Personal Development Finals Notes

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Lesson 5: The Art of Being Well Autonomy

Mental Health ● You are independent and can resist social

● The WHO (World Health Organization) pressures. You can manage or control your
defines it as a “state of well-being in which behavior. You evaluate yourself based on
every individual… your own personal standards, instead of
○ realizes his or her own potential, relying on the evaluation of others.
○ can cope with the normal stresses of
life, Environmental Mastery
○ can work productively and fruitfully, ● You can manage your environment and
○ and is able to make a contribution maximize the opportunities available to you
to his/her community. that match your values and suit your
● It includes social, emotional, and personal needs.
psychological well-being and has an
influence on how an individual thinks, feels, Purpose in Life
and behaves. ● You strive to have meaning in your life by
● It also helps determine how people handle setting goals and having direction and
stress, socialize with others, and come up intention for what you do.
with decisions and choices.
Personal Growth
Psychological Well-Being ● You commit yourself to develop your
● According to Carol D. Ryff (1989), she potential to grow and become the best
considers well-being as multidimensional person you can be. You are open to
that covers different aspects. It is not only experience as you go through different
having positive emotions like feeling good or stages of your life.
happy, it also refers to a number of positive
psychology functioning. Why is Good Mental Health and Well-Being
Self-Acceptance ● Mental Health and well-being allow you to
● You accept yourself and have a positive live fully and to function at your best.
attitude with who you are. You accept your ● You will be able to do tasks and perform an
good qualities, and acknowledge that you activity.
have bad qualities as well. Moreover, you ● Your wellness are reflected by how you are
accept what happened to you in the past. able to handle things.
● Good mental health enhances your ability
Positive Relations with Others to relate with others well, resulting in
● You have warm, trusting, and satisfying satisfying, healthy relationships.
relationship with others. You are concerned ● It enables you to focus and make better
about others and able to empathize with choices.
what they are going through. There is a give ● It also affect your physical health taking
and take in your relationship. note that your body and mind are
Mental Health Disorders talents and skills, believing that they do not
● These interrupt the normal lives of people. have what it takes to do or perform tasks.
● Causes: ● You think low or poorly of yourself, and such
○ Biological factors, such as genes or affects your self-confidence.
brain chemistry
○ Life experiences, such as trauma or Anxiety
abuse ● It is normal to be anxious. We all experience
○ Family history of mental health it every now and then. This emotion is often
problems accompanied by a racing heart or
trembling hands.
Common Problems among Adolescents ● It becomes a problem when it becomes
Problem with Attention/Focusing chronic. It is serious when it already affects
● You are at an exciting stage of your life. At your normal functioning, like when you start
this stage, your energy is high activities are to experience sleeplessness or feels scared
divers, your social life is growing, and for no reason and may occur in disturbing
technology abounds with many things to do regularity that you have stopped doing your
an get interested in. normal activities.
● Inability to focus may be temporary due to
these aforementioned reasons. However, if it Depression
becomes chronic that it already affects ● All of us experience feeling depressed once
your normal functioning for quite a long in a while. It is normal especially when faced
time, it is then best to consult people who with a lot of problems, difficulties or
an help you. frustrations.
● It becomes a cause of concern if the
Mood Swings duration lasts a number of weeks (4-6 week
● Moods are less intense and less specific, but or months), and may have already impaired
last longer compare to emotions. Mood you from doing your normal activities.
swings would mean the fast shifting of
moods. Eating Disorders
● It is quite typical for adolescents, especially ● This is more than losing appetite.
for girls to be moody. You may, in some Adolescents can be very conscious of their
ways, blame hormones which brings too body, but if they become overly conscious,
many bodily changes to adjust to. then there is a problem.
● But if your mood swings affect your ● An eating disorder is a mental disorder
functioning, your activities, and relationship defined by abnormal eating habits that
with others, you will need to think about negatively affect a person's physical or
what is going on with you. What triggers the mental health.
shift in moods? When do they usually occur?
Substance Abuse
Low Self-Esteem ● WHO defines it as the harmful or hazardous
● Self-esteem refers to how well you regard use of psychoactive substances, including
yourself. Teenagers with low self-esteem alcohol and illicit drugs. The use of
suffer from the inability to maximize their psychoactive substances can mess up the
brain and the body itself. One major reason trust. Avoid risky behavior, always take care
is social influence: peer pressure or of yourself.
● The use of drugs and alcohol has serious Be on the move
consequences to your physical health, ● Exercise regularly. Move your body. It is not
well-being, as well as academic and only beneficial physically, it helps your
professional life. disposition. It lifts your mood and energizes
● Organ damage Lift yourself up. Build your confidence.
● Cancer ● Avoid negative self-talk.
● Hormone imbalance ● Value and develop your abilities.
● Mood swings ● Find your strengths and build from them.
● Job loss ● Know your weaknesses, turn them around,
● Financial Loss and enhance them.
● Relationships become strained ● Love your physical features. They are gifts
● Depression from above
● Memory loss ● Stay away from people that devalue your
● Paranoia worth.
● Academic failure ● Avoid negative people.
● Arrest and imprisonment ● Surround yourself with things that inspire you
and people that make you happy.
Nurturing Your Mental Health
Wellness Find peace inside and out
● "It is a state of complete physical, mental, ● Love and accept yourself. Regularly take
and social well-being, and not merely the time to be quiet and reflect on your life and
absence of disease or infirmity.” - World enjoy the peace and silence. If you bring
Health Organization peace around you, it will go back to you.
And if you have peace in you, then you will
How Do We Care for Our Well-Being? give it back to the people around you.
Think Bright. Think Well.
● Be positive. It is also beneficial to be Develop life skills - Learn to manage time
optimistic! It might not be easy to shift your ● Learn how to budget.
way of thinking, it helps to make a conscious ● Learn how to repair or fix things at home.
effort to keep trying. Choose to look at the ● Learn to cook.
bright side and count your blessings! ● Learn how to apply first aid.
● Learn to ask around for help.
Do what is right. Take good action. ● Learn our laws.
● With the education that you have, chances ● Learn to survive without gadgets and
are, you know what you are doing. If technologies
uncertain or confused, seek guidance. Ask
for help. Consult your parents, teachers,
counselors, and other mature people you
Establish a support network General Adaption Syndrome
● It helps to have a group you can turn to ● Dr. Hans Selye (1907-1982) An
when you need someone to talk to or from endocrinologist who is considered “Father of
some help. Stress Research”. He developed a 3-stage
model to explain bodily response called the
Help Someone General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS).
● Be useful. ● The general adaptation syndrome (GAS),
● Volunteer developed by Hans Selye, describes the
● Apply your skills pattern of responses that the body goes
● Be a gift to others. through after being prompted by a stressor.
There are three stages: alarm, resistance,
Be strong, manage your stress and exhaustion.
● Know what gives you stress and how to deal ● These changes will occur in the body
with them. Slow down, relax, look away from regardless of whether the perceived stressor
your gadgets, enjoy the beauty of nature is considered eustress (positive or pleasant)
and breathe some fresh air. or distress (negative or unpleasant).
Ultimately, this means that we need to take
What is Stress? active steps in managing all of our stressors,
● Stress refers to the body’s reaction to as it can build up and potentially cause
perceived threats or tension that affects our harm to our health otherwise.
body’s balance (homeostasis). Balance
refers to our normal, healthy and steady Alarm
state. ● This occurs when we first perceive
● It is the body's reaction to any change that something as stressful, and then the body
requires an adjustment or response. The initiates the fight-or-flight response (as
body reacts to these changes with physical, discussed earlier).
mental, and emotional responses.
● Stress is a normal part of life. You can Resistance
experience stress from your environment, ● If the perceived stress continues, the body
your body, and your thoughts. Even positive stays activated at a higher metabolic level
life changes, new school, new relationships, in an effort to offset the persistent stress. The
produce stress. body cannot maintain this level indefinitely,
and its resources will eventually deplete.

