WiF8 US Entry Options1

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2 US ENTRY OPTIONS World in Flames (Transfer chits from entry to tension pools)

Sel- Entry Ten- Pre-

ect Level
ENTRY OPTIONS Note: Red / italics vs Japan, Gray / underlined vs Ge/It, Clear is vs both
sion req
1 (3) Chinese build aircraft You must choose this entry option before China can build any aircraft unit.
* Prereq: French CV "Bearn" must be Vichy controlled (see 17.0).
It is now Free French. If it is not in the force pool, immediately place it in the construction pool (CVPiF
4 (6) * Intern French CV
option 45: destroying any carrier plane, PiF option 46: and pilot, that it’s carrying). However, it may only
be built after Vichy collapse (see 13.6.5 & 17.4.5).
You immediately declare control of Greenland and Iceland during any future Allied declaration of war
Occupy Greenland & step. When you do, move any other Allied units in Greenland or Iceland to the Production Circle to arrive
7 (9) * Iceland in two turns. *Prereq: You can only choose this entry option if an Axis major power has declared
war on Denmark and no Axis land unit is in Greenland or Iceland.
Allied major powers can only give resources to China after this option chosen. Then each major power
may give up to 5 resources a turn (no limit if that major power at war with Japan). US convoy points may
transport anyone's resources to China. Before this option is chosen the Burma Road may only be used to
9 (4) Resources to China transport Chinese resources and build points, whereas after it may also be used to road move any
resources and BP into China (not out). The scenario information tells you if the Burma Road starts the
game open or closed (see #24).
While neutral, up to 5 US CVs and/or SCS (you choose which and there is no limit after the US is at war
with Germany or Italy) in the 0 section of the US East Coast sea area, can take part in any combat round
11 (7) US east coast escorts
in which Allied convoys are included, while still remaining neutral. There is no US entry effect for
resulting naval combat.
(2017) Before selecting this option you may only start building 1 unit each turn (infantry or cav). When
12 (4) Selective Service Act
selected, you may start building up to 2 infantry class units or 1 other land unit per turn.
Embargo on strategic The US only convoys 3 resources to Japan per turn instead of 4 (TiF opt 30: 2 of which are oil). This
13 (5)
materials takes effect from this step. Japan no longer needs to supply the USA with a build point.
14 (3) Murrow from London (2017) US may change future Entry options aimed at Ge/It by tension +/- 1.
Resources to Western The US can give 0-5 rsrc per turn each to Commonwealth and France (unlimited while the USA is at war
15 (6)
Allies with Germany). US Convoy Points can't transport these rsrc until Opt. 38 chosen.
Gift of destroyers to The next 10 SCS the Commonwealth starts, completes or repairs cost 1 less build point each. An SCS
16 (7)
CW that is started and completed would count as 2 of the 10 SCSs.
To China, each Allied major power can give up to 5 build points a turn (unlimited when at war with
17 (5) 9 Lend lease to China
Japan & see 13.6.4). The US may use its convoy points to transport BP to China from the USA.
18 (8) Occupy Azores (2017) If Gib. or Madrid Axis or 1943+, US aligns Azores. See #18 in Collector's Edition for details.
The US, CW and/or France can each give/receive 1 rsrc per turn to/from the USSR while it is at war with
19 (8) Resources to USSR any Axis (5/turn while Ger. & USSR are at war, unlimited while US is also at war with Ger.). US convoy
points can't be used to transport these resources while the US is neutral.
US land-based air The USA may commit land-based air units to escort Allied convoy points in the 0 box in any sea zone
20 (6)
escort where the USA is allowed to escort convoy points.
21 (6) Reflag merch. ships (2017) US may now (not later) LL up to 15 on-map convoy points to active Ally Major Powers.
The US production multiple increases by 0.25. US may also start building AMPH.
22 (9) † Gear up production
† Prereq: Tension Level (9.4) >= 11 versus all Axis major countries.
23 (7) 13 Freeze Jap assets The US only needs to supply Japan with 2 resources (TiF Opt 30: oil) in this and later turns.

24 (4) Re-open Burma Rd. If the Burma Road was closed by political pressure (not military control), it is re-opened.

25 (5) Repair W.Allied ships The US may repair Commonwealth & French naval units. Repairs count against US gearing limits.
Before choosing this option, only TRSs & CONVs may base at Honolulu or Pago Pago. After, any US
naval unit can base there. To avoid the +2 modifier at the instant of declaring war on Japan, in Honolulu
Relocate fleet to Pearl you need a fleet of at least 2 CV with min component of 4 (see 14.4 & CVPiF option 45: each with a
26 (6)
Harbor carrier plane) plus 4 BB (SiF Opt 5: 8 BB). While you have at least such a fleet located at Pearl Harbor
and any future entry option is aimed only at Japan, you may increase or decrease the tension cost by up
to 3 before rolling the die .
The US can give up to 5 build points a turn (see 13.6.4) to each of the Commonwealth and France in
Lend lease to western
27 (9) 15
future turns (unlimited while the USA is at war with Germany). US convoy points can't be used to
transport these build points while the US is neutral.
The US can't produce 4-turn LNDs if neutral or until choosing this option. No further class or unit count
28 (5) 12, 22 Truman committee
build restrictions exist (i.e., see Entry Option 12). US may now destroy/disband units.
Now, up to 5 US CVs and/or SCS (no limit when US at war with Germany or Italy) in the 0 section of
29 (8) 11 North Atlantic escorts the N. Atlantic sea area, can take part in any combat round in which Allied convoys are included, even
though you remain neutral. There is no US entry effect for the naval combat.

