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Geometric morphometrics in herpetology: Modern tools for enhancing the

study of morphological variation in amphibian and reptiles

Article in Basic and Applied Herpetology · December 2011

DOI: 10.11160/bah.11016


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1 author:

Antigoni Kaliontzopoulou
University of Barcelona


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Guest contribution Basic and Applied Herpetology 25 (2011): 5-32

Geometric morphometrics in herpetology: modern tools

for enhancing the study of morphological variation
in amphibians and reptiles
Antigoni Kaliontzopoulou1,2
CIBIO/UP, Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, Campus Agrario de Vairão, 4485-661 Vairão, Portugal.
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011, USA.

* Correspondence: CIBIO/UP, Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, Campus Agrario de Vairão, 4485-661
Vairão, Portugal. Phone: +351 252660411, Fax: +351 252661780, E-mail:
Received: 30 August 2011; received in revised form: 8 October 2011; accepted: 10 October 2011.

The use of geometric morphometrics for studying phenotypic variation in amphibians and reptiles has visibly increased in the last
decade. These modern tools provide a robust statistical framework to study organismal shape while preserving the geometric pro-
perties of the studied structures and thus improve our capacity for investigating patterns of morphological variation, and unders-
tanding their ecological and historical causes. Their application in herpetology has shed new light to the remarkable diversity obser-
ved among extant and extinct amphibians and reptiles. Here I first briefly consider the historical emergence of geometric mor-
phometric methods, trying to provide a practical guide for herpetologists interested in implementing these tools to their investi-
gation. I then review the wide array of published studies using geometric morphometrics to investigate morphological patterns in
amphibians and reptiles. Across different investigation fields, an emergent pattern is the existence of general similarities, but also
profound differences, among members of higher taxonomic groups. Size-shape allometry is a common pattern in many groups,
but remarkable variation of allometric trajectories exists among closely related taxa. Sexual dimorphism has been extensively stu-
died in reptiles, but less so in amphibians, while the contrary is true for phenotypic plasticity. The use of geometric morphome-
trics has allowed the detection of potentially adaptive shape patterns and the investigation of their causes. Finally, these methods
have been invaluable in the study of fossils and have provided a better understanding of the paleobiology of extinct taxa.

Key words: adaptation; allometry; geometric morphometrics; paleontology; phenotypic plasticity; sexual dimorphism.

Morfometría geométrica en herpetología: nuevas herramientas para promover el estudio de la variación morfológica en
anfibios y reptiles. El uso de la morfometría geométrica para estudiar la variación fenotípica en anfibios y reptiles ha aumenta-
do notablemente durante la última década. Esta nueva herramienta proporciona un marco estadístico sólido para estudiar la
forma de los organismos preservando las propiedades geométricas de las estructuras analizadas, mejorando así la comprensión
de los factores ecológicos e históricos que explican los patrones de variación morfológica. Su aplicación en herpetología propor-
ciona una nueva forma de explorar la diversidad morfológica de anfibios y reptiles tanto actuales como extintos. En esta revisión
comienzo examinando la secuencia histórica que llevó a la aparición de la morfometría geométrica, tratando de ofrecer también
una guía práctica para aquellos herpetólogos interesados en incorporar esta herramienta en su investigación. Después reviso un
amplio muestrario de trabajos en los que la morfometría geométrica se usa para estudiar patrones morfológicos en anfibios y
reptiles. Una pauta que emerge repetidamente es la existencia de similitudes generales, pero también de profundas diferencias,
entre los miembros de los grupos taxonómicos de mayor rango. La existencia de una relación alométrica entre tamaño y forma
es común en muchos grupos, pero también se observa una variabilidad considerable en las trayectorias alométricas entre taxo-
nes hermanados. El dimorfismo sexual se ha estudiado extensivamente en reptiles, pero no tanto en anfibios, mientras que con
la plasticidad fenotípica ocurre lo contrario. El uso de la morfometría geométrica permite la detección de variaciones adaptati-
vas en los patrones morfológicos y la investigación de sus causas. Finalmente, estos métodos tienen un valor incalculable para el
estudio de organismos fósiles y proporcionan una mejor compresión de su paleobiología.

Key words: adaptación; alometría; dimorfismo sexual; morfometría geométrica; paleontología; plasticidad fenotípica.

Morphology is undoubtedly one of the This review aims at putting together an

main components of an organism’s phenoty- up-to-date account of how GM methods
pe. As such, morphological traits have always have been implemented in herpetology until
been at the centre of attention of biological today, also providing a comprehensive basis
research, comprising important pieces of evi- for herpetologists interested in exploring
dence for a wide variety of investigation these methods in their research. Although I
fields. From traditional taxonomy and the have tried to include all studies to which I
modern school of systematics, through had access and provide examples from all her-
physiology, development, ecology, biogeo- petofaunal groups, this is not meant to be an
graphy, and all the way to modern evolutio- exhaustive account from a taxonomical pers-
nary biology, practically all biological fields pective, but rather to give insight on how
include questions and hypotheses related to GM methods have advanced our understan-
how morphological variation emerges and ding of the patterns and processes underlying
how it is distributed across temporal and the phenotypic diversification of our study
spatial scales. Geometric morphometrics organisms.
(GM) revolutionised the way we measure,
study and perceive morphological diversity GEoMETrIc MorpHoMETrIcS: wHy AnD How?
(roHLF & MArcUS, 1993; ADAMS et al.,
2004). By establishing a solid mathematical The birth of GM or how GM is different
basis for the study of organismal shape, while
preserving the geometric properties of the Morphometrics, the quantitative study of
structures of interest, GM methods provide a biological shape variation and its covariation
powerful tool for depicting and studying with other variables (BookSTEIn, 1991;
morphological variation in a more realistic DryDEn & MArDIA, 1998), may be seen as
and integrated manner than previous mor- the successful outcome of the long-standing
phometric tools (BookSTEIn, 1996; roHLF, interest in organismal form. Ever since
2000a). Amphibians and reptiles, being Aristotle biologists have been intrigued by the
excellent model organisms, have been the huge diversity of forms we encounter in natu-
subject of extensive morphological research, re and the causes and processes that create it.
often serving as paradigmatic cases in the However, such interest was only put on a
study of phenotypic variation. Accordingly, quantitative basis with the statistical advances
over the past two decades, herpetologists made during the 19th and 20th centuries,
have taken advantage of the modern toolkit which led to the emergence of biometry as a
of GM to further enhance our understan- formal discipline (SokAL & roHLF, 1995;
ding of the astonishing morphological SLIcE, 2005; MITTEroEckEr & GUnz,
variety that exists across amphibian and rep- 2009). The development of statistical tools for
tile taxa. Since the early development of GM analysing multivariate data opened a new
tools, most extant – and several extinct – door to the description and study of complex
herpetofaunal groups have been investigated phenotypes. This was achieved through the
using these methods. quantification of a number of linear distances,

