biomass has
carbon material can also resolve environmental issues like an accu- very complex molecular arrangements. The 3-D polymeric arrangement
mulation of agricultural waste, which causes air and water pollution of phenylpropane units in lignin are linked together by C–O–C or C–C
during natural degradation process [18]. Availability of low-cost by- bonds. These kinds of chemical bonding in lignin gives higher carbon
products from biomass production and processing industry has proven percent (62 wt%) and lower oxygen percent (32 wt%) in the molecules.
to be a potential raw material for the synthesis of activated carbons The C–O–C and C–C bonds not only connect to the phenylpropane units
[19]. Some attempts have been made to identify cost-effective methods but also associate with the hemicellulose and cellulose units. Thus,
and precursors to produce activated carbon. The list of precursor ma- lignin unit of the wood serves as a binding material for the lig-
terials from agricultural biomass sources to produce low-cost activated nocellulosic structure [53]. The major chemical constituents of wood
carbon is presented in Table 1. biomass are hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin; and minor chemical
This review presents the discussion on the utility of different wood components are protein and oil. On an average, the quantitative pro-
species biomass as a precursor to produce activated carbon. The specific portion of hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin in wood biomass are
objectives of this review article is as follows: (1) identify the chemical observed in the range of 20–35, 40–50, and 15–35%, respectively.
and elemental composition of wood species, (2) discuss the preparation During pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass, the decomposition of
methods for wood-derived activated carbons, (3) address the effects of hemicelluloses is reported in the temperature range of 200–260 °C,
activating agents, concentration, time and temperature on different followed by the decomposition of cellulose in the temperature range of
wood species-derived activated carbons, (4) discuss the changes ob- 240–350 °C, and lignin degraded in the temperature range of
served in physical and chemical properties of the wood-derived acti- 280–500 °C. The loss of mass in the temperature range of 240–400 °C is
vated carbons as a result of different activation conditions, (5) sum- primarily owing to chain scission and mineralization of lignin and
marize the contemporary research development in potential cellulosic units by breaking C-C and C-O bonds within glycopyranose
applications of the wood-derived activated carbons as an adsorbent for ring with the evaporation of water, CO, and CO2 molecules [54]. The
the removal of various organic and inorganic pollutants.

M. Danish, T. Ahmad Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 1–21

Table 2 diagram as shown in Scheme 1. In Table 4 we summarize the various

Chemical composition of different wood based biomass. activation conditions of the different species of wood biomass-derived
activated carbons.
Types of wood Chemical composition% Reference
Physical activation is normally conducted in two steps. In the first
Cellulose Hemi lignin Extractive step, carbonization takes place to eliminate the volatile matters at low
cellulose temperatures from the raw material. Whereas in the second step, the
activation of the obtained carbonized (carbon-rich intermediate) sub-
Eucalyptus wood 57.3 16.8 25.9 – [55]
Jatropha wood 48.03 24.70 24.28 2.99 [56] stance takes place at much-elevated temperature. The uses of inert
Douglas fir wood 43.2 17.0 29.9 5.2 [57] gasses during carbonization and activation process are optional. The
Douglas fir bark 18.2 8.8 43.4 19.5 [57] burning of fibrous carbon of biomass can be prevented in the presence
Wattle wood 62.0 12.6 25.4 – [58] of gas, such as steam, N2, CO2, Ar, or their mixtures. Usually, N2 is most
Acacia mangium 46.5 16.03 27.64 9.83 [59]
commonly used as gaseous atmosphere during the activation process,
Almond tree pruning 33.7 20.1 25.0 – [60] because it can repel the gaseous oxygen from the pyrolysis chamber.
Consequently, burning of the biomass can be avoided. Nitrogen gas is
clean, easy to handle, and available at low-cost. Furthermore, it helps to
chemical constituents of various cultivars of wood species are presented control the activation process at working temperatures. During carbo-
in Table 2. nization, the wood precursor is pyrolyzed at relatively low temperature
to eliminate low molecular weight and volatile organic residues. In the
2. Preparation methods of wood activated carbon next step, activation takes place at temperature ranges from 700 °C to
1100 °C in the presence of supporting gases that can prevent CO2 for-
Activated carbons are amorphous in nature that is prepared to show mation and generate pores of diverse sizes in the activated carbon
a range of porosity and extended surface area. It is a result of an acti- during activation process [146,147]. Optimization of yield and surface
vation process of the carbon-rich material. The wood having high area of wood-derived activated carbons was done through the selection
carbon content (50–90%) will be a suitable precursor to produce acti- of a logical range of values of preparation parameters. The preparation
vated carbons. The activation is initiated with the carbonization of the parameters of activated carbon are the carbonization time, activation
precursor to achieve high carbon content material [61]. An activated temperature, and gas (steam, CO2, N2) flow rate.
carbon with large surface area and high mesoporous volume can serve Chemical activation methods involve the impregnation of the
as an outstanding adsorbent. The large surface area and mesoporous starting material with a dehydrating chemical agent before or after
activated carbons are useful for an extensive application in separation, carbonization step. It is used to dehydrate the precursor and remove the
decoloration, deodorization, purification, and filtration operations tar from biomass materials. A variety of chemical activating agents such
[62]. The chemical composition, as well as the methods and the process as sulphuric acid, nitric acid, phosphoric acid, zinc chloride, potassium
conditions used during activation of the wood biomass, play an im- hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, calcium carbonate, etc., can be used.
portant role in the formation of pores, pore volume, and surface area. Chemically impregnated biomass subjected to heat treatment under an
Consequently, adsorption properties of the activated carbon vary from inert atmosphere to get the porous-structure with extended surface area
one wood species source to another [63]. Various wood species biomass activated carbons. The chemical agents facilitate to develop the pores in
that has been utilized in activated carbon production and their ultimate the activated carbon using degradation, dehydration, and complexation
and proximate analyses are presented in Table 3. with organic carbon molecules of precursor materials. The chemically
The activation of wood biomass is performed to synthesize activated treated wood biomass heated at various ranges of temperatures to check
carbons with high carbon content, large surface area, and pore volume. its effect on yield, surface area, and pores formed in the activated
The physical and chemical properties of obtained activated carbons are carbon. The chemical activation carried out at a lower temperature
affected by the degree of activation. The method of biomass activation compared to a physical activation. Because the chemical interaction
process is divided into two: physical activation method, in which steam, between precursor chemical residue and activating agents compensate
nitrogen, and carbon dioxide are used for mild reduction of the car- this temperature gap.
bonaceous matter. While, in chemical activation method, a chemical Chemical activation has numerous benefits compared to physical
dehydrating agent is applied to activate the biomass. The detailed ac- activation. In chemical activation, the carbonization and activation
tivation process of wood biomass can be represented by the flow

Table 3
Proximate and ultimate analysis of different wood biomass.

Types of wood Ultimate analysis (%) Proximate analysis (%) References

C H O N Ash Volatiles Fixed carbon

Eucalyptus wood 47.1 5.9 46.6 0.1 0.3 85.7 14.0 [55]
Jatropha wood 42.20 6.30 51.18a 0.32 3.83 77.30 18.31a [56]
Pine Saw dust 46.41 6.27 47.23 0.06 0.46 72.23 21.30 [64]
Paulownia wood 45.83 6.29 47.48 0.40 1.05 76.54 18.91 [65]
Douglas fir wood 48.49 4.85 39.25 0.63 6.73 72.28 20.99 [66]
Meranti Sawdust 42.38 5.27 42.41 0.14 1.49 76.23 14.04 [67]
China fir 52.68 7.04 39.97 – 0.3 – – [68]
Coniferous tree 46.3 7.1 45.2 1.4 0.5 – – [69]
Eucalyptus wood 48.2 6.2 44.1 0.5 4.8 80.48 14.65 [70]
Douglas fir wood 72.4 3.9 21.4 0.2 2.0 – – [57]
Douglas fir bark 64.6 1.6 15.5 0.3 17.6 – – [57]
Almond tree pruning 51.30 6.50 41.36 0.80 1.20 72.20 – [60]
Woody Birch 48.4 5.6 45.8 0.2 0.2 81.2 – [71]
Chinese fir sawdust 48.95 6.54 53.74 0.11 0.32 79.92 – [72]

By difference.

M. Danish, T. Ahmad Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 1–21

Scheme 1. Flow diagram for activation process of wood-derived activated carbon.

processes are combined in one step that saves the heat energy during shape and size of the precursor wood particle [123,130].
synthesis. Moreover, chemical activation conducted at a lower tem- For better results through chemical activation, the complete mixing
perature compared to physical activation; thus, it also saves energy. The of activating agent and wood precursor must be assured before setting
other major benefits of using chemical activation process are higher for the activation process. Majority of reported work
yield, less activation time, incorporation of suitable functional groups, [35,52,53,74,84,85,113,149,150] shows that the reagents are diluted
and larger surface area of the activated carbon. The major drawback of with water, then uniformly mixed with the precursor. The well-mixed
the chemical activation process is the cost of chemicals, and it required sample is kept at a different predetermined temperature that varies
to carry out an additional step of flushing activated carbon with hot and from one researcher to other. Thus, the interaction of activating agents
cold water to eliminate the surplus unreacted chemicals and chemical with wood precursor is conducted in a much simpler way. The water-
by-products [148]. The chemical activation process also has some en- soluble activating agents imbibe into the interior channels of the fibrous
vironmental concern among the researchers over using the chemical structure allows for an improved access of the activating agent to the
agents during the activation process. For this uncertainty of the en- cell wall of the wood precursor particles. Furthermore, partial eva-
vironmentalist, the environmental friendly chemical dehydrating agent poration of the water molecules should thrust the reactant into the
should be used. And after cautious treatment of the raw material with interior cell wall of the wood precursor. Once the wood precursor
chemicals, part of the added chemicals should be recovered. On the completely soaked with activating agents, the impregnation steps
other hand, some researcher also reported activation via a two-step completed. The activation conducted under a uniform flow of nitrogen
process, which is a combined method of physical and chemical process or any other inert gas to run the process in the absence of oxygen. Some
for effective activation of biomass [32]. researcher reported activation in the presence of self-burn gases, and
Chemical activation of biomass can produce granular as well as the obtained activated carbon should wash with hot and cold water to
powdered activated carbons. The finely divided precursor material remove the chemical by-products formed during chemical activation.
ensures the homogeneity of the activating agent and wood precursor During phosphoric acid activation of Acacia mangium wood, phosphorus
mixture. However, granular activated carbon can be produced from pentaoxide was formed as by-products on the surface of activated
wood by mixing coarser wood particles with appropriate concentration carbon [130].
of suitable activating agents. In case of the coarser precursor, the im-
pregnation step must conduct with special attention to ensure the 2.1. Activating agents for wood biomass
complete mixing of precursor and the reagent. Between the particle size
of wood precursor and activating agents, the choice of activating agent Chemical activation process comprises of the impregnation of wood
is more important to produce granular activated carbon. Because of precursor biomass in the dehydrating agent solution at various con-
some wood species precursor agglomerates in the presence of certain centrations. Commonly used dehydrating chemical agents are H3PO4,
chemical activating agent and form flakes like activated carbon. For ZnCl2, KOH, NaOH, H2SO4, and CaO, etc. Among the various dehy-
example, Acacia mangium wood activated with KOH forming highly drating agents used in chemical activation, phosphoric acid has been
fragile flakes of carbon that can be easily converted into a fine powder. the most ideal for wood biomass, because it is highly effective in acti-
Whereas, the same wood with similar particle size activated with vation of wood, economic, and environmentally safe [151].
phosphoric acid produce the granular activated carbon of almost same Yorgun and Yıldız [65] reported large surface area activated

M. Danish, T. Ahmad Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 1–21

Table 4
Carbonization and activation condition for different species of woods for the production of activated carbons.

