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UNHRC 2022

General Assembly
17 November 2022

Sponsors: Chile, Costa Rica

Co-Sponsors: Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Brazil, Haiti, Barbados, Columbia, Cuba, Mexico,

Panama, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Venezuela

01. The Importance of the Application of Censorship in Various Media”

Alarmed by the presence of cyber-criminality in digital world as a social matter within

Understanding the advantages and needs of society in terms of application of censorship,
Encouraging the stance regarding the aforementioned issue,
Calls upon the collaboration between the UNHRC and other partners in measures to address
the issue.

02. Appealing Censorship

1. Preventing insensitive and hurtful media from being shared and consumed by the masses.

a. Avoid the spread of misinformation among both forms of media

(online/printed) and prevent hate speech/discrimination

i) The widespread accessibility of user-generated content in online social

media makes it easier to group people together around shared interests,
worldviews, and narratives. The World Wide Web, however, is a favorable
environment for the widespread dissemination of unverified rumors.
ii) The provision of platforms in a daily basis creating a negligence in public

b. Controlling the limitations of viewing explicit information for underages by

using age restrictions in audio-visual media

2. Raising awareness for the real purpose of censorship in countries and how to use them
3. Creating a smart system of censorship that protects citizens' rights for freedom in access to media

4. Building a generation that can process and sort out the right information well,
a. Enabling family mode for children yet uncensored mode in internet media.

b. Establishing a clear law for freedom of speech so citizens can protect themselves from their
own speech which may offend certain cultural groups.

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