12th - English - Answer Key

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READING Q1. 1 B ; remoteness
(12 Questions) 1X12 2 D ; down
3 B ; 4, 2, 1, 3
4 D ; research base
5 A figure
6 B ; seal
7 A ; off-lying
8D ; amazed
9C ; The Galapagos
10D ; none of the options
11 marooned
12 C less

(10 Questions) 1X10 (a) 1. should try to breathe clean air
(b) 4. all of the above
(c) 2. pneumonia
(d) 1. cause cancer in humans

B. any four questions may be attemped

(a) Air is essential for our life. We have to breathe in

over 10,000 litres of air in a day to keep alive.
(b) Most of us spend ninety per cent of our time
indoors—in homes or offices. The air we breathe
indoors may also be polluted and cause ill health.
So, we should pay attention to the quality of air we
breathe indoors.
(c) We must first identify the allergen and then
prevent exposure to them. Use of vacuum cleaners,
exposure to sun, washing linen in warm water and
cleaning coolers, air-conditioners etc are some of
the important steps to minimise allergies.
(d) The indoor environment becomes polluted when
biomass fuels and coal are burnt. They release
carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide which are
detrimental to us.
(e)The important indoor pollutants are:
(i) Tobacco smoke
(ii) Animal dusts
(iii) Air conditioners
(iv) Moulds, bacteria
(v) House dust mites
(vi) Cooking and heating
(vii) Asbestos
(viii) Toxic chemicals (any 3-4 can be cited )

(a) ‘contaminate’
(b) ‘unequivocally’


Q3. Any one question 4M

Format 1M, Content 2M, Expression 1M (total 4 M)

A (Formal Invitation- Card Type) Format 1M,
Content 2M, Expression 1M total 4 M
B. Informal Reply to inviation Format 1M,
Content 2M, Expression 1M total 4 M

Format 1M, Originality of ideas 1M,
Expression 2M, Accuracy 1 M total 5M
B. Letter to Editor
Format 1M, Originality of ideas 1M,
Expression 2M, Accuracy 1 M total 5M
A. Article Writing
Format 1 M, Originality of ideas 1M,
Expression 2M, Accuracy 1 M total 5M
B. Report Writing
Format 1M, Originality of ideas 1M,
Expression 2M, Accuracy 1 M total 5M

Q7. Answer any one out of two
poetry extracts 1X6 M

A. 1. My Mother at Sixty Six, Kamla Das

2. iii. English & Malayalam
3. i. Simile
4. i. the fear of separation from her mother
5. i. Sadness with acceptance
6. iii. To hide her pain & sadness

a. i. Endymion - A Poetic Romance

b. iii. A young shepherd
c. ii. Lack of virtues & inhuman acts
d. iv. All of the above
e. i. Beauty is the cause of all happiness
f. iii. Alliteration
Q8. Answer any one out of two questions.
(Vistas) 1x4M

Any 4 to be attempted
A. 1. (d) a toy tiger
2. (c) unique
3. (a) sarcastic
4. (a) transitoriness of life & power
5. Kalki Krishnamurthy

Any 4 to be attempted
B. 1. d. (1), (4), and (5)
2. c. He lived in peaceful times
3. d
4. „refuge‟
5. Louisa

Q9. Answer any one out of two questions.

(Flamingo) 1X6 M
a. (b) Because he was not Nils Olof as he had thought
b. (c) Because she treated him like a real Captain
c. (a) the peddler would have gone back to his old ways
d. (d) money
e. a) sleeping
f. d) all of the above


i. c. He was eager to attend the French lesson
ii. c. Franz
iii. c. M. Hamel‟s sister
iv. b. French
v. d. both a & c
vi. „tempting‟
Q10. Any five questions to be answered 2MX5
Content -1M Expression -1M for each Q

(Suggested value points)

i. Fear prevents us from taking action, hampers success/progress, Douglas‟s
fear of drowning, developed aversion to water, overcame fear with help of

ii. A court case against Gandhi for disregarding government orders, demonstration
of thousands of peasants, judge postponed the trial, Gandhiji refused to furnish
bail, judge released him without bail, several days later Gandhi received an official
letter, case against him dropped, civil disobedience had triumphed

iii. Gandhi ready to go to jail fighting against the injustice to the sharecroppers,
many prominent lawyers had come from all over Bihar to advise and help, said
they would go back if Gandhi went to prison; later they told Gandhi they were
ready to follow him into jail. This support made Gandhi extremely happy and
confident. This confidence led him to exclaim that the battle of Champaran was

iv. Victory should be a cause for celebration and joy. but victory becomes a curse
when no one is left to appreciate it. If no one is left to enjoy /celebrate, the
victory is useless.

v. car owners described as selfish ... as they just passby without a thought for
the plight of the owners of the roadside stands and if at all they do stop, it is
either to complain or to turn their car round.

vi. Franz hears the pigeons cooing and wonders if the Prussians would make
them sing in German too. His thought reveals linguistic chauvinism of the
German.....the Frenchmen‟s fear of complete domination by the Germans
whereby they would try to enslave even their minds

11. Any two questions to be answered. 2M each.

Content 1, Expression-1

(Suggested value points)

a. “Students on Ice” programme...high school students are taken on a trip to
Antarctica and offer inspiring educational opportunities... encourage them in
developing new awareness and respect for our planet.

b. scientists can unravel the Earth's climate history, understand present changes,
and predict future trends to save earth.

c. A good doctor... the General might need some operation urgently and Dr Sadao
was the best doctor available for this need.
12. Any one question to be answered. 5M
Content 3M, Expression 1M, Accuracy 1M

(Suggested value points)

A. Since children like Saheb and Mukesh cannot enjoy the privileges of childhood
that the children of affluent families enjoy, the poet considers these children
whose spring (childhood) has been lost. Hence, the title 'Lost Spring' .....

B. Subbu ....number 2 at Gemini Studios ..... always looked cheerful and was highly
resourceful charitable and of loving nature..... was also an amazing actor. .....and a
good poet .....although he played Minor roles he performed them better than the
lead actors..,.. he was very close and intimate with the boss and had many
enemies in Gemini Studios .....a man who could be inspired & commanded....very
creative....success in films overshadowed his literary calibre

13. . Any one question to be answered. 5 M

Content 3M, Expression 1M, Accuracy 1M

(Suggested value points)

i. Dr. Sadao a benevolent & dutiful doctor and a true patriot ..... had a conflict between
the duty of a doctor and the duty of true patriot. Dr. Sadao was in a state of dilemma. He
couldn‟t understand whether he should treat the dying American soldier or hand him
over to the Japanese army, as a patriot. He was kind hearted doctor and so his
righteousness wins over him. He risked his own life and gave, the American soldier,
shelter in his house, treated him and helped escaping

ii. ....no doubt that the modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry, tension, stress,
anxiety and what not. Strangely, there is no escape from these things, yet people devise,
find and invest different ways to escape from them. Some like liquor, some tranquillizers,
some sleeping pills, some consult saints or seers or psychiatrists. Some daydream or
listen to music or visit night parties or browse internet and fall down to tiredness and
sleep. They awake to another day of tension and anxiety. People like the narrator invent
an imaginary world around them and get lost in it for the time being. But such a life is not
for all the persons. It is for those who are a sensitive mind and look at life in a thoughtful
manner, albeit, very seriously. ....Third Level is nothing but a medium of escape for
Charley from the unhappy modern world that is full of insecurity, fear, war, worry and the
like into the world of dreamy happiness.


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