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Order Süwag QuartierStrom "Erich-Ollenhauer-Str.

on the purchase of locally generated electricity by household customers
Original - please sign and return to:
Süwag Grüne Energien und Wasser AG & Co. KG, Schützenbleiche 9 - 11, 65929 Frankfurt, hereinafter "SGEW" Phone
069/3107-2627 E-mail:
1. Customer (hereinafter referred to as "Customer")
□ Woman □ Mr.
□ other salutation First name Last name Date of birth

Street, house number (current address) Zip code, city Customer number (if available)

E-mail (optional) Phone / Mobile phone (optional) Counter number

Company (Please indicate the responsible person for the first name/last name; e.g. managing Commercial Register Court Commercial register number
SGEW uses the e-mail address to send you information about its own similar offers and products. You are entitled to prohibit this promotional use at any time without incurring any transmission costs other than those
according to the basic rates (e.g. letter, telephone, fax, e-mail see address details above).
2. Address for electricity supply

Postal code, city, street, house number apartment number / location of the apartment (if applicable, floor/orientation) expected annual power consumption in kWh
(if available)
3. Product, term and prices - for residents of the "Erich-Ollenhauer-Str." residential park
The Süwag QuartierStrom product is based on the predominantly local generation of electricity. The electricity is generated by a combined heat and power plant (CHP) operated by SGEW
or a company affiliated with SGEW. SGEW thus operates a customer facility pursuant to Section 3 No. 24a of the German Energy Industry Act (EnWG). Since the CHP generates heat as well
as electricity, but heat is not required in constant quantities throughout the year, electricity from the public power grid is used from time to time. SGEW ensures this. This means that
electricity is available to customers "around the clock all year round" as part of the Süwag QuartierStrom electricity contract.
The contract has an initial term until December 31, 2023. Thereafter, the customer may terminate the contract with a notice period of at least one month to the end of the respective
contract e x t e n s i o n . The CHP surcharge amounts to 0.357 Ct/kWh, the levy according to § 19 StromNEV amounts to 0.417 Ct/kWh, and the offshore liability levy amounts to 0.591
Ct/kWh, the levy according to the regulation on disconnectable loads amounts to 0.000 ct/kWh. The amount of these levies is determined annually and published on the website The enclosed General Terms and Conditions of Electricity Supply and Supplementary Terms and Conditions shall apply.

Prices: As of 15.02.2023 Net price Final price

incl. 19 % VAT according to UStG
Süwag QuartierStrom
Consumption price per kilowatt hour in cents 33,50 39,86 "Erich-Ollenhauer-Str."
Base price per month per electricity meter in Euro 8,32 9,90 Electricity from own residential area
4. Start of delivery
□ as of the next possible date□ New move in as of . .20
You will be informed of the binding start of delivery (cf. item 1 of the GTC) in the order confirmation. Meter reading

5. Payment options
The payment options available to you are bank transfer or the SEPA basic direct debit procedure.

□ SGEW already has a SEPA direct debit mandate.

□ I (we) authorize SGEW to collect payments from my (our) account by direct debit. At the same time, I (we) instruct my (our) credit institution to honor the direct debits drawn on my
(our) account by SGEW. Note: I (we) can demand reimbursement of the debited amount within 8 weeks, beginning with the debit date. The conditions agreed with my (our) credit
institution apply. The mandate reference number will be communicated to me separately by Süwag.

IBAN (mandatory field) Note: You can find the IBAN on your bank statement. BIC (mandatory field) Note: You can find the BIC on your account statement.

Bank, PlaceDate , Signature, Name (if account holder differs from customer)

6. Previous electricity supply contract

In order to be able to supply you with QuartierStrom in the future, we ask you to cancel your current electricity supply contract with your electricity
supplier. Please provide us with the following data:

Cancellation date Previous electricity supplier Previous customer number

7. Power of attorney "Measurement

I am aware that the meter with the above-mentioned meter number will no longer be operated in the general supply network in the future, but that the meter will become part of the customer installation of the above-
mentioned property. I hereby authorize SGEW to carry out suitable and necessary measures for meter operation.

8. Right of withdrawal and consequences of withdrawal

You have the right to revoke this contract. Details of your right of revocation and the consequences of revocation as well as a sample revocation form are attached to
this contract.

