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Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

of Oral Psilocybin Administration in Healthy
Friederike Holze1,2 , Anna M. Becker1,2 , Karolina E. Kolaczynska1,2, Urs Duthaler1,2
and Matthias E. Liechti1,2,*

Psilocybin is being investigated as a potential treatment for psychiatric and neurological disorders. Only a few studies
have evaluated the pharmacokinetics (PKs) of psilocybin and have used body weight-­adjusted dosing. Data on PKs
and the PK-­pharmacodynamic (PD) relationship of fixed doses that are commonly used are unavailable. The present
study characterized the PKs and PK-­PD relationship of 15, 25, and 30 mg of orally administered psilocybin in 28,
23, and 28 healthy subjects, respectively. Plasma levels of unconjugated psilocin (the psychoactive metabolite of
psilocybin) and corresponding subjective effects were repeatedly assessed up to 24 hours. PK parameters were
determined using compartmental modeling. Concentration-­subjective effect relationships were described using
PK-­PD modeling. Mean (95% confidence interval) maximal psilocin concentrations were 11 ng/mL (10-­13), 17 ng/
mL (16-­19), and 21 ng/mL (19-­24) after the administration of 15, 25, and 30 mg psilocybin, respectively. Maximal
concentrations were reached after an average of 2 hours. Elimination half-­lives were 1.8 hours (1.7–­2.0), 1.4 hours
(1.2–­1 .7), and 1.8 hours (1.6–­1 .9) for 15, 25, and 30 mg psilocybin, respectively. Mean (± SD) durations of subjective
effects were 5.6 ± 2.2 hours, 5.5 ± 1.6 hours, and 6.4 ± 2.2 hours, and maximal effects (“any drug” effects) were
58% ± 25%, 73% ± 27%, and 80% ± 18% after 15, 25, and 30 mg psilocybin, respectively. Psilocin exhibited dose-­
proportional PKs. The duration and intensity of subjective effects were dose-­dependent. Body weight did not influence
pharmacokinetics or the response to psilocybin. These data may serve as a reference for future clinical trials.

Study Highlights

WHAT IS THE CURRENT KNOWLEDGE ON THE were dose-­proportional. Body weight did not relevantly influ-
TOPIC? ence PKs.
; Psilocybin is currently under investigation as a treatment for HOW MIGHT THIS CHANGE CLINICAL PHARMA-
several psychiatric and neurological disorders. COLOGY OR TRANSLATIONAL SCIENCE?
WHAT QUESTION DID THIS STUDY ADDRESS? ; The present data support the design of further studies that
; The pharmacokinetics (PKs) and PK-­pharmacodynamic investigate psilocybin as a potential treatment.
(PK-­PD) relationship of commonly used fixed doses of 15, 25,
and 30 mg psilocybin were investigated in healthy participants.
; PK and PK-­PD characteristics of fixed psilocybin doses are
described for the first time. PKs of psilocybin and its metabolites

Psilocybin is a classic psychedelic and serotonin 5-­hydroxytryptamine-­2A After oral ingestion, psilocybin is rapidly dephosphorylated to
receptor agonist, similar to lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD).1,2 its active metabolite, psilocin.11 Maximal plasma psilocin concen-
Psilocybin is currently being investigated in psilocybin-­assisted psycho- trations are reached after 1.6–­2 hours.12,13 Psilocin is then metab-
therapy for several psychiatric and neurologic disorders, such as major olized to inactive psilocin glucuronide and eliminated via urine
depression,3–­8 anxiety,6,7 cluster headache,9 and migraine,10 among and feces.14–­16 A large portion of psilocin is also metabolized to
others. inactive 4-­hydroxyindole-­3-­acetic acid (4-­HIAA) via monoamine

Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Department of Biomedicine and Department of Clinical Research, University Hospital Basel and University of
Basel, Basel, Switzerland; 2Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland. *Correspondence: Matthias E. Liechti
Trial registry
Clini​calTr​ (NCT03912974 and NCT03604744).
Received August 25, 2022; accepted December 6, 2022. doi:10.1002/cpt.2821