counts, ratios or angles, describing the proper- nor guarantee the statistical differentiation of
ties of a morphological trait of interest shapes known to be different (BookSTEIn,
(ADAMS et al., 2004; SLIcE, 2005). The appli- 1982, 1996; SLIcE, 2005). Finally, since the
cation of multivariate statistics on the above geometry of the studied objects was not cap-
biometric variables then allowed for the tes- tured, morphometric data could not be effec-
ting of specific biological hypotheses about an tively used to directly visualise shape variation
organism’s multivariate phenotype (i.e. “tradi- related to other biological variables of interest
tional morphometrics”; MArcUS, 1990). (ADAMS et al., 2004). All the above adversities
However, morphometrics still suffered some led to the development of GM methods.
shortcomings which troubled morphometri-
cians and urged for solutions. These problems What is GM and how to use it
deserve our attention, since their resolution
was the basic motivation for the development The “revolution in morphometrics”
of the field of GM and they provide direct (roHLF & MArcUS, 1993) started by advan-
insight into how this new methodology differs ces in the application of outline and landmark
from traditional morphometrics. tools for the geometrical study of organismal
The birth of GM is tightly linked to four shape (BookSTEIn, 1986; roHLF, 1986) and
considerations related to biological form: size, the simultaneous development of statistical
homology, shape description and visualisa- theory for shape analysis (kEnDALL, 1984,
tion. with size and its effect on other mor- 1985). The combination of landmark techni-
phological traits being of central importance ques for capturing organismal form with a
to the evolution of all living organisms newly introduced, statistically robust shape
(GoULD, 1966), it was soon evident that in theory led to the growth of a set of morpho-
order to study biological form, a full mathe- metric methods that preserved the geometric
matical definition of size was in order, due properties of the studied objects, namely GM
both to practical and to theoretical reasons (SLIcE, 2005; MITTEroEckEr & GUnz, 2009).
(BookSTEIn, 1989a; SLIcE, 2005). numerous The raw data used for GM consist of outline
solutions were proposed (see roHLF & data describing the bounding edge of the
BookSTEIn, 1987 for review and compari- structure of interest or, more frequently, of
son), but no solid argument could definitely cartesian coordinates of landmark locations
support the use of a single method. A similar (SLIcE, 2005; MITTEroEckEr & GUnz, 2009).
problem existed as to the homology of the outline data were the first to be used, but
studied traits, in the sense of the operational, they were later largely abandoned, especially
reproducible definition of the quantities to be after the introduction of semi-landmark
measured and compared (BookSTEIn, 1982; methods that incorporate boundary curve
SLIcE, 2005). yet an additional concern regar- information directly into landmark-based
ded the selection of variables used for shape analyses (BookSTEIn, 1997; MITTEroEckEr
description; since the geometric relationships & GUnz, 2009). Since two- and three-
between linear measurements were not inclu- dimensional landmark-based GM methods
ded in the dataset, one could neither predict are more frequently used today, I will concen-

trate on these methods for a practical review. of specimens, resulting in a collection of

However, the interested reader can explore the cartesian coordinates. These coordinates still
published bibliography on outline methods include non-shape information (size, orienta-
(see among others roHLF & ArcHIE, 1984; tion and position) and need to be mathemati-
FErSon et al., 1985; roHLF, 1986, 1990; cally processed in order to obtain shape varia-
ADAMS et al., 2004). bles. The dominant procedure today uses
Landmark-based GM analysis begins with shape variables lying in kendall’s shape space
the definition of landmarks (Table 1, Fig. 1a). (or most frequently an approximation in a
Simplistic as this may seem, it is a central part space tangent to the mean shape of the stu-
of biological inference: “Landmarks are the died sample), procrustes distance being the
points at which one’s explanations of biologi- associated metric (Table 1). while several
cal processes are grounded” (BookSTEIn, methods were proposed in the past for obtai-
1991). It is through the definition of land- ning shape variables from landmark coordina-
marks, based on biological intuition and pre- tes, methods using kendall's space have been
vious observation of the organisms of interest, proven to be the most powerful and statisti-
that the biologist will manage to fully capture cally robust (roHLF, 1999, 2000a,b, 2003).
the shape of interest. once landmarks have In order to obtain shape variables, landmark
been defined, these are digitised in a number configurations are first superimposed using a
least-squares procedure, namely Generalized
procrustes Analysis (GpA, Table 1, roHLF &
SLIcE, 1990). GpA removes variation due to
digitizing location, scale and orientation
through the optimal translation (Fig. 1b), sca-
ling (Fig. 1c) and rotation (Fig. 1d) of land-
mark coordinates. The specimen points alig-
ned through this procedure can then be pro-
jected into a linear shape space tangent to
kendall's shape space (Table 1; roHLF, 1999;
SLIcE, 2001, 2005; MITTEroEckEr & GUnz,
2009), where the Euclidean distances between
Figure 1: removing non-shape variation from
observations closely approximate procrustes
landmark coordinates through Generalized
procrustes Analysis (GpA: roHLF & SLIcE, distances in kendall’s space. one should be
1990). once landmarks have been defined (a) and aware that, in addition to GpA, several other
digitised in a number of specimens, their coordi- superimposition techniques exist, with poten-
nates are first translated (b) by placing their cen- tial benefits in particular datasets (SIEGEL &
troid to the origin of a cartesian system. Then BEnSon, 1982; BookSTEIn, 1991; zELDITcH
they are scaled (c) to unit centroid size. Finally,
et al., 2004; SLIcE, 2005).
they are rotated (d) using a least-squares criterion.
This way landmark coordinates are superimposed once non-shape variation has been remo-
to a common coordinate system and non-shape ved, the superimposed landmark coordinates
variation is removed. of specimens not differing in shape will per-

Table 1: Glossary of terms frequently used in geometric morphometrics*.

