Teks Moderator Inggris

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Teks Moderator Bahasa Inggris

Thank you to the MC for the time that has given.

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Om Swastyastu . Good
morning ladies and gantlemen My name is Barokatu Riski Madani as a
moderator. And beside me, there is Aisyah Putri as the minutes in this occasion.

Good morning we say to Mr. Sudiana as the speaker, invited guests, and all
chemistry major students that we are proud of.
Ladiest and gantlemen, as has been announced the seminar in this meeting is a
scientific writing seminar with the theme of student creativity program (PKM) ,
and the speaker is Dr. Drs I ketut Sudiana M.Kes
Previously allowed me to introduce the profile of the speaker at this seminar.
Dr. Drs. I Ketut Sudiana M.Kes is the Chairperson of the Research and
Community Service Institute, the subjects they are able to: Research
Methodology, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Management,
Microteacing, Laboratory Management and Entrepreneurship.
Educational background, He took a bachelor’s degree at udayana university
with the field of chemistry education, master's degree at Airlangga University
with the field of environmental health and a doctorate at Udayana University
with the fields of medical science.
Before starting the event, let me convey a little introduction.
This scientific forum is very important to follow because a lot of information
can be obtained, information that is more easily understood if there is an
effective discussion, so that the hope will emerge new ideas.
Then, I will convey several provisions at this event. During the speaker
delivering the material, it is not allowed to interrupt or ask in the middle of the
session. The question and answer session will be opened after the speaker
delivered the material.
Next, we invite the speaker, Dr. Drs. I Ketut Sudiana M.Kes. to presentation of
the seminar material. To the spreaker the floor is yours
Thank you Mr. Sudiana, for the presentation that is so interesting and opens up
our insights.
For the next session is a question and answer , we invite those who want to ask.
Participants who want to ask questions can mention their identity first. then,
questions are asked briefly, concisely, and clearly.
For those who raise hands, wearing a black shirt I invite to ask the question.
Okey, please Mr. Sudiana to answer thequestion.
Thank you Mr Sudiana for the answer.
from the audience there is something asked again? ,
Because no one wants to ask again, so, the question and answer session is over
Next is the presentation of material conclusions by the minutes, to the minutes
the floor is yours.
Thank you to the minutes, before we close, we thank the speaker for giving a lot
of information to all of us. And we also thank the audience for their
I am Barokatu Riski Madani as the moderator and Aisyah Putri as the minutes,
apologize if there are mistakes both intentional or unintentional. We said
Om Santhi Santhi Santhi Om, Wassalamualaikum Wr Wb,
Good afternoon and thank you. For time I return it to the MC

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