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oxidase and aldehyde dehydrogenase.12,17 Previously reported half-­ personal history of major psychiatric disorders (assessed by the
lives of psilocin ranged between 2 and 3 hours.12,13 Semi-­structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical
Some earlier trials used weight-­adjusted dosing,6,7 but psilocy- Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, Axis I disorders), fam-
bin is now mostly administered as single fixed doses of 15, 25, or ily (first-­degree relative) history of psychotic disorders, the use of
30 mg.3,5,18–­20 Although psilocybin has been intensively investi- medications that may interfere with the study medications (e.g.,
gated clinically for many years, very little pharmacokinetic (PK) antidepressants, antipsychotics, and sedatives), chronic or acute
data and no data on the PK-­pharmacodynamic (PK-­PD) relation- physical illness (e.g., abnormal physical examination, electrocar-
ship are available. Furthermore, descriptions of PKs and dose-­ diogram, or hematological and chemical blood analyses), tobacco
effect relationships of the increasingly used fixed doses are lacking. smoking > 10 cigarettes/day, lifetime prevalence of illicit drug
The few small previous PK studies used body weight-­adjusted dose use > 10 times (except Δ9-­tetrahydrocannabinol), illicit drug use
administrations,12,13 whereas therapeutic trials favor fixed doses of within the last 2 months, and illicit drug use during the study pe-
psilocybin.13,21 riod (determined by urine drug tests). The participants were asked
Therefore, the present study investigated the PKs and acute ef- to consume no more than 10 standard alcoholic drinks/week and
fects of psilocin and the PK-­PD relationship of clinically represen- have no more than one drink on the day before the test sessions.
tative fixed doses of 15, 25, and 30 mg psilocybin. For this purpose, Adverse events were previously reported in detail,19–­20 the most
data from two separate phase I studies in healthy participants were common adverse events during the acute effect phase included
analyzed using a validated analytical method and established PK-­ fatigue, headache, lack of concentration, lack of energy, dullness,
PD modeling techniques. feeling of weakness, and loss of appetite. Subacute adverse events
included headache, migraine, low mood, and nausea. There were
METHODS AND MATERIALS no serious adverse events in regard to substance administration.
Study design
PK and PK-­PD modeling was conducted using data from two Study drugs
separately conducted double-­ blind, placebo-­ controlled, cross-­ Psilocybin was customer synthesized for both studies with ap-
over studies. Other data from both studies were previously pub- proval of the FOPH (99.7% high-­performance liquid chroma-
lished.19,20 In one study, 20 participants received a single dose of tography purity; ReseaChem GmbH, Burgdorf, Switzerland) and
25 mg psilocybin after pretreatment with placebo or escitalopram. administered as opaque capsules that contained a 5 mg dose of
For the present analysis, only data from the placebo condition were psilocybin dihydrate and an exact analytically confirmed actual
analyzed. In the other study,19 participants received single doses psilocybin content of 4.61 ± 0.09 mg (mean ± SD, n = 10 samples).
of 15 and 30 mg psilocybin, 100 and 200 μg LSD, and placebo All drug products were produced according to good manufactur-
on 5 separate test days. For the present analysis, both psilocybin ing practice by a licensed good manufacturing practice facility
conditions were used. Both studies were conducted in accordance (Apotheke Dr. Hysek, Biel, Switzerland). The formulation of psi-
with the Declaration of Helsinki and International Conference locybin and its use in humans were authorized by the FOPH.
on Harmonization Guidelines in Good Clinical Practice and
approved by the Ethics Committee of Northwest Switzerland Study procedures
(EKNZ) and Swiss Federal Office for Public Health (FOPH). The first study20 included a screening visit, two 10-­hour test
Both studies were registered at Clini​calTr​ (NCT03912974 sessions, and an end-­of-­study visit. The test sessions began at
and NCT03604744). 7:30 am. Psilocybin was administered at 10:00 am. Outcome
measures were assessed for 7 hours after psilocybin adminis-
Participants tration. The second study19 included a screening visit, five 25-­
The first study20 included 23 healthy participants (12 men and hour test sessions, and an end-­of-­study visit. The test sessions
11 women; 34 ± 10 years old (mean ± SD); range: 25–­55 years) began at 8:00 am. Psilocybin was administered at 9:00 am.
with a mean body weight of 70 ± 14 kg (50–­112 kg), a mean body In both studies, participants received a standardized breakfast
mass index (BMI) of 24 ± 3.5 (18–­32), and a mean glomerular (two croissants) ~ 30 minutes before psilocybin administration.
filtration rate (GFR) of 110 ± 13 mL/min/1.73 m2 (79–­129 mL/ Outcome measures were assessed for 24 hours after psilocybin
min/1.73 m2). The second study19 included 28 healthy participants administration. For both studies, sessions were conducted in a
(14 men and 14 women; 35 ± 9.4 years old (mean ± SD); range: calm hospital room. Only one research subject and one or two
25–­52 years) with a mean body weight of 72 ± 12 kg (55–­104 kg), investigators were present during each test session. Before drug
a mean BMI of 23 ± 2.7,18–­29 and a mean GFR of 109 ± 14 mL/ administration, a urine sample was taken to verify abstinence
min/1.73 m2 (79–­129 mL/min/1.73 m2). Participants were re- from drugs of abuse, and a urine pregnancy test was performed
cruited by word of mouth or from a pool of volunteers who had in women. Standardized lunches were served at 1:30 pm. In the
contacted our research group because they were interested in first study, 20 participants were never alone during the test ses-
participating in a clinical trial that investigated psychedelics. sions. The subjects were sent home at 5:30 pm with a partner
All participants provided written informed consent and were or friend. In the second study,19 the participants were never
paid for their participation. Participants aged between 25 and alone during the first 8 hours or until effects had subsided.
65 years were included. The exclusion criteria were pregnancy Participants stayed overnight at the research facility with an in-
(urine pregnancy test at screening and before each test session), vestigator always available in the adjacent room.