Raw material Carbonization condition Activation condition Chemical treatment Additional information Reference
(°C/h) (°C/h)

Pinewood 550 °C/4 h 900 °C/0.5–4 h – Steam flow rate 5 cm3/min. [73]
Chestnut wood 450 °C/4 h – H3PO4 Impregnated with 36 and 85 wt% [74]
Cedar wood 450 °C/4 h – H3PO4 Impregnated with 36 and 85 wt% [74]
Walnut wood 450 °C/4 h – H3PO4 Impregnated with 36 and 85 wt% [74]
Oak wood waste 450 °C 700 °C/1 h and CO2 Physical activation [75]
800 °C/2 h
Oak wood – 700 °C/1 h CO2 Physical activation [75]
Mahogany sawdust 500 °C/1 h 800 °C/1 h Steam – [76]
Peltogyne wood 580–750 °C 700 °C CO2 – [77]
Tectona grandis sawdust 500 °C/1 h – ZnCl2 chemical ratio (activating agent/precursor) of 200% [78]
Pine sawdust – 500 °C ZnCl2 Impregnation ratio 1:1 [79]
Fir wood 450 °C/1.5 h 900 °C/7 h steam activation – [80]
Fir wood 450 °C/1.5 h 780 °C/1 h KOH Water/KOH/char weight ratio of 2/1/2, 2/1/1, 3/4/ [80]
1, and 3/6/1, respectively.
Rubber wood (CAC) 400 °C/1 h – H3PO4 The char was impregnated with phosphoric acid of [81]
0.45 IR (g phosphorous: g precursor).
Rubber wood (SAC) – 750 °C/1 h Steam The char was activated in a fluidized bed reactor. [81]
Rubber wood (CSAC) – 800 °C/1 h Chemical followed by The char was impregnated with phosphoric acid [81]
steam (0.45) IR and activated in a fluidized bed.
Fir wood 300 °C/1 h 700 °C/2 h KOH Impregnation ratio of 0.75 g of KOH/1 g of initial [82]
Teak sawdust 600 °C/1 h 750–900 °C/1 h Steam activation vacuum pyrolysis char [83]
Walnut wood 300–800 °C/ 2 h 350–550 °C/2 h Air Activated in air [84]
Chest nut wood – 600 °C/4 h H3PO4 Impregnation ratio 1:3 [85]
Fir wood 550 °C/3 h 900 °C/5 h Steam – [86]
Fir wood 550 °C/3 h 780 °C/1 h KOH – [86]
Cedar wood 600, 700 and 800 °C/2 h 600, 700 and 800 °C/ CO2 Impregnated with 5, 7 and 10 M H2SO4 [41]
2 h and 4 h
Woody Birch 600 °C/1 h 600 °C/1 h Steam/H3PO4 Impregnated samples were heated in N2 flow, then to [71]
steam flow
Woody Birch – 700 °C/2 h Steam/H3PO4 Impregnated samples were directly pyrolyzed in flow [71]
of steam
Cedar wood 600,700 and 800 °C/2 h 700, 800 and 900 °C/ CO2 Impregnated with H2O2 [40]
Eucalyptus wood 400 °C/1 h 900 °C/1 h CO2 Physical activation by CO2 [58]
Wattle wood 400 °C/1 h 800 °C/5 h CO2 Physical activation by CO2 [58]
Fir wood 450 °C/1.5 h 780 °C/1 h KOH etching and CO2 Soaked in a KOH solution KOH/char ratio of 1 [87]
Uruguayan Eucalyptus wood 450 °C 825 °C CO2 Physical activation [88]
Oil palm wood 390 °C/4 h 806 °C/3.5 h – – [89]
Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn 500 °C/1 h – H3PO4 Impregnated with 85% by wt. H3PO4 (1:1) [90]
Oak wood 480 °C/1 h H3PO4 – [91]
Oak wood 450 °C/2 h – H3PO4 60% H3PO4 [92]
Ailanthus altissima wood 400 and 800 °C – – Impregnated with 0.5 M KOH solution [93]
Prosopis ruscifolia wood 450 °C/0.5 h – H3PO4 (acid/precursor ratio = 2, 450 ◦C, 0.5 h) [94]
China fir (Cunninghamia – 475 °C/1.5 h H3PO4 Impregnated with 50% H3PO4 solution [68]
lanceolata) wood
Birch wood 480 °C/1 h – H3PO4 – [95]
Chinese fir sawdust 400–600 °C/1 h ZnCl2 Activation under vacuum [95]
Paulownia wood 400–700 °C/1 h – ZnCl2 Impregnation ratio was varied between 0.5 and 4. [96]
Spruce (Picea abies) wood 700 °C/1 h 900 °C/1.5 h Steam activation – [97]
Beech (Fagus silvatica) wood 700 °C/1 h 900 °C/1.5 h Steam activation – [97]
Oak (Quercus robur) 700 °C/1 h 900 °C/1.5 h Steam activation – [97]
Almond tree pruning 600 °C/1 h 850 °C/30 min steam – [60]
Tamarind wood 439 °C/40 min – ZnCl2 Chemical ratio of (296%) [98]
Euphorbia antiquorum L. wood 400 °C/10 min 800 °C/10 min H3PO4 10% H3PO4 [99]
Euphorbia antiquorum L. 400 °C/ 20 min 800 °C/10 min H3PO4 10% H3PO4 [100]
Tamarind wood 439 °C/40 min – ZnCl2 Chemical ratio of (296%) [101]
Sal wood (Shorea robusta) 650 °C – H2SO4 Physical and chemically activated. Impregnation [102]
ratio (0.25, 0.5 and 0.75)
Outer rind of wood apple – 160 °C/6 h H2SO4 Impregnated with 1:1 H2SO4 [103]
Shear butter wood 300 °C/2 h 200 °C/2 h H3PO4 – [104]
Shear butter wood 300 °C/2 h 200 °C/2 h Ferric chloride – [104]
Shear butter wood 300 °C/2 h 200 °C/2 h Potassium carbonate – [104]
Shear butter wood 300 °C/2 h 200 °C/2 h Trioxonitrate (v) acid – [104]
Shear butter wood 300 °C/2 h 200 °C/2 h HCl – [104]
Shear butter bark 300 °C/2 h 200 °C/2 h H3PO4 – [104]
Shear butter bark 300 °C/2 h 200 °C/2 h Ferric chloride – [104]
Shear butter bark 300 °C/2 h 200 °C/2 h Potassium carbonate – [104]
Shear butter bark 300 °C/2 h 200 °C/2 h Trioxonitrate (v) acid – [104]
Shear butter bark 300 °C/2 h 200 °C/2 h HCl – [104]
(continued on next page)

M. Danish, T. Ahmad Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 1–21

Table 4 (continued)

Raw material Carbonization condition Activation condition Chemical treatment Additional information Reference
(°C/h) (°C/h)

Balsamodendron caudatum 400 °C/1 h 800 °C/1 h H3PO4 Impregnated with 10% H3PO4 [105]
China fir 200 °C/1 h 475 °C/30 min H3PO4 one-step (i.e., a steady heating rate was [106]
appliedwithout any intermediate isothermal
treatment) or two-step
Pine sawdust – 800 °C/2 h CO2 Physical activation [107]
Apple wood shell 110 °C/24 h 300 °C/1 h H2SO4 Impregnation ratio 1:2 [108]
Poplar wood 900 °C/1 h – Na2CO3 Impregnation ratio 1:3 [109]
Poplar wood 900 °C/1 h – K2CO3 Impregnation ratio 1:3 [109]
Eucalyptus wood 500 °C/ 2hr 880 °C/105 min H2SO4 and CS2 – [110]
Neem husk 200–500 °C/10 min – H3PO4 One-step carbonization-activation, optimum at [111]
500 °C
Neem husk 200–500 °C/10 min – KOH One-step carbonization-activation, optimum at [111]
350 °C
Neem husk 200–500 °C/10 min – ZnCl2 One-step carbonization-activation, optimum at [111]
400 °C
Moringa oleifera wood 110 °C/1.5 h 400 °C/ 1 h – Washing with 10% NaHCO3 [112]
Tamarind wood 200–700 °C/2 h – ZnCl2 Chemical ratio (100–400%) [113]
Poplar wood 700–900 °C /1 h – H3PO4 – [114]
Tamarindus indica wood 350–550 °C – ZnCl2 – [115]
Algarroba wood 200–900 °C 800 °C/1 h CO2 One-step procedure by two different ways, physical [116]
activation under CO2 flow and by pyrolysis under
inert N2 flow
Euphorbia antiquorum L. wood 400 °C 800 °C/10 min H3PO4 10% H3PO4 [117]
Wood apple shell – – H3PO4 Impregnation 1:1and activated in commercial [118]
microwave oven
Oak wood char 400–450 °C – – fast pyrolysis in an auger reactor [119]
Oak bark char 400–450 °C – – fast pyrolysis in an auger reactor [119]
Olive-tree wood 350 and 550 °C/1 h – H3PO4 Impregnation 3.5:1 [120]
Olive-tree wood 600 °C/2 h 400 °C/0.5–3 h Air Physical activation with air [121]
Jatropha husk 800 °C/1 h – ZnCl2 Chemical activation [122]
Acacia mangium wood – 773 K/2 h CaO Impregnation ratio 2:1(w/w) [123]
Acacia mangium wood – 773 K/2 h KOH Impregnation ratio 2:1(w/w) [123]
Acacia mangium wood 300 °C/30 min 500 °C/2 h – Physical activation by N2 [124]
Obeche wood 250–750 °C/1 h 500–900 °C/15 min K2CO3 Impregnation ratio 1:1 [125]
Lawsonia inermis wood 400 °C/1 h 850 °C/2 h – Physical activation [126]
Wood apple shell – 600 °C/2 h H2SO4 – [127]
Grey alder wood 300–700 °C 850 °C/90 min Steam Treated hydrothermally [128]
Acacia mangium wood – 500 °C/2 h CO2 Physical activation by CO2 [129]
Acacia mangium wood 500 °C/2 h – ZnCl2 Impregnation ratio 0.5 [130]
Acacia mangium wood 500 °C/2 h – H3PO4 Impregnation ratio 0.5 [130]
Derris indica wood 600 °C/1 h – – Physical activation [131]
Wood based – – H3PO4 Chemical activation [132]
Acacia mangium wood – 900 °C/45 min H3PO4 – [133]
Walnut wood 900 °C/2 h – H3PO4 Impregnated with (35%, v/v) H3PO4 [134]
Eucalyptus camaldulensis 450 °C/1 h – H3PO4 Impregnation ratio1.5:1 [70]
wood (H1.5)
Eucalyptus camaldulensis 450 °C/1 h – H3PO4 Impregnation ratio 2:1 [70]
wood (H2)
Eucalyptus camaldulensis 450 °C/1 h – H3PO4 Impregnation ratio 2.5:1 [70]
wood (H2.5)
Eucalyptus camaldulensis 900 °C/1 h – KOH Impregnation ratio 3.5:1 [70]
wood (HK)
Eucalyptus camaldulensis 500 °C/2 h – ZnCl2 Impregnation ratio 0.75:1 [70]
Eucalyptus camaldulensis 500 °C/2 h – ZnCl2 Impregnation ratio 1.5:1 [70]
wood (Z1.5)
Eucalyptus camaldulensis 500 °C/2 h – ZnCl2 Impregnation ratio 2.5:1 [70]
wood (Z2.5)
Astragalus bisulcatus tree 500 °C/1 h – – In argon atmosphere [135]
Peanut sticks wood 400 °C/2 h – – Physical activation [136]
Pine saw dust 300–800 °C/1 h – ZnCl2 ZnCl2 impregnated ratio 1.5 followed by one step [64]
chemical activation
Jatropha wood 400 °C/2 h and 700 °C/ – H3PO4 and KOH Heating rate 2 °C/min and10 °C/min [56]
Hybrid Eucalyptus wood 600 °C/1 h – – – [137]
Pomegranate wood 650 °C/2 h – – Physical activation [138]
Oak wood – – HNO3 Activated by direct mixing with 150 mL of 5 mol/L of [139]
HNO3 and then was refluxed for 8 h
Coniferous wood (S4A6) 400 °C/1 h 600 °C/1 h CO2 Physical activation [69]
Coniferous wood (S4A7) 400 °C/1 h 700 °C/1 h CO2 Physical activation [69]
Coniferous wood (SA6) – 600 °C/1 h CO2 Direct physical activation [69]
Walnut wod – – HNO3 Chemical activation [140]
Rubber wood sawdust – 500 °C/1 h ZnCl2 Impregnation ratio 1:1 [141]
(continued on next page)