Term Description

Allometry Shape change associated to size change.

centroid size The size measure used in GM. It is calculated as the square root of the sum of squared dis-
tances of each landmark from the centroid of the landmark configuration.
consensus configuration A landmark configuration intended to represent the central tendency (for example mean
shape) of an observed sample. often a consensus configuration is computed to optimize
some measure of fit to the full sample: in particular, the procrustes mean shape is computed
to minimize the sum of squared procrustes distances from the consensus landmarks to those
of the sample.
Deformation grid The visual representation of a shape transformation as modelled using the thin-plate spline,
based on D'Arcy Thompson's idea of using grids to represent a shape difference.
Generalized procrustes A generalized superimposition method that works by minimising the partial procrustes dis-
Analysis (GpA) tance over all sampled shapes by a least-squares fitting procedure.
kendall's shape space The geometric setting for analyses of procrustes distances among arbitrary sets of landmarks.
Each point in this shape space represents the shape of a configuration of points in some
Euclidean space, irrespective of size, position, and orientation.
Landmark A specific point on a biological form or image of a form located according to some
rule. BookSTEIn (1991) recognised three categories of landmarks, depending on the
criteria used for their definition: Type I landmarks correspond to points clearly defined
by some local property, such as the juxtaposition of different tissues; Type II landmarks
are defined purely based on geometric, not biological, properties, such as the maxi-
mum curvature of a structure; finally, Type III landmarks are the less robustly defined
ones, since they are located in relation to other points in the structure. Type III land-
marks can be incorporated in GM analyses, but are not in fact considered true land-
marks and caution should be taken when using them.
partial warps An auxiliary structure for the interpretation of shape changes and shape variation in sets of
landmarks. They are eigenvectors of the bending energy matrix that describes the net local
information in a deformation along each coordinate axis.
principal warps Eigenfunctions of the bending-energy matrix interpreted as actual warped surfaces (thin-
plate splines) over the picture of the original landmark configuration.
procrustes distance Approximately, the square root of the sum of squared differences between the positions of the
landmarks in two optimally (by least-squares) superimposed configurations at centroid size.
This is the metric for kendall's shape space, and thus the distance measure used in GM.
procrustes residuals The set of vectors connecting the landmarks of a specimen to corresponding landmarks in
the consensus configuration after a procrustes fit. The sum of squared lengths of these vec-
tors is approximately the squared procrustes distance between the specimen and the consen-
sus in kendall's shape space. The partial warp scores are an orthogonal rotation of the full
set of these residuals.
relative warps principal components of partial warp scores. In a relative warps analysis, the parameter α can
be used to weight shape variation by the geometric scale of shape differences.
Shape The geometric properties of a configuration of points that are invariant to changes in trans-
lation, rotation, and scale.
Thin-plate spline An interpolation function used to model the difference in shape between two objects by
minimising the bending energy of the deformation. It provides a unique solution to the
construction of D'Arcy Thompson-type deformation grids for data in the form of two land-
mark configurations.
* compiled and augmented from SLIcE et al. (1996) and zELDITcH et al. (2004).

fectly coincide. In turn, specimens of different ge. The descriptors resulting from the applica-
shape will present at least some differences in tion of the thin-plate spline are partial warps
landmark positions. The largest the shape dif- (Table 1), which are in fact the eigenvectors of
ference between specimens, the largest the dif- the bending-energy matrix and are orthogonal
ference in the positions of homologous land- components describing shape variation accor-
marks after superimposition. Such shape dif- ding to spatial scale. The partial warp scores
ference is quantified through the procrustes (together with the uniform components of
distance metric, which allows for statistical shape variation) of each individual can then
comparisons and hypothesis testing (SLIcE, be used as shape variables for multivariate sta-
2005; MITTEroEckEr & GUnz, 2009). In tistical analyses (SLIcE, 2005).
this sense, then, procrustes residuals (i.e. land- In addition to providing Euclidean shape
mark coordinates after superimposition) can variables for statistical hypothesis testing, the
be used as shape variables to investigate shape thin-plate spline is an essential tool for visuali-
variation. However, procrustes residuals suffer sing shape variation in an integrated and intui-
the statistical adversities of not being a full- tive manner (SLIcE, 2005). Since the thin-
rank set of variables (due to superimposition) plate spline is in fact an interpolation function,
and of being non-Euclidean in nature, which it can be used to map the deformation in
frequently complicates their statistical treat- shape between two objects (BookSTEIn,
ment since they cannot be subjected to analy- 1991). This is done through a mathematically
sis using linear models. while this adversity formal realization of D'Arcy Thompson's idea
can be overcome through projection into a of transformation grids (THoMpSon, 1917), a
tangent, Euclidean space, the usual approach solution long sought by morphometricians
is to perform a series of mathematical opera- (BookSTEIn, 1996). These maps of shape
tions to model shape variation. This is done change, referred to as deformation grids (Table
using the thin-plate spline. The thin-plate 1), use a visual representation of a wire mesh
spline is an interpolation technique borrowed to depict the bending necessary to transform
for use in morphometrics from the fields of one shape into another, a procedure known as
computational surface theory and computer warping (Fig. 2). This is one of the most
graphics (BookSTEIn, 1989b, 1991). Imagine important advances provided by GM
that the shape of interest, represented by a methods: since the geometry of the studied
configuration of landmarks, lies on an infini- objects is preserved throughout the analysis,
tely thin, flat, metal plate of infinite size. The shape differences between objects can be
change into another shape can be obtained directly described in terms of differences in the
through a set of vertical displacements of the deformation grids representing these objects
metal plate in a direction perpendicular to its (ADAMS et al., 2004; SLIcE, 2005;
surface, one cartesian coordinate at a time. MITTEroEckEr & GUnz, 2009). Several soft-
By minimising the energy necessary to bend ware packages are available for conducting all
the metal plate between two shapes (bending the above GM analyses, performing statistical
energy) we obtain a criterion for parsimo- comparisons and visualising the results (see
niously describing and modelling shape chan- Appendix 1).

year 2000, from less than five publications per

year between 2000 and 2003 to an average of
about 13 publications per year after 2007
(Fig. 3). Among amphibians, both anurans
and urodeles have been investigated, but GM
methods have not yet been applied – to the
best of my knowledge – for studying caeci-
lians. Among reptiles, saurians are the most
studied group, with a total of 25 publications,
followed by chelonians (19 studies). other
groups are visibly less explored, with only
three studies in snakes and three in crocodiles,
while, as far as I am aware, amphisbaenians
are still to be studied. GM tools are also exten-
sively used for studying extinct amphibian
and reptile taxa, with an important contribu-
tion to the total number of studies (Fig. 3)
and remarkable results (see below).
Figure 2: How the thin-plate spline can be used to
STUDyInG pHEnoTypIc vArIATIon:
visualize shape differences found from landmark-
based GM methods. In this example, shapes A
and B are being compared. once landmark confi-
gurations have been aligned through superimposi- The integrated study of shape through
tion (c), shape differences between them can be GM motivated an explosion of morphologi-
visualised as the deformation caused on a wire cal investigation in amphibians and reptiles
mesh which is bended from one shape to the
and expanded our knowledge of patterns of
other (D). Linear vectors on the landmarks repre-
sent the direction of change for each of them from variation and their causes. In the following
shape A into shape B (exaggerated five-fold to section, I provide a question-based review of
enhance visualisation). published studies, aiming at describing gene-
ral shape patterns observed across herpeto-
GM In HErpEToLoGy: faunal taxa and discussing their potential cau-
A TAxonoMIcAL AccoUnT ses as seen by herpetologists.

