Greenie Guide

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Greenie's Guide to Gettin' Guud

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bombard

New to Sencliff? Old to Sencliff but lazy? Or maybe you've found/acquired this book
and want to know more about the pirate life?

Regardless, welcome to the Greenie's Guide to Gettin' Guud, or How I Learned to

Stop Worrying and Love the Bombard.

This book has been compiled from the work of several people (some of whom it may
have been shamelessly stolen from/adapted from, thanks Merchant Navy!), and has
been put together to help the novice, or "Greenhorn" sailor.

Within it you will find the following information:

- Sailing and Naval Combat - How does it work?

- The Waters of Arelith - Maps, charts, and depths
- In Ink We Trust - Getting/progressing your Ink, the ranks of Ink, and Writ

Section 1: Sailing and Naval Combat

- Introduction
- The Art of Naval Combat
- Understanding Calculations at Sea
- Formulas

Section 2: The Waters of Arelith

- Introduction
- The Seas of Arelith
- Map Key
- Quadrant Depths

Section 3: In Ink We Trust

- Introduction
- Ink Ranks, and how to progress through them
- Writ information

~Section 1: Sailing and Naval Combat - Introduction~

Yar har, fiddle-dee-dee!
Being a pirate is alright with me
Do what you want 'cause a pirate lives free
You are a pirate!

And if you find yourself singing this song, then you too may be a pirate, or at
least secretly long to live the life of one of the free folk

One of the most important things to know when it comes to being a pirate, beyond
knowing how to wear an eyepatch, use a pegleg or hookhand, maintain a parrot, or
speak in am almost incomprehensible accent, is how to sail, and how to fight other

This is because pirates are known as pirates for the simple reason that they commit
acts of piracy regularly.

Piracy means taking things that don't belong to them, usually by force although
sometimes by guile, and usually on the seas, or on sea-adjacent locations such as
ports and beaches
Pirates who do not know how to sail well, or how to engage in naval combat with at
least even odds of being victorious are generally known as sharkbait, not pirates

And you do not want to be sharkbait, you want to be a pirate, otherwise you would
not be reading this book

So, read on, and learn, Greenie, before you find yourself seeing the ocean from the
wrong side

~The Basics of Sailing~

Sailing is, honestly, fairly straight forward

You get on a boat with a bunch of folk who also want to sail, you put on your
magical gear and lean into your years of sailing experience...

Oh wait, no, you're a Greenie, you don't have all that

Okay! From the beginning then

Sailing is fairly straight forward, but to be good at it, takes investment.

You need to train in it just like a scout trains their eyes and ears to keep
awareness of their surroundings, or a mage trains their mind to understand the
magics they use

Some magical aid is always a good idea, as well as boosting your insight through
either dedicated focus or through spells and suchlike

And, to train yourself in sailing, it's best to go out with others who know what
they're doing, and sail

Here at Sencliff we're blessed with a constant flow of sailors, some of whom know
more than how to drain a bottle of rum

So, beyond getting on a ship with an established crew who can, quite literally,
teach you the ropes, here's what you need to know

- Preparing to sail
If you're going to go out sailing, you will need several things
- Shipmates (sailing alone is bad)
- Materials for repair, and someone who can use them. This could be timber (2
hardwood, 3 softwood per repair attempt), cloth (2 large cloth, 3 medium cloth per
repair attempt), or metal if you're fool enough to try to sail on an ironside
- Siege weapons rated for the ship you'll use, and ammunition for them. As a
general rule, a ship can have weapons rankings up to one rank less than the crew it
requires to run smoothly... so a four man ship is weapons rank three, meaning you
can use a Magonel, or three Light Ballista, or a Light and a Heavy Ballista
- Rum
- Coffee, for when the rum makes you sleepy

- Getting a ship
Head down to the docks, and find a property shingle by the water that shows a
property available for lease. This should be a ship, and once you've leased it by
paying the requested fee, you'll have the right to sail it for about 12 hours

Make some copies of the keys (to give to your shipmates, because sailing alone is
never a good idea), give the ship a cool name (SS Barrel o' Fish, Where's the Rum?,
etc.) and congratulations, you have completed step 1 of sailing, acquiring a ship

