IA Checklist ESS 2016

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IB ESS – IA Criteria Checklist

Identifying the Context (CXT)

This criterion assesses the extent to which the student establishes and explores an environmental issue (either local or
global) for an investigation and develops this to state a relevant and focused research question. Max 6 points – 20%
overall of IA grade

Research Question Environmental Issue Local/Global Connections

0 The student’s report does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below

Lists connections between the

Outlines an environmental issue environmental issue (either local
States a research question, but
1-2 there is a lack of focus
(either local or global) that is linked or global) and the research
to the research question question but there are significant
States a relevant research
Outlines an environmental issue Describes connections between
question. The topic of the
(either local or global) that the environmental issue (either
3-4 investigation is identified and a
provides the context to the local or global) and the research
relevant but not fully focused
research question question, but there are omissions.
research question is described.

States a relevant, coherent and

focused research question The Discusses a relevant Explains the connections between
topic of the investigation is environmental issue (either local or the environmental issue (either
5-6 identified and a relevant and fully global) that provides the context local or global) and the research
focused research question is for the research question question.
clearly described.
 Background enhances
A rough guide to help you achieve in this section

understanding of connection
 Research question is clearly  Background is focused on
of research question chosen
stated one environmental issue
to one specific environmental
 Provides the reader a clear
explanation of how the
 Background gives sufficient
 The research question is a research question was
description of the
precisely formulated question chosen in relation to the
environmental issue
environmental issue focused
 Provides sufficient
 The research question can information to describe how
be used to formulate a the IV and DV chosen relate
hypothesis to the focus environmental
 Provides a balanced review
 Common and scientific name including a range of
of species used arguments of the focus
environmental issue

Material here has been adapted from Chris Paine at

Trish Beck –Washington International School Bioknowledgy, IBO, Lorne Young and Emily Smith
IB ESS – IA Criteria Checklist

Planning (PLA)

This criterion assesses the extent to which the student has developed appropriate methods to gather data that is
relevant to the research question. This data could be primary or secondary, qualitative or quantitative, and may utilize
techniques associated with both experimental or social science methods of inquiry. There is an assessment of safety,
environmental and ethical considerations where applicable Max 6 points – 20% overall of IA grade

Method Sampling Strategy Ethics & Risks

0 The student’s report does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below

Designs a method that is

Outlines the choice of sampling
inappropriate because it will not Lists some risks and ethical
1-2 strategy but with some errors and
allow for the collection of relevant considerations where applicable.
Designs a repeatable* method
appropriate to the research Outlines the risk assessment and
Describes the choice of sampling
3-4 question but the method does not ethical considerations where
allow for the collection of sufficient applicable.
relevant data .
Designs a repeatable* method
appropriate to the research Describes the risk assessment
Justifies the choice of sampling
5-6 question that allows for the
strategy used
and ethical considerations where
collection of sufficient relevant applicable.
 IV correctly identified with  Provides evidence to
units/range including an support the sampling  Refers to the IB animal
explanation of how this strategy chosen. Rationale experimentation policy
range was chosen explained clearly
 Provides a detailed  Takes into account
A rough guide to help you achieve in this section

 DV correctly identified with

description of how the guidelines when working
units and described how it
sample sizes and strategy with animal or human
will be measured
were chosen subjects
 Important control variables
identified and presented as  Correct method of sampling  Detailed description of how
a table. The likely impact of chosen. Will collect relevant the experiment upheld
each control variable is data ethical standards
 List of apparatus including
sizes and uncertainty ** If  Sufficient trials and ranges
 Detailed description of how
useful, add an annotated chosen to collect enough
safety measures were
photo or diagram of data to analyze and reach a
followed throughout the lab
equipment or experimental conclusion
 Specific method to keep  Sampling strategy is
each controlled variable random (unbiased)
constant has been Technique used to create a
explained clearly. random sample is described
 Method is not generic, but is  Method of sampling is
tailored to answer the appropriate to the focused
research question research question
 Method is clear, specific
and easily replicated by the

Material here has been adapted from Chris Paine at

Trish Beck –Washington International School Bioknowledgy, IBO, Lorne Young and Emily Smith
IB ESS – IA Criteria Checklist

Results, Analysis & Conclusion (RAC)

This criterion assesses the extent to which the student has collected, recorded, processed and interpreted the data in
ways that are relevant to the research question. The patterns in the data are correctly interpreted to reach a valid
conclusion. Max 6 points – 20% overall of IA grade

Results & Data Presentation Analysis Conclusion

0 The student’s report does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below

Constructs some diagrams,

Analyses some of the data but
charts or graphs of quantitative States a conclusion that is not
1-2 and/or qualitative data, but there
there are significant errors and/or
supported by the data.
are significant errors or omissions
Constructs diagrams, charts or
Interprets some trends, patterns
graphs of quantitative and/or
Analyses the data correctly but or relationships in the data so that
3-4 qualitative data which are
the analysis is incomplete a conclusion with some validity is
appropriate but there are some
Constructs diagrams, charts or Interprets trends, patterns or
Analyses the data correctly and
graphs of all relevant quantitative relationships in the data, so that a
5-6 and/or qualitative data
completely so that all relevant
valid conclusion to the research
patterns are displayed
appropriately question is deduced.
 Includes insightful and
 Calculations to determine
thorough qualitative data  Conclusion is clearly stated
DV carried out, if necessary
 Tables created  Calculations or statistical
 Conclusion based on, and
appropriately including title, tests appropriate to
A rough guide to help you achieve in this section

refers to the interpretation of

uncertainties, units and investigation, justified and
processed and raw data
decimals address research question
 Level of support (strong,
 Standard deviations
 Graphs created weak, no support,
included where appropriate
appropriately including title, inconclusive, etc) for the
(a minimum of 5 repeats is
labels, uncertainties, units hypothesis/research
required for a valid
and decimals question is identified,
correct and justified
 Data should be presented in  Patterns and trends in data
 Possible impacts of
a way that directly answers described with reference to
qualitative data discussed
the research question the graph/tables
 Refers to trends or patterns
 Variation (such as Std Dev) seen in data to support
within the data discussed conclusions. Uses data in
conclusion statements