M. Danish, T. Ahmad Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 1–21

Table 4 (continued)

Raw material Carbonization condition Activation condition Chemical treatment Additional information Reference
(°C/h) (°C/h)

Rubber wood sawdust – 500 °C/1 h ZnCl2 Impregnation ratio 1.5:1 [141]
Rubber wood sawdust – 500 °C/1 h ZnCl2 Impregnation ratio 2:1 [141]
Paulownia wood 400 °C/1 h – H3PO4 Impregnation ratio 4:1 [65]
Eucalyptus grandis sawdust – – ZnCl2 Microwave-assisted carbonization and activation for [142]
28 min
Indian wood shrub 550 °C/1 h 800 °C/2 h – – [143]
Walnut wood – 900 °C/2 h H3PO4 H3PO4 (85% v/v) [144]
Poplar wood – 900 °C/2 h H3PO4 H3PO4 (85% v/v) [144]
Pistacia atlantica wood 550 °C/1 h – – Argon atmosphere [145]

carbons that were obtained by chemical activation of Paulownia Whereas phosphoric acid does not form any crystalline compound, ra-
(Paulownia elongata) wood using H3PO4 as a dehydrating agent. The use ther it forms P2O5 during the activation process, which is a non-crys-
of H3PO4 during activation process promotes the de-polymerization, talline solid.
dehydration, and redistribution of constituent biopolymers. It also fa- Gueye et al. [56] reported the efficiency of jatropha wood activated
vors the conversion of aliphatic to aromatic compounds, thus increasing carbons (synthesized by chemical activation) against hexavalent chro-
the yield of activated carbon. The H3PO4 has two significant functions: mium adsorption from wastewater. The activation of wood by H3PO4
(i) it promotes the pyrolytic decomposition of the initial material and acts in two ways. First, as an acid catalyst that promotes de-poly-
(ii) promotes the formation of the cross-linked structure [71]. However, merization of the macromolecules making up the biomass (cellulose,
H3PO4 helps in the formation of both micropores and mesopores in hemicelluloses, and lignin). While encouraging the formation of cross-
activated carbon. Heidari et al. [70] reported chemical activation linking through dehydration, cyclization and condensation reactions.
method for preparation of activated carbon from Eucalyptus camaldu- Second, H3PO4 is known to promote the formation of polyphosphate
lensis wood using ZnCl2, H3PO4, and KOH. It was observed that the and phosphate linkages that connect and cross-link the fragments de-
types of activating agent and its concentration guide the surface area rived from the macromolecules making up the biomass. The insertion of
and pore volume in the eucalyptus wood activated carbon. The Bru- phosphate and polyphosphate leads to a dilation, after the release of the
nauer-Emmitt-Teller (BET) surface area and porosity increased in the oxygen-containing compounds from the matrix. It leaves a well-devel-
subsequent order: KOH > H3PO4 > ZnCl2. The best activating agent for oped porous structure with an accessible range of pore size. During
preparing activated carbon from Eucalyptus camaldulensis wood in terms activation with high concentration KOH solutions, the presence of nu-
of large BET surface area and a high percentage of micropore volume cleophilic hydroxyl ions leads to lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose
was KOH. The porosity is created by chemical compounds remaining fragmentation and solubilization reactions. During pyrolysis, the in-
intercalated in the internal structure of lignocellulosic materials, hin- sertion of potassium atoms, arising from the reduction of oxide or hy-
dering their shrinkage. In the case of H3PO4 activation, the acid and its droxide, is the initial phase of the activation. The progress of this
derivates (polyphosphoric acid) interact with the functional organic process produces stress inside the solidified carbon network that forms
component of the wood. To form a phosphate linkage such as phosphate during pyrolysis. However, it is necessary to prolong heat to extract the
and polyphosphate esters that connect and cross-link in biopolymers. metal atoms from the intercalated carbon network structure, with the
The pores are generated due to the formation of these linkages which strength of that process decides the porosity of the final carbonaceous
expand the biomass structure. The polyphosphate compounds are larger residue.
as compared to ZnCl2, which fills a wide range of pore sizes and leads to It should be noted that a fundamental understanding of the acti-
the creation of larger sized mesopores. However, ZnCl2 and its hydrates vation mechanisms is critical for optimization of the preparation of
mostly cause the small and uniform size of the micropores. The ob- activated carbon through chemical activation method. However, it re-
tained maximum BET surface area is attributed to the decline of O2, H2, mains difficult to predict the porous texture of biomass for a given
and N2 contents of the biomass during each activation phase, forming a activating agent, even though some general tendencies can be expected
nano-porous carbon adsorbent with large surface area and high porosity depending on the biomass composition and structure. Some tests need
for gas phase adsorption. to be conducted with different activating agents for each biomass, to
Danish et al. [133] reported the optimized parameters such as ac- identify the one that leads to activated carbon characteristics that are
tivating agent (H3PO4) concentration, activation time, and temperature adapted to the targeted application.
to produce large surface area and well-enhanced pore volume activated
carbons from Acacia mangium wood. The suitable concentration of
H3PO4 function as an effective dehydrating agent, which can penetrate 2.2. Effect of chemical impregnation ratio on wood-derived activated
the fibrous structure of wood and enlarges it. At the same time, it re- carbon
moves organic molecules like flavanols and phenols from the wood
biomass structure. Because of it, the activated carbons have a large The impregnation ratio is one of the significant parameters that
surface area with high density of mesopores. Danish et al. [130] re- influence the creation of porosity and enlargement of surface area in
ported that acidic activating agents (H3PO4 and ZnCl2) have a nearly activated carbon. Yorgun and Yıldız [65] reported large surface area
similar effect on Acacia mangium wood derived activated carbon when activated carbons from Paulownia (Paulownia elongata) wood. The ac-
comparing pore volume, pore diameter, surface area, and iodine ad- tivated carbon prepared through chemical activation route using H3PO4
sorption. Though the surface functional groups and surface charge at different impregnation ratios (varies from 1:1–4:1). The BET surface
distributions were found different in H3PO4 and ZnCl2 treated Acacia area and the total pore volumes of the activated carbon enhanced many
mangium wood activated carbons. The H3PO4 activation gives cationic folds by increasing the activating agent to raw materials ratio from
surface charge with high charge density compared to ZnCl2 treated 1:1–2:1. The effect of activating agent to raw material ratio on the BET
Acacia mangium wood activated carbons. The crystalline peaks found in surface area and total pore volume was observed stronger at an acti-
ZnCl2 treated Acacia mangium wood activated carbon was due to the vation temperature of 400 °C. At this temperature, as the impregnation
formation of zinc oxide during activation at elevated temperatures. ratio is increased from 1:1–4:1, the surface areas (BET, micropore) and
pore volumes (total and micropore) of the activated carbons increased

M. Danish, T. Ahmad Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 1–21

remarkably. However, at a higher temperature of activation 4 h. The authors compared surface areas of cedar wood activated
(500–600 °C), the increase in the impregnation ratio from 3:1–4:1, did carbon and carbonized cedar wood samples. Activation of cedar wood
not have any significant effect on BET surface area and total pore vo- into activated carbon in the presence of CO2 gas, activating agents, and
lume of activated carbon. It was observed that the activating agent to gaseous carbon atoms start with the formation of the surface com-
raw material ratio had a significant effect on the BET surface area, plexes. The surface complexes formed demonstrate sufficient stability
micropore surface area, and micropore volume at the low activation up to 800 °C, but started degradation of the complex at 900 °C, in the
temperature. form of carbon monoxide [158].
Açıkyıldız et al. [64] studied single step chemical activation method Physical activation of oak wood was conducted at different tem-
using zinc chloride as an activating agent to obtain activated carbon peratures and time of activation by Zhang et al. [75]. Results have
from pine sawdust, corn seed, and rose seed at different chemical im- shown that the longer activation time will give higher adsorption ca-
pregnation (ZnCl2/PW) ratio. The authors reported that methylene blue pacity to the activated carbons, and vice-versa. It apparently showed
adsorption index and surface area of the prepared activated carbon that time of activation did not influence the surface characteristics of
increased significantly with the increase of chemical impregnation ratio oak wood activated carbons at 700 °C substantially. Whereas at 800 °C
from 1:2–1:1 at 400 °C activation temperature. However, a further rise activation temperature for 1 h and 2 h activation time have a significant
in chemical impregnation ratio (1:1–2:1) did not have any noticeable difference in pore diameter, total pore volume, and the surface areas.
effect on the surface area and methylene blue adsorption capacity. The The activated carbon obtained from 1 h of activation time was found to
effect of chemical impregnation ratio on yield and surface area showed have much less pore diameter, total pore volume, and the surface areas
that it increases from 1:2–1:1 then decreased till 2:1 for pine sawdust, compared to 2 h of activation time. It is apparent from the study that
corn seed, and rose seed. While methylene blue adsorption index reg- the pore structure and surface area of the oak wood activated carbons
ularly increased from impregnation ratio 1:2–1:1, after that it attained a changes significantly during a change of activation time at 800 °C ac-
constant value during the further rise in the impregnation ratio from tivation temperature. The experimental results revealed that different
3:2–2:1. This constant adsorption behavior can be attributed to the origin of the precursor materials behaves differently under these con-
limited formation of new micropores and conversion of existing mi- ditions.
cropores into mesopores. This study shows that ZnCl2 develops not only The wood precursors treated with different chemical agents contain
new pores up to certain concentration level but also converts existing functional groups of the chemical agents in the final product (activated
micropores into mesopores after saturation of activating agent con- carbon). For example, the wood precursors that have been activated
centration. with sulphuric acid contain sulfur atoms in the surface complexes of the
Heidari et al. [70] varied impregnation ratio of chemical activation activated carbon [103]. The activated carbons with these kinds of
agent (H3PO4 and ZnCl2) to Eucalyptus camaldulensis wood powder functional complexes are relatively stable at low temperatures and may
during the activation process. The authors reported the effect of acti- retain the active sites. As a result, the occlusion of the pores in an ac-
vating agent concentration on the physical and chemical properties of tivated carbon may occur. Therefore, an elevated temperature is ne-
the activated carbon. As the impregnation ratio of ZnCl2 and H3PO4 was cessary to facilitate the activation reaction and remove the chemical
raised, the nitrogen adsorption curve showing a gradual increase in complexes. The activation time and temperature data show that with
adsorption volume and the adsorption-desorption isotherms exhibited the increase of activation time and temperature at fixed activating
hysteresis loops. This characteristic of the nitrogen adsorption-deso- agent dosage, the micro-, meso-, and macro-pore volume as well as
rption curve can be attributed to the formation of a larger fraction of surface area increases [103].
mesoporosity in the Eucalyptus camaldulensis wood activated carbon. It A sizeable amount of volatile matter was released gradually from
was reported that increase in impregnation ratio of H3PO4 and Eu- the biomass during pyrolysis when the pyrolysis temperature was raised
calyptus camaldulensis wood, increased the BET surface area and me- from 700 °C to 900 °C. Consequently, the development of new pores
soporosity in the activated carbon. Furthermore, the BET surface area leads to a gradual increase in the surface areas. Further increase in
and mesoporosity of the activated carbon prepared with ZnCl2 de- temperature with activation time up to 4 h, increased the surface area
creased with a rising impregnation ratio due to the transformation of of the activated carbon. Longer activation time is required to enlarge
the micropores into macropores. porosity as well as to open choked-up pore entrances and eliminate
complexes. Birch and oak wood were activated under steam atmo-
sphere with a different concentration of phosphoric acid [91]. It was
2.3. Effect of activation temperature and time on wood-derived activated established that escalating the phosphoric acid dosage during activation
carbon gives rise to micro-pores domination over mesopores (pore size
2–50 nm) in the activated carbon. The activating agent contact time
Activation time and temperature have a remarkable effect on sur- with wood biomass played a significant role in the formation of me-
face morphology, surface area, and pore size. Tseng et al. [73] reported sopores. At activating agent contact time between 10 and 20 min, the
the influence of activation time on surface areas and pore diameter of formed activated carbon largely contains smaller mesopores (pore size
pine wood activated carbon. The effect of variation of activation time at 2–5 nm), accounting for 83% of total volume. While prolonging soaking
fixed activation temperature was observed on pore diameter and sur- of precursor with activating agents enhance the formation of larger
face area. The pore diameter noticeably increased from 28.3 to 33.3 Ǻ, mesopores (with pore size 10–20 nm). The biopolymer constituent in
and surface area increased nearly double (426 m2/g to 902 m2/g) with wood precursor was having a noticeable influence on the properties of
the increment of time of activation from 0.5 to 4.0 h at a fixed activa- activated carbon. Under similar activation condition, oak wood gave
tion temperature of 900 °C. This research study shows that time of ac- less proportion of larger size mesopore (pore size 10–50 nm) volume
tivation has significant contribution in eliminating the considerable and a larger contribution of smaller size mesopores (pore size 2–5 nm).
amount of loosely bonded substance to open the pores. Consequently, Properties of the activated carbons prepared from oak wood and birch
increase in the surface area and enlargement of pore diameter was wood were compared under similar conditions. It was reported that
observed. Cuerda-Corea et al. [41] reported the influence of time and birch wood activation with phosphoric acid in the presence of steam
temperature on the pore size and surface area of cedar wood activated atmosphere facilitates the development of highly mesoporous carbon
carbon. In the presence of nitrogen flow rate at 100 mL/min, the car- than that of oak wood [91]. The surface area of the wood-derived ac-
bonization temperatures were selected 600, 700 and 800 °C. Then tivated carbon is significantly influenced by the concentration of
carbonized samples in the presence of CO2 with flow rate at 100 mL/ phosphoric acid used during activation. The maximum surface area
min were activated at temperatures of 600, 700, and 800 °C for 2 and (2054 m2/g) was achieved at 30% (XP = 0.52) phosphoric acid

