English Plus gr 5 кл 1 четв поурочки

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Short term plan

Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Unit of a long term plan: Home and away School: By name S. Erubaiyev
Date: 02.09.22 Teacher name: S. Murataliyeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Familiar Words
Learning objectives a sequence of supported classroom instructions; provide basic information about themselves and others at
sentence level on an increasing range of general topics;
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
 Identifying the basic keywords of classroom instructions
 Learn vocabulary for everyday objects.
 Ask about the meaning of words

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Warm-up create friendly to award active
atmosphere Ss. «The praise»
• Books closed. Say to the class: I’m
Efficiency: By telling the method is used
(your name). Choose a student and to evaluate Ss
repeat: I’m (your name). What’s wishes they show their
with phrases
your name? Elicit the response I’m appreciations .
like: PPT
(student’s name) from the student. “Good job!
• Write the short exchange on the Well done!”
board. Then move around the class,
asking each student their name. Formative
Finally ask the students to mingle Assessment
and ask each other their names.
Lead - In
Students introduce

Good job!
Students say different
words from the picture
Main Exercise 1 Assessment
part • Focus on the pictures and ask the criteria
students what they can see in each Students listen and read - Identifying the
one. Elicit the words teacher, the dialogues. basic keywords
student, boy, girl and pencil model Then choose the correct of classroom
and drill pronunciation. words in 1-3 instructions
• Instruct students to follow the ANSWERS
dialogues and play the recording. 1 student Descriptor:
Ask them to try to name the people 2 friends -Identify the
in the pictures and elicit any 3 teacher basic key words
acceptable answers Cards
«Verbal support» method is used
to help Students use new words in Peer
the text. assessment:
Exercise 3 answer key
• Hold up a pencil to the class and Students ask and answer
ask: What’s this in English? Elicit questions. What are
the response It’s a pencil, referring objects 1-12 in English?
students to the dialogue in exercise Use the words in box.
1 if they cannot remember. What’s this in English?
• Focus students on pictures 1–12 It is a book Worksheets
and explain the task. Draw their criteria:
attention to the example and to the . -Ask about the
first picture. In pairs, students do meaning of
the task. words
Differentiation: Modelling- -Make CCQ
teacher gives clear description of questions
the task with examples
By task – more motivated learners
can do task without support
Less motivated learners will be
given prompts to find the correct

Home task: The Ladder method was Students use Poster

End Ex: 3 P: 4 WB used as a reflection. their stickers to Success
Teacher asks students to show their Ladder.
stick their stickers to the knowledge
Success Ladder. according to the
Short term plan
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Unit of a long term plan: Home and away School: By name S. Erubaiyev
Date: 05.09.22 Teacher name: S. Murataliyeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Language Focus: to be (singular).
Learning objectives use be on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topic; use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about a limited range of general topics;
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
Answer the questions and complete the short forms of
the verb “be”
Complete the sentences with words in the box
use all structures correctly

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Warm-up create friendly to award active
Books closed. Say to the class: I’m atmosphere
Efficiency: By telling the Ss. «The praise»
(your name). I’m from (name of method is used
your town or city). wishes they show their
to evaluate Ss
• Ask a student to repeat and then appreciations .
with phrases PPT
move around the rest of the class. like:
Write the sentences on the board “Good job!
for a weaker class Well done!”
Lead – In
Students use structure of
to be and introduce

Good job!
Main Exercise 1
part Focus on the four pictures and ask
the students what they can see in Students repeat the Assessment
each one. Elicit that there is a boy, words criteria
a girl and an alien. Write alien on - use all
the board and check pronunciation. structures
• In a weaker class, model the correctly of to
words for the students and be
encourage them to repeat after you Students look at the Descriptor:
before they do the task. In a table and complete the -Can use of to
stronger class, students work in shorts forms with words be Cards
pairs to do the task themselves. in the dialogue
Differentiation: assessment:
«Verbal support» method is used answer key
to help Students use new words in
the text.
Exercise 2 - Make
Focus students on the left hand CCQ
column of the table and read each question
form of the verb be aloud, asking Students repeat the s
them to repeat. words Worksheets
• Write I am and He is on the
board. Ask students to repeat. Assessment
Students choose the -Complete the
Exercise 3 correct words sentences with
• In a stronger class, ask the correct form
students to do the activity ANSWERS of to be
individually. 1 am 2 It’s 3 is 4 ’re 5 ’s
• In a weaker class, do the first 6 She’s
one together as an example, Descriptor:
eliciting why am is the correct -can use all
answer. Students then continue structures
with the task on their own.

Home task: The Ladder method was Students use Poster

End Ex: 3 P: 5 WB used as a reflection. their stickers to Success
Teacher asks students to show their Ladder.
stick their stickers to the knowledge
Success Ladder. according to the
Short term plan Тексерілді: Қ. Байсейтов

Unit of a long term plan: Home and away School: By name S. Erubaiyev
Date: 07.09.22 Teacher name: S. Murataliyeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Countries
Learning objectives provide basic information about themselves and others at
sentence level on an increasing range of general topics; deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an
increasing range of general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
Introduce themselves and tell about their friends
Match the countries to the capitals
Make true and false sentences about cities, countries
and capitals

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Warm-up create friendly to award active
atmosphere Ss. «The praise»
• Books closed. Ask the students, in
Efficiency: By telling the method is used
their own language, if they have to evaluate Ss
been to any other countries. Elicit wishes they show their
with phrases
the names of these countries. You appreciations .
like: PPT
could put them on the board. “Good job!
• Ask the class if they know the Well done!”
names of these countries in English.
Elicit any names they give you and Formative
put them on the board. Translate Assessment
the names of any countries the
students do not know into English.
Lead – In Student’s
Students say different
countries from the
Good job!

In what country do you live?

Does Kazakhstan in Europe?
Which country is the biggest in the
Main Exercise 1 Assessment
part Draw students’ attention to the criteria
flags in the pictures and ask if Students read and listen. - Introduce
anybody knows them. Elicit any Match 1-6 with pictures themselves and
ideas. A-F tell about their
«Verbal support» method is used Descriptor:
to help Students use new words in -Can use to be
the text. Students match the
countries to the capitals. Peer Cards
Exercise 2 assessment:
Remind the students about answer key
Yerzhan from exercise
1. Ask: Where is Yerzhan from? Assessment
and elicit Yerzhan is from Astana. criteria:
Ask: What’s Astana? and elicit Match the
Astana is the capital of Kazakstan. countries to the
Exercise 3
• Ask the students to write the full ANSWERS - Make
sentences (similar to those in Students’ own answers Worksheets
exercise 2) explaining what the question
capital city of each country is. s
«Verbal support» method is used
Can match the
to help Students use new words in
countries to the
the text.

