B1 U1 Standard Test

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Unit 1 Test: Standard

Name: __________________________________ Result: __/100

Vocabulary 3 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases

in the box.
1 Choose the correct alternative. divorced extended one-parent only child twin
1 Here’s a photo of me as a child/baby. I was just a 1 I haven’t got any brothers or sisters, but I quite like
few days old. being an ____________.
2 This is me as a toddler/teenager learning to walk. 2 My cousin’s marriage ended, so she’s
3 Here’s me at 16. I had lots of fun as a teenager/ ____________ now and wants to stay single.
senior citizen. 3 My dad died when I was three, so I grew up in a
4 When I was a young toddler/adult, I got my first job ____________ family with my mum.
in London. 4 Marie is my ____________ sister – but I’m 45
5 When I’m a senior citizen/middle-aged man of 70, I minutes older than her.
can stop working. 5 Most of my ____________ family – my aunts,
Score __/5 cousins and brother in law – live in New Zealand.
Score __/5
2 Complete the sentences with the male or female
form of the words in bold. 4 Write the noun form of the words below.
1 I still live at home with my mother and 1 improve ____________
2 connect ____________
2 I don’t like John’s brother, but his ____________ is
really nice. 3 enjoy ____________

3 Our nephews and ____________ are going to come 4 confident ____________

to us for Christmas. 5 explain ____________
4 I’m going to stay with my uncle and ____________ Score __/5
this weekend.
5 Mum’s friend Jane has got two sons and two
Score __/5

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Unit 1 Test: Standard

Grammar 7 Complete the sentences with the verbs given. Put

one verb in the present simple and the other verb in
the present continuous.
5 Complete the sentences using the present simple
form of the verbs given. 1 I’m really sorry, but I ____________ (not
understand) what you ____________ (say). Can
1 When I have a problem with my bike, my dad usually
you speak a bit more slowly?
____________ it. (fix)
2 Oh look – it ____________ (snow)! I ____________
2 My sister ____________ to school in London. (go)
(love) it when it’s cold like this.
3 Jack sits in his room and just ____________ TV all
3 I ____________ (know) John’s on holiday because
day. (watch)
he phoned me yesterday. He ____________ (have)
4 My aunt’s at your school – she ____________ a lovely time.
French and Italian. (teach) Score __/6
5 Excuse me, ____________ English? (you/speak)
8 Choose the correct alternative.
6 Can I have an apple? I ____________ ice cream.
(not/like) 1 Our teacher went to Buckingham Palace and met
Score __/6 Queen/the Queen.
2 Sue’s a vegetarian, and she doesn’t even eat
6 Read the dialogue. Choose the correct alternative. fish/the fish.
Peter: Hi, Ms Jackson, is Dan in? 3 My dad’s engineer/an engineer. What does your
Ms Jackson: Hi Peter. No, I’m afraid he’s not here. He dad do?
(a) plays/is playing football. 4 Jane gave me some milk to drink, but I dropped it
Peter: Oh yes, of course – (b) he goes/he is going to and
football practice every Saturday, doesn’t a glass/the glass broke.
he? 5 Have you got a/an iPhone?
Ms Jackson: Yes, but he usually (c) gets/is getting 6 Would you like to go out for a coffee/the coffee
back at about 12. You can wait if you like. sometime?
Peter: Mmm, I haven’t really got the time – but is Amelia 7 I don’t really like oranges/the oranges, or any kind
here? of fruit, really.
Ms Jackson: Yes, she’s in her room. She (d) does/is Score __/7
doing her homework. I think she (e)
finishes/is finishing a geography project
for tomorrow. But is there a problem? Is
something wrong?
Peter: Oh no. I just (f) want/am wanting to ask them
both to my party next week.
Score __/6

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Unit 1 Test: Standard

Use of English Listening

9 Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) 10 Listen to a girl giving a talk to her class. Choose
best fits each gap. the best alternative.
Are you the oldest child in your family, or the 1 The island of Anuta is closest to Australia/Tikopia.
middle child or the youngest? Or maybe you are 2 The population of Anuta is about 100/300 people.
an 1 ____________ child with no brothers and 3 Some of their boats/trees are more than 100 years
sisters. The interesting question is this – is there a old.
2 ____________ between your position in the 4 All the adults look after the old people/children.
family and your personality? Some people 5 They go to school in Anuta until they are adults/12.
3 ____________ strongly that there is, and say, 6 Some younger Anutans leave the island
for example, that oldest children are more serious to study/to travel round the world.
than their younger brothers and sisters. And it Score __/6
may also be true that youngest children are more
11 Listen to the talk again. Decide if the sentences are
independent, because as they are growing 4 True (T) or False (F)?
____________, they often get less attention from
1 Anuta is in the Pacific Ocean. T / F
their parents.
2 Anutans have no kind of money. T / F
Of course, no two children are the same – there 3 When Anutans receive something, they must give
are always 5 ____________ between them, even something back. T / F

if they are identical 6 ____________ born on the 4 Anutan children do not always live with their mother.
same day. But there are other things that are just
as important – for example, whether you grow up 5 There is a school in Anuta. T / F

in a one – 7 ____________ family or with both 6 Most young people in Anuta want to get jobs abroad.
your mother and father. Your relationships with
Score __/6
your immediate and extended family are also
important. Your personality is
8 ____________ complicated thing, and many
different things make you the way you are.