- Getting on board
Now that you have a ship, get all your shipmates into a party, give them each a key
from the copies you made, and head together down to the end of the docks. From
there, find the ship with the name you gave it, and head over as a party

- Preparing to Sail
Once on board, have two folks work together at the separate rigging points, and
raise the sails to full. Once this is done, check the sea-map on board the ship, in
case of storms

If there is a storm? DO NOT LEAVE PORT. YOU WILL SINK

And then we will laugh at you

If there is no storm, select your destination, and off you go

- Hunting for a target

Hopefully someone on board has a spyglass. If not, you'll need to find a tradeship
(these sail in the third ring, also known as the outer waters) and buy one from the
gnome for about four bags

Using your spyglass, keep an eye out for juicy targets, whether they be islands,
other ships, or similar things. It can also be used to give you information on your
chosen target in many cases, such as weapons on deck, state of their hull, and so

Once you've found a target (assuming it's another ship), we move to the next

~Section 3: In Ink We Trust - Introduction~

Ink is the marker of community and belonging for the Free Folk of Sencliff. If
you're not inked, you're unlikely to be fully accepted (although exceptions do

Getting inked is permanent, and different to a normal tattoo, as it has special

meaning and hidden markers that are illegal for any other tattoo artist to
replicate, on pain of, well, nasty things

As one does work for Eamon and Wayland, the pair who oversee everything on
Sencliff, they earn extra markers on their ink, signifying their status and the
respect that they are worthy of (at least in theory)

To receive "ink", one approaches Wayland, in the Feast-Hall, and seeks his
permission. Not all will be accepted; notably monstrous races and goody-goodies are
usually rejected, but most everyone else can get inked

Once inked you'll lose any citizenship you may have had elsewhere, meaning you
can't vote (boohoo), and you don't get citizen storage (ouch), but you're formally
now part of the colourful citizenry that call Sencliff their home

~Ink Ranks, and how to progress through them~

As was said previously, doing work for Eamon and Wayland, through "writs", will
over time see you earn coin and gain respect from your fellow inked, which will
result in getting your ink added to.

There are several ranks for pirates, as follows


It takes five completed writs to move from Greenhorn to Shipmate, then three
completed writs to progress to the next rank until one gets to Buccaneer, which
requires five writs to complete your ink journey and become a Dread Pirate

Each rank comes with more respect from your fellow inked, and with different
property options, with the few permanently leasable ships only available to Dread
Pirates, as an example

Note as well that only other inked can interpret your ink, until you get to Dread
Pirate rank, at which point they're obvious to everyone unless you go to
significant effort to conceal them

~Writ Information~

There are, at the time of writing this book, 31 writs one can choose from, with
only 22 being required to achieve Dread Pirate ink. This means that you don't have
to do them all, and can pick and choose as you wish... but if you never sink
another ship, your fellow inked may not respect your ink very much

The writs are listed below in the order that Eamon shows them to you, with a note
in brackets at the end of each to help you know where to find them in the following
entries; whether they are on Sencliff, Local Waters, Merchant Waters, and so on.

~Writ Listing~

Below is the list of all the writs that Eamon will offer to an inked. In brackets
after it is the grouping it can be found in, along with a difficulty rating)

If you're not sure about the grouping designation, read the note above entitled
"Navigating by Rings" as well as the checking for the named islands in the Map and
Map Key notes

Writs marked with an asterisk (*) are writs that require piracy. Recommended!

