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Saving the environment doesn't have to be expensive. You don't need to buy an electric car - just
change your diet! Here are some of the biggest benefits of choosing a plant-based diet:
We would reduce greenhouse gases.
According to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), farmed
livestock produces 14.5% of the world's greenhouse gases. If we all ate plant-based diets, we would
reduce food-related greenhouse gases by 70% by 2050.*
We would save water.
Farming takes up about 70% of all freshwater use and nearly one-third of that is for livestock.**
Do you know how much water is used to produce just one kilogram of beef? Over 15,000 liters!
Beans, on the other hand, need about 4,000 liters per kilogram and vegetables need just over 300
liters on average. ***
We would save forests and wild animals.
In many parts of the world, forests are being cut down to make land for farming. Deforestation
leads to many problems, but the most obvious one is that wild animals lose their homes. According
to FAO, of all the land we use for farming, 77% is used for livestock, including the land we use to
grow their food **. If we ate less meat and planted more food for humans, we would have more
land for forests and wild animals.
Eating less meat is one of the best ways to reduce your impact on the planet. If you start eating
more plant-based foods, you might even like vegetables more than meat!
* according to a study in the journal Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
** according to Humane Society International
*** according to The Water Footprint Network

1. Eating less meat is the only way to help the environment.
2. Livestock farming uses up a lot of land that could otherwise be forest.
3. An electric car reduces your environmental impact more than changing your diet.
4. Farming uses about 70% of the world's freshwater.
5. It takes over 15,000 liters of water to produce 1 kg of beans.
Multiple Choice:
1. What percentage of greenhouse gases comes from farmed livestock?
a.14.5% b. 30% c. 70% d. 77%
2. How much water does it take to produce 1 kg of vegetables on average?
a. Over 15,000 liters
b. Around 4,000 liters
c. Just over 300 liters
d. 70% of freshwater
3. What is the main benefit of having more land for forests?
a. Storing carbon
b. Providing food
c. Giving homes to wild animals
d. Supporting farming
Short Answer:
1. Name two greenhouse gases produced by livestock farming.
2. How could reducing meat consumption help save forests and wild animals?
3. What are two benefits mentioned in the passage of choosing a plant-based diet?
4. What would happen if we all stopped eating meat?
5. Why are people eating less meat?

Plastic pollution in our oceans is a major issue that has serious effects on marine ecosystems and
wildlife. These days, more and more people are considering reducing the amount of plastic they
use, but what about the rubbish that is already in the oceans? In some parts of the world, it forms
floating islands of plastic. The largest of these is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch between North
America and Japan. It's three times the size of France!

Now, however, one amazing teenager called Boyan Slat has invented a machine, System 001/B,
which catches ocean rubbish. It is a huge 600-metre floating barrier of pipes. A net hangs down
from the pipes and reaches three metres below the surface of the water. Boyan avoided using fuel
in System 001/B, so it has a very low carbon footprint. It uses the ocean currents and wind to move
through the water. Ships take away the waste every six to eight weeks.

But how did Boyan do this? He started telling people about his idea on the Internet and asking for
help. Eventually, he raised £1.57 million! He also set up a charity called Ocean Cleanup, which
now has over 80 engineers, scientists and environmental experts who are all working to change
the planet for good.

Boyan shows us that we can make a difference and help protect the planet, no matter how big the
problem is. With hard work, fundraising and a good idea, it's never too late to help Planet Earth!

Read the article and decide if each of the statements (1–5) is T (true), F (false) or DS
(doesn’t say).
1. Boyan Slat invented System 600/B. _______
2. Boyan used recycled materials to make his machine. ________
3. The machine uses ocean currents and wind to move. _______
4. Boyan asked for help online to raise money. ________
5. Boyan believes hard work is more important than fundraising. ________

Read the article again and correct the sentences.

1. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is between South Korea and Japan.

