JACINTO Cfe Journal9

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28 , 2023

JOURNAL #9 (SAMBUHAT): “Yes, Lord!”

Guide question for your Journal reflection:

How can you deepen your understanding of pakikipagkapwa by recognizing
the humanity of others and actively engaging in concrete actions of care and support?

Reflective Journal: Deepening Understanding of Pakikipagkapwa through

Recognizing Humanity and Concrete Actions of Care and Support

Today, I contemplated how to deepen my understanding of pakikipagkapwa

through recognizing others' humanity and engaging in concrete acts of care and
support. This question has awakened me to the profound connection we share as
humans and the importance of translating this awareness into compassionate actions.
Recognizing the humanity of others means looking beyond superficial differences and
societal labels, and acknowledging the inherent worth and dignity each person
possesses. Cultivating empathy allows me to strive for understanding of diverse
perspectives, experiences, and challenges faced by marginalized individuals.

I intend to recognize the importance of engaging in meaningful dialogue and

fostering open-mindedness. By seeking out conversations with individuals from diverse
backgrounds, I can broaden my perspectives and challenge preconceived notions.
This dialogue enables me to learn from others' experiences, gain new insights, and
develop a deeper appreciation for the richness of human diversity.

Contemplating how to deepen my understanding of pakikipagkapwa through

recognizing others' humanity and taking concrete actions of care and support reminds
me of compassion's transformative power. By acknowledging our shared humanity,
reaching out to others, and building connections, I can contribute to a more inclusive
society. This reflection inspires me to actively recognize and support the dignity of every
individual, embracing opportunities for meaningful care and compassion.

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