* Who Rules the Sea? (Outer Waters, 2/5)

* Share and Share Alike (Merchant Waters, 2/5)
Sandfall (Local Waters, 1/5)
Salvaging Misfortune (Merchant Waters, 1/5)
A Thousand Islets (Merchant Waters, 1/5)
Forgotten Forts (Local Waters, 1/5)
A Grand Hunt (Merchant Waters, 2/5)
Visit Rayne's Landing (Sencliff, 0/5)
The Risen Island (Named Islands, 3/5)
Welcome to Kholingen (Named Islands, 4/5)
Treasures of Kholingen (Named Islands, 4/5)
Into the Jaws (Named Islands, 4/5)
Ghostly Ships (Merchant Waters, 2/5)
Every Buccaneer for Himself (Merchant Waters, 2/5)
Master of the Seas (Merchant Waters, 5/5)
Here be Dragons (Named Islands, 4/5)
* Fight the Power (Outer Waters, 4/5)
Clear the Storehouse (Sencliff, 1/5)
Shrines Beneath our Feet (Sencliff, 2/5)
Drive the Kuo-toa into the Deep (Sencliff, 3/5)
Shrill Skies (Sencliff, 2/5)
Sea Salt (Sencliff, 1/5)
Looting the Dead (Sencliff, 2/5)
The Forgotten Lighthouse (Outer Waters, 3/5)
The Desecrated Temple (Outer Waters, 3/5)
The Lineage of Gnitaheithr (Named Islands, 5/5)
The Sunken King (Outer Waters, 5/5)
The Old Ones (Outer Waters, 5/5)
Into the Deep (Diving Bell, 2/5)
Into the Deepest Depths (Diving Bell, 2/5)
Into the Abyssal Depths (Diving Bell, 2/5)

~Sencliff Writs~
All Sencliff writs can be done without having to use a ship to leave Sencliff

Visit Rayne's Landing

Objective 1: Land at Rayne's Landing
Objective 2: Explore the Main Island
Objective 3: Visit the Bar

This is, without a doubt, the easiest writ you can do

Go and talk to the smuggler, pay him to deliver you to Rayne's Landing, and
explore; visit the bar, wander around, find the dock, and then either use the
portal source to leave, or talk to the smuggler again

Clear the Storehouse

Objective 1: Find your way to the Stores, through a trap door found in the corner
of the Feast Hall
Objective 2: Kill yourself ten weevils. Good thing you're getting paid for this,

This is the second easiest writ you can do

After talking with Eamon to get this writ, go through the trapdoor behind the
Svirfneblin Peddler named Umlon, and kill ten weevils

You may need to go in and out a few times to get enough weevils, so this writ is
more irritating than it is challenging

Shrines Beneath our Feet

Objective 1: Locate the Sunken Shrines beneath the Sencliff Undertunnels
Objective 2: Defeat ten enemies in the Sunken Shrines
Objective 3: Kill an Oceanid Matriarch. Don't fall for her tricks
Pretty straightforward here. Go into the Undertunnels (there's entries all over
Sencliff, I prefer the one in the Cove), make your way to the north-west corner,
and enter the Sunken Shrines

Once inside, kill ten of the slimy buggers in there, then head to the south-west
corner and kill the Matriarch

If you're the sort who likes to do writs in groups, this pairs well with "Drive the
Kuo-Toa into the Deep"

Drive the Kuo-Toa into the Deep

Objective 1: Reach the Kuo-Toan Pools by going either through a cave on the
Scuttler's Sands, or through the Sunken Shrines
Objective 2: Defeat ten enemies in the Kuo-Toan Pools
Objective 3: Kill an Eye of the Deep

If you've just killed the Oceanid Matriarch, congratulations, you've found the path
to the Kuo-Toan pools

Go in, kill ten more slimy buggers, and make your way through the caves until you
come to a big open area with mini-beholder looking things. Avoid the tiles, they're
mostly trapped

Kill the three mini-beholder looking things, one of them will have a key on it
which, if you continue through the caves, will lead you into a temple in the
Underdark (and hence another way onto or off Sencliff)

If you're the sort who likes to do writs in groups, this pairs well with "Shrines
Beneath our Feet"

Shrill Skies
Objective 1: Get to Harpy's Rock. A boatman on Sencliff's beach can get you there
Objective 2: Kill yourself twenty Harpies
Objective 3: Kill an Elder Queen of the Harpies

Head outside, down to the beach, past the drunk, snoring pirate, and talk to the
boatman. He'll ferry you over to Harpy's Rock

Once there, kill everything that moves that isn't you, your summons, or your mates