2. Boyan’s machine is used to clean pipes.

3. System 001/B takes waste to land every 6–8 weeks.

4. 80 engineers work for Ocean Cleanup.


1. How big is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?

a) The size of France

b) Three times the size of France

c) The size of three Frances

d) Bigger than France

2. What moves System 001/B through the water?

a) Its engines

b) The ocean currents

c) The wind

d) The ocean currents and wind

3. How often do ships take away the plastic waste?

a) Every week

b) Every six to eight weeks

c) Every month

d) Every year

Short Answer:

1. How did Boyan get help with his idea?

2. Why does System 001/B have a low carbon footprint?

3. What message does Boyan's story give?


Reading a Read the article quickly and choose what’s discussed in the article.

1. The benefits of replacing plastic with other materials

2. The problems we might have when trying to ban plastic
Would Banning Plastic Help the Environment?
First, let’s talk about why we might want to ban plastic. Most plastic products will remain on
Earth for hundreds of years, and we produce about 380 million tons of plastic every year. Only
9% is recycled, and the rest ends up in landfills, and oceans.*
Plastic pollution is one of our most serious problems, and many countries are thinking about
banning plastic, especially single-use packaging. However, it would be impossible to ban plastic
completely. The truth is, plastic is everywhere. Without plastic, you would need to buy water,
milk, etc. in glass bottles or cartons. Your meat and fish would be wrapped in paper or leaves.
Lots of food wouldn’t remain fresh for as long as when they’re wrapped in plastic, and we might
waste more food. And while glass and paper can be recycled many times, we need lots of energy
to produce them.
What about plastic that can be composted? If they can be composted, they should be better for
the environment, right? Not really. This type of plastic can only be composted in industrial
conditions. You can’t do it in your backyard!
So, the answer is, if we just replaced plastic with other materials and never reused them, it
wouldn’t be much better for the environment. The best solution is to reuse everything as many
times as possible and reduce our dependence on plastic.
*according to Plastic Oceans
Multiple Choice:
1. What percentage of plastic is recycled each year?
a) 9% c) 50%
b) 90% d) 100%

2. What would likely happen if we banned plastic packaging?

a) We would have more fresh food
b) We would waste less food
c) Food wouldn't stay fresh as long
d) Recycling would increase
3. Why can't compostable plastic be composted at home?
a) It needs high heat
b) It releases methane
c) It requires industrial conditions
d) It takes too long
4. What is the best solution according to the passage?
a) Ban all plastic
b) Replace plastic with glass and paper
c) Produce less and reuse more
d) Recycle all plastic
5. How long does regular plastic last on Earth?
a) A few months
b) 50-100 years
c) Hundreds of years
d) Forever
1. Over 90% of plastic is recycled every year.
2. Countries want to ban plastic because of pollution.
3. We could easily live without plastic packaging.
4. Producing glass and paper uses less energy than plastic.
5. The best solution is to reduce and reuse instead of banning plastic completely.
Answer the questions below.
1. How much plastic is produced each year?
2. What problem would we have if we stopped using plastic to wrap food?
3. What’s a disadvantage of using glass or paper compared to plastic?
4. Can compostable plastic be composted at home?
5. What’s the best way to help solve plastic pollution?
Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
Plastics which were produced from fossil fuels are just over a century old, but they have
revolutionized our life completely. The great advantages plastic offered led to a throwaway trend
that made us discover plastic’s dark side: the threat it poses to our environment and life. Plastic
pollution is one of the main causes of marine species extinction, health problems for human
beings and animals alike, and the destruction of our ecosystems. According to Greenpeace, more
than 100,000 sea creatures and a million sea birds die every year after eating plastic or getting
trapped in plastic rubbish.
Every year, the world produces more than 380 million tonnes of plastic. In the next second while
you’re reading this paragraph, people around the globe will use more than 160,000 plastic bags
and they’ll throw away more than 20,000 plastic bottles. About 10% of plastic will be recycled,
and some will go to landfills, but a lot of it will end up in the waterways and eventually in the
ocean. Experts estimate that there are already 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic waste in the world’s
oceans. Because plastic isn’t biodegradable, it won’t decompose naturally, so all the plastic that
we have now in the world will exist forever. Experts are warning that if we don’t take urgent
action, plastics in the ocean will outweigh fish by 2050. There are many ways we can do to keep
plastic out of the ocean. We can swap plastic bags for reusable ones which are made of cloth or
fiber, reduce the use of disposable cutlery as well as food containers, and avoid plastic wrappings
if possible. We can also join in clean-up campaigns in your local community. Every little helps!


