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Activity 4. Answer the following briefly:

1. Discuss the features of a biological community.
A biological community is made up of various species that interact with one
another. A biological community is made up of living organisms (biotic factors)
and their surroundings (abiotic factor). Living organisms such as bacteria, plants,
and animals are examples of biotic factors, whereas oxygen, water, and light are
examples of abiotic factors.
2. Differentiate biological community from ecological system.
A biological community consists of populations of various species or organisms,
the living things (biotic factor), whereas an ecological system consists of living
things (biotic factor) and nonliving components (abiotic factor) with which the
organisms interact.
3. Are natural resource have effect on the species composition, structure, and,
Yes, I believe natural resources can influence the species composition, structure,
and its function.
4. Discuss the importance of community interactions.
Community interactions are important factors in natural selection. They help
shape the evolution of the interacting species.
5. Why organisms compete? Can competition favor or eliminate biological species.
Organisms compete because all organisms require resources in order to survive,
grow, and reproduce. If one species outcompetes another, the population of the
weaker competitor species may decline. Also often entire populations of a species
can be eradicated from the habitat in which they were found.
6. For an ideal community interaction, what must be observed?
A good relationship with each species living in a community is required for ideal
community interaction.
Activity No. 4. In this activity, you require to elaborate your answer once again to
each of the questions provided below.
1. How human disturbance affects ecosystems?
Human disturbances like urbanization, deforestation, and pollution have a
negative impact on the ecosystem. It degrades the quality of the ecosystem to the
point where species lives can no longer be sustained, and it also destroys the
natural habitats of the species living in the ecosystem.
2. Identify physical and biological factors that are most important in shaping the
biotic community.
The quantity of available space, the climate, and the soil type are all significant
physical factors in shaping the biotic community. The number and species of
animals and plants are the most biologically important factors.
3. What are the factors that limit ecosystem functionality?
Natural resources such as food, water, energy, shelter, and space are factors that
limit ecosystem functionality.
4. Develop a conceptual framework that depicts the relationship between physical,
chemical, and biological factors in shaping communities and maintaining
biological diversity. Discuss your framework comprehensively.
Physical, biological, and chemical factors all play a role in shaping biological
diversity. Even though these factors are made up of different processes and
functions, they all provide the resources that life forms in an ecosystem require in
order to exist side by side. These factors, as well as the processes within it, are
interdependent. If any of the factors changes significantly, it will have a major
impact on biological diversity.

Activity No. 4. The approaches of environmental studies viewed as a very
complicated process. With the human population on many ecosystems that are
widely dispersed around the globe also have detrimental impacts on biological
communities as well about sustainability. Ecosystems and communities have
evolved to keep abreast of the changing activities within a specific geographical
unit. The physical, chemical and biological attributes of different communities will
determine how our ecosystems will be in the many years to come. In this part,
you require to draw conclusions, perspectives, and arguments about ecological
system functions and communities' patterns from the unit lesson. I will supply the
first two items, and you will continue the rest.
1. Human introduction and removal of biological species in a community have a
profound effect on the community structure and its ecosystem functions. It is
significant to consider long-term studies and investigation before embarking on
this undertaking. It might hamper ecological services performed by organisms,
neither limits ecosystems functionality, adding a new set of organisms in a
2. Species interactions are important in the process of natural selection. Through
these processes, the unique set of organisms and environmental conditions will
determine key organisms that can continue to flourish and pass off their genes to
their offspring, which will be the second line of resilient organisms that will shape
a new set of biological communities.
3. A biological community is made up of populations of various species or
organisms, or living things, whereas an ecological system is made up of living
things and nonliving components with which the organisms interact.
4. All life forms living in a biological community compete for resources in order to
survive, grow, and reproduce.
5. The amount of available environment, the climate, and the type of soil all play
important physical roles in shaping the biotic community. The diversity and
number of animals and plants are the most important biological factors.
6. The increased number of humans and their activities has harmed our
ecosystem. And this leads to the destruction of every species' natural habitat in
the biological community.
7. Biomes differ in their environmental characteristics and living conditions. As a
result, certain plants, animals, and other species can exist in one biome but
cannot exist in the other.
8. Physical, biological, and chemical factors all contribute to biological diversity.
Despite the fact that these factors are made up of various processes and
functions, they all provide the resources that living things in an ecosystem needs
in order to coexist.
9. Natural resources can have an impact on the composition, structure, and
function of a species.
10. One of the reasons for natural selection is competition. The competition for
survival and limited resources will force the organism to change in order to avoid
being on the inside among its competitors.

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