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WORLD IN FLAMES® COMBAT & MOVE ACTIONS PLAYER AID (Note: Entries alphabetically ordered)

1) AIRCRAFT MOVEMENT – see NAVAL AIR MOVEMENT & PATROL. CAP,escort,intercept, G.Sup=free a/c missions
2) AIRCRAFT REBASING (11.16) – Allowed in Storm and Blizzard; 1 A/C = 1 mission (don’t turn Face down)
- Face up A/C fly double range (Opt 44: 3x over friendly), 4x if extended range; no Intercepting.
- A/C on TRS may rebase into friendly coastal hex (see NAVAL TRANSPORT – DEBARKING)


4) AIR-TO-AIR COMBAT (14.3) – not in Blizzard or Storm; 1 A/C = 1 mission (0 mission if naval air combat)
1) Naval Combat [11.5.9]: Face-down CVP do participate in naval air combat, but damaged CVs may not launch planes.
2) Line up your Bombers in one line and FTRs in another [suggest best FTRs in front, best bombers in rear]
3) Resolve Air-to-Air combat rounds (either side may voluntarily abort all his planes at end of any A2A round – active player first)
A2A: Front FTR A2A + 1/10 per A2A factor of 2nd & subsequent fighters (only front bomber A2A if no FTRs);
Opt 8: Front plane is FTR bomber: -1 A2A. 2-engine FTR (orange circle) vs 1-engine: Combat result severity reduced one lvl.
Naval Surprise: +/-1 to lead FTR air-to-air combat factor per two surprise pts
A-to-A Combat chart: Lookup(delta of FTR A2A factors vs 2D10) (Inactive then active determine results, but apply simultan.)
If one side has no FTRs all surviving opposing bombers all cleared through to target
4) Cleared through bombers suffer ANTI-AIRCAFT FIRE
5) Surviving bombers attack targets (see GROUND BOMBING or NAVAL COMBAT – AIR)
5) AIR TRANSPORT (11.11) –Transport of one unit counts as 1 Air and 1 Land mission
ATRs carry: 1 PARA, 1 MTN, or 1 DIV (INF, GAR, ski); Large ATRs: 1 x Corps, 2 x Div
- ATRs only load in hexes they could legally stack; Cargo Face down if starting OoS or ATR aborts CVPiF Opt 45 (14.3.1) :
1) Defensive CAP; 2) ATRs optionally pick up land unit + escort FTRs move to target hex;
3) Def. Interceptors; 4) Off. Intercept; 5) AIR-TO-AIR COMBAT; 6) ANTI-AIRCAFT FIRE vs ATRs;
7) Cleared ATRs unload / load cargo in target hex;
8) All A/C return to base Face down (these units may NOT be re-orged this impulse)
9) Opponent flies intercepting FTRs to ATRs the hex of return-to-base
10) Active player flies interceptors to same hex(es)
11) Face up units participate in AIR-TO-AIR COMBAT (ATRs from step 8 also participate)
12) ANTI-AIRCAFT FIRE vs. cleared ATRs [what happens to uncleared ATRs??]
13) Surviving ATR cargo unloads in hex
14) Return to base remaining interceptors to base and all A/C go Face down (ATRs don’t move)

6) ANTI-AIRCRAFT FIRE (11.5.9 & 22.4.2 - AsA Opt 3) – flip AA after Combat Advance (FAQ Q22.4-17)
1) Cleared through bombers suffer AA from ships & AA units before bombing (½AA for surprised & damaged ships).
a) AsA Opt 3 (22.4.2): AA units fire 4 times into adj hex(es) (sum multiple shots into same hex).
b) Lookup Sum(AA factors – +/-1xCol per 2 surprise pts) vs. (# bombers) .
c) AA value: +/-(# of dice to keep) / (# of dice to roll) : If +, keep highest dice else keep lowest
2) Sum the kept dice and apply total to below: Die roller picks type of loss (as below) & owner picks bomber units to lose.
- 10 points destroys: 1 land bomber or 2 carrier planes (CV units go into Damage Pool) or 1 carrier plane & abort 1 bomber
- If at least 5 points left over: Destroy 1 carrier plane or abort 1 bomber
- Remaining unused points prevent that # of CF from attacking [FAQ Q11.5-8]

