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C班:15h task1: 3h task2:12h

B班:18h task1: 15h task2: 3h

* Band Score:
C10 p176 178

task response 任务回应— 观点 6-7

coherence and cohesion 连贯和衔接 — 逻辑 6-7

lexical resource 词汇 6 (掉5 升7:难)

grammar range and accuracy 语法 6 (掉5 升7:难)

77 66 — 6.5
666 5 — 5.5 (⼤陆考区)
66 55 — 5.5
6 555 — 5
6666 — 6

task1 X 1/3 + task2 X 2/3 = Overall


TR — 6的分⽔岭
* Task Response:

what is the ‘task’?

Give reasons[2] for your answer[1] and include any
relevant examples[3] from your own knowledge or
experience. Write at least 250 words[4].

* question types
1) opinion essay: To what extent do you agree or
disagree? ⚠ :区分“现象”(undebatable)和“观点”
2) 利弊分析(现象):Is it a positive or negative
development? ⚠ :⼆选⼀: P or N
3) 利弊分析(现象):Do the advantages outweigh the
disadvantages? ⚠ :⼆选⼀:pros>cons or
4) Discussion essay(观点): Discuss both sides and
give your own opinion.
5) report(负⾯现象):a. causes; b.e ects;
—— (ab) (ac) (bc)
e.g. Humans’ average life expectancy(寿命) has been
increasing. What problems does it cause? Suggest
some solutions. (bc)
e.g. Discuss the causes of juvenile delinquency(⻘少
年犯罪), and suggest some solutions. (ac)

6) mixed 混合类(现象)
Q1: 5)a or 5)b
Q2: 2) or 3)
e.g. More and more people want to buy famous
brands of clothes, cars and other items. What are the
reasons? Do you think it is a positive or negative

* How to answer the question in opinion

essays(agree or disagree) ?

例题1:News media has become more in uential in

people’ lives. Some people believe that it is a
negative development. To what extent do you agree
or disagree with this statement?

1) totally agree: Personally, I agree that the
increasing in uence of news media on people’s
lives is a negative trend.
2) totally disagree: Personally, I disagree and I think
that the increasing in uence of news media on
people’s lives is a positive trend.
3) sit on the fence (部分同意+部分否定):Personally, I
think that the increasing in uence of news media on
people’s lives can be positive as well as negative.

例题2: Some people believe that employers should

not be concerned about the way their employees
dress, but the quality of their work. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?

the way their employees dress — 不关注

the quality of their work — 关注

Personally, I think that employers should take both
the way their employees dress and the quality of their
work into consideration.

例题3: In most countries, prison is the most common

solution for the problem of crime. However, the more
e ective solution is to provide people with better
education so that they do not become criminals. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

[1]better education — more e ective than prison

[2] better education — prevent people from becoming

better education ⽐ prison 能更加有效地解决犯罪问

better education,有助于避免⼈们成为罪犯, ⽐
prison 能更加有效地解决犯罪问题。☑

⚠ :“⾮此即彼” —— ⽆法中⽴。 两者(better prison

v.s. prison )做单维度(more e ective to solve crimes)的
⽐较,属于“⾮此即彼” e.g. ⼩张的沟通能⼒⽐⼩李的

Answer: Personally, I agree that better education,

which helps prevent people from committing crimes,
is a more e ective way than prison.

例题4: Some people believe that people who read

books can develop more imagination and language
skills than those who prefer to watch TV. To what
extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

⚠ :两者(read books v.s. watch TV)做多维度

(imagination / language skills)的⽐较。 e.g. ⼩张的沟
Answer: Personally, I think that reading books plays a
more signi cant role in the cultivation of imagination
than watching TV, while it is di cult to tell which way
is better to improve linguistic abilities.

* ⼩结:
[1] examine topics = pick out ‘key words’ (where
candidates should express their ideas )
[2] make sure the answer-sentence fully covers all
these words.

* How to give reasons for you answer?

例题3: In most countries, prison is the most common

solution for the problem of crime. However, the more
e ective solution is to provide people with better
education so that they do not become criminals. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

Answer: Personally, I agree that better education,

which helps prevent people from committing crimes,
is a more e ective way than prison.