Home task: Students use Poster

End Ex: 3 P: 6 WB their stickers to Success
show their Ladder.
according to the
Short term plan
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Unit of a long term plan: Home and away School: By name S. Erubaiyev
Date: 09.09.22 Teacher name: M. Endibaeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Countries/
Diagnostic test
Learning objectives a sequence of supported classroom instructions; write with support a sequence of extended sentences in a
paragraph to give basic personal information
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
Introduce themselves and tell about their friends
Make sentences about cities, countries and capitals


Stages / Teachers actions Students actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Warm-up create friendly to award active
atmosphere Ss. «The praise»
• Books closed. Ask the students, in
Efficiency: By telling the method is used
their own language, if they have to evaluate Ss
been to any other countries. Elicit wishes they show their
with phrases
the names of these countries. You appreciations .
like: PPT
could put them on the board. “Good job!
Well done!”
Lead – In

Students introduce

In what country do you live? Students answers the

Does Kazakhstan in Europe? questions Good job!
Which country is the biggest in the
Main Assessment
part 1. What’s your name? criteria
А) My name is Omar. - Introduce
В) I’m 10. themselves and
С) I’m OK. Students tell about their
2. Қалам сөзінің ағылшынша make friends
атауын тап. sentences.
А) book Descriptor:
B) pen -Can use to be
C) pencil Peer
3. How are you? assessment: Cards
А) I’m 10. Students choose the answer key
В) I’m fine, thank you! correct words
С) I am. Assessment
4. Қарындаш сөзінің ANSWERS criteria:
ағылшынша атауы қалай? 1 am 2 It’s 3 is 4 ’re 5 ’s Match the
А) pencil 6 She’s countries to the
B) copybook capitals
C) bag
5. “School” сөзін қазақ тіліне - Make
аудар. CCQ
А) мектеп Worksheets
В) қала s
С) оқушы
6. Кітап сөзінің ағылшын Descriptor:
тіліндегі атауын тап. -can spell the
А) book word
B) copybook -can use them
C) pencil

Home task: Ss evaluate each other Students use Poster

End Ex: 4 P: 6 WB and encourage their stickers to Success
classmate with phrases show their Ladder.
Well done! Brilliant!
Good job! I like it! according to the
Short term plan
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Unit of a long term plan: Home and away School: By name S. Erubaiyev
Date: 12.09.22 Teacher name: S. Murataliyeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Language Focus. Subject pronouns.
Learning objectives ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of
general topics; plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a
limited range of general and curricular topics; understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on
general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
Learn and use subject pronouns.
Learn and practise the verb be in singular and plural.
Learn and practise basic phrases to describe cities.
Talk about people’s ages and where they come from.

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Pre -listening create friendly to award active
atmosphere Ss. «The praise»
Efficiency: By telling the method is used
Warm-up to evaluate Ss
• Books closed. Say something true wishes they show their
with phrases
about the size of your town or city, appreciations .
like: PPT
e.g. I’m (your name). I’m from “Good job!
Budapest. Budapest is big. Use your Well done!”
hands to gesture big to the class.
• Ask a student to repeat then go Formative
around the rest of the class. Write Assessment
the sentences on the board for a
weaker class
Lead – In Student’s
Students use structure of
to be and introduce

Good job!
Main While- listening Assessment
part Exercise 1 Students listen and criteria
• Focus on the pictures A–D and repeat the words. How - Learn and use
ask the students what they can see do they say we,you and subject
in each one. Elicit that there are is they in L1 pronouns.
more than one child in each picture Descriptor:
-Can use subject
Differentiation: pronouns
«Verbal support» method is used
to help Students use new words in Peer
the text. assessment: Cards
answer key
Exercise 3
• Explain to the class that we can Students replace the
use subject pronouns to talk about words in blue with Assessment
something that we have alre words in the box. criteria:
ady talked about or that is obvious. -Talk about
• In a stronger class, ask students ANSWERS people’s ages
to do the activity individually. 1 She 2 We 3 They 4 He and where they
In a weaker class, look at the 5 You come from.
example together, pointing out that
it refers to London. Students then - Make Worksheets
continue with the task on their own CCQ
before checking their answers in question
pairs. s
Differentiation: Descriptor:
«Verbal support» method is used Can talk about
to help Students use new words in people’s ages
the text. -

Home task: Students use Poster

End Ex: 5 P: 7 SB their stickers to Success
show their Ladder.
according to the
Short term plan
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Unit of a long term plan: Home and away School: By name S. Erubaiyev
Date: 14.09.22 Teacher name: M. Endibaeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Numbers 1 -20.
Learning objectives a sequence of supported classroom instructions; write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe
people’s age (How old are the people and animals?); use a verb " to be» describing ages times and location, speaking on
a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics.
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
Learn and practise numbers 1–20.
Practise talking about people’s ages.


Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Pre-Listening create friendly to award active
atmosphere Ss. «The praise»
Efficiency: By telling the method is used
Books closed. Ask a student How to evaluate Ss
old are you? and elicit I’m wishes they show their
with phrases
(student’s age) from the student. appreciations .
like: PPT
Remind students that they learned “Good job!
this phrase in exercise 6 on page 7. Well done!”
Write it on the board if you think it
is necessary. Formative
• Students ask each other the Assessment
question in a chain going around
the classroom. Correct
pronunciation where necessary Student’s
Lead – In book

Good job!
Students say about ages

Hello. What’s your name?

I’m Jack. And you?
My name’s Edita.
Where are you from?
I’m from Manchester in England.
And how old are you?
I’m eleven
Main While-listening Assessment
part Students open their books. Draw Students listen and criteria
their attention to the photo on the repeat point the - Learn and
top right and ask them what the numbers. practise
student is doing numbers 1–20.
Play the recording, pausing after Descriptor:
each number. Students point to the -Can use
correct number on the page. Ask numbers
them to repeat the number before
moving on to the next one. Peer
Students work in pairs. assessment: Cards
Differentiation: How old are the people answer key
«Verbal support» method is used and the animals in the
to help Students use new words in picture? Assessment
the text. ANSWERS criteria:
1 He’s 5. Practise talking
Exercise 2 2 They’re 9. about people’s
• Focus students on the first photo 3 She’s 15. ages
and discuss the boy’s age with the 4 She’s 18. - Make
class. Ask: How old is he? and elicit 5 He’s 16. CCQ
I think he’s (student’s opinion) 6 He’s 3 months. question
7 She’s 1. s Worksheets
Differentiation: 8 He’s 2.
«Verbal support» method is used 9 He’s 20. 1 Descriptor:
to help Students use new words in 0 They’re 13. Can say people’s
the text. 11 They’re 4 weeks. age
12 She’s 12.

Home task: Students use Poster

End Ex: 3 P: 8 WB their stickers to Success
show their Ladder.
according to the
Short term plan
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Unit of a long term plan: Home and away School: By name S. Erubaiyev
Date: 16.09.22 Teacher name: M. Endibaeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Language Focus: there is/ there are/ some/ a lot of.
Learning objectives a sequence of supported classroom instructions; write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe
people, places and objects. use simple present simple of a verb " to be" and there is / there
are to past regular and irregular forms to describe routines, habits and
states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics.
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
Use and practise there is, there are, some and a lot of.
Learn and practise using numbers when counting
Learn and practise describing the number of things in
different places.


Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment “The wish flower”

Start 1.Greeting. method helps to start At the
Ask about the weather. the lesson with good organization
Pre-Listening moment T tries
wishes to each other. Pictures
to award active
Ss. «The praise»
Books closed. Revise numbers 1–20 The aim: To develop Ss method is used
from the previous lesson by doing speaking skills and to evaluate Ss
some basic addition with the class. create friendly with phrases PPT
Write 2 + 5 = ? on the board. Say: atmosphere like:
Two plus five equals and elicit the Efficiency: By telling the “Good job!
correct response wishes they show their Well done!”
Lead – In appreciations .

