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Lesson 1: Religious Views of Service (Service (with a heart))


★ Form of giving help or assistance to others

★ Deeply rooted in the texts, traditions, and practices of many faiths


★ Tzedakah is considered a commandment and moral obligation all

Jew should follow.


★ Considered giving a key religious practice

★ Christians still look to the Hebrew book and tithe (one-tenth of an

individual’s income) as God’s commandment

I will suggest that the great aim of our education is to bring out of the child who

comes into our hands every faculty that he brings with him, and then to try to

win that child to turn all his abilities, his powers, his capacities, to the helping and

serving of the community which is a part - Annie Besant


★ For Muslims, giving is one of the five pillars of Islam.

★ Zakat - to grow in purity; an annual payment of 2.5 percent of one’s

assets. Minimum obligation of their religious giving.

Spiritually Proud Service

★ Comes through a human effort

★ Impressed with the “big act of service”

★ Requires external rewards

★ Highly concerned about results

★ Picks and chooses whom to serve

★ Affected by moods and whims

★ Is temporary

★ Without sensitivity; insists on meeting the need even when it would

be destructive

★ Fractures community

Spiritually True Service

★ Comes from a relationship with God within

★ Finds it almost impossible to distinguish the small from large act of


★ Rests contented in hiddenness

★ Is free of the need to calculate results

★ Indiscriminate in its ministry

★ Ministers simply and faithfully

★ A lifestyle

★ Can withhold service freely

★ Builds community

The value of all service lies in the spirit in which you serve and not in the

importance or magnitude of the service. Even the lowliest tasks or deeds are

made holy, joyous, and prosperous when it is filled with love. - Charles Fillmore
Lesson 2: Sayings

Tips on Facilitating Group Discussions:

★ Create an environment for effective communication

★ Keep discussion focused

★ Keep people engaged

★ Advance and deepen the discussion

★ Provide opportunities for all the voices to be heard

★ Create an environment of trust and support so disagreements and

understanding can surface

Saying to reflect on:

➢ Sometimes a man imagines that he will lose himself if he gives

himself and keep himself if he hides himself. But the contrary takes

place with terrible exactitude. - Ernest Hello

➢ Teach use, good Lord, to serve you as you deserve: to give, and not

to count the cost, to fight, and not to heed the wounds, to toil, and

not to seek for rest, to labor, and not to ask for any reward, save

that of knowing that we do your will. - Ignatius of Loyola

➢ There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread,

but there are many more dying for a little love. - Mother Teresa

➢ For anything worth having one must pay the price; and the price is

always work, patience, love, self-sacrifice - no paper currency, no

promises to pay, but the gold of real service - John Burroughs

➢ Love cannot remain by itself - it has no meaning. Love has to be put

into action, and that action is service - Edmund Burke

➢ The service you do for others is the rent you pay for the time you

spend on earth. - Muhammad Ali

➢ I expect to pass through life but once. If therefore, there be any

kindness I can show, or any good things I can do to any fellow

being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not

pass this way again - William Penn

➢ I never pick up an item without thinking of how I might improve it. I

never perfected an invention that I did not think about in terms of

the service it might give others - Thomas Edison

Lesson 3: Service in Workplace

1. Show respect and courtesy - It seems like such a small thing, and in our

busy lives we often forget that a kind word, a helping hand, or just a smile

and "Thank you" can create a bright spot in another person's life. And then

two people are happy. L

2. Listen more than you speak - Listening gives you the opportunity to know

the other side of the coin. It leads to understanding. As they say, "Courage

is knowing when to sit and listen."

3. Give genuine praise - Recognizing the contributions of others is a mighty

act of service. This is an investment in others that doesn't cost you a thing,

and the returns can be amazing. Remember, "Praise in public, punish in

private ". Even in a disagreement there is an opportunity for service, and

you can restore happiness to the relationship, if you speak the truth in love

to help another to learn and grow.

○ Compliment someone: Serving others has to be about them.

Compliments are a great way for you to focus something positive

on them and brighten their day. Find something you can be

genuine about and give them the compliment with a smile and

positive approach

4. Keep your promises - You can create an atmosphere of service simply by

doing the things that you say you will do. Dependability and punctuality

are the hallmarks of the service-oriented individual. When people can

trust you, it creates happiness all around

5. Practice forgiveness - Pointless hard feelings are the source of so much

unhappiness in the world. Holding a grudge against another is a blemish

on your soul. When you can let go of this, you can begin to heal the pain.

Making a point of forgiving someone is a great service, for there are times

that the person may not even know that they have hurt you. You can

even forgive those who do not want to be forgiven, trust me - it will make

you happy.

6. Help someone achieve a goal - People often struggle achieving their

goals and every one of us can use help in some way. Ask people about

their goals and do what you can to help them achieve it. Perhaps you

suggest where to start or some person to refer, a course or knowledge or

some personal tutoring or action to help them with, whatever it is, helping

people achieve their goals is a wonderful way to serve others.

7. Teach something specific that you know about - Take writing one step

further and teach someone something you know in person. Take the time

to help them learn it, to explain it and to have them learn from you.
Teaching is a great way to serve others and we all have an opportunity to

teach others in areas we already have learned.