9) CV & CVP UNITS (14.4) – also see NAVAL AIR MOVEMENT (for range limits) & also PORT ATTACKS;
CV/CVP always fly NAVAL COMBAT – AIR; may also bomb/escort ground/port missions in cur sea area & ports but Face D. after.
Tac Fac = ½ of A2S & Strat.=1/10 Base game (NOT 14.3.1): CV Range = Air Comp (Jap +2): 1942-3: +1, 1944+: +2
CVPiF Opt 45 (14.3.1): CVP stacking limits apply; max 2 CVP per CV; CVP must ret. to launch sea-box; Dmg CVs only land CVP; ’
10) DEBARKING (11.4.5, 11.14, 11.15) – see NAVAL TRANSPORT - DEBARKING

jts Feb. 2019 Note: Change bars & underlines show differences WiF Final Ed. (v7, 1997) vs. WiF Collector’s Edition (v8, 2017)
12) GROUND BOMBING (11.8, 11.15.4) - Not Storm or Blizzard; Gr. Strike: 1 a/c = 1 mission; Gr. Sup: 1 a/c = 0 mission
1) Defensive CAP; 2) Offensive bombers + escort FTRs; 3) Def. Interceptors; 4) Off. Intercept;
6a) GROUND STRIKE (11.8): Each bomber rolls each enemy in hex: D10 <= bomber Tac Factor - Success: flip it
- (14.5) Forest, Jungle, Swamp, Rain, Snow: Tactical Factor ½; War Surprise (15.1) or Tank Buster: Roll 2 D10, select lowest
6b) GROUND SUPPORT (11.15.4): Max allowed total mod. Tac Factors <= mod. land CF
- Forest, Jungle, Swamp, Rain, Snow: Total of Tac Factors ½;.War Surprise (15.1): Dbl active’s Tactical Factors;
- (Opt 33) Double bomber’s Tac Factor if tank buster vs armor target (Tac Factor in red circle)
7) Return all aircraft to base Face down

13) INVASIONS (11.13) – not Storm, Snow, Blizzard; 1 land unit = 1 land move (but not a Naval move)
- In-supply Face up AMPH+INF or TRS+MAR in 2-4 sea-section into enemy coastal hex (also see DEBARKING);
DiF Opt 20: Divisions may invade from SCS as if from AMPH.
- For invasion impulse: Invaders in supply & ZOC only in own hex; Opt 28 (11.15.7): Move bombard & invasion ships to 0 box.
- Invader goes Face down if hex terrain cost > invader’s MP; transport goes Face down;
1) Attack invasion hex in concert with other units (invader’s CF halved - not MAR unless from TRS).
2) NOTIONAL UNIT Defense (defender’s option) – see LAND COMBAT – NOTIONAL UNIT
3) Apply Shore Bombardment, terrain, weather, War Surprise (15.1) mods to combat (see LAND COMBAT)
4) Combat results: Invaders destroyed if hex not cleared.