Herpetologists have been increasingly Allometric patterns: shape change due to size
using GM techniques to study morphological
variation in amphibians and reptiles over the GM tools have been a cornerstone contribu-
last decade. Focusing on the studies conside- tion to the study of development and ontogene-
red here, a visible increase in the use of GM tic shape change. By enhancing shape quantifi-
methods for studying extant or extinct cation and shape change visualisation, GM
amphibians and reptiles is observed after the methods have provided the possibility not only

been carried out mainly in amphibians, revea-

ling both similarities and profound differences
among groups. pre-metamorphic shape onto-
geny of the chondrocranium in anurans seems
to generally follow a common pattern, at least
in species of the genera Bufo, Pelodytes, Rana
and Telmatobius (LArSon 2002, 2004, 2005;
cAnDIoTI, 2008; GArrIGA & LLorEnTE, in
Figure 3: yearly evolution of the number of publi- press). In these anuran species, general patterns
cations using GM methods to analyse morphologi-
of skull development include the reduction of
cal variation in extant and extinct amphibians and
reptiles. Data retrieved from Google Scholar and Isi the sensory capsules and a hypermetric or iso-
web of Science. *records concerning 2011 include metric growth of trophic structures (LArSon,
studies published or in press until July 31. 2002, 2004), in line with predictions made for
all tetrapods (EMErSon & BrAMBLE, 1993).
of accurately describing complex shapes, but Interestingly, these studies also attest that the
also of understanding exactly how shape chan- development of the chondrocranium does not
ges throughout an organism’s development seem to be tightly linked to that of the hind
(LAwInG & poLLy, 2010). Most studies investi- limb, thus rendering Gosner stages – a deve-
gating allometric relationships, both in an onto- lopmental staging system frequently used in
genetic and static context of allometry (i.e. anurans (GoSnEr, 1960) – a relatively poor
GoULD, 1966), indicate that large part of the indicator of chondrocranial differentiation
shape variation observed is attributable to size- (LArSon, 2002). Similarly, species of newts
shape allometry (see MonTEIro & ABE, 1997; studied show generally congruent patterns, the
BIrcH, 1999; BonnAn, 2007; SMITH & skull base and rostral portion being the areas
coLLyEr, 2008; pIrAS et al., 2010; cHIArI & more profoundly modified throughout
cLAUDE, 2011; IvAnovIć et al., 2011 for illus- ontogeny (IvAnovIć et al., 2007, 2008).
trative examples from different groups). However, while general trends appear relatively
caution is advised to avoid conceptual misun- uniform, allometric trajectories frequently vary
derstandings: while GM methods remove size among closely related species (LArSon, 2005;
variation through GpA or similar superimposi- IvAnovIć et al., 2007, 2008), providing a
tion procedures, the allometric dependence of potentially important mechanism of morpho-
shape on size still remains in the data and can be logical differentiation, both in extant and
investigated (MonTEIro, 1999). Statistically, extinct taxa (wITzMAnn et al., 2009). The
since shape variables produced through GM same is true for body shape variation before
techniques are size-free, any significant associa- and through metamorphosis in newts (vAn
tion with size (either represented by centroid BUSkIrk, 2009; IvAnovIć et al., 2011),
size or any other size variable) indicates devia- although further studies should investigate the
tion from isometry (zELDITcH et al., 2004). generality of the results obtained for Triturus,
Extensive research about ontogenetic shape since remarkable variation of allometric pat-
change at different developmental stages has terns has been observed in some cases (vAn

BUSkIrk, 2009). Finally, caution should be (LJUBISAvLJEvIć et al., 2010), but intraspecific
taken when extrapolating between groups or variation seems to be less common.
even populations of the same species, since regarding other reptile groups, size varia-
allometric trajectories of amphibian shape have tion also seems to be a main determinant of
been found to present radical modifications in shape variation in turtles, including ontogene-
both plastic and adaptive responses to environ- tic, static and evolutionary allometric effects
mental variation (see below). (cLAUDE et al., 2003, 2004; DEpEckEr et al.,
Allometric shape variation has been also 2006; AnGIELczyk, 2007; MyErS et al., 2007;
extensively investigated in reptiles, again reve- nISHIzAwA et al., 2010; AnGIELczyk et al.,
aling concordance of general trends, but also 2011; cHIArI & cLAUDE, 2011). Different
significant variation between closely related characters show varying degrees of variation in
species. In lizards, the general pattern of skull allometric trajectories. For example, evolutio-
allometry, both in an ontogenetic (MonTEIro nary allometry of skull shape seems to be cons-
& ABE, 1997; kALIonTzopoULoU et al., trained, and similar to intraspecific allometry
2008; rAIA et al., 2010) and static (BrUnEr & (cLAUDE et al., 2004), while extensive varia-
coSTAnTInI, 2007; coSTAnTInI et al., 2010; tion is observed between ecologically distinct
LJUBISAvLJEvIć et al., 2011; zUFFI et al., 2011) groups in the shoulder girdle (DEpEckEr et al.,
context, includes a relative shortening of the 2006). The trait most frequently studied in
anterior area and an enlargement of the poste- turtles, the shell, also shows varying degrees of
rior region. Interestingly, some studies have allometric modifications. For instance, cHIArI
reported a lack of an allometric relationship & cLAUDE (2011) described substantial modi-
between head shape and size in some lizard fication of growth trajectories between two
species (vIDAL et al., 2005, 2006); however, closely related lineages of Galápagos tortoises,
these results should be considered with cau- while the same seems to be the case for the
tion, since in the above studies, allometry was miniaturised species of emydine turtles
investigated by bivariate regression of the first (AnGIELczyk, 2007). other reptile groups
principal component of shape variation on have been less investigated; however, extensive
centroid size, thus potentially providing an variation seems to exist in skull ontogenetic
incomplete view of allometric patterns. In fact, patterns of crocodiles (MonTEIro et al., 1997;
multivariate regression of all shape variables pIrAS et al., 2010), while size variation seems
(i.e. partial warps) on centroid size or other to be a moderate source of skull shape varia-
size measures are better suited for investigating tion as compared to other factors in the
size-shape relationships in a GM context rhynchocephalians (JonES, 2008).
(kLInGEnBErG, 1996; MonTEIro, 1999),
since size may significantly contribute to the Sexual dimorphism
observed shape patterns even without being
the main source of variation (captured by prin- Sexual dimorphism (SD) is a ubiquitous
cipal components analysis). As for amphi- feature of many animal taxa and the applica-
bians, allometric trajectories of the skull have tion of GM has importantly enhanced our
been found to vary extensively among species understanding of the proximate and evolutio-