 Error bars included, unless


 Error bar source (such as

standard deviation or
min/max values) stated and

Trish Beck –Washington International School

Material here has been adapted from Chris Paine at
Bioknowledgy, IBO, Lorne Young and Emily Smith
IB ESS – IA Criteria Checklist

Discussion & Evaluation (DEV)

This criterion assesses the extent to which the student discusses the conclusion in the context of the environmental
issue, and carries out an evaluation of the investigation. Max 6 points – 20% overall of IA grade

Mark Strengths, Weaknesses &
Discussion Modifications

0 The student’s report does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below

Describes how some aspects of Identifies some strengths and Suggests superficial
1-2 the conclusion are related to the weaknesses and limitations of the modifications and/or further areas
environmental issue method of research.

Evaluates the conclusion in the Describes some strengths,

Suggests modifications and
3-4 context of the environmental issue weaknesses and limitations within
further areas of research.
but there are omissions the method used

Suggests modifications
Discusses strengths,
Evaluates the conclusion in the addressing one or more significant
5-6 context of the environmental issue
weaknesses and limitations within
weaknesses with large effect and
the method used
further areas of research.
 Includes an analysis of the
 Relates the conclusion back  Improvements appropriate
effectiveness of the method
to the research question (realistic) and related to
designed. (choice of
and larger environmental the research
variables, materials chosen,
issue question/hypothesis
A rough guide to help you achieve in this section

sample size, etc)

 Discusses level at which the  Analysis of sufficiency of
results and conclusion can data, is the way the DV is  Improvements are specific
answer the research measured producing valid (ex: equipment named) and
question and larger results or does it need to be clearly explained
environmental issue changed?
 Refers to validity of
conclusions based on  Systematic errors (problems  Addresses all the identified
weaknesses & strengths to with method) i.e. identified limitations/weaknesses of
answer the research controlled or uncontrolled the data and sources of
question and larger variables, are discussed error
environmental issue
 Discuss why it’s a  Suggestions for further
weakness/limitation (how investigations are based on
does it limit the the conclusion and are
results/conclusion. How did relevant to the research
it affect the results obtained) question
 Discuss random error
 What’s the next
inherent in studying

Material here has been adapted from Chris Paine at

Bioknowledgy, IBO, Lorne Young and Emily Smith

Trish Beck –Washington International School

IB ESS – IA Criteria Checklist

Application (APP)
This criterion assesses the extent to which the student identifies and evaluates one way to apply the outcomes of the
investigation in relation to the broader environmental issue that was identified at the start of the project. Max 3 points –
10% overall of IA grade

Application Strengths, Weaknesses & Limitations

0 The student’s report does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below

States one potential application and/or solution to

Describes some strengths, weaknesses and
1 the environmental issue that has been discussed
limitations of this solution.
in the context
Describes one potential application and/or
solution to the environmental issue that has been Evaluates some relevant strengths, weaknesses
2 discussed in the context, based on the findings of and limitations of this solution.
the study, but the justification is weak or missing
Justifies one potential application and/or solution
to the environmental issue that has been Evaluates relevant strengths, weaknesses and
3 discussed in the context, based on the findings of limitations of this solution.
the study

 Application/solution discussed is directly  Discusses in detail the validity (strengths,

A rough guide to help you
achieve in this section

linked to the environmental issue weaknesses and limitations) of the

highlighted in context/background solution chosen

 Provides evidence from conclusions and

 Focuses on the application/solution
findings in the study to support the
application/solution chosen
 Application/solution chosen is realistic and  States an appraisal after weighing all the
relevant strengths and weaknesses

Material here has been adapted from Chris Paine at

Bioknowledgy, IBO, Lorne Young and Emily Smith
Trish Beck –Washington International School
IB ESS – IA Criteria Checklist

Communication (COM)
This criterion assesses whether the report has been presented in a way that supports effective communication in terms
of structure, coherence and clarity. The focus, process and outcomes of the report are all well presented. Max 3 points –
10% overall of IA grade

Organization Terminology Content

0 The student’s report does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below

The report makes limited use of

The investigation has limited The presentation of the report
1 structure and organization.
appropriate terminology and it is
limits the reader’s understanding.
not concise.

The report has structure and The report either makes use of The report is mainly logical and
2 organization but this is not appropriate terminology or is coherent, but is difficult to follow in
sustained throughout the report. concise. parts.

The report makes consistent use

The report is well-structured and
3 of appropriate terminology and is The report is logical and coherent.

 A consistent linguistic style

 Essay shows a mastery
(preferably passive
of, and fluency in, the use  Sequential order with logical
voice/third person)
A rough guide to help you achieve in this section

of appropriate scientific flow

maintained throughout the
 Obvious clear structure
 Avoid excessive use of  Report is easy to read and
outlined, for example:
jargon understand
clear headings and titles
 Non-standard technical
 Graphs, tables and
terms explained and used
images included as close
in the correct context (to
as possible to its first
 Graphs, tables and
images titled Ex: Graph 1
 Report attempts to use the
(followed by specific title
language of ESS
about what is being
 Tables and graphs do not
break across pages
 Effective use of space
leads to clarity of

Trish Beck –Washington International School

Material here has been adapted from Chris Paine at
Bioknowledgy, IBO, Lorne Young and Emily Smith

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