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Measures can be found in the Supplementary Methods online (Table S1,

Blood and urine sampling. Blood was collected into lithium hep- Figure S1). All samples were re-­analyzed after deglucuronidation
arin tubes before and 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, and with Escherichia coli β-­glucuronidase,11 thereby allowing the deter-
7 hours after psilocybin administration in the first study20 and mination of concentrations of unconjugated psilocin and psilocin
before and 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, glucuronide, which corresponds to the difference between samples
14, 16, and 24 hours after psilocybin administration in the second that were incubated with and without β-­glucuronidase.11,22
study.19 The blood samples were immediately centrifuged, and Subjective mood. Visual Analog Scales (VASs) were repeatedly
the plasma was stored at −20°C. Urine was collected only in the used to assess subjective effects over time. The VASs included sep-
second study19 for time intervals of 0–­8, 8–­16, and 16–­24 hours arate measures for “any drug effect,” “good drug effect,” “bad drug
after psilocybin ingestion. Urine samples were frozen and stored effect,”, and “ego dissolution”20,23,24 and were presented as 100 mm
at −20°C. For long-­term storage (1–­18 months), the samples were horizontal lines (0–­100%), marked from “not at all” on the left to
kept at −80°C until analysis. Stability has been shown for psilocin “extremely” on the right. The VASs were administered simultane-
and 4-­HIAA for repetitive freeze–­thaw cycles.11 ously with plasma sample collection.
Analysis of psilocin and metabolite concentrations. Plasma psilocin
and 4-­HIAA concentrations were analyzed using a validated ultra-­ Pharmacokinetic analyses and pharmacokinetic-­
high-­performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrom- pharmacodynamic modeling
etry method as described previously.11 Urine psilocin and 4-­HIAA All of the analyses were performed using Phoenix WinNonlin
concentrations were analyzed with the aforementioned method, 8.3 (Certara, Princeton, NJ). PK parameters were estimated
with adaptation, to process urine samples. A detailed description using compartmental modeling. A one-­compartment model was

Figure 1 Pharmacokinetics (PKs) of 3 doses of psilocybin, 15, 25, and 30 mg, in 28, 22, and 28 subjects, respectively. (a–­c) Predicted
individual plasma psilocin concentration-­time curves shown separately for each subject, with the mean marked in bold to illustrate the
between-­subject variability of psilocin concentrations after the administration of a 15 mg, b 25 mg, and c 30 mg psilocybin. (d) Plasma psilocin
concentration-­time curves that represent the mean of individual PK model predictions. The observed data are expressed as symbols and the
mean ± SEM. Dose-­linear increases in psilocin concentrations were observed. Psilocybin was administered at t = 0 hours. PK parameters are
listed in Table 1.