nary causes of shape SD. Surprisingly, studies however, when size variation is taken into
using GM methods to address SD in amphi- account, some studies indicate size-indepen-
bians are very limited. Some studies investiga- dent differentiation of head shape between the
ted the effect of sex on shape and reported sexes (i.e. difference of allometric regression
significant SD (IvAnovIć et al., 2007, 2008, intercepts, kALIonTzopoULoU et al., 2008),
2009), but in these cases sex was treated as a while others indicate size SD as the only sour-
side variable, rather than being the main focus ce of shape SD (BrUnEr et al., 2005;
of interest. This markedly contrasts with the LJUBISAvLJEvIć et al., 2010). This, together
extensive investigation of shape SD using GM with the variation of allometric slopes obser-
in reptiles, and particularly in lizards. As is true ved among closely related species
for allometric patterns (see above), the analysis (Ljubisavljević et al., 2010) and the complete
of lizard SD using GM has focused mainly on lack of head shape dimorphism observed in
head and skull shape and has revealed a gene- some instances (MonTEIro & Abe, 1997),
ral resemblance of global patterns, but also sig- indicates that important variation may exist
nificant variation across groups, although the across species, urging for further investigation.
number of studies is visibly skewed towards
the lacertids. Indeed, head/skull shape is
sexually dimorphic in all lacertid lizards that
have been examined (i.e. Algyroides:
LJUBISAvLJEvIć et al., 2011; Dalmatolacerta
and Dinarolacerta: LJUBISAvLJEvIć et al., 2010;
Lacerta: BrUnEr et al., 2005; coSTAnTInI et
al. 2007; Podarcis: kALIonTzopoULoU et al.,
2007, 2008; LJUBISAvLJEvIć et al., 2010; rAIA
et al., 2010). In all of the aforementioned
genera, sexual shape variation is mainly located
at the posterior region of the head, males
always presenting a more enlarged parietal
(dorsally) and tympanic (laterally) areas as
compared to females (Fig. 4). The same trend
is also observed in other phylogenetically dis-
Figure 4: Typical pattern of head shape sexual
parate lizard groups, such as iguanids of the dimorphism in lacertid lizards, characterised by a
genus Liolaemus (vIDAL et al., 2005) and relative enlargement of the posterior region and
Tarentola geckos (zUFFI et al., 2011). reduction of the anterior area in males. In this case,
Additionally, in all the above examples, inves- the transformation of female (filled symbols, conti-
tigation of the proximate causes of shape SD nuous line) to male (open symbols, dashed line)
shape in Podarcis bocagei is represented through
indicated that males and females follow com-
deformation grids for the dorsal (top) and lateral
mon allometric slopes when considering the (bottom) view of the head (modified from
relationship between head shape and size (as kALIonTzopoULoU et al., 2008). Shape differences
represented by centroid size). Interestingly, are exaggerated five-fold to enhance visualisation.

A promising line of research may be the elucida- shape SD and its variation in turtles and snakes
tion of the functional significance of head shape needs to be further investigated in the future.
SD as captured by GM methods, in order to
provide further evidence to the long-standing Shape evolution: adaptation and phenotypic
hypothesis of sexual selection acting on bite plasticity
force as the main determinant of the observed
morphological patterns (HErrEL et al., 2007; The search for causal factors that may
HUyGHE et al., 2009; kALIonTzopoULoU et explain the extensive morphological variation
al., in press). we observe in many animal groups has always
The investigation of SD using GM is rela- been a fascinating field of investigation. GM
tively limited in turtles and snakes, but some methods have enhanced our capacity of descri-
general conclusions may be drawn. In turtles, bing shape variation and associating it with
some studies have reported significant SD in both ecological factors and performance mea-
shell shape, which is the only trait that has been sures, thus providing evidence of the adaptive
examined. However, there is a marked discor- potential of certain shape traits. Extensive her-
dance among authors regarding the compari- petological research has focused on the search
son between traditional and geometric mor- for such variation, shedding new light on the
phometrics for quantifying shape in turtles; way amphibians and reptiles respond morpho-
while some authors use GM as a powerful logically to environmental disparity.
method for capturing patterns invisible to tra- GM-based studies of the evolution of turtle
ditional approaches, such as SD in hatchlings shell shape provide an exemplar system to the
(vALEnzUELA et al., 2004; LUBIAnA & study of adaptation. The shell represents a fun-
FErrEIrA JúnIor, 2009), others report a wea- damental component of the turtle phenotype
ker SD in geometric shape as compared to that and it is recognised as one of the most remarka-
observed using linear measurements (cHIArI ble novelties among tetrapods (BUrkE, 1989).
& cLAUDE, 2011). Such a disagreement may Moreover, the shape of the shell has been shown
be due to differences in the degree and direc- to present an important heritable component,
tion of shape SD in different taxa, a possibility thus holding strong evolutionary potential
supported by the limited data available (MyErS et al., 2006). At the same time, turtles
(vALEnzUELA et al., 2004; cEBALLoS & have diversified to occupy a wide range of eco-
vALEnzUELA, 2011). A different pattern is logical niches, while preserving a basic body
observed in snakes, although the reduced num- plan, thus constituting exceptional model orga-
ber of studies once again hinders the extraction nisms for studying the consequences of ecologi-
of definite conclusions. The available studies cal diversification on morphological traits.
indicate that head/skull shape SD in snakes is Several components of habitat use have been
non-existent or of relatively low importance, at shown to directly influence turtle body shape.
least as compared to other sources of variation, The differentiation between aquatic and terres-
such as geographic locality (MAnIEr, 2004; trial life is undoubtedly one of the main causes
SMITH & coLLyEr, 2008) or phylogenetic sig- of turtle phenotypic diversification, being
nal (GEnTILLI et al., 2009). clearly, patterns of reflected in the shape of the carapace (cLAUDE

