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G102 98td Aralysis

And Decisien lools|


Ans (a)
917 983 046 944 123 183
X 840889 66 289 104 116 89136 S22129612089

813 1OS7 166 836 912 73

660969 I7a49 586156 69 88969840646129
EX 10833
EX: 9229I
ESamales of populaton, mean and standarcd deviaton
u E -10833 q0215

99929 -12 x (902.75)

PCX<80o) =P 8o0S00 -u

P(2 8oo -902.1S
P Z- o-9918)
= 0-184

Probabil »1841
Now, let volume be
P - q02-7s = o-05

-902-1S = +164

1:64X l9-1849 t 902:7s

o90 0132.
Jhe abDYe Calulalid volume wiu
rigger a
ME Event that the customer miised the payment

D Event that the culomer do es not default.

for probabiut that a vandomly selecd customer i u be

a default cardholder ü P(D) >o 05
LOY pro babi l that a and omly selectid eus tomer uiu
ot be a defäultt cavdholder u
CondiHonal Probabîuty P(M/p) =I and P(M/D) =0-20o

using Bayes appyoac
PD/M) P(M/) XPD)
LPM/D)xP[D)Jt [P(M/D) X P(D')I
Substituung the valuel,

P(D/M) = Ix o os

(1xo-o5)+lo-20 x0-99
0 OS
0 24

0 2083
Henca, probabilily that the cuslomer wfu defaul- Pf msseo
a monthly payment = o-2083.

|As the probabiul that a Tand omly seledkd cuslomer wfu be

a defau cavd holder given hat ht/she missed a
payment ú qrealer than 0-20o.So the bant should ecau iu
Crecdi card, if the cuslomer wil mús a
monthlt Pyment
Mea Standard Deviakon
No: oh obs evvakions
59 2
Machin 2 22 63

S2-4 S 3 61
fraioS - = 1l08

S2 3.61

Degre of reedom,
29 (larger vaiance)
2 ni-1 = 21 Smaler variamc9
calculaled fvalue with the tabul alrd fvatue
we compare The
to7 , and V.
no simiffcant differcnu ü varîanees un
the lwo machines.
bag weght dference between the baq
H Th e e d sigmiHcant
wetght fo7 wo macne
signikcanee level wih given degret of frudom,
for 10%
s to- 14081

Calculalsd f value <fo.

We aceept Ho,
which means that there mo sanipcant diffeena i
variance bag weeght for the machmes.
ALo, S1 4 0. l6 Sma the var+ance per obs eY valuon,
2S to7 machine I and machine 2
and S- 3:61 0. 164 Comparable,
2 2
Thee fore, Thee a
equal oppovtunil
oY quaily umprovement n both.
Hec, chi sojuare test of independente wfu be uwed.

Ho: Brand Loyau s Independent of manu factue

BYand koyally s not ndependent oh manutachurex.

ollowing he output of chi' square test of independence :

Domesic |European American Total

125 65 68 248
Same make obs erved 66-13 12.33 248-00
Expetad 2.18 I 81 0.26 4.82
Chi square
o 291/ 3.5.

DifferenF Obsetved 140 07 352

make Expet ISs41 93.87 02.67 352.00
(0-E)/E. 54 32 O.18 3.04
chi Squae &o 97. 17-9% 2.S. 41-3/

Total bserved 265 60 175 600

Expecad 265 00 60 00 I1S 00 600.00
0-E)/E 3-12 3-19 1-36
of chi squa 50 6 43-47. 6 0.
Chisquau 1-96
Deges of freadom=3
P-Vale b.0252

Sune p-value u less than 0 0S So we jet the nuu hypothes u.

That ü, we can con clude that brand loyalu nodt
independent of m anu fatkues

Domes ut manufathures appeay lo have the frealeat bra nd

loy aly be cause t ha 9reafest perc entaqe chi squams kut
Number of consyuctiovn safely dev fces
a ' Num ber of window washer safel devices
7: Revenue.

In the
qiven case,
max (z) 60x +9oM2 0 (obyecave function)

Test t3 7s

3/4 V3

Max Re yenue (move objective funtion
Value) to be found at foot tt dütanae
CoTmer polnu ffom the ovigin

xa yo7s) * Shad ed Region ü feauîble vegfon

At A, 11: 0, 11=10o

A 602 ty0dz
(0,1od = 60 t 4o (10)

thza so) ZA : uo oo

B0,0)_(o0) 200
At point B,
yo, X2 : 80o

oxbo) +4o X80)


At pount C, 8 0 , Z2-0
e 6ox 8o +(ox 4o)
X 48o0
Henu, optmal value oR deusfon yaviables
8 o
Maximum Revemue (Ze) = S6oo

TOm 9raph at pount B, testung oper ations 2 and 8 wutake
50 andyo minule peclively
So, numbex of slack tme foy stng operalions tor tat 2and 3
for TestI Tîme Requind
T x yo +x8o 56-67 minules
So, TestI operatuon wfu haye slack um = IS-C%.6+

1833 minule8.

