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2/21/2019 The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit

The Lost Treasures

of Omu

Stats and Histories for the

Fabled Artifacts of Omu
by Taylor Reisdorf
Dungeon Master’s Workshop

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2/21/2019 The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit

Dungeon Master’s Workshop

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2/21/2019 The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit

Black Opal Crown

The Black Opal Crown Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)
The empire of Netheril once spanned a large area of
Faerûn, ruled by mighty arcanists ensconced in floating This golden crown is topped with a glittering black opal.
cities. At their height, their magical arts rivalled those of It radiates a forbidding aura when you examine it too
elven high magic, and Netherese artifacts still command closely.
vast sums from students of the art. Their fall is held as a The crown functions as a talisman of the sphere (see
lesson that power craves power, as through insatiable the Dungeon Master’s Guide) with the following
lust for knowledge, the Netherese ultimately wrought additional features.
their own destruction. Today, their empire is little more Magic. The crown has 7 charges and regains 1d4 + 3
than a desert of wind-blasted dunes and lost memories. expended charges daily at dawn. While wearing the
One of the wisest wizards of Netheril was the seer crown, you can use an action to expend the necessary
Sadamor. Gifted with prophecy and foresight, Sadamor charges to activate one of the following properties:
was driven mad after perceiving the true depths of You gain +3 to Armour Class and saving throws.
humanity’s evil. In his grief, he sought to destroy the You can cast one of the following spells from the
world and thereby save people from themselves. He crown (spell save DC 18): confusion (2 charges),
constructed a device to fulfill this ambition—a sphere of darkness (1 charge), legend lore (3 charges), scrying
annihilation. However, as is the fate of many who create (3 charges), speak with dead (1 charge), or tongues
a tool for death, Sadamor ultimately perished to his own (1 charge).
When Sadamor died, a portion of his spirit was trap- Sentience. The Black Opal Crown is a sentient
ped in his crown, imbuing it with a dark sentience. It neutral evil item with an Intelligence of 19, a Wisdom of
passed through many different hands after Sadamor’s 12, and a Charisma of 15. It has hearing and darkvision
death, but was lost when the floating cities of Netheril out to a range of 120 feet.
fell during the cataclysmic end of the empire. It was lost The crown can speak, read, and understand Common,
for over a thousand years before it was rediscovered by a and can communicate with its wielder telepathically. Its
lich bound in service to Acererak, who laid claim to the voice is harsh and sinister. While you are attuned to it,
crown and slowly extracted its secrets before sequester- the Black Opal Crown also understands every language
ing it in one of the many tombs he has constructed you know.
throughout the multiverse. It can currently be found in Personality. The Black Opal Crown carries a frag-
the Tomb of the Nine Gods on Faerûn. ment of the legendary archmage Sadamor of Netheril.
The crown is currently sought by the yuan-ti serving As an ancient seer, Sadamor learned many secrets lost
the legendary warlord Ras Nsi, headquartered under the to the annals of history. His spirit is fixated on those
old palace in the lost city of Omu. Characters who claim which could cause the end of the world, including the
this item risk incurring their wrath. secret to open the Door of Night, a portal to the prison of
the primordial Dendar the Night Serpent.
Destroying the Crown. The crown is impervious to
regular damage and can only be destroyed by placing it
on an altar consecrated to a god of secrets and then
using a wish spell.