14) LAND COMBAT (11.15) – Attacking 1 stack of land units = 1 Land Combat
2) Declare all attacks and identify attacking land units;
3) Sum all land CF plus following:
a) NOTIONAL UNIT Defense (defender option) against PARA DROPS & INVASIONS
- NU is always considered face down & can be taken as a loss..
- Start with 1 CF + following to hex def (min value of 0):
+1 Major power controlling its home hex; +1 City in hex
-1 Out of basic supply, hex path of any length (2.4.2) -1 War surprise (15.0)
+1 In ZOC of friendly corps/army (NOT Terr.) with no land unit in invasion hex
+? Shore Bombardment mod for each invading unit (rain: +1 if asterisked sea-section – 8.2.7)
b) SHORE BOMBARDMENT (11.15.2) – not Storm or Blizzard; naval units go Face down after & (Opt 28) into 0-box
- Add offensive SB, then defensive SB (Opt. 38, not if Surprised – 15.1); Opt 28 (11.15.7): Move bombard/invas. to 0 box.
- Reduce each bombarding unit’s factor by its sea-section’s bombardment factor (* = +1 rain/snow);
- SB total is halved vs. Forest / Jungle / Swamp; Modified SB CF maxed vs. own mod. land CF; Max 1 SCS per land unit;
c) HQ Support (Opt 13 - 11.15.3): Def. HQ support, then offensive; Shift 1 odds ratio, HQ Face down after
d) GROUND SUPPORT (11.15.4): Modified Ground Support CF maxed out vs. own modified land CF;
- A/C Tactical Factors ½ vs. Forest, Jungle, Swamp, Rain, Snow; doubled for War Surprise (15.1) or Tank Buster
- A2A Battle: 1) Def. CAP; 2) Offen. CAP; 3) Offen. escorts & bombers; 4) Offen. Arty sup; 5) Def. escorts & bombers &
intercpt; 6) Def. Arty sup; 7) Offen intercpt; 8) A2A COMBAT; 9) AA; 10) Add bomber Gr. Sup factors; 11) RTB Face D.
e) Defense CF: Face up=normal CF; OoS Face down = 3 CF if white print else 1 CF
f) Optional Rules: (Opt 40) Attacking Nat. Chinese halved; (Opt 41) Fractional odds;
(DiF Opt 2) Divisions count as half; (DiF Opt 3) Def. AA & AT count as ARM & adjacent ART add CF to combat;
g) Terrain: Attacker ½ vs. river/canal, straights & invading (not MAR unless from TRS); 1/3 across fort hex-side (Opt 32: ½);
Dbl def. in mountain (triple for MTN) or Swamp; Jungle lowers odds by 1 level (not if all-Jap land)
4) Choose Combat Column: 0 attack CF = destroy attackers; 0 def CF = max combat outcome
- Defender Chooses If: Attack is across a fort hex side or into a City/Mountain/Jungle/Swamp
- Attacker Chooses else if: Not fort hex-side or city AND he has ARM+HQ-A+MECH superiority AND
Defender in Clear/Forest/Desert, else defender chooses combat column
5) Roll 2D10 & add combat table mods Retreats Priority: 1 2 3 4
(attacker performs) EZOC N N Y Y
* - don’t care Friendly Unit * * Y Y
Over-stacked N Y N Y
15) LAND MOVEMENT (11.10) – also see RAIL MOVEMENT; 1 land unit = 1 land mission; Face down if OoS or insuf. M.P
17) NAVAL AIR INTERCEPTION (11.5.3) – see NAVAL COMBAT (Step 2a)
18) NAVAL AIR MOVEMENT & PATROL (11.3, 14,1.1, 14.2.1, 14.4) – not in Storm or Blizzard; 1 A/C = 1 mission
- Patrol: FTR & air-to-sea factors only, NOT carrier A/C; No combat or enemy response, unit(s) stay Face up in a Sea-box
a) Fly from port or land hex to hex-dot & then patrollers may enter local Sea-section #0:
one Any a/c: European hex / hex-dot: 1MP; Big hex / hex-dot: 6 MP (2 MP last hex-dot/1st hex); Other map hex / hex-dot: 2 MP
of a/c going on or leaving patrol: Sea-section: #0=0MP, #1=1MP, #2=3MP, #3=6MP, #4+=10MP
b) Fly to lower Sea-section
c) Return to base Face down (use move points as in (a))
CV & Naval Aircraft Ranges FTR or CV FTR CV Bomber (land attack) Naval Bomber End of Mission
Mission Type FTR &NAV CVs Move RTB Move RTB Move RTB (if not aborted)
Naval Intercept y no ½ (not CV) Full --- --- ½ Full Face Up at sea
Naval Patrol y no Full (not CV) Full --- --- Full Full Face Up at sea
Land Intercept y y ½ Full --- --- --- --- RTB Face Down
Ground Bombing y y Full Full ½ ½ Full Full RTB Face Down