M. Danish, T. Ahmad Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 1–21

concentration; further increase in phosphoric acid concentration (50% range of 0.4–0.9 nm. Therefore, the size of pores in the activated carbon
~ XP= 0.99) decreased the surface area to 1867 m2/g. A similar effect became more important to trap gaseous molecules in the suitable size of
of phosphoric acid concentration was observed for pore volume of the pores. The micropore dominated activated carbon can be used for gas
activated carbon. At 30% (XP= 0.52) phosphoric acid concentration the molecules adsorption. However, for liquid molecules adsorption, the
maximum value of pore volume (0.773 cm3/g) was achieved for birch activated carbons should have appreciably mesopores dominated sur-
wood activated carbon. face so that larger size of hydrated liquid molecules (> 27 nm) can be
The heating rates at different activation temperature and particle fit into its pore. The macroporous activated carbons were found in-
size of wood precursor seem to have no significant effects on the surface effective for adsorption of either gas or liquid phase solutes.
area, pore size, and pore volume of the wood-derived activated carbons. The surface charge density on the activated carbon largely guided
Nevertheless, time, temperature, and atmosphere of activation had a whether it will absorb the polar or neutral pollutant molecules [152]. A
remarkable effect on the surface area, pore size, and pore volume of the series of activated carbon production data from the different origin of
wood-derived activated carbons. Klijanienko et al. [91] reported that precursor material having a different percentage of lignin and cellulose
comparative study of birch and oak wood chemical activation (H3PO4) were analyzed. And it was found that the precursor having a higher
under nitrogen and steam atmosphere. The effect of nitrogen and steam percentage of lignin can produce activated carbons with macropore
atmosphere had a different impact on the surface area, pore size, and domination. Whereas, the precursor having a larger proportion of cel-
pore volume of oak and birch wood activated carbon. The oak wood lulose yielded activated carbon with high micropore density [153].
chemical activation under N2 atmosphere produces larger surface area Normally, increase in micropores, and mesopores density increased the
(2553 m2/g) and pore volume (1.61 cm3/g). Whereas, activation under surface area of activated carbons, and larger the surface area higher will
steam atmosphere produced comparatively small surface area be the adsorption capacity. The gas flow rate, activation temperature,
(2199 m2/g) and low pore volume (1.47 cm3/g) in the oak wood acti- and time had a considerable influence on the micropore and mesopores
vated carbon. Birch wood shows opposite results for pore volume and formation and consequently the surface area [75]. Zuo et al. [68] re-
surface area in the presence of steam and nitrogen atmosphere. It was ported two types of activated carbons obtained from China fir wood.
observed that steam atmosphere was favorable for the production of The cylindrical activation compartment was used for phosphoric acid
large surface area and high pore volume activated carbons from phos- impregnated wood particles in open and closed manner. Highly de-
phoric acid activation of birch wood. A significant improvement in the veloped mesoporous structured activated carbon was obtained when
mesoporous volume (1.106 cm3/g), as well as total volume (1.818 cm3/ activation conducted in the closed cylindrical compartment or using the
g) of birch wood, activated carbon was recorded in the presence of a highly compact mass of wood precursor in an open activation com-
steam atmosphere. Whereas, in the presence of nitrogen atmosphere the partment. This observation was interpreted as the mesoporous activated
mesopore volume and total volume were observed to be 0.788 cm3/g carbon can prepare from the carbonized volatiles and the carbonization
and 1.46 cm3/g, respectively for birch wood activated carbon [91]. of volatile pyrolytic products. The surface areas of various wood species
Sawdust obtained from China fir wood was converted into activated based activated carbons are presented in Table 5.
carbon by chemical activation with zinc chloride at fixed impregnation
ratio (1:1) and a range of temperature from 400°C. to 600 °C. The pore 3.2. Surface functional groups and elemental composition of wood-derived
size, pore volume, and surface area of activated carbons were compared activated carbons
when prepared in the presence of vacuum, air, and nitrogen atmosphere
[95]. China fir wood activated carbon prepared in a nitrogen atmo- On activation of wood, the volatile groups at the surface evaporate,
sphere was found to be a favorable atmosphere for large surface area, and some groups remained stable. Many authors reported these func-
high mesopore volume, and high total pore volume compared to air, tional group studies through different methods like FTIR (Fourier
and vacuum atmosphere. The difference between the vacuum activa- transform infrared spectroscopy), XPS (x-ray photoelectron spectro-
tion and a nitrogen atmosphere was trivial as compared to air atmo- scopy), CHNS, EDX/EDS, Boehm titration, pHzpc, and elemental ana-
sphere during the activation process. The air atmosphere contains lyses. The chemical nature of the produced wood activated carbons,
oxygen gas that can damage the micropore structure at elevated tem- solely depends upon the kind of heteroatoms, such as oxygen, nitrogen,
perature. The presence of nitrogen or vacuum will remove the oxygen sulfur, etc. present at the surface. These hetero atoms or groups accu-
during the activation process, that helps in forming pores. Another in- mulated at the surface comes either from the starting material itself or
teresting observation was macropore volume, which was almost un- incorporated during the chemical activation process. The functional
affected in all three activation atmospheres [95]. group formed from these heteroatoms and the delocalized electron of
the carbon network structure determine the basic or acidic nature of the
3. Characterizations of wood-derived activated carbons wood-derived activated carbons.
Smith et al. [57] analyzed a surface functional group of douglas fir
3.1. Surface area and pore volume of wood-derived activated carbons wood activated carbon after oxidation with ozone under different
treatment conditions using XPS technique. It was reported that the
Surface texture properties of activated carbons such as pore size chemical functional groups at the surface of douglas fir wood activated
distribution, pore volume, and surface area, are essential characteristics carbons mostly composed of oxygen like -C˭O, -O-C˭O, -O-C- and the
of activated carbon. The pore size distribution in activated carbon is an carbon to oxygen ratio was found to be 2:1, 1:1 and 1:2. Likewise,
essential attribute to its property that is used to categorize it into micro, Danish et al. [124,130] characterized the functional groups at the
meso, and macro porous. It also designates the activated carbons surface of the Acacia mangium wood activated carbons prepared under
structural heterogeneity and a model of solid internal structure [159]. physical and chemical activation. It was found that under physical ac-
The pore size distribution defines the degree of heterogeneity in the tivation the Acacia mangium wood activated carbons have only carbon
activated carbon structure. The pore structure and pore size of activated oxygen-based functional groups at the surface. Whereas, phosphoric
carbon are most often guided by the nature of the precursor material, acid activated carbons have phosphate (-P-O-C-) groups incorporated at
activation conditions, and synthesis method [153]. the surface. Similarly, KOH, CaO, and ZnCl2 activation also brought up
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) metal ions linked with carbon and oxygen at the carbon surface. Car-
adopted pore size distribution of the activated carbon as unique prop- boxylic acid and carbonyl functional groups are more frequently found
erty to classify it into three types: macropores (> 50 nm pore dia- in wood activated carbons. Almost all authors reported -C˭O functional
meter), mesopores (2–50 nm pore diameter), and micropores ( < 2 nm groups at the surface of wood activated carbons.
pore diameter). Since the gaseous pollutant molecules are found in the The elemental composition of wood-derived activated carbons was

M. Danish, T. Ahmad Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 1–21

Table 5
Comparison of surface area, micropore surface area, total pore volume, micropore, mesopore volume of the activated carbon formed from wood based biomass.

Raw material BET surfaceArea Micro. Surface Micropore volume Mesopore Volume Total pore volume Porosity (%) Reference
(m2/g) area (m2/g) (cm3/g) (cm3/g) (cm3/g)