Q: 为什么良好的教育有助于避免⼈们犯罪,这⽐监狱
A1: 因为( 良好的教育让⼈们具备了法律意识和正确的
道德观念)。= topic sentence // supporting
sentences: 这些能让⼈们意识到伤害他⼈来满⾜个⼈
中,⼈们则会接触到更恶劣 更富有经验的其他罪犯

A2: 因为(良好的教育为⼈们提供了知识和技能)。=
topic sentence // supporting sentences: 这帮助⼈们
维持⽣计。// 相⽐之下,⼤多数建筑⽆法提供给犯⼈能

* structure for ‘agree or disagree’ essay:

只写⼀句话,即answer to the question
Main body1: Reason1
topic sentence + supporting sentencesX1 or 2
Main body2: Reason2
topic sentence + supporting sentences
(Main body3: Reason3 )
topic sentence + supporting sentences
repeat your answer or summarise all the topic

* 利弊分析 之 positive or negative

例题:In many countries, more and more people buy
a wider range of household goods like television,
microwave oven and rice cooker. Do you think this is
a positive or negative development?

[1] 纯现象
[2] ⼀边倒;不要“中⽴”

* Structure:
Introduction: background statement(现象类的题⽬—
写背景句) + answer
Nowadays, a wider variety of household goods are
becoming available in people’s lives. Personally, I
think this is a largely positive trend.

Main body1: Reason1

topic sentence + supporting sentencesX1 or 2

topic sentence: some goods — enrich people’s daily
supporting sentences[1]: TV及同类的goods —
entertainments — TV series / talk shows — to kill time
supporting sentences[2]: treadmill(s) and other sports
facilities — body exercise / tness

Main body2: Reason2

topic sentence + supporting sentences

topic sentence: other goods — convenience for
supporting sentences[1]: robot vacuum cleaner —
save … from do the dreary and repeated chores on
supporting sentences[2]: microwave oven/rice cooker
/ washing machine/ dishwasher — complete several
tasks at a time

(Main body3: Reason3 )

topic sentence + supporting sentences

repeat your answer or summarise all the topic
* 利弊分析 之 advantages outweigh disadvantages

例题:Some people regard video games as harmless

fun, or even as a useful educational tool. Others,
however, believe that video games are having an
adverse e ect on the people who play them. In your
opinion, do the drawbacks of video games outweigh
the bene ts?

[1] 现象为主 (个别题⽬夹带观点)
[2] ⼆选⼀: pros > cons or cons>pros(3>2 instead
of 2>1)
[3] 预判 (不强制)

[1] fun = entertainment
[2] educational

[1] studies or work
[2] physical health concerns: eyesight damage(short-
sighted) / insomnia / sleeping disorder / …
[3] mental problems: violent tendency
[4] relationships in reality
* Structure 1:

Introduction: background statement(现象类的题⽬—

写背景句) + answer

Nowadays, many people, especially young

generations, enjoy video games. [1]Personally, the
potential dangers of this trend are more signi cant
than the possible bene ts. [2] Personally, the pros of
this trend are outweighed by the cons. —— ⼆选⼀

Main body1: (先写少的⼀⽅= pros X2 )

topic sentence:
supporting sentences[1]:
supporting sentences[2]:
refute them:

On the one hand, I have to accept that video games

are bot entertaining and educational. To be speci c,
players are transported into virtual worlds, where they
tend to feel more excited than in real pastime. // From
educational perspective, video games encourage
users’ imagination and creativity, as well as logical
thinking, problem solving and concentration, all of
which are practical skills outside the gaming
context. // However, the majority of players enjoy
games only for fun rather than for the purpose of
Main body2 : cons x3
topic sentence: On the other hand, I am convinced
that addiction to video games may cause severe
health concerns and poor school performance.
supporting sentences1 = the 1st con — physical
health concern
supporting sentences2 = the 2nd con —mental
supporting sentences3 = the 3rd con — studies

repeat your answer or summarise all the topic

例题:More and more parents are allowing their

children to play on computers and tablets as they
think that children should learn technology skills. Do
the advantages of this development outweigh the

1)what are the ‘technology skills’?

a. health issues: eyesight damage
b. distract children’s attention from studies
typing/ sending emails/ using o ce softwares, such
as PowerPoint/ searching information/ primary coding
and programming

2)what are the advantages of acquiring these skills?

a. adapt to the increasing availability of technology in
modern education // are required to complete
assignments by using o ce softwares, such as
PowerPoint, and submit them via emails.

b. problem solving on themselves = self -learning //

searching solutions on the Internet instead of turning
to teachers directly

c. acquire a wider range of knowledge and


3)what are the disadvantages of playing on

computers and tablets? X2

* structure 2:
Introduction: background statement + answer
Nowadays, an increasing number of parents expose
their children to computers and tablets so that they
can acquire technology skills. [1] Personally, the
possible bene ts of this trend are more signi cant
than the potential dangers. [2] Personally, the cons of
this trend are outweighed than the pros. —— [1][2]: ⼆

