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Compute'. n~tworking is the interconnection of various computers for the purpose of

communic ation .
" Topology is the schematic description of the arrangement of a network.
Most commonly known topologies are- star topology, ring topology, bus topology, tree
topology and hybrid topology.
c-- Networking hardware are important components that are required to create a computer
network. They are: NIC, Hub, Switch and Router.
LAN, PAN, MAN, WAN, CAN are the types of networks .
~ A protocol is a system of rules that define how data is transmitted over network.
Internet Protocol is a network-layer that contains addressing information and some
control information that enables packets to be routed .
~ The TCP provides reliable transmission of data in an IP environment.
~ HTTP is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol that controls how Web servers and Web browsers
communic ate with each other.
able: It is a set of records and field s whe re data can
be ente red.
ueri es: It is used to retri eve data from tabl e base
d on a crite ria.
~s : They are used to display, edit, ente r data
oimary key :The field whic h uniq uely iden tifies a reco

Le t's Sw 1•11ar ise

I) Microsoft Acc ess is a data bas e man age

men t sys tem from Mic roso ft.
f) A database is a sys tem atic ally organise
d or structured repo sito ry of inde xed information
t)Table, form, query, repo rt are obje cts of a data .
bas e.
t) Tables can be crea ted usin g tabl e wiza
rd as wel l as des ign view .
6) A primary key is one or mor e fields who se
valu e or valu es uniq uely iden tify eac h reco rd
in a table.
I Computer Book 8

l e t's Summaris e

• There are many advant

ages of using MS Access.
• Query can be used to
view a subset of the data or
(I Forms can be used th to answer questions ab
em to enter, edit. or dis
play data. out th1
• Reports organise and
summarise data for viewing
online or for printing.

~ Fill in the blanks.

Form Tables Detail Report Two

mpute r langua ge devise d to allow webs ite
. crea ti o n.
f II d
• HTML>s a co xt Marku p Langu age.
e s i te auth or ca e
tandsfo te of short co d es typed i nto a t e xt-fi l e by th
a series
s ofrHyper
• The tags separa te norma l text from HTML code
a n d i s plac ed insid e the
• element ute
Aoatt,ib's is used
openin to define the chara cteris ti cs of a n e l e m e nt
g tag.

• Ao HTML Docum ent is saved with the exten s ion of

-......_ ~
. htm ~- •
Let's S u m m ar is e

A header elem en t
9 ty pi ca lly co nt a in s
th e sectio n' s head
•~ ~ nt
r v 11 ca n be fo rm at te d u si n g th in g.
e <FO NT> ta g us·,ng
9 In HTML im ag es ar e ·rts va no
de fin ed w ith th e <i us attri.butes.
rn g> tag.
9 The al t attribute sp ec ifi es an al te rn at e te
xt for an image. if th
displayed. e image cannot be
9 The <hr> ele m e n t le
ts yo u dr aw ho rizon
ta l lines wherever yo
8 Tables are defi ne d w u want in the documen
ith th e < ta ble> ta
9 Th e HTML < a> tag, ca g,
lle d th e an ch or ta
9 Ahyper\ink is a w or d g defin es a hype r1in
. gr ou p of w or ds or k.
im age th at you ca n
docum ent click on to jump to another
, . .. . ... ,ciuge nt 1-I unianoid rob t - - ~ __, , ld1.umano. id Robotsphariae
.,,11 !opeci which can talk and behave hk e hunians. 0 narn e as Erica and So
dcv . '"' , ·· .