2/21/2019 The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit

Eye of Zaltec
The Eye of Zaltec Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)
On the world of Toril, the continent of Maztica lies west
of Faerûn across the Trackless Sea. It’s a land of jungles, This lustrous, spiked ruby is cut and faceted into a blade
deserts, and mystery populated by the followers of a and affixed to a black leather hilt. For centuries, it sur-
pantheon of bloodthirsty gods. Of these, the most brutal mounted the Great Pyramid of Nexal in the capital of the
and demanding was the jaguar-headed Zaltec, who Maztican Empire, where it was used by the Cult of
became the undisputed leader of the Maztican deities. Zaltec in countless bloody sacrifices.
Zaltec’s worship was by far the strongest among the The Eye of Zaltec can be wielded as a magic dagger. It
Nexalans, who built Maztica’s greatest empire. In their grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
capital, they constructed a great pyramid—perhaps the it.
greatest in Maztica—in his honour. There, they sacri- Life Drinker. The Eye of Zaltec requires the sacrifice
ficed thousands of people in his name. The Eye of Zaltec of living creatures to power its abilities. While holding
was the chosen implement to deliver the death stroke for the Eye of Zaltec, you can use one action to plunge the
a countless number of them. blade into the heart of a creature that is incapacitated.
A ruby of prodigious size, the eye is shaped in a When you do, the creature must make a DC 20 Con-
dagger-like spike and set on a black leather hilt. It is an stitution saving throw. It takes 55 (10d10) piercing
item of legend, with many powers attributed to it— damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
mostly those which were popularized by Zaltec’s priest- successful one. When a creature with an Intelligence of
hood to add to their own reputation. Its theft by Amnian at least 6 that is not a construct or undead dies from this
mercenaries shortly before the Spellplague is an endur- damage, the Eye of Zaltec gains one charge for each Hit
ing stain on the pride of Zaltec’s priests, made all the Die of that creature.
worse because the culprits were never discovered—they Each night at midnight, roll a d20. On a 1, the Eye of
had fallen into one of Acererak’s traps before they could Zaltec loses 1d4 charges.
be tracked down. Cruel Attack. When you hit a creature with a melee
As a lich, Acererak has more important purposes for weapon attack using the Eye of Zaltec, you can expend 1
souls than to resurrect the ancient dead. He discarded of its charges to deal an extra 2d4 piercing damage.
the eye in the Tomb of the Nine Gods for use as bait and Terrifying Aura. While holding the Eye of Zaltec, you
subsequently forgot about it. can use an action to expend 1 charge to gain an aura of
menace. Each creature of your choice that can see you
in a 120-ft radius must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom
saving throw or become frightened of you for 1 minute.
A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
A creature for which this effect ends becomes immune
to it for 24 hours.
Restore Life. The Eye of Zaltec is a receptacle for
living energy that can be used to power resurrection
magic. It can be used as a focus for a raise dead spell in
place of diamonds. If it is used in this way, the spell is
modified as follows:
The Eye of Zaltec is not consumed by the spell.
The spell can revive a creature that died of old age.
The maximum number of years that the target can
have been dead becomes the number of charges
stored in the Eye of Zaltec. If the number of charges
does not equal or exceed the number of years the
target has been dead, the spell fails.
The spell restores missing organs and limbs. If the
original body no longer exists, the spell can even
provide a new one if the target’s name is known. The
new body has the physical age of a young adult; the
target’s mental age remains unchanged.
Other Properties. The Eye of Zaltec is rumoured to
possess other properties that can be activated only by an
evil follower of the god Zaltec.
Destroying the Eye. The eye is nigh indestructible,
never even losing its edge. If bathed in the fire of the
Maztican god Qotal, the eye cracks and turns to dust,
destroyed forever.

2/21/2019 The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit

Navel of the Moon

The Navel of the Moon Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement by a spell-
Said to be carved from a chunk of the moon, this stone caster)
is about the size of a fist and polished to a perfectly
smooth sphere. This fist-sized, egg-shaped jewel seems to catch all light
The origin of the Navel of the Moon is lost to history. and reflect it with scintillating radiance. It weighs 2 lbs.
Years ago, it was given as a gift by the ruling syl-pasha of Spellcasting Focus. The Navel of the Moon can be
Calimport to his daughter to guide her back home if she used as a spellcasting focus. When you do, you gain a +3
were ever lost on her sea voyages, and she is known to bonus to spell attack rolls and spell save DCs. Addition-
have survived many terrible storms while away. Where it ally, it can serve as the spell focus for spells that create a
went following her death is not known to any save the scrying sensor, such as arcane eye or scrying, replacing
most obsessive scholars. the other material components of the spell. It is never
The item was famously lost while in the possession of consumed by such spells.
an explorer seeking Omu a few years ago. The aged Spells. The Navel of the Moon has 7 charges and
tabaxi hunter Bag of Nails was his guide for a time, but regains 1d4 + 3 expended charges daily at dawn. While
they were separated during an undead attack and now wielding the item, you can use an action to expend one
Bag of Nails has gone searching for the item in hopes or more charges to cast the following spells: arcane eye
that it will help him find his lost son. (2 charges), clairvoyance (1 charge), identify (1 charge),
locate creature (2 charges), locate object (1 charge),
scrying (3 charges), or true seeing (3 charges).
The Navel of the Moon functions as the focus for these
spells and is not consumed.
Superior Scrying. When you cast a spell from this
object that creates a scrying sensor, such as arcane eye
or scrying, you can target a creature or area even if
magic would foil the spell, as long as the spell used to
block such scrying is not higher than the level of the
spell you are using to scry.
If warding magic is in place, but the level of the spell is
equal to or less than the level of your scrying spell, make
an ability check using your spellcasting ability. The DC
for this check equals 10 + the level of the spell that
would block your scrying. On a success, you are able to
scry on that individual or location normally. On a fail, the
spell fails and the charge used to cast it is wasted.
Additionally, when using the Navel of the Moon as a
spellcasting focus for a divination spell, you can target
creatures or places on other planes of existence and can
scry even through substances that would block the
target, such as a thin sheet of lead or 10 feet of running
Destroying the Navel of the Moon. The item is
especially resilient, but not indestructible. A disintegrate
spell or one good hit from a +3 magic weapon is
sufficient to destroy it.


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