1 A single B one C only D alone

2 A reason B difference C connection
D solution
3 A believe B care C think D know
4 A in B on C out D up
5 A differences B arguments C improvements
D explanations
6 A children B twins C toddlers
D babies
7 A adult B relation C parent
D partner
8 Aa B the C some D any
Score __/8

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Unit 1 Test: Standard

AN ACT OF KINDNESS 12 Read the article. In what order did these things
Two weeks ago, schoolgirl Lily Mason was taking her dog
A Stan received thousands of messages.
for a walk down the back streets of Salford, Manchester,
when she passed a small house with a hand-written note
in the window. She walked past, but something made her B Stan’s wife died. ____________
stop and go back. She read the note: ‘My name is Stan
C Lily put a photo onto the Internet. ____________
Baker and I am 72. My wife died last year, and I am all
alone. I have no friends and family. Please help if you D Stan talked to Lily about his life. ____________
can.’ E Stan put a message in his window. ____________
As soon as she saw the note, Lily wanted to help. She took
a photo of the note and knocked on the door. F Lily knocked on Stan’s door. ____________
Stan says he was surprised – even shocked – when he Score __/6
opened the door to find Lily standing there with her dog.
‘Life’s very different when you’re old,’ says Stan. ‘Don’t 13 Read the article again. Correct the following
get me wrong now, I’m not complaining. People are sentences. Write complete sentences.
always polite to me, you know, they chat about the 1 Lily noticed Stan’s message on the door.
weather, they’re nice like that. But they don’t really want
to know you, they don’t want to be friends.’ _________________________________________
But Lily was different. She wanted to hear the old man’s 2 Stan says people like getting to know old people.
He is an only child and his father was in the army, so the
family moved to different countries every few years. He 3 Stan has brothers and sisters.
went to lots of different schools, so never really had a _________________________________________
place to call home. As an adult, he worked abroad, like
his father, and then retired to England with his wife 4 Stan worked in England most of his life.
Polly. She was the love of his life, and they did everything _________________________________________
together. When he lost her, he had nobody.
5 Stan doesn’t know about the Internet.
Lily saw that he had an old laptop and could use the
Internet, so she posted the note from his window on _________________________________________
social media. ‘It was amazing,’ says Lily. ‘In the next few
6 There are now only a few people Stan can chat
days, it was seen by more than 11 million people and we
had 240,000 likes. Stan got messages of support from all
over the world, hundreds of emails, letters from children, _________________________________________
photos of pets and people offering to phone for a chat or Score __/6
call for a visit. Of course, things will get quieter in a few
weeks, but I’m sure he will stay friends with some of 14 Think of three things that can make life difficult or
these new people, and he will always have someone to sad for old people. Give a reason for each.
talk to.’ _______________________________________________

Score __/3

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Unit 1 Test: Standard

Writing Checklist – phrases you can use

You can begin by thanking Sam: Thanks so much for
15 Sam is a student you have met as part of a school your email. It was great to hear …
exchange. You have had an email telling you all
about Sam’s school. Now Sam wants to know all You begin your different paragraphs like this:
about yours. Write an email to Sam thanking him for Anyway, let me tell you a bit about my place. It’s …
the email and saying what your school is like. My school’s quite like yours, but there are a few
Choose THREE of the following: differences. For example, we …
I guess one of the things I like best about my school is …
 where your school is, what sort of school it is and
how big it is. Finish your email in a suitable way:
 what people study at your school and what subjects Well, that’s all for now. I’ve got to go and …
you can choose to do Hope to hear from you again soon. / All the best, …

 what time you start and finish, how many lessons

you have, etc.
 what you like doing apart from lessons – sports,
clubs, excursions, etc.
 who your friends are and what they are like
 what your favourite lessons are and which teachers
you like
Write an email of 80–100 words.

Score __/10

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Unit 1 Test: Standard

16 Work in pairs to act out a role-play.
Student A:
You work for the school magazine. Student B is a new
student at your school. You want to write an article
about Student B, so you want to get lots of personal
Start by explaining that you want to interview them for
the school magazine. Then ask these questions.
Remember you can ask extra questions to keep the
conversation going.
 Could you tell me a bit about yourself and your
immediate family?
 Do you have an extended family?
 What are your favourite subjects at school?
 What do you like to do in your free time? Are there
any clubs you want to join or sports you want to do?
 How do you feel about the school so far? Is there
anything you like or dislike?
Student B:
You are a new student at Student A’s school. Student A
is doing an interview with you for the school magazine.
Answer their questions, giving lots of details.
When you have finished, exchange roles and repeat.

Score __/10

Vocabulary __/20
Grammar __/25
Use of English __/8
Listening __/12
Reading __/15
Writing __/10
Speaking __/10

TOTAL __/100

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