Let's Summarise
Artificia I stem to develop and apply
of a cornputer sy
I inte11·igence s. l) is the ability

f Main g .
are to create expert systems and to replicate human
ls of
oace arac
in m l .intelligence
1 1 en

ftware that can understand and carry out electronic

u· tant is a voic
e-activated so
t Atasdig yosis
forl as
intelligence concerned With creating robots, devices th
t onderebr
s isan anch of artificial
can mo act to sensory input,
r• ~\can
defmed a s th e
~ e in g s to u s e
a b \\ it y o1 c o m
,n te m g e n c e .
p u te r s y s te m
s , to d o ta s k s
th a t n o rm a ll y
. re q u ir e d
. e L e a m in g (M .
Machin L ) ,s th e te c h n .
& without being iq u e th a t g iv
e s c o m p u te rs
p ro g ra m m e d
. th e p o te n ti.a l
i Neural networ to le a rn
k re p \\ ca te s th
e h u m a n b ra
oeep leaming is in .
6 a t, ,p e o1 m a c h
the wa', h u m a n s in e le a m in g
g a in ce rt a in. a n d a rt if ic ia l
ty p e s o f kn o w in te lli g e n c e (A
, computer 'li si le dge. l) th a t im it a te
o n is c o n c e rn s
images and 'li d e e d w it h h o w co m p u te
os . rs ca n se-e a
n d u n d e rs ta n
8 ,he ability
o f c o m p u te r to d d ig it a l
give an o u tp u t b u n d e rs ta n d h u m
y p ro c e s s in g a n la n g u a g e .
it , is ca lle d N e it
a tu ra l L a n g u a he r s p o k e n o r w ri tt e n a n d
~ qe Pr to
" Al ,s
. now getting used in multiple fields providing a high-performance and actti;
system with efficiency. . . . .
s Some of the sk'11s req
. u,·red for career in Al are machine learning, data sc1ent1st, resean
scientist, business intelligence developer.

• The 4 W's of Problem Scoping are Who, What, Where and Why.
• Data Acquisition is the process of collecting accurate and reliable data.
• Data Exptoration means arranging data for better understanding.

• There are two approaches for Al Modelling; Rule Based and Learning Based.

th are 4 stages of Al: Internet Al, Business Al, Perception Al, Autonomous Al
• There
Al _e icsintelligence
• art1fic1a/ of moral principles and techniques required for responsible used
is a systemtechnology_
le t's Summarise
AND, OR , NOT are the different logical ope
ors in python .
• IF-ELIF is used to write logical operat
en we hav e an IF within anothe r IF, we call it a nested conditional st t
• Wh a ernent·
• Loops are used to repeat a block of cod
ich must be met before completin .
eria is define d as a con dition wh
• Exit crit 9 a 8Pec1ft
ted loop.
• A loop within another loop is called nes
• Break statement is used to exit from a loo
e lines of code with in a loop and go 10 ~
• Co~tin~e statement is used to skip som
beginning of the loop.
7 5 I 5
ttt ffi i ~
• An array can hold many valu
es un de r a sin gl e na m e .
• Elements of the array can be
accessed usin g th ei r in de x.
• Array index starts from O.
,. Append () method is used to
add an elem en t to an array.
• Pop() and remove() method
is used to re m ov e an e\em en
t fro m the array.
• Sorting means arrang ing elem
en ts of an arra y in an order
Let's Sum mar ise

Data is raw, unorga nized facts that need to be proces sed.

e When data is proces sed, organ ized, structu red or presented in .
make it useful, it is called inform ation. a given context
So as,.
• Quant itative data can be measu red by numer ical variables.
• Qualit ative data can't be expre ssed as a numb er and can 't be rn easurect.
• Contin uous data can have a value within a specif ic range .
• Discre te data can take only a specif ic value .
• Data scienc e is all about using data to solve proble ms.
Cluste ring is a proce ss in which simila r object s are kept in a grou p wh ereas diss· .

object s are in differe nt group s.
• Data visual ization is the visual prese ntatio n of data or inform ati on.
• Data collec tion is a metho dical proce ss of gathe ring and analysing specific inforrrnxr
• Data analys is mean s to extrac t usefu l inform ation from data and taking the decision
let's marise
f) A mobile app is a computer program designed to run on a mobile device such as a phone/
tablet or watch.
t) Apps can be downloaded from platforms called app stores such as Apple App
Store, Google Play, etc.
t) There are three types of apps: Native apps, Web apps, Hybrid apps.
I) App Inventor allows you to quickly and easily create applications or "apps;' for Android

smartphones and tablets. ~

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