Pine-wood 426 and 902 – 0.218 and 0.316 – – 28.3 and 42.0 [73]
Chestnut wood 777 and 584 – 0.278 and 0.207 0.180 and 0.150 – – [74]
Cedar wood 812 and 374 – 0.323 and 0.141 0.150 and 0.110 – – [74]
Walnut wood 769 and 265 – 0.278 and 0.102 0.090 and 0.070 – – [74]
Oak wood (700 °C) 642(1 h) and – 0.2704 and 0.2450 – 0.4113 and – [75]
644(2 h) 0.4040
Oak wood (800 °C) 945(1 h) and – 0.3212 and 0.3792 – 0.6011 and – [75]
985(2 h) 0.6403
Pine sawdust 1390 544 0.30 – 0.77 – [79]
Fir wood 1131 – 0.48 – 0.87 – [80]
Fir wood 2794 – 0.76 – 1.54 – [80]
Rubber wood (CAC) 822 – – – – – [81]
Rubber wood (SAC) 1092 – – – – – [81]
Rubber wood (CSAC) 954 – – – – – [81]
Fir wood 1255 – – – 0.596 – [82]
Teak sawdust 1150 1047 0.43 – – – [83]
Walnut wood 1033 411 0.634 0.052 0.686 – [84]
Chest nut wood 783 – 0.431 0.009 0.44 – [85]
Fir wood (Steam) 1016 – – – 0.75 – [86]
Fir wood (KOH) 1064 – – – 0.61 – [86]
Tectona grandis sawdust 585 – – – 0.442 – [78]
Peltogyne wood 800 – – – – – [77]
Eucalyptus wood 1491 – 0.66 – 0.80 – [58]
Wattle wood 1032 – 0.46 – 0.56 – [58]
Fir wood 2821 – 0.80 – 1.73 – [87]
Cedar wood 1705 – 0.764 0.112 – – [40]
Cedar wood 1492 – 0.633 0.087 – – [41]
Uruguayan Eucalyptus wood 990 – – – 0.40 – [88]
Oil palm wood 1084 931.6 – – – – [89]
Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn bark 1239 – 0.981 0.127 1.109 – [90]
Oak wood 2553 – 0.944 0.667 1.611 – [91]
Birch wood 1826 – 0.673 0.788 1.461 – [92]
Oak wood 1723 – 0.631 0.439 – – [93]
Tamarind wood 612 – – – 0.508 – [154]
Sal wood (Shorea robusta)(PAC) 980 – – – – – [102]
Sal wood (Shorea robusta)(CAC) 2279 (IR=0.75) – – – – – [102]
Prosopis ruscifolia wood (self- 2281 – 1.159 0.571 1.73 – [94]
generated atmosphere)
Prosopis ruscifolia wood (flowing air) 1638 – 0.908 0.371 1.28 – [94]
Ailanthus altissima wood 337.16 and 387.28 – – – 0.110 and 0.120 [93]
China fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) 1910 – 0.582 1.544 2.126 – [68]
Chinese fir sawdust 1079 – 0.497 0.058 0.566 – [95]
Paulownia wood 2736 1727 0.69 0.697 1.387 – [96]
Almond tree pruning 1080 – 0.57 – 0.95 – [60]
Tamarindus indica wood 540 – – – 0.42 – [115]
China fir 2518 – 0.778 1.601 – – [106]
Pine sawdust 352 342 0.178 – 0.194 – [107]
Poplar wood (Na2CO3) 1579 1158 0.485 – 0.856 – [109]
Poplar wood (K2CO3) 1596 1465 0.632 – 0.880 – [109]
Eucalyptus wood (H2SO4) 979 – 0.350 0.370 0.720 – [110]
Eucalyptus wood (CS2) 582 – 0.210 0.210 0.420 – [110]
Moringa oleifera wood 787.34 – – – 0.760 – [112]
Tamarind wood 1322 – – – 1.042 – [113]
Acacia mangium wood (CaO) 65.53 – – – 0.090 – [123]
Acacia mangium wood (KOH) 5.253 – – – 0.015 – [123]
Algarroba wood 1167 1003 0.462 0.076 0.538 – [116]
Wood apple outer shell 794 196 – – – 90.3 [155]
Euphorbia antiquorum L. wood 918 – 0.236 0.178 0.414 – [156]
Oak wood char 2.73 – 0.0009 0.0016 0.41 – [119]
Oak bark char 1.88 – 0.0007 0.0029 1.06 – [119]
Olive-tree wood 904 – 0.328 0.679 1.198 – [120]
Olive-tree wood 481 – 0.226 0.046 – – [121]
Euphorbia antiquorum L. wood 1099.66 – 0.178 0.236 0.414 – [156]
Grey alder wood 1338 – 0.40 0.48 0.88 – [128]
Acacia mangium wood 377.18 – – – – – [124]
Acacia mangium wood 395.9 317.2 0.126 – 0.176 – [129]
Acacia mangium wood (H3PO4) 1038.77 – 0.337 0.1824 0.555 – [130]
Acacia mangium wood (ZnCl2) 957.47 – 0.357 0.0349 0.422 – [130]
Acacia mangium wood 1767 – – – 1.59 – [133]
Walnut wood 387 m2/g – – – – – [134]
Oak wood 68.52 – – – – – [139]
Astragalus bisulcatus tree 27.79 – – – – – [135]
(continued on next page)

M. Danish, T. Ahmad Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 1–21

Table 5 (continued)

Raw material BET surfaceArea Micro. Surface Micropore volume Mesopore Volume Total pore volume Porosity (%) Reference
(m2/g) area (m2/g) (cm3/g) (cm3/g) (cm3/g)

Peanut sticks wood 218.88 – – – 0.0811 – [136]

Pine wood sawdust 1825 – – – – – [64]
Wood based 786 – – – 0.5536 – [132]
Coniferous wood (S4A6) 387 370 0.20 – 0.24 – [69]
Coniferous wood (S4A7) 426 408 0.22 – 0.27 – [69]
Coniferous wood (SA6) 367 352 0.19 – 0.23 – [69]
Walnut wood 31.91 – – – 0.029 – [140]
Rubber wood sawdust 920 – 0.37 – – – [141]
Rubber wood sawdust 1301 – 0.54 – – – [141]
Rubber wood sawdust 606 – 0.25 – – – [141]
Eucalyptus camaldulensis wood 1875 – 0.949 0.027 0.976 97 [70]
Eucalyptus camaldulensis wood(H2) 1889 – 1.063 0.114 1.178 90 [70]
Eucalyptus camaldulensis wood 2117 – 1.088 0.469 1.557 69 [70]
Eucalyptus camaldulensis wood(HK) 2595 – 1.236 0.039 1.275 98.7 [70]
Eucalyptus camaldulensis wood 1275 – 0.568 0.000 0.553 100 [70]
Eucalyptus camaldulensis wood(Z1.5) 2108 – 1.046 0.013 1.059 98 [70]
Eucalyptus camaldulensis wood(Z2.5) 1794 – 1.109 0.075 1.184 93 [70]
Paulownia wood 2806 2300 1.196 – 1.746 – [65]
Lawsonia inermis wood 584 483 0.245 – 0.441 – [126]
Jatropha wood 1305 – 0.551 – 0.577 [56]
Wood apple shell 12.07 – – – – – [157]
Eucalyptus grandis sawdust 1429 – 0.0084 – 1.105 – [142]
Indian Shrub wood 1024 – – – 0.572 – [143]

Table 6
Elemental compositions of wood-derived activated carbons.

Activated carbon sample C (%) O (%) H (%) N (%) Other elements (%) Ref.

Ailanthus altissima wooda 86.97 9.010 – – K (2.21) [93]

Acacia mangium wood(KOH-activated)a 83.00 16.42 – – K (0.03) [124]
Oak woodb 85.54 8.32 2.78 0.32 S(0.02) [119,176]
Pine woodb 85.78 8.48 3.07 0.28 S(0.03) [176]
Pine wood (physical activation)b 95.50 3.10 1.00 0.40 S(0.00) [107]
Apple wood (Limonia acidissima)b 65.10 – 4.60 0.04 S(2.35) [108]
Eucalyptus wood (steam activation)b 88.90 9.43 1.62 0.05 S(0.00) [110]
Eucalyptus wood (physical activation)b 68.30 27.10 2.00 0.00 S(0.00) [162]
China fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata)b 83.52 10.41 3.02 – P(.75) [68]
Oak wood charb 70.84 13.22 3.16 – – [75]
Acacia mangium wood(physical-activated)a 84.37 151.63 – – – [129]
Acacia mangium wood (H3PO4-activated)a 76.22 17.80 – – P(5.98) [130]
Acacia mangium wood (ZnCl2-activated)a 76.64 14.91 – – Zn(7.08) [130]

analyzed through EDX.
analyzed through CHNS analysis.

studied through EDX/EDS and CHNS analysis methods by most of the chemical activation of Acacia mangium wood in the presence of phos-
researchers. The summary of some of the selected wood-derived acti- phoric acid, potassium hydroxide, calcium oxide, and zinc chloride was
vated carbons elemental compositions are reported in Table 6. compared and shown in the figure (Fig. 1). Among these chemical ac-
tivating agents, phosphoric acid successfully interacted with the Acacia
3.3. Surface morphology study of wood-derived activated carbons mangium wood and produced highly porous surface (Fig. 1[D] & [E]). It
was found that when the concentration of phosphoric acid fixed, and
The porous surface of wood activated carbon can be imaged through activation temperature increased the pores on the surface increased (as
field emission electron microscopy (FESEM). Comparison of paulownia shown in Fig. 1 [E]). In case of potassium hydroxide activation, keeping
and Acacia mangium wood activated carbon surfaces are shown in the temperature fixed, the concentration of activating agent was in-
Figs. 1 and 2. Wood activated carbons become highly porous and attain creased. It was observed that at low concentration of KOH, layered ir-
honeycomb-like framework after activation under a suitable condition. regular shaped pores formed (Fig. 1[F]). Whereas, at higher con-
Danish et al. [129,130,133] studied the surface morphology of Acacia centration shallow pores with much wider boundaries and some
mangium wood activated carbon in detail as shown in Fig. 1. The raw micropores were found on the surface (as shown in Fig. 1[G]). Calcium
Acacia mangium wood surface (Fig. 1[A]) is shown with partially oxide formed channel structured surface with some of them stick to the
opened small pores and flat surface that generated during wood drying. surface (Fig. 1[H]). The zinc chloride activated carbon surface of Acacia
After physical activation at low activation temperature (500 °C) for 2 h mangium wood has pores intermediate between highly porous
formed a surface with layered morphology and less pore openings (Fig. 1[I]) and low porous. Yorgun and Yildiz [65] reported surface
(Fig. 1[B]). Further rise in temperature of activation till 900 °C for 2 h, morphology study for paulownia wood at different activation tem-
the pores of activated carbons further widen and taken spherical shape perature and activating agent (H3PO4) concentration. It was observed
(Fig. 1[C]). Surface morphology of activated carbon prepared from that the concentration and activation temperature have a greater

M. Danish, T. Ahmad Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 1–21

Fig. 1. FESEM images of [A] raw Acacia mangium

wood [B] physically activated Acacia mangium wood
carbon at 500 ᵒC for 2 h [C] physically activated
Acacia mangium wood carbon at 900 ᵒC for 2 h, [D]
H3PO4 activated Acacia mangium wood carbon at 500
ᵒC for 2 h [E] H3PO4 activated Acacia mangium wood
carbon at 900 ᵒC for 2 h [F] KOH activated Acacia
mangium wood carbon (impregnation ratio 1:2, KOH
to wood powder weight ratio) at 500 ᵒC for 2 h [G]
KOH activated Acacia mangium wood carbon (im-
pregnation ratio 1:6, KOH to wood powder weight
ratio) at 500 ᵒC for 2 h [H] CaO activated Acacia
mangium wood carbon (impregnation ratio 1:2 CaO
to wood powder weight ratio) at 500 ᵒC for 2 h [I]
ZnCl2 activated Acacia mangium wood carbon (im-
pregnation ratio 1:2 ZnCl2 to wood powder weight
ratio) at 500 ᵒC for 2 h [129,130,133].

impact on the surface morphology of the activated carbon. The surface 4. Applications of wood-derived activated carbons in adsorption
morphology of the paulownia wood derived activated carbons under study
different conditions are shown in Fig. 2. It can be seen from the figure,
with the rise of concentration from 1:1–4:1 (H3PO4 to dry wood powder Porous activated carbon is a unique and versatile material which
mass ratio) at a fixed activation temperature of 400 °C. It gives rise can be used as an excellent adsorbent against various toxicants. It can
porous surface with the widening of pores at each concentration in- be used extensively for the removal of inorganic and organic water-
crement (as shown in Fig. 2 [A-D]). When the concentration of H3PO4 soluble chemical pollutants from municipal and industrial (food pro-
was fixed at 4:1 and temperature increased from 300° to 600°C with the cessing, chemical manufacturing, pharmaceutical, paper, and cosmetic
interval of 100 °C, the pores started widening. At maximum activation industries) wastewater. It can also be used in air pollution control, such
temperature of 600 °C (as shown in Fig. 2[E-H]), pores got collapse, and as mercury vapor in coal-based power plants, Pb suspension from in-
heat shrinkage occurred. dustrial and automobile exhausts, and in a variety of other gas-phase
applications. Highly porous activated carbons are being increasingly
applied in the field of hydrometallurgy for precious metals recovery, it

Fig. 2. Scanning electron micrograph of paulownia wood activated carbons prepared at different impregnation ratios (mass of activating agent to mass of wood powder) [A] 1:1 [B] 2:1
[C] 3:1 [D] 4:1 (carbonization temperature 400 ᵒC). And at different temperatures [E] 300 ᵒC [F] 400 ᵒC [G] 500 ᵒC and [H] 600 ᵒC (at fixed impregnation ratio 4:1) [65].