8. Be genuine with your apologies - Put some sincerity into your apologies

and be genuine when you do make a mistake. Own up to it and make

the appropriate apology in person and in a serious tone.

9. Promote someone else’s idea - You have your own ideas but how often

do you reinforce and encourage someone else's idea. Just one more way

to serve and build others up.

10. Make moral decisions - Moral decisions are ones that are considered to

be right. Moral decisions serve the general good and allow you to serve

by making choices based on what is right and good.

11. Live ethically - Ethical living has some parallels with moral living but

perhaps more from the human defined perspective, and not human


12. Avoid and guard against gossip - Gossip can be disastrous to friendships,

careers and other people's lives. Learning to avoid gossip and guard

against it both for yourself and for others is a valuable service to engage


13. Live with less stuff - Well, all our stuff and complexities tend to distract us

even more and so living with less stuff and activities is an easy way to

serve others as it frees our time for it and lets us put it as a priority.

14. Be a good steward - Use the resources that you are blessed with in good

measure. Don't be wasteful. Leave some for someone else.

15. Asl for help if needed - Another way to serve others is to ask for help when

it's needed. People do generally want to help when they can and asking

for help is a sure way to give them that opportunity.

Lesson 4: Emilian Service in Focus

● Philosophy …conscious of his/her role in the global community.

● Vision …welfare of humanity

● Mission …sustainable community extension

Service defined: Emilio Aguinaldo College develops among Emilians a strong

sense of duty and responsibility of helping others for the school, community,

country, and Mother Nature.

Our role in the global community, our pursuit of the welfare of humanity, our

gearing towards sustainable community extension speaks of our strong sense of

duty and responsibility of helping others for the school, community, country, and

mother nature.

We serve the school with a heart by:

● Honoring, respecting, appreciating one another

● Practicing CLAYGo or Clean as you go wherever we are.

● Making use of our time and effort by studying well and for teachers,

teaching well.

We serve the community with a heart by:

● Being able to inspire others through our everyday dealings with them or

through our words and posts in social media.Being able to inspire others

through our everyday dealings with them or through our words and posts

in social media.

● Being able to reach out to those in need. EAC has a consistent and

regular outreach program. Once the pandemic ends, the programs will

resume. As Emilians, we are invited to take part in it.

● Being able to make contributions through our initiative to the betterment

of our own neighborhood, participating in such activities as cleaning the

estero, feeding programs, teaching children in our community, etc.

We serve the country with a heart by:

● Participating in the upcoming elections (if eligible).

● Honoring the symbols of our country such as the flag. Showing your

nationalism by standing straight, while singing our national anthem.

We serve mother nature with a heart by:

● Protecting, preserving, and conserving the environment through our own

little ways.

● Respecting life and remembering our interdependence with nature.

● Participating in advocacies that seek to end climate change and its

global catastrophe.

Lesson 5: Virtue, Excellence, and Service: Socratic Way Integration

● We have reflected on the Core Values of Emilio Aguinaldo College. We

have identified the salient points about the philosophy, spirituality, and

application of these core values. As we conclude values education, and

as we let you off as Senior High School Emilians, let us have this integration

of the three.

● The three core values are not in isolation with one another, but they are

connected and related to each other, in a way, a Trinitarian vision of



● As a human person, we need to nourish our body by eating the right kinds

of food, exercising daily, drinking glasses of water, sleeping early in the

evening, etc. How we take care of our body can also be manifested by

the things we apply on our body, such as beauty creams, lotions, etc.

● Crito, his friend, asked Socrates, "What could we do for you to gratify you

most?" Socrates replied, "What I always say, Criton, nothing very new: Take

good care of yourselves." Socrates meant here, take care of your soul.

● As a human person, we also need to nourish our soul. According to

Socrates, to nourish the soul one must seek the truth and have knowledge.

Seeking the truth makes us knowledgeable. As we study in school, as we

read and take part in the discussion with our teachers, as we ask questions

about the things that bugs, confuse, and terrifies us, we fulfill the first

nourishment- Knowledge.

● But having knowledge isn't enough. Once equipped with the truth,

especially truth about the good life, we are obliged to live in truth and for
the truth. And living in and by the truth is Wisdom (Excellence), the second

nourishment. We live by the truth; we follow its precepts. But living in and

for the truth is also not enough for we are prone to live in isolation and to

keep to ourselves the knowledge and the wisdom we gained.

● So, a third nourishment is necessary. For Socrates, it is to make evident, to

apply the knowledge and wisdom we gained. And to apply this wisdom,

one must live by this wisdom and the life lived must manifest these through

Virtue. Living a virtuous life is a mark and characteristic of a true and

upright Emilian. And this virtue cannot help but to be of service to other

people. It is an impetus, a stimulus difficult to resist.

● Virtue, Excellence, and Service makes an Emilian. These three makes us

different from others yet close to them, for we somehow share the same

core values. These, however, sets us apart because these three were

inculcated in our mind and heart. The difference we will make in the

future depends on how big our service is to others. Excellence can be

measured by service and virtue is manifested by service.

● May we always look back to these three as we walk towards our goals

and dreams in life, as we achieve these goals and dreams with service for

others in the end.

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