824 VOLUME 113 NUMBER 4 | April 2023 |

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used with first-­order input, first-­order elimination, and lag time with a simple Emax model (plot inspection (Figure S2) and Akaike
to account for oral administration in gelatin capsules. Initial esti- information criteria). Renal clearance (mL/h) was calculated as
mates for apparent volume of distribution and λ were derived from urinary recovery (ng)/24-­hour area under the concentration-­time
noncompartmental analyses. The model fit was not relevantly im- curve (AUC24; ng × h/mL).
proved by a 2-­compartment model but by a 1/y weighting when
sampling up to 24 hours, based on visual inspection of the plots. Statistical analyses
The one-­compartment model also resulted in smaller Akaike The onset, time to maximum concentration (Cmax; Tmax), offset,
information criterion values in all subjects compared with a two-­ and effect duration were assessed for the model-­predicted “any
compartment model. The PK model was first fitted and evaluated. drug effect” VAS effect-­time plots after psilocybin administration
The predicted concentrations were then used as an input to the PD using a threshold of 10% of the maximum individual response
model by treating the PK parameters as fixed and using the clas- using Phoenix WinNonlin 8.3. Pearson’s correlations between
sic PK-­PD link model module in WinNonlin. The model used a body weight, BMI, GFR, and age and plasma concentrations were
first-­order equilibrium rate constant that related the observed PD calculated using Statistica 12 software (StatSoft, Tulsa, OK).
effects of psilocin to the estimated psilocin concentrations at the
effect site and accounted for the lag between the plasma and effect RESULTS
site concentration curves.25,26 A sigmoid maximum effect (Emax) Pharmacokinetics of psilocin and its metabolites in plasma
model (half-­maximal effective concentration (EC50), Emax, and γ) and urine
was selected for all PD effects. Lower and upper limits for Emax Plasma concentrations of psilocin and 4-­HIAA were quantified
were set to 0% and 100%, respectively, for all VASs scores. The sig- before and at all time points after treatment. All samples were re-­
moidal Emax model best described the relationship between esti- analyzed after deglucuronidation. Plasma levels of psilocin glucu-
mated effect-­site concentrations and psilocybin effects compared ronide were determined based on the difference between samples

Figure 2 Pharmacokinetics (PKs) of free psilocin (unconjugated), psilocin glucuronide, and 4-­hydroxyindole-­3 -­acetic acid (4-­HIAA) for three
doses of psilocybin, 15, 25, and 30 mg, in 28, 22, and 28 subjects, respectively. The graphs show observed plasma concentrations for
(a) 15 mg, (b) 25 mg, and (c) 30 mg psilocybin. The data are expressed as the mean ± SEM. Psilocybin was administered at t = 0 hours. PK
parameters are listed in Table S2.

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that were incubated with and without glucuronidase, correspond-


CL/F (L/h)

119– ­335

ing to the total amount of conjugated metabolites.

AUC∞, area under the plasma concentration-­time curve from time zero to infinity; CI, confidence interval; CL/F apparent total clearance; Cmax, estimated maximum plasma concentration; t1/2, estimated plasma

The plasma concentration-­time curves for psilocin, includ-
ing individual PK model-­predicted psilocin concentration-­time
curves, are shown in Figure 1. The individual observed psilocin
concentrations are shown in Figures S3-­S5, together with their



28– ­92
individual model-­predicted curves. Predicted curves could not


be modeled in one participant, thus leading to a sample of 22
participants in the first study (25 mg dose of psilocybin). Plasma
concentration-­time curves for psilocin glucuronide and 4-­HIAA



are shown in Figure 2. Corresponding PK parameters are shown

t1/2 (h)

in Table 1. Parameters based on the noncompartmental analysis

terminal elimination half-­life; Tmax, estimated time to reach Cmax; k01, first-­order absorption coefficient; λ z, first order elimination coefficient; Vz/F volume of distribution.
are summarized in Table S2. Figure 1a–­c also illustrate between-­
subjects variance in the concentrations of psilocin for each dose.



