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• The term ‘liberal’ has been in use since the fourteenth century but has
had a wide variety of meanings.
• The Latin liber referred to a class of free men; in other words, men who
were neither serfs nor slaves.
• John Locke is considered the father of liberalism because he helped
establish key principles that continue to shape modern democratic
societies. His emphasis on individual freedom and limited government has
informed debates around civil liberties, economic policy, and social
welfare for centuries.
• Liberalism sets as its foundation two primary points:
• FIRST – It’s argues that a government and its leader gain legitimacy
through the consent of the majority.
• SECOND – Its argues for the existence of natural rights,primarily those of
life, liberty, and property.
 The origins of liberalism can perhaps be traced back as far as to
early agricultural societies, when people started living in settled
communities and were forced, for the first time, to find ways of
trading and living with strangers.
 The nineteenth century was in many ways the liberal century. As
industrialization spread throughout western countries, liberal
ideas triumphed.
 Liberals advocated an industrialized and market economic order
‘free’ from government interference.
 For instance Such a system of industrial capitalism developed first
in the UK, from the mid-eighteenth century onwards, and
subsequently spread to North America and throughout Europe.
Definition of liberalism
 Philosopher JOHN LOCKE is often credited with founding liberalism
as a distinct tradition based on the social contract, arguing that
each man has a natural right to life, liberty and property, and
governments must not violate these rights.
 Define by WEBSTER: one who is open-minded or not strict in the
observance of orthodox, traditional, or established forms or ways.
 B. Capitalized : a member or supporter of a liberal political party
(see liberal entry 1 sense 6).
 c. : an advocate or adherent of liberalism especially in individual
 Liberalism, the belief in freedom, equality, democracy and human
rights, is historically associated with thinkers such as John LOCKE

 A system of agrarian based production that is characterized by fixed
social hierarchies and a rigid pattern of obligations.
 The doctrine that earthly rulers are chosen by God and thus wield
unchallengeable authority; divine right is a defence for monarchical
 A form of government in which political power is concentrated in the
hands of a single individual or small group, in particular, an absolute
🌟Liberalism: Key Assumptions🌟
 Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye, "Power and Interdependence: World
Politics in Transition" (1977)
 States are not the only important actors in world politics. Non- state
actors are important entities in IR that cannot be ignored.
 International Organizations (IOS) can be independent actors in their own
 The organization's own decision makers, bureaucrats have considerable
influence in agenda setting, namely determining which issues are most
important politically.
IOs are more than simply arenas within which sovereign states compete.
 Moreover, Multinational Corporations like General Motors, DaimlerChrysler,
Toyota Motor, Ford Motor or Phillips cannot be ignored as well in a highly
interdependent world economy.
Basic concepts and Issues in Liberal
■Liberals focus on norms, regimes, economic
interdependence, international organisations
■no distinction between'high' politics (high-level
relations between states),
■ 'low' politics (internal socio-economic issues)İssues of
terrorism, drug trafficking, human rights, environment,
technology and finance are as important as security

 Believing in equality and individual liberty.

 Supporting private property and individual
rights.supporting the idea of limited
constitutional government.
 Recognising the importance of related values such
as pluralism, toleration, autonomy, bodily
integrity, and consent.
🌟Liberalism in India/ Bharat🌟
Liberalism in India developed through several
phases as follows:
It started with an ancient theory that stressed
earthly life and materialism.
Then, it evolved through social reforms and political
independence in the middle and late 19th century.
It now emphasises economic and social freedom
with minimal Government intervention.
🌟Background of Liberalism🌟

Liberalism appeared in the Age of Enlightenment as a separate political

movement and spread among western economists and philosophers.
It challenged the existing practice of hereditary privilege, absolute
monarchy, state creed, and the Divine Right of Kings.
It rejected the classic conservatism and orthodoxy, with the rule of law
and representative democracy.
In addition, liberals end royal monopolies, mercantilist policies and other
trade barriers. Instead, it advocated free trade, globalisation and
People trace back the origin of liberalism to a 17th-century English
political theorist and philosopher, John Locke.
🌟Background of liberalism🌟
According to him, every human possesses a right to life, liberty and property, which
governments must protect instead of violating. This means State’s legitimate
interference must function with the consent of the governed.
Later on, legendary radicals of the Glorious, American and French Revolution espoused
liberalist ideology. Its propagation became widespread, mostly after the French
In the 19th century, liberal governments defeated conservatism across European,
South American, and North American countries.
Later, liberalist principles confronted Fascism and Marxism cum Leninism as new
ideological challenges.
Nevertheless, after the victory of liberal democracy in both World Wars, the spread of
this ideology accelerated even further.
🌟Characteristics of Liberalism🌟

 Liberalism sees man as a rational creature. It believes in

man's ability and potential to develop himself to his full
 Liberalism is a political philosophy that advocates
individual liberty. It advocates for constitutionalism,
power decentralisation, and people sovereignty.
 Liberalism is the polar opposite of conservatism. It
supports reforms that are peaceful and constitutional. It
emphasises logical and rational thinking while also
emphasising the value of individual rights.

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