● Prolonged exposure to the stressor will result
in the depletion of the body’s resources,
and the resulting wear and tear will suppress
the immune system and cause bodily
functions to deteriorate. This can lead to a
variety of health issues and illnesses,
including heart disease, digestive problems,
depression, and diabetes.
Coping with Stress in Middle and Late Adolescents Coping with Stress
Different Types of Stress ● Coping with stress is the process by which a
Beneficial Stress (Eustress) person consciously attempts to master,
● Stress can be beneficial and helpful to minimize, or tolerate stressors and problems
individuals when a small and sporadic in life.
amounts of stress occur. ● Stress coping, as described by researchers
● It became a motivation for you to work hard such as Lazarus and Folkman, implies a
and conquer those conflicts that makes you more specific process of cognitive appraisal
stressed. to determine whether an individual believes
he or she has the resources to respond
Destructive Stress (Distress) effectively to the challenges of a stressor or
● Stress can be destructive to both physical change.
and mental health when excessive amounts
of stress are sustained over lengthy period of Cognitive
time. ● Therapy
● Hobbies
Sources of Stress ● Meditation
External Stressors ● Mindfulness
● School Pressure ● Planning
● Peer Pressure ● Reading
● Abuse ● Time management
● Relationships
● Puberty Changes Environmental
● Family Problems ● Music
● Nature
Signs and Symptoms of Stress Overload ● Pets
Cognitive ● Spa visit
● Memory problems
● Inability to concentrate
● Poor judgment
● Seeing only the negative
● Anxious or racing thoughts
● Constant worrying