Coefficients of variation for Cmax values (Table 1) were 23%, 20%,

Tmax (h)

and 27% for the 15, 25, and 30 mg psilocybin doses, respectively.
Values indicate overall moderate variance and greater variance at

Table 1 Pharmacokinetic parameters for different doses of unconjugated psilocin based on compartmental modeling
the highest dose.
Unconjugated psilocin was rapidly metabolized to 4-­HIAA or





glucuronidated (Figure 2). Psilocin and its metabolites displayed


dose-­proportional increases in plasma concentrations. Maximal
plasma concentrations of unconjugated psilocin were reached after

(348–­4 89)
a mean of 2.0, 1.9, and 2.2 hours for the 15, 25, and 30 mg psilo-

254– ­853

Vz/F (L)

cybin doses, respectively. Elimination occurred according to first-­

order kinetics. Elimination half-­lives were 1.8, 1.4, and 1.8 hours
for the 15, 25, and 30 mg psilocybin doses, respectively, defined
using compartmental analysis (Table 1). Neither plasma concen-




trations (Cmax or AUC values) nor subjective effects (Emax values)
Tlag (h)


correlated significantly with body weight, BMI, GFR, or age.
Concentrations and molar concentrations of psilocin (molecu-
lar weight: 204.3), psilocin glucuronide, and 4-­HIAA (molecular


weight: 191.2) in urine and corresponding urinary recovery are
λ z (1/h)


shown in Table 2. Urinary recovery was obtained in 27 and 26 par-
ticipants for the 15 and 30 mg psilocybin doses, respectively. An
average of 75%, 61%, and 81% of the nonmetabolized psilocin, psi-
locin glucuronide, and 4-­HIAA, respectively, that was recovered


K01 (1/h)

from urine appeared in urine within the first 8 hours after adminis-



tration. Of the orally administered psilocybin (9.9 mg or 48.7 μmol

psilocin in the 15 mg dose or 19.9 mg or 97.3 μmol in the 30 mg
dose), an average of 20% was eliminated in urine as psilocin glu-
curonide and 33% was eliminated as 4-­HIAA. Only 1.5% of the



orally administered psilocybin was eliminated in urine as unconju-

gated psychoactive psilocin within 24 hours. The renal clearance of
mean (95% CI)

mean (95% CI)

mean (95% CI)

psilocin was 42 ± 30 mL/min.





Subjective effects
The PK-­PD model-­predicted subjective effect-­time curves for VAS
ratings of “any drug effect,” “good drug effect,” “bad drug effect,”
and “ego dissolution” are shown in Figures 3 and 4. Psilocybin
Dose (mg)

dose-­dependently increased “any drug effect” (Figure 3) and



“good drug effect” (Figure 4a–­d). Transient “bad drug effect” was
reported in some subjects, resulting in a moderate increase in mean
group ratings (Figure 4e–­h). Psilocybin also dose-­dependently

increased “ego dissolution” (Figure 4i-­l). Variability in the inten-

sity of subjective drug effects is illustrated in the “any drug effect,”
“good drug effect,” bad drug effect,” and “ego dissolution” curves in

826 VOLUME 113 NUMBER 4 | April 2023 |

Table 2 Urinary elimination of psilocin, psilocin glucuronide, and 4-­HIAA
Psilocin (unconjugated) Psilocin glucuronide 4- ­HIAA

0-­8 hours 8-­16 hours 16-­24 hours 0–­24 hours 0-­8 hours 8-­16 hours 16-­24 hours 0–­24 hours 0-­8 hours 8-­16 hours 16-­24 hours 0–­24 hours

Urinary concentrations Ae0-­24
15 mg 27 96 ± 100 46 ± 42 19 ± 19 1,100 ± 721 1,240 ± 1,073 270 ± 227 2,198 ± 1,370 812 ± 801 179 ± 158
30 mg 26 163 ± 139 87 ± 70 46 ± 46 2,131 ± 1708 2,386 ± 1734 732 ± 802 4,240 ± 2,532 1870 ± 430 ± 438
15 mg 27 0.47 ± 0.49 0.23 ± 0.20 0.09 ± 0.10 5.4 ± 3.5 6.1 ± 5.3 6.1 ± 2.4 11 ± 7.2 4.2 ± 4.2 0.94 ± 0.83
30 mg 26 0.80 ± 0.68 0.43 ± 0.34 0.22 ± 0.22 10 ± 8.4 12 ± 8.5 3.6 ± 3.9 21 ± 14 9.6 ± 12 2.2 ± 2.3
Urinary volume (mL)