Students say how many

Good job!
Main While-listening Assessment
part Focus on the illustration and Students complete criteria
explain the task. Students complete the picture 1-5 with - Learn and Cd 1
the activity individually. • They numbers. practise using
check their answers in pairs. Check numbers when
as a clas counting things. Pupils’ book
Differentiation: Descriptor:
«Verbal support» method is used -Can use Cards
to help Students use new words in numbers with
the text. counting things
Listening for details : Students listen to Tara
Students listen for groups of words talk about her class. Peer Worksheets
and phrases at sentence level. Choose the correct assessment:
Exercise 2 words. answer key
• Focus students on sentences 1–6. ANSWERS
In a weaker class, play the 1a Assessment
recording again, pausing after the 2 There are criteria:
relevant information to allow 3 There are nine Use and practise
students to do the task. In a 4 There are there is, there
stronger class, students try to 5a are, some and a
complete the activity from memory 6 a lot of lot of.
Post listening: -Make CCQ
students answer comprehension questions
questions, analyze listening Descriptor:
material and do follow-up Can use
activities. structure
«Verbal support» method is used
to help Students use new words in
the text.

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 1 P: 9 WB Success

Short term plan

Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Unit of a long term plan: Home and away School: By name S. Erubaiyev
Date: 19.09.22 Teacher name: S. Murataliyeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Review. Unit 1.
Learning objectives use simple present simple of a verb " to be" and there is / there
are to past regular and irregular forms to describe routines, habits and
states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics. use appropriate countable and uncountable nouns, including
common noun phrases describing times and location, on a limited range
of familiar general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
Identifying the basic keywords of classroom instructions
Match the countries to the capitals
Match the words with numbers

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Warm-up create friendly to award active
atmosphere Ss. «The praise»
Warming up
Efficiency: By telling the method is used
Where are you from? to evaluate Ss
How old are you? wishes they show their
with phrases
What colour is it? appreciations .
like: PPT
How many srudents are “Good job!
there in class? Well done!”
What day of the week
today? Formative
Lead – In Assessment


Hello. What’s your name? Good job!

I’m Jack. And you? Students say about ages
My name’s Edita.
Where are you from?
I’m from Manchester in England.
And how old are you?
I’m eleven
Main Ex: 1 P: 10 Assessment
part Students match words criteria
with pictures. - Learn and
numbers 1–20.
-Can use
Differentiation: numbers
«Verbal support» method is used
to help Students use new words in Peer
the text. assessment: Cards
answer key
Exercise 2
Students match words Assessment
with numbers. criteria:
Practise talking
about people’s
- Make
Differentiation: CCQ
«Verbal support» method is used question
to help Students use new words in s Worksheets
the text.
Can say people’s

Home task: Students use Poster

End Ex: 3 P: 8 WB their stickers to Success
show their Ladder.
according to the
Short term plan
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Unit of a long term plan: Home and away School: By name S. Erubaiyev
Date: 21.09.22 Teacher name: S. Murataliyeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Prepositions of place.
Summative assessment for the unit “Home and away”
Learning objectives Understand an increasing range of unsupported basic
questions on general and curricular topics Provide basic information about themselves and others at
sentence level on an increasing range of general topics write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe
people, places and objects;
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
Understand of unsupported basic question
Identify the basic information about themselves


Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop organization
Ask about the weather. Ss speaking skills moment T tries
Pre-Listening and create friendly to award active
atmosphere Ss. «The praise»
Efficiency: By telling method is used
Books closed. Ask a student How old to evaluate Ss
are you? and elicit I’m (student’s age) the wishes they
with phrases
from the student. Remind students that show their
like: PPT
they learned this phrase in exercise 6 appreciations . “Good job!
on page 7. Write it on the board if you Well done!”
think it is necessary.
• Students ask each other the question Formative
in a chain going around the classroom. Assessment
Correct pronunciation where necessary
Lead – In

Good job!

Students say about

The cat is under the box.
prepositions of
The cat is between the box.
The cat is behind the box.
The cat is on the box.
Main Ex 3 p 11 Assessment
part Read the text criteria
Differentiation: - Recognise
«Verbal support» method is used to help Students use new basic general
words in the text. questions with
Exercise 2 support
• Focus students on the first photo and discuss the boy’s age
with the class. Ask: How old is he? and elicit I think he’s Descriptor:
(student’s opinion) -can use
Summative Assessment general
I ) Reading questions with Cards
Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? support
6 marks Peer
1 John can play the guitar well. ____
2 John lives in a semi-detached house. ____
3 John has his own room. ____ answer key
4 John’s brother does homework on a computer. ____
5 I watch TV in my room. ____ Assessment
6. John doesn’t shares a bedroom with his brotherand sister criteria:
II.Use of English -Identify the
Task 2 Choose the correct words. (4 marks) basic
1 We are / am from Poland. information
2 There is / are a pen on the table. about Worksheets
3 My school isn’t small. She / It is very big. themselves
4 What are those / this in Spanish? - Make
5 The restaurant is/ am opposite the park. CCQ
6 There are/ is a lot of students here. question
7 This is a good café. It’s / Its name is Brazil. s
8 Steve is Tom’s / Toms brother.
Use information
. about

Home task: Students use Poster

End Ex: 3 P: 11WB their stickers to Success
show their Ladder.
according to the
Short term plan
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Unit of a long term plan: Home and away School: By name S. Erubaiyev
Date: 23.09.22 Teacher name: S. Murataliyeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Reading for pleasure
Learning objectives an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on
general and curricular topics; ask simple questions to get information about a limited range of
general topics; understand with little support specific information and detail in
short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
Identify details in a text with little support
Talk about aliens


Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Pre-listening create friendly to award active
atmosphere Ss. «The praise»
Efficiency: By telling the method is used
• Books closed. Write the word to evaluate Ss
alien on the board. Ask if anybody wishes they show their
with phrases
remembers this word from the appreciations .
like: PPT
unit. Elicit that an alien is a strange “Good job!
creature, usually from a different Well done!”
Lead – In Formative


Good job!
What do you see in this picture? Students say about ages
Do you know about aliens?
Do aliens live in another planet?
Main While-listening Assessment
part • In pairs, students find the items -Students find these criteria
1–6 in the pictures in the comic things in the comic and - Identify details
strip. Encourage them to use There say where they are. in a text with
is / There’s when they are locating little support
the items.
• Monitor, helping out where Descriptor:
necessary. Get feedback from each -understand a
of the pairs text with little
Differentiation: support
«Verbal support» method is used Cards
to help Students use new words in Peer
the text. assessment:
answer key
Inferring relationships:
-Students listen to identify who the -Students listen and read Assessment
people are in the recording and the story criteria:
what the relationship is between ANSWERS discuss about
them. 1 Bob’s new invention is aliens
the Alien Detector. - Make
Exercise 2 2 There is a dog in the CCQ
-Draw their attention to the car. question Worksheets
questions. In a weaker class, ask 3 No, the animal is not s
students to work together in pairs. an alien.
In a stronger class, students can do 4 Betty is Bob’s sister Descriptor:
the questions individually Can say about
Post listening:
students answer comprehension
questions, analyze listening
material and do follow-up
«Verbal support» method is used
to help Students use new words in
the text.

Home task: Students use Poster

End Ex: 3 P: 8 WB their stickers to Success
Фф show their Ladder.
according to the
Short term plan
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Unit 4: Living things School: By name S. Erubaiyev

Date: 26.09.22 Teacher name: S. Murataliyeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Families
Learning objectives understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on
general and curricular topics; basic information about themselves and others at sentence
level on an increasing range of general topics.
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn how to talk about members of the family.
• Learn and practise the possessive -s.
• Practise talking about families.