See RAW Section 13.3.2 for details Adapted fom 20017 ADG Charts and rules jts July 2018
13.3.2 US ENTRY OPTIONS World in Flames (Transfer chits from entry to tension pools)

The US, CW and/or France each may give 1 build point per turn (see 13.6.4) to the USSR while it is at
30 (11) 19 Lend lease to USSR war with any Axis, increasing to 5/turn if USSR & Ger. at war (unlimited if US also at war with Ger.). US
convoy points can't be used to transport these BP while the US is neutral.
Japan no longer receives any resources from the US or from the Netherlands East Indies while it is
31 (9) 23 Oil embargo neutral or Allied controlled. You need no longer maintain a convoy chain to Japan.
27 The USA may use its own convoy points to ship any resources and/or builds points that the USA is lend-
US refutes Naval War
32 (9) or
leasing to any Allied major power. Convoy points that could be carrying these things may be attacked by
30 active Axis units even if they are not at war with the USA.
33 (8) Close Panama Canal Naval movement through the Panama Canal is restricted - at the pleasure of the US (see 11.4.4).
Pass War The US prod. mult. increases by 0.25. Italy-US trade ends (5.1). US "IT'S WAR" no longer +3.
34 (13) 22†
Appropriations Bill † Prereq: Tension Level (9.4) >= 17 versus all Axis major countries
35 (5) Fireside chat (2017) Future Tension rolls +/-2, cumulative with Entry #14 & 26.
Allied land/aircraft can't enter Hong Kong, Malaya or CW controlled terr. on the Pacific map until:
36 (15) 26 CW reinforces Pacific You have chosen this option; or Japan is at war with the Commonwealth; or Axis non-partisan land unit
enters Malaya, Singapore, Hong Kong or any CW Pacific map territory.
37 (12) 16, 27 US gets Atlantic Is. (2017) Bermuda, Jamaica & St. Johns are US aligned. See #37 RAW for other details (13.3.2).
While US is neutral, up to 5 US CVs and/or SCS (you choose which and no limit after the US at war
38 (9) 29 Arm merchantmen with Germany or Italy) in the 0 section of any sea area, can participate in combat that includes Allied
convoys. The US remains neutral & there is no US entry effect for this fighting.
39 (15) Call up National Gd (2017) US reserve units (9.7) may be set up in any future reinforcement stage even while neutral.
Allied land and aircraft units can't enter Guam until either you have chosen this option or an Axis land
40 (12) US reinforces Guam
unit has entered Guam or the Marshalls first (see 13.3.3). Thereafter, there is no restriction.
US reinforces the Apart from Philippino units, Allied land/air can't enter the Philippines until this option chosen or an Axis
41 (13)
Philippines land unit has entered the Philippines. Thereafter, there is no restriction.
(2017) † Prereq: At least one of the CW / France / Neth. / Portugal is not at war with Japan.
US guarantees the
42 (19) †
It's next DoW step, US must attempt to declare war on Japan after any Japan DoW on CW, France, Neth
or Portugal. Subtract 4 from die roll (min of 1) in addition to any other die mods.
* Prereq: Germany or Italy must have DoW on Netherlands and NEI is Allied controlled.
Allied (except NEI) land / aircraft units may not enter the Netherlands East Indies until:
Allies access • You have chosen this option; or
• Japan is at war with the Commonwealth; or
43 (17) 31* Netherlands East
• An Axis land unit (other than a partisan) has entered the Netherlands East Indies.
Thereafter, there is no restriction. The Netherlands East Indies is a minor country consisting of all the
1939 NEI-controlled hexes in the Bay of Bengal, Bismarck Sea, East Indian Ocean, South China Sea and
Timor Sea. Its capital is Batavia.
You can declare control of Northern Ireland during any future Allied DoW step if the Common-wealth
controls every hex in N. Ireland and provided the CW agrees. N. Ireland becomes US controlled. Move
US occupies Northern
44 (13)
any other Allied units to the Production Circle arriving as reinforcements in 2 turns. The US may use the
Belfast factory and Belfast becomes a primary supply source for the US. Also see #43 in RAW for
further details (13.3.2). This option is not automatic from DoW on Ge/It.
45 (15) Military maneuvers (2017) While neutral, US may choose any action type, not just combined (see 10.1).
46 (12) US may build ahead The USA may build ahead units while neutral (see 13.6.5).
US may declare war
48 (22)
on any minor country
The US may declare war on any minor country.

US naval and aircraft units at sea can freely attack, and be attacked by, any Axis naval and aircraft units.
You still can't port attack, shore bombard, ground strike, strategically bombard, carpet bomb, or fly
Unrestricted naval
50 (25) 38
ground support. You may escort Allied convoys in any sea area with any number of SCS or CVs. You
can now move any number of ships together as 1 naval move, instead of counting each ship as a naval
US declares war on a Rolled immediately each time the US successfully declares war on a major power (see 9.4). The chits
? (25)
major power must come from the entry pool of the major power declared war on (and placed in its tension pool).
Keep a written record here of each pool's current value (cross
off old value, write in new as pools change)
Japanese Pools German/Italian Pools
Jap Entry Ge/It Entry
Pool Pool

Jap Tension Tension
Pool Pool

See RAW Section 13.3.2 for details Adapted fom 20017 ADG Charts and rules jts July 2018

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