19) NAVAL COMBAT (Air, Sub, Surface) (11.5) – Only in Naval or Combined Impulse or by Non-Active Player
1) Select Sea Area & turn Face down Naval (not convoy) or Air unit (not CVP or in storm, bliz.) – all F.Down participate;
Note: This satisfies all of the owner’s “turn Face down” needs for rest of impulse.
2) Both sides do (active 1st but not if active chose a Pass impulse):
a) NAVAL AIR INTERCEPTION (11.5.3) - to Sea Area (1/2 range, Ftr or Air-to-Sea factors only)
- see NAVAL AIR MOVEMENT for movement and return to base movement allowances
b) Commit subs (all or nothing)
3) SEARCH (11.5.5): D10 <= own modified Search-Section #s of your ships (face-down are included)
Modifies: Search Section Modifiers and Search Die Roll Modifiers
Search # D10 +1 a) Bad weather (Rain, Snow, Storm, Blizzard)
Search # D10 -1 b) Per <=10xEnemy CP (F. Dwn TRS/AMPH in 0-box=3CP)[not Port/Storm/Bliz or 1st Nav. Intercpt Rnd]
Search-sect # +1 c) One of: i) CV/CVP range >=4 or NAV in given search section (Fine, Rain or Snow)
Search-sect # +2 ii) CV/CVP with range >= 7 (Fine, Rain or Snow)
If only one-player’s search succeeds: He picks which enemy Search-Section(s) to fight
4) NAVAL SURPRISE (11.5.6) - War Surprised (15.1): inactive player gets 0 surprise points
(modified Search-section # for own highest Search-section) + (Opponent unmodified Search D10)
Spending Surprise Points Pts
a) Choose No Combat or choose combat type (Air/Sub/Surf) 4
b) Select an enemy target directly involved in the combat 3
c) Per one column shift for Naval or AA combat 2
d) Per one Air-to-Air combat factor incr/decr (specify once for all A2A rounds) 2
e) Opt 22: Avoid air combat – Opponent max air range: <3 (1), 3-5 (2), 6-9 (3), 10-17 or CVP (4), 18+ (5)
5) Fight 1 combat round (11.5.8), choose in following preference order (Active first, Face down participate):
i) 4 x Pt Surprise selection (4a & e above - Air/Sub/Surf/None)
ii) NAVAL COMBAT – AIR – Must have air units (Port always), not in Blizzard or Storm; alternate loss picking (active first)
ii) NAVAL COMBAT - SUB – Owner picks losses, Non-sub losses must alternate Even=CP, Odd = 0-section ASW/CV/SCS.
iii) NAVAL COMBAT - SURFACE – Owner picks losses (Opt 23 (Screening): Alternate picks, owner first.)
Defense Roll for each hit ship: D10 > Def. Factor = take next less damage severity AiF/PaiF: TRS & AMPH: see 11.5.8
6) After combat round, each side may abort (13.4, active player 1st) – non-aborting stay Face up
- ALL Air / Surface units in Sea Area must abort (return to nearest stackable base(s) Face down); only committed Subs abort
- Surface ships may suffer NAVAL INTERCEPTION (must Fight Thru from 0 box)
- Damaged ships (1/2 CF, +1 Def. Factor) after aborting go in repair pool; Cargo from damaged ship is a next turn reinforcement.
7) Next round (no limit) if both sides still in Search-boxes (mutual Search failure ends combat)
Damaged Ships:
- Between rounds: “½ A” results dropped; “D” results continued (put in Dmg Pool at end of all combat) ½ CF, AA, ASW
+1 to Damage Factor

20) NAVAL COMBAT - AIR (11.5.9) - not Blizzard or Storm Surprised (15.1): No interception
Damaged Ships:
Basic Game (not 14.3.1): CV Air Component: 1942 & 1943: +1, 1944: +2 [also see CV/CVP] ½ CF, AA, ASW
1) AIR-TO-AIR COMBAT (allocate each CV/CVP to FTR or bomber line-ups (FTRs with A2S factors may be either) +1 to Damage Factor
2) ANTI-AIRCAFT FIRE (Damaged ships ½ AA) – immediately apply AA effects
3) Cleared bombers do naval vs surface bombing
Rain or Snow: Total bomber Air-to-Sea factors halved [apply AA before halving for weather (14.2.3)]
Lookup: Sum(Air-to-Sea factors) versus (# enemy ships + 1/5xConvoy);
Alternate picking targets (active picks first) Inherent ASW Factors ‘43+
Defense Roll for each hit ship: D10 > Def. Factor = take next less damage severity (and in CoiF also use white & red CF) (not CoiF
4) Surviving aircraft return to their Sea-section keeping current facing WiF SiF CLiF ’41-’42 Opt 7)

CV 1 2 1 -- --
21) NAVAL COMBAT – SUB (11.5.10)
CA 1 2 1(max!) +1 +2
1) ASW Factors: See table to the right  (Damaged ships ½ ASW)
CL 2 -- 1 +1 +2
Sub losses: ASW factors versus (# enemy subs); Subs pick losses
+1 per 5 CP (fractions round down)
Defense Roll for each hit ship: D10 > Def. Factor = take next less damage severity +1 per A2S factor (fine, rain, snow)

2) Convoy losses: Sub attack factors versus (# ships = 1/5xCP + 0-section ships); (1 ship = 5CP; Opt 5: 1 ship = 3CP)
Owner picks losses & losses must alternate Even=CP, Odd = CP or 0-section ASW/CV/SCS (none if CP all destroyed).


