WiF8 Us Entry Actons List1

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Ft Note
Turn / World in Flames ® 2017
jamesLDT at yahoo
Note (Transfer chits from the Common Pool to an Entry Pool) Collector's Edition Feb 2019

34. Japan executes a search and seizure (Ja) 5 2
3. Japan militarizes Marshalls (Ja) 6 Note: Item numbers exactly correspond to
10. Japan occupies Chinese city (Ja) 5 4 those used on the original ADG US Entry
1. Japan aligns Indo-China (Ja) [after Vichy] 2 12 Actions chart (published in 2017);
5. Japan aligns Madagascar (Ja) [after Vichy] 2 15 That list has been re-ordered here for
18. Japan controls Singapore (Ja) or Suez (Ja) 5 8 increased utility.
J 6. Japan forces closure of Burma Road (Ja) 5
A 19. Japan aligns Siam (Ja) 5 3 Bold item numberss & tension die numbers
P 2. Japan and USSR sign neutrality pact (Ja) 3 indicate there is amplifying text
A 37. Japanese unit first enters any hex or sea area on (Ja): in section 13.3.3 and repeated for
N European Maps 12 convenience on the following .
American map(s) 24 (or reverse) page
9. Japan declares war on USSR (Ja) 7
33. Jap DoW on CW, France or Netherlands (Ja) [+1 chit/turn!] 3,5 28
11. Japan declares war on the USA (Ja) 3 45
20. Japan declares war on minor power (Ja):
Any American country, or Poland, Spain, Turkey 5 12
Other minor [except see #33 for Neth. & Ge/It #20 for other Eur.] 5,8 3
17. Japan conquers CW home country (Ja) [but not UK - see Ge/It #16] 5 12 * Tension Die: Positive result (eg '4') means
4. China conquered (Ja) 3 25 roll <= to # for the USA to transfer a chit
18. Axis controls Gibraltar (Ge/It) or Suez (Ge/It) 5 8 to US Entry pool from common chit pool.
G 19. Ge/It aligns any minor (Ge/It) 5 3 Each muliple of 10 is an automatic chit.
E 20. Axis [including Japan] declares war on: 7 Negative values (eg '-4') - roll less than or equal
R Poland, Spain, Turkey or any American country 5 12 to # for the USA to remove a chit from the
Belgium, Neth.(not Jap - see #8), Rumania, Sweden or Switzerland 5 8 US Entry pool and place it back in the
& Other minor 5 3 common chit pool.
7. Italy declares war on CW or France or both (Ge/It) 7
Affected Entry Pool
I 12. Ger/Italy/both DoW on USA or China (Ge/It) [+1 chit/turn!] 3,6 55
T 13. Ger. or Italy or both declare war on USSR (Ge/It) 6 8 Axis - Germany, Italy and Japan
A 15. Axis invades the United Kingdom (Ge/It) 15 Allies - China, CW, France, USA and USSR
L 8. Ge/It conquers (or Vichies) France [or collapses Vichy] (Ge/It) 4 18
Y 16. Axis conquers United Kingdom (Ge/It) 3 35 (Ja), (Ge/It) - Exchange chit between this entry
17. Ge/It conquers other CW Home Country (Ge/It) 5 12 pool & the common entry chit pool. The US
14. Axis conquers USSR (Ge/It) 23 player may choose the entry pool to
38. CW closes Suez canal -8 place/remove if Axis not specifically designated.
39. CW mines Norwegian coast -4
30. Allies align minor (Ge/It)
Foot Notes
5 -5
21. Allies support attacked minor (Ge/It) 5,9 7 1. Roll each action once per game if not
A 22. CW or France or both declare war on Italy (Ge/It) 6 -18 otherwise specified.
L 24. CW or France or both declare war on Japan (Ja) 6 -26 2. Only can be chosen after Vichy installed.
L 25. CW or France or both declare war on Germany (Ge/It) 6 -9 3. The USA also picks 1 extra chit per future
I 32. Other Ally declares war on (Ge/It): turn for each action (except conquests by
E Poland, Portugal, Spain, Turkey or any American country 5 -17 surrender). It must go to marked entry pool.
S Belgium, Neth., Rumania, Sweden or Switzerland 5 -12 4. Roll again if Axis collapses Vichy (see 17.4.5).
Other minor or Vichy France 5 -5 5. Rolled once per city, per major power or
23. Allies conquer Italy (Ge/It) -24 neutral minor country or per search.
26. USSR controls East Poland (Ge/It) -7 6. Only roll once if both major powers DoW
U 27. USSR controls Nazi-Soviet Pact areas (Ge/It) -4 on same major power in same impulse.
S 21. USSR supports attacked minor (Ge/It) 5,9 7 In all other cases, roll once for each DoW.
S 30. USSR aligns minor (Ge/It) 5 -5 2nd roll only costs half if other Axis major
R 28. USSR declares war on Japan (Ja) -17 power already at war with the maj. power.
29. USSR declares war on Germany or Italy or both (Ge/It) -35 7. Place chit in Ja pool if Japan declares war,
31. USSR declares war on (Ge/It): else the Ge/It pool otherwise.
Poland, Spain, Turkey or any American country -25 5 8. Except Japan DoW on Neth. (see Jap. #33)
Belgium, Neth., Rumania, Sweden or Switzerland -18 5 9. Requires 4+ Allied corps or armies
Other minor or Vichy France 5 -9 (not units of the minor itself).
S 34. Japan executes a search and seizure (Ja) 5 2
& 35. Other Axis major power executes a search and seizure (Ge/It) 5 2
S 36. Allied major power executes a search and seizure 5 -2
US X. USA successfully DoWs Axis major power(s) (see end of 13.3.2) 25
(Adapted from 2017 Australian Design Group Charts)
13.3.3 US Entry Action Details (Collector's Edition Rules, 2017)
1 Japan occupies/aligns Indo-China - Japan aligns French Indo-China but only if it is a Vichy territory (see 17.2) and there
are no non-partisan Allied units there. Japan does this by announcing the occupation during an Axis declaration of war step.
Move any Vichy units in French Indo-China to the Free French force pool. All hexes in French Indo-China immediately
become Japanese controlled.
3 Japan militarises Marshalls - 1st time Jap moves or sets the first unit in any border hex.
5 Japan may occupies/aligns Madagascar - Japan may occupy/align Madagascar during an Axis DoW step, but only if it is
a Vichy territory (see 17.2) and there are no Allied non-partisan units there. Fr. Indo-China must have been aligned (action
1). Move Vichy units in Madagascar to the Free French force pool. Madagascar hexes are Japanese controlled.

