Business Venture g3

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BUSINESS VENTURE: CuteChain Dreams (Paper Keychain)

1. Tear the recycled papers into smaller pieces.
2. Next, get a bowl with water and put the torn papers in it.
3. Wait for 1-2 hours until it softened.
4. While waiting, make a sculpture out of foil to make it as a base. It can either be
shapes, cartoon characters, etc.
5. Once the paper softens, move it from the water, put it in another bowl, and mix it
with glue.
6. Once mixed, paste it into your foil sculpture.
7. Then, insert nylon above the sculpture and wait until it dries.
8. Lastly, design the keychain by painting it. To avoid ruining the keychain, put
some clear, glossy nail polish to finish it off.

- CuteChain Dreams' founders collaborate to build and grow the business.


- All of the products made by CuteChain Dreams are entirely handmade.

- Recycled Papers
- Glue
- Bowl of water
- Foil
- Nylon
- Chain
- Paint
- Nail Polish (Optional)

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