● Aches and pains
● Diarrhea or
● Nausea
● Rapid heart rate
● Frequent colds or flue
Lesson 6: Expressing Emotions Feeling & Moods
Emotion ● There are terms we often connect, if not
● “A conscious mental reaction subjectively swap, with emotion. Let us differentiate
experienced as a strong feeling usually them.
directed toward a specific object and ● Feelings represent emotions. They are
typically accompanied by physiological subjective or personal in nature. Emotions
and behavioral changes in the body.” - are intense, internal feelings. (Weiten, 2014)
Merriam-Webster ● Moods are less specific, have longer
● “A natural instinctive state of mind derived duration, but less intense than emotions.
from one’s circumstances, mood, or Emotions have shorter duration, but are
relationships with others.” - Oxford more specific reactions. (Hasson, 2012)
● Emotions are not simply feelings, although
we casually interchange them in everyday Emotional Psychologist
language. The definitions above show us Paul Ekman (1980)
obvious components making up emotion: ● He did a study using photographs of
what you perceive or to what you are different facial expressions that led him to
reacting to (external events), what your identify six basic human emotions that are
body is experiencing (physiological), and apparent cross-culturally.
your outward expression in the form of body ● These emotions are as follows: anger,
language. disgust, fear, happiness, sadness and
● Therefore, these components are cognitive, surprise.
physical, and behavioral aspects of
emotions. Robert Plutchik
● Robert Plutchik (in Hasson, 2012) also
Emotion Components identified primary emotions but in terms of
Cognitive opposites.
● Refers to your evaluation or personal ● Fear - Anger
interpretation of the event or situation. It is ● Joy - Disgust
your personal interpretation, therefore is ● Anticipation - Surprise
subjective. ● Sadness - Acceptance

Physical Wheel of Emotions

● Refers to what goes on inside your body. It is ● Plutchik created the wheel of emotions,
physiological, autonomic arousal or which illustrates the various relationships
response. among the emotions.
● While Plutchik identifies only eight basic
Behavioral emotions, you can see from the wheel that
● It is the outward expression of emotion. It is there are many different degrees, creating
how you act and how you behave. a wide spectrum of emotions.
● Plutchik states that emotions are much more
complex than most people realize.
Emotional Intelligence
● The ability to use this information to guide
your thoughts and behavior.
● They have four basic abilities:
○ ability to perceive and correctly
express their emotions and other
○ the ability to use emotions in a way
that facilitates thought.
○ capacity to understand emotions,
emotional language, and emotional
○ the ability to manage their emotions
in order to achieve goals.

