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Escape ©

Authored by: Jadon

Written & Illustrated by: Zaman

Chapter – 1 How I was sent to Jail

1 months ago…
My life was perfect. I had everything
I could have wanted. I had great
friends and family. I was an A+
student. I was my teacher’s favorite
student. One day my teacher said,
“Next week there will be a hard board
exam”. At that moment I thought to
myself, “I am going to learn
everything and come prepared”. When
I reached home, I heard the best and
worst news of my life. I was going to
London but I couldn’t study as we
would be travelling a lot. “Uhh what do
I choose?”. I was conflicted between
going to London and studying for the
board exam. I was thinking, “Board
exam no no London oh I can hear big
ben no no board exam okay final
decision London”.
The next day, our family got on the
taxi to the airport. We checked in our
bags and got on the flight to London.
A few hours later, we reached Britain,
London. We were continuously
travelling and I actually forgot about
the board exam. A week later, we
packed our bags to go back home. We
got on the plane and when we reached
our house, I was so exhausted that I
fell asleep on the couch right then and
there. The next day, I was so happy
that I was dancing to school. I wanted
to tell everyone in my college. As I
walked to my class, I realized that I
forgot to study for my board exam. I
freaked out and asked my friend to
help me cheat. He said “No” so I
bribed him with 5 pounds and then he
said “ok”. After ten minutes of
cheating, I asked him “what is the
answer of 12B?”. My teacher who was
inspecting, saw me and reported me to
the principal. I was called to his
office and was expelled. As I walked
home sadly, I was thinking about the
big shouting and slap I was going to
get. When I reached my house, my
parents were already waiting for me.
They had packed my bags and then
they kicked me out. I was super angry
at the principal for ruining my life. I
wanted to get revenge. So, I went
into his house at night and stole all his
money. The next day, the principal
realized he had been robbed. He
checked his security cameras and saw
me rob him, so he reported me to the
police. An hour later the police arrived
and arrested me. They took me to
prison, which I did not know how much
I would hate it.

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