Make sure you kill an Elder Queen Harpy; it may take you a while to fight through
the rest of the Harpies to find her

If you're the sort who likes to do writs in groups, this pairs well with "Sea Salt"

Sea Salt
Objective 1: Locate the Salt Caves, beneath Harpy's Rock
Objective 2: Defeat five foes in the Salt Caves

If you're killing Harpies on Harpy's Rock, you're in the right place

Explore until you find the Salt Caves, go inside, kill five things, leave

If you're the sort who likes to do writs in groups, this pairs well with "Shrill
Looting the Dead
Objective 1: Locate the Temple Crypt, directly under the Temple of the Sea Gods
Objective 2: Defeat ten enemies in the Temple Crypt
Objective 3: Defeat a Skeleton Captain

Head out of the Feast Hall and into the Temple to the Sea Gods directly opposite.
Once inside, look to the corners, and you'll find the way down to the Temple Crypt

Go down, kill at least ten enemies, and explore until you find the Skeleton
Captain, then smash his bones

~Local Waters Writs~

All Local Waters writs will require a ship, and minor sailing skill. Local Waters
are locatable by getting on a ship and either selecting your destination as "Return
to Arelith" if you're hiring a ship from Sencliff, or "Laying out to Open Waters"
if you're hiring a ship from Arelith

Objective 1: Make landing on a Sandbank
Objective 2: Defeat five Mud Crabs
Objective 3: Defeat five Water Snakes

Pretty simple here... once you're in Local Waters use your spyglass to find a
Sandbank, then land on it, kill everything, and check your progress

If you've not killed enough, you can either get back onboard your ship and find
another Sandbank, head to Merchant Waters and find a Shipwreck, or head to
Brogdenstein Dock, enter the cave to the right there as you face the cliff path up,
and get your numbers as Eamon doesn't care where you kill those Crabs and Snakes,
just that you kill them

If you're the sort who likes to do writs in groups, this pairs well with "Salvaging

Forgotten Forts
Objective 1: Land on an old Sea Fort
Objective 2: Defeat five enemies at the Sea Fort and claim it as yours

Once you're in Local Waters use your spyglass to find a Naval Fort, then land on
it, kill everything, and check your progress

Never had a report of a lack of enemies here, so you should be fine once you've
cleared out the occupants

~Merchant Waters Writs~

All Merchant Waters writs will require a ship, and minor sailing skill. Merchant
Waters are the first ring of 9 quadrants around the main isle of Arelith

* Share and Share Alike

Objective 1: Forcibly board a Merchant Ship
Objective 2: Defeat five Merchant Sailors
Objective 3: Kill a Merchant Captain
This is, amusingly, one of the very few writs that actually require you to commit
acts of piracy

Head to Merchant Waters and sail about until you come across a Merchant Ship.
You're more likely to find one during the day, so give that a go, and whilst you
can find them in local waters, they're called Merchant Waters, so I put the two
together. Fight me if you don't like it

Once you find said Merchant Ship, you'll need to engage it in Naval Combat, so make
sure you've read the previous notes about Naval Combat, and have a siege weapon and
ammunition for it on hand

Cripple and board your target, kill everyone on board, gather up your hard-earnt
loot, then head back to your ship and sail home

Salvaging Misfortune
Objective 1: Find a Shipwreck
Objective 2: Defeat five Mud Crabs
Objective 3: Defeat five Water Snakes

Once you're in Merchant Waters use your spyglass to find a Shipwreck, then land on
it, kill everything, and check your progress

If you've not killed enough, you can either get back onboard your ship and find
another Shipwreck, head to Local Waters and find a Sandbank, or head to
Brogdenstein Dock, enter the cave to the right there as you face the cliff path up,
and get your numbers as Eamon doesn't care where you kill those Crabs and Snakes,
just that you kill them

If you're the sort who likes to do writs in groups, this pairs well with "Sandfall"

A Thousand Islets
Objective 1: Land on an Islet
Objective 2: Defeat ten Greater Harpies

Head to Merchant Waters and, using your spyglass, find an islet. Once found, dock
there and head ashore

You'll probably be immediately swarmed by Harpies, so either prepare to fight, or

bring folks/summons with you to do the job

Keep killing Harpies until you've slaughtered ten Greater Harpies, and you're done!

