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What ideas come to your mind when you hear the word Philosophy? Write them in the graphic


Mind Socrates


What is the
Beauty nature of



1. How did the first philosophers distinguish themselves from other intellectuals during their

The early thinkers, in Greece distinguished themselves from intellectuals of their era
through their dedication to logical reasoning, analytical thought, the exploration of universal
principles, methodical investigation and active participation in public discussions. Their
valuable contributions formed the foundation for the establishment of philosophy. Left a
lasting impression on numerous intellectual fields of study.

2. What did it mean to be a "lover of wisdom? What characteristics or traits defined a


Being a philosopher was, about embracing a passion for wisdom which involved having a
love for knowledge a dedication to thinking the ability to question with an open mind and the
bravery to delve into intricate matters. Philosophers aimed to attain wisdom by utilizing
reason, investigation and a profound respect, for the quest of truth and comprehension.
1. How did the first philosophers distinguish themselves from other intellectuals during their

The early thinkers, in Greece set themselves apart from intellectuals by their dedication to
logical investigation, analytical reasoning, thorough exploration of the natural world and their
eagerness to participate in open discussions. Their impact on traditions and their transition, from
relying on mythological interpretations to employing rational and evidence backed thinking
represented a noteworthy departure from the prevailing intellectual climate of that era.

2. Which ancient philosopher, in your opinion, made the greatest contribution to the
development of Philosophy?

Since philosophy is a broad and complex subject, the contributions of these and other early
philosophers have collectively influenced the philosophical conversation that persists to this day.
The combined efforts of various exceptional philosophers across different fields have extended
and enriched several of philosophical inquiry.

Ancient Philosophers Significant Contributions
Socrates is known for his pioneering
contributions to ethics and epistemology. He
Socrates (c. 470-399 BCE) developed the Socratic method of questioning to
promote critical thinking and self-examination.
His emphasis on moral philosophy and virtue
influenced later philosophers, notably Plato.
Plato made substantial contributions to
metaphysics, ethics, epistemology, and political
Plato (c. 427-347 BCE) philosophy. He founded the Academy in Athens
and is famous for his dialogues, which explore
various philosophical concepts, including the
theory of forms and the allegory of the cave.
Aristotle's work spanned numerous fields,
including metaphysics, ethics, politics, biology,
Aristotle (384-322 BCE) and logic. He developed a systematic approach to
philosophy, laying the foundations for many
branches of philosophy, including ethics, natural
philosophy, and formal logic.
Pythagoras and the Pythagorean school made
significant contributions to mathematics and its
Pythagoras (c. 570-495 BCE) philosophical foundations. Pythagoras is known
for the Pythagorean theorem, which remains a
fundamental concept in mathematics.

Heraclitus (c. 535-475 BCE) Heraclitus's philosophy focused on the nature of

change and the unity of opposites. He introduced
the idea of constant flux and the importance of
fire as a symbol of change and unity in the
Democritus (c. 460-370 BCE) Democritus is often credited with developing the
concept of atomism, proposing that all matter is
composed of indivisible particles called atoms.
This early atomistic theory contributed to the
development of modern physics.
Diogenes of Sinope (c. 412-323 BCE) He was a famous Cynic philosopher known for
his unconventional lifestyle and philosophical
ideas. While he didn't make significant
contributions in terms of elaborate philosophical
theories or systems, his life and actions conveyed
important philosophical principles
Epicurus (341-270 BCE) Epicurus' contributions to philosophy primarily
revolved around his ethical teachings, which
aimed to guide individuals toward a life of
tranquility and contentment. His ideas had a
lasting influence, and Epicureanism became a
popular school of thought in the Hellenistic and
Roman periods, with later philosophers like
Lucretius and Thomas Jefferson drawing
inspiration from his teachings.
Archimedes (c. 287-212 BCE) Archimedes' contributions to mathematics,
physics, and engineering had a profound and
enduring impact on the development of science
and technology. His discoveries and inventions
continue to be celebrated and studied for their
influence on a wide range of disciplines.

In your opinion, what was the most significant development in the history of Western
Philosophy? Explain your answer.

The most significant development in the history of Western Philosophy was the
enlightenment that focuses on reason, secularism, individual rights, and the use of rational and
empirical methods reshaped Western thought, laid the groundwork for future intellectual
movements, and continues to shape our thinking about knowledge, ethics, politics, and human
progress today.
Compare and contrast aspects of Western and Eastern Philosophy using the Venn diagram.
Discuss your work in class.


Individualism Holism and

Non-Theistic Traditions
Linear Time
Cyclical Time
Dichotomous Thinking
Ethics and Rights Inner Transformation


Both Western and Eastern philosophies address fundamental questions about the nature of
existence, ethics, and the human experience.

Both have rich traditions of metaphysics, ethics, and epistemology, albeit with different emphases.

Both have influenced a wide range of intellectual and cultural disciplines, from religion and art to
science and politics.

Which aspects or characteristics distinguish Eastern Philosophy from Western Philosophy?

 Individualism vs. Holism: Western philosophy tends to prioritize individualism and personal
rights, while Eastern philosophy often emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things and
the importance of collective harmony.

 Theism vs. Non-Theism: Many Western philosophers engage with monotheistic religious
traditions, whereas non-theistic philosophies like Buddhism are more prominent in the East.
 Linear Time vs. Cyclical Time: Western philosophy often operates within a linear conception
of time, while Eastern philosophies frequently adopt cyclical models.

 Dichotomous Thinking vs. Non-Dualism: Western thought sometimes leans toward

dichotomous thinking, whereas Eastern thought often emphasizes non-dualism, recognizing
the interconnectedness of opposites.

 Ethical Focus: Western philosophy has produced diverse ethical theories, including
deontology and utilitarianism, while Eastern philosophies tend to emphasize inner
transformation and ethical behavior as a means to spiritual growth.

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