15 mg 27 1,455 ± 644 775 ± 495 673 ± 437
30 mg 26 1,398 ± 575 702 ± 448 565 ± 464
Urinary recovery Ae0-­24
15 mg 27 109 ± 97 29 ± 26 8.4 ± 5.1 145 ± 98 1,244 ± 490 669 ± 378 128 ± 64 2040 ± 527 2,498 ± 898 480 ± 484 88 ± 57 3,066 ± 951
30 mg 26 223 ± 194 48 ± 33 17 ± 11 279 ± 209 2,396 ± 816 1,208 ± 490 295 ± 221 3,899 ± 807 5,080 ± 2,313 906 ± 640 162 ± 104 6,148 ± 2,382
15 mg 27 0.53 ± 0.48 0.14 ± 0.13 0.04 ± 0.03 0.71 ± 0.48 6.1 ± 2.4 3.3 ± 1.9 0.62 ± 0.31 10 ± 2.6 13 ± 4.7 2.5 ± 2.5 0.46 ± 0.30 16 ± 5.0
30 mg 26 1.1 ± 0.95 0.23 ± 0.16 0.08 ± 0.05 1.4 ± 1.0 12 ± 4.0 5.9 ± 2.4 1.4 ± 1.1 19 ± 4.0 27 ± 12 4.7 ± 3.3 0.85 ± 0.55 32 ± 12
Values are mean ± SD; 15 mg psilocybin (exact content: 13.8 mg) = 9.9 mg psilocin (48.7 μmol); 30 mg psilocybin (exact content: 27.7 mg) = 19.9 mg psilocin (97.3 μmol).
Ae, amount eliminated.


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Figure 3 Subjective effects of psilocybin over time based on Visual Analog Scale (VAS) ratings from 0 to 100 for “any drug effect” for the
15, 25, and 30 mg psilocybin doses. (a–­c) Individual psilocybin effect-­time curves for a 15 mg, b 25 mg, and c 30 mg. Predicted individual
effect-­time curves are shown separately for each subject, with the mean marked in bold to illustrate the between-­subject variability of
psilocybin effects after the administration of a 15 mg, b 25 mg, and c 30 mg psilocybin. (d) Effect-­time curves represent the mean of individual
pharmacokinetic model predictions. The observed data are expressed as symbols and the mean ± SEM. Psilocybin was administered at
t = 0 hours.

Figures 3 and 4. Individual ratings for each subject and time point recovery. The average plasma elimination half-­lives were 1.8, 1.4,
are shown in Figures S6-­S17, together with the modeled curves. and 1.8 hours according to the compartmental analysis and 2.4,
Effect durations, assessed by the “any drug effect” VAS, are 1.8, and 2.7 hours according to the noncompartmental analysis for
shown in Table 3. Effect durations dose-­proportionally increased, the 15, 25, and 30 mg doses, respectively. The noncompartmen-
with higher doses resulting in a longer duration of effects. Time tal analysis provides the best estimate of the terminal elimination
to onset was similar for all three doses, and effects peaked after half-­life (t½), whereas the compartmental analysis best reflects the
~ 2 hours for all doses. clinically relevant plasma half-­life during the first 8 hours when
The PK-­PD modeling parameters are shown in Table S3. psychotropic effects occur. The modeled elimination half-­lives
Predicted concentrations of psilocin that produced half-­maximal were shorter than the 3–­5 hour half-­lives that were previously
effects (EC50 values) were in the same range for all drug effects. reported.12,13,27 The shorter half-­lives of psilocin in the present
However, Emax values were 3–­5 times lower for “bad drug effects” analysis align well with the short duration of the acute action
than for all other subjective effects. of psilocybin as also documented in the PK-­PD analysis and are
consistent with the PK-­PD of LSD, in which longer-­lasting effects
DISCUSSION mirror a longer plasma half-­life of LSD (t1/2 = 3.5–­4 hours).23,28
The present study comprehensively described the PKs, PK-­PD re- Previous studies of the PKs of psilocybin were small, and unclear
lationship, and urinary recovery of clinically representative fixed is whether unconjugated or total concentrations of psilocin were
doses of psilocybin (15–­30 mg) for the first time. Previous PK measured. Furthermore, the present study found no associations
studies investigated body weight-­adjusted doses.12,13,27 In the pres- between body weight and plasma concentrations of unconjugated
ent study, psilocybin administration resulted in dose-­proportional (free) psilocin for the body weight and dose range included in this
changes in plasma psilocin (unconjugated), psilocin glucuron- study, indicating that body weight-­adjusted dosing is very likely
ide, and 4-­HIAA concentrations and dose-­proportional urinary unnecessary and may actually result in doses that are too high in