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Pre-listening create friendly to award active
atmosphere Ss. «The praise»
Efficiency: By telling the method is used
Books closed. To get the students to evaluate Ss
thinking about the theme of family, wishes they show their
with phrases
ask them to think about the last appreciations .
like: PPT
family party or special occasion “Good job!
they attended and to tell their Well done!”
partners about it.
Lead – In Formative
Ask questions about your friend’s Assessment


Good job!
Students say about ages

What’s your grandmother’s name?

How old is she?
Where’s she from?
Main While-listening Assessment
part Exercise 1 -Students listen and criteria
• Focus students’ attention on the write the names of - Identify details
family photo on page 41. Allow family. in a text with
students 1–2 minutes to look at the ANSWERS: little support
photo and ask: How many girls, 1 Sophie
boys, women and men there are in 2 Mark Descriptor:
the photo? Elicit that there are two 3 Paul -understand a
girls, two boys, three women and 4 Sarah text with little
three men 5 Becky support
Differentiation: 6 Matt Cards
«Verbal support» method is used 7 Emily Peer
to help Students use new words in assessment:
the text. answer key

Inferring relationships: Assessment

-Students listen to identify who the criteria:
people are in the recording and discuss about
what the relationship is between family
-Students match words Descriptor:
-Exercise 2 with opposite gender Can say about Worksheets
Draw students’ attention to the ANSWERS family
table and elicit the meaning of Male:
male and female. Point out that Brother Make CCQ
brother is the opposite of sister in Grandfather questions
this way Father
Post listening: Female:
students answer comprehension Grandmother
questions, analyze listening Mother
material and do follow-up Sister
activities. Aunt
«Verbal support» method is used
to help Students use new words in
the text.

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 3 P: 26 WB
Short term plan
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Unit 4 of a long term plan: Living things School: By name S. Erubaiyev

Date: 28.09.22 Teacher name: M. Endibayeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title A Festival
Learning objectives communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and
whole class exchanges; understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts on
general and curricular topics; write with support a sequence of short sentences in a paragraph on a
limited range of familiar general topics;
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Understand an article about a festival for twins.
• Learn and use new basic time expressions.
• Practise speaking about family similarities

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Pre-teach create friendly to award active
atmosphere Ss. «The praise»
Efficiency: By telling the method is used
• Books closed. Ask the students if to evaluate Ss
they can remember who the wishes they show their
with phrases
famous people were in the photos appreciations .
like: PPT
on page 32. Elicit that they were “Good job!
the Obama family, Prince Charles Well done!”
and Serena Williams.
Lead – In Formative

Students say about ages

Good job!
Main While-reading Assessment
part Exercise 1 criteria
Focus on the pictures of the twins. -Students read the text - Identify details
Ask the students if they look similar and say. Who are the in a text with
and elicit that yes, they do look girls in the photo. little support
similar. Ask the class if they think
they have similar personalities and ANSWERS: Descriptor:
elicit any feedback. The girls in the photo -understand a
Differentiation: are twin sisters Lauren text with little
«Verbal support» method is used and Amy Shaw support
to help Students use new words in Cards
the text. Peer
-Students read the text assessment:
again and answer the answer key
Exercise 2 questions
Draw students’ attention to the ANSWERS Assessment
questions. In a stronger class, ask 1 The festival is in a criteria:
the students to complete the small town in Ohio Practise
activity individuall called Twinsburg. speaking about
2 This year there are family
Post reading 4,000 people at the similarities
students answer comprehension festival. Worksheets
questions, analyze listening 3 Amy and Lauren are Descriptor:
material and do follow-up from Chicago. Can say about
activities. 4 They are with their family
Differentiation: father. similarities
«Verbal support» method is used 5 It’s interesting because
to help Students use new words in there are different Make CCQ
the text. activities every day questions

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 2 P: 27 WB
Short term plan
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Unit 4 of a long term plan: Living things School: By name S. Erubaiyev

Date: 30.09.22 Teacher name: S. Murataliyeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Language Focus: have got
Learning objectives feedback to set personal learning objectives; understand with little support specific information and detail in
short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics; use appropriate structure " Have got" describing people in a
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn and practise the affirmative form of have got.
• use and practise using possessive adjectives.

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Pre – teach create friendly to award active
atmosphere Ss. «The praise»
Efficiency: By telling the method is used
-Divide students into pairs and to evaluate Ss
allow them 1 minute to tell each wishes they show their
with phrases
other three things about their appreciations .
like: PPT
families. “Good job!
-After 1 minute, ask each student Well done!”
to tell the class one or two things
about their partner’s family, e.g. Formative
Francisco’s brother is a student at Assessment
Lead – In

Good job!
Students say about ages

Have you got a grandfather?

Have you got a sister?
Has she got a brother?
Main Exercise 1 Assessment
part -Students complete the criteria
• Draw students’ attention to the sentences with forms of - Learn and
two girls and ask them to compare have got practise the Cards
them in pairs. Get some feedback affirmative form
from the class and elicit that the ANSWERS: of have got.
two girls in the cartoon look 1 ’ve got
identical and are wearing identical 2 ’s got Descriptor:
clothes. Elicit that they might be 3 ’ve got -use
twins. 4 have got affiirmative Student’s
Differentiation: form of have book
«Verbal support» method is used got.
to help Students use new words in
the text.
-Students choose the Peer
Exercise 2 correct answers assessment: Worksheets
• Allow students some time to read ANSWERS answer key
the rules and to complete them, 1 have
using the sentences in exercise 1 to 2 has Assessment
help them 3 ’ve got criteria:
4 ’s got use and practise
Exercise 3 Students write using possessive
Explain the task. In a stronger class, sentences adjectives
ask students to go ahead and do ANSWERS :
the task by themselves. 1 I’ve got an uncle in the Descriptor:
Do the first one together in a USA. Include the
weaker class as an example and ask 2 One of my cousins has correct form of
the students to continue in pairs got a dog. have got
Post listening: 3 We’ve got English
students answer comprehension classes every day. Make CCQ
questions, analyze listening 4 My grandparents have questions
material and do follow-up got a Ferrari.
activities. 5 Daulet’s sister’s got a
Differentiation: new bicycle.
«Verbal support» method is used 6 My friend and I have
to help Students use new words in got identical clothes.
the text.

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 4 P: 27 WB
Short term plan
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Unit 4 of a long term plan: Living things School: By name S. Erubaiyev

Date: 03.10.22 Teacher name: M. Endibaeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Describing people and families
Learning objectives spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of
general topics; use a growing variety of adjectives on a limited range of familiar
general and curricular topics.
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
. Identify most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of
general topics;
• Use adjectives to describe people.
• Practise describing people and families.


Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Pre – teach create friendly to award active
atmosphere Ss. «The praise»
Efficiency: By telling the method is used
• Books closed. Ask students to to evaluate Ss
work in pairs and to describe their wishes they show their
with phrases
families using have got. Allow them appreciations .
like: PPT
about 1–2 minutes for this. “Good job!
• Get some feedback from the Well done!”
class by asking a few students to
describe their partner’s family Formative
using have got, e.g. Martin’s got Assessment
one brother and two sisters.
Lead – In

Good job!
Students say about
people using adjectives.
Zhania has got long hair.
Dias has got blue eyes.
Tina has got a friend with green
Main Exercise 1 Assessment
part • Draw students’ attention to the -Students check the criteria
words in the box. Explain the task meaning of the - Identify most
and refer them to pages 79–80 of adjectives which four high-frequency Cards
the Workbook. words describe words
• Students check their answers in appearance accurately for a
pairs. Check answers as a class limited range
Differentiation: ANSWERS: of general
«Verbal support» method is used Appearance: fair, dark, topics;
to help Students use new words in short, tall Student’s
the text. Opposites: horrible / book
nice, young / old, Descriptor:
Exercise 2 friendly / unfriendly, Understand
Look at the photos with the class. fair / dark, short / tall, meaning of the
Ask them which person they like noisy / quiet adjectives
the most and elicit some feedback, Worksheets
encouraging students to try to -Students choose two Peer
explain their answer adjectives for each of assessment:
the people answer key
Exercise 3 ANSWERS
Write Interview on the board and 2 old and nice Assessment
ask the class if they know what it is. 3 friendly and dark criteria:
Elicit any feedback they can give 4 tall and fair Use adjectives
before explaining what an 5 young and noisy to describe
interview is. Ask them if they have 6 quiet and good-looking people
ever seen a TV interview and elicit
some feedback Students look at the Descriptor:
Post listening: information about the -Practise
students answer comprehension TV programme and describing
questions, analyze listening answer to the question people and
material and do follow-up ANSWERS : families
activities. Students’ own answers Make CCQ
Differentiation: questions
«Verbal support» method is used
to help Students use new words in
the text.

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 2 P: 28 WB
Short term plan
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Unit 4 of a long term plan: Living things School: By name S. Erubaiyev

Date: 05.10.22 Teacher name: S. Murataliyeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Have got: affirmative, negative, questions and short answers.
Learning objectives understand with little support specific information and detail in
short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics; use appropriate structure " Have got" describing people in a
photo; develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking or
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Apply how to use have got in the affirmative, negative, questions and
short answers.
• Learn and practise asking questions about people’s appearance and
• Learn and practise answering questions about people’s appearance and

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Pre – teach create friendly to award active
atmosphere Ss. «The praise»
Efficiency: By telling the method is used
-Books closed. Remind students to evaluate Ss
about the adjectives from page 36 wishes they show their
with phrases
to describe people. Tell them to appreciations .
like: PPT
work in pairs. Each pair should “Good job!
choose a student from the class Well done!”
and try to describe that student
using some of the adjectives. Formative
-Ask each pair to tell the rest of the Assessment
class their description of their
chosen student. The rest of the
class have to guess who it is. Student’s
Lead – In book
Students work in a pair
and describe people
using adjectives.
Good job!

Has he got a book?

Main Ex: 1 P:45 Assessment
part -In a stronger class, ask students to -Students complete the criteria
complete the task individually. sentences with forms of - Apply how to
In a weaker class, students have got use have got in Cards
complete the task in pairs ANSWERS: the affirmative,
-Check answers as a class. Point out Affirmative: They’ve got negative,
that we do not use the short forms twelve children; Charles questions and
‘s or ‘ve in short answers, but that has got his own room. short answers.
we can use short forms in the Negative: The boy hasn’t
negative short answers: hasn’t and got fair hair; They Descriptor: Student’s
haven’t haven’t got different -use book
Differentiation: rooms. affiirmative
«Verbal support» method is used Question: Have they got form of have
to help Students use new words in any pets?; Has Mr Lewis got.
the text. got a job? Short answer:
Yes, he has; No, they Worksheets
Ex: 2 P:45 haven’t. Peer
Refer students to the sentences -Students make the assessment:
and explain the task. They sentences negative answer key
complete the activity individually. ANSWERS
In a weaker class, do the first one 1 My brother hasn’t got Assessment
together as an example. a car. criteria:
2 Mrs Hubert hasn’t got use and practise
Ex: 3 P:45 a dog. using possessive
Refer students to the sentences. 3 I haven’t got a big adjectives
Tell them to look through them family.
quickly and ask them how many of 4 My parents haven’t Descriptor:
them are affirmative, negative and got a big house. Include the
questions. 5 You haven’t got a big correct form of
Differentiation: bedroom. have got
«Verbal support» method is used 6 My friends and I
to help Students use new words in haven’t got bicycles. Make CCQ
the text. Students choose the questions
correct words
1 hasn’t
2 Have you got
3 have
4 Has
5 haven’t
6 has she got
Home task: Poster
End Ex: 4 P: 27 WB
Short term plan
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Unit 4 of a long term plan: Living things School: By name S. Erubaiyev

Date: 07.10.22 Teacher name: S. Murataliyeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Describing people
Learning objectives provide basic information about themselves and others at
sentence level on an increasing range of general topics; understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on
general and curricular topics evaluate and respond constructively to feedback from others.
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Practise describing people in photos.
• Apply and practise phrases for describing people

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Pre – listening create friendly to award active
atmosphere Ss. «The praise»
Efficiency: By telling the method is used
wishes they show their to evaluate Ss
• Books closed. Ask students to with phrases
work in pairs to tell each other appreciations .
like: PPT
about their favourite photos at “Good job!
home or on their computers. Well done!”
• Get feedback from a few pairs by
asking a few students to describe Formative
their partner’s photos. Assessment
Lead – In


Good job!
Students describe about
people. Say what kind of
their appearance.
Main While – listening Assessment
part Ex:1 P:46 -Students look at the criteria
Focus on the photo and discuss it photo. What has Sally - Practise
with the class. Ask the students got on her computer? describing Cards
what they can see and elicit that people in
there are two girls and two boys in ANSWERS: photos
the photo Students’ own answers
Differentiation: - Discuss
«Verbal support» method is used about Student’s
to help Students use new words in Sally book
the text. -Students listen to the with the
dialogue. Which people class.
Ex: 2 P:46 in the photo are Leo and
Explain the task. In a stronger class, Livia?
ask students to cover the dialogue ANSWERS: Peer Worksheets
before they listen. A Vicky assessment:
In a weaker class, ask students to B Livia answer key
follow it to help them. Remind C Leo
them to use the adjectives to D Jake Assessment
describe people to help them. Students look at the criteria:
photos and practise mini -Apply and
Ex:3 P:46 dialogue practise phrases
Focus on the photos and the ANSWERS : for describing
vocabulary in the box and check for Which one is Max? people
understanding. Explain the task and He’s the boy with the Descriptor:
refer students to the examples. short, fair hair and blue -Listen to the
Divide students into pairs. eyes. dialogue and
Post listening: Which one is Hassan? find people in
students answer comprehension He’s the boy with the the photo.
questions, analyze listening short, dark hair and Who’s who?
material and do follow-up brown eyes. Make CCQ
activities. Which one is Ruth? questions
Differentiation: She’s the one with the
«Verbal support» method is used long, fair hair and green
to help Students use new words in eye
the text.

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 2 P: 29 WB
Short term plan
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Unit 4 of a long term plan: Living things School: By name S. Erubaiyev

Date: .10.10.22 Teacher name: S. Murataliyeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Describing people for a blog.
Summative assessment for the unit “Living things”
Learning objectives write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe
people; communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group
and whole class exchanges; recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in short texts on a
limited range of general and curricular topics; use appropriate conjunctions and, or, but describing people;
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn the structure of a simple blog.
• Learn and practise how to use and, but, and or.
• Practise writing a blog about people.