et al., 2003; rIvErA & cLAUDE, 2008; patterns, the shape typical of fast-flowing regi-
STAyTon, 2011), the plastron (cLAUDE et al., mes importantly reduced drag during swim-
2003; AnGIELczyk et al., 2011), the skull ming. Interestingly, a trade-off was also shown
(cLAUDE et al., 2004) and the shoulder articu- to exist between this hydrodynamic efficiency
lation (DEpEckEr et al., 2006). Diet is an addi- and mechanical strength. Flattened, hydrody-
tional niche dimension involved in skull diffe- namic shells were more fragile (rIvErA &
rentiation in turtles (cLAUDE et al., 2004), STAyTon, 2011), a pattern observed also betwe-
while anti-predatory strategies, specifically as en aquatic and terrestrial emydids (STAyTon,
represented by plastral kinesis (prITcHArD, 2011). The functional relevance of shell shape
2008), seem to be a main factor of shell diffe- has also been confirmed in terms of swimming
rentiation, at least among emydines speed, where slider turtles with a relatively wider
(AnGIELczyk et al., 2011). By contrast, phylo- and shorter plastron attained higher speeds than
genetic inertia seems to play a subsidiary role in elongated ones (MyErS et al., 2007).
turtle shape differentiation, at least in compari- A wide range of studies have also used
son with ecological factors (cLAUDE et al., GM to decipher the effects of environmental
2003, 2004; AnGIELczyk et al., 2011). variation on the morphology of amphibians.
Although less frequent, intraspecific studies of As is common for this group (wELLS, 2007),
shape variation also support the importance of multiple studies support the existence of
habitat effects for turtle morphology. not only extensive phenotypic plasticity in both head
does the shell of aquatic turtles differ from that and body shape. Temperature (JorGEnSEn &
of terrestrial ones, it is also highly susceptible to SHEIL, 2008), predation risk (JoHnSon et al.,
the characteristics of water flow. Indeed, rIvErA 2008; vAn BUSkIrk, 2009; HoSSIE et al.,
(2008) showed that freshwater turtles of the 2010), competition (GArrIGA & LLorEnTE,
genus Pseudemys inhabiting fast-flowing water in press), as well as numerous other habitat
regimes present a significantly more streamlined components (vAn BUSkIrk, 2009) have been
shell, while those inhabiting slow-flowing regi- shown to produce plastic responses on larval
mes are more domed (Fig. 5). Further suppor- body shape and ontogenetic shape allometry.
ting an adaptive explanation for the observed Furthermore, body shape has been shown to

Figure 5: Three-dimensional shell shape variation

observed between male pseudemys turtles inhabi-
ting fast-flowing and slow-flowing water environ-
ments, as visualised through a pcA analysis of the
three-dimensional coordinates of the carapace.
Individuals of both sexes from lotic habitats are
more stream-lined, a shape modification that has
also been shown to reduce drag, providing empi-
rical evidence for an adaptive causation of the
observed differences (modified with permission
from rIvErA, 2008). Deformation grids represent
the extreme values observed across the first (A, B)
and second (c, D) principal component axes.

be tightly related to swimming performance variation of the hyobranchial skeleton of anu-

in anuran larvae (DAyTon et al., 2005; ran larvae (cAnDIoTI, 2006). other patterns
ArEnDT, 2010), although the plastic shape of shape variation in salamanders concern
modifications observed due to predation do potential adaptation to structural environ-
not seem to enhance speed, but may rather be ment, where shape variation among closely
related to tail lure anti-predator display related taxa also involves the modification of
(JoHnSon et al., 2008). shape allometries. In a very interesting con-
while plasticity studies are dominated by trast of evolutionary patterns, JAEkEL &
anurans, the investigation of evolutionary wAkE (2007) and ADAMS & nISTrI (2010)
shape change as a response to environmental respectively described how divergence or con-
factors is clearly skewed towards salamanders, vergence of ontogenetic allometries can be
and particularly those of the genus Plethodon, modified to produce foot shapes that match
which have served as an important model the structural environments of Bolitoglossa
system for the evolutionary application of and Hydromantes salamanders. These two
GM tools. character displacement due to examples nicely illustrate how GM can be
competition has been shown to be a major used to describe potentially adaptive mor-
force of head shape diversification in this phological variation (foot webbing) and asso-
genus, which has been associated to both bio- ciate it to the functional advantages gained by
mechanical (ADAMS & roHLF, 2000) and certain shape modifications (capacity for
behavioural (ADAMS, 2004) modifications. climbing), while also remarking on the
Undoubtedly, head shape is a trait with importance of ontogenetic trajectories for
strong evolutionary potential in this salaman- understanding the evolution of shape – and
der group, an observation corroborated by other – traits (kLInGEnBErG, 2010).
the existence of an important heritable com- Several examples also illustrate the ecomor-
ponent (ADAMS, 2011). However, the detai- phological relevance of head/skull shape in
led studies conducted also reveal that compe- lizards. while visibly less integrated than the
titive interactions, while repeatable across examples on Plethodon above, the available
space when the same pair of species is invol- studies provide evidence to the importance of
ved (ADAMS, 2010), are also characterised by different ecological factors for shape evolution
important variability (ADAMS et al., 2007; in various lizard taxa. In an insightful theoreti-
ArIF et al., 2007; MyErS & ADAMS, 2008), cal consideration of convergence in multiple
indicating that extrapolation from one pair of niche dimensions, HArMon et al. (2005) used
species to another can be problematic. while GM on head shape in Anolis lizards, together
species interactions seem to be of central with other character sets, to test the hypothe-
importance in shaping morphological varia- sis that if multidimensional convergence really
tion in Plethodon, other factors are also invol- occurs in response to different aspects of the
ved. For example, MAErz et al. (2006) repor- environment, different character systems will
ted significant intraspecific variation associa- show different patterns of convergence among
ted to trophic polymorphism. Diet also species. In fact, character systems differed and
seems to be significantly associated to shape variation in head shape was suggested to be