Main body1: the 1st pro

topic sentence: One of the possible bene ts is that a
good master of technology skills helps children better
adapt to the increasing availability of technology in
modern education.
supporting sentences: …

Main body2: the 2nd pro

topic sentence: Away from the bene t mentioned
above, I am also convinced that these skills improve
children’s problem solving.
supporting sentences:

Main body3: the 3rd pro

topic sentence: Finally, the skilful use of computers
and tablets allows children to get a wider range of
knowledge and information
supporting sentences:

Main body4: cons x2

topic sentence: However, I have to accept that the
overuse of electronic devices distracts children’s
attention from studies and leads to health issues
supporting sentences: ….
refute them:

repeat your answer or summarise all the topic
* Discussion essay:
例题: C8 P129

话题现象:which types of schools are better to

educate boys and girls ?
key words: separate schools / mixed schools

* Structure:
Introduction: 只写⼀句话,即background statement

There has been a controversy about whether

separate schools or mixed schools is /are better to
educate boys and girls .


People’s ideas vary(vi.) a lot with regard to which

types of schools are better to educate boys and girls.

Main body1: = discuss some people’s idea

topic sentences: On the one hand, some people
argue that children can pro t more from single-sex
[1] reduce the distractions caused by the opposite
sex — concentrate on their studies
[2] more equality and opportunities — choose

Main body2: = discuss others’ idea

topic sentence: However, there are others who
believe that mixed schools o er students more
advantages .

[1] relations with the opposite sex
[2] learn from each other — experience di erent types
of talents and skills (stystxmati / empathy )

summarise my ideas stated in main bodies

例题: Some people believe that women should play

an equal role as men in a country’s police force or
military force, while others think women are not
suitable for these jobs. Discuss both views and give
your opinion.

discuss some people’s idea:

topic sentence: On the one hand, some people argue
that females are supposed to play the same part as
men in the police and military.

my idea: However, I take the view that it is
unnecessary to require women perform as well as
reason1 for my idea: One of the reasons is that most
of women are disadvantaged at physical conditions.
To be speci c, their insu cient strength may put
them under the dangers of injury and even death
when they are ghting against with criminals.

reason2 for my idea: In addition, women are naturally

merciful. This characteristic probably makes them
unable to stand the cruelty in battle elds.

discuss others’ idea:

topic sentence: However, there are others who
believe that females are inappropriate for the jobs and
these two forces.

my idea: Indeed, the majority of them are not suitable
due to the disadvantages mentioned above, but there
are some posts where females make great
reason 1 for my idea: This is because many
policewomen are better at mediating the con icts
within the community because of their patentee and

reason 2 for my idea: Similarly, women can also serve

the army by providing medical support.

* the di erences in coherence:

[1] ⽀持性:… topic sentence … // This is because…
= One of the reasons is that … .
[2] 反驳性:… topic sentence … // However, I take
the view that … // This is because… = One of the
reasons is that … .

* caution
probably / be likely to do / will— ⼗有⼋九
possibly / perhaps — 6-7成
may — 50%
might / would/ could — 2-3成

* 雅思写作中的例⼦:
[1] 列举数字
[2] according to a study/research/ case/ report …
[3] stories

wildlife— kangaroos/ lions/ zebras
diverse cultures — languages /foods / social
customs/ traditions / arts/ literatures/ histories

Video games stimulate players’ practical skills in
Computer simulation games improve users’ motor
skills in real-life tasks, such as driving cars and

* Report
[1] 负⾯现象
[2] a. causes? b.e ect c. solutions: ab/ ac/ bc

e.g. Humans’ average life expectancy(寿命) has been

increasing. What problems does it cause? Suggest
some solutions. (bc)
e.g. Discuss the causes of juvenile delinquency(⻘少
年罪犯), and suggest some solutions. (ac)

例题: Discuss the causes of juvenile delinquency,

and suggest some solutions.


Introduction: 1)background statement + 2)answer

1) background statement:
Nowadays, an ever-increasing proportion of criminals
are teenagers.

2) answer
❌ :In this essay, I will state some causes and
related solutions.

☑ :This issue is closely associated with … and …,

and I will also state some relevant potential

Main body1:
One of the possible reasons is … . + supporting
sentences(reason1如何导致题⽬现象 ).
Another striking factor is … . + supporting sentences.
( Finally, … is/are responsible for this problem. +
supporting sentences. )

Main body2:
Fortunately, we have been well informed of how to
reverse this trend.
To be explicit, the utmost measure is … . +
supporting sentences(solution1如何reduce cause 1).
In addition, … . + supporting sentences.
(It is the responsibility of … to do … . + supporting

There are but two of the potential answers to this
problem. Although the problem may seem hard to
eliminate, there are concrete steps that can be taken
to change this situation.