1. Plastic was invented more than 100 years ago.

2. Plastic pollution is harmless to marine life.

3. Less than 50% of plastic is recycled globally.

4. All the plastic ever produced will decompose over time.

5. By 2050 there could be more plastic than fish in the oceans.

6. Reusing bags and containers can reduce plastic waste.

26. The word ‘poses’ in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to __________.
A. creates B. impresses C. damages D. develops
27. Plastic pollution __________.
A. affects the fishing industry

B. creates infectious diseases to human beings and animals

C. has a deadly effect on wildlife

D. trap the ecosystem

28. Around the world, people get rid of __________ per second.
A. 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic B. 380 million tonnes of plastic

C. 160,000 plastic bags D. 20,000 plastic bottles

29. Plastic rubbish will __________.

A. decompose in a million years B. disappear naturally over time

C. might be more common than fish by 2050 D. can be recycled safely

30. All of the following statements are possible solutions to ocean plastic pollution EXCEPT
A. Reduce your own use of single-use plastics.

B. Participate in a beach or river clean-up.

C. Avoid packaging items in plastic if not necessary.

D. Make your own cutlery and food containers.

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
Forests are vital to life on Earth. We all depend on forests in one way or another for survival.
First of all, forests are often called the ‘lungs of the planet’. It is because trees have the ability to
provide an essential of life for all living creatures on our planet – oxygen, and the power
to purify the air we breathe by removing harmful gases like carbon dioxide. Through a process
called photosynthesis, leaves pull in carbon dioxide and water, and use the energy of the sun to
convert this into chemical compounds such as sugars that feed the tree. As a by-product of that
chemical reaction, oxygen is produced and released by the tree. It is believed that one large tree
can provide a day’s supply of oxygen for up to four people. Moreover, forests help prevent soil
erosion and retain soil nutrients. The roots of rainforest trees and vegetation hold the soil in place
and help water soak into the ground instead of flowing over its surface. Tree foliage helps
rainwater go into the soil rather than wash over it, and reduces the force of raindrops on the soil.
Rows of trees which are planted closely together can work like a windbreak. It helps limit the
force of the wind and protect the top most fertile layer of the soil from being carried away easily.
In addition, forests can also soak up excess rainwater, preventing run-offs and damage from
1. Forests provide oxygen that is essential for life.
2. One large tree can supply oxygen for 4 people daily.
3. Forests help prevent flooding.
4. Most forests are in danger due to deforestation.
5. Forest roots stabilize and enrich soil.
6. Trees planted together can act as a windbreak.
7. Forests do not play a role in the water cycle.
8. Cutting down forests has no negative impacts.
9. Forests only provide benefits to humans.
10. Photosynthesis converts sunlight into chemical energy.

26. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The importance of forests in our life B. How photosynthesis works

C. How forests affect human beings D. Forests bring lots of benefits to agriculture
27. The word ‘purify’ in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to __________.
A. maintain B. provide C. clean D. improve

28. Why are forests considered as the lungs of the planet?

A. Because forests maintain the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

B. Because forests absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen through the process of

C. Because forests convert water and carbon dioxide into chemical compounds.

D. Because forests use the energy of the sun to remove harmful gases like carbon dioxide.

29. Which part of the trees helps minimize the impact of raindrops on the soil?
A. The vegetation B. Roots of the trees C. Rows of trees D. Tree foliage

30. According to the passage, all of the following statements are true EXCEPT __________
A. Forests protect the soil from erosion.