● Salovey and Mayer indicate the function of

emotional intelligence, that is to regulate
thinking and behavior.
Emotional Quotient
● It is not simply a guide to know oneself and
● It is the awareness of one's emotions and
others, but also of the processes involved in
ability to understand the emotions of others.
thinking and doing.
It involves managing emotions and applying
● They also initiated a research program
them to enhance good thinking process.
intended to develop valid measures of
● The key skills to raise your EQ level are
emotional intelligence and to explore its
heightened awareness, effective
management, and positive application of
Daniel Goleman and Emotional Intelligence
● In the 1990s Daniel Goleman became
Peter Salovey and John D. Meyer
aware of Salovey and Mayer’s work, and
● They define emotions as organized
this eventually led to his book, Emotional
responses to internal and external events
that may have a positive or negative effects
● Goleman argued that it was not cognitive
on the adjustment of an individual.
intelligence that guaranteed business
● They coined the term ‘Emotional
success but emotional intelligence. He
Intelligence’ in 1990 describing it as “a form
described emotionally intelligent people as
of social intelligence that involves the ability
those with four characteristics.
to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings
● He believed that the role of Social skills in
and emotions, to discriminate among them,
the process of establishing meaningful
and to use this information to guide one’s
relationships and recognized meaningful
thinking and action”.
relationships as having a good effect on an
individual’s growth.
● For Goleman, Emotional Intelligence is a
wide array of competencies and skills that
drive leadership performance, and consists Positive & Negative Emotions
of five areas. He considered these as the Positive Emotion
five domains of emotional intelligence. ● Are emotions that we typically find
pleasurable to experience.
Five Domains of Emotional Intelligence ● Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology
Self-Awareness defines them as “pleasant or desirable
● Awareness of your emotions; knowing what situational responses… distinct from
you feel and why you are feeling it. Being pleasurable sensation and undifferentiated
aware gives a basis for making decisions. positive affect” (Cohn & Fredrickson, 2009).

Self-Management Negative Emotion

● Handling emotions effectively. For Goleman, ● Are those that we typically do not find
troubling emotions cause stress. Managing pleasurable to experience.
distressing emotions allows you to do ● It can be defined as “as an unpleasant or
something so they won’t badly affect you or unhappy emotion which is evoked in
your functioning. individuals to express a negative effect
towards an event or person” (Pam, 2013).
● Making use of your emotions to continue Harmful Ways to Manage Emotions
what you are doing to achieve your goals, Denial
even in the face of difficulties. ● When a person refuses to accept that
anything is wrong or that help may be
Empathy needed.
● Understanding and mirroring what others ● When people deny that they are having
are feeling. problematic feelings, those feelings can
bottle-up to a point that a person ends up
Social Skills "exploding" or acting out in a harmful way.
● Every emotion has a function. Generally,
emotions help you make connections and Withdrawal
establish relationships. You develop skills ● When a person doesn't want to be around,
needed in being with people to have or participate in activities with other people.
meaningful relationships.
Effective Ways of Managing Your Emotions ● When a person uses force, threats, or
● Know your stressors ridicule to show power over others.
● Manage negative emotions ● People typically take part in bullying
● Bounce back from your adversity behavior because they don't feel good
● Practice empathy about themselves and making someone
● Be mindful of your vocabulary else feel bad makes them feel better about
themselves or feel less alone.
Self-Harm Why is Emotional Intelligence Important?
● Self-harm can take many forms including: ● As we know, it’s not the smartest people
cutting, starving one's self, or participating in who are the most successful or the most
dangerous behavior. fulfilled in life. You probably know people
● Many people self-harm because they feel who are academically brilliant and yet are
like it gives them control over emotional socially inept and unsuccessful at work or in
pain. their personal relationships. Intellectual
ability or your intelligence quotient (IQ) isn’t
Substance Use enough on its own to achieve success in life.
● Substance use is the use of alcohol or other ● Yes, your IQ can help you get into college,
drugs to make a person feel better or but it’s your EQ that will help you manage
number about painful situations. the stress and emotions when facing your
● This can make difficult feelings even worse final exams. IQ and EQ exist in tandem and
and in some cases, leads to suicidal are most effective when they build off one
thoughts or addiction. another.

Managing Yours Emotions

Keep Your Emotions in Check!
● What am I feeling?
● How do I feel towards the person?
● Can I handle my feelings right now?

Take a moment to consider your feelings,

especially distressing ones
● This gives you time to think and understand
what you are feeling and know the correct
emotional responses appropriate for the
situation. “Think before you speak”

Handle your anger well

● Do something to yourself to relieve tension.
● Simple actions can ease emotions: standing
or sitting straight, relaxing your shoulder,
breathing deeply and doing exercise.