M. Danish, T. Ahmad Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 1–21

Table 7
Comparison of adsorption capacities and removal efficiency of the activated carbon prepared from various wood based biomass against various toxicants.

Adsorbents Adsorbate Adsorption capacity Concentration range Contact Time Temp. (°C) pH Reference
(mg/g) (mg/L) (min.)

Pinewood phenol 240 94110 7200 30 6.4 [73]

Pinewood 3-chlorophenol 415 128560 7200 30 6.4 [73]
Pinewood o-cresol 349 108130 7200 30 6.4 [73]
Pinewood Astrazon Blue FRR 1119 400 7200 30 5.4 [73]
Pinewood Telon Blue AFN 1176 400 7200 30 6.5 [73]
Pinewood Methylene blue 556 200 7200 30 6.6 [73]
Mahogany sawdust Direct Blue 2B 518 – 150 30 3.0 [76]
Mahogany sawdust Direct Green B 327.9 – 150 30 3.0 [76]
Eucalyptus wood phenol [162]
Tectona grandis sawdust Phenol 13.45 10–100 350 25 3.5 [78]
Rubber wood Cu(II) 5.72 40 240 30 6.0 [163]
Pine sawdust Malachite Green 370.37 50–2000 180 26 – [79]
Rubber wood (CAC) Bismark Brown dye 164 100–1200 420 – 4.5 [81]
Rubber wood (SAC) Bismark Brown dye 2000 100–1200 420 – 4.5 [81]
Rubber wood (CSAC) Bismark Brown dye 1111 100–1200 420 – 4.5 [81]
Rubber wood Cr (VI) 44.05 200 300 30 2.0 [164]
Fir wood Cr (VI) 180.3 5–200 25 3.0 [82]
Fir wood p-chlorophenol 416.7 200 4320 30 – [87]
Fir wood p-nitrophenol 539.0 200 4320 30 – [87]
Fir wood Methylene blue 580.1 200 4320 30 – [87]
Fir wood Basic brown 1 1476.3 200 4320 30 – [87]
Fir wood Acid blue 74 359.1 200 4320 30 – [87]
Fir wood Phenol 274.8 200 4320 30 – [87]
Fir wood p-Cresol 333.3 200 4320 30 – [87]
Woody Birch Hg(II) [71]
Oil palm wood Methylene Blue 90.9 10–250 – 30 – [89]
Oak wood Zn(II) 255.0 13.64 300 25 – [92]
Tamarind wood Pb(II) 134.22 40 – 25 6.5 [154]
Sal wood Endosulfan 1.774 5–50 360 30 5.8–6.6 [165]
Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn bark Methylene blue 427 – – – – [90]
Prosopis ruscifolia wood Cu(II) 27.94 50 1440 28 6.0 [94]
Ailanthus altissima wood Acid blue 1 0.453 11.33 225 10–45 – [93]
China fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) Methylene blue 600 800–2700 120 25 – [68]
China fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) Vitamin B12 500 550–1550 1440 25 – [68]
Euphorbia antiquorum L. wood Basic Red 29 166.67 25–100 90 30 – [99]
Euphorbia antiquorum L. wood Acid Blue 92 95.92 25–100 100 50 8.05 [100]
Tamarind wood Pb(II) 43.85 10–50 30 30 5.68 [101]
Sal wood (Shorea robusta) Pb(II) 8.5 10 – 30 4.0 [102]
Rubber wood sawdust Cu(II) 5.6 25 208 30 6.5 [166]
Outer rind of wood apple Crystal violet 19.8 10–100 – – – [103]
Outer rind of wood apple Methylene blue 40.1 10–100 – – – [103]
Shear butter wood(Ferric chloride) Phenol 0.0120 0.1–2 – – 2.6 [104]
Shear butter wood (orthophosphoric Phenol 0.0821 0.1–2 – – 3.3 [104]
Shear butter wood (Trioxonitrate (v) Phenol 0.0890 0.1–2 – – 3.4 [104]
Shear butter wood (HCl) Phenol 0.02884 0.1–2 – – – [104]
Shear butter bark (Ferric chloride) Phenol 0.0436 0.1–2 – – 2.1 [104]
Shear butter bark (orthophosphoric Phenol 0.0482 0.1–2 – – 2.7 [104]
Shear butter bark(Trioxonitrate (v) Phenol 0.0494 0.1–2 – – 3.6 [104]
Shear butter bark (HCl) Phenol 0.1084 0.1–2 – – – [104]
Balsamodendron caudatum wood Direct Red 81 98.2 20–60 240 30, 45 and 60 6.5 [105]
Apple wood shell Cr (IV) 13.74 90–200 – 26 2.0 [108]
Rubber wood sawdust EDTA 45.04 93.05 – 186.1 240 30 5.0 [167]
Eucalyptus wood Hg (II) 64.67 40 – 25 7.0 [110]
Moringa oleifera wood Ni (II) 19.084 100 240 30 6.0 [112]
Moringa oleifera wood Cu (II) 11.534 100 240 30 6.0 [112]
Moringa oleifera wood Zn (II) 17.668 100 240 30 6.0 [112]
Tamarind wood Malachite green oxalate 291.73 100–300 1440 30 – [113]
Poplar wood Acid Red 18 3.91 25–100 60 – 7.0 [114]
Tamarind wood Cr(VI) 3.39 10–50 – 10–50 2.0–10.0 [98]
Wood apple outer shell Methylene blue 35.1 10–60 420 – 6.5 [155]
Euphorbia antiquorum L. wood Direct Blue 53 145.45 25–100 120 30, 40 and 50 8.22 [156]
Wood apple shell Methylene blue 48.31 100 120 299.4 7.0 [118]
Jatropha husk phenol 49 20–100 – – 6.8 [122]
Oak wood char Cr(VI) 3.03, 4.08, 4.93 1–100 2880 25, 35 and 45 2.0 [119]
Oak bark char Cr(VI) 4.61, 7.43, 7.51 1–100 2880 25, 35 and 45 2.0 [119]
Acacia mangium wood Cr(VI) 37.16 60 120 313.15 K 2.0 [124]
Acacia mangium wood Methyl orange 7.54 – 48 h 25 – [129]
(continued on next page)

M. Danish, T. Ahmad Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 1–21

Table 7 (continued)

Adsorbents Adsorbate Adsorption capacity Concentration range Contact Time Temp. (°C) pH Reference
(mg/g) (mg/L) (min.)

Derris indica wood Cr (III) 84.50% 10–80 mg/l 15 – 3.37 [131]

Acacia mangium wood Methyl orange 181 – 24 h 55 – [168]
Walnut wood RB5 19.34 20–60 405 24 5.0 [134]
Oak wood Malachite green 4.34 7.5–25 93 25 – [139]
Oak wood Cd(II) 3.13 6–20 93 25 – [139]
Astragalus bisulcatus tree Bromophenol blue 51.21 8–20 50 27 1.0 [135]
Peanut sticks wood Methylene blue 2.57 7–20 45 27 5.0 [136]
Pine sawdust Methylene blue 300 – – – – [64]
Pine wood Sulfamethoxazole 131 – 120 25 7.0 [169]
Lawsonia inermis wood Bentazon 169.49 20–80 90 20 3.5 [126]
Wood apple shell Cr(VI) 151.51 75–200 120 27 1.0 [127]
Jatropha wood Cr(VI) 140.84 10–100 360 40 2.0 [56]
Wood apple shell Cd(II) 27.64 100–420 mg/dm3 240 27 6.5 [157]
Hybrid Eucalyptus wood Cd(II) – – 30 22 – [137]
Eucalyptus grandis sawdust Cr(VI) 6.29 10–80 120 30 2.0 [142]
Indian shrub wood Methylene blue 257.73 50–300 85 60 10 [143]
Walnut wood Acid Red 18 30.3 100 90 25 5.0 [144]
Poplar wood Acid Red 18 3.91 100 90 25 5.0 [144]
Pistacia atlantica wood Methyl orange 125 5–25 60 – 2.0 [145]

can also function as catalysts and catalyst supports. Application of large design experiment data showed that the optimum conditions for the
surface area activated carbons in medicine for the remediation of toxins maximum adsorption capacity and percent removal were 0.515 g/L,
and bacterial infections in certain ailments are well known. Activated 55.0 °C, and 24 h for activated carbon dose, temperature, and contact
carbons are extensively used because of their adsorptive properties time, respectively. At optimum operating variables, the maximum ad-
arising due to the largest available surface area and suitable pores sorption capacity and percentage removal were recorded to be 181 mg/
present in their extensive honeycomb-like network structure. The ac- g and 90.5%, respectively. Thermodynamics and kinetics of methyl
tivated carbon surface can readily modify their surface chemistry in the orange dye removal under optimum values of operating variables were
presence of suitable chemicals [27]. High porosity, large surface area, studied. It was found that it followed the pseudo-second-order kinetic
and various functional groups in the activated carbons are directly rate model with endothermic and spontaneous.
linked with the precursor as well as the method of activation. The Pinewood activated carbon was used for the removal three synthetic
physical and chemical properties of activated carbons considerably dyes methylene blue, astrazon blue, and telon blue [73]. Results re-
influence its adsorptive properties. The applications of wood activated vealed that there is the deep impact of duration of activation on the
carbons in adsorption are summarized in Table 7. adsorption of dyes because of increase in surface area and pore volume
of the activated carbon. Activated carbon from Mahogany sawdust was
prepared and applied as an adsorbent for the removal of direct dye from
4.1. Dyes removal through wood-derived activated carbons
textile effluents [76]. The sawdust derived activated carbon was
showing effective removal efficiency for direct Blue 2B and direct green
The dye molecular structure consists of chromophores that are re-
B dyes. The adsorption data against time followed the pseudo-second
sponsible for colors in the visible light range. The auxochromes groups
kinetic model. The Langmuir model was verified through isotherm data,
provide the affinity towards the oppositely charged surface and water
and the maximum adsorption capacity of Mahogany sawdust activated
solubility nature of the dye molecules. The applications of natural as
carbon at pH 3.0 was found to be 518 mg/g. Polyethylene terephthalate
well as synthetic dyes are common in food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical,
(PET) and pine sawdust-derived activated carbon removal efficiency
rubber, textiles, plastics, paper, and leather industries. Wastewater ef-
compared against malachite green dye [79]. The removal efficiency of
fluent from these mentioned industries contains dye residues. The
the activated carbons was found to be enhanced in the pH range of
presence of small quantity of dyes in the wastewater is visible and toxic
6.0–10.0 of the malachite green dye solution. The PET-derived acti-
to many aquatic plants and animals [172]. Dye concentration in ponds
vated carbon has low dye adsorption capacity compared to pinewood
and lakes water adversely affect photosynthesis phenomena for aquatic
activated carbon, though it attained fast equilibrium time. The ad-
plants as it reduces light penetration in water [173,174]. Dye effluents
sorption data of malachite green dye against time showed that both
exposure to human and animal may cause immediate life-threatening
activated carbons followed pseudo-second-order kinetics model.
effects, such as jaundice, quadriplegia, increased heart rate, vomiting,
Kumar et al. [81] used rubber wood sawdust to develop three dif-
shock, tissue necrosis, and cyanosis. Low concentration of dye exposure
ferent activated carbons that were used against Bismark brown dye
through water or food to human and animal for a long time may cause a
(mostly used in leather industry). The result shows the following trend
chronic problem, as some synthetic dyes are extremely carcinogen and
of adsorption capacities against the dye: steam activated rubber wood
toxic [175]. Hence, it is essential to reduce the dye concentration in
carbon (SAC) > chemically (H3PO4) followed by steam-activated
water and wastewater to the minimum possible level as accepted by the
rubber wood carbon (CSAC) > commercial activated carbon (CC) >
health and environmental laws of the various countries. Activated
chemically (H3PO4) activated rubber wood carbon (CAC). Commercial
carbons derived from wood biomass have been studied by the various
activated carbon (CC) was taken for comparison purpose. The rubber
researchers and research groups for the exclusion of different types of
wood-derived activated carbons, as well as commercial activated
water-soluble dyes.
carbon, followed the Langmuir isotherm for Bismark brown dye re-
Danish et al. [168] studied the efficiency of Acacia mangium wood-
moval. However, steam activated rubber wood carbon (SAC) was found
derived activated carbon against methyl orange dye. The batch ex-
to have maximum adsorption capacity (2000 mg/g) against bismark
periments were carried out using face-centered central composite de-
brown dye in batch adsorption experiment. The authors also verified
sign approach of response surface methodology to optimize the ad-
adsorption capacity of SAC through fixed bed column experiment and
sorbent dosage, temperature, and contact time for maximum adsorption
reported adsorption capacity 1125 mg/g for 200 mg/L bismark brown
capacity and percentage removal efficiency of methyl orange dye. The