1) Dmged ships ½ CF; Opt 23: Each side secretly picks ships being screened; Opt 6: 1 ship/enemy sub may use ASW CF
2) Surf. Losses: Sum(Surf factors) versus (# enemy ships + 1/5xConvoy); owner picks targets; (if Opt 23: Alternate, owner 1st)
Defense Roll for each hit ship: D10 > Def. Factor = take next less damage severity


After active player is done fighting sea combats: non-active may initiate combat in Sea Areas in which active player
moved non-Sub into (not through) but did not fight a combat.

24) NAVAL INTERCEPTION (11.4.6) – Not if War Surprised (15.1) or against: a/c, subs, or ships going to lower Sea-box
1) Enemy enter Sea Area with your Face up units in Sea-box – but no Air Intercept if inactive player last had a Pass impulse
2) Non-active subs may participate: commit all or nothing
3) Turn a Naval unit Face down (not convoy) – satisfies “turn down” req’ts for the impulse & all Face down can participate
4) Non-active player rolls search: D10 <= own Search-box #s - see NAVAL COMBAT (SEARCH)
5) If search successful, interceptee chooses:
Stop Movement – no combat (move to a Sea-box, MP cost = Sea-box #)
Fight Thru (mandatory for RtB): Mover pays to enter a search box, battle includes moving units + those from his own Search
6) Fight NAVAL COMBAT [do Naval Air Interception, mover’s NAVAL SEARCH & then normal combat]
7) Surviving movers may continue move with unused movement factors

25) NAVAL MOVEMENT (11.4) - Naval units only, one mission = 1 TF (units stay Face up); also see NAVAL AIR MOVE
Do a Task Force move (TF = Face-up surf. moving & staying together OR all Subs anywhere* OR 1 ship if Neutral):
* If at war, all sub movement from/to anywhere is one TF move, (if neutral then 1 sub = 1 naval move)
a) Move from a single port to a Sea-section (flip Face down if started OoS); Convoy must go into 0-section.
Move AND Range allowance: +1/Sea Area, +1/Port
Move allowance: 1/Sea-section #; +1 if start OoS; +1 if mixed port  if MP used up, may instead utilize unused Range
Opt 17: +1 MP (or unused RP…) Presence of enemy combat units in sea zone [not 0-sect] & no friendly combat units at impulse start
(not if RTBing, nor by either side’s a/c in storm/blizzard, and subs do not nor are affected by this rule)
Opt 18: +1 MP & +1RP in Blizzard / Storm for CL / CP / TRS / AMPH / ASW / Tanker: (Only lose net 1 MP & 1 RP for total move).
b) To lower Sea-section #, stay Face up
c) Move from a port or a Sea-section to one port, flip Face down (use movement as in (a))
d) Opt 16: Port-to-Port - stays face up if using <= 50% Move Allowance (but not loaded TRS or AMPH)


26) NAVAL TRANSPORT (11.4.5) - (see below for mission costs) AMPH may only carry INF, MIL, TERR & invaidables
TRS/AMPH: 1 corps unit, 2 Div/Arty/CVP, 1 land aircraft , 1 Supply unit, 1 Frog, 1 V-weapon
EMBARK: (11.4.5) – Units & transport must start face up (flip units if OoS). This is naval but not a land or a/c mission.
a) Pick up in port, or b) At end transport move from local port/coast hex if coop. HQ in sea area or MAR/Div onto AMPH.
Opt 20: SCS may carry 1 non-MOT INF Div (no bombard). DiF Opt 20: Divisions my debark from an SCS as if from an AMPH
DEBARK (11.4.5, 11.12, 11.13) - Transport must be Face up & flip down (is at least 1 naval or part or a naval mission);
In port: Flip carried unit Face down if started Face down or at sea & trans. ended in port during action seg.
In Sea Area (11.12): Face up unit may: a) Any trans., debark into area's friendly coastal hex/port or Coop HQ;
b) HQs, MAR, certain division (DiF) & from AMPH, may also debark [INVASIONS] into enemy hex;
- Land Unit (11.12): Flip down if MP allowance exceeded in landing hex (it is in-Supply)
- Air Unit (11.16): Rebase to any friendly controlled coastal hex in Sea Area (see AIR REBASING)