If you're the sort who likes to do writs in groups, this pairs well with "A Grand

A Grand Hunt
Objective 1: Kill a Sea Hag
Objective 2: Kill the Guardian of the Egg
Objective 3: Kill the Sea Troll

For this writ, you'll want to be in Merchant Waters, and staying in a quadrant. Use
your spyglass to find an islet, and dock there, then head ashore

There are four different islets in these waters, and you need to land on three of
them to complete this writ, so the trick is to land at an islet, check the surface
and the cave or buildings there for your target, and kill everything that gets in
your way

Once you've cleared an islet, head back to your ship and select "Stay in this
Quadrant" again, then use your spyglass to find an islet. Hopefully it's a
different one!

Go ashore and check if it is a different one, and if so, explore, find and kill
target, kill everything else

If not, go back onboard your ship, stay in the quadrant, use your spyglass, lather-

If you're the sort who likes to do writs in groups, this pairs well with "A
Thousand Islets"

Ghostly Ships
Objective 1: Board a Ghost Ship
Objective 2: Go belowdecks and defeat five enemies

This writ is stupidly named, as you don't want to board a ghostly ship, you want to
board an abandoned ship

Head to Merchant Waters, and, using your spyglass, find an abandoned ship, then
dock at it and go onboard

Destroy everything there (you can't kill undead, they're already dead), head
belowdecks, and do the same, then leave

If you're the sort who likes to do writs in groups, this pairs well with "Master of
the Seas"

Every Buccaneer for Himself

Objective 1: Locate a Hidden Cove
Objective 2: Delve into the Hideout and defeat five enemies

Head to Merchant Waters, and, using your spyglass, find a Hidden Cove, then dock at
it and go onshore

Kill everything that tries to hurt you, then go into the Hideout and do the same

If you're the sort who likes to do writs in groups, this pairs well with "Master of
the Seas"

Master of the Seas

Objective 1: Defeat Captain Walker D. Plank
Objective 2: Defeat Captain Sharpe
Objective 3: Defeat a Skeletal Captain
Objective 4: Defeat the Tidehunter

I know I wrote that this pairs well with "Ghostly Ships", "Every Buccaneer for
Himself", and "Into the Jaws", but it's more that they overlap, and this writ is
annoying so you don't want to do it multiple times

The first objective is completed by finding one of the two different Hidden Coves
and killing Captain Walker D. Planke, who is hiding in his aptly named Hideout
(hence the connection to "Every Buccaneer for Himself")

The second and third objectives are completed by finding abandoned ships and
defeating a Skeletal Captain AND a specific Skeletal Captain named Captain Sharpe,
and yes, they'll be on different abandoned ships (hence the connection to "Ghostly

The fourth objective is completed by going to Black Fin Rock (see "Into the Jaws")
and defeating the master of the island, the Tidehunter; a creature with no less
than FOUR phylacteries that regenerate if you leave them too long after breaking
them, and yes, you must break all four phylacteries to defeat the Tidehunter

This writ is not recommended for anyone but the truly sadistic, or those who were
going to do the other three writs anyway

~Outer Waters Writs~

All Outer Waters writs will require a ship, and moderate to high sailing skill.
Outer Waters are the third ring of 24 quadrants around the main isle of Arelith

* Who Rules the Sea?

Objective 1: Forcibly board a Cordorian ship
Objective 2: Defeat five Cordorian Sailors
Objective 3: Kill a Cordorian Sea Captain

FINALLY, some piracy! Why Eamon and Wayland don't ask pirates to do more piracy,
I'm sure I don't know

The Cordorian Navy usually has its ships patrol the Inner and Outer Waters, but
there's no other Inner Waters writs, so it's put here. Deal with it

Sail about during the day for preference (apparently Cordorians are scared of the
dark) until you find a Cordorian Ship. Use your spyglass to check the number of
masts; the more masts, the more challenging it will be to take down, and therefore
the better you and your crew need to be, and the better the ammunition you use
needs to be