9. Placing of orders and powers of attorney

I hereby commission SGEW to supply all the electrical energy required at low voltage without power metering for my own consumption (referred t o i n the General Terms and
Conditions as "energy supply") for my delivery address stated under item 2. In addition to this order, the basis for this is the General Electricity Supply Conditions (GTC) and Supplementary
Conditions. SGEW is also entitled to issue sub-authorizations. If the electricity supply contract for my above-mentioned delivery point exists with SGEW, it shall be cancelled by mutual
agreement upon conclusion of this contract with effect from the start of delivery.

Date, signature of the customer

Right of withdrawal
You have the right to revoke this contract within fourteen days without giving any reason. The revocation period is fourteen days from the day of the conclusion of
the contract. To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must inform us [Süwag Grüne Energien und Wasser AG & Co. KG, Schützenbleiche 9 - 11, 65929 Frankfurt
am Main, e-mail:] by means of a clear declaration (e.g. a letter sent by post, or an e-mail) of your decision to withdraw
from this contract. You can use the attached sample cancellation form, which is not mandatory.

Consequences of revocation
If you withdraw from this contract, we will reimburse you for all payments we have received from you, including delivery costs (with the exception of
a d d i t i o n a l costs resulting from the fact that you have chosen a type of delivery other than the cheapest standard deliveryoffered by us), immediately and at
the latest within fourteen days from the day on which we received the notification of your withdrawal from this contract. For this repayment, we will use the same
means of payment that you used for the original transaction, unless expressly agreed otherwise with you; in no case will you be charged for this repayment. If you
have requested that the services or supply o f electricity should begin during the withdrawal period, you shall pay us a reasonable amount corresponding to the
proportion of the services or supply of electricity already provided up to the point in time at which you notify us of the exercise of the right of withdrawal with
regard to this contract compared to the total scope of the services or supply of electricity provided for in the contract.

Important note on your right of withdrawal

Should you conclude the attached contract, you have fourteen days from the conclusion of the contract to revoke this contract. You can use the following
cancellation form for this purpose. Better yet, call us and we will work together to find a solution to provide you with energy to your satisfaction.

Your Süwag Green Energy and Water AG & Co. KG

Revocation of the contract

Süwag Green Energy and Water AG & Co KG
Schützenbleiche 9 - 11,
65929 Frankfurt am Main,

I hereby exercise my right of cancellation and revoke my contract concluded with you. Please confirm the
cancellation of the contract to me in writing.

Name of the contract Conclusion of contract on Meter number

First name Name

Street, house numberPLZ , city

Reason for revocation (optional) Date / Signature

Order Süwag QuartierStrom "Erich-Ollenhauer-Str.
Copy - This copy is for your records.

1. Customer (hereinafter referred to as "Customer")

□ Woman □ Mr.
□ Other form of First name Last name Date of birth
Zip code, city Customer number
Street, house number
E-mail (optional) Phone / Mobile phone (optional) Counter number

Company (Please indicate the responsible person for the first name/last name; e.g. managing Commercial Register Court Commercial register number
SGEW uses the e-mail address to send you information about its own similar offers and products. You are entitled to prohibit this promotional use at any time without incurring any transmission costs other than those
according to the basic rates (e.g. letter, telephone, fax, e-mail see address details above).
2. Address for electricity supply

Postal code, city, street, house number apartment number / location of the apartment (if applicable, floor/orientation) expected annual power consumption in kWh
3. Product, term and prices - for residents of the "Erich-Ollenhauer-Str." residential park
The Süwag QuartierStrom product is based on the predominantly local generation of electricity. The electricity is generated by a combined heat and power plant (CHP) operated by
SGEW or a company affiliated with SGEW. SGEW thus operates a customer facility pursuant to Section 3 No. 24a of the German Energy Industry Act (EnWG). Since the CHP generates heat
as well as electricity, but heat is not required in constant quantities throughout the year, electricity from the public power grid is used from time to time. SGEW ensures this. This means
that electricity is available to customers "around the clock all year round" as part of the Süwag QuartierStrom electricity contract.
The contract has an initial term until December 31, 2023. Thereafter, the customer may terminate the contract with a notice period of at least one month to the end of the respective
contract e x t e n s i o n . The CHP surcharge amounts to 0.357 Ct/kWh, the levy according to § 19 StromNEV amounts to 0.417 Ct/kWh, and the offshore liability levy amounts to 0.591
Ct/kWh, the levy according to the regulation on disconnectable loads amounts to 0.000 ct/kWh. The amount of these levies is determined annually and published on the website
The enclosed General Terms and Conditions of Electricity Supply (GTC) and Supplementary Terms and Conditions shall apply.