Keep a positive attitude

● Remember: striving for happiness and
success involves encountering struggles.
● We have to remember that there are many
things in life to be grateful for.
Lesson 7: Building Personal Relationships Why Are People Attracted To One Another?
Self-Reflection Physical Attraction
● Am I ready for a romantic relationship? ● This is based on physical appearance. At
● When is the right time for me to get into the initial stage of dating, being physically
one? attracted to the person is a significant factor
● How will I know if he/she is the one? of the relationship.
● What is acceptable, and what is not
acceptable ways of expressing Similarity
affection/attraction? ● Similarities tend to pull people together to
● What does it really mean to be responsible form a bond. People similar in many ways
when in a relationship? foster attraction with each other.
● Can true love be attained? If no, why not? If Furthermore, attraction can cultivate
yes, how? similarities by influencing the attitudes or
opinions of the other.
Personal Relationship
● An attempt to experience love: to love and Reciprocity
be loved. ● We like people who like us back. Studies
● A universal human yearning show that people are inclined to like those
● Is closely associated with a person and who like them. In a relationship, this
which can only have meaning to this becomes possible by giving possible
person. feedback to the other which enhances the
● Two characteristics: Privacy & Intimacy good feeling that one has about yourself.
● Also involves a degree of Commitment to
another person or persons. Transference Effect
● Describes a situation where the feelings,
The Magnet of Attraction desires, and expectations of one person are
● This is described as the love-struck phase, redirected and applied to another person.
which involves neurotransmitters in the brain
such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and Propinquity Effect
serotonin. ● This is the tendency for people to form
● It is considered a precursor to love. When friendships or romantic relationships with
one is attracted to another person, there is those whom they encounter often, forming a
the physical or sexual feeling or desire bond between subject and friend.
being felt. This is responsible for the desire to
feel the object of affection. Proximity Effect
● The proximity principle accounts for the
tendency for individuals to form
interpersonal relations with those who are
close by. Also, proximity promotes
interaction between individuals and groups,
which ends up leading to liking and disliking
between the groups or individuals.
Character and Traits The Power of Love
● The values, character and traits of an Biblical Definition (First Letter of Paul to the
individual may also cause attraction as this Corinthians)
can mirror one's own values, character and
traits. In contract, these can also be what is Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does
lacking of them, therefore they consider not boast, it is not proud.
important. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily
angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Forms of Attraction Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the
Infatuation truth.
● It is the perceived love felt when in deep lust It always protects, always trusts, always hopes,
of something or someone, usually greatly always perseveres.
sexual in the type of feelings when it comes Love never fails. But where there are prophecies,
to a person. they will cease; where there are tongues, they will
be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass
Crush away.
● Another word for infatuation but implies a
brief or fleeting romantic feeling for Scientific Approach
someone ● Helen Fisher of Rutgers University in New
Jersey noted that there are stages of love,
Hero Worship and on each stage are certain chemicals
● It is very similar to crush but differs in the that are released.
sense that it is characterized by the
absence of personal contact with the one Stage 1: Lust
being admired. ● Driven by sex hormones, testosterone and
The Process of Courtship
● This is considered under attraction stage; Stage 2: Attraction
might cross between attraction to love. ● An individual feels so highly love-struck.
● The following are the stages of courtship: Chemicals in the body that give you the
○ 1. Dating feeling of being exhilarated are Dopamine,
○ 2. Selective Stage norepinephrine (adrenalin) and serotonin.
○ 3. Going “Steady”
○ 4. Engagement Period Stage 3: Attachment
● When attraction has died down and a
deeper relationship is established, oxytocin
and vasopressin are distinct hormones that
play an important part, especially when
building a family and raising children.
Philosophical Formulation Types of Love
● Agape: love of God for Man Liking (Friendship)
● Philia: brotherly love that characterizes ● Feelings of closeness, bond, and warmth
friendship toward the other, without feelings of intense
● Storge: love for family and close passion, or long-term commitment
● Eros: romantic love Infatuation
● There is experience of passionate arousal
Psychological Point of View but absence of intimacy and decision/
● Robert Sternberg proposed a triangular commitment. When relationships do not
theory of love which identifies three major develop with intimacy and commitment,
dimensions: Intimacy, Commitment and this kind of love may disappear suddenly.
● From the three dimensions, 7 different types Empty love
of love are formed. ● There is commitment to stay but no intimacy
and passion (arranged marriages)

Romantic love
● There is intimacy and passion (emotional
connection and passionate expression but
no commitment)

Companionate love
● There is intimacy and commitment (deep
affection and commitment without physical
or sexual desire- best friends)

Fatuous love
● There is passion and commitment, but
intimacy and closeness are not present
(you don't fully know the person)

Consummate Love
● The ideal and complete form of love that
everyone wants to achieve. According to
Sternberg, couples with consummate love
are involved in sharing a deep desire to
have a long-term relationship with each
other than with anyone else. However, this
type of love is more difficult to maintain than
to achieve.
Essential Elements in a Romantic Relationship ● Allow each other to explore and to grow.
Maturity ● Let your partner decide for themselves,
● How well can you handle disagreements, while supporting them along the way.
frustrations, and conflicts? ● Be his/her cheerleader.