If you're not sure about how to do this well, refer to the previous sections on
Naval Combat and Formulas

Once you've crippled your opponent (Yarr!), you board them, kill everyone on board
in Cordorian colours, take their loot, and sink the scurvy dogs on your way back to
your own ship

Congratulations, you have committed actual piracy, as opposed to adventuring

* Fight the Power

Objective 1: Forcibly board an Amnian ship
Objective 2: Make your way belowdecks and claim any treasure inside
Objective 3: Defeat five Marines
Objective 4: Defeat three Cowled Wizards

More piracy! Huzzah!

This is the most challenging "Piracy" writ, as the Amnians are one of the toughest
foes you'll face on the water, so don't treat them kindly
Sail about in the Outer or Edge Waters (again, there's no other Edge Waters writs,
so it's put here for convenience) until you come across an Amnian ship. They, too,
seem to be scared of the dark, poor little Amnians. Make them scared of you instead

Use your spyglass to confirm the number of masts their ship has, and engage if
you're up for it. If not, let them sail by and find a different ship from their
fleet, check again, etc.

Once you're ready, FIRE! Cripple the bastards, board and kill them all, and DO NOT
TAKE THEM LIGHTLY. The Amnians will fight like devils, and many an unsuspecting
pirate has bitten off more than they can chew with them

Kill everyone onboard and belowdecks, gather your pillage, set fire to their ship,
and head home while singing a shanty

The Forgotten Lighthouse

Objective 1: Locate the Lighthouse Ruin
Objective 2: Defeat three Rotting Deads

This writ is pretty straightforward. Sail around in the Outer Waters, and use your
Spyglass to find some ruins. There's two lots of ruins in these waters, and one has
a lighthouse on it, the other has a desecrated temple

For this writ, you want the lighthouse, so, find your ruins, go ashore, and check.
If it's the right one, great, if not, get back on board your ship and sail about
until you can find some more ruins, check them, etc

Once you have the correct ruins, go into the lighthouse and kill everything
hostile, then head home

If you're the sort who likes to do writs in groups, this pairs well with "The
Desecrated Temple"

The Desecrated Temple

Objective 1: Locate the Desecrated Temple
Objective 2: Defeat a Water Naga (Elder)

As per the previous writ, except you're looking for some caves which will lead up
to said Desecrated Temple. It's in the ruins that doesn't have a lighthouse

If you're the sort who likes to do writs in groups, this pairs well with "The
Forgotten Lighthouse"

The Sunken King

Objective 1: Locate the Sunken City
Objective 2: Defeat fifteen enemies in the Sunken City
Objective 3: Defeat the Sahuagin King

The Sunken City writs are the two hardest writs to complete that aren't hard
because they're irritating, or hard because Amnians want to sink you and are
actually pretty good at it

Sail about in the Outer Waters until you randomly come across the Sunken City... it
moves about, and you'll never find it with your Spyglass

Once you find it, prepare your toughest crewmates and go ashore

I'm not going to spoil this one for you; you'll need to fight through some tough
enemies and find the Sahuagin King and defeat him. He won't go down easily, and
don't be surprised if one of your crew falls in the effort

But this writ is, at least, straightforward

If you're the sort who likes to do writs in groups, this pairs well with "The Old

The Old Ones

Objective 1: Locate the Sunken City
Objective 2: Defeat Xhus'taus
Objective 3: Locate the Forgotten Crypt
Objective 4: Defeat the Imprisoned One

This is the Sunken City writ that is both difficult AND complex

You'll need an explosive barrel, which you'll use to blow up a boulder, and then
you need to get something from the bad guy in the rooms that were formerly blocked
by the barrel, then use that something on a lock that you can't otherwise unlock,
then you'll find a magic ward that you need to use dispelling magic on the ground
between the wards...