6 Japan forces closure of Burma Road - the Burma Road is one way that the Allies can transport resources and build points
to China (see 13.3.2, US entry options 9 & 17). The Axis can close it by physical occupation or Japan can also close it by
diplomatic pressure on the Commonwealth. If Japan does this, an Allied major power can't transport resources or build
points to China via the Burma Road or French Indo-China until it is at war with Japan or the USA chooses US entry option
24. China can still use the road to transport its own resources. You only have to roll a die for diplomatic closure of the
Burma Road, not for physical closure.
10 Japan occupies Chinese city: - each time a Japanese controlled land unit occupies (or reoccupies) a Chinese controlled city
in China, there is the possibility of an outrage like the rape of Nanking occurring, an atrocity to the USA public. Roll for
cities gained by conquering China but not as a result of a Chinese surrender (see 13.7.6).
12, Major power(s) DoW versus other major power - Only roll once if both paired major powers DoW against the same
13, target major power in the same impulse (e.g., CW & Fra vs. It.). A second DoW only costs half the tension if the partner
power is already at war with the DoW target (e.g., if Fra & It at war, Brit DoW vs It. only costs -9, not -18).
15 Axis invades the United Kingdom - the Axis has invaded the UK as soon as any Axis land unit occupies any hex of the
United Kingdom at the end of any Axis land combat step.
18 Axis controls Gib. (Ge/It), Singapore (Ja) or Suez (either) - Suez is occupied the instant that Axis control any adjacent
19, Minor aligned - this occurs when the minor country oluntarily aligns with a major power (see 9.6). A minor that joins a
30 side because a major power declares war on it doesn't count (see 9.5).
31, Major Power declares war on neutral minor - roll for each major power declaring war on this minor this impulse.
21 Allies support attacked minor - the Allies have supported an attacked minor country if there are at least 4 Allied corps or
armies in the minor's unconquered home country during the Allied minor support step of the same turn an Axis major power
declared war on it. Soviet units in east Poland don't count and neither do the minor's own units.
26 USSR controls East Poland - see 19.5.1.
27 USSR controls Nazi-Soviet Pact areas (Baltic States) - see 19.5.2.
35, Search and seizure - see 13.6.1.
37 Jap unit first enters any hex or sea area on Amer. or Eur. map - roll once per map when first entered (but not only if
Jap not at war with any of CW/Fra/Neth./US): Amer. Map: +12, Eur. Map: +24.
38 Closing Suez canal - CW may close canal any naval move step they control it (11.4.4).
39 Mining Norwegian coast - Once per game, at start of a naval step CW may roll on Norway Reaction Table (see 13.3.3,
action #39). Prereq's: US & Norway are neutral, Paris Allied controlled and a face-up CW SCS is in 4-box of Norwegian
Sea (turn the SCS face down).
X US Successfully DoWs Axis Major Power(s): This is actually a "US Entry Option" (see 13.3.2), but when it occurs it
behaves more like a US Entry Action (13.3.3), so it is redundantly listed here. See end of 13.3.2 for details.

(Adapted from 2017 Australian Design Group Charts)

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