Akshita Khemka - G10

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To: lee.weiyann@minisitry.health.


From: akshitak.2021@accountancy.smu.edu.sg

Date: 14th February, 2022

Cc/Bcc: ministry.health@singaporegovt.sg

Subject: Nurses must be mentored and preserved in the profession.

Dear Dr. Wei Yann,

Thank you for taking the time to read this email despite your hectic schedule. I'd want to express my
heartfelt gratitude for your efforts in supporting, strengthening, and uniting Singaporeans over the
last few months.

The Ministry of Health has sincerely devoted itself towards assisting folks in their struggle against
Covid-19. Doctors and nurses have been true pillars in helping us keep in shape to fight this deadly

In the recent years, there has been a negative perception of nurses as doctors’ handmaids and of
nursing as ‘dirty work’. The media contributes to the notion of nurses as goddesses of sympathy,
hirelings to doctors, seductive nurses, etc. As for these caricatures, nurses are not given the respect
they duly deserve which has also highly impacted on the image of the various health sectors.

I believe it is past time for us to come together and find answers to this long-standing problem. We
should also seek to reflect the genuine nature of the health-care industry and its ethics in the
nursing profession.

First and foremost, nurses' image is heavily influenced by their working environment and values. We
need to host an event for healthcare workers to educate them on how to create a pleasant and
comfortable environment for nurses.

Second, through nurse awareness programs, nurses must be taught how to be more vocal and
convey their emotions to the public. Nurses must be taught how to present oneself in a positive light
in front of the society. This would assist the nurses in breaking out of their shells and being brave
enough to express their inner sentiments.

Following the education of the nurses, media campaigns should be established, in which a few
selected nurses can represent the larger number and express as well as educate the community
about the nurses' hardworking and optimistic side. This would enable the world in recognizing the
significance of this profession and begin treating nurses with esteem and admiration.

I am confident that these programs will bring significant differences in peoples’ attitudes and assist
them in instilling the proper respect and appreciation for nurses.
Kindly let us know when a good time is to elaborately go through my proposal. I'll be happy to assist
in case you have any questions. I eagerly wait for your affirmative response.
Thank you for your time and patience.

Akshita Khemka,
Undergraduate Student,
Singapore Management University

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