due to differences in diet, aggressive or anti- tion between two genetically distinct lineages,
predatory behaviour among habitat types which had been described to differ morpholo-
(HArMon et al., 2005). The hypothesis that gically using linear methods. GM tools have
diet may profoundly influence head shape in also been used to analyse intraspecific geogra-
lizards is also supported by the observation phic variation (MAnIEr, 2004; vIDAL et al.,
that parallel and convergent evolution occurs 2005; cLEMEnTE-cArvALHo et al., 2008;
between groups specialised in a certain type of SMITH & coLLyEr, 2008), investigate the
diet (STAyTon, 2005, 2006), while the same strength of phylogenetic signal in shape data
observation stands for crocodiles (pIErcE et al., (GEnTILLI et al., 2009) and examine the degree
2008). nevertheless, the strength of such an of concordance between phylogenetic related-
influence seems to vary across taxonomic ness and morphological similarity (IvAnovIć et
levels, since similar studies among gekkotans al., 2008, 2009). From a purely taxonomical
(DAzA et al., 2009) and the rhynchocephalians perspective, JAMnIczky & rUSSELL (2004)
(JonES, 2008) indicate that, although head used GM to investigate the “batagurine pro-
shape is associated to diet, phylogenetic affi- cess”, a potential diagnostic character of the
nity visibly dominates over feeding behaviour turtle family Bataguridae, while vIEIrA et al.
as a factor of skull shape differentiation. (2008) investigated the morphological diffe-
considering other factors, both habitat type rentiation between colour morphs of a toad
(kALIonTzopoULoU et al., 2010) and population to examine the taxonomical impli-
insularity (BăncILă et al., 2010; rAIA et al., cations of the observed polymorphism.
2010) have been shown to influence head while the above studies pose biologically
shape in lacertid lizards, but these observations meaningful questions and most use GM in a
should be further tested in other lizard groups. statistically robust framework to test specific
hypotheses, the use of shape characters in
Systematics, taxonomy and phylogenetic signal phylogeny and systematics has been questioned
extensively (ADAMS & roSEnBErG, 1998;
Due to their increased effectiveness for cap- roHLF, 1998; kLInGEnBErG & GIDASzEwSkI,
turing shape variation, GM methods have been 2010) and caution is advised when moving in
used for species discrimination and for descri- this area of investigation. This predicament lies
bing morphological variation between closely on both practical and theoretical grounds and
related, and in many cases cryptic, taxa. For is mainly associated to the use of shape varia-
instance, LEAcHé et al. (2009) used GM on bles (either partial warps or their principal
cranial horn shape of the coast horned lizard components) as cladistic characters (ADAMS et
species complex, combined with a large num- al., 2011). The main difficulty presented is that
ber of other biologically meaningful traits, to of transforming continuously varied, multivaria-
characterise the process of lineage formation in te data as shape into discrete character states for
this group. In a similar approach, cHIArI & parsimony inference (roHLF, 1998; MonTEIro,
cLAUDE (2011) used GM to study carapace 2000). Additional problems regard the effect of
size and shape variation in Galápagos tortoises a reference form, which is of central importan-
and confirmed the morphological differentia- ce to the operations necessary to obtain shape

variables, and which has been repeatedly dimorphic structures (BArDEn & MAIDMEnT,
shown to deeply influence the results obtained, 2011) and allowing corroboration of the results
thus rendering GM shape variables of doubtful through comparison with their extant relatives
usefulness for phylogenetic inference (i.e. Alligator; prIETo-MArqUEz et al., 2007;
(BookSTEIn, 1994; ADAMS & roSEnBErG, BonnAn et al., 2008). numerous studies have
1998). This of course does not mean that orga- taken advantage of the tool-kit of GM to cha-
nismal shape as described by GM methods can- racterise morphological disparity patterns and
not be analysed in a phylogenetic context, or investigate their temporal variation and to exa-
used to investigate the morphological affinity of mine macroevolutionary trends (cAnUDo &
closely related species and compare it to their cUEncA-BEScóS, 2004; STAyTon & rUTA,
known phylogenetic relationships. Moreover, 2006; pIErcE et al., 2009a; yoUnG & LArvAn,
GM methods often provide a useful tool for 2010; yoUnG et al. 2010). As for extant groups,
obtaining further evidence to support or reject shape variation has also been investigated in the
phylogenetic hypotheses (as implemented for light of its functional implications, thus provi-
example in pIrAS et al., 2010) or to complement ding a deeper understanding of the paleobio-
the evidence provided by molecular studies logy and paleoecology of archosaur taxa
(cLEMEnTE-cArvALHo et al., 2011) but caution (BonnAn, 2004, 2007; pIErcE et al., 2009b;
should be taken for correct implementation. BonnAn et al., 2010). Finally, a very interes-
ting contribution in terms of the originality of
Paleontology the studied shapes is that of roDrIGUES &
FArIA DoS SAnToS (2004), who used GM to
GM-based methods have been of great uti- investigate the variation of sauropod tracks.
lity in paleontology, providing an innovative
view of morphological patterns in extinct Amphibians and reptiles as models for the deve-
amphibian and reptile taxa (ELEwA, 2004). lopment of new methods
practically all the aforementioned fields have
partners in paleontological research, which The multivariate nature of GM data fre-
implement GM as a powerful tool to obtain quently challenges statistical methods and has
shape data from samples that frequently suffer stimulated morphometricians to extend exis-
in terms of structural quality (BASzIo & ting methods for studying complex shapes.
wEBEr, 2002; AnGIELczyk & SHEETS, 2007). Apart from addressing biological questions,
new methods have been developed for the several authors have used amphibians and rep-
identification of fossils and used to specify the tiles as model organisms to develop new
structural position of paleontological findings methodological approaches that utilise the
in snakes (poLLy & HEAD, 2004), as well as toolbox of GM and further enhance our capa-
being implemented as an indirect tool of esti- city of investigating morphological variation.
mating the size of extinct taxa (HEAD et al., For example, MonTEIro (1999) used GM
2009). Furthermore, GM methods have aided data on sexual and ontogenetic variation of the
the investigation of sexual dimorphism in skull of tegu lizards to provide a comprehensi-
archosaurs, providing evidence for potentially ve review of how multivariate regression tech-

niques can be implemented to understand the studying colour patterns in salamanders

processes and causes underlying shape changes. (ASHLock et al., 2003; coSTA et al., 2009).
Along the same lines, MAGwEnE (2001) used
turtle shells as an example to illustrate how concLUDInG rEMArkS
growth fields as characterised by a set of growth
vectors could be studied and compared in The aforementioned studies illustrate the
order to understand the developmental proces- wide range of questions for which GM may
ses involved in ontogenetic shape change. In a be implemented, facilitating the integrated
conceptually similar approach, coLLyEr & study of shape variation and its causes using
ADAMS (2007) examined character displace- amphibians and reptiles as model organisms.
ment in Plethodon salamanders (ADAMS, 2004) Many of these studies have compared tradi-
to exemplify the use of shape change vectors for tional morphometric methods to GM and
the study of two-state multivariate phenotypic have reached the conclusion that GM tech-
change, an approach later generalized to multi- niques are frequently more powerful than
state phenotypic trajectories (ADAMS & linear measurement data for detecting and
coLLyEr, 2009). Also trying to characterise the describing organismal shape variation
direction of phenotypic change, STAyTon (vALEnzUELA et al., 2004; BonnAn et al.,
(2006) proposed a new method for quantifying 2008; kALIonTzopoULoU et al., 2008;
data disparity patterns and used it to test for ArEnDT, 2010). This is both an advantage
convergence in skull shape among herbivorous and a potential pitfall. on one hand, GM
lizards. In the field of quantitative genetics of methods are expected to be statistically more
shape, MyErS et al. (2006) generalized the uni- powerful in detecting subtle shape variation,
variate approximation of shape heritability since the number of variables analysed is
based on procrustes distance (MonTEIro et al., usually much higher than that examined in
2002) for application with unequal sample traditional morphometrics. on the other,
sizes among families, thus complementing caution should be taken in the implementa-
other existing multivariate methods (i.e. tion of such a sensitive tool, to keep with
kLInGEnBErG, 2003; kLInGEnBErG & strong biological inference and avoid mis-
MonTEIro, 2005), and used it to study pat- sing focus of biological hypotheses. As
terns of plastron shape heritability in slider tur- modern technological resources become
tles. A very promising methodology for the increasingly available for use in biological
field of biomechanics was put forward by sciences, a vast amount of new techniques
pIErcE et al. (2008) and STAyTon (2009), who for obtaining shape data can be explored,
joined shape theory and finite element models including for example computerised tomo-
to study the mechanical properties of the croco- graphy (cT) scans and three-dimensional
dilian skull and three-dimensional turtle shell surface scanning. Herpetologists have until
shape correspondingly. Finally, although not now taken full advantage of the technical
directly linked to the study of shape variation, it and statistical tools available for the analysis
is worth mentioning the use of GM tools as a of shape variation, providing new insights to
means of standardising specimen position for the evolution of shape and frequently put-