* 关于ideas:
[1] think of ideas based on personal experience and
general knowledge
[2] steal ideas from model answers (Cambridge
textbooks / model essays from BC ex-examiners:
Simon & Liz )
[3] 微软Bing搜索: advantages/disadvantages/causes/
e ects/importance of 关键词
[4] Simon’s pdf pages 52

* ⼉童/⻘少年问题


1. family(parents): ——be buried in—— lack of …——
draw one’s attention——extreme things——including
2. school(ing): classmates——e.g. theft(pocket-
picking / shoplifting) / violent attack/ joyriding —— if:
often hang out with —— follow … to o end
3. society(media): be exposed to pornographic and
violent content in mass media, such as lms ——

* 雷区:
[1] ⼩概率事件: domestic violence / school bullying
[2] “挖坑”:divorced parents
[3] the cultural and social di erences between
candidates and examiners

* Coherence and cohesion:

连贯:前后⽂逻辑 — (暗)
衔接:the use of cohesive devices including linking
words and other devices — (明)

Are the following sentences coherent, cohesive and
both ?

Daniel likes eating sh. He lives in the north.

A. only coherent ❌
B. only cohesive ☑ ⽆直接关系;he指代Daniel
C. both ☑ 因果关系;he指代Daniel
D. neither ☑ ⽆直接关系;Daniel是个⼥的

* Cohesion in task 1 and 2:

[1] linking words: 简单;prep/adv/conj
[2]advanced devices
a. pron.
b. this / such + summary word // e.g. There are an
increasing number of populations ooding into
major cities. This trend causes greater pressure
on public services. e.g. Many students sacri ce
their homework time and stay up late to progress
through the levels of a game. Such addiction to
video games leads to poor school performance.

c. paraphrasing // e.g. Los Angeles Lakers is

particularly popular in China. The high popularity
contributes to the sales of related products.

减少[1], 增多 [2]


* C8 P173 paragraph2 & 3

this 指代前⽂整句话或整句话中观点
it 指代可数名词单数 或 不可数名词
For example
girls and boys — pupils
they 指代可数名词(⼈)复数

* C9 P173 paragraph4
these 指代可数名词(⾮⼈)复数
long-term relationships — a contented family life +
long-lasting friends
career — work
* Lexical Resource:
[1] at least 5000-6000 words (topic language)
[2] 词义:—— 英⽂解释
❌ :ascend / descend (位移)
❌ :occupy / take up (a space or time )
[3] 搭配:——英⽂解释
❌ :Many schools are dedicated to cultivating
students into all-round talents.
[4] 字典:Longman online > Ox > Cam
[5] 背词:1) 按话题 2)collocations/ phrases
[6] 别问⽼师

* Grammar Range and Accuracy:

* 常⻅错误:
1. 谓语动词 v.s. ⾮谓语动词
❌ :Tom came to my home made me surprised.
改:Tom coming to my home made me surprised.
❌ :There are several measures can be taken to
solve this problem.
改: There are several measures to be taken to solve
this problem.

2. 分词状语
❌ : There was an increase in the proportion of
females, rising from 15% to 35%.
改:The proportion of females showed an upward
trend, rising from 15% to 35%. ⚠ 分词和谓语动词必

3. 分词状语
❌ :Boiled in water, the cocoons are unwound into
silk thread.
改:Having been boiled in water, the cocoons are
unwound into silk thread. ⚠ 分词和谓语动词具有同时

4. 定从关系词判断 — 先⾏词在从句中成分
❌ :I went to the factory where was located in the
north of the city.
改:I went to the factory which was located in the
north of the city.

5. 标点
❌ :I got up late. So I missed the bus.
改:I got up late, so I missed the bus.

争议:……… 。And/But ……. 。

正确:………. ,and/but …….. 。
⚠ :句内衔接 只能且必须 ⽤conj

❌ :He is a fan of Kobe Bryant, however, he never

plays basketball.
改:He is a fan of Kobe Bryant. However, he never
plays basketball.
改:He is a fan of Kobe Bryant,but he never plays
改:He is a fan of Kobe Bryant. He, however, never
plays basketball.
改:He is a fan of Kobe Bryant. He never plays
basketball, however.
⚠ :prep / adv — 只作为句间衔接

* 范围:
[1] 划分成分: 主谓(系)宾(表) — 定/状
[2] 谓语动词 v.s. ⾮谓语动词
[3] 三⼤从句:名词性/定/状从
[4] with的独⽴主格
Beef was by far the most popular food, with
approximately 250 grams consumed per person per
[5] 代词:this/ it / that/ these/ they/ one

