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He triat Andorra perquè la meva família, ha de canviar de domicili perquè la meva
mare ha rebut una oferta
molt interessant de treball fora del nostre estat. Entre tots hem decidit que cal
fer-li costat i que el millor
és que marxem tots plagats.

Els meus dubtes són molts i he decidit que buscaré informació sobre Andorra, al
nostra nou lloc on anirem a
viure per saber si podré fer les activitats que faig aquí, quina és la gastronomia
1. On esta Andorra?
2. Qui mana a Andorra
3. What gastronomy is there in Andorra?
Andorran cuisine is heir to a centuries-old tradition linked to the aromas and
flavors of the high mountains, local and seasonal products, and is conditioned by
the seasons and traditionally characterized by self-subsistence. With the passage
of time, our gastronomy has also received and assimilated the influences of French
and Catalan cuisine.
Some traditional dishes are:
La escudella is a tail dish based on seasonal
vegetables and pork meat. A traditional set that is usually served in winter and at
popular events. At Christmas, you can enjoy it with pasta, a small plate called
biscuit soup or big soup.

Escudella Andorrana

The trinxat de montanya is a traditional dish of

the Pyrenees made with winter cabbage, potatoes, garlic and beacon.

Trinxat de muntanya
4. Pudre continuar jugant a handbol?
5. Quina educació tindre a partir d’ara?
6. Andorra tambè esta distribuit per comarques?

1. On esta Andorra:
2. Qui mana a Andorra:
3. What gastronomy is there in Andorra:
4. Pudre cuntinuar jugant a handbol:

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