And then you're in for a fight tougher than any you've ever had (unless you've
tried to get a quartermaster to pay out without a receipt)

Pro-tip: You may want a way to get rid of hostile summoned creatures, or
alternatively, a way to put eviscerated friends back together. Your choice

If you're the sort who likes to do writs in groups, this pairs well with "The
Sunken King"

~Named Islands Writs~

All Named Islands writs require a way to get to said named islands; this is usually
sailing, although there may be other ways (which we're not going into)

The Risen Island

Objective 1: Scout a landing along the treacherous cliffs surrounding the island
Objective 2: Defeat ten enemies in the neaby Sea Caves
Objective 3: Defeat ten enemies in the deeper Sea Caves. Watch out for rival
Nelanther pirates
Objective 4: Kill an infamous Nelanther chef. Don't get eaten

This is the first of three Kholingen writs, along with "Welcome to Kholingen" and
"Treasures of Kholingen". Don't be a dunce, get all three and do them at once.
There may also be a writ you can get from Sibiyad that you can do at the same time,
which you may as well pick up

Get a stalwart crew and head to Kholingen, which is one quadrant North of Arelith,
or East South-East of Sencliff. Dock, and go ashore
You'll need to make your way along the shore until you enter some caves. Kill
everything hostile inside, and continue on your reaving way until you find and kill
the chef, who would love to put you in his cookpot

Welcome to Kholingen
Objective 1: Kill Captain Fragdish
Objective 2: Kill Bragos
Objective 3: Kill Dargreth
Objective 4: Destroy a Risen Goliath

This is the second of three Kholingen writs, along with "The Risen Island" and
"Treasures of Kholingen".

Having killed the Nelanther Chef, keep going with your reaving and kill everything
in your path.

You'll find Captain Fragdish in a section of ruins connected to the Sea Caves,
while Bragos and Dargreth are in the keep above. The Risen Goliaths are in the
Sunken City, beneath Kholingen, so you'll need to keep going all the way to the end

Be aware that Kholingen is a bit of a maze, and you'll need various keys that you
can find as you move through. There are traps in spots, and no end of hostile
occupants to slay

Treasures of Kholingen
Objective 1: Defeat the lich that watches over the Lost Ruins
Objective 2: Reach the Sunken City
Objective 3: Slay a Giant Sea Serpent

This is the third of three Kholingen writs, along with "The Risen Island" and
"Welcome to Kholingen"

You've wandered all over Kholingen, now it's time to head down a trapped passageway
and ascend to the top of the keep for a fight with the lich who remains as the
guardians of this fallen kingdom. Destroy him, and claim his loot for yourself

With this done, head back down and poke around until you find a big hole in the
wall, and head through; this should take you to some caves that lead down into the
earth again. This is the way to the Sunken City

Go inside, and defeat anything nasty that is trying to stop you. When you feel like
you've hit a dead-end, go into the abandoned homes and break things until you find
a way through

Eventually you'll come across one angry mother of a Sea Serpent. Put her out of her
misery, and use the magical portal she was guarding to head back to the surface of
the island, and make your way back to your ship

Congratulations, you have conquered Kholingen!

Into the Jaws

Objective 1: Land at Blackfin Rock and defeat five enemies in Sekolah's Trial
Objective 2: Defeat five enemies on the first level of the Temple of Sekolah
Objective 3: Defeat five enemies on the second level of the Temple of Sekolah

For this writ you'll need a decent crew, unless you want to go all the way to the
end to defeat the Tidehunter (see "Master of the Seas" writ), in which case you'll
want a truly staunch group

Blackfin Rock is two quadrants South-West of Arelith, or five quadrants South-West

of Sencliff. Head there, dock, go ashore, and kill everything hostile until you get
down to the second level of the Temple of Sekolah and have killed enough to satisfy

Should you have the "Master of the Seas" writ, continue on, and if not, you may as
well head back the way you came unless you want the challenge and the potential
runic loot at the end

If you're the sort who likes to do writs in groups, this pairs well with "Master of
the Seas"

Here be Dragons
Objective 1: Make a landing on Red Dragon Island
Objective 2: Defeat ten enemies on Red Dragon Island
Objective 3: Defeat ten enemies in the Sulphurous Grotto
Objective 4: Defeat five enemies on the first level of the Palladium