Time and Readiness Red Flags (Warning Signs)

● Do you have enough time to give? ● Too many dos and dont's that you have little
space to be yourself.
Communication Skills ● Abuse in any form
● Can I be honest with my thoughts and ● Conditional love (“I love you if you....” “I will
feelings with you? do this if you will”)
● Forcing the other into doing sexual activities
Acceptance, Respect, Support & Understanding that violates his/her values.
● Accepting differences and understanding
each other's flaws are important. The Call to Commitment
● Stay in the relationship not only when things
Healthy Expressions of Love are going well, but more so during tough
Respect Each Other times.
● Should be reflected both in words and ● Be loyal or faithful to your beloved.
actions ● Be truthful in your words and actions.
● Do not say hurtful words that may downplay ● Be responsible to carry your agreed duties.
or discount the other person's values, ● Be persistent in working on the growth of the
feelings and dignity that would affect relationship.
his/her self worth and self esteem.
● Respect each others boundaries.
● Be his/her number 1 supporter. Take care of
each other.

Exercise Give and Take Relationship

● There is no his way or her way.
Communication is essential.
● If there is a concern that would involve your
relationship, discuss it together with open
mind and heart.
● Remember that there are things in life too:
school, family, friends. Learn to compromise
your time.
● Never let power struggle be a problem in
your relationship.

Give Each Other Space to Grow

● Do not put too many limits on each other.
Remember, you do not own your partner.
Lesson 8: Career Pathway Your Interests
Job vs. Vocation What do you like doing?
Vocation ● It is wise to consider that one of the things
● Is a calling and something for which you you need to think about when choosing a
have a driving passion. If you have a career is your interest.
vocation, you feel you're working for a ● It is beneficial that your interest is aligned to
purpose and this provides you with a deep your choice of course, and later on, to your
sense of fulfillment. career.

Careers and Vocations Interests that should be considered:

● Both can actually be the same job, ● subjects that tickles your interest/or you are
something that you do for a living, - fond of
difference is how you feel about it and what ● activities that you love doing
type of personal satisfaction you get from it. ● hobbies
To put it simply, a career may give you
satisfaction but a vocation gives you a ● Consider a career that you will enjoy and
sense of purpose. will fuel your energy to keep doing the work
it entails over a long period of time.
What is a Career?
● Signifies what you do for a living Strength, Skills and Abilities (SSA)
● Is a continuing process that begins with your ● Ask yourself these questions. “What am I
studies to prepare you to do important tasks good at?” “Where do I excel?”
in the future ● When making a career choice, it is
● Ushers you to engage in further learning and important to reflect on your strengths and
development to expand what you can do weaknesses, the skills that you have
in life developed over the years, and the abilities
● It is a life path. you have acquired.
● Reflect on what characteristics do you have
Points to Consider when Choosing a Career now that works for you in accomplishing a
● Interests task.
● Skills
● Abilities Example:
● Strengths ● I am good at public speaking
● Personality ● I am good at selling
● Values ● I am good at performing

● If these are all present in what you are Aptitude and Standardized Test
doing, the possibility of attaining career ● Being aware of your skills lets you know what
satisfaction is way higher. you are capable of. There are tools that you
can use to assess your Aptitude, such as
Standardized Tests.
Aptitude ● Masaklaw na Panukat ng Loob (Mapa ng
● Is defined as an individual’s ability in a Loob)
particular field or subject.
Other Sources of Information
Standardized Test ● There are other assessment and aptitude
● An objective assessment wherein tests given to you both by your school and
administration, scoring, and interpretation the government.
are done in a uniform way. The test is given
in the same manner to all test takers and Examples:
scored in a standardized manner. ● National Achievement Test (NAT)
● Readiness for Colleges and Universities
Example: Differential Aptitude Test ● Diagnostic Test for Math, Science and
● Measures verbal reasoning, numerical Reading
ability, abstract reasoning, perceptual ● Center for Educational Measurement (CEM)
speed and accuracy, mechanical
reasoning, space relations, spelling, and Dimensions of Personality Type
language usage. ● Extrovert - Introvert
● Sensing - Intuition
Personality ● Thinking - Feeling
● It is a set of distinct qualities reflecting a ● Judging - Perceptive
blend of patterns of behavior, traits, talents,
attitudes, and values that make a person Extrovert and Introvert
unique. Extrovert Introvert
● Taking your personality into account will be
very helpful in making the best career ○ Career generalists ○ Career specialists

