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After reviewing the drafts, we would like you all to take note of the following:

General comments:
• Remove all identifying features from your final draft. No names or school name on your
cover page or header/footer. The file can be saved with your name and must be in the
format MAS_IA1_Surname_Firstname
• Have someone read your report to check on the flow and wording, in particular the
body of your report. Ensure it is not just a list of tables, spreadsheets and graphs.
• Do not use Formulate, Solve, Evaluate and Verify as headings in your report.
• Run the spell check over your file, use an Australian dictionary. i.e. metre not meter.
• Ensure you are using the correct notation with your equations, if you struggle with
equation editor, you can insert scans of handwritten equations. We should not be
seeing things like y = x^2. Use a superscript for this: y = x². Use the symbol π not the
word pi
• Do not use an * to represent multiplication.
• Any issues with formatting, please ask us.
• Repeated calculations can go in the appendix.
• All items in appendices are referenced in the main body.
• All tables and graphs are relevant and are labelled appropriately.
• There should only be one document. Do not have a separate document for the excel
spreadsheet. In your one document do not embed the excel spreadsheet. Take
screenshots of the excel spreadsheet for first 5 lines and the last 5 lines for the main
body of your assignment. Refer to the full excel spreadsheet along with the formulas in
your appendix.
• Remember to fully justify the approach taken with the two missing data values.
• Include the formula for any spreadsheets used in the report (“Ctrl ~ “ on your
spreadsheet will allow you to toggle between numbers and formula on your
• Revisited the assumptions/observations when discussing strengths/limitations and
reasonableness of results.
• Can your report be read independently of the task sheet?
• Reminder the word length is 2000 (max) and a maximum of 10 pages – see document on
QLearn for advice on this. A reminder that only the first 2000 words of the report ( and
the first 10 pages) will be taken into account when grading the reports.
Introduction The purpose of the report has been stated
How the purpose is to be achieved has been discussed
Discussed missing data values (may be included in the main body
instead of introduction).
Body Observations have been discussed, not just listed
Assumptions have been discussed, not just listed
Development of a model has been analysed
Model been established
How can you improve on your model so that the predicted
population remains relatively stable, achieve long-term survival
and allows for the Kangaroo industry to survive.
The reasonableness of your design has been discussed
Strengths and limitations of your design have been discussed

Conclusion No new information has been included in the conclusion

Formulate Have you:

documented assumptions?
documented observations?
identified mathematical concepts and techniques required to
achieve a solution?
Solve Have you:
applied mathematical concepts and techniques to develop and
refine your design.
applied procedures to determine a model so that the predicted
population remains relatively stable, achieve long-term survival
and allows for the Kangaroo industry to survive.
Evaluate and Have you:
verify considered the reasonableness of your solution with respect to
your results and initial assumptions and observations?
explored strengths and limitations of your design?
ensured that your decisions have been justified using
mathematical reasoning?

Communicate Have you:

structured your report with the relevant sections (introduction,
body, conclusion, reference list and appendix)?
used appropriate mathematical, statistical and everyday
language and conventions to develop your response?
ensured that your report is stand-alone from the task. i.e. it can
be read independently of the task sheet?
labelled all diagrams, tables, graphs and used referencing and
the appendix correctly?
Communicated clearly your findings in the discussion and
conclusion (this may include mentioning key value/outcomes in
the evaluation and conclusion parts of the report)

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