ting forward new methods for data analysis. notypic trajectories in evolutionary stu-
nevertheless, the exploration of GM dies. Evolution 63: 1143-1154.
methods for understanding shape variation ADAMS, D.c. & nISTrI, A. (2010).
in amphibians and reptiles is still an open ontogenetic convergence and evolution
field, with promising perspectives for futu- of foot morphology in European cave
re contributions. I hope the above review salamanders (Family: plethodontidae).
has provided an informed view of the ques- BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 216.
tions that have been explored and the ans- ADAMS, D.c. & roHLF, F.J. (2000).
wers obtained, and point to directions for Ecological character displacement in
further inquiry. Plethodon: Biomechanical differences
found from a geometric morphometric
Acknowledgement study. Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences USA 97: 4106-4111.
I am grateful to the editors of Basic and ADAMS, D.c. & roSEnBErG, M.S. (1998).
Applied Herpetology for giving me the partial warps, phylogeny, and ontogeny: a
opportunity to write this review. D. Adams, comment on Fink and zelditch (1995).
M.A. carretero, G. rivera and two anony- Systematic Biology 47: 168-173.
mous reviewers provided useful comments on ADAMS, D.c.; roHLF, F.J. & SLIcE, D.E.
previous versions of the manuscript. Special (2004). Geometric morphometrics: ten
thanks to G. rivera for allowing permission years of progress following the ‘revolu-
to reproduce figure 5 of his article (as Fig. 5 tion’. Italian Journal of Zoology 71: 5-16.
here). This work was supported by a post- ADAMS, D.c.; wEST, M.E. & coLLyEr,
doctoral grant (SFrH/BpD/68493/2010) M.L. (2007). Location-specific sympa-
from Fundação para a ciência e Tecnologia tric morphological divergence as a possi-
(FcT, portugal). ble response to species interactions in
west virginia Plethodon salamander
rEFErEncES communities. Journal of Animal Ecology
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AppEnDIx 1: exploratory and statistical procedures such as

SoFTwArE rESoUrcES the visualization of thin-plate splines on trees
(tpsTree), regression of shape onto indepen-
Several software packages have been develo- dent variables and regression-related hypo-
ped for the application of GM methods, inclu- thesis testing (tpsregr) and two-block partial
ding data acquisition (digitising landmarks), least squares analysis (tpspLS). Although
obtaining shape variables and performing some users might find the separation in diffe-
exploratory analyses and hypothesis-testing. A rent programs troublesome, this is a very
detailed account of all available software, as question-driven software series, specifically
well as numerous other useful resources, can be designed for answering shape-related ques-
found in the SUny Morphometrics webpage tions and accompanied by extremely tho-
developed and maintained by F.J. rohlf rough help pages that provide the user with
( All pro- both a conceptual and mathematical unders-
grams are freely available for download. Here I tanding of the operations involved. Both 2D
briefly provide an account of the main softwa- and 3D analyses are supported. Designed for
re packages more frequently used in recent use in windows, but will run without pro-
publications. Apart from the software mentio- blems in Linux using wine.
ned below, all GM procedures can also be MorphoJ (kLInGEnBErG, 2011): A user-
carried out in r language (r DEvELopMEnT friendly integrated software package that pro-
corE TEAM, 2010), with an extremely high vides a platform for the most important types
flexibility for data visualisation and analysis. of analyses usually carried out with GM data.
The book “Morphometrics with r” (cLAUDE, These include 2D and 3D procrustes supe-
2008) is the essential guide for this purpose. rimposition with and without object
The tps series (roHLF, 2011): Developed symmetry, utility operations, generation of
since the early days of GM, this is a series of covariance matrices, matrix correlation, prin-
software packages that aid the user in treating cipal components analysis, two-block partial
different aspects related to the acquisition least squares, canonical variate and linear dis-
and analysis of GM data. rather than an criminant analyses, regression analysis, map-
integrated package, this is a series of pro- ping shapes onto a phylogeny and calculation
grams, each thought for carrying out specific of phylogenetic independent contrasts and
operations or answering relevant biological analyses related to the quantitative genetics of
questions. In this sense, the tps programs are shape. written in Java, it is a practically plat-
organised conceptually, depending on the form-independent program that will run on
operations or statistical analyses of interest. all windows, Macintosh oS x and Linux.
Different programs provide utility operations IMP (SHEETS, 2000): This is a set of six
(tpsUtil) and landmark acquisition (tpsDig), basic and several other auxiliary programs for
superimposition methods (tpsSuper), mode- analysing GM data. It will perform all the
lling shape variation through the thin-plate usual GM operations, including the genera-
spline and related methods (tpsrelw; tion of shape coordinates, principal compo-
tpsSplin) and a wide array of more specific nents analysis, canonical variate analysis,

shape regression and pair-wise multivariate space projection, pcA of shape or size and
shape comparisons. Both 2D and 3D analy- shape, multivariate regression of shape on an
ses are supported. It is based on MATLAB, independent variable, visualization of size and
but will work without this software being ins- shape variations by warping of the mean or
talled on the computer. It is a windows- computation of transformation grids. As for the
based program, but will apparently run well tps-series, shape variables can be exported and
on MAc and Linux through emulators. more mainstream multivariate analyses are to be
Morphologika (o' HIGGInS & JonES, carried out in external statistical software.
2006): A set of integrated tools for examining Although still frequently used, morphologika is
size and shape variation among objects descri- no longer maintained and has rather been repla-
bed by configurations of both 2D and 3D land- ced by the EvAn toolbox (http://www.evan-
mark coordinates. It enables generalised, which is more oriented to 3D
procrustes fitting of configurations, tangent shape analysis.

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