Prices: As of 15.02.2023 Net price Final price Süwag QuartierStrom

incl. 19 % VAT according
to UStG "Erich-Ollenhauer-Str."
Consumption price per kilowatt hour in cents 33,50 39,86 Electricity from own residential area
Base price per month per electricity meter in 8,32 9,90
4. delivery start

□ as of the next possible date□ New arrival as of . .20

You will be informed of the binding start of delivery (cf. item 1 of the GTC) in the order confirmation. Meter reading

5. Payment options
The payment options available to you are bank transfer or the SEPA basic direct debit procedure.

□ SGEW already has a SEPA direct debit mandate.

□ I (we) authorize SGEW to collect payments from my (our) account by direct debit. At the same time, I (we) instruct my (our) credit institution to honor the direct debits drawn on my
(our) account by SGEW. Note: I (we) can demand reimbursement of the debited amount within 8 weeks, beginning with the debit date. The conditions agreed with my (our) credit
institution apply. The mandate reference number will be communicated to me separately by Süwag.

IBAN (mandatory field) Note: You can find the IBAN on your bank statement. BIC (mandatory field) Note: You can find the BIC on your account statement.

Bank, PlaceDate , Signature, Name (if account holder differs from customer)

6. Previous electricity supply contract

In order to be able to supply you with QuartierStrom in the future, we ask you to cancel your current electricity supply contract with your electricity
supplier. Please provide us with the following data:

Cancellation date Previous electricity supplier Previous customer number

7. Power of attorney "Measurement

I am aware that the meter with the above-mentioned meter number will no longer be operated in the general supply network in the future, but that the meter will become part of the customer installation of the above-
mentioned property. I hereby authorize SGEW to carry out suitable and necessary measures for meter operation.

8. Right of withdrawal and consequences of withdrawal

You have the right to revoke this contract. Details of your right of revocation and the consequences of revocation as well as a sample revocation form are attached to
this contract.

9. Placing of orders and powers of attorney

I hereby commission SGEW to supply all the electrical energy required at low voltage without power metering for my own consumption (referred t o i n the General Terms and
Conditions as "energy supply") for my delivery address stated under item 2. In addition to this order, the basis for this is the General Electricity Supply Conditions (GTC) and Supplementary
Conditions. SGEW is also entitled to issue sub-authorizations. If the electricity supply contract for my above-mentioned delivery point exists with SGEW, it shall be cancelled by mutual
agreement upon conclusion of this contract with effect from the start of delivery.

Date, signature of the customer

Right of withdrawal
You have the right to revoke this contract within fourteen days without giving any reason. The revocation period is fourteen days from the day of the conclusion of
the contract. To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must inform us [Süwag Grüne Energien und Wasser AG & Co. KG, Schützenblei che 9 - 11, 65929 Frankfurt
am Main, e-mail:] by means of a clear declaration (e.g. a letter sent by post, or an e-mail) of your decision to withdraw
from this contract. You can use the attached sample cancellation form, which is not mandatory.

Consequences of revocation
If you withdraw from this contract, we will reimburse you for all payments we have received from you, including delivery costs (with the exception of
a d d i t i o n a l costs resulting from the fact that you have chosen a type of delivery other than the cheapest standard delivery offered by us), immediately and at
the latest within fourteen days from the day on which we received the notification of your withdrawal from this contract. For this repayment, we will use the same
means of payment that you used for the original transaction, unless expressly agreed otherwise with you; in no case will you be charged for this repayment. If you
have requested that the services or supply o f electricity should begin during the withdrawal period, you shall pay us a reasonable amount corresponding to the
proportion of the services or supply of electricity already provided up to the point in time at which you notify us of the exercise of the right of withdrawal with
regard to this contract compared to the total scope of the services or supply of electricity provided for in the contract.

Important note on your right of withdrawal

Should you conclude the attached contract, you have fourteen days from the conclusion of the contract to revoke this contract. You can use the following
cancellation form for this purpose. Better yet, call us and we will work together to find a solution to provide you with energy to your satisfaction.

Your Süwag Green Energy and Water AG & Co. KG

Revocation of the contract

Süwag Green Energy and Water AG & Co KG
Schützenbleiche 9 - 11
65929 Frankfurt am Main

I hereby exercise my right of cancellation and revoke my contract concluded with you. Please confirm the
cancellation of the contract to me in writing.

Name of the contract Conclusion of contract on Meter number

First name Name

Street, house numberPLZ , city

Reason for revocation (optional) Date / Signature

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