27) NOTIONAL UNIT – see LAND COMBAT – Notional Unit


29) PARADROPS (11.14) – also see AIR TRANSPORT; each para unit + TRS counts as 1 Air & 1 Land mission
- Must start in-supply, stacked with ATR (para is in supply rest of impulse);
1) Opponent flies FTRs to combat air patrol targets
2) Fly ATRs+PARAs and escorting FTRs to targets
3) Opponent flies intercepting FTRs to targets
4) Fly intercepting FTRs to targets
6) ANTI-AIRCRAFT FIRE versus surviving transports
7) Surviving PARAs drop on target (for rest of turn, ZOC only in drop hex once cleared of enemy)
8) Return all aircraft to base and turn Face down
9) LAND COMBAT (add in NOTIONAL UNIT defense – see LAND COMBAT);
- Combat results: Attacker must clear hex (including of Notional Units) else PARAs destroyed;
- Paras always Face down after combat if hex entry MP costs greater than Para available MP

30) PORT ATTACK (11.2) – not Blizzard or Storm; (do not turn a unit face down to initiate a Port Attack)
War Surprise (15.1) Inactive player: 0 Naval Surprise pts, ½ AA & no aircraft operations
1) Def. CAP; 2) Offen. bombers + escort; 3) Def. intercept; 4) Off. Intercept; 5) Opt. include subs in major port.
5) SEARCH rolls – always succeeds, but calc. Naval Surprise pts (see NAVAL COMBAT - Surprise)
Presumed Sea-box #: Attacker: Land planes: 3; Defender: 3 (minor port), 5 (major port)
Surprise # = (Delta between player rolls) (Highest mod. sea box search #) + (opponent unmod. D10 surprise roll)
NAVAL COMBAT – AIR always occurs (Naval Surprise may not change combat type to sub or surface)
8) Bombing versus ships (see NAVAL COMBAT – AIR);
Minor port: Subs auto-included; Bombing effects: Aborts turn ships Face down
(Opt 18: Bottoming (not convoys): Defense Factor is ½ vs X results: <= ½ Def is X and <= Def is Dmg)
9) Return all aircraft to base Face down (only 1 combat round)

31) RAIL MOVEMENT (11.9) Face up air / land unit / factory: 0-1 maps: 1, 2 maps: 2, etc. (Face down after) = 1 rail move
Must start move (except factory) in a station (city, port or HQ). End move if enter enemy ZOC (must have friendly land unit).
Opt 12: Across straights, must be able to trace supply thru sea areas(s).


33) REORGANIZATION COSTS (11.17) – Must be in a hex (not a Sea-box)
Aircraft Naval Unit * CV Aircraft * Land Unit Other
Air Action 1 2
Naval Action 1 1 2
Land Action 1 2
Combined 2
* SiF Opt 9: CV aircraft are free if their CV is reorged
Re-org range = HQ re-org value in MOT move pts (11.17.2)

34) REORGANIZATION – AIR SUPPLY (11.17.1) – 1 A/C = 1 mission

- Cleared ATRs provide 1 Reorg point (see REORGANIZATION COSTS);
1) Defensive CAP; 2) Offensive ATRs + escort FTRs; 3) Def. Interceptors; 4) Off. Intercept;
7) Cleared ATRs give 1 Reorg point in the hex (see REORGANIZATION COSTS);[Opt 8: Lg ATR=2 re-org pts if <= 50% range]
8) Return all aircraft to base Face down (these units may NOT be re-orged this impulse)


37) STACKING (2.3)
LAND: 2xCorps [DiF Opt 2, 3, 14: 2xCorps+ 1xDiv]
AIR: Swamp/Mtn: 0, Minor Port: 2, City/Major Port: 3, Other: 1; +1 for HQ or Engineer
NAVAL: Minor Port: 2 [SiF Opt 5: 4], Major Port: Unlimited Every 5 CP is one naval unit [SiF Opt 5: 3]