B. Forests can help maintain soil fertility.

C. Forests act as a natural absorber of rainwater.

D. Forests provide a constant supply of water.

In recent years, environmentalists have become more and more concerned about the number of
animals facing extinction. Over 7,000 species around the world are considered endangered.
Unless we do something to save them now, we may soon lose many species forever. To start
with, we should stop destroying the habitats of wild animals. Habitat loss is the main reason for
animal extinction and it occurs for a number of reasons, including massive building
development, intensive agriculture and the destruction of rainforests. Recently, governments
have made international agreements between countries to protect the rainforests and prevent
deforestation through financial support. Furthermore, governments should ban the hunting of
endangered species completely. It should be considered as crime when people poach endangered
animals or buy and sell products made from endangered species. By doing so, many animals,
such as tigers and alligators, would have a better chance of survival. Finally, we should make
more wildlife parks. In this way, rare species will be able to live safely without losing their
homes to human beings, or their lives to illegal hunters. Therefore, animals can successfully
reproduce and multiply. To sum up, there are many ways in which we can save endangered
species from extinction. Without care and consideration, they will certainly disappear.
1. Over 5,000 species are endangered worldwide.
2. Habitat loss is the main threat to animals.
3. Deforestation is causing habitat loss.
4. Hunting endangered animals should remain legal.
5. Wildlife parks can help protect endangered species.
Multiple Choice:
1. How many animal species are endangered globally?
a) 5,000
b) 7,000
c) 10,000
d) 15,000
2. What is the top reason species become extinct?
a) Climate change
b) Hunting
c) Habitat loss
d) Lack of food
3. What recent action have governments taken?
a) Increased hunting
b) Protected rainforests
c) Built more houses
d) Grown more crops
4. Why should hunting endangered animals be banned?
a) To punish poachers
b) To preserve species
c) To follow agreements
d) To reduce crime
5. How can wildlife parks help rare animals?
a) By relocating them
b) By feeding them
c) By giving them a protected home
d) By helping them reproduce
Short Answer:
1. Give two examples of human activities that destroy habitats.
2. How could banning poaching help endangered species?
3. What are two solutions suggested in the passage?
VII. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
According to the Vietnam Administration of Forestry, Vietnam currently has got 33 national
parks, 57 nature reserves, 13 habitat conservation areas, 53 landscape protection zones and 9
biosphere reserves. Among (26)_______, 61 national parks and nature reserves organise eco-
tourism activities. Cúc Phương – the jungle-trekker’s dream – is the oldest national park in
Vietnam. It’s (27)_______to a dense forest of millennia-old trees, botanical gardens, caves and
two animal sanctuaries which are worth exploring. You can spend the whole day trekking and
bird-watching; or (28)_______a stay in the stilt houses of the hospitable Mường people for an
authentic experience with locals. Cat Tien, which lies across Đồng Nai, Lâm Đồng, Bình Phước
with a total size of 70,548 hectares of land, is one of the largest national parks in Vietnam. It also
shelters hundreds of ‘critically endangered’ Siamese crocodiles. Phong Nha – Kẻ Bàng national
park is also a (29)_______. This park is a true paradise both above ground, with jungles and
mountains, and underground, with one of the world’s largest caves. Ba Bể national park is the
most important wetland in Vietnam’s protected area system (30)_______it is the only site that
has a natural lake surrounded by a mountainous karst ecosystem. Ba Bể lake is also a wonder
itself. The calm currents of the lake are perfect for swimming, fishing, and riding on boat trips.
Or you can choose to either hike or cycle along the lake to get up close to the forest.
26. A. it B. them C. its D. theirs
27. A. home B. house C. apartment D. flat
28. A. booking B. to book C. book D. booked
29. A. must-do B. must-read C. must-have D. must-see
30. A. so B. because C. but D. and

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