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Profile summary

Erin McNeela an aspiring stage actress with 10 years of experience in theatre acting. I am hard
working and committed, never backing down or dropping out of a role or production and
working hard when met with challenges such as participating in a play and grade7 LAMDA
while taking my GCSE examinations. I am also confident in myself and my skills, never
suffering from stage fright or self-doubt when creating my character.

Education and training:

I have completed 7 LAMDA exams with a distinction in all and am currently training for grade
8 taking the exam in April 2024. I also took two saxophone exams once again receiving
distinctions in both. Recently I finished my GCSEs receiving a grade6 In drama and a grade8
in art. For the last two years I have gained acting training from the theatre royals’ young
company, taking part in one weekly session on a Tuesday in the theater’s basement. In these
sessions we grow skills in loads of different elements of theatre, from physical and over the top
acting to realistic script work. Before I was old enough to join this company however, I was a
member of a small local theater called oxygen which I participated in from 6-13 years old,
once again developing my skills and understanding as we would learn things from Stanislavski
to musical theater, putting on a final show every summer.

Performance experience:
In oxygen theatre I performed 5 shows through the years as we were interrupted by covid. I
Erin McNeela, received a main role in 4 of the plays, gaining the best actress award in my final performance,
Owl barn, North Petherwin, and in my first play at 7 years old I built confidence and experience with a smaller role, being a
Launceston, PL158LR fairy in Macbeth. I then joined the Theatre Royals young company and have participated in
many show backs including one on the Lyric, the theatres main stage. As well as the show
backs, I have also performed plays such as “Busting Heads” which was performed on the
Drum, the theatres smaller stage, and written by the company itself. Although I have been a
member of first amateur and now professional theater companies for many years, during this
time I have also gained experience from bigger cities such as participating in a greenscreen
workshop in London and performing Julius Ceasar with the RSC on the Globe theatre in
Startford apon haven.

Technical skills:
Acting is my main skill as it is my biggest passion and the art I have practiced for many years;
however, I have been trained in the saxophone since I was 7 years old and have done many
musicals in which I was taught basic beginner dance and singing skills which I can easily pick
up and work well in an ensemble.

Production experience:

ERIN In July 2023 I went to Bunjako in Uganda, Africa and stayed in a school for two weeks looking
after the boarding children and teaching them knew skills to open more doors for their future.
Everyone on the trip picked a specific subject to teach them such as history or music. I chose

drama, allowing the children to select their cast members then first explaining the play “A
Christmas carol”, then directing and choreographing the play. The students thoroughly enjoyed
this experience and many of them now want to pursue acting.


Performer/actress Theatre royal Plymouth (current theatre company)

Oxana Ruth (LAMDA teacher)




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