38) STRATEGIC BOMBING (11.7) – Not in Storm or Blizzard

1) Defensive CAP; 2) PiF Opt 8: Declare high altitude (white cloud) and/or night bombing (black circle A2A rating)
3) Offensive bombers + escort FTRs; 4) Def. Intercept; 5) Off. Intercept;
8) Cleared through bombers attack
Rain or Snow & night: Total bombardment factors halved
Sum(Strategic Bombardment Factors) vs D10 on Strategic Bombing Chart
9) Return all aircraft to base Face down

39) SUPPLY (2.4)

Supply Path: Optional sequence of Secondary Sources to a Rail Path to a Primary Source.
Primary: Home city (own, CW city for CW units, coop. major home city). Opt. 14: Sup Units (see below).
Secondary: Own or coop. HQ, coop. CW city, coop. minor capitol, conquered capitol.
- Supply sources must have been controlled from start of current turn.
Path Segment Length (max length between sources): Fine: 4, Snow: 3, Rain/Storm/Blizzard: 2.
Cost per hex: Port: 1, Europe: 1, Asia: 2, off map: 4, Desert or Desert Mtn hex: +1; Road/RR (if to Primary Src): 0
Overseas Path: Starts from: Port, units in coast hex, or Secondary Source in coast hex (if HQ, reorg = # sup. units)
Intervening Sea Areas: Must contain own or coop. CV / SCS if enemy NAV(not Storm/Bliz), CV or SCS.
Opt 11: Each sea area must also contain one friendly or coop. CP, TRS or AMPH.
End Overseas Path: Must be a Primary Source if Secondary Source was in a non-port coastal hex.
DISALLOWED: No ZOCs (unless friendly occupied), neutral (Majors may give OK), impassable to INF,
Opt 12: Across uncontrolled straights; also see other Soviet / W.Allied restrictions.
OOS EFFECTS: Land: no attacks, goes Face D. if moved in any way; Opt. 35: stays Face D. at end of turn.
Air: Rebase only. Navy: If moved, -1 to MP and goes Face D (ships are always in supply when at sea).
Supply Units (Opt. 14, must stack w/ S. U.): a) HQ (for rest of turn), burn Supply Unit; b) one unit (your impulse only).
At end of turn, turn one OoS unit Face up. Opt 13: HQ Emerg. Supply this impulse to units = its Re-org value


WORLD IN FLAMES® COMBAT & MOVE ACTIONS PLAYER AID (Note: Entries alphabetically ordered)
Aircraft Movement – see Naval Air Movement
& Patrol
Aircraft Rebasing 2
Air Patrol – see Naval Air Movement & Patrol
Air-to-Air Combat 4
Air Transport 5
Anti-Aircraft Fire 6
Bombing – see Ground Bombing, Naval
Combat (Air), Port Attack or
Strategic Bombing
Combat – see Ground Combat, Naval Combat
or Bombing
CV Units 9
also see Naval Air Movement & Patrol
Debarking – see Naval Transport
Embarking – see Naval Transport
Ground Bombing 12
Ground Strike 12
Ground Support 12
Invasions 13
Notional Units 13
Land Combat 14
Notional Units 14
Shore Bombardment 14
Land Movement 15
Movement – see Land, Naval, Naval Air or Rail
Naval Air Interception – see Naval Interception
Naval Air Movement & Patrol 18
CV & Naval Aircraft Ranges 18
Naval Combat 19
Search 19
Naval Surprise 19
Naval Combat - Air 20
Naval Combat - Sub 21
Naval Combat - Surface 22
Naval Combat – Non-active Player 23
Naval Interception 24
also see Naval Air Movement & Patrol for
a/c ranges
Naval Movement 25
Naval Transport 26
Embark 26
Debark 26
Notional Unit – see Invasions
Patrol – see Naval Air Movement &
Paradrops 29
Port Attack 30
Rail Movement 31
Rebasing – see Air Rebasing
Reorg Costs 33
Reorg – Air Supply 34
Searching – see Naval Combat (Search)
Shore Bombardment – see Land Combat (Shore
Strategic Bombing 37
Transport – see Air Transport, Naval Transport,
or Embarking, / Deparking

jts Feb. 2019 Note: Change bars & underlines show differences WiF Final Ed. (v7, 1997) vs. WiF Collector’s Edition (v8, 2017)

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