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Ministry of Health &Family Welfare

Government of indla

Certificate for COVID-19 Vaccination

of Indla
Issued in Indla by Ministry of Health & Famly Welfare, Govt.
Certiflcate ID 68O637615

Beneficiary Details
Benelicary Name/gfratz g Anurag Sit
Age/ 4H
Gender/ fi
Aadhaar # XXXXXXXX1825
ID Verfed/ tfs sz
Unique Health ID (UHIDI

Beneficiary Reference ID 33615681541224

Vaccination Status /fbatsgta f Fully Vaccinated (2 Doses)
Vaccination Details
Himadri Debroy
Vaccinated By/Grratt
Udaipur Eng Medium HS School, Gomati, Tripura
Vaccinaton At / orTsT YT

Dose Number Date of Dose Vaccne Name Batcn Number Vaccine Type Manutactutet

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Together, India will defeat


In cese of any adverse event kindy contact the neress Pubic Heaith Cerde!
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