828 VOLUME 113 NUMBER 4 | April 2023 |

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Figure 4 Subjective effects of psilocybin over time based on Visual Analog Scale (VAS) ratings from 0 to 100 for (a–­d) “good drug effect,” (e, f)
“bad drug effect,” and (i-­l) “ego dissolution” for the 15, 25, and 30 mg psilocybin doses. a “Good drug effect”-­time curves represent the mean
of individual model predictions and observed data. b-­d Predicted individual “good drug effect”-­time curves for b 15 mg, c 25 mg, and d 30 mg.
(e) “Bad drug effect”-­time curves represent the mean of individual model predictions and observed data. (f–­h) Predicted individual “bad drug
effect”-­time curves for f 15 mg, g 25 mg, and h 30 mg. (i) “Ego dissolution”-­time curves represent the mean of individual model predictions and
observed data. (j-­l) Predicted individual “ego dissolution”-­time curves for j 15 mg, k 25 mg, and l 30 mg. Predicted individual effect-­time curves
are shown separately for each subject, with the mean marked in bold to illustrate the between-­subject variability of psilocybin effects after
administration. The observed data are expressed as symbols and the mean ± SEM. Psilocybin was administered at t = 0 hours.

very heavy patients. This aligns with a previous study that investi- previous studies were small and used body weight-­adjusted dos-
gated associations between subjective effects and body weight and ing. Here, we report the urinary recovery of 4-­HIAA for the first
recommended fixed doses.21 time. Combined, ~ 54% of the administered dose of psilocybin
In the present study, we also described the PKs and urinary is excreted renally within 24 hours as 4-­HIAA, free psilocin, or
recovery of the main metabolites of psilocin, 4-­HIAA, and psi- psilocin glucuronide.
locin glucuronide. Psilocin undergoes extensive metabolism, The plasma concentration-­time curve of unconjugated psi-
with only ~ 1.5% of psilocin eliminated unchanged in urine. locin is consistent with the within-­subject effect-­time curve as
This finding indicates that likely no dose adjustment is required documented with PK-­PD modeling in this study. Subjective ef-
in patients with renal impairment as previously noted.13 The fects of psilocin closely mirror unconjugated psilocin concentra-
largest portion of psilocin is rapidly metabolized to 4-­HIAA or tions in healthy participants, indicating that effects are generally
undergoes glucuronidation. 4-­HIAA has an elimination half-­life present as long as psilocin is not further metabolized, and there
that is similar to unconjugated psilocin, whereas psilocin glucu- was no sign of acute tolerance. This was similarly described for
ronide has a significantly longer half-­life and remains in the body LSD in previous PK-­PD studies,28,29 with LSD having a longer
longer. In line, the largest portions of unconjugated psilocin and plasma half-­life and longer duration of subjective action com-
4-­HIAA are eliminated within the first 8 hours, whereas the pared with psilocybin.19 Therefore, the subjective effects of psi-
largest portion of psilocin glucuronide is eliminated 8–­16 hours locybin and its plasma concentrations are closely linked within
after oral ingestion. Amounts of unchanged eliminated psilocin subjects as evidenced by the PK-­PD model fit. Greater variance
are small (1.5%) and similar to a previous study (< 2%)13 but in subjective effects of psilocybin can be observed between indi-
slightly lower than in another study (3.4%).14 However, these viduals. However, the variance in plasma concentrations between

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Table 3 Characteristics of the subjective response to different doses of psilocybin

15 mg Psilocybin 25 mg psilocybin 30 mg Psilocybin
Effect n = 28 n = 21* n = 28
Time to onset (hours) 0.8 ± 0.3 0.7 ± 0.4 0.7 ± 0.3
(0.3–­1.5) (0.2–­1.5) (0.1–­1.5)
Time to offset (hours) 6.3 ± 2.1 6.2 ± 1.4 7.1 ± 2.1
(3.7–­11) (2.7–­8) (4.1–­12)
Time to maximal effect (hours) 2.1 ± 0.5 1.9 ± 0.5 2.2 ± 0.7
(1.5–­3.4) (0.9–­2.7) (0.5–­3.3)
Effect duration (hours) 5.6 ± 2.2 5.5 ± 1.6 6.4 ± 2.2
(2.5–­10) (1.9–­7.8) (3.7–­12)
Maximal effect (%) 58 ± 25 76 ± 22 79 ± 19
(13–­98) (8.0–­99) (42–­100)
Parameters are for “any drug effects” as predicted by the PK-­PD link model. The threshold to determine times to onset and offset was set individually at 10% of
the individual maximal response. Values are mean ± SD (range). *Only for 21 subjects (instead of 22) due to one subject not showing any response, and therefore
failed to fit the model.
PD, pharmacodynamic; PK, pharmacokinetic.