English Grammar in Use 剑桥英语 中级
* Task1:

* task achievement

考⽣:Summarise the information[1] by selecting and
re p o r t i n g t h e m a i n f e a t u re s [ 2 ] , a n d m a k e
comparisons[3] where relevant. Write at least 150

考官 :
[1] overview = paragraph2 我和你的体重变化不同
[2] key features 我胖了;你瘦了
[3] details 2010: 我120⽄; 2020: 我220⽄

* 动态图的overview:

To sum up, the consumption of chicken showed a
di erent trend from that of the otter foods. —
To sum up, there was a decrease in the popularity of
beef, lamb and sh, while the consumption of chicken
showed an upward trend. — main features

To sum up, there were great/substantial di erences in
the change of the popularity of these activities.

* 静态图的overview:
[1] 涵盖所有变量(两组)
[2] di erences / similarities (数字⼤⼩)

* steps:
[1] 找全两组变量
[2] Q1: 谁和谁做⽐较?
[3] Q2: ⽐什么?
[4] ⼆选⼀:di erences / similarities

To sum up, there were substantial di erences[4]
between the proportions of males and females[2] at
di erent education levels[3].

* 地图的overview:
* 流程图的overview:
总结步骤个数 + highlight key stages

作业1: The restoration of old buildings in major cities

in the world costs numerous governments'
expenditures. This money should be used in new
housing and road development.To what extent do you
agree or disagree with this statement?

Personally, I agree that the authorities should spend
the nance invested in the maintenance of ancient
buildings on new housing and road development.
topic sentence x 2

“ ⾃问⾃答”

Q1: 为什么政府要把修复⽼建筑的钱⽤在new housing

A: 因为( 政府有责任解决⼤城市中的住房问题)。// 随
着⼤城市中的population explosion, 房屋的供给和肯

Q2: 为什么政府要把修复⽼建筑的钱⽤在road
A: 因为( 经济的增⻓,作为政府的⾸要⽬标,在很⼤
程度上依赖于城市的道路状况 ) 。// 发达的道路系统为
术,这些是经济增⻓必不可少的因素。// 相⽐之下,

作业2: As countries develop, more and more people

buy and use their own cars. Do the advantages for
individuals outweigh the disadvantages for the

answer: cons(3) > pros(2)

Main body1:
topic sentence: air pollution
supporting sentences(how/why): natural resources —
exhaust fumes — pollutants e.g. SO2 — contaminate
the atmosphere
Main body2:
topic sentence: global warming
supporting sentences: fossil fuels — greenhouse gas
emissions e.g. CO2 — the increase of temperature

Main body3:
topic sentence: the potential to energy crisis
supporting sentences: the production and use of
private cars — natural resources — the increasing
number of cars — tremendous consumption of fuels
— some of which are nonrenewable

Main body4 :
topic sentence: However, convenience for commuting
supporting sentences: commuting between home
and the workplace — faster to get the destination due
to … + comfortable and private space

Main body5:
topic sentence: exibility for travelling
supporting sentences: timetable + reach the
destinations out of the routes of public transport

作业3: Some think that children should start school

as early as possible, while others believe that they
should start schools at the age of seven. Discuss
both views and give your own opinion.

话题现象:when children should start school

key words: as early as possible / at the age of seven

People’s ideas vary a lot with regard to when children

should start school .

Main body1: = discuss some people’s idea

topic sentence: … …
[1] One of reasons is that … this reduces parents’
pressure on taking care of children. Once children are
sent to school, their parents do not need to invest
much time in accompanying them, serving meals and
stu s like these.
[2] In addition, children starting school early can also
complete studies and become nancially
independent earlier than their contemporaries.
[3] However, it must be mentioned that children at the
age of six or below may have di culty in
understanding new knowledge at school, since many
of them are insu ciently developed at

Main body2: = discuss others’ idea

topic sentence: …
[1] This is because 7-year-old children are fully
prepared for the courses at primary school.
Speci cally, they have spent at least one or two years
on pre-school education, where they are taught
literacy and basic calculation. These lay a solid
foundation for their future studies
[2] Moreover, children at this age are also better at
tting into new environment full of strangers. By
contrast, younger ones may feel uncon dent and
even afraid to speak to and interact with others who
are elder.

作业4: C10 P163 paragraph2 & 3 找句间衔接

The increment was slightly larger in Belgium (than

that in Sweden and that in Denmark).

斜率:显著地/急剧地 — dramatically/ sharply/

signi cantly (线图)

绝对值:⼤量地—considerably / substantially (饼图/表


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