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Pre – teach create friendly to award active
atmosphere Ss. «The praise»
Efficiency: By telling the method is used
• Books closed. Divide students to evaluate Ss
into pairs. Ask them to tell each wishes they show their
with phrases
other how often they use the appreciations .
like: PPT
internet and what they use it for. “Good job!
• After about 1 minute, stop the Well done!”
students and get some feedback
from each pair by asking a student Formative
to describe their partner’s use of Assessment
the internet.
Lead – In
Students describe about
websites and bloggers.

Good job!

To make your business stand out,

you must have a good-looking
website that’ll wow all your visitors
Main Ex:1 P:47 Assessment
part • Draw students’ attention to the -Students read the criteria
model text and ask them where model text and write - identify the
they might see it. Elicit that they their names structure of a Cards
would see it on the internet. ANSWERS: simple blog.
Explain that this is a blog: a blog is 1 grandmother Descriptor:
like an online diary or journal 2 mother -read the model
where people write about their life 3 sister (Becky) text and write
and experience. 4 uncle their names
5 cousin (Alex) Peer Student’s
Differentiation: assessment: book
«Verbal support» method is used -Students complete the Assessment
to help Students use new words in sentences with and, but criteria:
the text. and or - Learn and
ANSWERS: practise how to
Ex: 2 P:47 1 and use and, but, Worksheets
Refer students to the incomplete 2 but and or.
sentences and explain that they 3 or There is a comma (,) Descriptor:
need to be completed with and, before but. - complete the
but, or or. Ask them to find and sentences with
underline examples of and, but, and, but and or
and or in the text
Summative assessment for the Make CCQ
unit “Living things” questions
Reading Students read the text criteria:
Task 1. Read the text carefully and and complete the task. - Read the given
complete the task below. fiction or non-
fiction text and
Writing identify the
Task 2. Write a short paragraph of general
4 sentences to complete a story Students write a short information.
using the pictures below and words story using the picture - Write short
from the box. Check your sentences on
sentences. familiar topics
with support.
Differentiation: Connect
«Verbal support» method is used sentences into a
to help Students use new words in paragraph.
the text.

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 2 P: 30 WB
Short term plan
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Unit 4 of a long term plan: Living things School: By name S. Erubaiyev

Date: 12.10.22 Teacher name: S. Murataliyeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title My Country. Living things.
Learning objectives understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on
general and curricular topics; provide basic information about themselves and others at
sentence level on an increasing range of general topics; use appropriate degree of comparison describing animals on a
limited range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn vocabulary for talking about animals.
• Do a quiz about animals in Kazakhstan.
• Learn how to use comparative and superlative adjectives.
• Learn and practise using interrogative pronouns.

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Pre – listening create friendly to award active
atmosphere Ss. «The praise»
Efficiency: By telling the method is used
• Books closed. Divide students to evaluate Ss
into groups and write the word wishes they show their
with phrases
animals on the board. appreciations .
like: PPT
• Allow students about 1 minute to “Good job!
brainstorm the names of as many Well done!”
animals as they can.
• Elicit ideas, then write mountain, There are three degrees Formative
forest, river, desert, steppe and of comparison: Positive Assessment
lake on the board. Ask students to (big) Comparative
put the animals they brainstormed (bigger) Superlative
in the correct category. (biggest)
• Tell students they are going to do Students describe about
a quiz about animals in Kazakhstan people. Say what kind of
Lead – In their appearance.

Good job!
Main While – listening Assessment
part Ex:1 P:48 -Students check the criteria
• Invite individual students to draw meaning of the words. - understand an
pictures of the other animals for increasing range Cards
their classmates to guess. If you ANSWERS: of unsupported
have access to the internet, you Student’s own answers basic questions
can show students photos of the on general and
animals instead. -Students listen and curricular
• In pairs, students do the animals check your answers topics;
quiz. ANSWERS: Descriptor: Student’s
Differentiation: 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 c 5 a 6 c 7 b -do the animals book
«Verbal support» method is used 8c9a quiz.
to help Students use new words in
the text. Students complete the Peer
Ex: 2 P:48 sentence with the words assessment:
• Ask students if they have seen ANSWERS : answer key Worksheets
any of the animals mentioned in 1 bigger
the quiz and if they know any other 2 the biggest Assessment
interesting facts about them. Elicit 3 smaller criteria:
some ideas 4 heavier - provide basic
Ex:3 P:48 5 the most popular information
Draw students’ attention to the 6 the most beautiful about
table and the words in blue in the 7 more dangerous We themselves and
quiz form the comparative of others at
Post listening: short adjectives by sentence level
students answer comprehension adding -er and the on an increasing
questions, analyze listening superlative by adding - range of general
material and do follow-up est. topics;
Differentiation: Descriptor:
«Verbal support» method is used - complete the
to help Students use new words in sentence with
the text. the words
Make CCQ
Home task: Poster
End Ex: 1 P: 31 WB
Short term plan
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Unit 4 of a long term plan: Living things School: By name S. Erubaiyev

Date: 14.10.22 Teacher name: S. Murataliyeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Communication. Locations of items.
Learning objectives use prepositions of place and a structure there is / there are to
describe where something is on a limited range of familiar general and
curricular topics; understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on
general and curricular topics; use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk
about a limited range of general topics.
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn phrases for borrowing and asking where things are.
• Understand a conversation between students.
• Practise asking for things and saying where they are.


Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Pre – listening create friendly to award active
atmosphere Ss. «The praise»
Efficiency: By telling the method is used
• Books closed. Draw students’ to evaluate Ss
attention to your desk (ask them to wishes they show their
with phrases
stand up and look at it if appreciations .
like: PPT
necessary). Ask them what they can “Good job!
see on it, e.g. There’s a dictionary. Well done!”
There’s a book. There are some
pens. • Put any new vocabulary on Students describe about Formative
the board and model for people. Say what kind of Assessment
pronunciation. their appearance.
Lead – In
Where are books? book
They are on the desk.
Where is bag?
It is next to the desk.
Good job!
Where are pens and a rubber?
They are on the table.
Where is a table?
It is in front of the table.
Main While – listening Assessment
part Ex:1 P:49 -Students match criteria
• Focus students’ attention on the classroom objects with - Use the
illustration and ask them what it is. the words in the box information to Cards
Elicit it is a classroom. ANSWERS: write sentences
• Draw their attention to the words 1 calendar which describe
in the box and explain the task. 2 scissors people, places
3 ruler and objects
Differentiation: 4 dictionary
«Verbal support» method is used 5 glue stick 6 Sellotape Descriptor: Student’s
to help Students use new words in Talk about book
the text. classroom
Ex: 2 P:49 -Students complete the
Explain the task and draw students’ sentences. listen and Peer
attention to the incomplete check. assessment: Worksheets
sentences. Using the illustration, ANSWERS: answer key
they complete the sentences 1 ruler
individually before checking their 2 calculator Assessment
answers in pairs. 3 scissors criteria:
Ex:3 P:46 4 Sellotape - Understand a
Explain the task and draw students’ conversation
attention to the question. Say that Students listen to a between
they are going to hear three people conversation. students
– Tom, Helen and Lucy – talking ANSWERS : Descriptor:
about various objects and they Lucy’s got a calculator. - listen to a
have to decide which of them has conversation.
got a calculator. Make CCQ
Post listening: questions
students answer comprehension
questions, analyze listening
material and do follow-up
«Verbal support» method is used
to help Students use new words in
the text.