M. Danish, T. Ahmad Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 1–21

dye solution with a flow rate 10 mL/min. Potassium hydroxide (KOH) the mercury and sulphuric acid modified activated carbon of Eu-
etching and CO2 gasification of fir wood during activation can produce calyptus wood surfaces have significant contribution in enhancing ad-
very large surface area (2821 m2/g) and high pore volume (1.73 cm3/g) sorption percentage (~95%).
activated carbon [87]. The activated carbon so obtained from fir wood Wood and bark of Oak and pine species of wood was converted into
was used against basic brown 1 (adsorption capacity 1476.3 mg/g), activated carbons and applied against an aqueous solution of Cd(II), Pb
acid blue 74 dyes (adsorption capacity 359.1 mg/g), and methylene (II), and As(III) ions [176]. The optimum pH of the adsorbate-adsorbent
blue (adsorption capacity 580.1 mg/g) for efficient removal. The ad- solution was identified in this experiment for maximizing metal ions
sorption of these dyes on to fir wood activated carbon was monolayered uptake by the activated carbon. It was found that for Cd(II) and Pb(II)
and followed Elovich equation. ions the minimum uptake by the wood-derived activated carbon was at
Sivakumar and Palanisamy [117] explored the adsorption pro- pH ~2.0 and increase to 90–95% with an increase in pH (~5). Further
spective of chemically activated carbon prepared from Euphorbia An- increase in pH (pH ≥ 8.0) of adsorbate solution cause the removal of
tiquotum L wood by using phosphoric acid. The direct blue 53 dye metal ions not only through sorption but also by the precipitation of
solution was treated with the prepared activated carbon. It was ob- metal ions due to the formation of metal salts with OHˉ ions. The low
served that the adsorption was dependent on the solution pH, adsorbate sorption of Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions at pH(~2) was owing to the compe-
concentration, and temperature of the solution. At pH 2.0, the max- tition between the fast-moving positively charged low molecular weight
imum adsorption capacity (58.4 mg/g) was observed, increased in pH ions like H+, Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, etc., with the heavy metal ions to
of the solution decreased the adsorption capacity. The kinetic data was occupy the opposite charge sites on the surface of activated carbon. At
found to follow the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. Thermo- low pH of the adsorbate solution, plenty of hydrogen ions will be
dynamic studies confirmed endothermic and spontaneous nature of the available in the solution. Therefore, the negative charge sites of the
adsorption of direct blue 53 dye. The desorption of the dye at pH 10.0 adsorbent covered by the freely moving H+ ions. Hence, Cd(II) and Pb
was evaluated with maximum recovery of 19.29%. (II) were not accommodated effectively on the surface of activated
carbon. The optimized pH of the adsorbate solution was reported to be
4.2. Metal ions removal through wood-derived activated carbons 5.0 to overcome H+ ion interference during adsorption for the effective
uptake of Cd(II) and Pb(II). The As(III) adsorption behavior onto pine
Heavy metals have been considered as a serious environmental and and oak wood-derived activated carbon was different from those of Cd
human health hazard. Unlike the aqueous and non-aqueous solution of (II) and Pb(II) at pH variation experiments. At pH ≤ 2.0, only oak bark
the organic pollutants, which are often mineralized into harmless activated carbon was found to be effective to remove As(III) ions from
constituents. The metal ions do not degrade into harmless end products, solution. Whereas, other adsorbents from pine and oak wood derived
only for some metal ions change of oxidation states takes place. Hence, activated carbons had almost negligible adsorption. Commercial acti-
elimination of toxic metals from water stream is one of the most chal- vated carbon (F-400) was also tried against As(III) ions; the results
lenging environmental problems. revealed that the removal increased with increasing pH from 2 to 4,
Toxic metals in untreated industrial solid waste and effluent re- then become almost constant in the pH range 4–10. Further, rise in pH
leased into the sewage and water channels that carry it to the rivers and from 4.0 to 5.0 was unfavorable for adsorption and at pH ≥ 5.0, the
part of it percolate into underground aquifers. The metal ions con- adsorption reduced and approached almost zero. Finally, the study
centration in ponds, river, and seawater, get accumulated to the bodies concluded that pH 3.5 was the optimized value for effective removal of
of aquatic creatures and finally entering the food chain. Through food, As(III).
it can accumulate in animal and human body above tolerance limit that Rubber wood-derived activated carbon was used for Cr(VI) ions
will be responsible for poisoning, cancer, and brain damage. Wood removal in batch adsorption experiments [164]. It was reported that Cr
biomass-derived activated carbon has been systematically explored as (VI) removal was pH dependent phenomena and favored at low pH
adsorbents for the separation of different metal ions from water. values (pH~2.0). The kinetics of the Cr(VI) removal from aqueous so-
Danish et al. [124] studied the sorption properties of Acacia man- lution followed the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. To identify the
gium wood-derived activated carbon for Cr(VI) removal. Sorption of Cr adsorption mechanism of Cr(VI) onto rubberwood activated carbon,
(VI) ions primarily depends on pH of the adsorbate-adsorbent solution, intraparticle diffusion model at different temperatures were applied. It
maximum removal of Cr(VI) was reported at pH 2.0. Mostly, metal ions was observed that the removal followed diffusion process. Álvarez et al.
removal is favorable in the pH range 4–6, but the presence of HCr2O7− [177] synthesized activated carbon in acidic and basic medium and
ions in the solution make Cr(VI) adsorption at exceptional low pH used it as an adsorbent for the removal of Cr(VI) ions from industrial
value. The adsorption data against time followed the pseudo-second- sewage wastewater as well as synthetic wastewater. The activated
order kinetic model. The Cr(VI) sorption on to physically activated carbons were prepared from Scandinavian pine wood at temperatures
carbon of Acacia mangium wood followed multi-layer adsorption model 450 and 650 °C in the presence of acidic (AlCl3, HCl, H3PO4, and
(Freundlich isotherm). The thermodynamic parameters predicted H2SO4) and basic (NaOH) activating agents. Chemically treated Scan-
spontaneous and endothermic nature of Cr(VI) adsorption. dinavian pine wood activated carbon was evaluated for surface area
Eucalyptus wood derived activated carbon, and it's chemically and Cr(VI) removal efficiency. Result revealed that H3PO4 activation
(sulphuric acid) modified activated carbon had been successfully uti- produces activated carbon with a high surface area and high efficiency
lized for the separation of Hg (II) from aqueous solution, at different pH for Cr(VI) removal at short equilibrium time. Whereas, NaOH treated
and temperatures [110]. The adsorption results at pH 3.0, 7.0, and 10.0 activated carbon gives very low surface area with very low adsorption
showed that the sulphuric acid modified activated carbon was more of Cr(VI) at longer equilibrium time. Recovery of Cr(VI) from the spent
efficient for the removal of Hg (II) at pH 3.0. But a variation of tem- activated carbons were also performed through the diluted sulphuric
perature has not any significant effect on the adsorption behavior of the acid solution. Except H3PO4 treated Scandinavian pine wood activated
sulphuric acid modified activated carbon of Eucalyptus wood. These carbon, all other activated carbons got exhausted after the third cycle of
results can be explained based on the net charge on the surface of recovery. The recovered activated carbons were found to have ~19%
modified activated carbon of Eucalyptus wood and the Hg (II) ions. The adsorption efficiency against Cr(VI) ions. Whereas, 95% Cr(VI) removal
pHzpc of the sulphuric acid modified activated carbon of Eucalyptus efficiency was observed for H3PO4 treated Scandinavian pine wood
wood was reported to be 6.0. Hence, at solution pH 3.0 the net positive activated carbon, after three cycles of recovery.
charge generated on the activated carbon surface. The experimental Acar and Eren [178] synthesized sulphuric acid treated poplar wood
results revealed that at pH 3.0, the Hg (II) should be in the form of sawdust-derived activated carbons. The adsorption capacities were
(HgCl2)(HgCl3)ˉ. Therefore, the force of electrostatic attraction between compared between the raw poplar wood sawdust and the chemically