For this writ you'll need a stalwart crew

Red Dragon Isle is two quadrants West of Arelith, or two quadrants west and two
quadrants South-West of Sencliff

Prepare before you leave the ship, as you can expect heavy resistance, then go

Once ashore, attune to the planar portal to the right, then head left and deeper
into Red Dragon Isle

Be warned, there are traps throughout the caves

Once you get up to an open area with pillars, you'll find yourself with three
potential paths; a locked door (the key for which is hidden within the Burning
Shores area in the Underdark, to which the portal behind that door connects), a
tunnel leading down, and a pathway to a tunnel leading up

You'll need to go down first and kill the lesser Red Dragon down there (well you
don't need to, but it's a dragon, and it has loot), then backtrack and take the
path to go up to face Abaazuur, the greater Red Dragon who calls Red Dragon Isle

Once you've defeated him and looted the runic chest, mined the ruby vein, and sworn
at the ore vein that could be adamantine but rarely is, there's some doors leading
out to a balcony where there's a Source Portal

Use said portal to go back to the start of Red Dragon Isle, hop back on your ship,
and sail home with your loot

The Lineage of Gnitaheithr

Objective 1: Locate the Isle of Gnitaheithr
Objective 2: Defeat the Baron
Objective 3: Defeat Runa Grimur
Objective 4: Defeat Brynjar Grimur
For this writ you'll need a stalwart crew

Gnitaheithr is three quadrants North-West of Arelith, or four quadrants West and

one quadrant North-West of Sencliff

The landing spot and surface of Gnit is generally quiet. You shouldn't expect
resistance there, but you should definitely prepare before you head inside the old
stone building there

The Baron is upstairs, and Runa and Brynjar are downstairs, but you'll have to
fight your way through to them. Go up, then down, and at the end, you can climb
back up to the surface of the island

And with that, you've completed this writ

~Diving Bell Writs~

All Diving Bell writs require a ship with a diving bell, and therefore moderate to
high sail skill. Locations vary by the depths required (which will be detailed)

Into the Deep

Objective 1: Enter the Ocean Floor at a Medium Depth (320m - 479m)

There's many locations where one can dive down to the required depth; for a full
list, check the notes on Quadrant Depths

The easiest location is the waters off Galerock, which is one quadrant South and
one quadrant South-East of Sencliff, or two quadrants East and one quadrant South-
East of Arelith

Dock at Galerock, and have one strong crewmate stay on deck to pump air into the
diving bell, and those with the writ (the more folk in the diving bell, the faster
the air will decrease, even with someone strong pumping, so generally no more than
2-3 folks is recommended. Four is okay, but five is right out) enter the diving

Have it descend, and pray that you don't have claustrophobia or thalassophobia
while you wait for it to reach the ocean floor

Once there, make sure you are under the effect of a Water-Breathing spell or have
gills, then head outside and marvel in the oddity that is the ocean floor. Check
for ore or gem veins, or for lost treasure and cargo, and be wary, as some
creatures don't take kindly to the intrusion of surfacers in their depths

Congratulations, you have completed this writ, now you just need to get back into
the diving bell when finished your explorations, get to the surface, and head home

Into the Deepest Depths

Objective 1: Enter the Ocean Floor at a Deep Depth (520m - 703m)

There's several locations where one can dive down to the required depth; for a full
list, check the notes on Quadrant Depths

The easiest location is the waters south of Gnitaheithr. Head to Gnit (as we call
it), which is (from Sencliff) four quadrants West then one quadrant North-West, or
three quadrants North-West of Arelith. Once you're at Gnit, go South one quadrant,
and you're there
Ideally find some ruins, an Ice Floe, or a Trade Ship to dock at, and do what you
did for the previous diving writ, there's nothing more to it, just a different

Into the Abyssal Depths

Objective 1: Enter the Ocean Floor at a Deep Depth (704m or more)

There's only 7 quadrants where one can dive down to the required depth, again,
check the notes on the Quadrant Depths

Head again to Gnit and go one further quadrant out to the Edge Waters (any Edge
Water quadrant within one quadrant of Gnit will do), find something to dock at, and

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