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 1 P: 31 WB
Short term plan
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Unit 4 of a long term plan: Living things School: By name S. Erubaiyev

Date: 17.10.22 Teacher name: S. Murataliyeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title My Family. Project
Learning objectives provide basic information about a family and a family tree other at
sentence level on an increasing range of general topics; understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar
general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn how to read a family tree.
• Make a family profile.

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Pre – reading create friendly to award active
atmosphere Ss. «The praise»
Efficiency: By telling the method is used
• Books closed. Write family on the to evaluate Ss
board and tell students they have 1 wishes they show their
with phrases
minute to brainstorm different appreciations .
like: PPT
members of a family. “Good job!
• Put the different family members Well done!”
on the board as students shout
them out. Formative
Lead – In Assessment

Students describe about
their relationship. Say
what kind of their Good job!

This is my grandfather. He is my
father’s father. He is 85 years old.
His name is Askhat.
Main While – reading Assessment
part Ex:1 P: 50 -Students complete criteria
Ask students to look at the family sentences about - provide basic
tree and ask them how many Akbota’s family tree information Cards
people they can see. Elicit that they ANSWERS: about a family
can see six people in the photos. 2 Assel and a family
3 Mikhail tree
Differentiation: 4 Nuraly and Alen
«Verbal support» method is used 5 Talgat Descriptor:
to help Students use new words in -complete Student’s
the text. sentences about book
Akbota’s family
Ex: 2 P: 50 -Students read the text tree
• Explain the task. In a stronger and write true or false. Peer
class, ask students to go ahead and ANSWERS: assessment:
complete the activity individually 1 False: Emily’s answer key Worksheets
before checking answers in pairs. grandmother Olga is
• In a weaker class, ask students Russian. Assessment
to do the activity in pairs and 2 True criteria:
encourage them to underline the 3 True - Make a family
parts of the text where they find 4 False: Her uncle isn’t profile.
their answers. married. Descriptor:
5 False: Mikhail isn’t a - make a poster
Ex:3 P: 50 pop star. of their family.
Working individually, students draw Make CCQ
their family tree. You could give questions
them some A4 paper to work on, Students make a poster
along with markers. Ask student to of their family.
focus on their immediate families ANSWERS :
and to include no more than about Student’s own answer
ten or twelve people as it will get
too complicated. Make sure they
draw their family trees clearly so
that they can be easily understood.
«Verbal support» method is used
to help Students use new words in
the text.

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 1 P: 31 WB
Short term plan
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Unit 4 of a long term plan: Living things School: By name S. Erubaiyev

Date: 19.10.22 Teacher name: S. Murataliyeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Vocabulary puzzles: Family. Adjectives
Learning objectives provide basic information about a family and a family tree other at
sentence level on an increasing range of general topics; understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar
general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn how to read a family tree.
• Do vocabulary puzzles.

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Pre – teach create friendly to award active
atmosphere Ss. «The praise»
Efficiency: By telling the method is used
Put the different family members to evaluate Ss
on the board as students shout wishes they show their
with phrases
them out. appreciations .
like: PPT
Lead – In “Good job!
Well done!”

Students describe about Formative

about family Assessment
relationship. Do the

Good job!
Main Ex:1 P: 51 Assessment
part If students are already familiar with -Students use the code criteria
a family tree, ask them to complete to write family words - Learn how to
the vocabulary puzzles by ANSWERS: read a family Cards
themselves. Check answers as a son tree.
class. niece
cousin Descriptor:
Differentiation: uncle -use the code to
«Verbal support» method is used write family
to help Students use new words in words Student’s
the text. book
-Students find five more Peer
Ex: 2 P:51 family words in the assessment:
Draw students’ attention to the puzzle answer key
sentences and read through them ANSWERS:
together with the class. Check for 1 doughter Assessment Worksheets
understanding. 2 mother criteria:
Ex:3 P:51 3 sister - Do vocabulary
Explain the task and draw students’ 4 brother puzzles
attention to the incomplete 5 aunt Descriptor:
sentences. Using the illustration, - find five more
they complete the sentences Students unscramble the family words in
individually before checking their letters to make the puzzle
answers in pairs adjectives.
Post listening: ANSWERS : Make CCQ
students answer comprehension Old, tall, short, small, questions
questions, analyze listening nice
material and do follow-up
«Verbal support» method is used
to help Students use new words in
the text.

Home task: Poster

End Ex: 1 P: 31 WB
Short term plan
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Unit 4 of a long term plan: Living things School: By name S. Erubaiyev

Date: 21.10.22 Teacher name: S. Murataliyeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Summative control work for the 1st term
Learning objectives Understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions. Understand the main points in a limited range of short simple texts
on general and curricular topics. Plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level with support on a
limited range of general and curricular topics. Provide basic information about themselves and others at
sentence level on an increasing range of general topics.
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Uses a range of everyday vocabulary appropriately; attempts to use less
common lexical items, but may make frequent errors.
• Responds relevantly and at length which makes frequent prompting
unnecessary, resulting in a competent conversation

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment The aim: To develop Ss At the

Start 1.Greeting. speaking skills and organization
Ask about the weather. create friendly moment T tries
atmosphere to award active
Efficiency: By telling the Ss. «The praise»
wishes they show their method is used
Task to evaluate Ss
Part 1. appreciations .
with phrases
Listen to the recording twice and like: PPT
underline an odd Students listen to the “Good job!
word.CD3.Tapescript 1. recording Well done!”
1. [a:] park market 1 answers:
bag 2 bag Formative
2. [i] circus cinema 3 circus Assessment
disco A3
Part 2. B2
Listen to the recording twice and C1
number the pictures. The first Students read the text
picture is done for you as an about daily routine
example. Amswers:
S Good job!
Task. Read the text about four
learners’ daily routine. L
Main What do they do after school? Assessment
part My name is Max. After school, I criteria
help my mum and dad. Then I go to - Uses a range of
the park. There I meet my friends everyday Cards
and we play different games. When vocabulary
I come home I usually play chess. appropriately;
attempts to use
Read the text again and identify less common
who does each activity. Write the lexical items,
Learners’ names or first letters but may make Student’s
next to the phrases. The first task frequent errors book
is done for you as an example. -Students write to pen- Descriptor:
M = Max, J = Julia, L = Luke, S = friend a postcard of -read the text
Sara. his/her hometown about daily
ANSWERS: routine
WRITING Student’s own answer Peer Worksheets
Task. Your pen- friend has sent answer key
you a postcard of his/her
hometown. Assessment
Write a postcard to your friend - Responds
about your hometown. The sample relevantly and
postcard will help you to write a Students choose one of at length which
reply. the pictures and makes frequent
SPEAKING describe it. prompting
ANSWERS : unnecessary,
Task. Student’s own answer. resulting in a
Choose one of the pictures below competent
and describe it. Answer the conversation
questions: Descriptor:
1 What can you see in the picture? - write to pen-
2 Where are people or cartoon friend a
characters? postcard of
3 What are they doing? his/her
4 Do you like the picture and why? hometown
Make CCQ
Home task: Poster
End Ex: 1 P: 31 WB
Short term plan
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Unit 4 of a long term plan: Living things School: By name S. Erubaiyev

Date: 22.10.22 Teacher name: S. Murataliyeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Review. Unit 4
Learning objectives use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a
limited range of general topics; deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing
range of general and curricular topics; use a growing variety of adjectives and regular and irregular comparative
and superlative adjectives on a limited range of familiar general and curricular
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn how to talk about members of the family.
• Learn and practise the possessive -s.
• Practise describing people and families
• Learn and practise the affirmative form of have got