M. Danish, T. Ahmad Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 1–21

treated poplar wood sawdust-derived activated carbons for Cu(II) re- Freundlich model to determine the maximum adsorption capacity of sal
moval from aqueous solution in batch mode experiment. It was re- wood charcoal. The adsorption efficiency of sal wood-derived charcoal
ported that the maximum removal efficiency of poplar wood sawdust increased significantly compared to raw sal wood sawdust. The kinetics
activated carbon against Cu(II) was 92.38% at pH 5.0, whereas, for raw of the adsorption reaction was studied by changing various parameters
poplar wood sawdust was 47.05% at pH 4.0. The adsorption data were such as sal wood charcoal dosages, initial endosulfan concentrations,
correlated with a zeta potential of the surface of the adsorbent. It was and particle size of charcoal. The experimental data analyses revealed
reported that the values of zeta potential followed the adsorption effi- that the rate of endosulfan removal was found to be increased with
ciency. Higher zeta potential at the adsorbent surface causes higher increasing initial concentration of endosulfan in the range of 5–15 mg/l
adsorption percentage and vice versa. At pH 5.0 the zeta potential was and percent removal increased with the decrease of wood charcoal
recorded − 74.5 mV for sulphuric acid treated poplar wood sawdust particle size. The first order reversible kinetic model was established for
activated carbon, and zeta potential − 48.4 mV was recorded for raw endosulfan removal. The removal efficiency of sal wood charcoal
poplar wood sawdust at pH 4.0 for maximum Cu(II) removal. against the pesticide (endosulfan) was found to be 94%. After the first
Adsorption of Pb2+ ions and Pb2+-citric acid complex from aqueous adsorption of endosulfan, the sal wood charcoal was regenerated with
solution through rubber wood derived activated carbon was reported dilute HNO3 and HCl. The regenerated sal wood charcoal was found to
[179]. The mechanism of adsorption was explored through variation in have a moderate removal efficiency of 87% in second-time use. The Sal
pH of the adsorbate solution as well as adsorption time. The adsorption wood charcoal was found to be efficient and cost-effective adsorbent for
percentage was reported to be maximum at pH 5.0, for both Pb2+ and pesticide removal. This adsorbent can be widely used in rural areas
Pb2+-citric acid complex adsorbates. The solution pH, pHzpc of ad- because of its simple preparation method and abundantly available raw
sorbent, and distribution of the species of Pb2+ and Pb2+-citric acid material (sal wood).
complex in the solution had a significant role during the adsorption.
The kinetic studies suggested that the equilibrium of the adsorption 4.4. Phenols removal through wood-derived activated carbons
reaction was achieved after 4 h of commencement of contact time and
followed pseudo-first-order kinetic model. The adsorption isotherm Presence of phenols cause unpleasant odor and taste to potable
data suggested the monolayer adsorption (Langmuir model), and the water and can affect adversely on biochemical processes inside living
sorption was pore diffusion controlled. organism. Phenol and phenolic derivative compounds are widely used
as a precursor in the synthesis of colors, plastics, insecticides, herbi-
4.3. Pesticides and herbicides removal through wood-derived activated cides, pesticides, and fungicides. The disintegration of these commonly
carbons used chemicals leads to the formation of phenol and its derivatives that
contaminate the water, air, and soil [180].
Agricultural practices create major polluting agents that are under Ramakrishna and Namasivayam [122] prepared ZnCl2 treated ja-
the category of pesticides and herbicides. During the past two decades, tropha husk activated carbon for the removal of phenols. The removal
environmental concern has arisen due to pesticides contamination in capacity of Jatropha husk activated carbon against phenol was reported
the vegetables and irrigational wastewater. The major threat they pose to be 49 mg/g at pH 6.8. Adsorption kinetics of phenol removal was
to grazing animals and vegetarian population. The presence of pesti- followed pseudo-second-order kinetic model. The experimental iso-
cides and herbicides in water, as well as in soil, pose a serious threat to therm data were better fitted with linear Freundlich model compared to
the ecosystem. Globally pesticides and herbicides are produced in a the D–R and Langmuir models. Adsorption mechanism was explained
large amount and frequently used in agricultural practices [7]. Different through ion exchange methods and intra-particle/pore diffusion as data
variety of pesticides have been tested in an extensive research for verified by Bangham's model. Mohanty et al. [78] reported the removal
mutagenicity assays covering gene mutation, DNA damage, and chro- of phenol from aqueous solutions using Tectona grandis wood sawdust
mosomal alteration. Therefore, the removal of pesticides from potable derived activated carbon. The prepared activated carbon has the pro-
water, irrigational water, vegetables, and cereals are the major chal- mising capability to remove phenol from hydrated solutions. The ex-
lenge for the contemporary researchers. Wood-derived activated carbon perimental data were applied to the Lagergren, pseudo-second-order,
has been explored as an adsorbent for the separation of various pesti- and intraparticle diffusion models to identify the kinetics and me-
cides from water and wastewater. chanism of adsorption. It was verified through mathematical modeling
Omri et al. [126] reported the adsorption capacities of Lawsonia that the experimental data followed the pseudo-second-order kinetic
inermis wood activated carbon against bentazon aqueous solution. The model with chemisorption mechanism. The solution pH had a sig-
repercussions of different adsorption variables, such as the contact nificant role during the sorption of phenol. The maximum phenol re-
time, initial bentazon concentration, activated carbon dosage, stirring moval capacity of Tectona grandis wood activated carbon was found to
rate, pH, and temperature on removal efficiency of Lawsonia inermis be 2.82 mg/g at pH 3.5. The experimental data of phenol removal ki-
wood-derived activated carbon was observed in a batch experiment. netics may be helpful in designing a treatment plant with precise con-
Spontaneous and exothermic nature of bentazone adsorption was ver- tact time for phenol loaded wastewaters.
ified through thermodynamic parameters such as a change in Gibbs free
energy and change in enthalpy during adsorption. The adsorption iso- 4.5. Miscellaneous pollutants removal through wood-derived activated
therm data were analyzed through various isotherm models such as carbons
Freundlich, Langmuir, and Temkin models. Among the tested model,
Langmuir model provided the best fit line to the experimental isotherm Zou et al. [68] synthesized activated carbon from China fir wood
data. The maximum adsorption capacity (169.49 mg/g) at 20 °C was through chemical activation (phosphoric acid) route under two dif-
calculated through Langmuir model. The adsorption system was fol- ferent conditions. The chemically impregnated wood kept inside the
lowed the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. The adsorption of ben- cylindrical reactor in open and closed manner. In the closed cylindrical
tazone followed complex mechanism; the intra-particle diffusion was reactor, the activated carbon formed had more mesopores compared to
found not to be solely rate-controlling mechanism during adsorption. open cylindrical reactor activation. The high density of mesopores in
Mishra and Patel [165] reported the adsorption efficiency of low-cost activated carbons, noticeably enhanced the adsorption capacity of
charcoal derived from sal wood (Shorea robusta, family—Diptero car- China fir wood activated carbon against vitamin B12. The maximum
paceae) for endosulfan removal from contaminated water. The en- adsorption capacity of China fir wood activated carbon for vitamin B12
dosulfan adsorption isotherm data were applied to linearized isotherm was reported to be 500 mg/g. Krishnan et al. [167] studied the ad-
models like Langmuir, Brunner Emmet and Teller (BET), and sorption properties of chemically treated (K2CO3) steam pyrolyzed

M. Danish, T. Ahmad Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 1–21

rubber wood sawdust activated carbon (SDAC). The adsorption beha- monolayer adsorption of SMX onto pinus wood activated carbon ver-
vior of SDAC was compared with commercial activated carbon (CAC) ified the Langmuir isotherm model. Exothermic and spontaneous nature
against a chelating agent (EDTA) from aqueous solutions. The EDTA of the heterogeneous adsorption reaction was confirmed through
adsorption experiment was conducted in batches to monitor and opti- thermodynamic parameters. The adsorption data against time was ap-
mize the removal efficiency of SDAC. The adsorption parameters, such plied to various kinetic models, and the pseudo-second-order model
as solution pH, equilibrium time, initial EDTA concentration, and was found to be the best fit to the adsorption data.
rubber wood-derived activated carbon dosage were optimized for the
effective removal of EDTA. The maximum adsorption capacity of SDAC 4.6. Possible mechanism of adsorption study
(0.526 mmol/g) against EDTA was observed at pH of 5.0 with equili-
brium time of 4 h, initial EDTA concentration of 0.50 mmol/L, and Mathematical models can be applied to explore the adsorption
SDAC dosage of 2.0 g/L. To identify the kinetics of adsorption of EDTA, mechanism of different adsorbent. The knowledge of migration me-
the experimental data were fitted to various kinetic models. The chanism of the solute molecules from solution to the solid surface of
pseudo-first-order was established to be an appropriate kinetic model. adsorbent is necessary to formulate the effective adsorption mechanism
The adsorption isotherm data were also applied to many theoretical of certain pollutants. The adsorption of solute molecules consisted of
isotherm models. The Langmuir isotherm model was found to be a various oppositely charged ionic interaction mechanism, such as dipole-
suitable model to explain the monolayer adsorption behavior of EDTA dipole, dipole-induced dipole and induced dipole-induced dipole, che-
onto SDAC. The comparison of the adsorption behavior of SDAC with mical bonding, hydrogen bonding, and ion exchange. The surface
commercial activated carbon (CAC) was conducted over the selected functional groups of the adsorbent and its effect on the removal process
range of pH (2.0–8.0). It was reported that maximum adsorption of are studied to explain the adsorbate-adsorbent interaction.
EDTA onto SDAC took place in the pH range of 4.0–6.0. Whereas for Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is most commonly
CAC the pH range was 5.0–5.5. This result shows that SDAC was more used technique for the identification of the adsorbent surface functional
effective for removal of EDTA in acidic solutions. The adsorption ca- group and thus helps in the investigation of the interaction between
pacity of SDAC against EDTA was found to be 0.526 mmol/g that was adsorbate-adsorbent. Surface characterization parameters of activated
higher than the commercial and other activated carbons, which is re- carbons, such as proton binding capacity, surface functional groups,
ported in the range of 0.193–0.439 mmol/g. Farhan et al. [181] studied pores size, and pHzpc play significant role in exploring the adsorption
the usefulness of activated carbons prepared through chemical activa- mechanisms. Some researchers used photoelectron spectroscopy tech-
tion (using H3PO4, H2SO4, and BaCl2) of sawdust of Dalbergia sissoo, nique to identify the binding properties of the adsorbate and adsorbent
Cedrus deodara, and Eucalyptus spp. The prepared activated carbon was [182].
evaluated against COD and color of wastewater effluent of the local Most of the functional groups participated in the wood binding
paper industry. The experiment was conducted in batch-mode to ex- process are present in cell walls. The cell wall of wood is made up of
plore the effect of operating parameters such as contact time, activated cellulose molecules, organized in microfibrils and surrounded by
carbon dosage, wastewater concentration, and solution pH. The Cedrus hemicellulosic materials (xylans, mannans, glucomannans, galactans,
deodara wood-derived activated carbon was found to be most effective arabogalactans), lignin, and pectin along with some protein. On acti-
against COD and color. The results showed that 93% COD reduction vation of biomass into activated carbon, the cell wall molecules are
with 100% color removal could be achieved with Cedrus deodara wood- converted into carbon with some oxygen bonded functional groups
derived activated carbon. The Dalbergia sissoo wood-derived activated retain during the activation process. A significant proportion of surface
carbon was found to have maximum percent reduction of COD by 80% area in activated carbon is created due to loss of volatile organic mat-
and color by 91%. While Eucalyptus spp. wood derived activated carbon ters from the cell wall. Surface area, pore size, and surface functional
was having only 74% and 85% removal efficiency of COD and color of groups play an important role in the adsorption processes [160,161].
wastewater sample, respectively. The adsorption efficiency of activated Activated carbons are commonly applied to the liquid-phase and
carbons derived from sawdust of different wood species against COD gas-phase adsorption processes. From scientific literature, it was found
and color of industrial wastewater was found in the following order: that around 80% of the total production of activated carbon consumed
Cedrus deodara wood > Dalbergia sissoo wood > Eucalyptus spp. in liquid-phase adsorption processes [170]. Activated carbon bed is
wood. The quality of wastewater after activated carbon filtration was frequently used as a primary treatment tool in wastewater industries,
checked and found to be suitable for direct discharge into water proceeding to other purification techniques [171].
channels or can be used for irrigation. A useful application of activated
carbons derived from locally available wood biomass by-product was 5. Conclusion
successfully demonstrated by the researcher against the paper industry
wastewater. Heidari et al. [70] reported the adsorption of CO2 gas onto Wood biomass as a precursor for activated carbons preparation has
the activated carbon derived from Eucalyptus camaldulensis wood been reviewed based on a significant number of relevant articles pub-
through chemical activation method. Activated carbon is identified as lished so far. Wood-derived activated carbons are efficient adsorbents
being an appropriate adsorbent for CO2 adsorption due to its large that can separate a wide range of organic and inorganic pollutants.
surface area and highly microporous structure. The adsorption capacity Numerous low-cost adsorbents from biomass waste have been synthe-
of eucalyptus wood-derived activated carbon against CO2 gas at the sized and characterized in recent past. However, activated carbons are
different pressures and temperatures were reported. The Langmuir and known to have much better performances in treating industrial con-
Freundlich isotherm models were applied to explore the adsorption taminations as well as small-scale household effluents. As the precursor
behavior of CO2 gas onto eucalyptus wood activated carbon. The ad- materials obtained from wood wastes and sawdust are freely accessible
sorption results revealed that the low temperature and high micropore and abundant, so the cost of production of activated carbons should be
volume enhanced the capturing of CO2 gas. The adsorption capacity of lower than the coal-based activated carbons. Hence, it can provide a
KOH treated eucalyptus wood activated carbon against CO2 gas was potentially inexpensive replacement of existing commercial coal-based
found to be 4.1 mmol/g, which is much higher compared to commercial activated carbons. Conversion of abundant wood biomass into activated
activated carbons (1.5 mmol/g) at applied gas pressure 1 bar and tem- carbon can have several applications such as manufacturing of gas mask
perature 303 K. Tonucci et al. [169] reported the sulfamethoxazole filter, drinking water filter bed, municipal wastewater treatment plant,
(SMX) adsorption from water samples using activated carbon derived treatment of dyes and metal-ions containing industrial effluent. It
from Pinus wood. The activated carbon exhibited favorable SMX re- would add value to wood waste and help the wood farmers with an
moval with maximum adsorption capacity of 131 mg/g at 25 °C. The additional market for their wood by-products and solve waste

M. Danish, T. Ahmad Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 87 (2018) 1–21

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