REDUNDANT CONSTRAINT trom graph, TestI operaluon for

Conshaurnt edundant conshi aunt.
A cuTve without lst Ume consraun func-ton,
optmal value o
and 2 vaYtable couldeman sami.
So, Redundant consraunt
a t 2 7s
i Amoun ênvesled n stocki wheue - tA,B,.c.D, )
<= lo00 000
Consaunt 1: 24 t 2 t s t1u tAs
(Total qvailable amount fov
Consaumt2: t 2 > = 0:3Sx o00000

Ov, t 1 2 35o000

Consaunt 3
2s So000
OpEmal Total Expecid Inteest earned fo7 nextyean:
0-01 Xo t O-09 x 3Soooo + 0-08 x Oto-1xSooo00 to-l| x ISSo o00

Au the given Consain in The ques ton ax bind ng.

5 (a) (
Jhe opumal allocalon wfu not change as decrease to 6%,
which me ans 14. 67. = 1 rduckon t within the allow able
decr ease imit for stbk A.

5 (a) (i)
Optimal allocalion, wtu change uncease 107 (uwhich mean
0 - 6 7 =41. intreae) ú besond the allooable increase Lfmi
fpr sbck A. To get the neuo solukon we netd to solve he
pro bl em,

f we resolve, we e t the follouOtng Solukon,

StockA Bso00o
SbckB, Stock.c, sock D=0 and S6k E =ISo ooo and
maximued profit: 0ISoo

Jhe opumal soluln i l not change as decrease by|7o
othn the alowable decrease Limit tor sck B.
Only objecluve funuon value wiu decre ase by 8Soo00 xo:1
3soo and new objecwe tuneluon vadue uu be
98000-3Soo = 94500

5(a) v)
Name Anal Value Shqdow Conshunt Allouwable Allowable
RH Incr ase Denaje
Comshu 3Soooo -0-01 3Soo00
0oo oo0o 3oooo
As conshcunt 2 A tX8735o000
and the change u RH 407o causes an merease
SDoo0, whfch within the Culow able tncrease umir tor
Consiaunt I, ti ohfth shadow prYca wîu st «man
New objecave fumtton value
50,000 Xo:) + 98,00 o

5 tw
Jhe soluton to the problem unique as thex ü conaaint
n plaa for sbck Ad6 and ppev mi for stockE.
In Lineav
Progvamming Reduced ost o
Cost & the amount by which an
oedsve tuneluon, otedio
0ould haye o Empro vë befoou tt would be
possTble fov a
COTYespomdëng Yarriable to aisume a positmu Value th
optt mal Aoluko
for thu caie whex a and
y a opumal, ne edu ced
cos hetp explan why vara bles obtaun the val ue the
Tinings Agen+ nexdn ngshspeaköng(nisoa Biivg uad (mün a51)
12 6 3
6-9 AM
20 S
3-6 PM 2 6

6-9 PM 2 3

Englih Speaking bilngual

6am 9am
shitt B
am -12noon
Shitt c
Shitt D
3pm- pm
Decision yaviable
Mn Z
+ t *3 t4 77*
6-9am 1 t 12
u am-12noon t2*h +22 io
12-Bpm 2t13t +> E16
2 24
u) 3-6pm 13t 4 t 3t
V - 9pm x4 t}4 2 12
speak Engtishi-
of the agenT will
. Ninimum hatt
6-9am 26
t X 2 1o
u) - 12 noon > 1

1212-3pm x2 +%3 28
) 3-6pm K3 tuy 212
v 6 - 9pm y6.

the agn wiu be bilingual-

Minimum Buarter of

)6-9am 123
-12 noon s

un 12-3pm 32+
3-6Ppm 3 26

6-9 pm 23
ENon Neaatvil Conshaunt

AU are
enteges .
LOCakanCan SenveA Cost Perpay Dec ton Va»able
A,E $400
2 A, C,D 500
4 B,D $9yo
S As
D,E $430

AREAS Avallale leeakion

D 2,4,S


ydox t 500 X2 t 4soX3t
yyoxy+ 430 dS

Demand i) AxaA, XI tX2 21
i AveaB, 4 +Xy 21
ui Aea c, 12 t13 2|
Area D, 2 t 7y ts 2
vAreaE, z1 +23 +Xs 2|
Binary Conshaints* ,, 72, 3, X4,dS :0 0T|
(Binary Numbex)

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