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Pre – teach create friendly to award active
atmosphere Ss. «The praise»
Efficiency: By telling the method is used
• Divide students into pairs and
wishes they show their to evaluate Ss
allow them 1 minute to tell each
other three things about their appreciations . with phrases
families. like: PPT
• After 1 minute, ask each student “Good job!
to tell the class one or two things Well done!”
about their partner’s family, e.g.
Francisco’s brother is a student at Formative
university. Assessment
Lead – In

Students describe about

their relationship. Say
what kind of their

Good job!
My father’s sister is my aunt .
My doughter’s brother is my son.
My grandmother’s pink dress.
Main Ex:1 p:52 Assessment
part • Students complete the activity. -Students complete the criteria
Monitor, helping out where sentences with the - Learn how to
necessary. Check answers as a words in the box. talk about Cards
class. members of the
• Round off the activity by asking ANSWERS:
1 grandmother family.
the class some questions, e.g. Who
is Emily’s grandmother. Encourage 2 cousin
students to give full answers, e.g. 3 aunt Descriptor:
Emily’s grandmother is Sophie. 4 daughter - complete the
Make sure they are pronouncing 5 uncle sentences with
6 sister Student’s
the possessive -s the words in the
7 grandfather book
8 grandson box.
Differentiation: Peer
«Verbal support» method is used assessment:
to help Students use new words in answer key
the text. Students match the pairs Worksheets
of opposite adjectives. Assessment
Ex:2 p:52 criteria:
Now focus students on the words. - • Learn and
Explain that each word is the practise the
opposite of one of the adjectives possessive -s.
below. When they have matched
the adjectives, allow students to Descriptor:
compare their answers in pairs.
Play the CD so that students can
6b - match the
check their answers. pairs of
Students write opposite
sentences with have got,
Differentiation: has got or haven’t,
«Verbal support» method is used hasn’t got Make CCQ
to help Students use new words in questions
the text. ANSWERS :
1 I haven’t got a pet.
Ex:3 p:52 2 My cousins have got
• Refer students to the sentences dark hair.
and explain the task. They 3 My brother and I
complete the activity individually. haven’t got a computer.
• In a weaker class, do the first 4 Steve’s got a new
one together as an example bicycle.
5 Lydia hasn’t got a cat
and a dog.
6 My grandmother
hasn’t got a car.
Home task: Poster
End Ex: 5 P: 32 WB
Short term plan
Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Unit of a long term plan: Home and away School: By name S. Erubaiyev
Date: 26.10.22 Teacher name: S. Murataliyeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Reading for pleasure
Learning objectives communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group
and whole class exchanges; understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar
general and curricular topics; understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on
general and curricular topics.
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
Identify details in a text with little support
Talk about street party


Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment At the

Start 1.Greeting. The aim: To develop Ss organization
Ask about the weather. speaking skills and moment T tries
Pre-listening create friendly to award active
atmosphere Ss. «The praise»
Efficiency: By telling the method is used
• Books closed. Write music on the to evaluate Ss
board. Ask the class if they listen to wishes they show their
with phrases
music and get some brief feedback. appreciations .
like: PPT
• Ask students to brainstorm other “Good job!
words associated with music and to Well done!”
shout them out. Put their ideas on
the board, but try to elicit dancing Formative
and singing. If the students don’t Assessment
suggest these, you could mime
Lead – In Student’s

Good job!
Students say about party
street song
Main While-listening Assessment
part Ex:1 p:53 -Students match phrases criteria
with pictures. - Identify details
• Draw students’ attention to the ANSWERS: in a text with
pictures and ask them to discuss a 2 b 4 c 1 d 3 e 5 little support
them in pairs for 1–2 minutes.
When they are ready, get some Descriptor:
feedback from the class. What can -understand a
they see in the photos? Can they text with little
describe the people in them? support
Differentiation: Cards
«Verbal support» method is used Peer
to help Students use new words in assessment:
the text. answer key
Ex:2 p:53
-Students complete the Assessment
• Focus students on the song. Tell song with the phrase criteria:
them to have a quick look through ANSWERS: discuss about
it, ignoring any new vocabulary for 1 d 2 a 3 e 4 c 5 b aliens
now, to see if they can insert any of - Make
the phrases in the right places. You CCQ
should point out that it is common, question Worksheets
in informal English or in songs, to s
drop the -g and the end of words
ending in -ing Students choose a title Descriptor:
Differentiation: for the song. Can say about
«Verbal support» method is used ANSWERS: party street
to help Students use new words in C
the text.

Ex:3 p:53
• Read through the titles with the
class and check for understanding.
• Students decide on a title and
compare their ideas in pairs.
Post listening:
students answer comprehension
questions, analyze listening
material and do follow-up

Home task: Students use Poster

End Ex: 8 P: 33 WB their stickers to Success
show their Ladder.
according to the

Short term plan

Тексерілді: Қ. Байсеитов

Unit 4 of a long term plan: Living things School: By name S. Erubaiyev

Date: 28.10.22 Teacher name: S. Murataliyeva
Grade: 5 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Unit revision
Learning objectives communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group
and whole class exchanges; understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of familiar
general and curricular topics; understand an increasing range of unsupported basic questions on
general and curricular topics.
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
• Learn phrases for borrowing and asking where things are.
• Understand a conversation between students.
• Practise asking for things and saying where they are.

Stages / Teachers’ actions Students’ actions Assessment Resources

Time criteria

Organization moment The aim: To develop Ss At the

Start 1.Greeting. speaking skills and organization
Ask about the weather. create friendly moment T tries
Warm-up atmosphere to award active
Efficiency: By telling the Ss. «The praise»
• Books closed. Divide students
wishes they show their method is used
into pairs. Ask them to tell each to evaluate Ss
other how often they use the appreciations .
with phrases
internet and what they use it for. like: PPT
• After about 1 minute, stop the “Good job!
students and get some feedback Well done!”
from each pair by asking a student
to describe their partner’s use of Formative
the internet Assessment

Student describe about

these persons

Good job!
Main What do they do after school? Assessment
part My name is Max. After school, I criteria
help my mum and dad. Then I go to - Uses a range of
the park. There I meet my friends everyday Cards
and we play different games. When vocabulary
I come home I usually play chess. appropriately;
attempts to use
Read the text again and identify less common
who does each activity. Write the lexical items,
Learners’ names or first letters but may make Student’s
next to the phrases. The first task frequent errors book
is done for you as an example. -Students write to pen- Descriptor:
M = Max, J = Julia, L = Luke, S = friend a postcard of -read the text
Sara. his/her hometown about daily
ANSWERS: routine
WRITING Student’s own answer Peer Worksheets
Task. Your pen- friend has sent answer key
you a postcard of his/her
hometown. Assessment
Write a postcard to your friend - Responds
about your hometown. The sample relevantly and
postcard will help you to write a Students choose one of at length which
reply. the pictures and makes frequent
SPEAKING describe it. prompting
ANSWERS : unnecessary,
Task. Student’s own answer. resulting in a
Choose one of the pictures below competent
and describe it. Answer the conversation
questions: Descriptor:
1 What can you see in the picture? - write to pen-
2 Where are people or cartoon friend a
characters? postcard of
3 What are they doing? his/her
4 Do you like the picture and why? hometown
Make CCQ
Home task: Poster
End Ex: 1 P: 34 WB

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