choice. ○ Like variety and action ○ Quiet and

● Your personality should match the career of ○ Good at concentrated

your choice because each career carries communication ○ Think before acting

duties and responsibilities requiring certain ○ Prefer to work as a part ○ Prefer working alone

traits that will help ensure successful of a team

performance of work.
● Psychological assessment tools like
personality tests are administered and Sensing and Intuition

interpreted by trained professionals. Sensing Intuition

Psychologists, as well as counselors, are
○ Are realistic and ○ Like challenging
specialists who do the work.
practical problems
○ Like standard ways of ○ Like to find new
Examples of these standardized personality tests:
doing a job ways of doing a task
● The Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
○ Focus on facts and ○ Focus on the big
● 16 Personality Factors Test
details picture
● Panukat ng Pagkataong Pilipino (PPP)
○ Learn from experience ○ Creativity and
● Panukat ng Ugali ng Pilipino (PUP)
Thinking and Feeling You will encounter these projects when you

Thinking Feeling purse a course in the field.

● To help one in deciding, it is
○ Use logic to make ○ Use personal values recommendable to check these clusters
decisions to make decisions and explore the possible jobs and subjects
○ Follow policy ○ Promote harmony to take for each group.
○ Firm-minded ○ Relate well to others ● Match it with your interest, strengths, skills
○ Value money, prestige ○ Enjoy providing and personality to help you decide what
and power service to others. course to take.

Super's Five Life and Career Development Stages

Stage Age Characteristics

Judging and Perceiving

Judging Perceiving Growth Birth-14 Development of

self-concept and
○ Prefer structure and ○ Like to be
organization spontaneous
○ Like to have the work ○ Can adopt to Exploration 15-24 "Trying out" through
finished change classes, work hobbies.
○ Prefer clear and definite ○ Prefer flexible work Tentative choice and skill
assignments environment development
○ Stressed by deadlines

Establishment 25-44 Entry-level skill building

Career Development Theory and stabilization through
Donald E. Super work experience
● Donald Super influenced the idea that
Maintenance 45-64 Continual adjustment
developing a sense of self and realize that
process to improve
you change over time is important when
planning your career.
● One of Donald Super's greatest Decline 65+ Reduced output,
contributions to career development has prepare for retirement.
been his emphasis on the importance of the
development of self-concept.
● According to Super, self-concept changes
over time, and develops through
experience. As such, career development is

Career Exploration: Charting Your Career Interests

and Choices
● Courses in college are most the time placed
in clusters where specific occupations are
given to serve as your lead, and a number
of important subject are also mentioned.
Career Plan Step 4: Identify and Weigh Your Career Options
Steps in Achieving Your Career ● After considering personal factors, listening
● Step 1: Who am I? What are my interests, to advises from parents and significant
skills, values and personality style? people, studying the pros and cons of your
● Step 2: What do I want? What are my career choices, what are your choices
options? options now?
● Step 3: How do I get there? What am I ● Time to explore and lay out your options
willing to do? and reasons!
● Step 4: What is my plan to get my goal?
Step 5: Check Out Different
Journey Towards Your Chosen Career Colleges/Universities/Technical Schools for Courses
Step 1: Engage in Self-Discovery and Awareness ● After exploring and considering your
● By this time, you should have known a lot of options, you have to start looking for the
things about yourself with everything that most suitable college/ university/school that
you have learned from the previous offers the courses you are interested to take.
activities. In each school, you are usually asked to
● Remember that knowing one’s self is an have two or three course options.
integral part of the whole process of your

Step 2: Explore Different Careers

● Consider the people you admire for their
● Ask some people whose job is in your initial
career options.
● Consult a career counselor
● Visit internet career sites
● Check career ads
● Research in libraries and inquire in career
● Attend career seminars

Step 3: Understand Other Factors that can Influence

Your Career Choices
● Family
● Finances
● Qualifications for admission to colleges/
universities/ technical schools that best offer
your course choices

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