subjects was relatively small, indicated by coefficients of variation known exact drug content. Plasma concentrations of free psilocin,
for Cmax values of 20–­26%, and clearly smaller than the variance psilocin glucuronide, and 4-­HIAA were determined using a val-
in PK parameters between subjects in a study that used weight-­ idated analytical method. Urine concentrations of analytes were
adjusted dosing and another formulation of psilocybin.13 The low determined using the same, slightly adapted method to process
variance in PK parameters was previously reported for fixed doses higher concentrations that accumulate in urine.
of LSD in 2 similar studies that assessed PK-­PD relationships for The present study also has limitations. We used data from two
5–­200 μg doses of LSD.28,29 The relatively low variance may in- different participant populations, and the 25 mg study20 assessed
dicate that formulations with a consistent and stable content of no urine recovery or plasma concentrations and assessed effects
psilocybin as used in the present study likely results in relatively only up to 7 hours after psilocybin administration. Thus, two
similar exposure to the drug and more consistent responses across slightly different configurations within the PKs model had to be
different healthy volunteers and potentially patients. This is likely used for the best fit.
relevant for clinical trials that investigate potential therapeutic ef- In conclusion, we described the PKs and PK-­PD relationship of
fects of psilocybin. fixed doses of oral psilocybin in healthy participants. Subjective ef-
In the present study, we assessed dose-­effect relationships for fects were closely related to plasma concentrations of unconjugated
subjective drug effects. Overall, subjective effects and effect dura- psilocin, and body weight did not influence plasma concentrations
tions increased dose-­proportionally in the dose range of 15–­30 mg of psilocin. These findings are important for further clinical stud-
psilocybin. “Any drug effects,” “good drug effects,” and “ego disso- ies of psilocybin.
lution” dose-­dependently increased, although data were combined
from two different studies. In contrast, no clear dose–­response SUPPORTING INFORMATION
Supplementary information accompanies this paper on the Clinical
was found for “bad drug effects.” “Bad drug effects” were higher in Pharmacology & Therapeutics website (
the study20 that used 25 mg compared with the 30 mg dose in the
other study,19 possibly attributable to study-­specific differences. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Generally, “bad drug effect” ratings were very low, and EC50 values The authors thank Michael Arends for proofreading the manuscript.
were within a similar range for all doses.
We also assessed effect durations using the PK-­PD model. AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
F.H. and M.E.L. wrote the manuscript. F.H. and M.E.L. designed the
Overall and as expected, effect durations were dose-­dependent. research. A.M.B., K.E.K., F.H., and U.D. performed the research. F.H.,
However, durations of subjective effects of 15 and 25 mg psilocy- A.M.B., K.E.K., U.D., and M.E.L. analyzed the data.
bin were similar, most likely because of methodological differences
between studies because in the first study20 that used 25 mg, ses- CONFLICT OF INTEREST
sions ended after 7 hours and effects were not assessed at later time M.E.L. is a consultant for Mind Medicine, Inc. All other authors declared
no competing interests for this work.
points, whereas in the second study19 that used 15 and 30 mg, ef-
fects were assessed up to 24 hours. FUNDING
The present study has several strengths. We used data from two This work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation
randomized trials that were conducted within the same highly con- (grant no. 32003B_185111 to M.E.L.), University Hospital Basel, and
Mind Medicine, Inc. Knowhow and data associated with this work and
trolled laboratory setting. Both studies included similar numbers
owned by the University Hospital Basel were licensed by Mind Medicine,
of male and female participants and used psilocybin capsules from Inc. Mind Medicine, Inc., had no role in planning or conducting the
the same batch that was well-­characterized pharmaceutically with a present study or the present publication.

830 VOLUME 113 NUMBER 4 | April 2023 |

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